Wunderlabel.com - SEO Checker

Visión general del análisis SEO
Calidad de la página
Factores externos
Puntuación SEO
Tiempo de carga
0,20 s
Tamaño HTML
221,70 kB
Cantidad de enlaces
252 internos / 30 externos

Lista de tareas pendientes para mejorar tu SEO


(Extremadamente importante)
Clothing labels » personalize & buy online | Wunderlabel
La longitud del título es óptima (504 píxeles de una longitud máxima de 580 píxeles).
No se repite ninguna palabra en el título.
Meta descripción
(Extremadamente importante)
Design your own individual custom clothing labels online ✓ Name Label, Logo Label, Care Tag ✓ Starting at 5 pieces ✓ with your own logo ✓ with text & symbol ✓ durable » Buy Clothing Tag Now!
La meta descripción es demasiado larga: 1000 píxelesOptimizar la descripción.
(Extremadamente importante)
No se detectan problemas para acceder al sitio web.
Redirección canónica
La página tiene una redirección canónica correcta.
(Poco importante)
Idioma reconocido automáticamente en el contenido: en
Idioma declarado en el código HTML: en-us
Ubicación geográfica del servidor: Estados Unidos de América
El idioma ha sido correctamente declarado en el código HTML: en-us.
Enlaces Alternate/Hreflang
(Poco importante)
La misma URL se repite varias veces en los enlaces alternativos.
Otras Metaetiquetas
(Poco importante)
No se detecta ninguna metaetiqueta de paginación rel next en la página.
No se detecta ninguna metaetiqueta de paginación rel prev en la página.
(Poco importante)
El dominio no es un subdominio.
La longitud del nombre del dominio es buena.
El dominio no contiene caracteres especiales.
URL de la página
(Poco importante)
No se detecta ningún parámetro dinámico en la URL.
No se detecta ningún ID de sesión en la URL.
La URL no contiene demasiados subdirectorios.
Codificación de caracteres
(Poco importante)
La codificación de caracteres (UTF-8) ha sido declarada correctamente.
La etiqueta doctype HTML 5 está configurada correctamente.
La declaración del doctype se ubica al inicio del código HTML.
El favicon está enlazado correctamente.


generatorTYPO3 CMS
viewportwidth=device-width, initial-scale=1.0
descriptionDesign your own individual custom clothing labels online ✓ Name Label, Logo Label, Care Tag ✓ Starting at 5 pieces ✓ with your own logo ✓ with text & symbol ✓ durable » Buy Clothing Tag Now!

¡Analiza ya gratis hasta 1.000 páginas de wunderlabel.com!

Registrarme Gratis
Puedes usar la suscripción Básica por tiempo ilimitado.

Calidad de la página

(Extremadamente importante)
El contenido de esta página es demasiado extenso (4058 palabras). Tal vez podrías dividirlo en varias páginas según el tema.
Un 31.8% del contenido está constituido por palabras vacías.
Las palabras clave del título también se repiten en el texto del cuerpo.
Las palabras del encabezado H1 también aparecen en el cuerpo del texto.
La página contiene un listado, lo que indica una buena estructuración del contenido.
Se han encontrado 61 párrafos en esta página.
No se detecta ningún placeholder de texto ni imagen.
No se detecta contenido duplicado.
La cantidad media de palabras por frase es buena: 17.7 palabras.
(Extremadamente importante)
Esta página no utiliza ningún frameset.
Optimización para móviles
(Poco importante)
No se ha especificado ningún icono de Apple Touch.
El valor de la etiqueta viewport es correcto: (width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0).
Etiquetas Bold y Strong
(Poco importante)
Algunas etiquetas se repiten, como por ejemplo: sew on.
Optimización de imágenes
(Poco importante)
La descripción del atributo ALT se utiliza correctamente en todas las imágenes rastreadas.
Redes Sociales
Esta página apenas ofrece posibilidades de compartir el contenido en redes sociales. Con la integración de widgets puedes conseguir que tus contenidos se popularicen en redes.
Etiquetas markup adicionales
No se detecta ninguna etiqueta markup (de Schema.org) adicional.
(Poco importante)
El sitio utiliza HTTPS para transferir datos de forma segura.
Todos los archivos incluidos se transfieren a través de HTTPS.

