| Texto ancla | Skip to main content | | | Youngminds - fighting for young people's mental health |
/young-person/ | | I am a young person |
/young-person/my-feelings/ | | My feelings |
/young-person/coping-with-life/ | | Coping with life |
/young-person/mental-health-co... | | Mental health conditions |
/young-person/medications/ | | Medications |
/young-person/supporting-a-fri... | | Supporting a friend |
/young-person/blog/ | | Real stories |
/young-person/your-guide-to-su... | | Your guide to support |
/young-person/find-help/i-need... | | I need urgent help |
/parent/ | | I am a parent |
/parent/parents-a-z-mental-hea... | | Parents' A-Z mental health guide |
/parent/parents-guide-to-looki... | | The parents and carers' guide to looking after yourself |
/parent/how-to-talk-to-your-ch... | | How to talk to your child about mental health |
/parent/blog/ | | Blog |
/parent/getting-support-from-m... | | Getting support from mental health services |
/parent/parents-helpline/ | | Parents Helpline |
/professional/ | | Go to our resources and advice |
/support-us/ | | Support us |
/support-us/donate/ | | Donate |
/support-us/join-the-movement/ | | Join the movement |
/support-us/volunteer/ | | Volunteering at YoungMinds |
/support-us/fundraising/ | | Fundraising |
/support-us/events/ | | Events |
/shop/ | | Browse our shop |
/professional/ | | I work with young people |
/professional/mental-health-tr... | | Mental health training and courses |
/professional/schools/ | | Schools and teachers |
/professional/resources/ | | Resources and advice |
/professional/consultancy-and-... | | Consultancy and service design |
/professional/community-support/ | | Community support |
/professional/commissioners-an... | | Commissioners and senior leaders |
/professional/spotlight-stories/ | | Spotlight stories |
/about-us/ | | About YoungMinds |
/about-us/our-strategy/ | | Our strategy |
/about-us/reports-and-impact/ | | Our reports and impact |
/about-us/meet-the-team/ | | Meet the team |
/about-us/partnerships-and-fun... | | Our partnerships and funders |
/about-us/media-centre/ | | Media centre |
/about-us/contact-us/ | | Contact us |
/about-us/careers/ | | Careers |
/young-person/blog/ | Texto duplicado | Real stories |
/support-us/donate/ | Texto duplicado | Donate |
/shop/basket/ | | View Basket : 0 items |
/support-us/ | Texto duplicado | Support us | | Texto ancla | Open guide menu Skip to guide menu |
/shop/basket/ | Texto duplicado | View Basket : 0 items |
/young-person/ | Texto duplicado | I am a young person |
/parent/ | Texto duplicado | I am a parent |
/professional/ | Texto duplicado | I work with young people |
/support-us/join-the-movement/ | | Find out more and sign our petition |
/young-person/blog/ | | Explore the full range of stories A-TITLE Blog |
/young-person/blog/adhd-self-c... | | ADHD self-care tips: for people who feel like a Ferrari with bicycle brakes |
/young-person/blog/how-to-navi... | | How to navigate change: my experience starting uni |
/young-person/blog/finding-hop... | | Finding hope when the New Year feels overwhelming |
/young-person/celebrating-blac... | | Hear their stories |
/young-person/youngminds-podcast/ | | Listen now |
/young-person/find-help/ | | advice and information A-TITLE Find help |
/about-us/ | | about our work and impact A-TITLE About us |
/young-person/coping-with-life... | | Find out more about mental health A-TITLE What is mental health? |
/young-person/mental-health-co... | | Find out more about mental health conditions A-TITLE Mental health conditions |
/young-person/your-guide-to-su... | | guide to support A-TITLE Your guide to support |
/parent/getting-support-from-m... | | getting support from mental health services page A-TITLE Getting support from mental health services |
/parent/parents-helpline/ | Texto duplicado | Parents Helpline A-TITLE Parents Helpline |
/young-person/your-guide-to-su... | | Find out more about CAMHS A-TITLE Guide to CAMHS |
/parent/parents-helpline/ | Texto duplicado | Parents Helpline A-TITLE Parents Helpline |
/parent/find-help/ | | parent helpfinder A-TITLE Find help |
/professional/community-support/ | | information, tips and resources A-TITLE Community support |
/support-us/donate/ | | Give online |
/support-us/fundraising/ | | Fundraise for us |
/support-us/events/ | | Join an event |
/shop/ | | Buy our merch |
/keep-in-touch/ | | Sign up to emails | | Texto ancla | Back to top |
/young-person/ | Texto duplicado | I am a young person |
/parent/ | Texto duplicado | I am a parent |
/professional/ | | I am a professional |
/about-us/media-centre/ | Texto duplicado | Media centre |
/support-us/ | Texto duplicado | Support us |
/support-us/donate/ | Texto duplicado | Donate |
/shop/ | | Shop |
/about-us/ | | About us |
/about-us/careers/ | | Careers at YoungMinds |
