Übersicht der SEO Analyse
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SEO Score
0,15 s
585,40 kB
Anzahl Links
210 Intern / 18 Extern

To-do Liste mit SEO Optimierungen

Meta-Angaben im HTML

(Extrem wichtig)
Holidays in Austria - The official travel guide for Austria
Die Länge des Titels ist optimal. (489 Pixel von maximal 580 Pixel Länge)
Es gibt keine Wortwiederholungen im Titel.
(Extrem wichtig)
Travel to Austria and experience nature, mountains and lakes, and cultural treasures. Everything you need to know from Austria's official travel portal.
Die Meta-Description hat eine optimale Länge. (918 Pixel von maximal 1000 Pixel Länge)
(Extrem wichtig)
Es gibt keine Probleme beim Zugriff auf die Webseite.
Canonical Link
Die Seite hat einen korrekten Canonical Link.
(Wenig wichtig)
Im Text erkannte Sprache: en
Im HTML angegebene Sprache: en
Serverstandort: Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika
Die Sprache wird im HTML Code wie folgt angegeben: en
Alternate/Hreflang Links
(Wenig wichtig)
Die Seite nutzt keine Alternate Links.
Weitere Metatags
(Wenig wichtig)
Es gibt keinen rel next Meta Tag auf der Seite.
Es gibt keinen rel prev Meta Tag auf der Seite.
(Wenig wichtig)
Die Domain ist keine Subdomain.
Die Länge der Domain ist gut.
Die Domain enthält keine Umlaute.
Seiten URL
(Wenig wichtig)
In der URL wurden keine Parameter entdeckt.
In der URL wurde keine Session ID entdeckt.
Die URL hat nicht zu viele Unterverzeichnisse.
(Wenig wichtig)
Die Angaben zur Zeichensatzkodierung (UTF-8) sind fehlerfrei.
(Nice to have)
Die Doctype Angabe HTML 5 ist korrekt angegeben.
Die Doctype Angabe befindet sich an erster Stelle im HTML-Code.
(Nice to have)
Das Favoriten Icon (Favicon) ist korrekt verlinkt.

Meta Tags

descriptionTravel to Austria and experience nature, mountains and lakes, and cultural treasures. Everything you need to know from Austria's official travel portal.
contenttypetext/html; charset=UTF-8
revisit3 days
viewportwidth=device-width, initial-scale=1
og:titleHolidays in Austria - The official travel guide for Austria
og:descriptionTravel to Austria and experience nature, mountains and lakes, and cultural treasures. Everything you need to know from Austria's official travel portal.

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(Extrem wichtig)
Auf der Seite wurden Tippfehler entdeckt:
  • reccomendations => recommendations
Es befinden sich 4 Text-Duplikate auf der Seite:
  • Duplikat 1: We would like to show you content from external sources here. Unfortun...
  • Duplikat 2: Let us dive into Austria’s arts and culture sphere and discover fascin...
Der Inhalt ist mit 3964 Wörtern in Ordnung.
Der Text besteht zu 28.4% aus Füllwörtern.
Worte aus dem Titel werden im Text wiederholt.
Wörter aus der H1 Überschrift werden im Text der Seite verwendet.
Im Text befindet sich eine Aufzählung, dies deutet auf eine gute Textstruktur hin.
Es wurden 51 Fließtextblöcke auf der Seite gefunden.
Der Text auf der Seite ist optimal.
Es wurden keine Platzhalter Texte bzw. Bilder gefunden.
Die durchschnittliche Satzlänge ist mit 16.91 Wörtern gut.
(Extrem wichtig)
Die Seite hat kein Frameset.
(Wenig wichtig)
Die Größe des HTML-Dokuments ist mit 585.4 kB sehr groß.
Der angegebene Viewport (width=device-width, initial-scale=1) ist korrekt.
Mindestens ein Apple-Touch Icon ist definiert.
Bold- und Strongtags
(Wenig wichtig)
Es befinden sich leere Tags auf der Seite.
Bilder Optimierung
(Wenig wichtig)
Bei 1 Bildern fehlt das Alt-Attribut. Der Inhalt von Alt-Attributen wird von Suchmaschinen auch als Text gewertet und ist wichtig für die Bildersuche.
Soziale Vernetzung
(Nice to have)
Es befinden sich wenige Social-Sharing Möglichkeiten auf der Seite. Mit Plugins zum Teilen kann die Reichweite der Seite in sozialen Netzwerken erhöht werden.
Zusätzliches Markup
(Nice to have)
Es wurde kein zusätzliches Markup gefunden.
