- SEO Checker

Visión general del análisis SEO
Calidad de la página
Factores externos
Puntuación SEO
Tiempo de carga
1,71 s
Tamaño HTML
168,40 kB
Cantidad de enlaces
247 internos / 5 externos

Lista de tareas pendientes para mejorar tu SEO


(Extremadamente importante)
Visual Communication ZHdK
La longitud del título es óptima (260 píxeles de una longitud máxima de 580 píxeles).
No se repite ninguna palabra en el título.
Meta descripción
(Extremadamente importante)
No se encuentra la meta descripción.
(Extremadamente importante)
No se detectan problemas para acceder al sitio web.
Redirección canónica
No se especifica ningún enlace canónico.
(Poco importante)
Idioma reconocido automáticamente en el contenido: en
Idioma declarado en el código HTML: de
Ubicación geográfica del servidor: Estados Unidos de América
El idioma proporcionado de no se ajusta al idioma detectado en.
Enlaces Alternate/Hreflang
(Poco importante)
No se ha encontrado ningún enlace alternativo (alternate) en esta página.
Otras Metaetiquetas
(Poco importante)
No se detecta ninguna metaetiqueta de paginación rel next en la página.
No se detecta ninguna metaetiqueta de paginación rel prev en la página.
(Poco importante)
Esta página está alojada en un subdominio. Para que la optimización de tu web en los buscadores tenga éxito, deberías utilizar tu propio dominio.
El dominio no contiene caracteres especiales.
URL de la página
(Poco importante)
No se detecta ningún parámetro dinámico en la URL.
No se detecta ningún ID de sesión en la URL.
La URL no contiene demasiados subdirectorios.
Codificación de caracteres
(Poco importante)
La codificación de caracteres (UTF-8) ha sido declarada correctamente.
La etiqueta doctype HTML 5 está configurada correctamente.
La declaración del doctype se ubica al inicio del código HTML.
No se detecta ningún favicon enlazado en el código HTML.


viewportwidth=device-width, initial-scale=1

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Registrarme Gratis
Puedes usar la suscripción Básica por tiempo ilimitado.

Calidad de la página

(Extremadamente importante)
No se detecta ningún párrafo.
El número total de palabras en la página es bueno: 797 palabras.
Un 14.8% del contenido está constituido por palabras vacías.
Las palabras clave del título también se repiten en el texto del cuerpo.
Las palabras del encabezado H1 también aparecen en el cuerpo del texto.
La página contiene un listado, lo que indica una buena estructuración del contenido.
No se detecta ningún placeholder de texto ni imagen.
(Extremadamente importante)
Esta página no utiliza ningún frameset.
Optimización para móviles
(Poco importante)
El valor de la etiqueta viewport es correcto: (width=device-width, initial-scale=1).
Al menos un icono de Apple-Touch ha sido especificado.
Esta página carga 3 archivos JavaScript, lo cual es bueno.
Etiquetas Bold y Strong
(Poco importante)
El uso de etiquetas de negritas en esta página es óptimo. Te recomendamos emplear hasta 16 etiquetas de negritas en una página.
Optimización de imágenes
(Poco importante)
La descripción del atributo ALT se utiliza correctamente en todas las imágenes rastreadas.
Redes Sociales
Esta página apenas ofrece posibilidades de compartir el contenido en redes sociales. Con la integración de widgets puedes conseguir que tus contenidos se popularicen en redes.
Etiquetas markup adicionales
No se detecta ninguna etiqueta markup (de adicional.
(Poco importante)
El sitio utiliza HTTPS para transferir datos de forma segura.
Todos los archivos incluidos se transfieren a través de HTTPS.

