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(Extremadamente importante)
Herman Miller | Shop Iconic Designs for Home and Office
La longitud del título es óptima (513 píxeles de una longitud máxima de 580 píxeles).
No se repite ninguna palabra en el título.
Meta descripción
(Extremadamente importante)
No se encuentra la meta descripción.
(Extremadamente importante)
No se detectan problemas para acceder al sitio web.
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La página tiene una redirección canónica correcta.
(Poco importante)
Idioma reconocido automáticamente en el contenido: en
Idioma declarado en el código HTML: en
Idioma declarado en las etiquetas meta: english
Ubicación geográfica del servidor: Estados Unidos de América
Se especifican diferentes idiomas en el marcado de la página o las especificaciones de idioma se contradicen entre sí.
Uno o varios de los idiomas especificados no siguen el estándar ISO (en, en-us, de, etc.)
El idioma ha sido correctamente declarado en el código HTML: english.
Enlaces Alternate/Hreflang
(Poco importante)
El país especificado en los enlaces alternativos: en-gg es erróneo.
El país especificado en los enlaces alternativos: en-je es erróneo.
El país especificado en los enlaces alternativos: en-im es erróneo.
La misma URL se repite varias veces en los enlaces alternativos.
El idioma x-default, en-gb se especifica más de una vez en los enlaces alternativos.
Otras Metaetiquetas
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No se detecta ninguna metaetiqueta de paginación rel next en la página.
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URL de la página
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La URL no contiene demasiados subdirectorios.
Codificación de caracteres
(Poco importante)
La codificación de caracteres (UTF-8) ha sido declarada correctamente.
La etiqueta doctype HTML 5 está configurada correctamente.
La declaración del doctype se ubica al inicio del código HTML.
El favicon está enlazado correctamente.


viewportwidth=device-width, initial-scale=1, shrink-to-fit=no
og:titleHerman Miller | Shop Iconic Designs for Home and Office
og:site_nameUK-HM | Herman Miller UK
og:descriptionProblem-solving designs for the good of humankind. Discover the best ergonomic office chair, desk and accessories for your home office setup.

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Calidad de la página

(Extremadamente importante)
Algunas palabras del título no se repiten en el cuerpo del texto.
El número total de palabras en la página es bueno: 1149 palabras.
Un 16.9% del contenido está constituido por palabras vacías.
La página contiene un listado, lo que indica una buena estructuración del contenido.
Se han encontrado 5 párrafos en esta página.
No se detecta ningún placeholder de texto ni imagen.
No se detecta contenido duplicado.
La cantidad media de palabras por frase es buena: 19.29 palabras.
(Extremadamente importante)
Esta página no utiliza ningún frameset.
Optimización para móviles
(Poco importante)
Con 547.1 kB, el documento HTML es demasiado grande.
El valor de la etiqueta viewport es correcto: (width=device-width, initial-scale=1, shrink-to-fit=no).
Al menos un icono de Apple-Touch ha sido especificado.
Etiquetas Bold y Strong
(Poco importante)
El uso de etiquetas de negritas en esta página es óptimo. Te recomendamos emplear hasta 23 etiquetas de negritas en una página.
Optimización de imágenes
(Poco importante)
No se detecta ninguna descripción del atributo ALT en 2 imágenes. El contenido de los atributos ALT también es evaluado como texto por los buscadores y es muy importante para la búsqueda de imágenes.
Redes Sociales
Esta página apenas ofrece posibilidades de compartir el contenido en redes sociales. Con la integración de widgets puedes conseguir que tus contenidos se popularicen en redes.
Etiquetas markup adicionales
No se detecta ninguna etiqueta markup (de adicional.
(Poco importante)
El sitio utiliza HTTPS para transferir datos de forma segura.
Todos los archivos incluidos se transfieren a través de HTTPS.

Lista de medios

URLAtributo ALTTítulo
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data:[...] Base64variant_BA512LP BK CSQ
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data:[...] Base64Herman Miller's flagship showroom in Clerkenwell London UK
data:[...] Base64Why Herman Miller?