(Wenig wichtig)
Die Seite verwendet HTTPS um Daten sicher zu übertragen.
Alle eingebundenen Dateien werden ebenfalls über HTTPS ausgeliefert.


data:[...] Base64Lebensgefühl Österreich - fun on skis
data:[...] Base64Lebensgefühl Österreich - sujet Pistengaudi - skiiers
data:[...] Base64 View Gloriette, Schönbrunn Palace
..._square.jpeg?cachebuster=1701253509 639w Vienna Giant Ferris Whee
..._square.jpeg?cachebuster=1724141510 639w City of Salzburg
..._square.jpeg?cachebuster=1705086477 639w Goldenes Dachl in Innsbruck
..._square.jpeg?cachebuster=1725962163 639w Schlossberg in Graz / Styria
data:[...] Base64Woman standing on the balcony of the city hotel Henriette Vienna
data:[...] Base64Lebensgefühl Österreich - skiing with the family
data:[...] Base64Skiing in St. Anton am Arlberg
data:[...] Base64 Skiing in the skiing area Kappl
data:[...] Base64 Lebensgefühl Österreich - ladies enjoying life on the mountains
data:[...] Base64 Ski Lessons Schladming
data:[...] Base64 Grossarl in winter
data:[...] Base64 Cross-country skiing Lake Achensee
data:[...] Base64 Children's ski school Tux-Finkenberg / Tux-Finkenberg
data:[...] Base64 Launch campaign Lebensgefühl Österreich - Sujet Party Night
data:[...] Base64 Christmas market in Bregenz / Bregenz
data:[...] Base64 Lebensgefühl Austria - a snack in the open air at a wine tavern
data:[...] Base64 Lebensgefühl Austria - a snack in the open air at a wine tavern
data:[...] Base64 City holidays in Vienna, Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien (Art History Museum) / Vienna
data:[...] Base64 Sunset in Pertisau on Lake Achensee
data:[...] Base64 Lebensgefühl Austria - cycling with pleasure
data:[...] Base64 Lebensgefühl Austria - on the shores of a lake
data:[...] Base64 An atmosphere of the forest in Ebenthal
data:[...] Base64 Panorama Spa at Hotel Alpenrose
data:[...] Base64 Fairkocht in der Schtubacht Küche
data:[...] Base64 Breakfast served on a boat (Plätte) at Lake Grundlsee
data:[...] Base64 organic farm Josef Göltl
data:[...] Base64 Belvedere Palace / Belvedere
data:[...] Base64 Hedy Lamarr, Girl On The Moon
data:[...] Base64
..._square.jpeg?cachebuster=1708351955 639w Vienna
..._square.jpeg?cachebuster=1720507688 639w View of the Leoganger Steinberge mountains
data:[...] Base64 The traditional Wiener Schnitzel
data:[...] Base64 View to Schönbrunn Palace and the Gloriette / Schloß Schönbrunn
data:[...] Base64 garden of Mirabell palace
data:[...] Base64 hiking around the Green Lake in Styria, mountain lake "Grüner See"
data:[...] Base64 The Parliament of Vienna at sunrise
data:[...] Base64 Vienna Airport - Exterior view
data:[...] Base64 View from the Grossglockner High Alpine Road
..._square.jpeg?cachebuster=1720510972 639w Sunset in Vienna
..._square.jpeg?cachebuster=1720509817 639w Launch campaign Lebensgefühl Österreich - Main sujet Pures Lebensgefühl (pure attitude to life)
..._square.jpeg?cachebuster=1726033982 639w Lebensgefühl Austria - cycling with pleasure
..._square.jpeg?cachebuster=1708360039 639w Hiking in the Grossglockner region - family with marmot
..._square.jpeg?cachebuster=1720510450 639w Ruin Aggstein
..._square.jpeg?cachebuster=1723637204 639w KHM Vienna / Vienna
..._square.jpeg?cachebuster=1667485024 639w Fairkocht in der Schtubacht Küche
..._square.jpeg?cachebuster=1720695415 639w Summit station Flachau
data:[...] Base64Belvedere Palace / Belvedere
data:[...] Base64Mozart family picture
data:[...] Base64 The Parliament of Vienna at sunrise
data:[...] Base64 View from the Grossglockner High Alpine Road
data:[...] Base64 Vienna Airport - Exterior view
data:[...] Base64 Guided walking tour through Vienna / Vienna
data:[...] Base64 City of Salzburg
data:[...] Base64Online check-in with Austrian Airlines
data:[...] Base64National Rail in Panoramic Landscape