Lista de medios

URLAtributo ALTTítulo
data:[...] Base64Visual Communication
data:[...] Base64Visual Communication
data:[...] Base64Visual Communication
data:[...] Base64Visual Communication
data:[...] Base64Visual Communication
data:[...] Base64Visual Communication
data:[...] Base64Visual Communication
data:[...] Base64Visual Communication
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data:[...] Base64Visual Communication
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data:[...] Base64Visual Communication
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data:[...] Base64Visual Communication
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data:[...] Base64Visual Communication
data:[...] Base64Visual Communication
data:[...] Base64Visual Communication
data:[...] Base64Visual Communication
data:[...] Base64ÆVA – Rebekka Brandes, Elisa Jauch Gonzalez, Anastasiia Maslei, Alicia Godel
data:[...] Base64SUPS – Meriton Ajdini, Sarah Iller, Nicolas Lehni, Uliana Stadiichuk, Nicolas Wagner
data:[...] Base64Visual Communication
data:[...] Base64Visual Communication
data:[...] Base64Visual Communication
data:[...] Base64Visual Communication
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data:[...] Base64Visual Communication
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data:[...] Base64Visual Communication
data:[...] Base64Visual Communication
data:[...] Base64Visual Communication
data:[...] Base64Nathan Meyer
data:[...] Base64Visual Communication
data:[...] Base64Visual Communication
data:[...] Base64Visual Communication
data:[...] Base64Visual Communication
data:[...] Base64Visual Communication
data:[...] Base64Photography all rights reserved by Lea Huser,
data:[...] Base64Visual Communication
data:[...] Base64Visual Communication
data:[...] Base64Anna Tuena
data:[...] Base64Visual Communication
data:[...] Base64Artist: Baubel Track: K_857 Design: Bastien Egger, Kim Fiebiger
data:[...] Base64Visual Communication
data:[...] Base64Visual Communication
data:[...] Base64Stefan Hürlemann
data:[...] Base64Visual Communication
data:[...] Base64Visual Communication
data:[...] Base64Visual Communication
data:[...] Base64Visual Communication
data:[...] Base64Visual Communication
data:[...] Base64Visual Communication
data:[...] Base64Visual Communication
data:[...] Base64Visual Communication
data:[...] Base64Visual Communication
data:[...] Base64Jan Reimann
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data:[...] Base64Visual Communication
data:[...] Base64Visual Communication
data:[...] Base64Visual Communication
data:[...] Base64Visual Communication
data:[...] Base64Visual Communication
data:[...] Base64Visual Communication
data:[...] Base64Visual Communication
data:[...] Base64Tyrone Schorrer
data:[...] Base64Visual Communication
data:[...] Base64Visual Communication
data:[...] Base64Lea Michaud, Silvan Possa
data:[...] Base64Meret Fischli
data:[...] Base64Helena Appenzeller: Grüsse aus den Bergen (Ausschnitt)
data:[...] Base64Soraya Gaouaoua, Rebecca Wey, Elena Gabriel
data:[...] Base64HAMMER David Schatz, Sereina Rothenberger
data:[...] Base64Gewinnerplakat, Dorian Delon und Jakob Lienhard
data:[...] Base64Visual Communication
data:[...] Base64Visual Communication
data:[...] Base64Visual Communication
data:[...] Base64Visual Communication
data:[...] Base64Visual Communication
data:[...] Base64Visual Communication
data:[...] Base64Visual Communication
data:[...] Base64Visual Communication
data:[...] Base64Visual Communication
data:[...] Base64Visual Communication
data:[...] Base64Visual Communication
data:[...] Base64Anabel Keller, Rahel Imboden
data:[...] Base64Visual Communication
data:[...] Base64Visual Communication
data:[...] Base64Visual Communication
data:[...] Base64Visual Communication
data:[...] Base64Detail „Ab ins Kino“ von Rahel Witschi
data:[...] Base64Visual Communication
data:[...] Base64Visual Communication
data:[...] Base64Elena Gabriel, Rebecca Wey
data:[...] Base64Visual Communication
data:[...] Base64Visual Communication
data:[...] Base64Visual Communication
data:[...] Base64Visual Communication
data:[...] Base64Visual Communication
data:[...] Base64Visual Communication
data:[...] Base64Visual Communication
data:[...] Base64Eduardo Caesar Leon
data:[...] Base64Visual Communication
data:[...] Base64Visual Communication
data:[...] Base64Visual Communication
data:[...] Base64Anabel Keller, Ali Soltanolamaei
data:[...] Base64Visual Communication
data:[...] Base64Visual Communication
data:[...] Base64Visual Communication
data:[...] Base64Visual Communication
data:[...] Base64Visual Communication
data:[...] Base64Visual Communication
data:[...] Base64Visual Communication
data:[...] Base64Visual Communication
data:[...] Base64Visual Communication
data:[...] Base64Visual Communication
data:[...] Base64Visual Communication
data:[...] Base64Visual Communication
data:[...] Base64Visual Communication
data:[...] Base64Visual Communication
data:[...] Base64Visual Communication
data:[...] Base64Visual Communication
data:[...] Base64Visual Communication
data:[...] Base64Projekt des Gewinnerteams: Corina Farkas, Andreas Hänggi, Yoëlle Reinle
data:[...] Base6475000 FUTURES, ein Projekt von Gunnar Green und Bernd Hopfengärtner
data:[...] Base64Visual Communication
data:[...] Base64Visual Communication
data:[...] Base64Visual Communication

Estructura de la página

Encabezado H1
(Extremadamente importante)
Visual Communication
El encabezado H1 es óptimo.
Algunos de los encabezados H se repiten dos veces.
Hay 225 encabezados H en esta página. La cantidad de encabezados debería guardar una mejor proporción en relación al texto.