Lista de medios

URLAtributo ALTTítulo
/images/logo/wl_logo.pngLogo wunderlabel
/images/logo/wl_logo.pngLogo wunderlabel
/assets/images/spinner.svgWoven Labels
/assets/images/spinner.svgPrinted Labels
/assets/images/spinner.svgLogo Labels
/assets/images/spinner.svgLaundry Labels
/assets/images/spinner.svgLeather Labels
/assets/images/spinner.svgCotton Labels
/assets/images/spinner.svgDTF Transfers
/assets/images/spinner.svgHang Tags
/assets/images/spinner.svgLogo Hang Tags
/assets/images/spinner.svgLogo Stickers
/assets/images/spinner.svgSchool Labels
/assets/images/spinner.svgPrinted Ribbon
/assets/images/spinner.svgPrinted Ribbon - with your logo
/assets/images/spinner.svgBusiness Cards
/assets/images/spinner.svgSize Labels
/assets/images/spinner.svgWoven Flag labels
/assets/images/spinner.svgGift Voucher
/assets/images/spinner.svgSample Pack
/assets/images/spinner.svgPre-Designed Labels
/assets/images/spinner.svgHang Tag Cords & Ribbons
.../Stage-Imgs/wunderlabel-webetiketten.pngwoven labels
.../Stage-Imgs/wunderlabel-webetiketten.pngwoven labels
...oke_Labels/logo-etiketten-woven-logo.pngLogo labels
/assets/images/spinner.svgcustom wristbands
/assets/images/spinner.svgHang tags
/assets/images/spinner.svgHang tags
/assets/images/spinner.svgcustom wristbands
/assets/images/spinner.svglaundry labels
/assets/images/spinner.svglaundry labels
..._productmodule_redesign_1_3c9cbdce20.jpgwoven labels
...roduct-Imgs/productmodule_redesign_2.jpglogo labels
...roduct-Imgs/productmodule_redesign_3.jpgprinted labels
...roduct-Imgs/productmodule_redesign_4.jpglaundry labels
/assets/images/spinner.svgPrinted Wristbands with LogoPrinted Wristbands with Logo
/assets/images/spinner.svgDiscover 8 new ribbon colours for any occasion!Discover 8 new ribbon colours for any occasion!
/assets/images/spinner.svgDTF Neck LabelsDTF Neck Labels
/assets/images/spinner.svgNew Kids' School Sticker setNew Kids' School Sticker set
/assets/images/spinner.svgDTF Custom Heat TransfersDTF Custom Heat Transfers
/assets/images/spinner.svgPremium Leather Labels with LogoPremium Leather Labels with Logo
/assets/images/spinner.svgMetal closures for WristbandsMetal closures for Wristbands
/assets/images/spinner.svgfree samples
.../Redesign_Home/USP-Icons/top-quality.pngsuperior quality
.../Redesign_Home/USP-Icons/individuell.pnghighly individual
...design_Home/USP-Icons/lightning-fast.pnglightning fast
...n_Home/USP-Icons/in-house-production.pngin-house production
..._Home/USP-Icons/super-low-quantities.pngsuper low quantities
...nds_of_labels_and_ribbons_bc68e2c588.jpgTypes of clothing labels
...essed_/c/d/csm_seo_img_01_a0bb1fd36d.jpgHow to Create Clothing Labels
...essed_/5/d/csm_seo_img_03_7a33b0682f.jpgIt's easy to order your garment labels.
...estrickt-woven-label-logo_43f475f87e.jpgclothing labels with logo
...estrickt-woven-label-logo_43f475f87e.jpgclothing labels with logo
...te-etiketten-woven-labels_5ed206934a.jpgCustom Labels from WunderlabelPersonalized Clothing Labels and Their Benefits
/images/logo/wl_logo.pngLogo wunderlabel

Estructura de la página

Encabezado H1
(Extremadamente importante)
Clothing Labels: Design Made Easy
El encabezado H1 es óptimo.
Los encabezados H están perfectamente ordenados.

