Heart.co.uk - SEO Checker

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(Extremadamente importante)
Heart Radio - turn up the feel good!
La longitud del título es óptima (317 píxeles de una longitud máxima de 580 píxeles).
No se repite ninguna palabra en el título.
Meta descripción
(Extremadamente importante)
Listen to Heart radio on Global Player, and get the latest celebrity, TV and showbiz news, exclusive interviews, competitions and more!
La longitud de la meta descripción es óptima (827 píxeles de una longitud máxima de 1000 píxeles).
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No se detectan problemas para acceder al sitio web.
Redirección canónica
La página tiene una redirección canónica correcta.
(Poco importante)
Idioma reconocido automáticamente en el contenido: en
Idioma declarado en el código HTML: en
Ubicación geográfica del servidor: Estados Unidos de América
El idioma ha sido correctamente declarado en el código HTML: en.
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URL de la página
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descriptionListen to Heart radio on Global Player, and get the latest celebrity, TV and showbiz news, exclusive interviews, competitions and more!
twitter:titleHeart Radio - turn up the feel good!
twitter:descriptionHeart Radio - turn up the feel good! Listen to Heart radio for free with the Heart app.
og:titleHeart Radio - turn up the feel good!
og:descriptionListen to Heart radio on Global Player, and get the latest celebrity, TV and showbiz news, exclusive interviews, competitions and more!

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Algunas palabras del título no se repiten en el cuerpo del texto.
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El número total de palabras en la página es bueno: 2340 palabras.
Un 23.1% del contenido está constituido por palabras vacías.
La página contiene un listado, lo que indica una buena estructuración del contenido.
No se detecta ningún placeholder de texto ni imagen.
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Optimización para móviles
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El uso de etiquetas de negritas en esta página es óptimo. Te recomendamos emplear hasta 47 etiquetas de negritas en una página.
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No se detecta ninguna descripción del atributo ALT en 36 imágenes. El contenido de los atributos ALT también es evaluado como texto por los buscadores y es muy importante para la búsqueda de imágenes.
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El sitio utiliza HTTPS para transferir datos de forma segura.
Todos los archivos incluidos se transfieren a través de HTTPS.

Lista de medios

URLAtributo ALTTítulo
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...p&signature=-i87bD47RZ7TQEae5veEIesh8aA=Heart Make Me a Millionaire is back
...p&signature=85FloLTIk39Lsfa4dkpB8STFLjg=Valentine's Voicenotes
...p&signature=yZVBlJsp4Dy2Mt5lJ_LYKXut_nQ=Stack of pancakes plus somone flipping one in a pan
...p&signature=XW0ImXvFw39Sb9BFD5E1U8W3Ekw=Beyoncé announces her UK tour
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...p&signature=7NLVfdo-lxS8jKkysMt5IFoxWI8=Heart's January Jackpot
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...p&signature=7SJEI6om6C1NeuiNdBOtIBm_ByA=Who is in Love Island All Stars 2025?
...p&signature=wbAbIQbKxSAsllSkuHl5YLV2dms=Linda found out about Pauline's dementia diagnosis three years ago.
...p&signature=FRG1FKrnXLrURVUXvQtbWo7HvZg=Robbie Williams is going on an exciting tour across UK and Europe in 2025
...p&signature=cAA_bcCuHaGvTPcC9NEuP32ocxI=Love Island All Stars has seen various couples pair up
...p&signature=pMUZCqcxb4hR8B6Yndgyr5nq6Yg=Love Island All Stars will see a twist on the final week
...p&signature=BL_Jdxt7_qO8Xhk37X0PDEI2Tvk=Peter Kay has backed his decision to remove three hecklers from a recent show.
...p&signature=a4S06CKe2z8ZkdsJMVrknuSLMQ4=Harriett Blackmore and Luca Bish have a connection outside of the Love Island villa
...p&signature=SsilSHf3vTO4KT14g6TC7toa4oA=Andrea McLean collapsed before being rushed to hospital
...p&signature=fPjqxBoWt4bDPiIJ9idAxTgePmI=Love Island All Stars is taking over our winter TV watching
...p&signature=WX5faYI6PtIxoyUZa619NSTvT_8=Love Island All Stars has seen a number of people leave the villa
...p&signature=f6h2RZ-Pw14fFq144a-u3TA7BLw=Lady Gaga has released the music video for Abracadabra
...p&signature=E5dMaqvOdlN-kOaf1AMlafjyNaQ=As MAFS Australia kicks off Down Under, can we watch it here in the UK?
...p&signature=0vFeOwhT9QwMHugODdAonnooN0Q=Kaleb Cooper lives a very happy life farming Diddly Squat and raising his two children with partner Kaya
...p&signature=lsvQgGn3ONAYIMCAjbjQRFfqWaI=Colin Farrell almost joined Boyzone
...p&signature=8Vtnl9KEOrp9vkZExv80aC5eSJY=Kaleb Cooper and his partner Taya are expecting their third child together
...p&signature=qFYV5xysmBdGhfISXx40ZEA_AVY=Serena Williams came to Taylor Swift's defence
...p&signature=-or1kQA0hIiTTXZDvItJfqrVRe4=Lady Gaga performed an emotional ballad at the Superbowl
...p&signature=cMeZHzWueTQWVOAxpCHOF-YC0FI=Who has left The Masked Singer? All the celebrities unmasked so far
...p&signature=4DOe-EVRxG_TxLgRgWXPzv39Xgo=The 90s reboot is reportedly in the early production stages.
...p&signature=s_BesYma-M2DPK69YbEhUI1WRls=Demi Moore and Bruce Willis still share a close relationship despite being divorce
...p&signature=_itep2PBw4pj2RTD9LeFKBondOE=Lady Gaga and Michael Polansky met through Lady Gaga's mother
...p&signature=MzalgFNIhv0Ha8SlCVWKpSrmW-Q=Maya Jama waded in on Grace's drama with Luca.
...p&signature=qyFVvMGAg3AU2vUg5Manw5CnUdM=Craig David confirmed a UK arena tour in 2024
...p&signature=sJnxtyti47pxFStO7Gmc-7tIVxk=Olivia and Alex Bowen have announced their pregnancy
...p&signature=z0dEBn5YaJgyPDqtdfb-E-oJFYM=Fans have been keen to learn more about Ron Hall's eye
...p&signature=TxxazS1vg8rvWooP6x2gtQn8cnY=Remember Monday are an up and coming country band
...p&signature=0Jp0fiNaUkkUHc29uSbaKDVyRUI=The clocks are set to change in March 2025
...p&signature=Pgq9BZp6UAlCwEyajUPDf7Dj84Q=Anyone else curious what this lot have been up to since Married At First Sight ended?
...p&signature=jzLttQIi7RKzi3oWy8dHfAG7hNk=Kelsey Parker has revealed why she has moved on from her late husband Tom Parker
...p&signature=K4Jxqgm-dvRMEjW457ExMK-Ly4I=Luca Bish stormed out of the villa after a clash with Grace Jackson
...p&signature=oyclmeLifUjqeGd2ZqRBKkco3kM=Sophie Ellis-Bextor, Jess Glynne and Will Young are among the Pub in the Park performers
...p&signature=KJq8Rlz5_ikidqir7htTq0IzZrA=Craig David has been on the music scene since 2000
...p&signature=RJAjVr_xLWsiSZNgF6U3ZUB1iOY=Marti Pellow is the former frontman of Wet Wet Wet.
...p&signature=75_4jR8bM_d-Urwyi8kVst0GaI4=Is Colin Firth is back for the fourth Bridget Jones film?
...p&signature=mYkgWCdHu0fW_BpZLWvx2uA5C-o=Ronnie, Jess and Harriett were involved in a love triangle last year
...p&signature=Ni5um_5Sc2vLI7rOGAyg9cftxSk=A handful of Love Island couples have had babies together.
...p&signature=CTbNJN7m3RWFrSTgFmqgXzN7PGU=Lady Gaga on the red carpet
...p&signature=7iVmD3q_FHKIMbBvjxWQ-S_wbpY=Chiwetel Ejiofor is a celebrated British actor.
...p&signature=OxkZMFI50GQB79B5kxl8oXMulWI=Mel Schilling is a dating and relationship Coach
...p&signature=HaHEnvcmnWNWNWen90AJpmHd7Cg=Olivia Hawkins and Marcel Somerville are said to have broken up
...p&signature=Y4T5aNINyMVQpt6tl9iNvz-CO9U=Shirley Ballas is a world-famous ballroom and Latin dancer
...p&signature=BSmbgiUn4Zemm1pf5sMbdR-AIYs=Una Healy is competing on new Netflix show Celebrity Bear Hunt
...p&signature=n_phdewBxVn8b-kTlF7ArOhwd14=Bear Grylls had wife Shara by his side at his latest premiere
...p&signature=Cv0afKGTBPbwUYI_w9V-3cPsp50=Bear Grylls has launched a new TV show on Netflix
...p&signature=vCRI8kXlBhb2TY_szlCV_8q7wmA=Samie Elishi and Luca Bish share a romantic past
...p&signature=BeSiopVG7QB3ps5Mt9MZ9oUnt_M=Michelle Keegan has showcased her growing baby bump.