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Estructura de la página

Encabezado H1
(Extremadamente importante)
Up for the task
Más de un encabezado H1.
El encabezado H1 es demasiado corto (15 caracteres). Debería tener al menos 20 caracteres.
En la estructura de los encabezados H faltan uno o varios niveles.
Algunos encabezados H están vacíos.

Estructura de los encabezados

Jerarquía de encabezadosContenido
H1 Up for the task
H1 A new style of play
H2 Popular Categories
H2 A Better Way to Live, Work and Play
H2 Encabezado vacío
H3 Now offering PayPal payment
H3 Free Delivery as Standard
H3 No-Hassle 14-Day Returns
H3 12-Year Limited Warranty
H6 Customer Service
H6 Product
Algunos textos ancla son demasiado largos.
Algunos enlaces internos contienen parámetros dinámicos. Las URL internas no deberían contener parámetros dinámicos, salvo que estén marcadas como nofollow.
Algunos textos ancla se repiten más de una vez en varios enlaces.
10 enlaces cerecen de un texto ancla.
La cantidad de enlaces internos es adecuada.
Hay demasiados enlaces externos (32) en esta página.
EnlacePropiedadesTexto ancla ancla Skip to main content
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/collections/seatingTexto duplicado Seating
/collections/office-chairsOffice Chairs
/collections/mirra-2-chairsMirra 2
/collections/office-chairsAll Office Chairs
/collections/seatingTexto duplicado Seating
/products/betwixt-side-chairDining Chairs
/collections/sofas-armchairsSofas + Armchairs
/collections/seatingAll Seating
/collections/office-chairsTexto duplicado All Office Chairs
IMG-ALT All Office Chairs
/collections/desks-tablesTexto duplicado Desks
/collections/desks-tablesTexto duplicado Desks
/collections/fixed-desksFixed Height Desks
/collections/standing-desksStanding Desks
/collections/jarvis-standing-deskFully Jarvis Standing Desk
/collections/side-tablesSide Tables
/collections/desks-tablesAll Desks
/collections/desks-tablesTexto duplicado All Desks
IMG-ALT All Desks
/collections/lightingTexto duplicado Lighting
/collections/lightingTexto duplicado Lighting
/collections/desk-lampsDesk Lamps
/collections/ceiling-pendantsCeiling Pendants
/collections/floor-lampsFloor Lamps
/collections/lightingAll Lighting
/collections/lightingTexto duplicado All Lighting
IMG-ALT All Lighting
/collections/accessoriesTexto duplicado Accessories
/collections/accessoriesTexto duplicado Accessories
/collections/bag-hooksBag Hooks
/collections/cable-managementCable Management
/collections/laptop-standsLaptop Stands
/collections/monitor-armsMonitor Arms
/collections/office-storageOffice Storage
/collections/accessoriesAll Accessories
/collections/accessoriesTexto duplicado All Accessories
IMG-ALT All Accessories
https://ukgaming.hermanmiller....Externo Subdominio Gaming
https://ukgaming.hermanmiller....Externo Subdominio Texto duplicado Gaming
https://ukgaming.hermanmiller....Externo Subdominio Texto duplicado Gaming
https://ukgaming.hermanmiller....Externo Subdominio Gaming Chairs
https://ukgaming.hermanmiller....Externo Subdominio Gaming Desks
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https://ukgaming.hermanmiller....Externo Subdominio Articles
https://ukgaming.hermanmiller....Externo Subdominio Herman Miller x G2 Esports
https://ukgaming.hermanmiller....Externo Subdominio Timthetatman: A Partner for Good Gaming
https://ukgaming.hermanmiller....Externo Subdominio Five Tips for Healthier Gaming
https://ukgaming.hermanmiller....Externo Subdominio A Designer's Retro-Future Vision of Embody
https://ukgaming.hermanmiller....Externo Subdominio A Game for All
https://ukgaming.hermanmiller....Externo Subdominio Auditing Your Lifestyle
https://ukgaming.hermanmiller....Externo Subdominio Texto duplicado All Gaming
IMG-ALT All Gaming
/pages/discover-herman-millerTexto duplicado Discover
/pages/discover-herman-millerAbout Us
/pages/about-us100 Years of Herman Miller
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/pages/herman-miller-test-labInside the Herman Miller Test Lab
/pages/why-herman-millerWhy Herman Miller?