Estructura de los encabezados

Jerarquía de encabezadosContenido
H1 Visual Communication
H2 News
H3 Diplompublikation BA/MA 2024
H3 Back to the Future
H3 Collection Insights – Sieben Perspektiven
H3 Elsewhere
H3 Langnau Jazz Nights 2023
H3 VC Showreel 2023
H3 Backslash Festival 24
H3 Data Life
H3 Swiss Viz Award 2023
H3 ZSC — Zürcher Segel Club Pfingstregatta 2023
H3 Diplomausstellung 2023
H3 Diplompublikation BA/MA 2023
H3 Limbo Prag
H3 Diplome 2023
H3 Dinge Zeichnen
H3 Registered Signs
H3 Rectification of Diacritics
H3 Seeing Volume 1
H3 The Most Beautiful Swiss Books 2022
H3 The Atlas of Natural Regions
H3 The Manifest
H3 Digital Collaboration
H3 Lost in Translation – Digital Publishing
H3 Das animierte Layout
H3 MA Work in Progress Exhibition
H3 The Next School
H3 VC Showreel 2022
H3 ZHdK-Nachhaltigkeitsberichte
H3 ALPHABET SOUP – Brand Identity concepts driven by system fonts
H3 Washington VC
H3 Data Space
H3 Peter Greenaway
H3 ZSC — Zürcher Segel Club Pfingstregatta
H3 Tilda Swinton
H3 Cult of Dark Visual Arts
H3 FUBU mit Studio SMS und Atlas Studio
H3 Take A Seat – Publikation
H3 Georges Franju
H3 Designing the Future
H3 Openspace – Stummfilmfestival
H3 Portfoliopräsentationen & Market
H3 INFOTAG 2021 Präsentation BA
H3 Blank Shirt – New Opulence Strategies in Fashion Identities
H3 VC Showreel 2021
H3 MA-Alumna erhält Josef Müller-Brockmann Förderpreis
H3 «Swiss Graphic Design Histories» published
H3 Data Flow
H3 Taiwan Cinema
H3 Digitorial Design
H3 Diplomausstellung 2021
H3 TAKE A SEAT! – Brand Identity Concepts inspired by Chairs
H3 Las Vegas
H3 Film Noir International
H3 VC goes to Japan
H3 Lost in Translation
H3 Das animierte Layout Texto duplicado
H3 Bring Me The Head Of
H3 ZHdK Visual Communication meets Lindt — Plakatwettbewerb
H3 Deconstructing the Hyperimage
H3 VC Showreel 2020
H3 FUBU Texto duplicado
H3 Modul Zeichnen
H3 Information, navigation and orientation in times of change
H3 FUBU Texto duplicado
H3 The Library – Typescape
H3 FUBU Texto duplicado
H3 cache: ein Publikationstool für Forschungsgruppen
H3 Digitorial Design Texto duplicado
H3 Branded Activism
H3 Real Material — A workshop on exhibiting
H3 FUBU Texto duplicado
H3 Misreading the Museum: Ein Workshop mit Noam Toran
H3 Data Log
H3 Gebaute Identität
H3 Diplompublikation BA/MA 2020
H3 Diplome 20: Designstudierende zeigen vom 12. bis 19. Juni 2020 ihre Abschlussarbeiten
H3 Louis Brooks
H3 On-Shoes
H3 Langnau Jazz Nights 2019
H3 Counter City
H3 Modul Zeichnen Texto duplicado
H3 Luis Bunuel
H3 Mapping Data Connections in Zurich
H3 FUBU Texto duplicado
H3 VC Showreel 2019
H3 Rethinking SBB
H3 FUBU Texto duplicado
H3 100 beste Plakate 18 – Deutschland, Österreich, Schweiz
H3 FUBU Texto duplicado
H3 Creative Week 2019
H3 FUBU Texto duplicado
H3 Experimentelles Gestalten: Dislocation
H3 Toshirō Mifune (1920–1997)
H3 Data Inventory
H3 Out of the dark – Visual Tracks
H3 Diplomausstellung 2019
H3 Bachelor 2019
H3 Master 2019
H3 Diplompublikation 2019
H3 Förderpreis Bachelor Design
H3 François Truffaut (1932–1984)
H3 Manifest
H3 FUBU Texto duplicado
H3 Objects of Desire
H3 Plakat «Cityspace» mit dem «Certificate of Typographic Excellence» ausgezeichnet
H3 Das animierte Layout Texto duplicado
H3 Zurich’s Open Data
H3 Æther #2
H3 Fogo Realisation
H3 FUBU Texto duplicado
H3 PosterLab 2018
H3 VC Showreel 2018
H3 VC Showcase 2018
H3 FUBU Texto duplicado
H3 Modul Zeichnen Texto duplicado
H3 4th Arab Film Festival Zurich
H3 Micro Nation
H3 FUBU Texto duplicado
H3 Auszeichnungen 100 Beste Plakate 2017
H3 Bally kooperiert mit Designstudenten und feiert sein Schweizer Erbe
H3 Æther – Hybrides Publizieren
H3 Maggie Smith
H3 Master 2018
H3 Trojan Horse
H3 Fogo
H3 Das animierte Layout Texto duplicado
H3 Bachelor 2018
H3 Diplompublikation 2018
H3 Diplomausstellung 2018
H3 Creative Week 2018
H3 Modul Zeichnen Texto duplicado
H3 Åbäke
H3 Claudia Cardinale
H3 Ruben Pater
H3 Jack’s Hack
H3 Everything is an Experiment
H3 Urban Design Room
