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Heart Radio - turn up the feel good!
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Listen to Heart radio on Global Player, and get the latest celebrity, TV and showbiz news, exclusive interviews, competitions and more!
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...ddef4d-9945-40a1-9094-020477944462&h=144Rob Howard and Kelly Brook
...5&signature=JjinhY_axbrn9MtaIUMRPzOTy-A=Turn Me On artwork
...p&signature=RhukAEzeZJRB-tlRl3CeHcT4lHA=Heart's Christmas Cracker is back for 2024
...p&signature=Q-svTzW8AlPFEkZSuZGMm1tjcQo=Jamie and Amanda's Sleeps 'til Santa is back for 2023
...100-1733426955-editorial-long-form-0.jpgKein ALT-Attribut angegeben
...p&signature=p2mGQge-F74HLl5Ohf-HHFtOhs4=The Gavin and Stacey Christmas Special for 2024 is ready for it's Christmas debut
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...p&signature=1rzxbdVXuR6IVEPeZHzGNduxpek=Coleen Rooney has revealed what her husband Wayne Rooney said when she left the jungle
...p&signature=iHr9EWzbxNG5DHJGKuPi8wCMoU4=Tulisa reflected on her time in the I'm A Celebrity camp as she missed the final
...p&signature=Rv-AnJm5AJKxm6UmPraxcUQ-d9w=The Coca Cola Christmas Truck is going on tour in 2024
...p&signature=1gdSYJ9IoWUEWtXaASipJAvx_uU=I'm A Celebrity 2024 will air for three weeks, as we watch Ant and Dec put the famous faces through their paces
...p&signature=Om4pfjzCwOct8yy-Np3e9r68pXw=The I'm A Celebrity winner will be crowned soon
...p&signature=MAZl9AtXv7M2d7NlZOrbCLUDJ8k=Why is Tulisa not at the I'm A Celebrity final?
...p&signature=DMILU4lGQUAQyQ64qBrE7pr_AFs=There is lots to learn about Miracle on 34th Street
...p&signature=qR68QafbEKytbbwduHCjZPf0Ak4=How much are the celebrities being paid to go on I'm A Celebrity 2024?
...p&signature=HPH-3hLalJQs0iJ6MbDZ_kHDYrI=Molly-Mae Hague has a new reality TV show
...p&signature=F4Da1mbz29cGpd3-6xghV8UfI7Y=Tulisa has spoken about her decision to leave Australia
...p&signature=vXYv7Q3dGhvAgBebPsSB0UvrG4M=Maura Higgins admitted she had 'missed' Pete Wicks during her time in the I'm A Celebrity jungle
...p&signature=1o-24pD0HvVTSYqQyYCrtTF1DKo=Sabrina Carpenter at Hyde Park 2025: How to get tickets
...p&signature=dLuCswMF_mGXfbKcwhXbg6vctzE=Are trains running today?
...p&signature=oo9mk3cGPa3iWfWbOOpmRvQQCss=Alison Hammond reveals how she reversed pre-diabetic diagnosis
...p&signature=eTglTZPpplSOOlHN5epieEXxx-0=The full line-up for I'm A Celebrity 2024 has been revealed ahead of the series
...p&signature=8UeGtzzgaMT-qri_nxjDWZ3D98U=Ant and Dec have shared what they really think of this year's controversial twist
...p&signature=oTC2OjhMkLw3OmXHNTiouQnT-XI=The Holiday has become one of the most successful Christmas movies of all time
...p&signature=kG5xRsNOtQSzNmbvmuoq9rujA7s=Celebrity Cyclone is facing a rule change this year
...p&signature=PExB_0o-MDtDtj5ONcPjKbW2nrI=Mariah Carey has become the pop star of Christmas
...p&signature=2FTSK7CXlXp_D6sZE8yL8SS3qUE=Tulisa has spoken out single leaving I'm A Celeb
...p&signature=hldLyVCrWgCD3nNNSzqj62R-Y8k=The best movies of 2024
...p&signature=Ob2wQHkosYqxYSBzFb-64UYLlkQ=2024's best songs
...p&signature=H0jUqwy-jr-wvrePLwn2fDZl3aw=Maura Higgins' mum has spoken out about her daughter's romance with Pete Wicks
...p&signature=yVT3ptlU8Woo5hAn_YLNo7BVgYY=Christmas TV in 2024 has lots to offer for the holiday season
...p&signature=tZX-U1AirGrAPJ-SDqnviAfJCfk=When is the I'm A Celebrity Cyclone 2024?
...p&signature=gdV3EYOthVAkmxAsj-PWE55HrT8=London Christmas Markets have opened
...p&signature=nJ4_821VvwgnE-tNn3-u1kz4v_k=George Michael was a legendary singer in the 80s and 90s
...p&signature=vKV7i015XVcFALpelI2nZF0Ke7o=Ian Smith has revealed his cancer diagnosis
...p&signature=vi-vBxZf4wXUIwOVkAewLswuyt4=Maura Higgins and Pete Wicks have hinted that they are dating
...p&signature=SxQt9FvIUdbxdm_MF4sZLs-vA70=The I'm A Celeb campsite location has been revealed
...p&signature=2SgnsudcCRVUv2UcSyAJO02QroI=Heart Musicals Top 100 countdown
...p&signature=lMY2zImoYkNhUB-vhqD0MGoqgsw=Tony Mortimer has revealed the story behind 'Stay Another Day'
...p&signature=YepWvc-Uu46ymA2UvPGx1eHKZcA=Andrew Ridgeley, then and now
...p&signature=4vPmaSVoe5sSdeUz_-iUW-rOHHw=What to buy your loved ones this Christmas
...p&signature=HBTJxOHUvbHFl7FqkmRVrhl1Q5g=Here's everything you need to know about I'm A Celebrity star Danny Jones
...p&signature=P0oa5Og-uDOydhtA-g7XJyXUsxE=Tulisa is entering the I'm A Celebrity jungle for 2024
...p&signature=MDgYbpEWe0lhY_wNdN6wvar-NYs=Elton John says he has lost his eyesight
...p&signature=tVC2Z0ERXd1Qh5ZQxnCY2TGRMek=ABC's Lexicon of Love tour
...p&signature=ZIPepyQtqkBuL5x6_7Oq6te3EZ8=The MAFS UK couples have been chosen
...p&signature=9ctwWuZCWmMABV-V4Acg6OM2HqQ=Stephen Mulhern is back on Saturday Night Takeaway alongside Ant and Dec
...p&signature=BRwkP-8D_HhPi8kbCWHdcPIFbrk=Stephen Mulhern was rushed to hospital
...p&signature=MkAdYiThNhSub1mY5mgla-CnGB0=All the Wicked moments completely improvised by Ariana Grande and Cynthia Erivo revealed
...p&signature=JytjSX74uo0Y3NL2zzsJX1RTq24=Michael Bublé in a suit singing at an event
...p&signature=a_tQqRhl69-22vkqNYpIaRcxGg0=Jason Donovan responds to fans' complaints at Rocky Horror no-show
...p&signature=nJ2Qc-3OOvhXrxNZ_ZheKaRHaY8=Has Wicked 2 been filmed?