data:[...] Base64 Wiener Schnitzel, Plachutta Restaurant
data:[...] Base64
data:[...] Base64Lebensgefühl Österreich - sujet Pistengaudi - skiiers
data:[...] Base64View Gloriette, Schönbrunn Palace
data:[...] Base64Vienna Giant Ferris Whee
data:[...] Base64City of Salzburg
data:[...] Base64Goldenes Dachl in Innsbruck
data:[...] Base64Schlossberg in Graz / Styria
data:[...] Base64Woman standing on the balcony of the city hotel Henriette Vienna
data:[...] Base64Lebensgefühl Österreich - skiing with the family
data:[...] Base64Skiing in St. Anton am Arlberg
data:[...] Base64Skiing in the skiing area Kappl
data:[...] Base64Lebensgefühl Österreich - ladies enjoying life on the mountains
data:[...] Base64Ski Lessons Schladming
data:[...] Base64Grossarl in winter
data:[...] Base64Cross-country skiing Lake Achensee
data:[...] Base64Children's ski school Tux-Finkenberg / Tux-Finkenberg
data:[...] Base64Launch campaign Lebensgefühl Österreich - Sujet Party Night
data:[...] Base64Christmas market in Bregenz / Bregenz
data:[...] Base64Lebensgefühl Austria - a snack in the open air at a wine tavern
data:[...] Base64Lebensgefühl Austria - a snack in the open air at a wine tavern
data:[...] Base64City holidays in Vienna, Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien (Art History Museum) / Vienna
data:[...] Base64Sunset in Pertisau on Lake Achensee
data:[...] Base64Lebensgefühl Austria - cycling with pleasure
data:[...] Base64Lebensgefühl Austria - on the shores of a lake
data:[...] Base64An atmosphere of the forest in Ebenthal
data:[...] Base64Panorama Spa at Hotel Alpenrose
data:[...] Base64Fairkocht in der Schtubacht Küche
data:[...] Base64Breakfast served on a boat (Plätte) at Lake Grundlsee
data:[...] Base64organic farm Josef Göltl
data:[...] Base64Belvedere Palace / Belvedere
data:[...] Base64Hedy Lamarr, Girl On The Moon
data:[...] Base64Kein ALT-Attribut angegeben
data:[...] Base64Vienna
data:[...] Base64View of the Leoganger Steinberge mountains
data:[...] Base64The traditional Wiener Schnitzel
data:[...] Base64View to Schönbrunn Palace and the Gloriette / Schloß Schönbrunn
data:[...] Base64garden of Mirabell palace
data:[...] Base64hiking around the Green Lake in Styria, mountain lake "Grüner See"
data:[...] Base64Launch campaign Lebensgefühl Österreich - Sujet Party Night
data:[...] Base64Austria's cities offer a wide range of cultural experiences
data:[...] Base64The Parliament of Vienna at sunrise
data:[...] Base64Vienna Airport - Exterior view
data:[...] Base64View from the Grossglockner High Alpine Road
data:[...] Base64Sunset in Vienna
data:[...] Base64Launch campaign Lebensgefühl Österreich - Main sujet Pures Lebensgefühl (pure attitude to life)
data:[...] Base64Lebensgefühl Austria - cycling with pleasure
data:[...] Base64Hiking in the Grossglockner region - family with marmot
data:[...] Base64Ruin Aggstein
data:[...] Base64KHM Vienna / Vienna
data:[...] Base64Fairkocht in der Schtubacht Küche
data:[...] Base64Summit station Flachau
data:[...] Base64Belvedere Palace / Belvedere
data:[...] Base64Mozart family picture
data:[...] Base64The Parliament of Vienna at sunrise
data:[...] Base64View from the Grossglockner High Alpine Road
data:[...] Base64Vienna Airport - Exterior view
data:[...] Base64Guided walking tour through Vienna / Vienna
data:[...] Base64City of Salzburg
data:[...] Base64Online check-in with Austrian Airlines
data:[...] Base64National Rail in Panoramic Landscape
data:[...] Base64Wiener Schnitzel, Plachutta Restaurant


H1 Überschrift
(Extrem wichtig)
Austria – Lebensgefühl. Experience the Joy of Life in The Heart of Europe
Die H1-Überschrift ist perfekt.
Einige Überschriftentexte kommen doppelt auf der Seite vor.
Es befinden sich 78 Überschriften auf der Seite. Die Anzahl der Überschriften sollte in einem besseren Verhältnis zum Text stehen.


