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Home - WOAH - World Organisation for Animal Health
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Meta descripción
(Extremadamente importante)
The World Organisation for Animal Health (WOAH). Also known as Organización Mundial de Sanidad Animal (OMSA)
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descriptionThe World Organisation for Animal Health (WOAH). Also known as Organización Mundial de Sanidad Animal (OMSA)
og:titleHome - WOAH - World Organisation for Animal Health
og:descriptionThe World Organisation for Animal Health (WOAH). Also known as Organización Mundial de Sanidad Animal (OMSA)
og:site_nameWOAH - World Organisation for Animal Health
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Lista de medios

URLAtributo ALTTítulo
...versary-primary-logo-orange-gold-eng.pngCarece de atributo ALT
data:[...] Base64Carece de atributo ALT
data:[...] Base64Revised AMR standards
data:[...] Base64WOAH official status recognition_family bonding with cattle
data:[...] Base64transboundary animal disease control_shepherd moving his sheep in a fog
data:[...] Base64Animal Welfare during slaughter_Shot of a young farmer tending to his flock of chickens in the field
data:[...] Base64vector-borne diseases surveillance- mosquitoes breeding on a white net
data:[...] Base64animal health-catlle ruminating on grass
data:[...] Base64Performance of Veterinary Service_WOAH PVS Programme
data:[...] Base64foresight project at WOAH_middle eastern kind looking at the camera
data:[...] Base64welfare strategy_an elder in a seated position, smiling while hugging a goat in a seated
data:[...] Base64Tackle AMR_ Two Caucasian scientist testing in a laboratory
data:[...] Base64Animal health information_Two veterinarians wearing a face mask analysing an animal health situation
data:[...] Base64disease survelliance_scientists capturing bats to sample for EBOLA
data:[...] Base64Web page engagement strategies Pdf reader Content sliders Text to speech formats Tabs (sticky) and large Sticky nav bar
data:[...] Base64Indonesian Media
data:[...] Base64A herd of cattle
data:[...] Base64EBO-SURSY Radio_Young Africans going through a training
data:[...] Base64seasonal-movement-of-livestock
data:[...] Base64singapore-food-security
data:[...] Base64Namibia battle rabies success story.
data:[...] Base64El Nino animal health
data:[...] Base64Building preparedness through simulation exercises
data:[...] Base64BSE Standard
data:[...] Base64equine standards_movement_of_horses
data:[...] Base64Veterinary vaccines_The case of rabies and ppr
data:[...] Base64Avian influenza control
data:[...] Base64Carece de atributo ALT
data:[...] Base64Dr Monique Éloit Director General of WOAH
data:[...] Base64Animal transport: implementing welfare regulations in the field
data:[...] Base64Empowering veterinary paraprofessionals through education
data:[...] Base64involving-the-private-sector-to-upscale-livestock-vaccination
data:[...] Base64Early-warning systems: modeling the spread of vector-borne diseases
data:[...] Base64Carece de atributo ALT
data:[...] Base64Expertise networks: “We are the eyes and ears on animal influenza”
data:[...] Base64Protecting wildlife against avian influenza
data:[...] Base64Capacity building activity
data:[...] Base64Drone View Fish Farms in the Sea
data:[...] Base64FMD vaccionation in Namibia
data:[...] Base64Carece de atributo ALT
data:[...] Base64Monkeypox can spread back to animals from humans
data:[...] Base64Carece de atributo ALT
data:[...] Base64dog population management
data:[...] Base64Carece de atributo ALT
data:[...] Base64©World Organisation for Animal Health/A.Poirier
data:[...] Base64Building resilience against agro-terrorism and agro-crime
data:[...] Base64Carece de atributo ALT
data:[...] Base64Ten years on, Rinderpest eradication remains a testimony of the value of vaccines
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.../en-woah-100-film-youtube-thumbnails.jpgCarece de atributo ALT
data:[...] Base64One Health
data:[...] Base64Antimicrobial resistance
data:[...] Base64Disease Data Collection
data:[...] Base64Carece de atributo ALT
data:[...] Base64Aquatic Animals
data:[...] Base64Carece de atributo ALT
data:[...] Base64Carece de atributo ALT
data:[...] Base64Carece de atributo ALT
data:[...] Base64Carece de atributo ALT
data:[...] Base64Carece de atributo ALT
data:[...] Base64Carece de atributo ALT
data:[...] Base64Carece de atributo ALT
data:[...] Base64Carece de atributo ALT
data:[...] Base64Carece de atributo ALT
data:[...] Base64Carece de atributo ALT
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Estructura de la página

Encabezado H1
(Extremadamente importante)
No se ha detectado ningún encabezado H1.