Estructura de los encabezados

Jerarquía de encabezadosContenido
H1 Clothing Labels: Design Made Easy
H2 High Quality Custom Clothing Labels
H2 Advantages of Personalized Clothing Tags
H2 Types of Custom Fabric Labels for Clothing
H2 Materials of Printed and Woven Labels
H2 Leather Labels with Your Logo or Text
H2 How to Create Clothing Labels
H2 Why Should I Buy Clothing Labels?
H3 Woven Labels
H3 Logo Labels
H3 Printed Labels
H3 Laundry Labels
H3 NEW in our shop
H3 Custom Woven Clothing Tags
H3 Custom Printed Clothing Labels
H3 Iron-on On Clothing Transfers
H3 Personalized clothing labels
H3 Woven Labels with your Logo
H3 The Advantages of Ordering Custom Labels from Wunderlabel
H3 An Overview of Wunderlabel Fabric Labels
H4 Information
Página base: https://wunderlabel.com/
Algunos textos ancla son demasiado largos.
Algunos enlaces internos contienen parámetros dinámicos. Las URL internas no deberían contener parámetros dinámicos, salvo que estén marcadas como nofollow.
Algunos textos ancla se repiten más de una vez en varios enlaces.
2 enlaces cerecen de un texto ancla.
La cantidad de enlaces internos es adecuada.
Hay demasiados enlaces externos (30) en esta página.
EnlacePropiedadesTexto ancla
https://wunderlabel.com/wunderlabel ®
IMG-ALT Logo wunderlabel
/contact-us/Help & Service
/order-status/Order Status
https://wunderlabel.com/login/Login to your Account
https://wunderlabel.com/IMG-ALT Logo wunderlabel
/personalized-labels/Personalized Labels
/hang-tags/Hang Tags
/Externo In Stock
/order-status/Sin texto
https://wunderlabel.com/login/Sin texto
https://wunderlabel.com/checkout/Nofollow Go to Checkout
/woven-labels/IMG-ALT Woven Labels
/woven-labels/Texto duplicado Woven Labels
/woven-labels/woven-labels-wit...Woven Labels - Text & Symbol
/woven-labels/woven-labels-wit...Woven Labels - Sparkling Text & Symbol
/printed-labels/IMG-ALT Printed Labels
/printed-labels/Texto duplicado Printed Labels
/printed-labels/printed-labels...Printed Labels - Text & Symbol
/printed-labels/color-printed-...Printed Satin Labels Color
/printed-labels/iron-on-school...Printed Iron-On School Labels
/logo-labels/IMG-ALT Logo Labels
/logo-labels/Texto duplicado Logo Labels
/logo-labels/woven-labels-with...Woven Labels - with your Logo
/logo-labels/professional-prin...PRO Printed Fabric labels
/logo-labels/printed-labels-wi...Printed Labels - with your Logo
/laundry-labels/IMG-ALT Laundry Labels
/laundry-labels/Texto duplicado Laundry Labels
/laundry-labels/composite-laun...Printed Combination Laundry Labels
/laundry-labels/woven-label-te...Woven Laundry Labels
/laundry-labels/printed-label-...Printed Laundry Labels
/leather-labels/IMG-ALT Leather Labels
/leather-labels/Texto duplicado Leather Labels
/leather-labels/leather-labels...Leather Labels - Text & Symbol
/cotton-labels/IMG-ALT Cotton Labels
/cotton-labels/Texto duplicado Cotton Labels
/cotton-labels/cotton-labels-w...Printed Cotton Labels with Text & Symbol
/dtf-transfers/IMG-ALT DTF Transfers
/dtf-transfers/Texto duplicado DTF Transfers
/dtf-transfers/dtf-custom-heat...DTF custom heat transfers
/dtf-transfers/dtf-name-labels...DTF Name Labels for Kids
/hang-tags/Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Hang Tags
/hang-tags/Texto duplicado Hang Tags
/hang-tags/standard/Hang Tags - Text & Symbol
/hang-tags/IMG-ALT Logo Hang Tags
/hang-tags/Texto duplicado Logo Hang Tags
/hang-tags/with-your-logo/Hang Tags - with your Logo