H3 Langnau Jazz Nights 2018
H3 Infotage 2017
H3 Workshop Novembre Magazine
H3 VVK Showreel 2017
H3 Living Brands
H3 Das animierte Layout Texto duplicado
H3 Brief vs. E-Mail
H3 Atlas of Design Tools
H3 Diplompublikation 2017
H3 Sport
H3 Miro
H3 ADC Creative Week 2017
H3 Walk The Line
H3 Langnau Jazz Nights 2017
H3 Data Collection
H3 Bachelor 2017
H3 Hongkong / Federico Fellini
H3 100 Beste Plakate Gewinner
H3 Filmpodium Cary Grant
H3 Eco Brand
H3 We are the animals
H3 Mapping Zurich City
H3 4 Days Magazine Design
H3 Method – From Experiment to Application
H3 Zett Magazin
H3 Design Infotage 2016
H3 Wanderausstellung «100 beste Plakate 15» in Zürich
H3 Werkschau 2016
H3 Werbung konkret
H3 Alles Theater
H3 Infotag Master in Kommunikation
H3 Digitorial Design Texto duplicado
H3 Brand Zoo
H3 Das Werk von Ernst und Ursula Hiestand
H3 Data Archive
H3 Blow up, zoom out, frame in
H3 Diplompublikation 2016 – Fresh out of print
H3 Filmpodium Ida Lupino
H3 I’m thuggin, in motion
H3 Group consensus
H3 I’m thuggin
H3 Olma
H3 Copyshop
H3 Atlas Luxus
H3 Speed
H3 Open Call: Radio Rietveld
H3 1 Bild = 1000 Bilder
H3 Open Space / Langnau Jazz Nights
H3 Modul Zeichnen Texto duplicado
H3 Polarmond
H3 Relaunch Toni Jogurt
H3 Steve McCurry – Fotografien aus dem Orient
H3 Seeing is Believing
H3 Filmpodium Bette Davis / Joan Crawford
H3 Data Selfie
H3 Diplompublikation 2015 – Buy me!
H3 SOS, Summary of Summaries
H3 Animierte Hörspiele
H3 Poster Rhythm – Fresh from the press
H3 FUBU Lecture: OK-RM und Robert & Durrer
H3 Poster Rhythm – Musikplakate
H3 FUBU Lecture: Liu Xiaoxiang & Lu Jingren
H3 Creative City Plakate
H3 Automobil-Salon Genf
H3 Z-Club
H3 Atlas der Katastrophen
H3 FUBU Lecture: Kasper-Florio
H3 Open Space Workshop mit Martin Woodtli
H3 Grundkurs Typographie
H3 FUBU Lecture: Martin Woodtli
H3 Award Gute Bauten
H3 How to break up with your boyfriend in a vacuum?
H3 Alles
H3 Einfach ist kompliziert genug
H3 BauernZeitung 2.0
H3 50 Jahre Royal Classic
Algunos enlaces internos contienen parámetros dinámicos. Las URL internas no deberían contener parámetros dinámicos, salvo que estén marcadas como nofollow.
Algunos textos ancla se repiten más de una vez en varios enlaces.
La cantidad de enlaces internos es adecuada.
Ningún texto ancla es excesivamente largo.
Hay 5 enlaces externos en esta página.
EnlacePropiedadesTexto ancla
/Visual Communication ventana Externo Subdominio Sin texto
/diplom-2024/Diplom 2024
/studium/master-module/Master Module
/studium/minor-publishing/Minor Publishing (BA/MA)
/schwerpunkte/information-design/Information Design
/schwerpunkte/identitaet-und-m...Identität & Marke
/schwerpunkte/editorial-design/Editorial Design
/schwerpunkte/typografie-und-s...Typografie & Schrift
/personen/bachelor/Bachelor Studierende
/personen/master/Master Studierende
/personen/phd-students/PhD Studierende
/impressum/Impressum ventana Externo Subdominio Instagram ventana Externo Subdominio Facebook
/diplom-2024/Diplomprojekte 2024
/news/diplompublikation-ba-ma-...Diplompublikation BA/MA 2024
IMG-ALT Visual Communication
/news/back-to-the-future/Back to the Future
IMG-ALT Visual Communication
IMG-ALT Visual Communication
/news/collection-insights-sieb...Collection Insights – Sieben Perspektiven
IMG-ALT Visual Communication
IMG-ALT Visual Communication
/news/langnau-jazz-nights-2023/Langnau Jazz Nights 2023
IMG-ALT Visual Communication
/news/vc-showreel-2023/VC Showreel 2023
/news/backslash-festival-24/Backslash Festival 24
IMG-ALT Visual Communication
/news/formswiss-x-gallery-lela...FORMSWISS x Gallery l’ELAC (ECAL)
IMG-ALT Visual Communication
/news/data-life/Data Life
IMG-ALT Visual Communication
/news/swiss-viz-award-2023/Swiss Viz Award 2023
IMG-ALT Visual Communication
/news/brand-mutualism/BRAND × MUTUALISM
IMG-ALT Visual Communication
/news/zsc-zuercher-segel-club-...ZSC — Zürcher Segel Club Pfingstregatta 2023
IMG-ALT Visual Communication
/news/diplomausstellung-2025/Diplomausstellung 2023
