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The Toy Room | Shop Educational Toys for Kids
La longitud del título es óptima (428 píxeles de una longitud máxima de 580 píxeles).
No se repite ninguna palabra en el título.
Meta descripción
(Extremadamente importante)
The Toy Room offers a wide variety of educational toys and games designed to enhance children's learning and development. We provide a fun and easy experience to parents looking to support their children's education through play. Shop now and give your child the gift of learning and fun!
La meta descripción es demasiado larga: 1000 píxelesOptimizar la descripción.
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Idioma declarado en el código HTML: en
Ubicación geográfica del servidor: Estados Unidos de América
El idioma ha sido correctamente declarado en el código HTML: en.
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URL de la página
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El favicon está enlazado correctamente.


viewportwidth=device-width, initial-scale=1, shrink-to-fit=no, user-scalable=no
descriptionThe Toy Room offers a wide variety of educational toys and games designed to enhance children's learning and development. We provide a fun and easy experience to parents looking to support their children's education through play. Shop now and give your child the gift of learning and fun!
keywordsonline toys,online toys uk, online toystore uk, online toy shop uk, the toy room uk, toys for sale, wooden toys uk, toys for kids, puzzle toys, educational toys, wooden toys, creative toys & activities, childrens educational toys, educational puzzles, educational toys for kids, learning toys, early learning toys, learning toys
authorThe Toy Room
twitter:titleThe Toy Room | Shop Educational Toys for Kids
twitter:descriptionThe Toy Room offers a wide variety of educational toys and games designed to enhance children's learning and development. We provide a fun and easy experience to parents looking to support their children's education through play. Shop now and give your child the gift of learning and fun!
og:site_nameThe Toy Room
og:titleThe Toy Room | Shop Educational Toys for Kids
og:descriptionThe Toy Room offers a wide variety of educational toys and games designed to enhance children's learning and development. We provide a fun and easy experience to parents looking to support their children's education through play. Shop now and give your child the gift of learning and fun!

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Calidad de la página

(Extremadamente importante)
Solo se han encontrado 2 párrafos en esta página.
El número total de palabras en la página es bueno: 944 palabras.
Un 11.7% del contenido está constituido por palabras vacías.
Las palabras clave del título también se repiten en el texto del cuerpo.
Las palabras del encabezado H1 también aparecen en el cuerpo del texto.
La página contiene un listado, lo que indica una buena estructuración del contenido.
No se detecta ningún placeholder de texto ni imagen.
No se detecta contenido duplicado.
La cantidad media de palabras por frase es buena: 15.5 palabras.
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Optimización para móviles
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El valor de la etiqueta viewport es correcto: (width=device-width, initial-scale=1, shrink-to-fit=no, user-scalable=no).
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Redes Sociales
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Lista de medios