/pages/discover-herman-millerInspiration + Advice
/pages/a-curated-lifeA Curated Home Office
/pages/weve-got-your-backWe've Got Your Back
/pages/what-are-the-benefits-o...What Are The Benefits Of Standing Desks?
/pages/discover-herman-millerBuying Guides
/pages/aeron-buying-guideAeron Buying Guide
/pages/five-things-to-consider...Desk Buying Guide
/pages/discover-herman-millerInterviews + Designers
/pages/making-an-icon-aeron-chairMaking an Icon: The Aeron Chair
/pages/zeph-by-studio-7-5Zeph by Studio 7.5
/pages/designer-don-chadwickDon Chadwick
/pages/rostam-great-ideas-happ...Rostam: Great Ideas Happen Here
/pages/the-power-of-productivityAli Abdaal: The Power of Productivity
/pages/chasing-the-writing-mus...Chasing the Writing Muse with Kevin Kwan
/pages/maira-kalman-beauty-in-...Maira Kalman: Beauty in Utility
/pages/anooshey-rahim-wild-by-...Anooshey Rahim: Wild by Design
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/cartSubdominio Texto duplicado Basket
A-TITLE View Cart
/collections/office-chairsShop task seating
/collections/office-chairsIMG-ALT Herman Miller Zeph Chair and OE1 Desk
/products/zeph-chair-fixed-arm...IMG-ALT variant_BA512LP BK CSQ
/products/zeph-chair-fixed-arm...Zeph Fixed Arms Chair
/products/oe1-desk-1000-500IMG-ALT variant_HZ515RS.0510MG NN 98 98 98
/products/oe1-desk-1000-500OE1 Desk
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/products/oe1-trolley-top-bott...OE1 Trolley, Top & Bottom Shelf
/products/formwork-paper-trayIMG-ALT variant_CY105.A CRT
/products/formwork-paper-trayFormwork Paper Tray
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/collections/seatingSin texto
/collections/desks-tablesIMG-ALT Ratio Desk
/collections/desks-tablesSin texto
/collections/lightingTexto duplicado IMG-ALT Lighting
/collections/lightingSin texto
/collections/accessoriesIMG-ALT Oripura
/collections/accessoriesSin texto
https://ukgaming.hermanmiller....Externo Subdominio IMG-ALT Embody Gaming Chair
https://ukgaming.hermanmiller....Externo Subdominio Sin texto
/collections/allShop Now
https://ukgaming.hermanmiller....Externo Subdominio Shop Vantum
https://ukgaming.hermanmiller....Externo Subdominio Sin texto
/products/aeron-graphite-stand...IMG-ALT variant_AER1A12PW ZSS G1 G1 G1 C7 BK 23103, variant_AER1B32PW ZSS G1 G1 G1 C7 BK 23103, variant_AER1C32PW ZSS G1 G1 G1 C7 BK 23103
/collections/module-hp-popular...Aeron Office Chair
/products/jarvis-bamboo-desk-1...IMG-ALT variant_JARVISBR17
/collections/module-hp-popular...Fully Jarvis Bamboo Standing Desk
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IMG-ALT black
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IMG-ALT white
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IMG-ALT silver
/collections/module-hp-popular...+ More Options
/products/oripura-laptop-stand...IMG-ALT variant_MM-LAP/013/W
/collections/module-hp-popular...Oripura Laptop Stand
/products/oripura-laptop-stand...⸤swatches 1⸥ white
IMG-ALT white
/products/oripura-laptop-stand...⸤swatches 2⸥ green
IMG-ALT green
/products/oripura-laptop-stand...⸤swatches 3⸥ yellow