IMG-ALT Visual Communication
/news/diplompublikation-ba-ma-...Diplompublikation BA/MA 2023
IMG-ALT Visual Communication
/news/limbo-prag/Limbo Prag
IMG-ALT Visual Communication
/news/diplomausstellung-2023/Diplome 2023
IMG-ALT Visual Communication
/news/dinge-zeichnen/Dinge Zeichnen
IMG-ALT Visual Communication
/news/registered-signs/Registered Signs
IMG-ALT Visual Communication
/news/rectification-of-diacrit...Rectification of Diacritics
IMG-ALT Visual Communication
/news/seeing-volume-1/Seeing Volume 1
IMG-ALT Visual Communication
/news/the-most-beautiful-swiss...The Most Beautiful Swiss Books 2022
IMG-ALT Visual Communication
/news/the-atlas-of-natural-reg...The Atlas of Natural Regions
IMG-ALT Visual Communication
/news/the-manifest/The Manifest
IMG-ALT Visual Communication
/news/digital-collaboration/Digital Collaboration
IMG-ALT Visual Communication
/news/lost-in-translation-digi...Lost in Translation – Digital Publishing
IMG-ALT Visual Communication
/news/das-animierte-layout-2022/Das animierte Layout
/news/ma-work-in-progress-exhi...MA Work in Progress Exhibition
IMG-ALT Visual Communication
/news/the-next-school/The Next School
IMG-ALT Visual Communication
/news/vc-showreel-2022/VC Showreel 2022
IMG-ALT Visual Communication
/news/brave-new-world-2030/BRAVE NEW WORLD 2030
IMG-ALT ÆVA – Rebekka Brandes, Elisa Jauch Gonzalez, Anastasiia Maslei, Alicia Godel
/news/alphabet-soup-brand-iden...ALPHABET SOUP – Brand Identity concepts driven by system fonts
IMG-ALT SUPS – Meriton Ajdini, Sarah Iller, Nicolas Lehni, Uliana Stadiichuk, Nicolas Wagner
/news/washington-vc/Washington VC Workshop mit Yehwan Song
/news/data-space/Data Space
IMG-ALT Visual Communication
/news/peter-greenaway/Peter Greenaway
IMG-ALT Visual Communication
/news/zsc-zuercher-segel-club-...ZSC — Zürcher Segel Club Pfingstregatta
IMG-ALT Visual Communication
/news/tilda-swinton/Tilda Swinton
IMG-ALT Visual Communication
/news/cult-of-dark-visual-arts/Cult of Dark Visual Arts
IMG-ALT Visual Communication
/news/fubu-mit-studio-sms-und-...FUBU mit Studio SMS und Atlas Studio
IMG-ALT Visual Communication
/news/take-a-seat/Take A Seat – Publikation
IMG-ALT Visual Communication
/news/georges-franju/Georges Franju
IMG-ALT Visual Communication
/news/designing-the-future/Designing the Future
IMG-ALT Visual Communication
/news/stummfilmfestival/Openspace – Stummfilmfestival
IMG-ALT Visual Communication
/news/portfoliopraesentationen...Portfoliopräsentationen & Market
IMG-ALT Visual Communication
/news/infotag-2021-praesentati...INFOTAG 2021 Präsentation BA
/news/blank-shirt-new-opulence...Blank Shirt – New Opulence Strategies in Fashion Identities
IMG-ALT Visual Communication
/news/vc-showreel-2021/VC Showreel 2021
/news/ma-alumna-erhaelt-josef-...MA-Alumna erhält Josef Müller-Brockmann Förderpreis
IMG-ALT Visual Communication
/news/swiss-graphic-design-his...«Swiss Graphic Design Histories» published
IMG-ALT Visual Communication
/news/swiss-max/SWISS MAX
IMG-ALT Visual Communication
/news/zhdk-x-pkz/ZHdK x PKZ
IMG-ALT Visual Communication
/news/data-flow/Data Flow
IMG-ALT Visual Communication
/news/taiwan-cinema/Taiwan Cinema
IMG-ALT Visual Communication
/news/digitorial-design-2021/Digitorial Design
IMG-ALT Visual Communication
/news/diplomausstellung-2021/Diplomausstellung 2021
IMG-ALT Visual Communication
/news/take-a-seat-brand-identi...TAKE A SEAT! – Brand Identity Concepts inspired by Chairs
IMG-ALT Visual Communication
/news/ Las Vegas
IMG-ALT Visual Communication
/news/film-noir-international/Film Noir International
IMG-ALT Visual Communication
/news/vc-goes-to-japan/VC goes to Japan
IMG-ALT Visual Communication
/news/lost-in-translation/Lost in Translation
IMG-ALT Visual Communication
/news/das-animierte-layout2020/Texto duplicado Das animierte Layout
/news/bring-me-the-head-of-1/Bring Me The Head Of
IMG-ALT Visual Communication
/news/zhdk-visual-communicatio...ZHdK Visual Communication meets Lindt — Plakatwettbewerb