URLAtributo ALTTítulo
...rnspt_Logo_New.svg?v=5644955790609887670The Toy Room
...rnspt_Logo_New.svg?v=5644955790609887670The Toy Room
...rnspt_Logo_New.svg?v=5644955790609887670The Toy Room
data:[...] Base64Educational toys for toddlers - The Toy Room
data:[...] Base64shop educational toys for 4 year old - educational toys for 3 year old - Shop learning toys at The Toy Room
data:[...] Base64shop educational toys for 5 year old - educational toys for 6 year old - Shop learning toys at The Toy Room
data:[...] Base64shop educational toys for 8 year old - educational toys for kids - Shop learning toys at The Toy Room
data:[...] Base64Arts toys for creativity - The Toy Room
data:[...] Base64English Toys for Kids - Online toys at The Toy Room
data:[...] Base64General Awareness Educational Toys at The Toy Room
data:[...] Base64Maths toys - Online educational toys for kids - The Toy Room
data:[...] Base64Science toys for Kids - Online toys at The Toy Room
data:[...] Base64Shop STEM toys for kids - The Toy Room
data:[...] Base64Wooden playsets from Tooky Toys - Online toys at The Toy Room
data:[...] Base64Tonies audio characters - Shop tonies at The Toy Room
data:[...] Base64Fiesta Crafts - Shop online toys for kids at The Toy Room
data:[...] Base64Galt toys - Shop craft kits at The Toy Room
data:[...] Base64Shop University Games at The Toy Room
data:[...] Base64Educational toys from Orchard Toys | Shop at The Toy Room
data:[...] Base64Shop Wooden toys from HABA at The Toy Room
data:[...] Base64Shop STEM construction kits from Engino at The Toy Room
data:[...] Base64Educational toys from Learning Resources | Shop at The Toy Room
data:[...] Base64Bath time made fun with Zimpli Kids | Shop at The Toy Room
data:[...] Base64Have fun with Brainstorm Toys | The Toy Room
data:[...] Base64Disney toys for kids | Shop disney toys at The Toy Room
data:[...] Base64Classic Hasbro games for kids at The Toy Room
data:[...] Base64John Adams | Shop online toys at The Toy Room
data:[...] Base64Shop Playmonster toys at The Toy Room
data:[...] Base64Shop educational toys from Vtech at The Toy Room
data:[...] Base64Crazy Science toys - Science exploration sets at The Toy Room
data:[...] Base64Cheatwell games at The Toy Room
data:[...] Base64Happy Puzzle Company | The Toy Room
data:[...] Base64Toys under £10 | The Toy Room
data:[...] Base64Toys under £20 | The Toy Room
data:[...] Base64Toys under £30 | The Toy Room
data:[...] Base64Toys under £50 | The Toy Room
data:[...] Base64Carece de atributo ALT
data:[...] Base64Carece de atributo ALT
data:[...] Base64Carece de atributo ALT
data:[...] Base64Carece de atributo ALT
data:[...] Base64Carece de atributo ALT
data:[...] Base64Carece de atributo ALT
data:[...] Base64Shop Early learning toys for children at The Toy Room
data:[...] Base64Pretend Playsets for children | The Toy Room
data:[...] Base64The Toy Room
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Estructura de la página

Encabezado H1
(Extremadamente importante)
The Toy Room
El encabezado H1 es demasiado corto (12 caracteres). Debería tener al menos 20 caracteres.
Algunos de los encabezados H se repiten dos veces.
En la estructura de los encabezados H faltan uno o varios niveles.
Hay 109 encabezados H en esta página. La cantidad de encabezados debería guardar una mejor proporción en relación al texto.
Algunos encabezados H están vacíos.