...p&signature=dou-DInH4U5Y5g26QQYvXlwq29g=Who is Reverend Richard Coles' partner?
...p&signature=FkkYO1pbTUjANv4wsrBLOlnOnFY=Richard Coles was part of an 80s band
...p&signature=_ndjDL_EGsTEGEhyCYeOLxbTUqY=Melvin Odoom is taking on his next TV adventure in the form of I'm A Celebrity
...p&signature=ZCn0OxrAiHEOlL86bgeuCseTEy0=Fans are keen to know what happens in Wicked Part Two
...p&signature=nzXSpSFEf92AyWsYY4K22JWItQQ=Wicked easter eggs have been revealed
...p&signature=SqM3JMuCNklgEV8wYFPYv76KQWY=Chad Michael Murray is back in 2024 with another Christmas movie
...p&signature=maACZH4_JqD5ikS-52BQBHXut3k=Waitrose Christmas advert has a mysterious theme
...p&signature=sTgN6_CtF-HokcXxFU3fZm0HpOg=Coleen and Wayne Rooney have four children together
...p&signature=ngZkbxcqwtDwGrRvs4Uf3WZ5-JQ=Who is the Tin Man, the Lion and the Scarecrow in Wicked?
...p&signature=g22niElqkeYKfoL1KaGvmJQxhV8=What does 'holding space' mean?
...p&signature=T8uBcB7IpsO4fZNWba2Ookr8bNo=Davina McCall recovering in bed and wearing her glasses at home
...p&signature=lDcUksCAtx-fXDtXCnPyxUhCSLY=Everything you need to know about Ed Sheeran's new song Under The Tree
...p&signature=DhxJWTWNqDNEMs7cJqXo-QiSZcc=Band Aid's four versions
...p&signature=RS5a_PV24iJI_u9s6U-f_v4MHio=Davina McCall dressed up on the red carpet as well as her doing yoga in purple gym wear and her dressed in full denim
...p&signature=GBCPpJOOMvYRkFFNlnqmCMToP-k=GK Barry's girlfriend Ella Rutherford is a famous sports star
...p&signature=CENhnYg-4jWXER3PMUIQL00kvgY=Davina McCall has opened up about her recent surgery
...p&signature=iiJj5hgZy4wA4TCig5jiD3Qvkn8=Bob Geldof is celebrating 40 years of Band Aid
...p&signature=5RRkl0s9yDBmShnWPO1BOUaFYe8=Coleen and Wayne Rooney are worth millions of pounds
...p&signature=NWLTZLg8OJ9IU3lnClOwssXUIwI=Alan Halsall is moving from Corrie to I'm A Celeb this November
...p&signature=rpIh7u6rnQ9IYhR7f2BrtMT8KDE=Oti Mabuse has joined the I'm A Celebrity 2024 line up
...p&signature=aWXe8WAq2tJAhT4kbrYgwD3LyvM=Jane Moore is swapping Loose Woman for the I'm A Celebrity jungle this 2024
...p&signature=gxrALIoMTWaCmMduIyUC5qPDxdE=Everything you need to know about Maura Higgins as she enters the I'm A Celebrity jungle
...p&signature=fTaDZGyOd2GMuk-b5Wq7nzYe3jU=Everything you need to know about Barry McGuigan
...p&signature=x4JTq3y2L1m7sucfY5Lbv69nF7s=Rev Richard Coles is entering the I'm A Celeb jungle
...p&signature=IYkZaSQhDWKkUfM3mkHfLBa6sec=GK Barry is appearing on I'm A Celebrity 2024
...p&signature=1BNsQvk9h0esWzenutDiV39mIb4=As she enters the I'm A Celebrity jungle, here's everything you need to know about Coleen Rooney
...p&signature=9Y0Rllskc_oqKiIUXFlDMJ3qfF0=Tom Fletcher in 2023
...p&signature=QhxsqYyw359dTwEBm3GnOQ6Dtyc=Harry Judd in 2023
...p&signature=Jg0rdRUjq8px6ZMRLloWdj9bdu4=Dougie Poynter in 2017
...p&signature=p5ThgEejKllwaZ1bzElVeZRHwXo=Rebekah Vardy is not holding back when it comes to sharing her opinion on Coleen Rooney
...p&signature=DWg7j1CvqKE81bWl9nLN-gVYn5M=Maura Higgins and Shane McGuigan relationship explained
...p&signature=njtRaiPMzVwucH9FRekKWavIFBk=Rev Richard Coles has made millions of pounds over the years
...p&signature=Tj0DwYKr4XWNOu0wgTlaUbzo6Sg=Oti and Motsi Mabuse's brother died by suicide when he was 18-years-old
...p&signature=hkkOHBv0Tyxpmh-RcCR2jaqPEuI=Maura Higgins and Pete Wicks are rumoured to be dating
...p&signature=KwkCHM71ceXMQRuSMdZMmkON3d4=Liam Payne's family and friends have attended his funeral
...p&signature=M6Z1CYQoFH3XVT8XVkQvEQ0H5Vo=One Direction members emotionally reunite at Liam Payne's funeral
...p&signature=Hvfb7a-TSt8EAx90AOwC_xTm5ZE=Lucy Jo-Hudson and Alan Halsall together on the red carpet
...p&signature=bfGUGkUTACLkyB0sU_VLglOxFtE=Tulisa is taking part in I'm A Celeb 2024
...p&signature=34MvMz5jhJIy5yaPLxFeK4JhRII=I'm A Celebrity star Tulisa's ex-boyfriends revealed
...p&signature=kiV07IFOjcrmEsGqZbDKaktVt1g=Coleen and Wayen Rooney have been married for years
...p&signature=lnl6SmDwt8ogpN1gHQwfPb_2i7o=Barry McGuigan has opened up about the loss of his daughter, Danika, who died from bowel cancer when she was just 33-years-old
...p&signature=RXhkW_quabTnw4Hsn_yv0Ujxm8o=Coleen Rooney has opened up about the death of her sister Rosie McLoughlin
...p&signature=JoU__A-VM6E_EmYH4W2jp5sdI_4=Ant and Dec get paid over £3 million for I'm A Celeb
...p&signature=BNyOQuDQgoTYB019wolzWI6yvYU=Motsi Mabuse on Strictly Come Dancing and on the red carpet in a black and white dress
...p&signature=poLMHu76UHoQ2HPLK93sHyN9Pzo=Cold Snap Brings Snow And Freezing Temperatures To Parts Of UK
...p&signature=zPl9Cg0owUPsUOZI_U-xYkGTlT4=GK Barry's real name has been revealed
...p&signature=bDzhdqc8cOlR6WimTPTccGKJmuU=I'm A Celebrity Unpacked will air every night on ITV2 after the main show on ITV
...p&signature=4XRsuZnbZJ6ic06NKi0lINVa-MY=Declan Donnelly presents hit ITV shows
...p&signature=S1PUI3Ami8un5Zlzu8s_LGxbnY0=5ive in 1998
...p&signature=ERw-wtxFGeGL8mivE5x787zEiNg=Brian Harvey in 1995
...p&signature=lWVNYJybw2U0FNZFpq210So-X8Y=Ant and Dec net worth: How much are the I'm A Celebrity presenters worth?
