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Art Gallery of Alberta: Home
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Meta descripción
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URL de la página
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Solo se han encontrado 2 párrafos en esta página.
El número total de palabras en la página es bueno: 910 palabras.
Un 22% del contenido está constituido por palabras vacías.
Las palabras clave del título también se repiten en el texto del cuerpo.
Las palabras del encabezado H1 también aparecen en el cuerpo del texto.
La página contiene un listado, lo que indica una buena estructuración del contenido.
No se detecta ningún placeholder de texto ni imagen.
No se detecta contenido duplicado.
La cantidad media de palabras por frase es buena: 18.8 palabras.
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Esta página no utiliza ningún frameset.
Optimización para móviles
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Esta página carga 6 archivos JavaScript. Esto puede afectar negativamente a la velocidad de carga.
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Hay demasiadas etiquetas de negritas en esta página: 127. Utiliza un máximo de 18 etiquetas.
Algunas etiquetas de negritas son demasiado largas (más de 70 caracteres). Con 82 caracteres:
"aliya logun: portraiture of black youth - a time capsule of infinite possibilities".
Optimización de imágenes
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Redes Sociales
Esta página apenas ofrece posibilidades de compartir el contenido en redes sociales. Con la integración de widgets puedes conseguir que tus contenidos se popularicen en redes.
Etiquetas markup adicionales
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El sitio utiliza HTTPS para transferir datos de forma segura.
Todos los archivos incluidos se transfieren a través de HTTPS.

Lista de medios

URLAtributo ALTTítulo
/public/img/logo-aga-2024.svgArt Gallery of Alberta Logo
...con_l/1727204622-636w_840h_lubicon_l.jpgVibrant abstract painting by Alex Janvier titled 'Lubicon.' The artwork features a dynamic array of swirling forms and splashes of color primarily in red, blue, yellow, and white on a bold red background. The composition is fluid and energetic, with interconnected shapes creating a sense of movement and depth.
...70w_818h_agarefinerypartyenvogue0532.jpgInterior view of the Art Gallery of Alberta featuring sweeping, curved architectural elements made of smooth metal and glass. The fluid, organic design contrasts with the large glass windows that allow natural light to flood the space.
...04990-636w_718h_20240614aga100474min.jpgThree people stand in an art gallery, looking at a modern artwork featuring a red, abstract shape. The woman in the foreground wears an orange paisley-patterned coat and platform sandals, while another woman in a red dress and a man in a beige blazer stand nearby, observing the art.
...haf450011/1729872908-650w__haf450011.jpgCarece de atributo ALT
..._beate/1729006618-650w_1_anson_beate.jpgPortrait of Beate Anson (1918-2008) with the hands of granddaughter Gillian Galante, 2021. Digital photograph. Courtesy of Here to Tell: Faces of Holocaust Survivors. Photo: Marnie Jazwicki.
...n90/1729873291-650w_untitleddesign90.pngCarece de atributo ALT
...portraitofblackyouth_website1440x960.pngCarece de atributo ALT
...ugust18photographycharlescousins3362.jpgFour individuals standing in an art gallery, observing various framed paintings of landscapes hung on a dark wall.
...ium2/1727461542-650w_aga10041medium2.jpgThe image shows an interior view of a gallery with people observing large, colorful collages on the walls. The left wall features a grid of various images including photographs and artworks, while the right wall displays a vibrant pattern with numerous circles and dots in different sizes and colors.
...gust18photographycharlescousins34861.jpgA woman takes a picture of a bright red canvas splattered with multicoloured paint.
...ssiblyphotographycharlescousins07851.jpgThis image shows an art installation featuring a room with light blue walls and a gray carpet. Suspended from the ceiling are circular frames with transparent centers, each adorned with colorful shapes. The walls are decorated with the words “PROBABLY,” “PLAUSIBLY,” and “POSSIBLY” in bold, stylized fonts, surrounded by scattered colorful shapes that match those hanging from the frames.
...9-650w_damianmoppett_1080x1080notext.pngAn art installation that includes red and white aluminum pieces.
/public/img/logo-aga-2024.svgArt Gallery of Alberta Logo
/public/img/logo-arts-district.svgArt Gallery of Alberta Logo

Estructura de la página

Encabezado H1
(Extremadamente importante)
Discover the Art Gallery of Alberta
El encabezado H1 es óptimo.
Algunos de los encabezados H se repiten dos veces.
Hay 31 encabezados H en esta página. La cantidad de encabezados debería guardar una mejor proporción en relación al texto.