...p&signature=ErobXZ29mvnEQCmDP6LBvGk_i5k=Coleen Nolan has opened up regarding Linda Nolan's death
...p&signature=pPpFR5HcGY6iNq2rMRuQc_SloNg=Love Island's Tom Clare and Samie Elishi have split
...p&signature=CkhGZNcolObxIeRsG6vMg-FbHwc=Samie Elishi is one of the Love Island All Stars
...p&signature=EBmG4fR9EwJ6_jX3Yaf0IorAMCo=Chuggs is said to be returning to the Love Island villa
...p&signature=K4AyF9NiVNcGaWnuCepmgCyUG98=Hugh Jackman has cancelled his BST performance
...p&signature=3PLkvzqquTsArEl5oh6rRMSdn9s=Jeremy Clarkson has spoken out regarding his health
...p&signature=wXBbSM_pjBzVjTLEmihAe5nC2r4=Ruth Langsford has spoken out regarding her divorce from Eamonn Holmes
...p&signature=IiEPPbM-JB_ynmshQZ0oCuYXWyE=Mikey Graham didn't reunite with Boyzone for the documentary
...p&signature=7QoTPrBVwTP5WnnAF8fqI7JbkIs=Stephen Gately was a popular singer with his band Boyzone
...p&signature=HeT9WZx-6xuZCSyWb3O0QameqTk=Louis Walsh is a CBB housemate
...p&signature=PVypk5OsdFuaozKVzsH7lZV8dDo=Andrea Corry in 2023
...p&signature=FwQaCmn5fNHWW3XuXgBbfaH-IT0=Grayson Perry in 2023
...p&signature=fJfY_ogag5H-EJ-lBrCk39H3HbQ=Lily Collins and Charlie McDowell are first-time parents together
...p&signature=T0xZ3oAw4yA2dmBVEHw9ZYqSZKQ=Coleen Nolan attends the funeral of her sister Linda
...p&signature=HffedRMyqrk-891y62qKJFTv94I=Leo Woodall is making waves in the acting world.
...p&signature=KgcBT1kz6qoGiW6oef2eLJOEtTM=One Day actor Leo Woodall met Meghann Fahy on the set of White Lotus
...p&signature=EXLL2Te9qJ67LSefe_D2QH361kQ=Renée Zellweger is the star of Bridget Jones: Mad About the Boy
...p&signature=KF3vTU00TWzZYeoEwLrt6LDS65Q=Omar Nyame is taking part in Love Island All Stars
...p&signature=R3uTzOD72uHGN5ytqELtjmXePlM=Colin Firth has become one of Britain’s most celebrated actors.
...p&signature=tfOz2eso5vp-fYsRMfZj3rHbyUU=Hugh Grant and Renée Zellweger have been firm friends for decades
...p&signature=4z27JWQsONbo8eTCdzTC6Dg6uyg=Hugh Grant will star in the fourth instalment of Bridget Jones - released on Valentine's Day.
...p&signature=PAoLRHn3y-rjilSEAyZyb07IW74=Here's how to make a perfect Negroni - and some with a twist
...p&signature=CMS6o4hwNjXsNKY7dJfJoV5R-e4=Ronnie Vint's hair has been questioned on Love Island
...p&signature=IOAxeK9jfvXCkvb5ihTBQSuC8pU=Bridget Jones has become classic British character
...p&signature=o4I-HBppzE5rYyDLQbSvrLuZ9Nc=Linda Robson broke down in tears when discussing Pauline Quirke
...p&signature=idfpU_JxJbQPdDGPwLzpIXGPMd8=Scott Thomas shares a close bond with his brothers Adam and Ryan
...p&signature=_cN2WH6tgLCX1FWxSum8A78WxUM=Bridget Jones Mad About the Boy is set to be released in 2025
...p&signature=21PCWxp93WtoDeh5g2QQ1Fis9lM=Princess Beatrice and her husband have welcomed their second child together
...p&signature=J2CS6Mmj55ByFahm_xlwIAGlF50=Jack Fincham has been sent to prison for six weekd
...p&signature=zzhSsmr-o8pWL7BMoVrGM15LFZ8=We want to hear from people wanting to propose
...p&signature=pGS1KqvOg5QkMdlcBhDPwh4WOls=Danielle Sellers is joining Love Island All Stars
...p&signature=YvjZk71pK9CwyXzi1-BwMO9ca2o=Sammy Root and Jess Harding were the winners of Love Island season 10
...p&signature=aoBEpnh3-7BXGR3YESUy70dNZGw=Sammy Root is one of the Love Island All Star contestants
...p&signature=O7_6rC2_nPyzyVIaQZOwj3Wto1Q=Fans are wondering if Paul and Carina from MAFS Australia are still together
...p&signature=AqCCcBmZSWjnhDwZjdHOnLFceKY=Harriett Blackmore and Ronnie Vint met on Love Island
...p&signature=uCyNjhbGeK4nfjayIv7ZEbnzUZ0=Luca Bish is taking part in Love Island All Stars
...p&signature=o9zbovkr-1Ht5nBej7ZKX3Pv4w8=Grace Jackson is returning to Love Island
...p&signature=-gXKhWaKQsu88k2KW43EalfVkX0=John Aiken is an expert on MAFS Australia
...p&signature=6svem3R-p3nwhzCKeGMwMW5G7U8=Eliot is one of the grooms on MAFS Australia
...p&signature=BMTRJJKRTQcBpGD_HpHkfTEKNhU=Carina is hoping to find love on MAFS Australia
...p&signature=5yi_v66hy5Rl81cK60YUZyxYnuE=Lauren is one of the brides on MAFS Australia
...p&signature=6nCj6EWRYtom6IhfEYu7DGnrAhI=Montel McKenzie and Leah Taylor met on Love Island
...p&signature=cmsvrx4RBZz6bvW-CBbwod46Et4=Montel McKenzie is returning to Love Island
...p&signature=Od9bVwb9V99rezMIbQMjIGJJe0M=Harriett Blackmore is looking for romance on Love Island All Stars
...p&signature=UVZa2gCSjE_41K7kQWLFu2KPCDs=Grace Jackson's ex-boyfriends have been revealed
...p&signature=A-W1gBWNroT_WQPJet_U8Qfb0bk=Marcel Somerville and his wife Rebecca Vieira tied the knot in 2022
...p&signature=w_7vCwo0_BkwDJcbeigsEa6v1dE=Ron Hall is taking part in Love Island All Stars
...p&signature=xmsjo3DGwOpk1EAG-hXOco265P8=Who is Snail on the Masked Singer?
...p&signature=rQy8B1CZ95rIlMTaPbeUIyfEg-M=Kingfisher is one of the stars on The Masked Singer
...p&signature=4zNlwePd8cl7vvH2uaM-nlLjp1c=Teeth is a contestant on The Masked Singer
...p&signature=OgswzugyD-e3G-Rc3Fe5hBkaZK4=Tattoo is one of the contestants on The Masked Singer
...p&signature=a_vreyTN_EG2gGCCllwm0Gy-fDo=Love Island All Stars welcomes back Scott Thomas to the villa for 2025
...p&signature=O_4vtOaq3PfIKx_pueC1EIsRqE8=Crab is one of the celebrities on The Masked Singer
...p&signature=vN9SjBjp-8vER6AdD2AoL-bYsXM=Scott Thomas and Kady McDermott met on Love Island
...p&signature=Opxm3JC8YqJkj4RhCTLXasvqTO0=Scott Thomas and Tina Stinnes met on Love Island in 2016
...p&signature=p0B6h71OVQr-qgEedMz0TEJ-0Kg=Casey O'Gorman is taking part in Love Island All Stars 2025
...p&signature=P7-9GMV85J_iO6dU1nPCt34JmYg=Marcel Somerville is taking part in Love Island All Stars 2025
...p&signature=_VHjeLCMz-VjLGZjpMHuIKW4SNI=Gabby Allen will appear on Love Island All Stars 2025
...p&signature=xdIZWAWjhH8pr30GyNKZJ67Sei4=Lana Jenkins has responded to her ex-boyfriend Ron Hall re-entering Love Island
...p&signature=3onjfmyWCEez-9vjTHLQANGOrhc=Tina Stinnes is taking part in Love Island All stars
...p&signature=PdWRgzBDjyOIOFV9fu4SPAihluQ=Jamie Theakston has returned to Heart Breakfast
...p&signature=7s5vGL4z_ELugBaTEl3TKrPYRfs=Jayne Torvill and Christopher Dean have been ice skating royalty in their career
...p&signature=N1LNiMeZU8gxkiJLz2qNhclinWY=Charlie Brooks is competing on Dancing on Ice 2025
...p&signature=Pu-dBRvk4LekdNcLKVSlg_M616g=Kaz Crossley is taking part in Love Island All Stars 2025
...p&signature=6bGPXvYc08LIv53IYoE464eq0RI=Molly-Mae's documentary will feature new episodes
...p&signature=1go1oDKNEYK1TThayvYB6Bj_Btk=Molly-Mae and Tommy's relationship has been questioned
...p&signature=1fzXn7mKShgRhyRKAxUYQFlmjeI=Molly-Mae's family feature on her Behind It All documentary
...p&signature=Def9yo27sChrxHzYNQRNGZ-VT3U=Molly-Mae Hague broke down when discussing her split from Tommy Fury
...p&signature=eS3KnIMdW6JDdK0j2bEFd6JzVOE=Molly-Mae Hague has a new reality TV show
...p&signature=Mv7gnihvnfnTKbgGviOtXUGhNBM=Jamie Theakston has announced he's cancer free!