...p&signature=GG7tTbsYVE8BLuVyg4oXWoByDiw=Ant McPartlin tattoos: What are they and what do they mean?
...p&signature=9VKyXvkffWtDw5LW8ZDyAPfrRKU=Joel Dommett smiling alongside a picture of him on stage
...p&signature=ehQG5owgrCmvrJ5xQ9baSlWiIbQ=Gary Barlow wearing white on stage with Take That
...p&signature=Ujs7yFTSyZ1f6JT7av1caBb7WS0=East 17 in 1995
...p&signature=dLcpL36IeGcR7UdZfoWK_nSrlCo=Davina McCall has revealed she has a brain tumour
...p&signature=XpEI9nxrnTf0OhShOS4Swr0rB4Y=Robbie Williams is the star of Better Man
...p&signature=yAlWPUF7f-c9Y6subvVgNF1BdCY=Howard Donald in 2014
...p&signature=Upm9MINl74ltPGzISWMWlYEmUBk=Jason Orange in 2006
...p&signature=HFrJljvPlXKyglmN9-9UBi5WPp4=Mark Owen in 2023
...p&signature=TSAHtfPmIDm_0hC9R4ZI_s5uMqQ=Amanda Holden has addressed rumours of her joining This Morning
...p&signature=l9YD-U1VF1YQkRA53QrGZXOvwBM='Sonnet' by The Verve is the John Lewis Christmas advert 2024
...p&signature=edK7ALtgqy7_H9EmsNRSJmvOrzU=What gift does she buy her sister in the John Lewis advert?
...p&signature=bRxB3JG1h3ZUCOUOUJvq0Ze9jQU=Ant McPartlin and Anne-Marie Corbett have been married since 2021, and are now reported to be expecting their first child together
...p&signature=cz8Uz0eHdWwyLpiUk8R-vu4nbR0=Band Aid will mark the 40th anniversary
...p&signature=Tp14ZcDvBPBIpstph1wvnrBBetY=Timothy West has died aged 90
...p&signature=RiNZD5edkduSj6k_-9t14u74l-Y=Bridget Jones: Mad About the Boy's trailer is released
...p&signature=_ct8-QSOKvhD_oEPorYD8WPtnFI=Nathan and Lacey are one of the couples on MAFS UK 2024
...p&signature=OgnRqhLS_KyBTY64DBIGB-ebMQg=Amy and Luke are looking for love on MAFS UK
...p&signature=f3nXzXPdNjAVGeXiGASJEuXIEMU=Ross and Sacha tied the knot on MAFS UK
...p&signature=wMtvhkc9mAW-yRVeLqpbReDLssI=The battle of the Christmas adverts has begun
...p&signature=P9QFZvDtcRrbZxqedQ3VPX4022o=Gary Barlow is a proud husband and father
...p&signature=4BMdsZDLWNzeZ58B3hs7gTC5UUM=Robbie Williams live
...p&signature=FJ-2o7Em1Hlynicf23m-vf_GzW8=Celebrities who died in 2024
...p&signature=gDmTQHwKxbGNmTLwpjH2JdNsaqs=The John Lewis Christmas advert 2024 has been teased
...p&signature=Vd32OYkKLquNDftfvzGzPLQ5fxA=JB Gill gained fame being part of JLS
...p&signature=8ZE7Ap7-q8__ciljDdxHow20VaE=Lauren Oakley smiling on the red carpet and on the beach
...p&signature=3O48nQvX9v_oIzKkEQw2256aTK8=Here's what we know about Liam Payne's funeral so far
...p&signature=Kx7ngMCtj3pAXHDG_JORhy-3cDM=So, how tall really is Gary Barlow's son Daniel?
...p&signature=vBIQ4tMxY2iyWC-AehXXoxWnyFI=Kristina and Kieran wed on MAFS UK
...p&signature=DE6j5T2_JOrzSDT9SSJm6TYijQ4=Marti Pellow
...p&signature=GsnVfUtY9-MAklZfNPWwpRxMhR4=Queen Camilla holds a key position in the royal family
...p&signature=lCywRmhz_c45xX5iuAU5QPlta-4=Winter Wonderland 2024
...p&signature=rIgPExdIYBlJDRtxAqt6UTcitUI=Hugh Grant talks new horror film, Notting Hill and his favourite spot in London
...p&signature=98O6SkMjf9-DbRfulf6KtJ2kqoE=Where are G4, Steve Brookstein and Tabby now?
...p&signature=F4jaKKPaQeD9BdDVg3R2xCcvnfI=Pedro Pascal and Connie Nielsen chatted about Gladiator III
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H3 Amy Adams wants people to be honest about motherhood 👏
H3 Abigail Barlow and Emily Bear reveal how they wrote the songs for Moana 2!
H3 Moana 2's Auli'l Cravalho talks new soundtrack, singing in the cinema and more!
H3 Sharon Horgan talks Bad Sisters season 2!
H3 Talking Christmas traditions with Jason Manford!
H3 We gave Taskmaster's Alex Horne a task of his own!
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H3 Tulisa explains absence from I'm A Celebrity final as campmates share support
H3 Coca Cola Christmas Truck Tour dates 2024: New dates and locations revealed
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H3 What does the I'm A Celebrity winner get? Their prize revealed
H3 Why is Tulisa not at the I'm A Celebrity final? Sudden return to UK explained
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H3 Who left I'm A Celebrity tonight? Full list of eliminated celebrities
H3 Molly-Mae Behind It All: Release date, channel, episodes and cast revealed
H3 Tulisa shares real reason she fled Australia following I'm A Celebrity exit
H3 Maura Higgins shares exciting Pete Wicks relationship update following I'm A Celebrity exit
H3 Sabrina Carpenter at Hyde Park 2025: How to get tickets
H3 Are trains running today? List of services delayed amid nationwide fault
H3 Alison Hammond reveals how she reversed pre-diabetic diagnosis with 11 stone weight loss
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H3 Ant and Dec reveal what they really think of I'm A Celebrity Cyclone twist
H3 The Holiday: 19 things you didn't know about the hit Christmas movie
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H3 The 17 best movies of 2024, ranked
H3 20 of the biggest and best songs of 2024, ranked
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H3 Neighbours legend Ian Smith reveals terminal cancer diagnosis in emotional interview
H3 I'm A Celebrity's Maura Higgins breaks silence on Pete Wicks relationship in major confession
H3 Where in Australia is I'm A Celebrity filmed? Camp location revealed
H3 Heart Musicals Top 100: Vote for your favourite showstopping musical songs of all time! Text-Duplikat
H3 East 17's Tony Mortimer reveals the heartbreaking story behind 'Stay Another Day'
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/radio/shows-presenters/heart-...Sleeps 'til Santa: Here's how you can introduce our Christmas song!