/custom-stickers/Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Stickers
/custom-stickers/Texto duplicado Stickers
/custom-stickers/personalized-...Stickers - Text & Symbol
/custom-stickers/IMG-ALT Logo Stickers
/custom-stickers/Texto duplicado Logo Stickers
/custom-stickers/personalized-...Stickers - with your Logo
/custom-stickers/IMG-ALT School Labels
/custom-stickers/Texto duplicado School Labels
/custom-stickers/kids-school-l...Kids’ School Label Set
/printed-ribbon/IMG-ALT Printed Ribbon
/printed-ribbon/Texto duplicado Printed Ribbon
/printed-ribbon/printed-ribbon...Printed Ribbon - Text & Symbol
/printed-ribbon/IMG-ALT Printed Ribbon - with your logo
/printed-ribbon/Texto duplicado Printed Ribbon - with your logo
/printed-ribbon/with-your-logo/Texto duplicado Printed Ribbon - with your logo
/event-wristbands/IMG-ALT Wristbands
/event-wristbands/Texto duplicado Wristbands
/event-wristbands/printed-even...Printed Wristbands - Text & Symbol
/event-wristbands/woven-event-...Woven Wristbands - Text & Symbol
/business-cards/IMG-ALT Business Cards
/business-cards/Texto duplicado Business Cards
/business-cards/custom-busines...Texto duplicado Business Cards
/size-labels/IMG-ALT Size Labels
/size-labels/Texto duplicado Size Labels
/size-labels/Texto duplicado Size Labels
/size-labels/baby-toddler-size...Baby & Toddler Size Labels
/size-labels/adult-size-labels/Adult Size Labels
/size-labels/size-labels-in-mi...Size Labels in Mixed Bags
/woven-flag-labels/IMG-ALT Woven Flag labels
/woven-flag-labels/Texto duplicado Woven Flag labels
/woven-flag-labels/Texto duplicado Woven Flag labels
/gift-voucher/IMG-ALT Gift Voucher
/gift-voucher/Texto duplicado Gift Voucher
/gift-voucher/Texto duplicado Gift Voucher
/sample-pack/IMG-ALT Sample Pack
/sample-pack/Texto duplicado Sample Pack
/sample-pack/Texto duplicado Sample Pack
https://wunderlabel.com/seasonal/IMG-ALT Seasonal
https://wunderlabel.com/seasonal/Texto duplicado Seasonal
https://wunderlabel.com/seasonal/Texto duplicado Seasonal
/pre-designed-labels/IMG-ALT Pre-Designed Labels
/pre-designed-labels/Texto duplicado Pre-Designed Labels
/pre-designed-labels/Texto duplicado Pre-Designed Labels
/hang-tag-cords-ribbons/IMG-ALT Hang Tag Cords & Ribbons
/hang-tag-cords-ribbons/Texto duplicado Hang Tag Cords & Ribbons
/hang-tag-cords-ribbons/Texto duplicado Hang Tag Cords & Ribbons
https://wunderlabel.com/closures/IMG-ALT Closures
https://wunderlabel.com/closures/Texto duplicado Closures
https://wunderlabel.com/closures/Texto duplicado Closures
/closures/wristband-closures/Wristband Closures
/closures/screws-rivets-for-le...Screws & Rivets for Leather
/woven-labels/woven-labels-wit...Add more Products
https://wunderlabel.com/United States
https://wunderlabel.com.au/Externo Australia
https://wunderlabel.com/en-gb/United Kingdom
https://wunderlabel.com/en-eu/European Union
https://wunderlabel.co.za/Externo South Africa
https://wunderlabel.com.au/Externo New Zealand
https://wunderlabel.com/es-us/Estados Unidos
https://wunderlabel.es/Externo España
https://wunderlabel.fr/Externo France
https://wunderlabel.fr/Externo Belgique
https://wunderlabel.fr/Externo Suisse
https://wunderlabel.de/Externo Deutschland
https://wunderlabel.de/Externo Österreich
https://wunderlabel.de/Externo Schweiz
https://etichettanome.it/Externo Italia
https://wunderlabel.jp/Externo 日本 ( Japan )
https://wunderlabel.se/Externo Sverige
/sustainability/IMG-ALT Stage_Neutral__1_.jpg