IMG-ALT Visual Communication
/news/deconstructing-the-hyper...Deconstructing the Hyperimage
IMG-ALT Visual Communication
IMG-ALT Visual Communication
/news/vc-showreel-2020/VC Showreel 2020
/news/fubu-hort-eike-koenig/Texto duplicado FUBU
IMG-ALT Visual Communication
/news/modul-zeichnen-2020/Modul Zeichnen
IMG-ALT Visual Communication
/news/information-navigation-a...Information, navigation and orientation in times of change
IMG-ALT Visual Communication
/news/fubu-laura-prim/Texto duplicado FUBU
IMG-ALT Visual Communication
/news/the-library-typescape-2/The Library – Typescape
IMG-ALT Visual Communication
/news/fubu-studio-noi/Texto duplicado FUBU
IMG-ALT Visual Communication
/news/cache-ein-publikationsto...cache: ein Publikationstool für Forschungsgruppen
IMG-ALT Visual Communication
/news/digitorial-design-2020/Texto duplicado Digitorial Design
IMG-ALT Visual Communication
/news/branded-activism/Branded Activism
IMG-ALT Visual Communication
/news/real-material-a-workshop...Real Material — A workshop on exhibiting
IMG-ALT Visual Communication
/news/fubu-norm/FUBU NORM
/news/misreading-the-museum-ei...Misreading the Museum: Ein Workshop mit Noam Toran
IMG-ALT Visual Communication
/news/data-log/Data Log
IMG-ALT Visual Communication
/news/gebaute-identitaet/Gebaute Identität
IMG-ALT Visual Communication
/news/la-comedie/LA COMÉDIE
IMG-ALT Visual Communication
/news/diplompublikation-ba-ma-...Diplompublikation BA/MA 2020
IMG-ALT Visual Communication
/news/diplome-20-abschlussarbe...Diplome 20: Designstudierende zeigen vom 12. bis 19. Juni 2020 ihre Abschlussarbeiten
IMG-ALT Visual Communication
/news/louis-brooks/Louis Brooks
IMG-ALT Visual Communication
IMG-ALT Nathan Meyer
/news/langnau-jazz-nights-2019/Langnau Jazz Nights 2019
IMG-ALT Visual Communication Counter City
/news/modul-zeichnen-19/Texto duplicado Modul Zeichnen
IMG-ALT Visual Communication
/news/luis-bunuel/Luis Bunuel
IMG-ALT Visual Communication
/news/mapping-data-connections...Mapping Data Connections in Zurich
IMG-ALT Visual Communication
/news/fubu-vrints-kolsteren/FUBU Vrints-Kolsteren
/news/showcase-2019/VC Showreel 2019
/news/rethinking-sbb/Rethinking SBB
IMG-ALT Visual Communication
/news/fubu-christmas-special/FUBU Christmas Special
/news/100-beste-plakate-18-deu...100 beste Plakate 18 – Deutschland, Österreich, Schweiz
IMG-ALT Photography all rights reserved by Lea Huser,
/news/fubu-offshore-studio/FUBU Offshore Studio
/news/creative-week-2019/Creative Week 2019
IMG-ALT Visual Communication
/news/fubu-lecture-dennis-moya/FUBU Dennis Moya
/news/experimentelles-gestalte...Experimentelles Gestalten: Dislocation
IMG-ALT Visual Communication
/news/toshir-mifune/Toshirō Mifune (1920–1997)
IMG-ALT Anna Tuena
/news/data-inventory/Data Inventory
IMG-ALT Visual Communication
/news/out-of-the-dark/Out of the dark – Visual Tracks
IMG-ALT Artist: Baubel Track: K_857 Design: Bastien Egger, Kim Fiebiger
/news/diplomausstellung-2019/Diplomausstellung 2019
IMG-ALT Visual Communication
/projekte/?year=2019&category=baSubdominio Bachelor 2019 Projekte online
/projekte/?category=ma&year=2019Subdominio Master 2019 Projekte online
/news/ma-ba-diplompublikation-...Diplompublikation 2019
IMG-ALT Visual Communication
/news/foerderpreis-bachelor-de...Förderpreis Bachelor Design
/news/fran/François Truffaut (1932–1984)
IMG-ALT Stefan Hürlemann
IMG-ALT Visual Communication
/news/objects-of-desire/Objects of Desire
IMG-ALT Visual Communication
/news/plakat-cityspace/Plakat «Cityspace» mit dem «Certificate of Typographic Excellence» ausgezeichnet
IMG-ALT Visual Communication
/news/das-animierte-layout_2019/Texto duplicado Das animierte Layout
/news/zurichs-open-data/Zurich’s Open Data
IMG-ALT Visual Communication
/news/aether-2/Æther #2
IMG-ALT Visual Communication
/news/fogo-realisation/Fogo Realisation
IMG-ALT Visual Communication
/news/fubu-erich-brechbuehl/FUBU Erich Brechbühl
/news/posterlab-2018/PosterLab 2018
IMG-ALT Visual Communication