IMG-ALT Jamie and Amanda's Sleeps 'til Santa is back for 2023
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/showbiz/tv-movies/gavin-and-s...Gavin and Stacey Christmas Special 2024: Release date, plot, cast and latest updates
IMG-ALT The Gavin and Stacey Christmas Special for 2024 is ready for it's Christmas debut
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https://www.globalplayer.com/v...Neues Fenster Extern Subdomain Sharon Horgan talks Bad Sisters season 2!
https://www.globalplayer.com/v...Neues Fenster Extern Subdomain Talking Christmas traditions with Jason Manford!
https://www.globalplayer.com/v...Neues Fenster Extern Subdomain We gave Taskmaster's Alex Horne a task of his own!
https://www.globalplayer.com/v...Neues Fenster Extern Subdomain Bob Geldof shares legendary stories from the unforgettable days of Live Aid!
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/showbiz/tv-movies/im-a-celebr...Coleen Rooney reveals first thing Wayne said to her after leaving I’m a Celeb jungle
IMG-ALT Coleen Rooney has revealed what her husband Wayne Rooney said when she left the jungle
/showbiz/tv-movies/im-a-celebr...Textduplikat I'm A Celebrity
/showbiz/tulisa-missing-im-a-c...Tulisa explains absence from I'm A Celebrity final as campmates share support
IMG-ALT Tulisa reflected on her time in the I'm A Celebrity camp as she missed the final
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/lifestyle/christmas/coca-cola...Coca Cola Christmas Truck Tour dates 2024: New dates and locations revealed
IMG-ALT The Coca Cola Christmas Truck is going on tour in 2024
/lifestyle/christmas/Textduplikat Christmas
/showbiz/tv-movies/im-a-celebr...When is the I'm A Celebrity Coming Out Show on TV? Exact date confirmed
IMG-ALT I'm A Celebrity 2024 will air for three weeks, as we watch Ant and Dec put the famous faces through their paces
/showbiz/tv-movies/im-a-celebr...Textduplikat I'm A Celebrity
/showbiz/tv-movies/im-a-celebr...What does the I'm A Celebrity winner get? Their prize revealed
IMG-ALT The I'm A Celebrity winner will be crowned soon
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IMG-ALT Why is Tulisa not at the I'm A Celebrity final?
/showbiz/tv-movies/im-a-celebr...Textduplikat I'm A Celebrity
/showbiz/miracle-on-34th-stree...Miracle on 34th Street: 16 things you didn't know about the magical Christmas film
IMG-ALT There is lots to learn about Miracle on 34th Street
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/showbiz/molly-mae-behind-it-a...Molly-Mae Behind It All: Release date, channel, episodes and cast revealed
IMG-ALT Molly-Mae Hague has a new reality TV show
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/showbiz/tv-movies/im-a-celebr...Tulisa shares real reason she fled Australia following I'm A Celebrity exit
IMG-ALT Tulisa has spoken about her decision to leave Australia
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IMG-ALT Maura Higgins admitted she had 'missed' Pete Wicks during her time in the I'm A Celebrity jungle
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IMG-ALT Are trains running today?
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/showbiz/celebrities/alison-ha...Alison Hammond reveals how she reversed pre-diabetic diagnosis with 11 stone weight loss
IMG-ALT Alison Hammond reveals how she reversed pre-diabetic diagnosis
/showbiz/tv-movies/im-a-celebr...When does I'm A Celebrity end? Final date confirmed
IMG-ALT The full line-up for I'm A Celebrity 2024 has been revealed ahead of the series
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/showbiz/tv-movies/im-a-celebr...Ant and Dec reveal what they really think of I'm A Celebrity Cyclone twist
IMG-ALT Ant and Dec have shared what they really think of this year's controversial twist
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/showbiz/tv-movies/the-holiday...The Holiday: 19 things you didn't know about the hit Christmas movie
IMG-ALT The Holiday has become one of the most successful Christmas movies of all time
/showbiz/tv-movies/Textduplikat TV & Movies
/showbiz/tv-movies/im-a-celebr...I'm A Celebrity fans slam 'ridiculous' rule change following vote-off twist
IMG-ALT Celebrity Cyclone is facing a rule change this year
/showbiz/tv-movies/im-a-celebr...Textduplikat I'm A Celebrity
/showbiz/music/how-much-money-...Mariah Carey makes an incredible amount of money every Christmas
IMG-ALT Mariah Carey has become the pop star of Christmas
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/showbiz/tv-movies/im-a-celebr...Tulisa's mysterious I'm A Celebrity 'snub' explained as star breaks silence
IMG-ALT Tulisa has spoken out single leaving I'm A Celeb
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/showbiz/movies-2024-films-bes...The 17 best movies of 2024, ranked
IMG-ALT The best movies of 2024
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/showbiz/songs-2024-best-ranked/20 of the biggest and best songs of 2024, ranked
IMG-ALT 2024's best songs
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/showbiz/maura-higgins-mum-pet...Maura Higgins' mum shares verdict on Pete Wicks romance after I'm A Celebrity admission
IMG-ALT Maura Higgins' mum has spoken out about her daughter's romance with Pete Wicks
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/showbiz/tv-movies/christmas-s...11 Christmas TV specials you definitely have to watch in 2024
IMG-ALT Christmas TV in 2024 has lots to offer for the holiday season
/showbiz/tv-movies/Textduplikat TV & Movies
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/lifestyle/christmas/markets-l...8 best Christmas markets in London for a magical experience
IMG-ALT London Christmas Markets have opened
/lifestyle/christmas/Textduplikat Christmas
/showbiz/when-did-george-micha...When did George Michael die and what was his cause of death?