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/woven-labels/woven-labels-wit...Woven labels
/woven-labels/woven-labels-wit...Easy to design online
/woven-labels/woven-labels-wit...Start customising
/woven-labels/woven-labels-wit...Texto duplicado IMG-ALT woven labels
/woven-labels/woven-labels-wit...Texto duplicado Woven labels
/woven-labels/woven-labels-wit...Texto duplicado Easy to design online
/woven-labels/woven-labels-wit...Texto duplicado Start customising
/logo-labels/woven-labels-with...IMG-ALT Logo labels
/logo-labels/woven-labels-with...Texto duplicado Logo labels
/logo-labels/woven-labels-with...100% customizable
/logo-labels/woven-labels-with...Texto duplicado Easy to design online
/dtf-transfers/IMG-ALT dtf-transfers-buegelbild.jpg
/logo-labels/professional-prin...IMG-ALT cotton-labels-logo-baumwolletiketten_.jpg
/logo-labels/professional-prin...Cotton Labels with Your Logo
/logo-labels/professional-prin...The natural material combines durability with simple elegance. And they are fully customizable: choose your preferred size and upload your logo.
/logo-labels/professional-prin...Design now
/event-wristbands/IMG-ALT custom wristbands
/hang-tags/standard/IMG-ALT Hang tags
/hang-tags/standard/Texto duplicado Hang tags
/hang-tags/standard/Hang tags really are the perfect way to promote your…
/hang-tags/standard/Texto duplicado Design now
/hang-tags/standard/Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Hang tags
/hang-tags/standard/Texto duplicado Hang tags
/hang-tags/standard/Texto duplicado Hang tags really are the perfect way to promote your…
/hang-tags/standard/Texto duplicado Design now
/event-wristbands/Texto duplicado IMG-ALT custom wristbands
/laundry-labels/composite-laun...IMG-ALT laundry labels
/laundry-labels/composite-laun...Texto duplicado Laundry Labels
/laundry-labels/composite-laun...Up to 5 laundry symbols
/laundry-labels/composite-laun...Texto duplicado Design now
/confidence-in-textiles-oeko-tex/IMG-ALT oeko-tex-standard-100.png
/laundry-labels/composite-laun...Texto duplicado IMG-ALT laundry labels
/laundry-labels/composite-laun...Texto duplicado Laundry Labels
/laundry-labels/composite-laun...Texto duplicado Up to 5 laundry symbols
/laundry-labels/composite-laun...Texto duplicado Design now
/leather-labels/leather-labels...IMG-ALT leather-stage.jpg
/leather-labels/leather-labels...Leather labels
/leather-labels/leather-labels...Our leather labels are made with the finest materials & leathers. Your design can be personalized with your choice of text & a symbol which is laser…
/leather-labels/leather-labels...Start designing now
/sustainability/Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Stage_Neutral__1_.jpg
/sustainability/Find out more
/woven-labels/Nofollow From $18.95C$25.76
IMG-ALT woven labels
/woven-labels/Texto duplicado Woven Labels
/woven-labels/woven-labels-wit...Nofollow With text & symbol
/woven-labels/woven-labels-wit...Nofollow With sparkling text & symbol
/logo-labels/Nofollow From $15.95C$21.68
IMG-ALT logo labels
/logo-labels/Texto duplicado Logo Labels
/logo-labels/woven-labels-with...Nofollow Woven labels with logo
/logo-labels/printed-labels-wi...Nofollow Printed labels with logo
/logo-labels/professional-prin...Nofollow Made of cotton or satin
/printed-labels/Nofollow From $5.95C$8.09
IMG-ALT printed labels
/printed-labels/Texto duplicado Printed Labels
/printed-labels/printed-labels...Nofollow Texto duplicado With text & symbol