...p&signature=T0aQO_ZUbW-_oRK5A5wqtoAzTwc=Holly Willoughby has racked up incredible wealth during her TV career.
...p&signature=3ks6dr9iqoshIAPIBdmBQ_N7nfI=Molly-Mae Hague as spoken out regarding her relationship with Tommy Fury
...p&signature=Cteg2nhoN_ZFFF0ESgq0jUb2RF4=Paul Danan in Celebrity Big Brother in 2017
...p&signature=LiMKlctFf0ezyJycFqDd8I1ZOX0=Kaz Crossley has opened up about her hair loss journey
...p&signature=V4s0UbX0foXLuHMLeDW6m0IMPNM=Tommy Fury has revealed why he and Molly-Mae Hague split
...p&signature=iOS3S1xkFn44wfb5u6tqQ3CORzI=Linda Nolan has died
...p&signature=7RW3fFbYSZjNKMlw2sWVDVKfMqQ=Andrew Le Page and Tasha Ghouri have reportedly split
...p&signature=dS1nET1eCYfQWfnW4TXo6LyoVSI=What is Beyoncé's announcement?
...p&signature=bkxi94kzYjfok1hFumqFclDggbg=Olivia Hawkins is entering the Love Island villa once more as an All Star for 2025
...p&signature=MoTIOWwQjVZZ0Ex7iRvsr5qbDWI=Elma Pazar is taking part in Love Island All Stars
...p&signature=b6aq2PwdJzhWMV4cb2RihoWBbsE=Ronnie Vint is taking part in Love Island All Stars 2025
...p&signature=bWAFoWqtPPqk_zXo-RP9CzuKzow=Curtis Pritchard is taking part in Love Island All Stars 2025
...p&signature=VK6MdQkdjpeiLgn1C-wz624GNe0=India Reynolds is taking part in Love Island All Stars 2025
...p&signature=c7oAPWBbh5azuoOp1zsZowvGZoY=Nas Majeed is taking part in Love Island 2025
...p&signature=Ju2M8iuiBjI5e-a6L8Y1MXBwVA4=Catherine Agbaje is taking part in Love Island All Stars 2025
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H3 Tom Kerridge answers Heart listeners food debates!
H3 Jesse Eisenberg fangirls over Emma Stone
H3 Joanne McNally spills the tea on what really happens in her dating app DMs!
H3 Danny Jones reveals awkward jungle moment with GK Barry...
H3 Will this be the last Bridget Jones?
H3 Robbie Williams opens up about his depression when writing 'Feel'
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H3 Support British Heart Foundation in helping to save lives
H3 Love Island All Stars cast 2025: Full line up and their show history revealed
H3 Linda Robson reveals Pauline Quirke 'doesn't remember me or her kids' in heartbreaking dementia update
H3 Robbie Williams Live 2025 tour: Tickets, prices, support acts and venues
H3 Which Love Island All Stars are still together? The 2025 relationships revealed
H3 Dumped Love Island All Stars to make dramatic return in shock final week twist
H3 Peter Kay defends decision to kick hecklers out of comedy gig for 'spoiling show'
H3 Love Island's Luca Bish and Harriett Blackmore's secret connection unveiled
H3 Loose Women star Andrea McLean rushed to hospital with severe pneumonia and sepsis after collapsing at home
H3 When does Love Island All Stars 2025 finish?
H3 Who left Love Island All Stars? Full list of dumped Islanders revealed
H3 Lady Gaga's 'Abracadabra': Song lyrics and video explained as Mayhem album release date confirmed
H3 How to watch MAFS Australia 2025 in the UK
H3 Inside Kaleb Cooper's life away from Clarkson's Farm with partner, kids and growing net worth
H3 Colin Farrell cringes at "terrible" Boyzone audition where he almost joined the band
H3 Clarkson's Farm star Kaleb Cooper reveals his partner is pregnant with their third child
H3 Serena Williams defends Taylor Swift after she's booed at the Super Bowl 2025
H3 Lady Gaga leaves fans in tears as she delivers emotional Super Bowl 2025 performance
H3 The Masked Singer 2025 celebrities unmasked so far
H3 Buffy the Vampire Slayer reboot: Cast, plot and release date revealed
H3 Demi Moore gives emotional update on Bruce Willis amid his dementia battle
H3 Who is Lady Gaga's fiancé? Micheal Polansky’s age, job, family and more revealed
H3 Love Island All Stars host Maya Jama defends Grace Jackson over Luca Bish backlash
H3 Craig David Commitments tour 2025: Tickets, venues, set list and stage times
H3 Love Island's Olivia and Alex Bowen announce pregnancy with sweet video
H3 What happened to Ron Hall's eye? Love Island star's injury and blindness explained
H3 Remember Monday facts: Members, songs and music history revealed
H3 When do the clocks go forward in the UK in 2025?
H3 MAFS Australia 2024 cast now: From who is still together to who has found love elsewhere
H3 Kelsey Parker reveals heartbreaking reason for finding love after Tom's death
H3 Has Love Island's Luca Bish left All Stars?
H3 Jess Glynne, Will Young, Sophie Ellis-Bextor announced for Pub in the Park 2025: Tickets, dates and venues
H3 Craig David facts: Age, where he's from, girlfriend and top songs revealed
H3 Marti Pellow facts: Singer's age, real name, net worth, wife and kids revealed
H3 Is Colin Firth in Bridget Jones Mad About the Boy?
H3 Jess, Ronnie and Harriett's dramatic Love Island triangle explained
H3 Love Island babies: All the couples who've had children together
H3 Lady Gaga facts: Singer's age, real name, height, net worth and partner revealed
H3 Chiwetel Ejiofor facts: Actor's age, movies, wife and kids revealed
H3 Married At First Sight Mel Schilling: Age, husband and children revealed
H3 Love Island's Olivia and Marcel split just days after leaving the All Stars villa
H3 Shirley Ballas facts: Age, boyfriend, children and dance career revealed
H3 Una Healy facts: Age, ex-husband, children and The Saturdays career revealed
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H3 Bear Grylls facts: Age, real name, wife and family revealed
H3 What happened between Luca Bish and Samie Elishi? Their secret Love Island romance revealed
H3 Michelle Keegan reveals blossoming baby bump for first time in 'stunning' snaps
H3 Coleen Nolan breaks down in tears as she pays tribute to sister Linda on Loose Women
H3 What happened between Samie Elishi and Tom Clare? Their Love Island relationship explained
H3 Samie Elishi facts: Age, ex-boyfriends, Instagram and Love Island history explained
H3 Chuggs facts: Age, ex-girlfriends, Instagram, real name and Love Island history explained
H3 Hugh Jackman 'deeply disappointed' after cancelling BST Hyde Park show
H3 Jeremy Clarkson reveals he's determined 'not to die' after recent health scare
H3 Ruth Langsford breaks silence on ‘difficult and painful’ split from Eamonn Holmes
H3 Mikey Graham facts: Boyzone singer's age, wife, children and where he is now revealed
H3 Stephen Gately: Remembering Boyzone singer's tragic early death and how the pop world reacted
H3 Louis Walsh facts: X Factor judge's age, health, net worth and career explained
H3 Andrea Corr facts: The Corrs singer's age, songs, husband, children and career explained
H3 Grayson Perry facts: Artist's age, wife, children and career explained
H3 Emily in Paris star Lily Collins announces she has welcomed her first child via surrogate
H3 Linda Nolan funeral: Sister Coleen Nolan, Shane Richie pay tribute to "wonderful" star at emotional service
H3 Leo Woodall facts: Age, movies, TV shows and girlfriend Meghann Fahy revealed
H3 Leo Woodall and Meghann Fahy's sweet relationship explained
H3 Renée Zellweger facts: Bridget Jones star's age, partner, nationality and life away from the screen revealed
H3 Omar Nyame facts: Age, ex-girlfriends, Instagram and Love Island history explained
H3 Colin Firth facts: Actor's age, wife, children and movies revealed
H3 Inside Renée Zellweger and Hugh Grant's close friendship as they reunite for final Bridget Jones film
H3 Hugh Grant facts: Actor's age, movies, wife and kids revealed
H3 How to make the perfect Negroni... and other recipes for a twist on the classic cocktail
H3 Ronnie Vint's hair explained: Everything the Love Island star has said about his look
H3 Bridget Jones: 8 facts you didn't know about the hit film series
H3 Linda Robson breaks down in tears discussing Pauline Quirke's dementia diagnosis
H3 Inside Scott Thomas' sweet relationship with brothers Adam and Ryan
H3 Bridget Jones Mad About the Boy release date, trailer, cast and plot revealed
H3 Princess Beatrice gives birth to second baby and reveals beautifully unique name
H3 Love Island winner Jack Fincham jailed for six weeks after dog attack
H3 Propose on Heart Breakfast! Let Jamie and Amanda help with your Valentine's Day engagement
H3 Danielle Sellers facts: Age, ex-boyfriends, Instagram and Love Island history explained
H3 What happened between Sammy Root and Jess Harding? Their Love Island split explained
H3 Sammy Root facts: Age, ex-girlfriends, Instagram, TOWIE and Love Island history explained
H3 Are MAFS Australia's Carina and Paul still together?