En la estructura de los encabezados H faltan uno o varios niveles.
Hay 78 encabezados H en esta página. La cantidad de encabezados debería guardar una mejor proporción en relación al texto.

Estructura de los encabezados

Jerarquía de encabezadosContenido
H2 A century of improving animal health and welfare
H2 Latest news
H2 Stories
H2 A 100-year journey across generations
H2 Animal Diseases
H2 Science based publications
H2 Newsletter
H3 Dr Emmanuelle Soubeyran elected as new Director General of the World Organisation for Animal Health
H3 Revised standards: strengthened actions to contain AMR
H3 Five countries receive official recognition of animal health status from WOAH
H3 GF-TADs: Marking two decades of multilateral efforts in transboundary animal disease control
H3 WOAH Members adopt a revised standard on animal welfare during slaughter
H3 Vector-borne diseases surveillance: a global health imperative
H3 100 years of championing animal health and welfare
H3 17 years strengthening the performance of Veterinary Services
H3 The futures of animal health and welfare: leveraging foresight for strategic thinking
H3 Fostering a “shared understanding of animal welfare”
H3 WOAH takes a leadership role in tackling antimicrobial resistance
H3 From telegrams to data visualisation: a century of animal health information
H3 EBO-SURSY Project partners with countries to develop disease surveillance protocols
H3 EBO-SURSY Project’s seven-year impact on wildlife health in Africa
H3 Engaging Indonesian Media in the Fight against Antimicrobial Resistance
H3 GBADs programme: empowering decision-making on livestock health through comprehensive data in Ethiopia
H3 EBO-SURSY Radio betters community’s relationship with veterinarians
H3 Safeguarding livestock during seasonal movements
H3 Singapore: improving food security through compartmentalisation
H3 Namibia’s battle against rabies: a One Health success story
H3 The wide-ranging impacts of El Niño on wildlife and animal health
H3 Animal health emergencies: Building preparedness through simulation exercises
H3 WOAH Members adopt a revised standard on BSE
H3 WOAH updates equine standards to reduce obstacles to the movement of competition horses
H3 Trends in the use of veterinary vaccines: the case of rabies and PPR
H3 Sharing expertise to rethink avian influenza prevention and control efforts
H3 The PVS Pathway reports: tools for advocacy
H3 “The veterinary workforce plays a key role in the global One Health agenda”
H3 Animal transport: implementing welfare regulations in the field
H3 Empowering veterinary paraprofessionals through education
H3 Involving the private sector to upscale livestock vaccination
H3 Early-warning systems: modeling the spread of vector-borne diseases
H3 Field simulation trainings to support emergency preparedness
H3 Expertise network: “We are the eyes and ears on animal influenza”
H3 Protecting wildlife health by enhancing surveillance systems
H3 Capacity building: scaling up WOAH’s digital support for the veterinary workforce
H3 ANIMUSE: monitoring antimicrobial use in animals
H3 How WOAH International Standards contribute to boosting trade: the case of Namibia
H3 Animal health through an economic lens
H3 Remaining on alert: how monkeypox could spread back to animals from humans
H3 Turning the tide in aquatic animal diseases with better surveillance
H3 Stepping up dog population management to achieve rabies elimination
H3 Egg prices on the rise: the effects of animal diseases
H3 Prevention is better than a cure: delivering quality vaccines to stop the spread of animal diseases
H3 Building resilience against agro-terrorism and agro-crime
H3 Enhancing veterinary laboratory capacity in COVID-19’s wake through the first-ever virtual WOAH PVS mission
H3 Ten years on, Rinderpest eradication highlights the value of vaccines
H3 Antimicrobial Resistance
H3 Avian Influenza
H3 Nipah virus
H3 Rabies
H3 MPox (monkeypox)
H3 Peste des petits ruminants
H3 Foot and mouth disease
H3 African swine fever
H3 Working across borders to foster a One Health approach to global health. The health of animals and the environment strongly depend on human activities.