Estructura de los encabezados

Jerarquía de encabezadosContenido
H1 The Toy Room
H3 Bestsellers - Most loved toys
H3 Wooden Blocks Construction Toy - 100 Pieces
H3 Tamagotchi Pix Pink
H3 Wriggleworms! Fine Motor Activity Set
H3 HABA Terra Kids Vise & clamps
H3 Galt Toys Playmoney Toy
H3 Galt Toys First Sewing Crafts Kit
H3 Desktop Solar System Learning Toy
H3 Smart Sketcher 2.0 Projector
H3 Engino Inventor Motorized Double-Blade Helicopter Set
H3 I'm A Genius Electricity
H3 Gears! Gears! Robot Factory Building Set
H3 PJ Masks Romeos Bot Builder
H3 3D Construction Set - Police Station Toy
H3 Tamagotchi Pix Purple
H3 Family 10 Game Set
H3 Engino Qboidz Farm Tractor
H3 Shop By Age
H3 Develop Problem Solving Skills
H3 Big Dinosaurs Jigsaw Puzzle
H3 Jigraphy World
H3 Kids Charades
H3 Quadefy
H3 Tension Family Edition
H3 Let's Feed The Very Hungry Caterpillar Game
H3 Sequence
H3 Horrid Henry Board Game
H3 Quicksand Board Game
H3 Genius Square game
H3 Mobi Maths
H3 Mondrian Blue Blocks
H3 Tension Junior
H3 The Amazing Clock Kit
H3 Jigraphy UK & Ireland
H3 Deal of the day
H3 Crazy Science Doctor Slime's Big Laboratory
H3 Education with Toys
H3 Arts
H3 English
H3 General Awareness
H3 Maths
H3 Science
H3 Your favorite Brands
H3 Educational Board Games
H3 Sequence Texto duplicado
H3 Game of Life | Classic Hasbro Games
H3 Family 10 Game Set Texto duplicado
H3 Quicksand Board Game Texto duplicado
H3 Baffled
H3 Sum Swamp Addition & Subtraction Game
H3 Tension Family Edition Texto duplicado
H3 Pictureka Classic
H3 Bus Stop Board Game | Orchard Toys
H3 Anti Monopoly board game
H3 Pop to the Shops
H3 Subbuteo Main Game
H3 Bee Genius Game
H3 Monopoly Classic
H3 Zensu
H3 Scrabble Harry Potter
H3 Discover Toys
H3 Toys for Motor Skills
H3 Wahu Phlat Ball Classic Assortment
H3 Vtech Marble Rush - Launch Pad
H3 Learning Resources Spike The Fine Motor Hedgehog
H3 Wooden Bowling Game
H3 Gears! Gears! Gears! Flight Gears
H3 Stem Explorers Motioneering
H3 HABA Musical Sounds Musical Joy
H3 HABA Terra Kids Vise & clamps Texto duplicado
H3 The Amazing Clock Kit Texto duplicado
H3 Engenius Contraptions - Perpetual Motion Marble Run
H3 Jigraphy UK & Ireland Texto duplicado
H3 Vtech 3-in-1 Sports Centre
H3 Gooey Louie 3.0
H3 IQ Busters Classic Metal Puzzles - Set of 4
H3 Thomas & Friends 3-in-1 Package Pickup Train Set
H3 Discover and Explore
H3 Shining Stars Projector
H3 Outdoor Adventure Microscope for Kids
H3 Kidnoculars Extreme - GeoSafari Jr
H3 Playmobil City Life Adventure Treehouse
H3 Animal Torch & Projector
H3 YoFinity Assortment
H3 Vtech JotBot
H3 Zimpli Kids Gelli Baff
H3 Zimpli Kids Gelli Worlds - Dino Pack
H3 Vtech Play & Chase Puppy
H3 Zimpli Kids Gelli Spa
H3 Vtech Toot-Toot Drivers Airport
H3 Tamagotchi Pix Purple Texto duplicado
H3 Aqua Gelz Starter Pack
H3 Zimpli Kids Baff Bombz - 4 Bath Pack
H3 Popular Interests
H3 Arts & Crafts
H3 Building Sets
H3 Puzzles
H3 Brainteasers
H3 Board Games
H3 Shapes & Colors
H3 Early Learning
H3 Pretend Play
H3 Encabezado vacío
H3 Get in Touch
H3 Quick Links
H3 Shop by Subjects
H3 Blogs
H3 Information
Algunos textos ancla se repiten más de una vez en varios enlaces.
62 enlaces cerecen de un texto ancla.
La cantidad de enlaces internos es adecuada.
Ningún texto ancla es excesivamente largo.
Ningún enlace interno contiene parámetros dinámicos.
Hay 4 enlaces externos en esta página.
EnlacePropiedadesTexto ancla ancla Skip to content texto The Toy Room
/searchSin texto
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/collections/copy-learn-what-t...Sin texto
/collections/tooky-toysTooky Toys
/collections/john-adamsJohn Adams
