# This robot-exclusion file was created 12/27/96
User-agent: *
Crawl-delay: 5
Allow: /mb/app/PackageSearch
Allow: /iv2/static/*.js
Disallow: /cgi-bin/AT # old search engine
#Disallow: /from.ed # where the stories are raw
Disallow: /users # the users' home pages
Disallow: /test
Disallow: /Architext
Disallow: /sunbin
Disallow: /myaccount
Disallow: /mytrip/app
Disallow: /mb/app
Disallow: /incl
Disallow: /
Disallow: /mq
Disallow: /cgi-bin
Disallow: /baweb/op_index.html
Disallow: /searchagent/event/
Disallow: /searchagent/event/
Disallow: /searchagent/event/
Disallow: /searchagent/event/
Disallow: /searchagent/event/
Disallow: /searchagent/restaurant/
Disallow: /google/hotel_ads
Disallow: /lounge/centennial/crimemoments.html
Disallow: /slideshows
Disallow: /about/executivebios.html
User-agent: Mediapartners-Google
Disallow: /cgi-bin/AT # old search engine
#Disallow: /from.ed # where the stories are raw
Disallow: /users # the users' home pages
Disallow: /test
Disallow: /Architext
Disallow: /sunbin
Disallow: /myaccount
#Disallow: /mytrip
Disallow: /incl
Disallow: /
Disallow: /mq
Disallow: /cgi-bin
Disallow: /baweb/op_index.html
Disallow: /searchagent/event/
Disallow: /searchagent/event/
Disallow: /searchagent/event/
Disallow: /searchagent/event/
Disallow: /searchagent/event/
Disallow: /google/hotel_ads
Disallow: /slideshows
Disallow: /about/executivebios.html