H3 One Health
H3 Antimicrobial resistance
H3 Disease Data Collection
H3 Animal Welfare
H3 Aquatic animals
H3 Addressing African Swine Fever: Protocols and Guidelines for Laboratory Diagnosis
H3 Guidelines for Addressing Disease Risks in Wildlife Trade
H3 Global Rinderpest Action Plan, 2nd Edition
H3 The Futures of Collaboration, Partnership and Multilateralism 2050
H3 Practical Guidelines for National Procurement of Veterinary Vaccines
H3 Safe commodity assessments for listed aquatic animal diseases (2023)
H3 Pharmacovigilance manual
H3 An Overview of the Futures Literacy Laboratory on 'The Futures of Climate Responses, 2040
H3 GF-TADs: GCC-FMD Meeting Report
H3 Rinderpest and its eradication
Algunos textos ancla son demasiado largos.
Algunos enlaces internos contienen parámetros dinámicos. Las URL internas no deberían contener parámetros dinámicos, salvo que estén marcadas como nofollow.
Algunos textos ancla se repiten más de una vez en varios enlaces.
La cantidad de enlaces internos es adecuada.
Hay 18 enlaces externos en esta página.
EnlacePropiedadesTexto ancla ancla Direct access to content ancla Direct access to research ancla Direct access to menu Sin texto ancla Search fr es
/en/what-we-do/standards/codes...Subdominio Codes and Manuals
/en/what-we-do/publications/Nueva ventana Subdominio Publications ventana Externo Subdominio Documentary Portal ventana Externo Subdominio Training Platform ventana Externo Subdominio ANIMUSE ventana Externo Subdominio PVSIS
/en/ebookshop/Subdominio Bookshop
/en/ebookshop/cart/Subdominio Cart
/en/ebookshop/my-account/Subdominio My account Texto duplicado fr Texto duplicado es
/en/what-we-do/animal-health-a...Subdominio Animal Diseases
/en/disease/avian-influenza/Subdominio Avian Influenza
/en/event/91st-general-session...Subdominio 91st General Session ancla Texto duplicado Search
/en/who-we-are/Subdominio Who we are
/en/who-we-are/mission/Subdominio Mission
/en/who-we-are/advocacy/Subdominio Advocacy
/en/who-we-are/strategy/Subdominio Strategy
/en/who-we-are/structure/Subdominio Structure
/en/who-we-are/members/Subdominio Members
/en/who-we-are/collaborate-wit...Subdominio Collaborate with us
/en/what-we-do/Subdominio What we do
/en/what-we-do/animal-health-a...Subdominio Animal Health and Welfare
/en/what-we-do/animal-health-a...Subdominio Texto duplicado Animal Diseases
/en/what-we-do/animal-health-a...Subdominio Disease Data Collection
/en/what-we-do/animal-health-a...Subdominio Animal Welfare
/en/what-we-do/animal-health-a...Subdominio Wildlife Health
/en/what-we-do/animal-health-a...Subdominio Official Disease Status
/en/what-we-do/standards/Subdominio Standards
/en/what-we-do/standards/codes...Subdominio Texto duplicado Codes and Manuals
/en/what-we-do/standards/stand...Subdominio Standard-Setting Process
/en/what-we-do/standards/obser...Subdominio Observatory
/en/what-we-do/global-initiati...Subdominio Disease Eradication
/en/what-we-do/global-initiati...Subdominio Antimicrobial resistance
/en/what-we-do/global-initiati...Subdominio One Health
/en/what-we-do/global-initiati...Subdominio Biological threat reduction
/en/what-we-do/global-initiati...Subdominio Food Safety
/en/what-we-do/publications/Subdominio Texto duplicado Publications
/en/what-we-offer/Subdominio What we offer
/en/what-we-offer/improving-ve...Subdominio Improving Veterinary Services
/en/what-we-offer/improving-ve...Subdominio PVS Pathway
/en/what-we-offer/improving-ve...Subdominio Vaccine banks
/en/what-we-offer/expertise-ne...Subdominio Expertise Network
/en/what-we-offer/safe-trade-a...Subdominio Safe Trade and Movement of Animals
/en/what-we-offer/self-declare...Subdominio Self-declared Disease Status
/en/what-we-offer/veterinary-p...Subdominio Veterinary products
/en/what-we-offer/emergency-pr...Subdominio Emergency Preparedness