/cotton-labels/cotton-labels-w...Nofollow Cotton labels with text & symbol
https://wunderlabel.de/bedruck...Nofollow Externo Iron-on labels made of PU
/laundry-labels/Nofollow From $11.95C$16.24
IMG-ALT laundry labels
/laundry-labels/Texto duplicado Laundry Labels
/laundry-labels/composite-laun...Nofollow Printed combination laundry labels
/laundry-labels/woven-label-te...Nofollow Woven laundry labels
/laundry-labels/printed-label-...Nofollow Printed laundry labels small
/event-wristbands/printed-even...Nofollow Printed Wristbands with Logo
IMG-ALT Printed Wristbands with Logo
/event-wristbands/printed-even...Nofollow Buy now
/printed-ribbon/printed-ribbon...Nofollow Discover 8 new ribbon colours for any occasion!
IMG-ALT Discover 8 new ribbon colours for any occasion!
/printed-ribbon/printed-ribbon...Nofollow Texto duplicado Buy now
/dtf-transfers/dtf-custom-heat...Nofollow DTF Neck Labels
IMG-ALT DTF Neck Labels
/dtf-transfers/dtf-custom-heat...Nofollow Texto duplicado Buy now
/custom-stickers/kids-school-l...Nofollow New Kids' School Sticker set
IMG-ALT New Kids' School Sticker set
/custom-stickers/kids-school-l...Nofollow Texto duplicado Buy now
/dtf-transfers/dtf-custom-heat...Nofollow DTF Custom Heat Transfers
IMG-ALT DTF Custom Heat Transfers
/dtf-transfers/dtf-custom-heat...Nofollow Texto duplicado Buy now
/leather-labels/leather-labels...Nofollow Premium Leather Labels with Logo
IMG-ALT Premium Leather Labels with Logo
/leather-labels/leather-labels...Nofollow Texto duplicado Buy now
https://wunderlabel.com/closures/Nofollow Metal closures for Wristbands
IMG-ALT Metal closures for Wristbands
https://wunderlabel.com/closures/Nofollow Texto duplicado Buy now
/sample-pack/Nofollow Free Samples
IMG-ALT free samples
https://wunderlabel.com/gallery/Nofollow Gallery of products
IMG-ALT teaser_gallery.jpg
/standard-versus-with-your-log...Nofollow Wide range
IMG-ALT teaser_variety.jpg
https://wunderlabel.com/blog/Nofollow Visit Blog
/blog/p/history-of-clothing-la...History of Clothing Labels
/standard-versus-with-your-log...Nofollow Learn more
/blog/p/production-of-clothing...Production Process of Clothing Labels
/blog/p/diy-clothing-labels/Nueva ventana making your own labels at home
/blog/p/how-to-sew-on-clothing...How to Sew on Clothing Labels
/woven-labels/woven-labels-wit...Nofollow personalized clothing labels
/woven-labels/woven-labels-wit...Nofollow woven labels with sparkling text
/logo-labels/woven-labels-with...Nueva ventana Nofollow Woven Labels with your Logo
/blog/p/clothing-label-require...clothing label requirements in the USA
/blog/p/premium-clothing-label...professional quality custom labels
/blog/p/customer-spotlight/Nueva ventana Wunderlabel Customer Spotlight
/blog/p/pillow-business/how to brand your business with custom clothing labels
/blog/p/pillow-business/Nueva ventana guide to building a pillow business
/blog/p/zipper-pouch-tutorial-...Nueva ventana easy zipper pouch tutorial
/blog/p/sewing-cosplay-costume...Nueva ventana sewing Cosplay costumes
/testimonial/★ Customer Reviews
https://www.instagram.com/wund...Nueva ventana Externo Subdominio Texto ancla URL
IMG-ALT https://www.instagram.com/wunderlabel/
A-TITLE https://www.instagram.com/wunderlabel/
https://www.facebook.com/wunde...Nueva ventana Externo Subdominio Texto ancla URL
IMG-ALT https://www.facebook.com/wunderlabel/
A-TITLE https://www.facebook.com/wunderlabel/
https://www.youtube.com/@wunde...Nueva ventana Externo Subdominio Texto ancla URL