Überschriften HierarchieInhalt
H1 Austria – Lebensgefühl. Experience the Joy of Life in The Heart of Europe
H1 A Winter in Austria - Your Daily Dose of 'Lebensgefühl'
H2 Current Weather Warning in Austria
H2 Discover the Entire Country
H2 Vienna in 3 Days
H2 Salzburg in 48 hours
H2 Innsbruck in 3 Days
H2 Graz in 3 Days
H2 Our Hotel Reccomendations
H2 Ski Austria Like a Local
H2 Opening Dates of Austria's Ski Resorts
H2 Your Winter Holiday in Austria
H2 Experience Austria's Nature
H2 We Are Family
H2 Moments of Cultural Pleasure
H2 Embrace Austria's Guilty Pleasures
H2 Discover City Life
H2 Discover Austria
H2 Active in the Outdoors
H2 Wellbeing & Relaxation in Austria's Nature
H2 Why Forest Bathing Can Make You Healthier and Happier, According to Science
H2 Why Spas and Thermal Baths Are So Good for Us
H2 Culinary discovery trip through Austria
H2 9 restaurants and mountain huts with a view
H2 Dream career: organic farmer
H2 Austrian Culture, Artists & Masterpieces
H2 Hedy Lamarr, Hollywood Goddess and Lady Bluetooth
H2 Gustav Klimt loved art, women and Lake Attersee
H2 Our Hotel Recommendations
H2 Share feedback for a chance to win a special holiday experience
H2 Insiders' Tips
H2 Events in Austria
H2 Practical Travel Information
H2 What Are You Interested In?
H2 Austrian Cultural Stories
H2 Famous Austrians
H2 Practical Travel Information Text-Duplikat
H2 Vienna PASS: Your personal Key to the City
H2 Travel Experiences Designed by Experts
H2 Austrian – the Charming Way to Fly
H2 Explore Austria By Train
H2 Have a Taste of Austria
H3 Discover Austria Text-Duplikat
H3 Austria Hotel Collection
H3 Austria's Ski Resorts: Opening Dates 2024/25
H3 A Winter in Austria - Your Daily Dose of "Lebensgefühl" A Winter in Austria - Your Daily Dose of "Lebensgefühl"
H3 Skiing in Austria
H3 Winter Hiking: A Voyage of Self-Discovery
H3 Cross-Country and Nordic Skiing
H3 How kids learn to ski in Austria
H3 Museums and Galleries
H3 Christmas Markets in Austria
H3 Wine Culture in Austria
H3 Culinary Pit-Stops in Austria
H3 City Breaks in Summer - Your Cultural 'Lebensgefühl'
H3 In Harmony with Austria
H3 Find a City Hotel
H3 Find an Alpine Stay
H3 Top 5 Austrian Dishes You Need to Try
H3 Austria’s Top Sights
H3 Austria's Quirkiest City Tours
H3 Austria’s Prettiest Places, According to Austrians
H3 About Austria
H3 Brexit and Travelling to Austria
H3 How to Get to and Around Austria
H3 Lakes and Nature in Austria
H3 Walking and Hiking in Austria
H3 Cycling and Biking in Austria
H3 Family Fun in Austria
H3 Round Trips in Austria
H3 Cities and Culture in Austria
H3 Culinary discovery trip through Austria Text-Duplikat
H3 Skiing and Winter in Austria
H3 Austrian Culture, Artists & Masterpieces Text-Duplikat
H3 About Austria Text-Duplikat
H3 How to Get to and Around Austria Text-Duplikat
H3 Passport & Visa for Austria
H3 Favourite Austrian Recipes Favourite Austrian Recipes
Einige der Linktexte wiederholen sich.
Es gibt 7 Links mit einem trivialem Linktext.
Die Anzahl an internen Links ist ok.
Keiner der Linktexte ist zu lang.
Alle internen Links haben keine dynamischen Parameter.
Es befinden sich 18 externe Links auf der Seite.