/en/woah-turns-100-a-century-o...Subdominio Our 100th Anniversary
/en/woah-turns-100-a-century-o...Subdominio WOAH turns 100: A century of improving animal health and welfare 
/en/anniversaryreflections/Nueva ventana Subdominio Anniversary Reflections
/en/woah-turns-100-a-century-o...Subdominio Share your anniversary wish
/en/woah-turns-100-a-century-o...Subdominio Wall of anniversary wishes
/en/woah-turns-100-a-century-o...Subdominio A century strong: our history
/en/woah-turns-100-a-century-o...Subdominio The anniversary around the world Media
/en/media/news/Subdominio News
/en/media/events/Subdominio Events ventana Externo Subdominio Texto ancla WAHIS
/en/anniversaryreflections/Nueva ventana Subdominio Explore our journey
/en/media/news/Subdominio See all
/en/dr-emmanuelle-soubeyran-el...Subdominio Dr Emmanuelle Soubeyran elected as new Director General of the World Organisation for Animal Health
A-TITLE Dr Emmanuelle Soubeyran elected as new Director General of the World Organisation for Animal Health
/en/revised-standards-strength...Subdominio Revised standards: strengthened actions to contain AMR
A-TITLE Revised standards: strengthened actions to contain AMR
/en/five-countries-receive-off...Subdominio Five countries receive official recognition of animal health status from WOAH
A-TITLE Five countries receive official recognition of animal health status from WOAH
/en/marking-two-decades-of-mul...Subdominio GF-TADs: Marking two decades of multilateral efforts in transboundary animal disease control
A-TITLE GF-TADs: Marking two decades of multilateral efforts in transboundary animal disease control
/en/article/woah-members-adopt...Subdominio WOAH Members adopt a revised standard on animal welfare during slaughter
A-TITLE WOAH Members adopt a revised standard on animal welfare during slaughter
/en/article/vector-borne-disea...Subdominio Vector-borne diseases surveillance: a global health imperative
A-TITLE Vector-borne diseases surveillance: a global health imperative
/en/article/100-years-of-champ...Subdominio 100 years of championing animal health and welfare
A-TITLE 100 years of championing animal health and welfare
/en/article/17-years-strengthe...Subdominio 17 years strengthening the performance of Veterinary Services
A-TITLE 17 years strengthening the performance of Veterinary Services
/en/article/the-futures-of-ani...Subdominio The futures of animal health and welfare: leveraging foresight for strategic thinking
A-TITLE The futures of animal health and welfare: leveraging foresight for strategic thinking
/en/article/fostering-a-shared...Subdominio Fostering a “shared understanding of animal welfare”
A-TITLE Fostering a “shared understanding of animal welfare”
/en/article/woah-takes-a-leade...Subdominio WOAH takes a leadership role in tackling antimicrobial resistance
A-TITLE WOAH takes a leadership role in tackling antimicrobial resistance
/en/article/from-telegrams-to-...Subdominio From telegrams to data visualisation: a century of animal health information
A-TITLE From telegrams to data visualisation: a century of animal health information
/en/article/ebo-sursy-project-...Subdominio EBO-SURSY Project partners with countries to develop disease surveillance protocols
A-TITLE EBO-SURSY Project partners with countries to develop disease surveillance protocols
/en/article/ebo-sursy-projects...Subdominio EBO-SURSY Project’s seven-year impact on wildlife health in Africa
A-TITLE EBO-SURSY Project’s seven-year impact on wildlife health in Africa
/en/article/engaging-indonesia...Subdominio Engaging Indonesian Media in the Fight against Antimicrobial Resistance
A-TITLE Engaging Indonesian Media in the Fight against Antimicrobial Resistance
/en/article/gbads-programme-em...Subdominio GBADs programme: empowering decision-making on livestock health through comprehensive data in Ethiopia