IMG-ALT yellow
/collections/module-hp-popular...Texto duplicado + More Options
/products/mirra2-butterfly-off...IMG-ALT variant_MRF133AWAF AJ G1 C7 G1 8M17 BK 1A703
/collections/module-hp-popular...Mirra 2 Butterfly Office Chair
/products/mirra2-butterfly-off...⸤swatches 1⸥ graphite & graphite
IMG-ALT graphite & graphite
/products/mirra2-butterfly-off...⸤swatches 15⸥ studio white & alpine
IMG-ALT studio white & alpine
/products/mirra2-butterfly-off...⸤swatches 13⸥ studio white & dark turquoise
IMG-ALT studio white & dark turquoise
/products/mirra2-butterfly-off...⸤swatches 9⸥ studio white & slate grey
IMG-ALT studio white & slate grey
/products/mirra2-butterfly-off...⸤swatches 11⸥ studio white & twilight
IMG-ALT studio white & twilight
/products/mirra2-butterfly-off...⸤swatches 15⸥ alpine
IMG-ALT alpine
/products/mirra2-butterfly-off...⸤swatches 3⸥ graphite & twilight
IMG-ALT graphite & twilight
/products/mirra2-butterfly-off...⸤swatches 5⸥ graphite & dark turquoise
IMG-ALT graphite & dark turquoise
/collections/module-hp-popular...Texto duplicado + More Options
/products/sayl-black-standard-...IMG-ALT variant_AS1EA33AA N2 BK C7 BK BK 7A02
/collections/module-hp-popular...Sayl Office Chair
/products/sayl-black-standard-...⸤swatches 9⸥ aquarius & black/pitch
IMG-ALT aquarius & black/pitch
/products/sayl-black-standard-...⸤swatches 1⸥ blazer & black/kingsmead
IMG-ALT blazer & black/kingsmead
/products/sayl-black-standard-...⸤swatches 5⸥ remix 3 & fog/0152
IMG-ALT remix 3 & fog/0152
/products/sayl-black-standard-...⸤swatches 13⸥ aquarius & black/rhino
IMG-ALT aquarius & black/rhino
/products/sayl-black-standard-...⸤swatches 17⸥ aquarius & fog/rhino
IMG-ALT aquarius & fog/rhino
/collections/module-hp-popular...Texto duplicado + More Options
/products/verus-mineral-standa...IMG-ALT variant_PIA1ZB337PA AJ VPR 36506 C7 Z1A30
/collections/module-hp-popular...Verus Suspension Office Chair
/products/verus-mineral-standa...⸤swatches 1⸥ blazer & shale/silcoates
IMG-ALT blazer & shale/silcoates
/products/verus-mineral-standa...⸤swatches 13⸥ blazer & iceberg/newport
IMG-ALT blazer & iceberg/newport
/products/verus-mineral-standa...⸤swatches 17⸥ blazer & iceberg/wellington
IMG-ALT blazer & iceberg/wellington
/products/verus-mineral-standa...⸤swatches 39⸥ remix 3 & iceberg/0643
IMG-ALT remix 3 & iceberg/0643
/products/verus-mineral-standa...⸤swatches 31⸥ remix 3 & iceberg/0722
IMG-ALT remix 3 & iceberg/0722
/products/verus-mineral-standa...⸤swatches 35⸥ remix 3 & iceberg/0912
IMG-ALT remix 3 & iceberg/0912
/products/verus-mineral-standa...⸤swatches 25⸥ remix 3 & iceberg/0982
IMG-ALT remix 3 & iceberg/0982
/products/verus-mineral-standa...⸤swatches 19⸥ blazer & poppy/goldsmith
IMG-ALT blazer & poppy/goldsmith
/products/verus-mineral-standa...⸤swatches 45⸥ aquarius & blue grotto/porcelain
IMG-ALT aquarius & blue grotto/porcelain
/products/verus-mineral-standa...⸤swatches 27⸥ remix 3 & blue grotto/0773
IMG-ALT remix 3 & blue grotto/0773
/products/verus-mineral-standa...⸤swatches 53⸥ aquarius & iceberg/zippy
IMG-ALT aquarius & iceberg/zippy