Estructura de los encabezados

Jerarquía de encabezadosContenido
H1 Discover the Art Gallery of Alberta
H2 Search
H2 Discover everything happening at the AGA this month! From our immersive Art Party on November 23 to exciting exhibition launches, there's something for everyone. Don’t miss out—plan your visit, exp...
H2 Exhibitions
H2 Your AGA is 100 Years Old
H2 Upcoming Events
H2 Explore More
H3 Get Tickets
H3 Plan Your Visit
H3 Exhibitions Texto duplicado
H3 Accessibility
H3 Donate
H3 A Look Within: The Vision of Alberta Collectors
H3 Here to Tell: Faces of Holocaust Survivors
H3 (y)OurAGA
H3 Aliya Logun: Portraiture of Black Youth - A Time Capsule of Infinite Possibilities
H3 AGA100: A Lasting Legacy
H3 AGA100: Free for All Anniversary Wall
H3 AGA100: Act 2 Landscape to Land Use
H3 Probably, Plausibly, Possibly
H3 Damian Moppett: Untitled Abstract Drawing in Space
H3 Art Party
H3 Century Ball
H3 AGA Exhibitions
H3 Weekend Art Class | The Great Art Treasure Hunt (ages 6-8)
H3 Tours for Tots | 1924
H3 Art Hive
H3 Art Party Texto duplicado
H3 Market Series
H3 shopAGA
H3 Anti-Racism & Equity
Algunos textos ancla son demasiado largos.
Algunos enlaces internos contienen parámetros dinámicos. Las URL internas no deberían contener parámetros dinámicos, salvo que estén marcadas como nofollow.
Algunos textos ancla se repiten más de una vez en varios enlaces.
3 enlaces cerecen de un texto ancla.
La cantidad de enlaces internos es adecuada.
Hay 12 enlaces externos en esta página.
EnlacePropiedadesTexto ancla ancla Skip to main content IMG-ALT Art Gallery of Alberta Logo
A-TITLE Art Gallery of Alberta
/whats-on/art-partySubdominio Art Party Tickets Subdominio Get Tickets
/visit/aga-event-spacesSubdominio Venue Rentals
/visit/hours-and-admissionsHours and Admissions
/visit/getting-hereGetting Here
/visit/take-part-and-faqTake Part and FAQ
/visit/take-part-and-faq/take-...Take Part Archive
/visit/aga-event-spacesAGA Event Spaces
/visit/birthday-partiesBirthday Parties's On
/whats-on/calendarEvents Calendar
/whats-on/calendar/art-industr...Art Industry Night
/whats-on/calendar/bring-your-...Bring Your Own Beamer
/whats-on/calendar/handmade-fo...Handmade for the Holidays Market
/whats-on/calendar/seniors-tou...Seniors’ Tour | 'Building Black Civilizations: Journey of 2,000 Ships'
/whats-on/current-exhibitionsCurrent Exhibitions
/whats-on/current-exhibitions/...Aliya Logun: Portraiture of Black Youth - A Time Capsule of Infinite Possibilities
/whats-on/current-exhibitions/...AGA100: A Lasting Legacy
/whats-on/current-exhibitions/...FAIR WEATHER: Equality, Community, and Climate Change
/whats-on/current-exhibitions/...AGA100: Free for All Anniversary Wall
/whats-on/current-exhibitions/...1924: Edmonton and the Beginnings of the Art Gallery of Alberta
/whats-on/current-exhibitions/...AGA100: Act 2 Landscape to Land Use
/whats-on/current-exhibitions/...AGA100: Act 1 Earth to Eternity
/whats-on/current-exhibitions/...Probably, Plausibly, Possibly
/whats-on/current-exhibitions/...Damian Moppett: Untitled Abstract Drawing in Space
/whats-on/century-ballCentury Ball
/whats-on/art-partyArt Party
/whats-on/upcoming-exhibitionsUpcoming Exhibitions
/whats-on/upcoming-exhibitions...A Look Within: The Vision of Alberta Collectors