/collections/galt-toysGalt Toys
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/collections/toys-under-10Under £10
/collections/toys-under-10Toys under £10
/collections/toys-under-20Toys under £20
/collections/toys-under-30Toys under £30
/collections/toys-under-50Toys under £50
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/collections/imaginative-and-r...Sin texto
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/collections/arts-craftsSin texto
/products/100-pcs-wooden-blocksWooden Blocks Construction Toy - 100 Pieces
/products/tamagotchi-pix-pinkTamagotchi Pix Pink
/products/wriggleworms-fine-mo...Wriggleworms! Fine Motor Activity Set
/products/haba-terra-kids-vise...HABA Terra Kids Vise & clamps
/products/galt-toys-playmoney-toyGalt Toys Playmoney Toy
/products/galt-first-sewing-kitGalt Toys First Sewing Crafts Kit
/products/desktop-solar-system...Desktop Solar System Learning Toy
/products/smart-sketcher-proje...Smart Sketcher 2.0 Projector
/products/engino-double-blade-...Engino Inventor Motorized Double-Blade Helicopter Set
/products/im-a-genius-electricityI'm A Genius Electricity
/products/gears-robot-factory-setGears! Gears! Robot Factory Building Set
/products/pj-masks-romeos-bot-...PJ Masks Romeos Bot Builder
/products/3d-construction-set-...3D Construction Set - Police Station Toy
/products/tamagotchi-pix-purpleTamagotchi Pix Purple
/products/family-10-game-setFamily 10 Game Set
/products/engino-qboidz-farm-t...Engino Qboidz Farm Tractor
/collections/0-3IMG-ALT Educational toys for toddlers - The Toy Room
/collections/ages-3-5IMG-ALT shop educational toys for 4 year old - educational toys for 3 year old - Shop learning toys at The Toy Room
/collections/ages-5-8IMG-ALT shop educational toys for 5 year old - educational toys for 6 year old - Shop learning toys at The Toy Room
/collections/ages-8-12IMG-ALT shop educational toys for 8 year old - educational toys for kids - Shop learning toys at The Toy Room
/products/big-dinosaursBig Dinosaurs Jigsaw Puzzle
/products/jigraphy-worldJigraphy World
/products/kids-charadesKids Charades
/products/tension-family-editionTension Family Edition
/products/hungry-caterpillar-gameLet's Feed The Very Hungry Caterpillar Game
/products/horrid-henry-board-gameHorrid Henry Board Game
/products/quicksandQuicksand Board Game
/products/genius-square-gameGenius Square game
/products/mobi-mathsMobi Maths
/products/mondrian-blue-blocksMondrian Blue Blocks
/products/tension-juniorTension Junior
/products/the-amazing-clock-kitThe Amazing Clock Kit
/products/jigraphy-uk-irelandJigraphy UK & Ireland
/products/doctor-slimes-big-la...Crazy Science Doctor Slime's Big Laboratory ancla Sin texto
/products/doctor-slimes-big-la...View full details
/collections/artsIMG-ALT Arts toys for creativity - The Toy Room
/collections/englishIMG-ALT English Toys for Kids - Online toys at The Toy Room
/collections/general-awarenessIMG-ALT General Awareness Educational Toys at The Toy Room
/collections/general-awarenessGeneral Awareness
/collections/mathsIMG-ALT Maths toys - Online educational toys for kids - The Toy Room
/collections/scienceIMG-ALT Science toys for Kids - Online toys at The Toy Room
/collections/stemIMG-ALT Shop STEM toys for kids - The Toy Room
/collections/tooky-toysNueva ventana IMG-ALT Wooden playsets from Tooky Toys - Online toys at The Toy Room
/collections/toniesIMG-ALT Tonies audio characters - Shop tonies at The Toy Room
/collections/fiestaIMG-ALT Fiesta Crafts - Shop online toys for kids at The Toy Room
/collections/galt-toysNueva ventana IMG-ALT Galt toys - Shop craft kits at The Toy Room