A-TITLE Deutsch
A-TITLE English
A-TITLE Español
A-TITLE Français
A-TITLE Hrvatski
A-TITLE Italiano
A-TITLE Magyar
A-TITLE Nederlands
A-TITLE Polski
A-TITLE Pусский
A-TITLE Română
A-TITLE Slovenčina
A-TITLE Slovenščina
A-TITLE Svenska
https://www.austria.info/aeللغة العربية
A-TITLE للغة العربية
http://www.aodili.info/Extern Subdomain 中文
A-TITLE Convention
https://www.austria.info/dkTextduplikat Dansk
https://www.austria.info/deTextduplikat Deutsch
A-TITLE Deutsch
https://www.austria.info/enTextduplikat English
A-TITLE English
https://www.austria.info/esTextduplikat Español
A-TITLE Español
https://www.austria.info/frTextduplikat Français
A-TITLE Français
https://www.austria.info/hrTextduplikat Hrvatski
A-TITLE Hrvatski
https://www.austria.info/itTextduplikat Italiano
A-TITLE Italiano
https://www.austria.info/huTextduplikat Magyar
A-TITLE Magyar
https://www.austria.info/nlTextduplikat Nederlands
A-TITLE Nederlands
https://www.austria.info/plTextduplikat Polski
A-TITLE Polski
https://www.austria.info/ruTextduplikat Pусский
A-TITLE Pусский
https://www.austria.info/roTextduplikat Română
A-TITLE Română
https://www.austria.info/skTextduplikat Slovenčina
A-TITLE Slovenčina
https://www.austria.info/siTextduplikat Slovenščina
A-TITLE Slovenščina
https://www.austria.info/seTextduplikat Svenska
A-TITLE Svenska
https://www.austria.info/czTextduplikat Česky
https://www.austria.info/aeTextduplikat للغة العربية
A-TITLE للغة العربية
http://www.aodili.info/Extern Subdomain Textduplikat 中文
https://www.austria.info/jpTextduplikat 日本語
https://www.austria.info/krTextduplikat 한국어
https://www.austria.info/enSubdomain Homepage
A-TITLE Homepage
/en/active-outdoorsActive & Outdoors
A-TITLE Active & Outdoors
A-TITLE Wellbeing
/en/food-and-drinkFood & Drink
A-TITLE Food & Drink
A-TITLE Culture
A-TITLE Sustainability
/en/things-to-doThings to Do
A-TITLE Things to Do
/en/things-to-do/skiing-and-wi...Skiing and Winter
A-TITLE Skiing and Winter
/en/things-to-do/cities-and-cu...Cities and Culture
A-TITLE Cities and Culture
/en/things-to-do/lakes-and-natureLakes and Nature
A-TITLE Lakes and Nature
/en/food-and-drinkTextduplikat Food & Drink
A-TITLE Food & Drink
/en/active-outdoors/summer/wal...Walking and Hiking
A-TITLE Walking and Hiking
/en/things-to-do/cycling-and-b...Cycling and Biking
A-TITLE Cycling and Biking
/en/things-to-do/round-tripsRound Trips & Itineraries
A-TITLE Round Trips & Itineraries
/en/things-to-do/family-tripsFamily Trips
A-TITLE Family Trips
/en/things-to-do/spa-and-wellnessSpa and Wellness
A-TITLE Spa and Wellness
/en/where-to-goWhere to Go
A-TITLE Where to Go
/en/things-to-do/cities-and-cu...Austrian Cities
A-TITLE Austrian Cities
A-TITLE Provinces
/en/where-to-stayWhere to Stay
A-TITLE Where to Stay
A-TITLE Regions
/en/service-and-factsService and Facts
A-TITLE Service and Facts
/en/service-and-facts/about-au...About Austria
A-TITLE About Austria
/en/service-and-facts/getting-...Getting There and Around
A-TITLE Getting There and Around
/en/service-and-facts/getting-...The Vignette – Austria’s Motorway Toll Sticker
A-TITLE The Vignette – Austria’s Motorway Toll Sticker
/en/service-and-facts/accessib...Accessible Travel
A-TITLE Accessible Travel
/en/things-to-do/cities-and-cu...Events in Austria
A-TITLE Events in Austria
/en/sustainable-holidaysTextduplikat Sustainability
A-TITLE Sustainability
/en/active-outdoorsTextduplikat Active & Outdoors
A-TITLE Active & Outdoors
/en/wellbeing-natureTextduplikat Wellbeing
A-TITLE Wellbeing
/en/food-and-drinkTextduplikat Food & Drink
A-TITLE Food & Drink
/en/culture/artists-and-master...Textduplikat Culture
A-TITLE Culture
/en/sustainable-holidaysTextduplikat Sustainability
A-TITLE Sustainability
/en/things-to-doTextduplikat Things to Do
A-TITLE Things to Do
/en/things-to-do/skiing-and-wi...Textduplikat Skiing and Winter
A-TITLE Skiing and Winter
/en/things-to-do/cities-and-cu...Textduplikat Cities and Culture