H3 What happened between Harriett Blackmore and Ronnie Vint? Their Love Island relationship explained
H3 Luca Bish facts: Love Island star's age, ex-girlfriends and Love Island history explained
H3 Grace Jackson facts: Age, ex-boyfriends, Instagram and Love Island history explained
H3 John Aiken facts: MAFS expert's age, wife, children and Instagram revealed
H3 Meet Eliot from MAFS Australia: Age, job and Instagram revealed
H3 Meet Carina from MAFS Australia: Age, job and Instagram revealed
H3 Meet Lauren from MAFS Australia: Age, job, Instagram and Jono McCullough romance revealed
H3 What happened between Montel and Leah? Their Love Island relationship explained
H3 Montel McKenzie facts: Age, ex-girlfriends, Instagram and Love Island history explained
H3 Harriett Blackmore facts: Age, ex-boyfriends, Instagram and Love Island history explained
H3 Who has Love Island's Grace Jackson dated? Her ex-boyfriends revealed
H3 Is Marcel still married? Love Island star’s explosive split from wife Rebecca explained
H3 Ron Hall facts: Age, ex-girlfriends, eye, Instagram and Love Island history explained
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H3 Scott Thomas facts: Love Island star's age, ex-girlfriends, famous brothers and business revealed
H3 Who is Crab on The Masked Singer? All the clues and guesses so far
H3 What happened between Scott Thomas and Kady McDermott? Their fiery split explained
H3 What happened between Scott Thomas and Tina Stinnes? Their Love Island romance explained
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H3 Marcel Somerville facts: Age, ex-wife, son and Love Island history explained
H3 Gabby Allen facts: Age, ex-boyfriends, Instagram and Love Island history explained
H3 Love Island's Lana Jenkins breaks silence as ex Ron Hall returns for All Stars
H3 Tina Stinnes facts: Age, ex-boyfriends, Instagram, Made In Chelsea and Love Island history explained
H3 Heart Breakfast celebrate Jamie Theakston's return!
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H3 Charlie Brooks facts: Dancing on Ice star's age, partner, children and TV career revealed
H3 Kaz Crossley facts: Age, ex-boyfriends, alopecia, Instagram and Love Island history explained
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H3 Are Molly-Mae Hague and Tommy Fury back together? Everything we know about their relationship
H3 Who are Molly-Mae's mum and dad? Her family life with sister Zoe revealed
H3 Molly-Mae breaks down in tears as she reveals exact moment she split from Tommy Fury
H3 Molly-Mae Behind It All: Documentary release date, channel, episodes and cast revealed
H3 Jamie Theakston announces he's cancer free as he returns to Heart Breakfast
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H3 Molly-Mae Hague breaks silence on claims Tommy Fury split was 'publicity stunt'
H3 Hollyoaks and original Love Island star Paul Danan dies, aged 46
H3 Why Love Island's Kaz Crossley cut her hair: Inside the star's alopecia battle
H3 Tommy Fury reveals alcohol addiction is reason for Molly-Mae Hague split
H3 Linda Nolan dies aged 65 following 20-year cancer battle
H3 Why did Tasha Ghouri and Andrew Le Page split? The real reason behind their shock break-up revealed
H3 What is Beyoncé's announcement? Fan theories from Cowboy Carter tour to new visuals and ACT III
H3 Olivia Hawkins facts: Love Island star's age, ex-boyfriends, season and career revealed
H3 Elma Pazar facts: Age, ex-boyfriends, Instagram, TOWIE and Love Island history explained
H3 Ronnie Vint facts: Age, ex-girlfriends, Instagram and Love Island history explained
H3 Curtis Pritchard facts: Age, ex-girlfriends, Instagram and Love Island history explained
H3 India Reynolds facts: Age, ex-boyfriends, Instagram and Love Island history explained
H3 Nas Majeed facts: Age, ex-girlfriends, Instagram and Love Island history explained
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/radio/shows-presenters/dev-gr...Texto duplicado Dev Griffin
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/win/heart-make-me-a-millionai...Heart's Make Me a Millionaire is back! How to enter for your chance to win £1 million
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/heart-love/dedicate-a-valenti...Dedicate a Valentine's Day message for your partner on Heart Love! Get in touch
IMG-ALT Valentine's Voicenotes
/lifestyle/when-is-pancake-day...When is Pancake Day 2025? Shrove Tuesday facts you need to know
IMG-ALT Stack of pancakes plus somone flipping one in a pan
/lifestyle/Texto duplicado Lifestyle
/showbiz/music/beyonce-uk-tour...Beyoncé Cowboy Carter tour 2025: UK dates, venues, tickets and prices revealed
IMG-ALT Beyoncé announces her UK tour
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https://www.globalplayer.com/v...Nueva ventana Externo Subdominio Joanne McNally spills the tea on what really happens in her dating app DMs!
https://www.globalplayer.com/v...Nueva ventana Externo Subdominio Danny Jones reveals awkward jungle moment with GK Barry...
https://www.globalplayer.com/v...Nueva ventana Externo Subdominio Will this be the last Bridget Jones?
https://www.globalplayer.com/v...Nueva ventana Externo Subdominio Robbie Williams opens up about his depression when writing 'Feel'
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/showbiz/tv-movies/love-island...Love Island All Stars cast 2025: Full line up and their show history revealed
IMG-ALT Who is in Love Island All Stars 2025?
/showbiz/tv-movies/love-island/Love Island All Stars 2025
/showbiz/linda-robson-pauline-...Linda Robson reveals Pauline Quirke 'doesn't remember me or her kids' in heartbreaking dementia update
IMG-ALT Linda found out about Pauline's dementia diagnosis three years ago.
https://www.heart.co.uk/showbiz/Texto duplicado Showbiz
/showbiz/music/robbie-williams...Robbie Williams Live 2025 tour: Tickets, prices, support acts and venues
IMG-ALT Robbie Williams is going on an exciting tour across UK and Europe in 2025
https://www.heart.co.uk/showbiz/Texto duplicado Showbiz
/showbiz/tv-movies/love-island...Which Love Island All Stars are still together? The 2025 relationships revealed
IMG-ALT Love Island All Stars has seen various couples pair up
/showbiz/tv-movies/love-island/Texto duplicado Love Island All Stars 2025
/showbiz/tv-movies/love-island...Dumped Love Island All Stars to make dramatic return in shock final week twist
IMG-ALT Love Island All Stars will see a twist on the final week
/showbiz/tv-movies/love-island/Texto duplicado Love Island All Stars 2025
/showbiz/peter-kay-defends-dec...Peter Kay defends decision to kick hecklers out of comedy gig for 'spoiling show'
IMG-ALT Peter Kay has backed his decision to remove three hecklers from a recent show.
https://www.heart.co.uk/showbiz/Texto duplicado Showbiz
/showbiz/tv-movies/love-island...Love Island's Luca Bish and Harriett Blackmore's secret connection unveiled
IMG-ALT Harriett Blackmore and Luca Bish have a connection outside of the Love Island villa
/showbiz/tv-movies/love-island/Texto duplicado Love Island All Stars 2025
/showbiz/loose-women-andrea-mc...Loose Women star Andrea McLean rushed to hospital with severe pneumonia and sepsis after collapsing at home
IMG-ALT Andrea McLean collapsed before being rushed to hospital
https://www.heart.co.uk/showbiz/Texto duplicado Showbiz
/showbiz/tv-movies/love-island...When does Love Island All Stars 2025 finish?