IMG-ALT https://www.youtube.com/@wunderlabel
A-TITLE https://www.youtube.com/@wunderlabel
https://www.pinterest.de/wunde...Nueva ventana Externo Subdominio Texto ancla URL
IMG-ALT https://www.pinterest.de/wunderlabel/
A-TITLE https://www.pinterest.de/wunderlabel/
https://www.tiktok.com/@wunder...Nueva ventana Externo Subdominio Texto ancla URL
IMG-ALT https://www.tiktok.com/@wunderlabel/
A-TITLE https://www.tiktok.com/@wunderlabel/
/order-status/Texto duplicado Order Status
https://wunderlabel.com/discount/Quantity Discount
/testimonial/Customer Testimonials
/blog/p/customer-spotlight/Customer Spotlight
https://wunderlabel.com/blog/Texto duplicado Blog
https://wunderlabel.com/social/Social Media
/frequently-asked-questions/Frequently Asked Questions
/types-of-fabric/Types of fabric
https://wunderlabel.com/lab/Wunderlabel Lab
https://wunderlabel.com/about-us/About us
/why-to-choose-us-to-buy-profe...Why Wunderlabel
/confidence-in-textiles-oeko-tex/Safe Textiles
/privacy-policy/Privacy Policy
/terms-and-conditions/Terms and Conditions
/legal-notice/Legal Notice
/affiliate/Affiliate Program
/affiliate/affiliate-agreement/Affiliate Agreement
/affiliate/Texto duplicado Affiliate Program
/affiliate/banners/Affiliate Banners
/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection[email protected]
/iron-on-clothing-labels/Iron On Clothing Labels
/cotton-labels/Texto duplicado Cotton Labels
/name-labels/Name Labels
/handmade-labels/Handmade Labels
/custom-size-labels/Texto duplicado Size Labels
/custom-labels/?t3://page?uid=...Custom Labels
/gift-ribbon/Gift Ribbon
https://wunderlabel.com/Texto duplicado wunderlabel ®
IMG-ALT Logo wunderlabel
https://wunderlabel.com.au/Nueva ventana Externo Texto duplicado Australia
https://wunderlabel.de/Nueva ventana Externo Austria
https://wunderlabel.fr/Nueva ventana Externo Texto duplicado France
https://wunderlabel.de/Nueva ventana Externo Germany
https://wunderlabel.com/en-eu/Nueva ventana Europa
https://wunderlabel.com/en-eu/Nueva ventana Texto duplicado Ireland
https://etichettanome.it/Nueva ventana Externo Italy
https://wunderlabel.jp/Nueva ventana Externo Japan
https://wunderlabel.com/nl/Nueva ventana Netherlands
https://wunderlabel.com/pl/Nueva ventana Poland
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Factores externos

Wikipedia enlaza esta página en sus fuentes.
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Esta página recibe backlinks de 1.069 dominios de referencia.
Esta página recibe un total de 60.577 backlinks.
Esta página recibe backlinks de 788 direcciones IP distintas.


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Sitemap: https://wunderlabel.com/sitemaps/sitemap_fr_ca.xml
Sitemap: https://wunderlabel.com/sitemaps/sitemap_en_ca.xml

Snippet (vista previa de los resultados de búsqueda)

Clothing labels » personalize & buy online | Wunderlabel
Design your own individual custom clothing labels online ✓ Name Label, Logo Label, Care Tag ✓ Starting at 5 pieces ✓ with your own logo ✓ with text & symbol ✓ durable » Buy Clothing Tag Now!

Palabras clave más importantes

Se han encontrado las siguientes palabras clave. Comprueba si esta página está bien optimizada para cada palabra clave en concreto.

Palabra claveResultadoComprobar
Clothing Labels80%Check
Custom Clothing70%Check
Custom Clothing Labels70%Check
Labels Logo69%Check
Buy Clothing69%Check
Labels Online67%Check

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