A-TITLE Cities and Culture
/en/things-to-do/lakes-and-natureTextduplikat Lakes and Nature
A-TITLE Lakes and Nature
/en/food-and-drinkTextduplikat Food & Drink
A-TITLE Food & Drink
/en/active-outdoors/summer/wal...Textduplikat Walking and Hiking
A-TITLE Walking and Hiking
/en/things-to-do/cycling-and-b...Textduplikat Cycling and Biking
A-TITLE Cycling and Biking
/en/things-to-do/round-tripsTextduplikat Round Trips & Itineraries
A-TITLE Round Trips & Itineraries
/en/things-to-do/family-tripsTextduplikat Family Trips
A-TITLE Family Trips
/en/things-to-do/spa-and-wellnessTextduplikat Spa and Wellness
A-TITLE Spa and Wellness
/en/where-to-goTextduplikat Where to Go
A-TITLE Where to Go
/en/things-to-do/cities-and-cu...Textduplikat Austrian Cities
A-TITLE Austrian Cities
/en/where-to-go/provincesTextduplikat Provinces
A-TITLE Provinces
/en/where-to-stayTextduplikat Where to Stay
A-TITLE Where to Stay
/en/where-to-go/regionsTextduplikat Regions
A-TITLE Regions
/en/service-and-factsTextduplikat Service and Facts
A-TITLE Service and Facts
/en/service-and-facts/about-au...Textduplikat About Austria
A-TITLE About Austria
/en/service-and-facts/getting-...Textduplikat Getting There and Around
A-TITLE Getting There and Around
/en/service-and-facts/getting-...Textduplikat The Vignette – Austria’s Motorway Toll Sticker
A-TITLE The Vignette – Austria’s Motorway Toll Sticker
/en/service-and-facts/accessib...Textduplikat Accessible Travel
A-TITLE Accessible Travel
/en/things-to-do/cities-and-cu...Textduplikat Events in Austria
A-TITLE Events in Austria
/en/sustainable-holidaysTextduplikat Sustainability
A-TITLE Sustainability
/en/where-to-stayTextduplikat Where to Stay
A-TITLE Where to Stay
/en/things-to-doTextduplikat Things to Do
A-TITLE Things to Do
/en/things-to-do/skiing-and-wi...Textduplikat Skiing and Winter
A-TITLE Skiing and Winter
/en/things-to-do/cities-and-cu...Textduplikat Cities and Culture
A-TITLE Cities and Culture
/en/things-to-do/lakes-and-natureTextduplikat Lakes and Nature
A-TITLE Lakes and Nature
/en/food-and-drinkTextduplikat Food & Drink
A-TITLE Food & Drink
/en/active-outdoors/summer/wal...Textduplikat Walking and Hiking
A-TITLE Walking and Hiking
/en/things-to-do/cycling-and-b...Textduplikat Cycling and Biking
A-TITLE Cycling and Biking
/en/things-to-do/round-tripsTextduplikat Round Trips & Itineraries
A-TITLE Round Trips & Itineraries
/en/things-to-do/family-tripsTextduplikat Family Trips
A-TITLE Family Trips
/en/things-to-do/spa-and-wellnessTextduplikat Spa and Wellness
A-TITLE Spa and Wellness
/en/where-to-goTextduplikat Where to Go
A-TITLE Where to Go
/en/things-to-do/cities-and-cu...Textduplikat Austrian Cities
A-TITLE Austrian Cities
/en/where-to-go/provincesTextduplikat Provinces
A-TITLE Provinces
/en/where-to-stayTextduplikat Where to Stay
A-TITLE Where to Stay
/en/where-to-go/regionsTextduplikat Regions
A-TITLE Regions
/en/service-and-factsTextduplikat Service and Facts
A-TITLE Service and Facts
/en/service-and-facts/about-au...Textduplikat About Austria
A-TITLE About Austria
/en/service-and-facts/getting-...Textduplikat Getting There and Around
A-TITLE Getting There and Around
/en/service-and-facts/getting-...Textduplikat The Vignette – Austria’s Motorway Toll Sticker
A-TITLE The Vignette – Austria’s Motorway Toll Sticker
/en/service-and-facts/accessib...Textduplikat Accessible Travel
A-TITLE Accessible Travel
/en/things-to-do/cities-and-cu...Textduplikat Events in Austria
A-TITLE Events in Austria
/en/sustainable-holidaysTextduplikat Sustainability
A-TITLE Sustainability
https://www.austria.info/enSubdomain Textduplikat A-TITLE Homepage
https://www.austria.info/enSubdomain Textduplikat A-TITLE Homepage
/en/data-protection/data-prote...data protection statement
https://www.youtube.com/watch?...Neues Fenster Extern Subdomain See on
/en/data-protection/data-prote...Textduplikat data protection statement