IMG-ALT Love Island All Stars is taking over our winter TV watching
/showbiz/tv-movies/love-island/Texto duplicado Love Island All Stars 2025
/showbiz/tv-movies/love-island...Who left Love Island All Stars? Full list of dumped Islanders revealed
IMG-ALT Love Island All Stars has seen a number of people leave the villa
/showbiz/tv-movies/love-island/Texto duplicado Love Island All Stars 2025
/showbiz/lady-gaga-abracadabra...Lady Gaga's 'Abracadabra': Song lyrics and video explained as Mayhem album release date confirmed
IMG-ALT Lady Gaga has released the music video for Abracadabra
https://www.heart.co.uk/showbiz/Texto duplicado Showbiz
/showbiz/tv-movies/married-at-...How to watch MAFS Australia 2025 in the UK
IMG-ALT As MAFS Australia kicks off Down Under, can we watch it here in the UK?
/showbiz/tv-movies/married-at-...Married at First Sight
/showbiz/tv-movies/kaleb-coope...Inside Kaleb Cooper's life away from Clarkson's Farm with partner, kids and growing net worth
IMG-ALT Kaleb Cooper lives a very happy life farming Diddly Squat and raising his two children with partner Kaya
/showbiz/tv-movies/TV & Movies
/showbiz/colin-farrell-boyzone...Colin Farrell cringes at "terrible" Boyzone audition where he almost joined the band
IMG-ALT Colin Farrell almost joined Boyzone
https://www.heart.co.uk/showbiz/Texto duplicado Showbiz
/showbiz/clarksons-farm-kaleb-...Clarkson's Farm star Kaleb Cooper reveals his partner is pregnant with their third child
IMG-ALT Kaleb Cooper and his partner Taya are expecting their third child together
https://www.heart.co.uk/showbiz/Texto duplicado Showbiz
/showbiz/serena-williams-defen...Serena Williams defends Taylor Swift after she's booed at the Super Bowl 2025
IMG-ALT Serena Williams came to Taylor Swift's defence
https://www.heart.co.uk/showbiz/Texto duplicado Showbiz
/showbiz/lady-gaga-super-bowl-...Lady Gaga leaves fans in tears as she delivers emotional Super Bowl 2025 performance
IMG-ALT Lady Gaga performed an emotional ballad at the Superbowl
https://www.heart.co.uk/showbiz/Texto duplicado Showbiz
/showbiz/tv-movies/masked-sing...The Masked Singer 2025 celebrities unmasked so far
IMG-ALT Who has left The Masked Singer? All the celebrities unmasked so far
/showbiz/tv-movies/masked-singer/Texto duplicado The Masked Singer
/showbiz/buffy-the-vampire-sla...Buffy the Vampire Slayer reboot: Cast, plot and release date revealed
IMG-ALT The 90s reboot is reportedly in the early production stages.
https://www.heart.co.uk/showbiz/Texto duplicado Showbiz
/showbiz/demi-moore-emotional-...Demi Moore gives emotional update on Bruce Willis amid his dementia battle
IMG-ALT Demi Moore and Bruce Willis still share a close relationship despite being divorce
https://www.heart.co.uk/showbiz/Texto duplicado Showbiz
/showbiz/lady-gaga-husband-mic...Who is Lady Gaga's fiancé? Micheal Polansky’s age, job, family and more revealed
IMG-ALT Lady Gaga and Michael Polansky met through Lady Gaga's mother
https://www.heart.co.uk/showbiz/Texto duplicado Showbiz
/showbiz/tv-movies/love-island...Love Island All Stars host Maya Jama defends Grace Jackson over Luca Bish backlash
IMG-ALT Maya Jama waded in on Grace's drama with Luca.
/showbiz/tv-movies/love-island/Texto duplicado Love Island All Stars 2025
/showbiz/music/craig-david-com...Craig David Commitments tour 2025: Tickets, venues, set list and stage times
IMG-ALT Craig David confirmed a UK arena tour in 2024
https://www.heart.co.uk/showbiz/Texto duplicado Showbiz
/showbiz/alex-olivia-bowen-pre...Love Island's Olivia and Alex Bowen announce pregnancy with sweet video
IMG-ALT Olivia and Alex Bowen have announced their pregnancy
https://www.heart.co.uk/showbiz/Texto duplicado Showbiz
/showbiz/ron-hall-eye-injury-b...What happened to Ron Hall's eye? Love Island star's injury and blindness explained
IMG-ALT Fans have been keen to learn more about Ron Hall's eye
https://www.heart.co.uk/showbiz/Texto duplicado Showbiz
/showbiz/remember-monday-membe...Remember Monday facts: Members, songs and music history revealed
IMG-ALT Remember Monday are an up and coming country band
https://www.heart.co.uk/showbiz/Texto duplicado Showbiz
/lifestyle/when-do-clocks-go-f...When do the clocks go forward in the UK in 2025?
IMG-ALT The clocks are set to change in March 2025
/lifestyle/Texto duplicado Lifestyle
/showbiz/tv-movies/married-at-...MAFS Australia 2024 cast now: From who is still together to who has found love elsewhere
IMG-ALT Anyone else curious what this lot have been up to since Married At First Sight ended?
/showbiz/tv-movies/married-at-...Texto duplicado Married at First Sight
/showbiz/kelsey-parker-heartbr...Kelsey Parker reveals heartbreaking reason for finding love after Tom's death
IMG-ALT Kelsey Parker has revealed why she has moved on from her late husband Tom Parker
https://www.heart.co.uk/showbiz/Texto duplicado Showbiz
/showbiz/tv-movies/love-island...Has Love Island's Luca Bish left All Stars?
IMG-ALT Luca Bish stormed out of the villa after a clash with Grace Jackson
/showbiz/tv-movies/love-island/Texto duplicado Love Island All Stars 2025
/showbiz/pub-in-the-park-2025-...Jess Glynne, Will Young, Sophie Ellis-Bextor announced for Pub in the Park 2025: Tickets, dates and venues
IMG-ALT Sophie Ellis-Bextor, Jess Glynne and Will Young are among the Pub in the Park performers
https://www.heart.co.uk/showbiz/Texto duplicado Showbiz
/showbiz/craig-david-age-from-...Craig David facts: Age, where he's from, girlfriend and top songs revealed
IMG-ALT Craig David has been on the music scene since 2000
https://www.heart.co.uk/showbiz/Texto duplicado Showbiz
/showbiz/marti-pellow-facts-ag...Marti Pellow facts: Singer's age, real name, net worth, wife and kids revealed
IMG-ALT Marti Pellow is the former frontman of Wet Wet Wet.
https://www.heart.co.uk/showbiz/Texto duplicado Showbiz
/showbiz/is-colin-firth-in-bri...Is Colin Firth in Bridget Jones Mad About the Boy?
IMG-ALT Is Colin Firth is back for the fourth Bridget Jones film?
https://www.heart.co.uk/showbiz/Texto duplicado Showbiz
/showbiz/tv-movies/love-island...Jess, Ronnie and Harriett's dramatic Love Island triangle explained
IMG-ALT Ronnie, Jess and Harriett were involved in a love triangle last year
/showbiz/tv-movies/love-island/Texto duplicado Love Island All Stars 2025
/showbiz/tv-movies/love-island...Love Island babies: All the couples who've had children together
IMG-ALT A handful of Love Island couples have had babies together.