/products/verus-mineral-standa...⸤swatches 51⸥ aquarius & iceberg/ceres
IMG-ALT aquarius & iceberg/ceres
/products/verus-mineral-standa...⸤swatches 47⸥ aquarius & iceberg/porcelain
IMG-ALT aquarius & iceberg/porcelain
/products/verus-mineral-standa...⸤swatches 11⸥ blazer & iceberg/dartmouth
IMG-ALT blazer & iceberg/dartmouth
/products/verus-mineral-standa...⸤swatches 5⸥ blazer & iceberg/plymouth
IMG-ALT blazer & iceberg/plymouth
/products/verus-mineral-standa...⸤swatches 7⸥ blazer & iceberg/woodcroft
IMG-ALT blazer & iceberg/woodcroft
/products/verus-mineral-standa...⸤swatches 41⸥ remix 3 & iceberg/0612
IMG-ALT remix 3 & iceberg/0612
/products/verus-mineral-standa...⸤swatches 29⸥ remix 3 & iceberg/0762
IMG-ALT remix 3 & iceberg/0762
/products/verus-mineral-standa...⸤swatches 37⸥ remix 3 & iceberg/0923
IMG-ALT remix 3 & iceberg/0923
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IMG-ALT aquarius & iceberg/rhino
/products/verus-mineral-standa...⸤swatches 3⸥ blazer & iceberg/silverdale
IMG-ALT blazer & iceberg/silverdale
/products/verus-mineral-standa...⸤swatches 33⸥ remix 3 & iceberg/0123
IMG-ALT remix 3 & iceberg/0123
/products/verus-mineral-standa...⸤swatches 43⸥ aquarius & shale/pitch
IMG-ALT aquarius & shale/pitch
/collections/module-hp-popular...Texto duplicado + More Options
/products/cosm-high-back-chair...IMG-ALT variant_FLC163SFJ G1 G1 G1 OC 84501
/collections/module-hp-popular...Cosm High Back Office Chair
/products/cosm-high-back-chair...⸤swatches 4⸥ canyon
IMG-ALT canyon
/products/cosm-high-back-chair...⸤swatches 2⸥ glacier
IMG-ALT glacier
/products/cosm-high-back-chair...⸤swatches 1⸥ graphite
IMG-ALT graphite
/products/cosm-high-back-chair...⸤swatches 3⸥ nightfall
IMG-ALT nightfall
/products/cosm-high-back-chair...⸤swatches 8⸥ white & canyon
IMG-ALT white & canyon
/products/cosm-high-back-chair...⸤swatches 7⸥ white & glacier
IMG-ALT white & glacier
/products/cosm-high-back-chair...⸤swatches 5⸥ white & mineral
IMG-ALT white & mineral
/products/cosm-high-back-chair...⸤swatches 6⸥ white & nightfall
IMG-ALT white & nightfall
/collections/module-hp-popular...Texto duplicado + More Options
/products/asari-high-back-chai...IMG-ALT variant_NU3UF634HWF RLD ZLU25 C7
/collections/module-hp-popular...Asari High Back Chair
/products/asari-high-back-chai...⸤swatches 5⸥ luce & blanched/alpine
IMG-ALT luce & blanched/alpine
/products/asari-high-back-chai...⸤swatches 1⸥ luce & clarion/marigold
IMG-ALT luce & clarion/marigold
/products/asari-high-back-chai...⸤swatches 2⸥ luce & submerge/peacock
IMG-ALT luce & submerge/peacock
/products/asari-high-back-chai...⸤swatches 3⸥ luce & etruscan/canyon
IMG-ALT luce & etruscan/canyon
/products/asari-high-back-chai...⸤swatches 4⸥ luce & scoria/graphite
IMG-ALT luce & scoria/graphite
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IMG-ALT luce & clarion/alpine
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IMG-ALT luce & submerge/alpine
/products/asari-high-back-chai...⸤swatches 8⸥ luce & coulis/alpine
IMG-ALT luce & coulis/alpine
/products/asari-high-back-chai...⸤swatches 9⸥ luce & pigment/alpine