https://www.youtube.com/watch?...Neues Fenster Extern Subdomain Textduplikat See on
https://routenplaner.asfinag.a...Neues Fenster Extern Subdomain ASFINAG
https://www.oeamtc.at/verkehrs...Neues Fenster Extern Subdomain ÖAMTC Traffic Service
https://warnungen.zamg.at/wsap...Neues Fenster Extern Subdomain Weather warning from GeoSphere Austria
http://warnungen.zamg.ac.at/ht...Neues Fenster Extern Subdomain ZAMG
/en/austria-s-beauty-secretsTrivialer Linktext
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A-TITLE Discover Austria
/en/austria-s-beauty-secrets/v...Vienna in 3 Days
/en/austria-s-beauty-secrets/s...Salzburg in 48 hours
/en/austria-s-beauty-secrets/i...Innsbruck in 3 Days
/en/austria-s-beauty-secrets/g...Graz in 3 Days
/en/where-to-stay/austria-hote...Find your hotel
A-TITLE Austria Hotel Collection
/en/ski-austriaTextduplikat Trivialer Linktext
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A-TITLE Ski Austria Like a Local
/en/things-to-do/skiing-and-wi...Textduplikat Trivialer Linktext
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A-TITLE Austria's Ski Resorts: Opening Dates 2024/25
/en/winterLearn more
A-TITLE A Winter in Austria - Your Daily Dose of "Lebensgefühl"
/en/things-to-do/skiing-and-wi...A-TITLE Skiing in Austria
/en/things-to-do/skiing-and-wi...Textduplikat A-TITLE Skiing in Austria
/en/things-to-do/skiing-and-wi...A-TITLE Winter Hiking: A Voyage of Self-Discovery
/en/things-to-do/skiing-and-wi...Textduplikat A-TITLE Winter Hiking: A Voyage of Self-Discovery
/en/things-to-do/skiing-and-wi...A-TITLE Cross-Country and Nordic Skiing
/en/things-to-do/skiing-and-wi...Textduplikat A-TITLE Cross-Country and Nordic Skiing
/en/things-to-do/skiing-and-wi...Learn more about skiing in Austria
A-TITLE How kids learn to ski in Austria
/en/things-to-do/cities-and-cu...Neues Fenster Subdomain A-TITLE Museums and Galleries
/en/things-to-do/cities-and-cu...Neues Fenster Subdomain Textduplikat A-TITLE Museums and Galleries
/en/things-to-do/skiing-and-wi...A-TITLE Christmas Markets in Austria
/en/things-to-do/skiing-and-wi...Textduplikat A-TITLE Christmas Markets in Austria
/en/food-and-drink/wine-cultur...Neues Fenster Subdomain A-TITLE Wine Culture in Austria
/en/food-and-drink/wine-cultur...Neues Fenster Subdomain Textduplikat A-TITLE Wine Culture in Austria
/en/food-and-drink/culinary-ti...Neues Fenster Subdomain A-TITLE Culinary Pit-Stops in Austria
/en/food-and-drink/culinary-ti...Neues Fenster Subdomain Textduplikat A-TITLE Culinary Pit-Stops in Austria
/en/city-breaksCity Breaks in Austria
A-TITLE City Breaks in Summer - Your Cultural 'Lebensgefühl'
/en/in-harmony-with-austriaTextduplikat Trivialer Linktext
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A-TITLE In Harmony with Austria
/en/active-outdoorsGo explore
A-TITLE Active in the Outdoors
/en/wellbeing-natureDiscover Austria's nature
A-TITLE Wellbeing & Relaxation in Austria's Nature
/en/wellbeing-nature/forests-n...A-TITLE Why Forest Bathing Can Make You Healthier and Happier, According to Science
/en/wellbeing-nature/forests-n...Textduplikat A-TITLE Why Forest Bathing Can Make You Healthier and Happier, According to Science
/en/wellbeing-nature/lakes-mou...A-TITLE Why Spas and Thermal Baths Are So Good for Us
/en/wellbeing-nature/lakes-mou...Textduplikat A-TITLE Why Spas and Thermal Baths Are So Good for Us
/en/food-and-drinkTextduplikat Trivialer Linktext
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A-TITLE Culinary discovery trip through Austria
/en/food-and-drink/culinary-ti...A-TITLE 9 restaurants and mountain huts with a view
/en/food-and-drink/culinary-ti...Textduplikat A-TITLE 9 restaurants and mountain huts with a view
/en/food-and-drink/portraits/j...A-TITLE Dream career: organic farmer
/en/food-and-drink/portraits/j...Textduplikat A-TITLE Dream career: organic farmer
/en/culture/artists-and-master...Learn more...