IMG-ALT George Michael was a legendary singer in the 80s and 90s
https://www.heart.co.uk/showbiz/Textduplikat Showbiz
/showbiz/neighbours-harold-bis...Neighbours legend Ian Smith reveals terminal cancer diagnosis in emotional interview
IMG-ALT Ian Smith has revealed his cancer diagnosis
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/showbiz/tv-movies/im-a-celebr...I'm A Celebrity's Maura Higgins breaks silence on Pete Wicks relationship in major confession
IMG-ALT Maura Higgins and Pete Wicks have hinted that they are dating
/showbiz/tv-movies/im-a-celebr...Textduplikat I'm A Celebrity
/showbiz/tv-movies/im-a-celebr...Where in Australia is I'm A Celebrity filmed? Camp location revealed
IMG-ALT The I'm A Celeb campsite location has been revealed
/showbiz/tv-movies/im-a-celebr...Textduplikat I'm A Celebrity
/showbiz/music/heart-musicals-...Textduplikat Heart Musicals Top 100: Vote for your favourite showstopping musical songs of all time!
IMG-ALT Heart Musicals Top 100 countdown
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/showbiz/east-17-tony-mortimer...East 17's Tony Mortimer reveals the heartbreaking story behind 'Stay Another Day'
IMG-ALT Tony Mortimer has revealed the story behind 'Stay Another Day'
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/showbiz/music/andrew-ridgeley...Andrew Ridgeley facts: Wham singer's age, partner, family and friendship with George Michael explained
IMG-ALT Andrew Ridgeley, then and now
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IMG-ALT What to buy your loved ones this Christmas
/lifestyle/christmas/Textduplikat Christmas
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IMG-ALT Here's everything you need to know about I'm A Celebrity star Danny Jones
https://www.heart.co.uk/showbiz/Textduplikat Showbiz
/showbiz/tulisa-age-real-name-...Tulisa facts: I'm A Celebrity star's age, real name, relationships and full career details
IMG-ALT Tulisa is entering the I'm A Celebrity jungle for 2024
https://www.heart.co.uk/showbiz/Textduplikat Showbiz
/showbiz/elton-john-eyesight-i...Elton John announces he has lost his eyesight in emotional speech at Devil Wears Prada musical
IMG-ALT Elton John says he has lost his eyesight
https://www.heart.co.uk/showbiz/Textduplikat Showbiz
/showbiz/music/abc-lexicon-of-...ABC announce Lexicon Of Love Orchestra tour for 2025: Dates, tickets and venues revealed
IMG-ALT ABC's Lexicon of Love tour
https://www.heart.co.uk/showbiz/Textduplikat Showbiz
/showbiz/tv-movies/married-at-...Which MAFS UK 2024 couples are still together and who has split?
IMG-ALT The MAFS UK couples have been chosen
/showbiz/tv-movies/married-at-...Married at First Sight
/showbiz/stephen-mulhern-girlf...Stephen Mulhern facts: TV presenter's age, partner, family and career explained
IMG-ALT Stephen Mulhern is back on Saturday Night Takeaway alongside Ant and Dec
https://www.heart.co.uk/showbiz/Textduplikat Showbiz
/showbiz/stephen-mulhern-colla...Stephen Mulhern 'taken to hospital' after collapsing at Pizza Express
IMG-ALT Stephen Mulhern was rushed to hospital
https://www.heart.co.uk/showbiz/Textduplikat Showbiz
/showbiz/wicked-improvised-mom...7 Wicked moments completely improvised by Ariana Grande and Cynthia Erivo
IMG-ALT All the Wicked moments completely improvised by Ariana Grande and Cynthia Erivo revealed
https://www.heart.co.uk/showbiz/Textduplikat Showbiz
/showbiz/michael-buble-age-wif...Michael Bublé facts: Singer's age, wife, children, songs and more
IMG-ALT Michael Bublé in a suit singing at an event
https://www.heart.co.uk/showbiz/Textduplikat Showbiz
/showbiz/jason-donovan-rocky-h...Jason Donovan apologises to fans who were left "fuming" at Rocky Horror appearance confusion
IMG-ALT Jason Donovan responds to fans' complaints at Rocky Horror no-show
https://www.heart.co.uk/showbiz/Textduplikat Showbiz
/showbiz/has-wicked-2-been-fil...Has Wicked 2 been filmed? Filming schedule revealed
IMG-ALT Has Wicked 2 been filmed?
https://www.heart.co.uk/showbiz/Textduplikat Showbiz
/showbiz/reverend-richard-cole...Reverend Richard Coles partner: Who is the I'm A Celebrity star's boyfriend Dickie Cant?
IMG-ALT Who is Reverend Richard Coles' partner?
https://www.heart.co.uk/showbiz/Textduplikat Showbiz
/showbiz/richard-coles-band-co...Rev Richard Coles band: Inside his music career with the Communards
IMG-ALT Richard Coles was part of an 80s band
https://www.heart.co.uk/showbiz/Textduplikat Showbiz
/showbiz/melvin-odoom-age-girl...Melvin Odoom facts: I'm A Celebrity star's age, girlfriend, famous sister and more revealed
IMG-ALT Melvin Odoom is taking on his next TV adventure in the form of I'm A Celebrity
https://www.heart.co.uk/showbiz/Textduplikat Showbiz
/showbiz/wicked-part-two-what-...What happens in Wicked Part 2? Everything we know about the second movie
IMG-ALT Fans are keen to know what happens in Wicked Part Two
https://www.heart.co.uk/showbiz/Textduplikat Showbiz
/showbiz/wicked-easter-eggs-hi...Wicked easter eggs revealed: Every hidden message you missed
IMG-ALT Wicked easter eggs have been revealed
https://www.heart.co.uk/showbiz/Textduplikat Showbiz
/showbiz/chad-michael-murray-a...Chad Michael Murray facts: Actor's age, wife, children and movies
IMG-ALT Chad Michael Murray is back in 2024 with another Christmas movie
https://www.heart.co.uk/showbiz/Textduplikat Showbiz
/showbiz/waitrose-christmas-ad...Waitrose Christmas advert 2024: Who stole the dessert?
IMG-ALT Waitrose Christmas advert has a mysterious theme
https://www.heart.co.uk/showbiz/Textduplikat Showbiz
/showbiz/coleen-wayne-rooney-k...Coleen and Wayne Rooney's lookalike kids names, ages and pictures revealed
IMG-ALT Coleen and Wayne Rooney have four children together
https://www.heart.co.uk/showbiz/Textduplikat Showbiz
/showbiz/wicked-who-tin-man-li...Who are Tin Man, Scarecrow and Lion in Wicked? Original identities revealed
IMG-ALT Who is the Tin Man, the Lion and the Scarecrow in Wicked?
https://www.heart.co.uk/showbiz/Textduplikat Showbiz
/showbiz/holding-space-meaning...What does 'holding space' mean? Cynthia Erivo and Ariana Grande 'Defying Gravity' interview explained
IMG-ALT What does 'holding space' mean?
https://www.heart.co.uk/showbiz/Textduplikat Showbiz
/showbiz/what-happened-to-davi...What happened to Davina McCall? TV presenter reveals health latest
IMG-ALT Davina McCall recovering in bed and wearing her glasses at home
https://www.heart.co.uk/showbiz/Textduplikat Showbiz
/showbiz/ed-sheeran-under-the-...Ed Sheeran Under The Tree: Lyrics, music video and 'That Christmas' film explained
IMG-ALT Everything you need to know about Ed Sheeran's new song Under The Tree
https://www.heart.co.uk/showbiz/Textduplikat Showbiz
/showbiz/band-aid-who-sings-wh...Band Aid: Who sings each line in every version of 'Do They Know It's Christmas?'