A-TITLE GBADs programme: empowering decision-making on livestock health through comprehensive data in Ethiopia
/en/article/ebo-sursy-radio-be...Subdominio EBO-SURSY Radio betters community’s relationship with veterinarians
A-TITLE EBO-SURSY Radio betters community’s relationship with veterinarians
/en/article/safeguarding-lives...Subdominio Safeguarding livestock during seasonal movements
A-TITLE Safeguarding livestock during seasonal movements
/en/article/singapore-improvin...Subdominio Singapore: improving food security through compartmentalisation
A-TITLE Singapore: improving food security through compartmentalisation
/en/article/namibias-battle-ag...Subdominio Namibia’s battle against rabies: a One Health success story
A-TITLE Namibia’s battle against rabies: a One Health success story
/en/article/the-wide-ranging-i...Subdominio The wide-ranging impacts of El Niño on wildlife and animal health
A-TITLE The wide-ranging impacts of El Niño on wildlife and animal health
/en/article/animal-health-emer...Subdominio Animal health emergencies: Building preparedness through simulation exercises
A-TITLE Animal health emergencies: Building preparedness through simulation exercises
/en/article/woah-members-adopt...Subdominio WOAH Members adopt a revised standard on BSE
A-TITLE WOAH Members adopt a revised standard on BSE
/en/article/woah-updates-equin...Subdominio WOAH updates equine standards to reduce obstacles to the movement of competition horses
A-TITLE WOAH updates equine standards to reduce obstacles to the movement of competition horses
/en/article/trends-in-the-use-...Subdominio Trends in the use of veterinary vaccines: the case of rabies and PPR
A-TITLE Trends in the use of veterinary vaccines: the case of rabies and PPR
/en/article/sharing-expertise-...Subdominio Sharing expertise to rethink avian influenza prevention and control efforts
A-TITLE Sharing expertise to rethink avian influenza prevention and control efforts
/en/article/the-pvs-pathway-re...Subdominio The PVS Pathway reports: tools for advocacy
A-TITLE The PVS Pathway reports: tools for advocacy
/en/article/the-veterinary-wor...Subdominio “The veterinary workforce plays a key role in the global One Health agenda”
A-TITLE “The veterinary workforce plays a key role in the global One Health agenda”
/en/article/animal-transport-i...Subdominio Animal transport: implementing welfare regulations in the field
A-TITLE Animal transport: implementing welfare regulations in the field
/en/article/empowering-veterin...Subdominio Empowering veterinary paraprofessionals through education
A-TITLE Empowering veterinary paraprofessionals through education
/en/article/involving-the-priv...Subdominio Involving the private sector to upscale livestock vaccination
A-TITLE Involving the private sector to upscale livestock vaccination
/en/article/early-warning-syst...Subdominio Early-warning systems: modeling the spread of vector-borne diseases
A-TITLE Early-warning systems: modeling the spread of vector-borne diseases
/en/article/field-simulation-t...Subdominio Field simulation trainings to support emergency preparedness
A-TITLE Field simulation trainings to support emergency preparedness
/en/article/expertise-network-...Subdominio Expertise network: “We are the eyes and ears on animal influenza”
A-TITLE Expertise network: “We are the eyes and ears on animal influenza”
/en/article/protecting-wildlif...Subdominio Protecting wildlife health by enhancing surveillance systems
A-TITLE Protecting wildlife health by enhancing surveillance systems
/en/article/scaling-up-digital...Subdominio Capacity building: scaling up WOAH’s digital support for the veterinary workforce
A-TITLE Capacity building: scaling up WOAH’s digital support for the veterinary workforce
/en/article/animuse-monitoring...Subdominio ANIMUSE: monitoring antimicrobial use in animals