A-TITLE Austrian Culture, Artists & Masterpieces
/en/culture/artists-and-master...A-TITLE Hedy Lamarr, Hollywood Goddess and Lady Bluetooth
/en/culture/artists-and-master...Textduplikat A-TITLE Hedy Lamarr, Hollywood Goddess and Lady Bluetooth
/en/culture/artists-and-master...A-TITLE Gustav Klimt loved art, women and Lake Attersee
/en/culture/artists-and-master...Textduplikat A-TITLE Gustav Klimt loved art, women and Lake Attersee
/en/where-to-stay/austria-hote...Find a City Hotel
/en/where-to-stay/austria-hote...Find an Alpine Stay
https://i.tmona.at/pricesNeues Fenster Extern Subdomain winning
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A-TITLE Share feedback for a chance to win a special holiday experience
/en/things-to-do/food-and-drin...A-TITLE Top 5 Austrian Dishes You Need to Try
/en/things-to-do/food-and-drin...Textduplikat A-TITLE Top 5 Austrian Dishes You Need to Try
/en/things-to-do/cities-and-cu...A-TITLE Austria’s Top Sights
/en/things-to-do/cities-and-cu...Textduplikat A-TITLE Austria’s Top Sights
/en/things-to-do/cities-and-cu...A-TITLE Austria's Quirkiest City Tours
/en/things-to-do/cities-and-cu...Textduplikat A-TITLE Austria's Quirkiest City Tours
/en/things-to-do/lakes-and-nat...A-TITLE Austria’s Prettiest Places, According to Austrians
/en/things-to-do/lakes-and-nat...Textduplikat A-TITLE Austria’s Prettiest Places, According to Austrians
/en/service-and-facts/about-au...Textduplikat A-TITLE About Austria
/en/service-and-facts/about-au...Textduplikat A-TITLE About Austria
/en/service-and-facts/getting-...A-TITLE Brexit and Travelling to Austria
/en/service-and-facts/getting-...Textduplikat A-TITLE Brexit and Travelling to Austria
/en/service-and-facts/getting-...A-TITLE How to Get to and Around Austria
/en/service-and-facts/getting-...Textduplikat A-TITLE How to Get to and Around Austria
/en/things-to-do/lakes-and-natureLakes and Nature in Austria
/en/things-to-do/walking-and-h...Walking and Hiking in Austria
/en/things-to-do/cycling-and-b...Cycling and Biking in Austria
/en/things-to-do/family-tripsFamily Fun in Austria
/en/things-to-do/round-tripsRound Trips in Austria
/en/things-to-do/cities-and-cu...Cities and Culture in Austria
/en/food-and-drinkCulinary discovery trip through Austria
/en/things-to-do/skiing-and-wi...Skiing and Winter in Austria
/en/culture/artists-and-master...Textduplikat Learn more...
A-TITLE Austrian Culture, Artists & Masterpieces
/en/things-to-do/cities-and-cu...Textduplikat Trivialer Linktext
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A-TITLE Famous Austrians
/en/service-and-facts/about-au...Textduplikat A-TITLE About Austria
/en/service-and-facts/about-au...Textduplikat A-TITLE About Austria
/en/service-and-facts/getting-...Textduplikat A-TITLE How to Get to and Around Austria
/en/service-and-facts/getting-...Textduplikat A-TITLE How to Get to and Around Austria
/en/service-and-facts/getting-...A-TITLE Passport & Visa for Austria
/en/service-and-facts/getting-...Textduplikat A-TITLE Passport & Visa for Austria
/en/service-and-facts/guest-ca...A-TITLE Vienna PASS: Your personal Key to the City
/en/service-and-facts/guest-ca...Textduplikat A-TITLE Vienna PASS: Your personal Key to the City
/en/service-and-facts/book-you...A-TITLE Travel Experiences Designed by Experts
/en/service-and-facts/book-you...Textduplikat A-TITLE Travel Experiences Designed by Experts
https://www.austrian.com/us/en...Neues Fenster Extern Subdomain Book your flight
A-TITLE Austrian – the Charming Way to Fly
/en/austria-s-beauty-secrets/e...Textduplikat Trivialer Linktext
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A-TITLE Explore Austria By Train
/en/things-to-do/food-and-drin...Taste the Yummm!
A-TITLE Favourite Austrian Recipes
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Holidays in Austria - The official travel guide for Austria
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