/whats-on/upcoming-exhibitions...Here to Tell: Faces of Holocaust Survivors
/whats-on/upcoming-exhibitions...Knowledge Made Concrete: 100 Years of Teaching and Collecting
/whats-on/empowering-arts-busi...Empowering Arts & Business Market Series
/whats-on/afa-travelling-exhib...AFA Travelling Exhibitions (TREX)
/whats-on/afa-travelling-exhib...Current TREX Exhibitions
/whats-on/afa-travelling-exhib...Past TREX Exhibitions
/whats-on/past-exhibitionsPast Exhibitions
/whats-on/past-exhibitions/boy...Boyd Dymchuk and Aaron Harvey: Wavy Dimension
/whats-on/past-exhibitions/art...Artist Proof: Art Sales & Rental New Acquisitions
/whats-on/past-exhibitions/aug...August Klintberg: Love Empire
/whats-on/past-exhibitions/wom...Women of the AGA: Celebrating 100 Years of Achievement
/whats-on/past-exhibitions/dwa...Dwayne Martineau: Boreal Fortress
/whats-on/past-exhibitions/rec...Records and Remembrance: A Selection of Recent Acquisitions
/whats-on/past-exhibitions/a-d...Aïda Muluneh and Meryl McMaster: Ebb and Flow
/whats-on/past-exhibitions/cre...Creating Beauty - A Watercolour Exhibition
/whats-on/past-exhibitions/bra...Braxton Garneau: Pay Dirt
/whats-on/past-exhibitions/tom...Tom Thomson: North Star
/whats-on/past-exhibitions/emm...Emmanuel Osahor: I made this place for you
/whats-on/past-exhibitions/bre...Brenda Draney: Drink from the River
/whats-on/past-exhibitions/5-a...5 Artists 1 Love 2024
/whats-on/past-exhibitions/inf...InFocus Photo: Identity Ether
/whats-on/past-exhibitions/wap...ᐋᐧᐸᑲᐧᓃᐊᐧᐣ Wâpakwanîwin (To bloom, it has many flowers)
/whats-on/past-exhibitions/bet...Between Things: Alberta Ceramics
/whats-on/past-exhibitions/uii...Uii Savage: Celestial Passage
/whats-on/past-exhibitions/all...Ally McIntyre: Kindling
/whats-on/past-exhibitions/the...The Collectors’ Cosmos: The Meakins-McClaran Print Collection
/whats-on/past-exhibitions/sec...Second Skin
/whats-on/past-exhibitions/a-l...A Link with Nature: Early Botanical Photography, 1850 – 1950
/whats-on/past-exhibitions/bor...Boreal Barometer: The Art of Observation and Well-Being
/whats-on/past-exhibitions/fro...From Warhol to Banksy
/whats-on/past-exhibitions/ken...Kenzie Housego: I❤️U
/whats-on/past-exhibitions/dan...Dance Party
/whats-on/past-exhibitions/hom...Home & Migration
/whats-on/past-exhibitions/wil...William Hogarth: Gone to the Dogs
/whats-on/past-exhibitions/kis...kisikayastew ᑭᓯᑲᔭᐢᑌᐤ...when the night shines like the day
/whats-on/past-exhibitions/fro...From Warhol to Banksy (Members Only Preview)
/whats-on/past-exhibitions/gen...Generations: The Sobey Family and Canadian Art
/whats-on/past-exhibitions/han...Hanny Al Khoury: La La Lands
/whats-on/past-exhibitions/dea...Dean Drever: In Black and White
/whats-on/past-exhibitions/esm...Esmaa Mohamoud: To Play in the Face of Certain Defeat
/whats-on/past-exhibitions/dea...Dean Drever: Pass the Hat
/whats-on/past-exhibitions/5-a...5 Artists 1 Love 2023
/whats-on/past-exhibitions/beh...BEHOLD|EN: New Acquisitions to the AGA Collection
/whats-on/past-exhibitions/con...Conjured Images: Spirit Photography from the turn of the 20th Century
/whats-on/past-exhibitions/roa...Road Trip
/whats-on/past-exhibitions/ria...Riaz Mehmood: Ghazal—Songs for Home
/whats-on/touring-exhibitionsTouring Exhibitions