/showbiz/tv-movies/love-island/Texto duplicado Love Island All Stars 2025
/showbiz/lady-gaga-facts-age-r...Lady Gaga facts: Singer's age, real name, height, net worth and partner revealed
IMG-ALT Lady Gaga on the red carpet
https://www.heart.co.uk/showbiz/Texto duplicado Showbiz
/showbiz/chiwetel-ejiofor-fact...Chiwetel Ejiofor facts: Actor's age, movies, wife and kids revealed
IMG-ALT Chiwetel Ejiofor is a celebrated British actor.
https://www.heart.co.uk/showbiz/Texto duplicado Showbiz
/showbiz/celebrities/married-a...Married At First Sight Mel Schilling: Age, husband and children revealed
IMG-ALT Mel Schilling is a dating and relationship Coach
/showbiz/olivia-marcel-split-l...Love Island's Olivia and Marcel split just days after leaving the All Stars villa
IMG-ALT Olivia Hawkins and Marcel Somerville are said to have broken up
https://www.heart.co.uk/showbiz/Texto duplicado Showbiz
/showbiz/shirley-ballas-strict...Shirley Ballas facts: Age, boyfriend, children and dance career revealed
IMG-ALT Shirley Ballas is a world-famous ballroom and Latin dancer
https://www.heart.co.uk/showbiz/Texto duplicado Showbiz
/showbiz/una-healy-age-ex-husb...Una Healy facts: Age, ex-husband, children and The Saturdays career revealed
IMG-ALT Una Healy is competing on new Netflix show Celebrity Bear Hunt
https://www.heart.co.uk/showbiz/Texto duplicado Showbiz
/showbiz/bear-grylls-wife-chil...Bear Grylls wife and children: A closer look inside their family life
IMG-ALT Bear Grylls had wife Shara by his side at his latest premiere
https://www.heart.co.uk/showbiz/Texto duplicado Showbiz
/showbiz/bear-grylls-age-real-...Bear Grylls facts: Age, real name, wife and family revealed
IMG-ALT Bear Grylls has launched a new TV show on Netflix
https://www.heart.co.uk/showbiz/Texto duplicado Showbiz
/showbiz/what-happened-luca-bi...What happened between Luca Bish and Samie Elishi? Their secret Love Island romance revealed
IMG-ALT Samie Elishi and Luca Bish share a romantic past
https://www.heart.co.uk/showbiz/Texto duplicado Showbiz
/showbiz/michelle-keegan-baby-...Michelle Keegan reveals blossoming baby bump for first time in 'stunning' snaps
IMG-ALT Michelle Keegan has showcased her growing baby bump.
https://www.heart.co.uk/showbiz/Texto duplicado Showbiz
/showbiz/coleen-nolan-breaks-d...Coleen Nolan breaks down in tears as she pays tribute to sister Linda on Loose Women
IMG-ALT Coleen Nolan has opened up regarding Linda Nolan's death
https://www.heart.co.uk/showbiz/Texto duplicado Showbiz
/showbiz/tv-movies/samie-elish...What happened between Samie Elishi and Tom Clare? Their Love Island relationship explained
IMG-ALT Love Island's Tom Clare and Samie Elishi have split
/showbiz/tv-movies/Texto duplicado TV & Movies
/showbiz/samie-elishi-age-ex-b...Samie Elishi facts: Age, ex-boyfriends, Instagram and Love Island history explained
IMG-ALT Samie Elishi is one of the Love Island All Stars
https://www.heart.co.uk/showbiz/Texto duplicado Showbiz
/showbiz/chuggs-age-ex-girlfri...Chuggs facts: Age, ex-girlfriends, Instagram, real name and Love Island history explained
IMG-ALT Chuggs is said to be returning to the Love Island villa
https://www.heart.co.uk/showbiz/Texto duplicado Showbiz
/showbiz/hugh-jackman-cancel-b...Hugh Jackman 'deeply disappointed' after cancelling BST Hyde Park show
IMG-ALT Hugh Jackman has cancelled his BST performance
https://www.heart.co.uk/showbiz/Texto duplicado Showbiz
/showbiz/jeremy-clarkson-deter...Jeremy Clarkson reveals he's determined 'not to die' after recent health scare
IMG-ALT Jeremy Clarkson has spoken out regarding his health
https://www.heart.co.uk/showbiz/Texto duplicado Showbiz
/showbiz/ruth-langsford-breaks...Ruth Langsford breaks silence on ‘difficult and painful’ split from Eamonn Holmes
IMG-ALT Ruth Langsford has spoken out regarding her divorce from Eamonn Holmes
https://www.heart.co.uk/showbiz/Texto duplicado Showbiz
/showbiz/mikey-graham-age-wife...Mikey Graham facts: Boyzone singer's age, wife, children and where he is now revealed
IMG-ALT Mikey Graham didn't reunite with Boyzone for the documentary
https://www.heart.co.uk/showbiz/Texto duplicado Showbiz
/showbiz/stephen-gately-singer...Stephen Gately: Remembering Boyzone singer's tragic early death and how the pop world reacted
IMG-ALT Stephen Gately was a popular singer with his band Boyzone
https://www.heart.co.uk/showbiz/Texto duplicado Showbiz
/showbiz/louis-walsh-age-partn...Louis Walsh facts: X Factor judge's age, health, net worth and career explained
IMG-ALT Louis Walsh is a CBB housemate
https://www.heart.co.uk/showbiz/Texto duplicado Showbiz
/showbiz/andrea-corr-age-songs...Andrea Corr facts: The Corrs singer's age, songs, husband, children and career explained
IMG-ALT Andrea Corry in 2023
https://www.heart.co.uk/showbiz/Texto duplicado Showbiz
/showbiz/grayson-perry-age-wif...Grayson Perry facts: Artist's age, wife, children and career explained
IMG-ALT Grayson Perry in 2023
https://www.heart.co.uk/showbiz/Texto duplicado Showbiz
/showbiz/lily-collins-baby-hus...Emily in Paris star Lily Collins announces she has welcomed her first child via surrogate
IMG-ALT Lily Collins and Charlie McDowell are first-time parents together
https://www.heart.co.uk/showbiz/Texto duplicado Showbiz
/showbiz/linda-nolan-funeral-t...Linda Nolan funeral: Sister Coleen Nolan, Shane Richie pay tribute to "wonderful" star at emotional service
IMG-ALT Coleen Nolan attends the funeral of her sister Linda
https://www.heart.co.uk/showbiz/Texto duplicado Showbiz
/showbiz/tv-movies/leo-woodall...Leo Woodall facts: Age, movies, TV shows and girlfriend Meghann Fahy revealed
IMG-ALT Leo Woodall is making waves in the acting world.
/showbiz/tv-movies/Texto duplicado TV & Movies
/showbiz/leo-woodall-girlfrien...Leo Woodall and Meghann Fahy's sweet relationship explained
IMG-ALT One Day actor Leo Woodall met Meghann Fahy on the set of White Lotus
https://www.heart.co.uk/showbiz/Texto duplicado Showbiz
/showbiz/renee-zellweger-age-p...Renée Zellweger facts: Bridget Jones star's age, partner, nationality and life away from the screen revealed
IMG-ALT Renée Zellweger is the star of Bridget Jones: Mad About the Boy
https://www.heart.co.uk/showbiz/Texto duplicado Showbiz
/showbiz/omar-nyame-age-instag...Omar Nyame facts: Age, ex-girlfriends, Instagram and Love Island history explained
IMG-ALT Omar Nyame is taking part in Love Island All Stars
https://www.heart.co.uk/showbiz/Texto duplicado Showbiz
/showbiz/colin-firth-facts-age...Colin Firth facts: Actor's age, wife, children and movies revealed
IMG-ALT Colin Firth has become one of Britain’s most celebrated actors.
https://www.heart.co.uk/showbiz/Texto duplicado Showbiz
/showbiz/renee-zellweger-hugh-...Inside Renée Zellweger and Hugh Grant's close friendship as they reunite for final Bridget Jones film
IMG-ALT Hugh Grant and Renée Zellweger have been firm friends for decades
https://www.heart.co.uk/showbiz/Texto duplicado Showbiz
/showbiz/celebrities/hugh-gran...Hugh Grant facts: Actor's age, movies, wife and kids revealed
IMG-ALT Hugh Grant will star in the fourth instalment of Bridget Jones - released on Valentine's Day.
