...x0/filters:format(avif,webp):quality(99) | Eine lächelnde Frau fährt mit dem Rad durch einen Park | |
...x0/filters:format(avif,webp):quality(99) | jenoptik-keyvisual | |
...x0/filters:format(avif,webp):quality(99) | lanxess-keyvisual | |
...x0/filters:format(avif,webp):quality(99) | Ein Hellweg-Mitarbeiter zeigt einer Kundin einen Farbfächer. Im Vordergrund Ansichten des digitalen Farbmischservice. | |
...x0/filters:format(avif,webp):quality(99) | Eine beleuchtete Industrieanlage bei Nacht | |
...x0/filters:format(avif,webp):quality(99) | Produktpräsentation vor einem Sportbekleidungsgeschäft | |
...x0/filters:format(avif,webp):quality(99) | Ein Mann schaut auf seinem Handy auf eine Banking-App | |
...x0/filters:format(avif,webp):quality(99) | Zwei Personen arbeiten in einem medizinischen Labor an Computern. | |
...x0/filters:format(avif,webp):quality(99) | LKW fährt über eine Brücke mit einem Frachthafen im Hintergrund | |
...89/250x150/9ae940afd1/targobank-logo.svg | Targo Bank Logo | |
...f/259002/82x42/6f70da93bc/roche-logo.svg | Kein ALT-Attribut angegeben | |
...789/250x150/74efdc6bac/superrtl-logo.svg | Super RTL Logo | |
...789/250x150/911947f392/motorola-logo.svg | Motorola Logo | |
...789/250x150/016067e839/covestro-logo.svg | Covestro Logo | |
...59002/146x21/ed6895c58f/geberit-logo.svg | Kein ALT-Attribut angegeben | |
...6789/250x150/25ac39405f/ferrero-logo.svg | Ferrero Logo | |
.../246789/250x150/5d87e01d02/coop-logo.svg | Coop Logo | |
...f/246789/250x150/1a1fe88f7b/byk-logo.svg | BYK Logo | |
...789/250x150/a3707a8fe8/beckhoff-logo.svg | BECKHOFF Logo | |
...f/246789/250x150/cdc9bcf3f5/zeg-logo.svg | ZEG Logo | |
.../f/259002/100x30/a143f0fc37/gsk-logo.svg | Kein ALT-Attribut angegeben | |
.../56x41/82eb4f95a3/totalenergies-logo.svg | Kein ALT-Attribut angegeben | |
...46789/250x150/72b4c4a056/abbvie-logo.svg | abbvie Logo | |
.../246789/250x150/d6881a7817/merz-logo.svg | MERZ Logo | |
...9002/198x23/a0ce51a59b/remember-logo.svg | Kein ALT-Attribut angegeben | |
...30x40/83743d2c0b/partnerlogo-pimcore.svg | TWT Partner Pimcore | |
.../130x40/5fa5d8c1f8/partnerlogo-typo3.svg | Kein ALT-Attribut angegeben | |
...0x40/0ca0fe9b62/partnerlogo-sitecore.svg | TWT Partner Sitecore | |
...x40/de81142327/partnerlogo-crownpeak.svg | TWT Partner Crownpeak | |
...130x40/b8b72d7998/partnerlogo-google.svg | TWT Partner Google | |
...00x92/2901ac7d8d/usercentrics_130x40.svg | Kein ALT-Attribut angegeben | |
...0x40/5b1bb48562/partnerlogo-shopware.svg | TWT Partner Shopware | |
...x40/b6658b2291/partnerlogo-microsoft.svg | TWT Partner Microsoft | |
...50/filters:format(avif,webp):quality(99) | A girl with red curls and glasses laughs into the camera. She is wearing a white T-shirt and standing on a roof terrace with parasols. | |
...50/filters:format(avif,webp):quality(99) | Two smiling men, one with a cap and the other with glasses, are standing on a terrace. | |
...50/filters:format(avif,webp):quality(99) | A man with a green cap, glasses and a black T-shirt sits smiling on an outdoor couch on a roof terrace and looks into the camera. | |
...50/filters:format(avif,webp):quality(99) | On the left is a woman with long brown hair holding her cell phone and showing the screen. On the right, a colleague can be seen from behind, looking at what is shown. | |
...56/filters:format(avif,webp):quality(99) | The Green Web Foundation Logo | |
...56/filters:format(avif,webp):quality(99) | Charta der Vielfalt Logo | |
...56/filters:format(avif,webp):quality(99) | bvdw Logo schwarz | |
(Nice to have)