/collections/university-gamesIMG-ALT Shop University Games at The Toy Room
/collections/orchard-toysIMG-ALT Educational toys from Orchard Toys | Shop at The Toy Room
/collections/habaIMG-ALT Shop Wooden toys from HABA at The Toy Room
/collections/enginoIMG-ALT Shop STEM construction kits from Engino at The Toy Room
/collections/learning-resourcesNueva ventana IMG-ALT Educational toys from Learning Resources | Shop at The Toy Room
/collections/zimpli-kidsIMG-ALT Bath time made fun with Zimpli Kids | Shop at The Toy Room
/collections/brainstormIMG-ALT Have fun with Brainstorm Toys | The Toy Room
/collections/disneyIMG-ALT Disney toys for kids | Shop disney toys at The Toy Room
/collections/hasbro-gamesIMG-ALT Classic Hasbro games for kids at The Toy Room
/collections/john-adamsNueva ventana IMG-ALT John Adams | Shop online toys at The Toy Room
/collections/playmonsterIMG-ALT Shop Playmonster toys at The Toy Room
/collections/vtechIMG-ALT Shop educational toys from Vtech at The Toy Room
/collections/liscianiIMG-ALT Crazy Science toys - Science exploration sets at The Toy Room
/collections/cheatwell-gamesNueva ventana IMG-ALT Cheatwell games at The Toy Room
/collections/happy-puzzle-companyNueva ventana IMG-ALT Happy Puzzle Company | The Toy Room
/products/sequenceTexto duplicado Sequence
/products/game-of-life-classicGame of Life | Classic Hasbro Games
/products/family-10-game-setTexto duplicado Family 10 Game Set
/products/quicksandTexto duplicado Quicksand Board Game
/products/sum-swamp-addition-s...Sum Swamp Addition & Subtraction Game
/products/tension-family-editionTexto duplicado Tension Family Edition
/products/pictureka-classicPictureka Classic
/products/bus-stop-board-gameBus Stop Board Game | Orchard Toys
/products/anti-monopoly-board-...Anti Monopoly board game
/products/pop-to-the-shopsPop to the Shops
/products/subbuteo-main-gameSubbuteo Main Game
/products/bee-geniusBee Genius Game
/products/monopoly-classicMonopoly Classic
/products/scrabble-harry-potterScrabble Harry Potter
/collections/linguisticsNueva ventana Sin texto
/collections/toys-under-10Nueva ventana IMG-ALT Toys under £10 | The Toy Room
/collections/toys-under-20IMG-ALT Toys under £20 | The Toy Room
/collections/toys-under-30IMG-ALT Toys under £30 | The Toy Room
/collections/toys-under-50IMG-ALT Toys under £50 | The Toy Room
/products/wahu-phlat-ball-clas...Wahu Phlat Ball Classic Assortment
/products/marble-rush-launch-padVtech Marble Rush - Launch Pad
/products/spike-the-fine-motor...Learning Resources Spike The Fine Motor Hedgehog
/products/wooden-bowling-gameWooden Bowling Game
/products/gears-gears-gears-fl...Gears! Gears! Gears! Flight Gears
/products/stem-explorers-motio...Stem Explorers Motioneering
/products/haba-musical-sounds-...HABA Musical Sounds Musical Joy
/products/haba-terra-kids-vise...Texto duplicado HABA Terra Kids Vise & clamps
/products/the-amazing-clock-kitTexto duplicado The Amazing Clock Kit
/products/engenius-pm-marble-runEngenius Contraptions - Perpetual Motion Marble Run
/products/jigraphy-uk-irelandTexto duplicado Jigraphy UK & Ireland
/products/3-in-1-sports-centreVtech 3-in-1 Sports Centre
/products/gooey-louie-3-0Gooey Louie 3.0
/products/classic-metal-puzzle...IQ Busters Classic Metal Puzzles - Set of 4
/products/thomas-friends-packa...Thomas & Friends 3-in-1 Package Pickup Train Set
/products/primary-science-shin...Shining Stars Projector
/products/outdoor-adventure-mi...Outdoor Adventure Microscope for Kids
/products/kidnoculars-extreme-...Kidnoculars Extreme - GeoSafari Jr
/products/playmobil-city-life-...Playmobil City Life Adventure Treehouse