IMG-ALT Band Aid's four versions
https://www.heart.co.uk/showbiz/Textduplikat Showbiz
/showbiz/explained/davina-mcca...Davina McCall: TV presenter's age, partner, ex-husband and children revealed
IMG-ALT Davina McCall dressed up on the red carpet as well as her doing yoga in purple gym wear and her dressed in full denim
https://www.heart.co.uk/showbiz/Textduplikat Showbiz
/showbiz/gk-barry-girlfriend-e...Who is GK Barry's girlfriend? Her relationship with Ella Rutherford revealed
IMG-ALT GK Barry's girlfriend Ella Rutherford is a famous sports star
https://www.heart.co.uk/showbiz/Textduplikat Showbiz
/showbiz/davina-mccall-emotion...Davina McCall gives emotional update after brain tumour surgery
IMG-ALT Davina McCall has opened up about her recent surgery
https://www.heart.co.uk/showbiz/Textduplikat Showbiz
/showbiz/bob-geldof-band-aid-l...Bob Geldof looks back at 40 years of Band Aid as new version is released
IMG-ALT Bob Geldof is celebrating 40 years of Band Aid
https://www.heart.co.uk/showbiz/Textduplikat Showbiz
/showbiz/coleen-wayne-rooney-n...Coleen and Wayne Rooney's net worth revealed: How they made their millions
IMG-ALT Coleen and Wayne Rooney are worth millions of pounds
https://www.heart.co.uk/showbiz/Textduplikat Showbiz
/showbiz/alan-halsall-age-girl...Alan Halsall facts: Coronation Street star's age, girlfriend, ex-wife, daughter and career revealed
IMG-ALT Alan Halsall is moving from Corrie to I'm A Celeb this November
https://www.heart.co.uk/showbiz/Textduplikat Showbiz
/showbiz/oti-mabuse-age-husban...Oti Mabuse facts: I'm A Celebrity star's age, husband, children and career revealed
IMG-ALT Oti Mabuse has joined the I'm A Celebrity 2024 line up
https://www.heart.co.uk/showbiz/Textduplikat Showbiz
/showbiz/jane-moore-age-ex-hus...Jane Moore facts: I'm A Celebrity star's age, ex-husband, children and career revealed
IMG-ALT Jane Moore is swapping Loose Woman for the I'm A Celebrity jungle this 2024
https://www.heart.co.uk/showbiz/Textduplikat Showbiz
/showbiz/maura-higgins-age-fro...Maura Higgins facts: I'm A Celebrity star's age, where she's from, boyfriend and career revealed
IMG-ALT Everything you need to know about Maura Higgins as she enters the I'm A Celebrity jungle
https://www.heart.co.uk/showbiz/Textduplikat Showbiz
/showbiz/barry-mcguigan-age-bo...Barry McGuigan facts: Boxer's age, wife, children and career explained
IMG-ALT Everything you need to know about Barry McGuigan
https://www.heart.co.uk/showbiz/Textduplikat Showbiz
/showbiz/reverend-richard-cole...Reverend Richard Coles facts: I'm A Celebrity star's age, partner, children and career revealed
IMG-ALT Rev Richard Coles is entering the I'm A Celeb jungle
https://www.heart.co.uk/showbiz/Textduplikat Showbiz
/showbiz/gk-barry-age-girlfrie...GK Barry facts: I'm A Celebrity star's age, girlfriend, real name and career revealed
IMG-ALT GK Barry is appearing on I'm A Celebrity 2024
https://www.heart.co.uk/showbiz/Textduplikat Showbiz
/showbiz/coleen-rooney-age-hus...Coleen Rooney facts: Age, marriage to Wayne Rooney, children and net worth revealed
IMG-ALT As she enters the I'm A Celebrity jungle, here's everything you need to know about Coleen Rooney
https://www.heart.co.uk/showbiz/Textduplikat Showbiz
/showbiz/music/tom-fletcher-ag...Tom Fletcher facts: McFly singer's age, wife, children, songs and career revealed
IMG-ALT Tom Fletcher in 2023
https://www.heart.co.uk/showbiz/Textduplikat Showbiz
/showbiz/harry-judd-age-wife-c...Harry Judd facts: McFly star's age, wife, children, family and career explained
IMG-ALT Harry Judd in 2023
https://www.heart.co.uk/showbiz/Textduplikat Showbiz
/showbiz/dougie-poynter-age-gi...Dougie Poynter facts: McFly star's age, girlfriend, family and career explained
IMG-ALT Dougie Poynter in 2017
https://www.heart.co.uk/showbiz/Textduplikat Showbiz
/showbiz/rebekah-vardy-slams-c...Rebekah Vardy slams Coleen Rooney again as she brands her "dull" on I'm A Celebrity
IMG-ALT Rebekah Vardy is not holding back when it comes to sharing her opinion on Coleen Rooney
https://www.heart.co.uk/showbiz/Textduplikat Showbiz
/showbiz/maura-higgins-barry-m...Maura Higgins' relationship with Barry McGuigan's son Shane explained
IMG-ALT Maura Higgins and Shane McGuigan relationship explained
https://www.heart.co.uk/showbiz/Textduplikat Showbiz
/showbiz/reverend-richard-cole...Reverend Richard Coles net worth: His secret millions revealed
IMG-ALT Rev Richard Coles has made millions of pounds over the years
https://www.heart.co.uk/showbiz/Textduplikat Showbiz
/showbiz/oti-mabuse-brother-de...What happened to Oti Mabuse's brother? Family tragedy explained
IMG-ALT Oti and Motsi Mabuse's brother died by suicide when he was 18-years-old
https://www.heart.co.uk/showbiz/Textduplikat Showbiz
/showbiz/maura-higgins-pete-wi...Are Maura Higgins and Pete Wicks together?