/news/vc-showreel-2018/VC Showreel 2018
/news/showcase-2018/VC Showcase 2018
IMG-ALT Visual Communication
/news/fubu-talk-feat-rafael-ko...FUBU Rafael Kouto
/news/modul-zeichnen-18/Texto duplicado Modul Zeichnen
IMG-ALT Visual Communication
/news/4th-arab-film-festival-z...4th Arab Film Festival Zurich
IMG-ALT Jan Reimann
/news/micro-nation/Micro Nation
IMG-ALT Visual Communication
/news/fubu-lecture-dia-studio/FUBU DIA studio
/news/auszeichnungen-100-beste...Auszeichnungen 100 Beste Plakate 2017
IMG-ALT Visual Communication
/news/bally-zhdk/Bally kooperiert mit Designstudenten und feiert sein Schweizer Erbe
IMG-ALT Visual Communication
/news/aether/Æther – Hybrides Publizieren
IMG-ALT Visual Communication
/news/maggie-smith/Maggie Smith
IMG-ALT Visual Communication
/projekte/?year=2018&category=maSubdominio Master 2018 Projekte online
/news/trojan-horse/Trojan Horse
IMG-ALT Visual Communication
IMG-ALT Visual Communication
/news/das-animierte-layout_2018/Texto duplicado Das animierte Layout
/projekte/?category=ba&year=2018Subdominio Bachelor 2018 Projekte online
/news/diplom-publikation-2018/Diplompublikation 2018
IMG-ALT Visual Communication
/news/diplomausstellung-18/Diplomausstellung 2018
IMG-ALT Visual Communication
/news/adc-creative-week-2018/Creative Week 2018
IMG-ALT Visual Communication
/news/modul-zeichnen/Texto duplicado Modul Zeichnen
IMG-ALT Visual Communication
/news/abaeke/Åbäke Public Lecture
/news/claudia-cardinale/Claudia Cardinale
IMG-ALT Visual Communication
/news/ruben-pater-public-lecture/Ruben Pater Public Lecture
/news/jacks-hack/Jack’s Hack
IMG-ALT Visual Communication
/news/everything-is-an-experim...Everything is an Experiment
IMG-ALT Visual Communication
/news/urban-design-room/Urban Design Room
IMG-ALT Visual Communication
/news/langnau-jazz-nights-2018/Langnau Jazz Nights 2018
IMG-ALT Visual Communication
/news/infotage-12017/Infotage 2017
IMG-ALT Visual Communication
/news/workshop-novembre-magazine/Workshop Novembre Magazine
IMG-ALT Visual Communication
/news/vvk-showreel-2017/VVK Showreel 2017
/news/living-brands/Living Brands
IMG-ALT Visual Communication
/news/das-animierte-layout/Texto duplicado Das animierte Layout
/news/brief-vs-e-mail/Brief vs. E-Mail
IMG-ALT Visual Communication
/news/atlas-of-design-tools/Atlas of Design Tools
IMG-ALT Visual Communication
/news/diplompublikation-2017/Diplompublikation 2017
IMG-ALT Visual Communication
IMG-ALT Tyrone Schorrer
IMG-ALT Visual Communication
/news/adc-creative-week-2017/ADC Creative Week 2017
IMG-ALT Visual Communication
/news/walk-the-line/Walk The Line
IMG-ALT Lea Michaud, Silvan Possa
/news/langnau-jazz-nights-2017/Langnau Jazz Nights 2017
IMG-ALT Meret Fischli
/news/data-collection/Data Collection
IMG-ALT Helena Appenzeller: Grüsse aus den Bergen (Ausschnitt) Subdominio Bachelor 2017 Projekte online!
/news/filmpodium-hongkong-fede...Hongkong / Federico Fellini
IMG-ALT Soraya Gaouaoua, Rebecca Wey, Elena Gabriel
/news/100-beste-plakate-gewinner/100 Beste Plakate Gewinner
IMG-ALT HAMMER David Schatz, Sereina Rothenberger
/news/filmpodium-cary-grant/Filmpodium Cary Grant
IMG-ALT Gewinnerplakat, Dorian Delon und Jakob Lienhard
/news/eco-brand/Eco Brand
IMG-ALT Visual Communication
/news/we-are-the-animals/We are the animals
IMG-ALT Visual Communication
/news/mapping-zurich-city/Mapping Zurich City
IMG-ALT Visual Communication
/news/mad-chit-chat/MAD CHIT CHAT
IMG-ALT Visual Communication
/news/4-days-magazine-design/4 Days Magazine Design
IMG-ALT Visual Communication
/news/method-from-experiment-t...Method – From Experiment to Application
IMG-ALT Visual Communication
/news/zeit/Zett Magazin
IMG-ALT Visual Communication
/news/design-infotage-2016/Design Infotage 2016
IMG-ALT Visual Communication
/news/100-beste-plakate-15/Wanderausstellung «100 beste Plakate 15» in Zürich
IMG-ALT Visual Communication
/news/werkschau-2016/Werkschau 2016
IMG-ALT Visual Communication
/news/werbung-konkret/Werbung konkret
IMG-ALT Visual Communication