/about-us/contact-us/ | Texto duplicado | Contact us |
/young-person/find-help/ | | Find help | | Externo Subdominio | Texto ancla URL | | Externo Subdominio | Texto ancla URL | | Externo Subdominio | Texto ancla URL | | Externo Subdominio | Texto ancla URL | | Externo | Texto ancla URL | | Externo Subdominio | Texto ancla URL | | Texto duplicado | Youngminds - fighting for young people's mental health |
/cookie-policy/ | | Cookie Policy |
/about-us/our-policies/privacy... | | Privacy policy |
/about-us/our-policies/ | | Our policies |
https://www.fundraisingregulat... | Nueva ventana Externo Subdominio | Registered with Fundraising Regulator (opens in new window) | | Nueva ventana Externo Subdominio | Helplines Partnership (opens in new window) | | Nueva ventana Externo Subdominio | M&S partnership (opens in new window) | | Nueva ventana Externo Subdominio | Paul Hamlyn Foundation partnership (opens in new window) | | Nueva ventana Externo Subdominio | Website by Element78 (opens in new window) | | Texto duplicado | Youngminds - fighting for young people's mental health |
/young-person/ | | Mental health support |
/young-person/my-feelings/ | Texto duplicado | My feelings |
/young-person/coping-with-life/ | Texto duplicado | Coping with life |
/young-person/mental-health-co... | Texto duplicado | Mental health conditions |
/young-person/medications/ | Texto duplicado | Medications |
/young-person/supporting-a-fri... | Texto duplicado | Supporting a friend |
/young-person/blog/ | Texto duplicado | Real stories |
/young-person/your-guide-to-su... | Texto duplicado | Your guide to support |
/young-person/find-help/i-need... | Texto duplicado | I need urgent help |
/parent/ | Texto duplicado | Mental health support |
/parent/parents-a-z-mental-hea... | Texto duplicado | Parents' A-Z mental health guide |
/parent/parents-guide-to-looki... | Texto duplicado | The parents and carers' guide to looking after yourself |
/parent/how-to-talk-to-your-ch... | Texto duplicado | How to talk to your child about mental health |
/parent/blog/ | Texto duplicado | Blog |
/parent/getting-support-from-m... | Texto duplicado | Getting support from mental health services |
/parent/parents-helpline/ | Texto duplicado | Parents Helpline |
/support-us/ | Texto duplicado | Support us |
/support-us/donate/ | Texto duplicado | Donate |
/support-us/join-the-movement/ | Texto duplicado | Join the movement |
/support-us/volunteer/ | Texto duplicado | Volunteering at YoungMinds |
/support-us/fundraising/ | Texto duplicado | Fundraising |
/support-us/events/ | Texto duplicado | Events |
/shop/ | Texto duplicado | Browse our shop |
/professional/ | Texto duplicado | I work with young people |
/professional/mental-health-tr... | Texto duplicado | Mental health training and courses |
/professional/schools/ | Texto duplicado | Schools and teachers |
/professional/resources/ | Texto duplicado | Resources and advice |
/professional/consultancy-and-... | Texto duplicado | Consultancy and service design |
/professional/community-support/ | Texto duplicado | Community support |
/professional/commissioners-an... | Texto duplicado | Commissioners and senior leaders |
/professional/spotlight-stories/ | Texto duplicado | Spotlight stories |
/about-us/ | Texto duplicado | About YoungMinds |
/about-us/our-strategy/ | Texto duplicado | Our strategy |
/about-us/reports-and-impact/ | Texto duplicado | Our reports and impact |
/about-us/meet-the-team/ | Texto duplicado | Meet the team |
/about-us/partnerships-and-fun... | Texto duplicado | Our partnerships and funders |
/about-us/media-centre/ | Texto duplicado | Media centre |
/about-us/contact-us/ | Texto duplicado | Contact us |
/about-us/careers/ | Texto duplicado | Careers |
/young-person/blog/ | Texto duplicado | Real stories |
/support-us/donate/ | Texto duplicado | Donate | | Texto duplicado | Youngminds - fighting for young people's mental health |
/young-person/find-help/ | Texto duplicado | I am a young person |
/parent/find-help/ | Texto duplicado | I am a parent |
/professional/find-help/ | Texto duplicado | I work with young people | | Texto duplicado | Youngminds - fighting for young people's mental health |
/search/?query=Resources | | Resources |
/search/?query=Anxiety | | Anxiety |
/search/?query=Anger | | Anger |
/search/?query=CAMHS | | CAMHS |
/search/?query=Self-harm | | Self-harm | | Texto duplicado | Youngminds - fighting for young people's mental health |
/young-person/find-help/ | Texto duplicado | I am a young person |
/parent/find-help/ | Texto duplicado | I am a parent |
/professional/find-help/ | Texto duplicado | I work with young people | | Nueva ventana Externo | Share on facebook | | Nueva ventana Externo | Share on twitter | | Nueva ventana Externo Subdominio | Share on linkedin |