A-TITLE ANIMUSE: monitoring antimicrobial use in animals
/en/article/how-woah-internati...Subdominio How WOAH International Standards contribute to boosting trade: the case of Namibia
A-TITLE How WOAH International Standards contribute to boosting trade: the case of Namibia
/en/article/animal-health-thro...Subdominio Animal health through an economic lens
A-TITLE Animal health through an economic lens
/en/article/remaining-on-alert...Subdominio Remaining on alert: how monkeypox could spread back to animals from humans
A-TITLE Remaining on alert: how monkeypox could spread back to animals from humans
/en/article/turning-the-tide-i...Subdominio Turning the tide in aquatic animal diseases with better surveillance
A-TITLE Turning the tide in aquatic animal diseases with better surveillance
/en/article/stepping-up-dog-po...Subdominio Stepping up dog population management to achieve rabies elimination
A-TITLE Stepping up dog population management to achieve rabies elimination
/en/article/egg-prices-on-the-...Subdominio Egg prices on the rise: the effects of animal diseases
A-TITLE Egg prices on the rise: the effects of animal diseases
/en/article/prevention-is-bett...Subdominio Prevention is better than a cure: delivering quality vaccines to stop the spread of animal diseases
A-TITLE Prevention is better than a cure: delivering quality vaccines to stop the spread of animal diseases
/en/article/building-resilienc...Subdominio Building resilience against agro-terrorism and agro-crime
A-TITLE Building resilience against agro-terrorism and agro-crime
/en/article/enhancing-veterina...Subdominio Enhancing veterinary laboratory capacity in COVID-19’s wake through the first-ever virtual WOAH PVS mission
A-TITLE Enhancing veterinary laboratory capacity in COVID-19’s wake through the first-ever virtual WOAH PVS mission
/en/article/ten-years-on-rinde...Subdominio Ten years on, Rinderpest eradication highlights the value of vaccines
A-TITLE Ten years on, Rinderpest eradication highlights the value of vaccines
/en/document/enhanced-surveill...Subdominio Discover the key findings Sin texto
/en/what-we-do/animal-health-a...Subdominio Texto duplicado See all
/en/disease/avian-influenza/Subdominio Texto duplicado Avian Influenza
A-TITLE Avian Influenza
/en/what-we-do/standards/codes...Subdominio Chapter 10.4. Infection with High Pathogenicity Avian Influenza Viruses
/fileadmin/Home/eng/Health_sta...Nueva ventana Subdominio Chapter 3.3.4. Avian Influenza (Including infection with High Pathogenicity Avian Influenza Viruses)
/en/disease/nipah-virus/Subdominio Nipah virus
A-TITLE Nipah virus
/fileadmin/Home/eng/Health_sta...Nueva ventana Subdominio Chapter 3.1.15. Nipah and Hendra virus diseases
/en/disease/rabies/Subdominio Rabies
A-TITLE Rabies
/en/what-we-do/standards/codes...Subdominio Chapter 5.11. Model veterinary certificate for international movement of dogs, cats and ferrets originating from countries considered infected with rabies
/fileadmin/Home/eng/Health_sta...Nueva ventana Subdominio Chapter 3.1.18. Infection with rabies virus and other lyssaviruses
/en/disease/monkeypox/Subdominio MPox (monkeypox)
A-TITLE MPox (monkeypox)
/en/disease/peste-des-petits-r...Subdominio Peste des petits ruminants
A-TITLE Peste des petits ruminants
/en/what-we-do/standards/codes...Subdominio Chapter 14.7. Infection with Peste des Petits Ruminants virus
/fileadmin/Home/eng/Health_sta...Nueva ventana Subdominio Chapter 3.8.9. Peste des petits ruminants (infection with small ruminant morbillivirus)
/en/disease/foot-and-mouth-dis...Subdominio Foot and mouth disease
A-TITLE Foot and mouth disease
/en/what-we-do/standards/codes...Subdominio Chapter 8.8. Infection with Foot And Mouth Disease virus
/fileadmin/Home/eng/Health_sta...Nueva ventana Subdominio Chapter 3.1.8. Foot and Mouth Disease (Infection with Foot and Mouth Disease virus)