IMG-ALT luce & pigment/alpine
/products/asari-high-back-chai...⸤swatches 10⸥ luce & agrarian/alpine
IMG-ALT luce & agrarian/alpine
/collections/module-hp-popular...Texto duplicado + More Options
/products/zeph-chair-armless-n...IMG-ALT variant_BA512LN DN2 CSQ
/collections/module-hp-popular...Zeph Armless Chair
/products/zeph-chair-armless-n...⸤swatches 7⸥ seat pad & blaze
IMG-ALT seat pad & blaze
/products/zeph-chair-armless-n...⸤swatches 4⸥ seat pad & alpine
IMG-ALT seat pad & alpine
/products/zeph-chair-armless-n...⸤swatches 2⸥ seat pad & black
IMG-ALT seat pad & black
/products/zeph-chair-armless-n...⸤swatches 12⸥ seat pad & bluebell
IMG-ALT seat pad & bluebell
/products/zeph-chair-armless-n...⸤swatches 3⸥ seat pad & carbon
IMG-ALT seat pad & carbon
/products/zeph-chair-armless-n...⸤swatches 6⸥ seat pad & cocoa
IMG-ALT seat pad & cocoa
/products/zeph-chair-armless-n...⸤swatches 10⸥ seat pad & glacier
IMG-ALT seat pad & glacier
/products/zeph-chair-armless-n...⸤swatches 8⸥ seat pad & mustard seed
IMG-ALT seat pad & mustard seed
/products/zeph-chair-armless-n...⸤swatches 11⸥ seat pad & nightfall
IMG-ALT seat pad & nightfall
/products/zeph-chair-armless-n...⸤swatches 9⸥ seat pad & olive
IMG-ALT seat pad & olive
/products/zeph-chair-armless-n...⸤swatches 5⸥ seat pad & tea rose
IMG-ALT seat pad & tea rose
/products/zeph-chair-armless-n...⸤swatches 1⸥ without & none
IMG-ALT without & none
/collections/module-hp-popular...Texto duplicado + More Options
/products/lino-mineral-standar...IMG-ALT variant_MI1E337PA AJ VPR C7 4RM01 Z1A28
/collections/module-hp-popular...Lino Office Chair
/products/lino-mineral-standar...⸤swatches 43⸥ aquarius & jade/biscay
IMG-ALT aquarius & jade/biscay
/products/lino-mineral-standar...⸤swatches 41⸥ aquarius & mineral/paderborn
IMG-ALT aquarius & mineral/paderborn
/products/lino-mineral-standar...⸤swatches 55⸥ aquarius & mineral/zippy
IMG-ALT aquarius & mineral/zippy
/products/lino-mineral-standar...⸤swatches 15⸥ blazer & mineral/newport
IMG-ALT blazer & mineral/newport
/products/lino-mineral-standar...⸤swatches 21⸥ blazer & mineral/wellington
IMG-ALT blazer & mineral/wellington
/products/lino-mineral-standar...⸤swatches 33⸥ remix 3 & mineral/0643
IMG-ALT remix 3 & mineral/0643
/products/lino-mineral-standar...⸤swatches 29⸥ remix 3 & mineral/0722
IMG-ALT remix 3 & mineral/0722
/products/lino-mineral-standar...⸤swatches 37⸥ remix 3 & mineral/0912
IMG-ALT remix 3 & mineral/0912
/products/lino-mineral-standar...⸤swatches 25⸥ remix 3 & mineral/0982
IMG-ALT remix 3 & mineral/0982
/products/lino-mineral-standar...⸤swatches 53⸥ aquarius & poppy/jezebel
IMG-ALT aquarius & poppy/jezebel
/products/lino-mineral-standar...⸤swatches 23⸥ blazer & poppy/goldsmith
IMG-ALT blazer & poppy/goldsmith
/products/lino-mineral-standar...⸤swatches 51⸥ aquarius & mineral/ceres
IMG-ALT aquarius & mineral/ceres
/products/lino-mineral-standar...⸤swatches 47⸥ aquarius & mineral/mushroom
IMG-ALT aquarius & mineral/mushroom
/products/lino-mineral-standar...⸤swatches 45⸥ aquarius & mineral/porcelain
IMG-ALT aquarius & mineral/porcelain