/showbiz/celebrities/Texto duplicado Celebrities
/lifestyle/food-drink/make-per...How to make the perfect Negroni... and other recipes for a twist on the classic cocktail
IMG-ALT Here's how to make a perfect Negroni - and some with a twist
/lifestyle/food-drink/Food & Drink
/showbiz/ronnie-vint-hair-love...Ronnie Vint's hair explained: Everything the Love Island star has said about his look
IMG-ALT Ronnie Vint's hair has been questioned on Love Island
https://www.heart.co.uk/showbiz/Texto duplicado Showbiz
/showbiz/bridget-jones-film-fa...Bridget Jones: 8 facts you didn't know about the hit film series
IMG-ALT Bridget Jones has become classic British character
https://www.heart.co.uk/showbiz/Texto duplicado Showbiz
/showbiz/linda-robson-tears-pa...Linda Robson breaks down in tears discussing Pauline Quirke's dementia diagnosis
IMG-ALT Linda Robson broke down in tears when discussing Pauline Quirke
https://www.heart.co.uk/showbiz/Texto duplicado Showbiz
/showbiz/scott-thomas-brothers...Inside Scott Thomas' sweet relationship with brothers Adam and Ryan
IMG-ALT Scott Thomas shares a close bond with his brothers Adam and Ryan
https://www.heart.co.uk/showbiz/Texto duplicado Showbiz
/showbiz/bridget-jones-mad-abo...Bridget Jones Mad About the Boy release date, trailer, cast and plot revealed
IMG-ALT Bridget Jones Mad About the Boy is set to be released in 2025
https://www.heart.co.uk/showbiz/Texto duplicado Showbiz
/news/royals/princess-beatrice...Princess Beatrice gives birth to second baby and reveals beautifully unique name
IMG-ALT Princess Beatrice and her husband have welcomed their second child together
/showbiz/love-island-jack-finc...Love Island winner Jack Fincham jailed for six weeks after dog attack
IMG-ALT Jack Fincham has been sent to prison for six weekd
https://www.heart.co.uk/showbiz/Texto duplicado Showbiz
/radio/shows-presenters/heart-...Propose on Heart Breakfast! Let Jamie and Amanda help with your Valentine's Day engagement
IMG-ALT We want to hear from people wanting to propose
/showbiz/danielle-sellers-age-...Danielle Sellers facts: Age, ex-boyfriends, Instagram and Love Island history explained
IMG-ALT Danielle Sellers is joining Love Island All Stars
https://www.heart.co.uk/showbiz/Texto duplicado Showbiz
/showbiz/sammy-root-jess-hardi...What happened between Sammy Root and Jess Harding? Their Love Island split explained
IMG-ALT Sammy Root and Jess Harding were the winners of Love Island season 10
https://www.heart.co.uk/showbiz/Texto duplicado Showbiz
/showbiz/sammy-root-age-ex-gir...Sammy Root facts: Age, ex-girlfriends, Instagram, TOWIE and Love Island history explained
IMG-ALT Sammy Root is one of the Love Island All Star contestants
https://www.heart.co.uk/showbiz/Texto duplicado Showbiz
/showbiz/tv-movies/married-at-...Are MAFS Australia's Carina and Paul still together?
IMG-ALT Fans are wondering if Paul and Carina from MAFS Australia are still together
/showbiz/tv-movies/married-at-...Texto duplicado Married at First Sight
/showbiz/what-happened-harriet...What happened between Harriett Blackmore and Ronnie Vint? Their Love Island relationship explained
IMG-ALT Harriett Blackmore and Ronnie Vint met on Love Island
https://www.heart.co.uk/showbiz/Texto duplicado Showbiz
/showbiz/luca-bish-age-ex-girl...Luca Bish facts: Love Island star's age, ex-girlfriends and Love Island history explained
IMG-ALT Luca Bish is taking part in Love Island All Stars
https://www.heart.co.uk/showbiz/Texto duplicado Showbiz
/showbiz/grace-jackson-age-ex-...Grace Jackson facts: Age, ex-boyfriends, Instagram and Love Island history explained
IMG-ALT Grace Jackson is returning to Love Island
https://www.heart.co.uk/showbiz/Texto duplicado Showbiz
/showbiz/john-aiken-age-wife-c...John Aiken facts: MAFS expert's age, wife, children and Instagram revealed
IMG-ALT John Aiken is an expert on MAFS Australia
https://www.heart.co.uk/showbiz/Texto duplicado Showbiz
/showbiz/tv-movies/married-at-...Meet Eliot from MAFS Australia: Age, job and Instagram revealed
IMG-ALT Eliot is one of the grooms on MAFS Australia
/showbiz/tv-movies/married-at-...Texto duplicado Married at First Sight
/showbiz/tv-movies/married-at-...Meet Carina from MAFS Australia: Age, job and Instagram revealed
IMG-ALT Carina is hoping to find love on MAFS Australia
/showbiz/tv-movies/married-at-...Texto duplicado Married at First Sight
/showbiz/tv-movies/married-at-...Meet Lauren from MAFS Australia: Age, job, Instagram and Jono McCullough romance revealed
IMG-ALT Lauren is one of the brides on MAFS Australia
/showbiz/tv-movies/married-at-...Texto duplicado Married at First Sight
/showbiz/what-happened-montel-...What happened between Montel and Leah? Their Love Island relationship explained
IMG-ALT Montel McKenzie and Leah Taylor met on Love Island
https://www.heart.co.uk/showbiz/Texto duplicado Showbiz
/showbiz/montel-mckenzie-age-e...Montel McKenzie facts: Age, ex-girlfriends, Instagram and Love Island history explained
IMG-ALT Montel McKenzie is returning to Love Island
https://www.heart.co.uk/showbiz/Texto duplicado Showbiz
/showbiz/harriett-blackmore-ag...Harriett Blackmore facts: Age, ex-boyfriends, Instagram and Love Island history explained
IMG-ALT Harriett Blackmore is looking for romance on Love Island All Stars
https://www.heart.co.uk/showbiz/Texto duplicado Showbiz
/showbiz/grace-jackson-ex-boyf...Who has Love Island's Grace Jackson dated? Her ex-boyfriends revealed
IMG-ALT Grace Jackson's ex-boyfriends have been revealed
https://www.heart.co.uk/showbiz/Texto duplicado Showbiz
/showbiz/marcel-wife-married-r...Is Marcel still married? Love Island star’s explosive split from wife Rebecca explained
IMG-ALT Marcel Somerville and his wife Rebecca Vieira tied the knot in 2022
https://www.heart.co.uk/showbiz/Texto duplicado Showbiz
/showbiz/ron-hall-age-ex-girlf...Ron Hall facts: Age, ex-girlfriends, eye, Instagram and Love Island history explained
IMG-ALT Ron Hall is taking part in Love Island All Stars
https://www.heart.co.uk/showbiz/Texto duplicado Showbiz
/showbiz/tv-movies/masked-sing...Who is Snail on the Masked Singer? All the clues and guesses so far
IMG-ALT Who is Snail on the Masked Singer?
/showbiz/tv-movies/masked-singer/Texto duplicado The Masked Singer
/showbiz/tv-movies/masked-sing...Who is Kingfisher on The Masked Singer? All the clues and guesses so far
IMG-ALT Kingfisher is one of the stars on The Masked Singer
/showbiz/tv-movies/masked-singer/Texto duplicado The Masked Singer
/showbiz/tv-movies/masked-sing...Who is Teeth on The Masked Singer? All the clues and guesses so far
IMG-ALT Teeth is a contestant on The Masked Singer
/showbiz/tv-movies/masked-singer/Texto duplicado The Masked Singer
/showbiz/tv-movies/masked-sing...Who is Tattoo on The Masked Singer? All the clues and guesses so far
IMG-ALT Tattoo is one of the contestants on The Masked Singer
/showbiz/tv-movies/masked-singer/Texto duplicado The Masked Singer
/showbiz/scott-thomas-age-ex-g...Scott Thomas facts: Love Island star's age, ex-girlfriends, famous brothers and business revealed
IMG-ALT Love Island All Stars welcomes back Scott Thomas to the villa for 2025
https://www.heart.co.uk/showbiz/Texto duplicado Showbiz
/showbiz/tv-movies/masked-sing...Who is Crab on The Masked Singer? All the clues and guesses so far
IMG-ALT Crab is one of the celebrities on The Masked Singer
/showbiz/tv-movies/masked-singer/Texto duplicado The Masked Singer
/showbiz/tv-movies/love-island...What happened between Scott Thomas and Kady McDermott? Their fiery split explained
IMG-ALT Scott Thomas and Kady McDermott met on Love Island
/showbiz/tv-movies/love-island/Texto duplicado Love Island All Stars 2025
/showbiz/scott-thomas-tina-sti...What happened between Scott Thomas and Tina Stinnes? Their Love Island romance explained
IMG-ALT Scott Thomas and Tina Stinnes met on Love Island in 2016
https://www.heart.co.uk/showbiz/Texto duplicado Showbiz
/showbiz/casey-ogorman-age-ex-...Casey O'Gorman facts: Age, ex-girlfriends, Instagram and Love Island history explained
IMG-ALT Casey O'Gorman is taking part in Love Island All Stars 2025
https://www.heart.co.uk/showbiz/Texto duplicado Showbiz
/showbiz/marcel-somerville-age...Marcel Somerville facts: Age, ex-wife, son and Love Island history explained
IMG-ALT Marcel Somerville is taking part in Love Island All Stars 2025
https://www.heart.co.uk/showbiz/Texto duplicado Showbiz
/showbiz/gabby-allen-age-ex-bo...Gabby Allen facts: Age, ex-boyfriends, Instagram and Love Island history explained
IMG-ALT Gabby Allen will appear on Love Island All Stars 2025
https://www.heart.co.uk/showbiz/Texto duplicado Showbiz
/showbiz/lana-jenkins-breaks-s...Love Island's Lana Jenkins breaks silence as ex Ron Hall returns for All Stars
IMG-ALT Lana Jenkins has responded to her ex-boyfriend Ron Hall re-entering Love Island
https://www.heart.co.uk/showbiz/Texto duplicado Showbiz
/showbiz/tina-stinnes-age-ex-b...Tina Stinnes facts: Age, ex-boyfriends, Instagram, Made In Chelsea and Love Island history explained
IMG-ALT Tina Stinnes is taking part in Love Island All stars
https://www.heart.co.uk/showbiz/Texto duplicado Showbiz
/showbiz/heart-breakfast-celeb...Heart Breakfast celebrate Jamie Theakston's return!