IMG-ALT Maura Higgins and Pete Wicks are rumoured to be dating
https://www.heart.co.uk/showbiz/Textduplikat Showbiz
/showbiz/liam-payne-funeral-gu...Cheryl joins Liam Payne’s family and friends at funeral
IMG-ALT Liam Payne's family and friends have attended his funeral
https://www.heart.co.uk/showbiz/Textduplikat Showbiz
/showbiz/liam-payne-funeral-on...Liam Payne funeral: One Direction members emotionally reunite at church
IMG-ALT One Direction members emotionally reunite at Liam Payne's funeral
https://www.heart.co.uk/showbiz/Textduplikat Showbiz
/showbiz/alan-halsall-ex-wife-...Alan Halsall's ex-wife Lucy-Jo Hudson breaks silence on his I'm A Celebrity stint
IMG-ALT Lucy Jo-Hudson and Alan Halsall together on the red carpet
https://www.heart.co.uk/showbiz/Textduplikat Showbiz
/showbiz/tulisa-cosmetic-surge...Tulisa’s cosmetic surgery explained amid health battle
IMG-ALT Tulisa is taking part in I'm A Celeb 2024
https://www.heart.co.uk/showbiz/Textduplikat Showbiz
/showbiz/tulisa-ex-boyfriends-...Tulisa dating history: I'm A Celebrity star's ex-boyfriends and relationships revealed
IMG-ALT I'm A Celebrity star Tulisa's ex-boyfriends revealed
https://www.heart.co.uk/showbiz/Textduplikat Showbiz
/showbiz/coleen-wayne-rooney-r...Inside Wayne and Coleen Rooney's marriage: Their relationship timeline revealed
IMG-ALT Coleen and Wayen Rooney have been married for years
https://www.heart.co.uk/showbiz/Textduplikat Showbiz
/showbiz/barry-mcguigan-daught...Who is Barry McGuigan's daughter? Danika's life, career and cancer battle explained
IMG-ALT Barry McGuigan has opened up about the loss of his daughter, Danika, who died from bowel cancer when she was just 33-years-old
https://www.heart.co.uk/showbiz/Textduplikat Showbiz
/showbiz/coleen-rooney-sister-...Who is Coleen Rooney's sister Rosie McLoughlin?
IMG-ALT Coleen Rooney has opened up about the death of her sister Rosie McLoughlin
https://www.heart.co.uk/showbiz/Textduplikat Showbiz
/showbiz/tv-movies/how-much-an...How much do Ant and Dec get paid for I'm A Celebrity?
IMG-ALT Ant and Dec get paid over £3 million for I'm A Celeb
/showbiz/tv-movies/Textduplikat TV & Movies
/showbiz/motsi-mabuse-strictly...Motsi Mabuse facts: Strictly Come Dancing judge's age, famous sister, husband and children
IMG-ALT Motsi Mabuse on Strictly Come Dancing and on the red carpet in a black and white dress
https://www.heart.co.uk/showbiz/Textduplikat Showbiz
/news/weather/school-closures-...School closures in the UK: Where to find if your child's school is closed
IMG-ALT Cold Snap Brings Snow And Freezing Temperatures To Parts Of UK
/news/weather/Textduplikat Weather
/showbiz/gk-barry-real-name-gr...What is GK Barry's real name? The inspiration behind her name change revealed
IMG-ALT GK Barry's real name has been revealed
https://www.heart.co.uk/showbiz/Textduplikat Showbiz
/showbiz/tv-movies/im-a-celebr...I'm A Celebrity Unpacked: When extra show is on TV, channel and presenters explained
IMG-ALT I'm A Celebrity Unpacked will air every night on ITV2 after the main show on ITV
/showbiz/tv-movies/im-a-celebr...Textduplikat I'm A Celebrity
/showbiz/declan-donnelly-age-w...Declan Donnelly facts: I'm A Celebrity presenter's age, wife, children, height and Instagram revealed
IMG-ALT Declan Donnelly presents hit ITV shows
https://www.heart.co.uk/showbiz/Textduplikat Showbiz
/showbiz/five-boyband-now-song...Where are Five now? 90s boyband's members, songs and breakup explained
IMG-ALT 5ive in 1998
https://www.heart.co.uk/showbiz/Textduplikat Showbiz
/showbiz/brian-harvey-east-17-...Brian Harvey facts: East 17 singer's age, wife, children and where he is now explained
IMG-ALT Brian Harvey in 1995
https://www.heart.co.uk/showbiz/Textduplikat Showbiz
/showbiz/celebrities/ant-and-d...Ant and Dec net worth: How much are the I'm A Celebrity presenters worth?
IMG-ALT Ant and Dec net worth: How much are the I'm A Celebrity presenters worth?
/showbiz/celebrities/Textduplikat Celebrities
/showbiz/celebrities/ant-mcpar...Ant McPartlin tattoos: What are they and what do they mean?
IMG-ALT Ant McPartlin tattoos: What are they and what do they mean?
/showbiz/celebrities/Textduplikat Celebrities
/showbiz/joel-dommett-facts-ag...Joel Dommett facts: TV presenter's age, wife, children and career explained
IMG-ALT Joel Dommett smiling alongside a picture of him on stage
https://www.heart.co.uk/showbiz/Textduplikat Showbiz
/showbiz/gary-barlow-age-heigh...Gary Barlow facts: Take That singer's age, height, family and singing career revealed
IMG-ALT Gary Barlow wearing white on stage with Take That
https://www.heart.co.uk/showbiz/Textduplikat Showbiz
/showbiz/east-17-songs-now-mem...Where are East 17 now? 90s boyband's members, songs and breakup explained
IMG-ALT East 17 in 1995
https://www.heart.co.uk/showbiz/Textduplikat Showbiz
/showbiz/davina-mccall-brain-s...Davina McCall reveals she is having brain surgery to remove rare tumour
IMG-ALT Davina McCall has revealed she has a brain tumour
https://www.heart.co.uk/showbiz/Textduplikat Showbiz
/showbiz/robbie-williams-film-...Robbie Williams film: Better Man cast, plot, release date, trailer and soundtrack revealed
IMG-ALT Robbie Williams is the star of Better Man
https://www.heart.co.uk/showbiz/Textduplikat Showbiz
/showbiz/howard-donald-age-hei...Howard Donald facts: Take That singer's age, height, wife, children and career revealed
IMG-ALT Howard Donald in 2014
https://www.heart.co.uk/showbiz/Textduplikat Showbiz
/showbiz/jason-orange-age-now-...Jason Orange facts: Take That singer's age, family and where he is now revealed
IMG-ALT Jason Orange in 2006
https://www.heart.co.uk/showbiz/Textduplikat Showbiz
/showbiz/mark-owen-age-wife-ch...Mark Owen facts: Take That singer's age, wife, children, height and career explained
IMG-ALT Mark Owen in 2023
https://www.heart.co.uk/showbiz/Textduplikat Showbiz
/showbiz/amanda-holden-replaci...Amanda Holden breaks silence on reports she is "replacing" This Morning host Cat Deeley
IMG-ALT Amanda Holden has addressed rumours of her joining This Morning
https://www.heart.co.uk/showbiz/Textduplikat Showbiz
/showbiz/john-lewis-christmas-...John Lewis Christmas advert 2024 song: The Verve's 'Sonnet' explained
IMG-ALT 'Sonnet' by The Verve is the John Lewis Christmas advert 2024
https://www.heart.co.uk/showbiz/Textduplikat Showbiz
/showbiz/john-lewis-christmas-...What does she buy her sister in the John Lewis Christmas advert?