/products/lino-mineral-standar...⸤swatches 7⸥ blazer & mineral/dartmouth
IMG-ALT blazer & mineral/dartmouth
/products/lino-mineral-standar...⸤swatches 9⸥ blazer & mineral/plymouth
IMG-ALT blazer & mineral/plymouth
/products/lino-mineral-standar...⸤swatches 11⸥ blazer & mineral/woodcroft
IMG-ALT blazer & mineral/woodcroft
/products/lino-mineral-standar...⸤swatches 35⸥ remix 3 & mineral/0612
IMG-ALT remix 3 & mineral/0612
/products/lino-mineral-standar...⸤swatches 27⸥ remix 3 & mineral/0762
IMG-ALT remix 3 & mineral/0762
/products/lino-mineral-standar...⸤swatches 39⸥ remix 3 & mineral/0923
IMG-ALT remix 3 & mineral/0923
/products/lino-mineral-standar...⸤swatches 49⸥ aquarius & mineral/rhino
IMG-ALT aquarius & mineral/rhino
/products/lino-mineral-standar...⸤swatches 1⸥ blazer & mineral/kingsmead
IMG-ALT blazer & mineral/kingsmead
/products/lino-mineral-standar...⸤swatches 3⸥ blazer & mineral/silcoates
IMG-ALT blazer & mineral/silcoates
/products/lino-mineral-standar...⸤swatches 5⸥ blazer & mineral/silverdale
IMG-ALT blazer & mineral/silverdale
/products/lino-mineral-standar...⸤swatches 31⸥ remix 3 & mineral/0123
IMG-ALT remix 3 & mineral/0123
/collections/module-hp-popular...Texto duplicado + More Options
/collections/office-chairsIMG-ALT Find Your Match
/collections/office-chairsSin texto
/pages/store-london-showroomIMG-ALT Herman Miller's flagship showroom in Clerkenwell London UK
/pages/store-london-showroomSin texto
/pages/why-herman-millerTexto duplicado IMG-ALT Why Herman Miller?
/pages/why-herman-millerSin texto
/pages/deliverySin texto
/pages/deliveryMore on Delivery
/pages/returns-and-refundsSin texto
/pages/returns-and-refundsMore on Returns
/pages/warranty-serviceSin texto
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A-TITLE ventana Externo Subdominio A-TITLE Instagram ventana Externo Subdominio A-TITLE Facebook ventana Externo A-TITLE Twitter ventana Externo Subdominio A-TITLE Linkedin
/pages/contact-usTexto duplicado Contact Us
/pages/deliveryTexto duplicado Delivery
/pages/returns-and-refundsTexto duplicado Returns
/pages/assembly-adjustmentsAssembly & Adjustment Guides
/pages/care-maintenanceCare & Maintenance Guides
/pages/warranty-serviceWarranty & Service
/pages/fully-customer-informationFully Customer Information
/pages/businessesSmall & Medium Business
/pages/store-london-showroomSubdominio Our London Store
/pages/about-usTexto duplicado About Us
/collections/seatingTexto duplicado Seating
/collections/desks-tablesTexto duplicado Desks
/collections/lightingTexto duplicado Lighting
/collections/accessoriesTexto duplicado Accessories
https://ukgaming.hermanmiller....Externo Subdominio Texto duplicado Gaming
/pages/discover-herman-millerTexto duplicado Discover
/collections/saleTexto duplicado Seasonal Reductions ventana Externo Subdominio Texto duplicado A-TITLE Instagram ventana Externo Subdominio Texto duplicado A-TITLE Facebook ventana Externo Texto duplicado A-TITLE Twitter ventana Externo Subdominio Texto duplicado A-TITLE Linkedin Subdominio Privacy Notice
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