IMG-ALT Jamie Theakston has returned to Heart Breakfast
https://www.heart.co.uk/showbiz/Texto duplicado Showbiz
/showbiz/jayne-torvill-christo...Jayne Torvill and Christopher Dean's ice skating achievements from medals to championship titles
IMG-ALT Jayne Torvill and Christopher Dean have been ice skating royalty in their career
https://www.heart.co.uk/showbiz/Texto duplicado Showbiz
/showbiz/charlie-brooks-age-pa...Charlie Brooks facts: Dancing on Ice star's age, partner, children and TV career revealed
IMG-ALT Charlie Brooks is competing on Dancing on Ice 2025
https://www.heart.co.uk/showbiz/Texto duplicado Showbiz
/showbiz/kaz-crossley-age-ex-b...Kaz Crossley facts: Age, ex-boyfriends, alopecia, Instagram and Love Island history explained
IMG-ALT Kaz Crossley is taking part in Love Island All Stars 2025
https://www.heart.co.uk/showbiz/Texto duplicado Showbiz
/showbiz/when-next-episodesmol...When are the next episodes of Molly-Mae's documentary released? Series schedule date revealed
IMG-ALT Molly-Mae's documentary will feature new episodes
https://www.heart.co.uk/showbiz/Texto duplicado Showbiz
/showbiz/molly-mae-hague-tommy...Are Molly-Mae Hague and Tommy Fury back together? Everything we know about their relationship
IMG-ALT Molly-Mae and Tommy's relationship has been questioned
https://www.heart.co.uk/showbiz/Texto duplicado Showbiz
/showbiz/molly-mae-mum-dad-fam...Who are Molly-Mae's mum and dad? Her family life with sister Zoe revealed
IMG-ALT Molly-Mae's family feature on her Behind It All documentary
https://www.heart.co.uk/showbiz/Texto duplicado Showbiz
/showbiz/molly-mae-hague-revea...Molly-Mae breaks down in tears as she reveals exact moment she split from Tommy Fury
IMG-ALT Molly-Mae Hague broke down when discussing her split from Tommy Fury
https://www.heart.co.uk/showbiz/Texto duplicado Showbiz
/showbiz/molly-mae-behind-it-a...Molly-Mae Behind It All: Documentary release date, channel, episodes and cast revealed
IMG-ALT Molly-Mae Hague has a new reality TV show
https://www.heart.co.uk/showbiz/Texto duplicado Showbiz
/showbiz/jamie-theakston-cance...Jamie Theakston announces he's cancer free as he returns to Heart Breakfast
IMG-ALT Jamie Theakston has announced he's cancer free!
https://www.heart.co.uk/showbiz/Texto duplicado Showbiz
/showbiz/holly-willoughby-net-...Holly Willoughby net worth 2025: How much is the Dancing on Ice presenter worth?
IMG-ALT Holly Willoughby has racked up incredible wealth during her TV career.
https://www.heart.co.uk/showbiz/Texto duplicado Showbiz
/showbiz/molly-mae-hague-break...Molly-Mae Hague breaks silence on claims Tommy Fury split was 'publicity stunt'
IMG-ALT Molly-Mae Hague as spoken out regarding her relationship with Tommy Fury
https://www.heart.co.uk/showbiz/Texto duplicado Showbiz
/showbiz/paul-danan-death-trib...Hollyoaks and original Love Island star Paul Danan dies, aged 46
IMG-ALT Paul Danan in Celebrity Big Brother in 2017
https://www.heart.co.uk/showbiz/Texto duplicado Showbiz
/showbiz/kaz-crossley-hair-alo...Why Love Island's Kaz Crossley cut her hair: Inside the star's alopecia battle
IMG-ALT Kaz Crossley has opened up about her hair loss journey
https://www.heart.co.uk/showbiz/Texto duplicado Showbiz
/showbiz/tommy-fury-alcohol-ad...Tommy Fury reveals alcohol addiction is reason for Molly-Mae Hague split
IMG-ALT Tommy Fury has revealed why he and Molly-Mae Hague split
https://www.heart.co.uk/showbiz/Texto duplicado Showbiz
/showbiz/linda-nolan-dead-canc...Linda Nolan dies aged 65 following 20-year cancer battle
IMG-ALT Linda Nolan has died
https://www.heart.co.uk/showbiz/Texto duplicado Showbiz
/showbiz/tasha-ghouri-andrew-l...Why did Tasha Ghouri and Andrew Le Page split? The real reason behind their shock break-up revealed
IMG-ALT Andrew Le Page and Tasha Ghouri have reportedly split
https://www.heart.co.uk/showbiz/Texto duplicado Showbiz
/showbiz/beyonce-announcement-...What is Beyoncé's announcement? Fan theories from Cowboy Carter tour to new visuals and ACT III
IMG-ALT What is Beyoncé's announcement?
https://www.heart.co.uk/showbiz/Texto duplicado Showbiz
/showbiz/olivia-hawkins-age-ex...Olivia Hawkins facts: Love Island star's age, ex-boyfriends, season and career revealed
IMG-ALT Olivia Hawkins is entering the Love Island villa once more as an All Star for 2025
https://www.heart.co.uk/showbiz/Texto duplicado Showbiz
/showbiz/elma-pazar-age-ex-boy...Elma Pazar facts: Age, ex-boyfriends, Instagram, TOWIE and Love Island history explained
IMG-ALT Elma Pazar is taking part in Love Island All Stars
https://www.heart.co.uk/showbiz/Texto duplicado Showbiz
/showbiz/ronnie-vint-age-ex-gi...Ronnie Vint facts: Age, ex-girlfriends, Instagram and Love Island history explained
IMG-ALT Ronnie Vint is taking part in Love Island All Stars 2025
https://www.heart.co.uk/showbiz/Texto duplicado Showbiz
/showbiz/curtis-pritchard-age-...Curtis Pritchard facts: Age, ex-girlfriends, Instagram and Love Island history explained
IMG-ALT Curtis Pritchard is taking part in Love Island All Stars 2025
https://www.heart.co.uk/showbiz/Texto duplicado Showbiz
/showbiz/india-reynolds-age-ex...India Reynolds facts: Age, ex-boyfriends, Instagram and Love Island history explained
IMG-ALT India Reynolds is taking part in Love Island All Stars 2025
https://www.heart.co.uk/showbiz/Texto duplicado Showbiz
/showbiz/nas-majeed-age-ex-gir...Nas Majeed facts: Age, ex-girlfriends, Instagram and Love Island history explained
IMG-ALT Nas Majeed is taking part in Love Island 2025
https://www.heart.co.uk/showbiz/Texto duplicado Showbiz
/showbiz/catherine-agbaje-age-...Catherine Agbaje facts: Age, ex-boyfriends, Instagram and Love Island history explained
IMG-ALT Catherine Agbaje is taking part in Love Island All Stars 2025
https://www.heart.co.uk/showbiz/Texto duplicado Showbiz
https://www.globalplayer.com/p...Nueva ventana Externo Subdominio Live and Let Dyers
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https://www.globalplayer.com/p...Externo Subdominio Heart Breakfast Podcast
https://www.globalplayer.com/p...Externo Subdominio LuAnna: The Podcast
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/news/weather/Texto duplicado Weather
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/radio/shows-presenters/dev-gr...Nueva ventana Contact Us
https://www.globalplayer.com/l...Externo Subdominio Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Heart 70s
https://www.globalplayer.com/l...Externo Subdominio Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Heart 80s
https://www.globalplayer.com/l...Externo Subdominio Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Heart 90s
https://www.globalplayer.com/l...Externo Subdominio Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Heart 00s
https://www.globalplayer.com/l...Nueva ventana Externo Subdominio Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Heart 10s
https://www.globalplayer.com/l...Externo Subdominio Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Heart Dance
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https://www.globalplayer.com/l...Nueva ventana Externo Subdominio Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Heart Love
https://global-player.onelink....Nueva ventana Externo Subdominio IMG-ALT Watch the latest Heart Videos January 2024
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/radio/shows-presenters/heart-...Heart Breakfast with Jamie and Amanda
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/news/school-closures/Subdominio Snow School Closures
https://www.globalplayer.com/l...Externo Subdominio Texto duplicado Heart Dance
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