/learn/families/tours-for-totsTours for Tots
/learn/families/stroller-toursStroller Tours
/learn/families/all-day-sundayAll Day Sunday
/learn/education/art-hiveArt Hive
/learn/education/weekend-art-c...Weekend Art Classes
/learn/adults/language-programsLanguage Programs
/learn/adults/adult-open-studioAdult Open Studio
/learn/adults/team-buildingTeam Building
/learn/school-programsSchool Programs
/learn/school-programs/school-...School Programs FAQs
/learn/school-programs/school-...School Programs Descriptions
/learn/community-outreachCommunity Outreach
/learn/aga-youth-councilAGA Youth Council
/memberships/corporate-members...Corporate Membership Program
/memberships/reciprocal-member...Reciprocal Membership
/memberships/engage-membership...Engage Membership Sale
/art-sales-rentalsArt Sales & Rental
/about/collection/curatorial-i...Curatorial inquiries
/about/call-for-submissionsCall for Submissions
/about/staff-listingStaff Listing
/about/the-aga-societyThe AGA Society
/about/the-aga-society/mission...Mission and Vision
/about/the-aga-society/board-o...Board of Directors
/about/the-aga-society/annual-...Annual Reports
/about/aga-equity-committeeAGA Equity Committee
/about/anti-racism-and-equity-...Anti-Racism and Equity Statement
/about/media-roomMedia Room
/support/give-to-your-agaGive to your AGA
/support/aga-legacy-makersAGA Legacy Makers
/support/donating-artworkDonating Artwork
/support/become-an-artist-patronBecome an Artist Patron
/support/sponsorships/sponsors...Sponsorship opportunities
/support/sponsorships/corporat...Corporate Donations
/support/sponsorships/our-spon...Our Sponsors
/visit/aga-event-spacesSubdominio Texto duplicado Venue Rentals Subdominio Texto duplicado Get Tickets
/whats-on/art-partySubdominio Texto duplicado Art Party Tickets Subdominio Texto duplicado Get Tickets
/whats-on/calendarNueva ventana Subdominio Plan Your Visit
/whats-on/current-exhibitionsSubdominio Exhibitions
/visit/accessibilitySubdominio Texto duplicado Accessibility
/support/give-to-your-agaSubdominio Donate
/whats-on/upcoming-exhibitions...Subdominio Sin texto
/whats-on/upcoming-exhibitions...Subdominio A Look Within: The Vision of Alberta Collectors November 23, 2024 - February 17, 2025
/whats-on/upcoming-exhibitions...Subdominio IMG-ALT Portrait of Beate Anson (1918-2008) with the hands of granddaughter Gillian Galante, 2021. Digital photograph. Courtesy of Here to Tell: Faces of Holocaust S...
/whats-on/upcoming-exhibitions...Subdominio Here to Tell: Faces of Holocaust Survivors November 28, 2024 - February 9, 2025
/whats-on/upcoming-exhibitions...Subdominio Sin texto
/whats-on/upcoming-exhibitions...Subdominio (y)OurAGA November 16, 2024 - January 19, 2025
/whats-on/current-exhibitions/...Subdominio Sin texto
/whats-on/current-exhibitions/...Subdominio Aliya Logun: Portraiture of Black Youth - A Time Capsule of Infinite Possibilities October 25, 2024 - January 19, 2025
/whats-on/current-exhibitions/...Subdominio IMG-ALT Four individuals standing in an art gallery, observing various framed paintings of landscapes hung on a dark wall.
/whats-on/current-exhibitions/...Subdominio AGA100: A Lasting Legacy July 27, 2024 - January 5, 2025