/news/alles-theater/Alles Theater
IMG-ALT Anabel Keller, Rahel Imboden
/news/infotag-master-in-kommun...Infotag Master in Kommunikation
IMG-ALT Visual Communication
/news/digitorial-design/Texto duplicado Digitorial Design
IMG-ALT Visual Communication
IMG-ALT Visual Communication
/news/brand-zoo/Brand Zoo
IMG-ALT Visual Communication
/news/werk-ernst-und-ursula-hi...Das Werk von Ernst und Ursula Hiestand Ausschreibung Master
/news/data-archive/Data Archive
IMG-ALT Detail „Ab ins Kino“ von Rahel Witschi
/news/blow-up-zoom-out-frame-in/Blow up, zoom out, frame in
IMG-ALT Visual Communication
/news/diplompublikation-2016/Diplompublikation 2016 – Fresh out of print
IMG-ALT Visual Communication
/news/filmpodium-ida-lupino/Filmpodium Ida Lupino
IMG-ALT Elena Gabriel, Rebecca Wey
/news/im-thuggin-in-motion/I’m thuggin, in motion Das animierte Layout
/news/group-consensus/Group consensus
IMG-ALT Visual Communication
/news/im-thuggin/I’m thuggin
IMG-ALT Visual Communication
IMG-ALT Visual Communication
IMG-ALT Visual Communication
/news/atlas-luxus/Atlas Luxus
IMG-ALT Visual Communication
IMG-ALT Visual Communication
/news/open-call-radio-rietveld/Open Call: Radio Rietveld
IMG-ALT Visual Communication
/news/1-bild-1000-bilder/1 Bild = 1000 Bilder Workshop mit Flag
/news/open-space-langnau-jazz-...Open Space / Langnau Jazz Nights
IMG-ALT Eduardo Caesar Leon
/news/modul-zeichnen-2015/Texto duplicado Modul Zeichnen
IMG-ALT Visual Communication
IMG-ALT Visual Communication
/news/relaunch-toni-jogurt/Relaunch Toni Jogurt
IMG-ALT Visual Communication
/news/steve-mccurry-fotografie...Steve McCurry – Fotografien aus dem Orient
IMG-ALT Anabel Keller, Ali Soltanolamaei
/news/seeing-is-believing/Seeing is Believing
IMG-ALT Visual Communication
/news/filmpodium-bette-davis-j...Filmpodium Bette Davis / Joan Crawford
IMG-ALT Visual Communication
/news/data-selfie/Data Selfie
IMG-ALT Visual Communication
/news/diplompublikation-2015/Diplompublikation 2015 – Buy me!
IMG-ALT Visual Communication
/news/summary-of-summaries/SOS, Summary of Summaries
IMG-ALT Visual Communication
/news/animierte-hoerspiele/Animierte Hörspiele
/news/poster-rhythm-fresh-from...Poster Rhythm – Fresh from the press
IMG-ALT Visual Communication
/news/fubu-lecture-ok-rm-und-r...FUBU Lecture: OK-RM und Robert & Durrer
IMG-ALT Visual Communication
/news/poster-rhythm-musikplakate/Poster Rhythm – Musikplakate
IMG-ALT Visual Communication
/news/fubu-lecture-liu-xiaoxia...FUBU Lecture: Liu Xiaoxiang & Lu Jingren
IMG-ALT Visual Communication
/news/creative-city-plakate/Creative City Plakate
IMG-ALT Visual Communication
/news/automobil-salon-genf/Automobil-Salon Genf
IMG-ALT Visual Communication
IMG-ALT Visual Communication
/news/atlas-der-katastrophen/Atlas der Katastrophen
IMG-ALT Visual Communication
/news/fubu-lecture-kasper-florio/FUBU Lecture: Kasper-Florio
IMG-ALT Visual Communication
/news/open-space-workshop-mit-...Open Space Workshop mit Martin Woodtli
IMG-ALT Visual Communication
/news/grundkurs-typographie/Grundkurs Typographie
IMG-ALT Visual Communication
/news/fubu-lecture-martin-wood...FUBU Lecture: Martin Woodtli
IMG-ALT Visual Communication
/news/award-gute-bauten/Award Gute Bauten
IMG-ALT Projekt des Gewinnerteams: Corina Farkas, Andreas Hänggi, Yoëlle Reinle
/news/break-up-in-a-vacuum/How to break up with your boyfriend in a vacuum?
IMG-ALT 75000 FUTURES, ein Projekt von Gunnar Green und Bernd Hopfengärtner
/news/alles/Alles Workshop mit Julia Born und Laurenz Brunner
/news/einfach-ist-kompliziert-...Einfach ist kompliziert genug
IMG-ALT Visual Communication
/news/bauernzeitung/BauernZeitung 2.0
IMG-ALT Visual Communication
/news/50-jahre-royal-classic/50 Jahre Royal Classic
IMG-ALT Visual Communication

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Visual Communication ZHdK

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Visual Communication79%Check
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