/products/animal-torch-projectorAnimal Torch & Projector
/products/yofinity-assortmentYoFinity Assortment
/products/jotbotVtech JotBot
/products/gelli-baffZimpli Kids Gelli Baff
/products/gelli-worlds-dinosau...Zimpli Kids Gelli Worlds - Dino Pack
/products/play-chase-puppyVtech Play & Chase Puppy
/products/gelli-worlds-gelli-spaZimpli Kids Gelli Spa
/products/toot-toot-drivers-ai...Vtech Toot-Toot Drivers Airport
/products/tamagotchi-pix-purpleTexto duplicado Tamagotchi Pix Purple
/products/aquagelz-starter-packAqua Gelz Starter Pack
/products/baff-bombz-4-packZimpli Kids Baff Bombz - 4 Bath Pack
/collections/arts-craftsSin texto
/collections/arts-craftsArts & Crafts
/collections/engineering-build...Nueva ventana Sin texto
/collections/engineering-build...Nueva ventana Building Sets
/collections/puzzlesSin texto
/collections/brainteasersNueva ventana Sin texto
/collections/brainteasersNueva ventana Brainteasers
/collections/board-gamesSin texto
/collections/board-gamesBoard Games
/collections/shapes-and-colors...Sin texto
/collections/shapes-and-colors...Shapes & Colors
/collections/early-childhood-l...IMG-ALT Shop Early learning toys for children at The Toy Room
/collections/early-childhood-l...Early Learning
/collections/imaginative-and-r...IMG-ALT Pretend Playsets for children | The Toy Room
/collections/imaginative-and-r...Pretend Play duplicado IMG-ALT The Toy Room ventana Nofollow Externo Subdominio Follow on Facebook ventana Nofollow Externo Subdominio Follow on Instagram ventana Nofollow Externo Subdominio Follow on YouTube ventana Nofollow Externo Subdominio Follow on Tiktok
/collections/toys-under-10Toys Under £10
/collections/bestsellersTexto duplicado Bestsellers
/collections/wooden-toysWooden Toys
/products/the-toy-room-gift-cardGift Cards
/collections/artsTexto duplicado Arts
/collections/englishTexto duplicado English
/collections/general-awarenessTexto duplicado General Awareness
/collections/mathsTexto duplicado Maths
/collections/scienceTexto duplicado Science
/collections/stemTexto duplicado STEM
/blogs/toys-and-the-developmen...Toys & the development of children
/blogs/toys-and-the-developmen...Why choose wooden toys?
/blogs/toys-and-the-developmen...Are STEM Toys helpful?
/blogs/toys-and-the-developmen...View All Blogs
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Cabecera HTTP

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Factores externos

Esta página recibe enlaces de calidad de otros sitios web.
Esta página recibe backlinks de 51 dominios de referencia.
Esta página recibe un total de 82 backlinks.
Esta página recibe backlinks de 47 direcciones IP distintas.

Backlinks desde Wikipedia

No se ha encontrado ningún enlace lanzado desde la Wikipedia.


# we use Shopify as our ecommerce platform

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Snippet (vista previa de los resultados de búsqueda)
The Toy Room | Shop Educational Toys for Kids
The Toy Room offers a wide variety of educational toys and games designed to enhance children's learning and development. We provide a fun and easy experience to parents looking to support their children's education through play. Shop now and give your child the gift of learning and fun!

Palabras clave más importantes

Se han encontrado las siguientes palabras clave. Comprueba si esta página está bien optimizada para cada palabra clave en concreto.

Palabra claveResultadoComprobar
Toy Room92%Check
Toy Shop81%Check
Shop Educational Toys68%Check
Educational Toys67%Check
Toys for Kids60%Check
Toys 1059%Check

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