/whats-on/current-exhibitions/...Subdominio IMG-ALT The image shows an interior view of a gallery with people observing large, colorful collages on the walls. The left wall features a grid of various images in...
/whats-on/current-exhibitions/...Subdominio AGA100: Free for All Anniversary Wall August 17, 2024 - March 16, 2025
/whats-on/current-exhibitions/...Nueva ventana Subdominio IMG-ALT A woman takes a picture of a bright red canvas splattered with multicoloured paint.
/whats-on/current-exhibitions/...Nueva ventana Subdominio AGA100: Act 2 Landscape to Land Use June 15, 2024 - January 19, 2025
/whats-on/current-exhibitions/...Subdominio IMG-ALT This image shows an art installation featuring a room with light blue walls and a gray carpet. Suspended from the ceiling are circular frames with transparen...
/whats-on/current-exhibitions/...Subdominio Probably, Plausibly, Possibly March 23, 2024 - March 1, 2025
/whats-on/current-exhibitions/...Subdominio IMG-ALT An art installation that includes red and white aluminum pieces.
/whats-on/current-exhibitions/...Subdominio Damian Moppett: Untitled Abstract Drawing in Space March 17, 2020 - December 31, 2024 All Exhibitions
/whats-on/art-partySubdominio Art Party Immerse yourself in a night of artistic expression!
/whats-on/century-ballSubdominio Century Ball Join us for our last AGA100 celebration of the year! Subdominio AGA Exhibitions Browse our current & past exhibitions.
/whats-on/calendar?search_requ...Nov 02 Weekend Art Class | The Great Art Treasure Hunt (ages 6-8) 10:00 am - 11:30 am
/whats-on/calendar?search_requ...Nov 13 Tours for Tots | 1924 10:00 am - 11:00 am
/whats-on/calendar?search_requ...Nov 14 Art Hive 12:00 pm - 2:00 pm
/whats-on/calendarView All Events
/whats-on/art-partySubdominio Texto duplicado Art Party
/whats-on/empowering-arts-busi...Nueva ventana Subdominio Market Series
/visit/shopagaSubdominio Texto duplicado shopAGA
/about/anti-racism-and-equity-...Subdominio Anti-Racism & Equity ancla Back to Top Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Art Gallery of Alberta Logo
A-TITLE Art Gallery of Alberta ventana Externo Subdominio Get Directions Texto duplicado About Texto duplicado Support
/membershipsSubdominio Become A Member Texto duplicado Publications
/about/media-roomSubdominio Media ventana Externo Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Art Gallery of Alberta Logo
A-TITLE Arts District Edmonton ventana Externo Subdominio Sign up for our newsletter! ventana Externo A-TITLE Art Gallery of Alberta on Twitter ventana Externo Subdominio A-TITLE Art Gallery of Alberta on Facebook ventana Externo Subdominio A-TITLE Art Gallery of Alberta on Instagram ventana Externo Subdominio A-TITLE Art Gallery of Alberta on LinkedIn ventana Externo Subdominio Web design by
A-TITLE Edmonton Web Design by Box Clever

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El tamaño HTML de la página es adecuado: 79 kB.

Cabecera HTTP

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Esta página recibe un total de 32.791 backlinks.
Esta página recibe backlinks de 628 direcciones IP distintas.


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Palabra claveResultadoComprobar
Art Gallery73%Check
Art Party61%Check
Weekend Art60%Check
Alberta Canada55%Check
Art Sales Rental52%Check

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