/en/disease/african-swine-fever/Subdominio African swine fever
A-TITLE African swine fever
/en/what-we-do/standards/codes...Subdominio Chapter 15.1. Infection with African Swine Fever Virus
/fileadmin/Home/eng/Health_sta...Subdominio Chapter 3.8.1 African Swine Fever (Infection with African Swine Fever Virus)
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A-TITLE One Health
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/en/document/addressing-africa...Subdominio Addressing African Swine Fever: Protocols and Guidelines for Laboratory Diagnosis
A-TITLE Addressing African Swine Fever: Protocols and Guidelines for Laboratory Diagnosis
/app/uploads/2024/06/woah-asf-...Nueva ventana Subdominio See the document
A-TITLE Addressing African Swine Fever: Protocols and Guidelines for Laboratory Diagnosis (New window)
/en/document/guidelines-for-ad...Subdominio Guidelines for Addressing Disease Risks in Wildlife Trade
A-TITLE Guidelines for Addressing Disease Risks in Wildlife Trade
/app/uploads/2024/05/wildlife-...Nueva ventana Subdominio Texto duplicado See the document
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/en/document/global-rinderpest...Subdominio Global Rinderpest Action Plan, 2nd Edition
A-TITLE Global Rinderpest Action Plan
/app/uploads/2024/06/grap-2nd-...Nueva ventana Subdominio Texto duplicado See the document
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/en/document/the-futures-of-co...Subdominio The Futures of Collaboration, Partnership and Multilateralism 2050
A-TITLE The Futures of Collaboration, Partnership and Multilateralism 2050
/app/uploads/2024/04/woah-the-...Nueva ventana Subdominio Texto duplicado See the document
A-TITLE The Futures of Collaboration, Partnership and Multilateralism 2050 (New window)
/en/document/practical-guideli...Subdominio Practical Guidelines for National Procurement of Veterinary Vaccines
A-TITLE Practical Guidelines for National Procurement of Veterinary Vaccines
/app/uploads/2024/01/en-guidel...Nueva ventana Subdominio Texto duplicado See the document
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/en/document/safe-commodity-as...Subdominio Safe commodity assessments for listed aquatic animal diseases (2023)
A-TITLE Safe commodity assessments for WOAH listed aquatic animal diseases (2023)
/app/uploads/2023/04/safe-comm...Nueva ventana Subdominio Texto duplicado See the document
A-TITLE Safe commodity assessments for WOAH listed aquatic animal diseases (2023) (New window)
/en/document/pharmacovigilance/Subdominio Pharmacovigilance manual
A-TITLE How to set up a pharmacovigilance system for veterinary medicinal products
/app/uploads/2023/02/af-bookfa...Nueva ventana Subdominio Texto duplicado See the document
A-TITLE How to set up a pharmacovigilance system for veterinary medicinal products (New window)
/en/document/an-overview-of-th...Subdominio An Overview of the Futures Literacy Laboratory on 'The Futures of Climate Responses, 2040
A-TITLE An Overview of the Futures Literacy Laboratory on ‘The Futures of Climate Responses, 2040
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A-TITLE An Overview of the Futures Literacy Laboratory on ‘The Futures of Climate Responses, 2040 (New window)
/en/document/2022-137_2nd-gcc-...Subdominio GF-TADs: GCC-FMD Meeting Report
A-TITLE 2nd Meeting of the Global Coordination Committee on Foot and Mouth Disease (GCC-FMD). Report of the virtual meeting, 12 April 2022
/app/uploads/2022/11/cc2457en.pdfNueva ventana Subdominio Texto duplicado See the document
A-TITLE 2nd Meeting of the Global Coordination Committee on Foot and Mouth Disease (GCC-FMD). Report of the virtual meeting, 12 April 2022 (New window)
/en/document/rinderpest-and-it...Subdominio Rinderpest and its eradication
A-TITLE Rinderpest and its eradication
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