IMG-ALT What gift does she buy her sister in the John Lewis advert?
https://www.heart.co.uk/showbiz/Textduplikat Showbiz
/showbiz/ant-mcpartlin-wife-an...Who is Ant McPartlin's wife Anne-Marie Corbett? A look inside their romance
IMG-ALT Ant McPartlin and Anne-Marie Corbett have been married since 2021, and are now reported to be expecting their first child together
https://www.heart.co.uk/showbiz/Textduplikat Showbiz
/showbiz/band-aid-40-new-versi...Band Aid: 'Do They Know It's Christmas?' gets 40th anniversary update starring past icons
IMG-ALT Band Aid will mark the 40th anniversary
https://www.heart.co.uk/showbiz/Textduplikat Showbiz
/showbiz/timothy-west-dead-age...Actor Timothy West dies aged 90
IMG-ALT Timothy West has died aged 90
https://www.heart.co.uk/showbiz/Textduplikat Showbiz
/showbiz/bridget-jones-trailer...Bridget Jones 4: New sequel trailer shocks fans with beloved character death
IMG-ALT Bridget Jones: Mad About the Boy's trailer is released
https://www.heart.co.uk/showbiz/Textduplikat Showbiz
/showbiz/tv-movies/married-at-...Are MAFS UK’s Nathan and Lacey still together?
IMG-ALT Nathan and Lacey are one of the couples on MAFS UK 2024
/showbiz/tv-movies/married-at-...Textduplikat Married at First Sight
/showbiz/tv-movies/married-at-...Are MAFS UK's Amy and Luke still together?
IMG-ALT Amy and Luke are looking for love on MAFS UK
/showbiz/tv-movies/married-at-...Textduplikat Married at First Sight
/showbiz/tv-movies/married-at-...Are MAFS UK's Ross and Sacha still together?
IMG-ALT Ross and Sacha tied the knot on MAFS UK
/showbiz/tv-movies/married-at-...Textduplikat Married at First Sight
/showbiz/christmas-adverts-202...Christmas adverts 2024 revealed: John Lewis, M&S, Sainsbury's, ASDA, Aldi, Lidl, Boots and more
IMG-ALT The battle of the Christmas adverts has begun
https://www.heart.co.uk/showbiz/Textduplikat Showbiz
/showbiz/gary-barlow-wife-chil...Gary Barlow wife and kids: A look inside the Take That star's family life
IMG-ALT Gary Barlow is a proud husband and father
https://www.heart.co.uk/showbiz/Textduplikat Showbiz
/showbiz/robbie-williams-2025-...Robbie Williams announces massive UK shows for 2025: Dates, tickets and venues
IMG-ALT Robbie Williams live
https://www.heart.co.uk/showbiz/Textduplikat Showbiz
/showbiz/celebrity-deaths-2024...Celebrity deaths in 2024: Remembering the stars we lost this year
IMG-ALT Celebrities who died in 2024
https://www.heart.co.uk/showbiz/Textduplikat Showbiz
/showbiz/john-lewis-christmas-...John Lewis Christmas advert 2024: Everything we know from release date to song
IMG-ALT The John Lewis Christmas advert 2024 has been teased
https://www.heart.co.uk/showbiz/Textduplikat Showbiz
/showbiz/jb-gill-jls-age-wife-...JB Gill facts: JLS singer's age, wife, children and farm revealed
IMG-ALT JB Gill gained fame being part of JLS
https://www.heart.co.uk/showbiz/Textduplikat Showbiz
/showbiz/lauren-oakley-strictl...Lauren Oakley facts: Strictly Come Dancing professional's age, husband and career revealed
IMG-ALT Lauren Oakley smiling on the red carpet and on the beach
https://www.heart.co.uk/showbiz/Textduplikat Showbiz
/showbiz/liam-payne-funeral-da...Liam Payne funeral: Date and location 'to be announced very soon'
IMG-ALT Here's what we know about Liam Payne's funeral so far
https://www.heart.co.uk/showbiz/Textduplikat Showbiz
/showbiz/gary-barlow-son-heigh...Gary Barlow son height: How tall Daniel Barlow really is as picture goes viral
IMG-ALT So, how tall really is Gary Barlow's son Daniel?
https://www.heart.co.uk/showbiz/Textduplikat Showbiz
/showbiz/tv-movies/married-at-...Are MAFS UK’s Kristina and Kieran still together?
IMG-ALT Kristina and Kieran wed on MAFS UK
/showbiz/tv-movies/married-at-...Textduplikat Married at First Sight
/showbiz/marti-pellow-intervie...Marti Pellow reflects on 30 years of 'Love is All Around': "God bless Let Loose"
IMG-ALT Marti Pellow
https://www.heart.co.uk/showbiz/Textduplikat Showbiz
/news/royals/queen-camilla-fac...Queen Camilla facts: King Charles's wife's age, royal titles, children and more revealed
IMG-ALT Queen Camilla holds a key position in the royal family
/news/royals/Textduplikat Royals
/lifestyle/winter-wonderland-2...Winter Wonderland 2024 in Hyde Park: Dates, prices and more explained
IMG-ALT Winter Wonderland 2024
/lifestyle/Textduplikat Lifestyle
/radio/shows-presenters/dev-gr...Hugh Grant talks new horror film, Notting Hill and his favourite spot in London
IMG-ALT Hugh Grant talks new horror film, Notting Hill and his favourite spot in London
/radio/shows-presenters/dev-gr...Dev Griffin
/showbiz/x-factor-2004-series-...The X Factor 2004: Where are they now? Steve Brookstein, G4, Tabby Callaghan and more
IMG-ALT Where are G4, Steve Brookstein and Tabby now?
https://www.heart.co.uk/showbiz/Textduplikat Showbiz
/showbiz/pedro-pascal-connie-n...Pedro Pascal and Connie Nielsen talk epic stunts in Gladiator II
IMG-ALT Pedro Pascal and Connie Nielsen chatted about Gladiator III
https://www.heart.co.uk/showbiz/Textduplikat Showbiz
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https://global-player.onelink....Neues Fenster Extern Subdomain IMG-ALT Watch the latest Heart Videos January 2024
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/radio/shows-presenters/heart-...Heart Breakfast with Jamie and Amanda
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/radio/shows-presenters/heart-...Heart Breakfast Scotland
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/showbiz/tv-movies/married-at-...Textduplikat Married at First Sight
/news/royals/Subdomain Textduplikat Royals
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/showbiz/celebrities/stacey-so...Stacey Solomon
/lifestyle/travel/Subdomain Travel
/lifestyle/food-drink/Food & Health
/showbiz/tv-movies/thismorning/This Morning
/showbiz/tv-movies/Textduplikat TV & Movies
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