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0,10 s
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320 Intern / 31 Extern

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(Extrem wichtig)
The Scottish Sun – Latest news, sports, showbiz, and celebrities
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(Extrem wichtig)
Get the latest Scottish, UK and world news, sport, celebrity gossip, showbiz, politics, business and lifestyle from The Scottish Sun
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Canonical Link
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Seiten URL
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Meta Tags

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descriptionGet the latest Scottish, UK and world news, sport, celebrity gossip, showbiz, politics, business and lifestyle from The Scottish Sun
og:titleThe Scottish Sun
og:descriptionLatest news, sports, showbiz, and celebrities
og:site_nameThe Scottish Sun

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Der Text besteht zu 25.5% aus Füllwörtern.
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Im Text befindet sich eine Aufzählung, dies deutet auf eine gute Textstruktur hin.
Es wurden 13 Fließtextblöcke auf der Seite gefunden.
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Es befinden sich keine Duplikate auf der Seite.
Die durchschnittliche Satzlänge ist mit 22.59 Wörtern gut.
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Bilder Optimierung
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(Nice to have)
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...9395052.jpg?strip=all&w=150&h=100&crop=1Crowd of people on Calton Hill in Edinburgh viewing the aurora borealis.
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...?1739372331&strip=all&w=150&h=100&crop=1Heavy traffic jam on a highway.
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...7797065.jpg?strip=all&w=150&h=100&crop=1BYD Seal electric sedan steering wheel and dashboard at the Munich Motor Show.


H1 Überschrift
(Extrem wichtig)
The Scottish Sun – Latest news, sports, showbiz, and celebrities
Die H1-Überschrift ist perfekt.
Einige Überschriftentexte kommen doppelt auf der Seite vor.
Es befinden sich 111 Überschriften auf der Seite. Die Anzahl der Überschriften sollte in einem besseren Verhältnis zum Text stehen.


Überschriften HierarchieInhalt
H1 The Scottish Sun – Latest news, sports, showbiz, and celebrities
H2 Football
H2 Showbiz
H2 motors
H3 MYSTERY DEEPENSScots mum was 'smiley' & made appointments hours before her death alongside husband in France
H3 Snow and freezing rain forecast for Scotland with 'big change' due in days
H3 Huge fire breaks out at Scots nature reserve as crews battle flames
H3 Celtic-daft Rod Stewart DANCES live on TV in chaotic pre-match interview
H3 XL bully savaged my dog to death & broke my mum's arm - my kids are heartbroken
H3 Map reveals how Scots council tax bills could rise in YOUR area
H3 Our children can't play outside due to huge rat infestation
H3 Celtic fans risk Uefa sanction after Israel protest banner v Bayern
H3 Three grass verges bizarrely up for sale fetch double the asking price
H3 DEJA BLUE'Brace yourself' - How Clement's Rangers turmoil was foreshadowed as Monaco collapse sees history repeating itself
H3 Boyd says fans deserve answers from the board on why Clement hasn't been axed
H3 Maeda gives Hoops lifeline after frantic Champions League showdown
H3 Celtic fans fume at baffling defensive tactic gifts Harry Kane goal
H3 Official reason revealed for Celtic being controversially denied penalty v Bayern
H3 HARVEY'S JAB HOPEI'm putting Harvey on Ozempic - he weighs 28 stone and is getting bigger, we need to save his life, says Katie Price
H3 Wynne Evans BACK with ex-girlfriend weeks after his Strictly tour sacking
H3 Scots TV icon spotted pulling pints in Glasgow pub
H3 Chilling words scammer said to me after draining my fashion label's bank account
H3 My house is so run down that I pay workmen with sex for odd jobs & renovations
H3 Deposit & Bet £10 to Get £60 in free bets for Scottish football at William Hill
H3 POLLY HUDSONKanye West deserves our SYMPATHY over vile rants...real villains are silent ‘pals’ failing to step in over his grotesque breakdown
H3 Scots radio host & football announcer arrested after 'paedo sting'
H3 Celtic Park singer pulls out of pre-Bayern gig after being abused by fellow fans
H3 Scots hood who plotted to murder gym boss slashed after ‘hitman orders’
H3 Succession star Brian Cox reveals unlikely secret to dramatic weight loss
H3 Unlock even MORE award-winning articles as The Sun launches Sun Club
H3 'THE LIVING DEAD' How £2 monkey dust drug has ravaged UK city with naked 'zombies' roaming streets, homes torched and a baby left to die
H3 Horror moment bodybuilder gets trapped with huge weight crushing his NECK
H3 NC500 faces fresh ban on motorhome tourists who are ruining the iconic route
H3 Feral pigs set loose illegally in Highlands captured and killed
H3 Feral mum screamed 'I'll f****** kill you' as she battered rival at school gate
H3 ‘Waited years for this’ cry shoppers as 80s Zoflora scent returns to shelves
H3 Councils rake in £47M from parking - check where drivers are hammered most
H3 Mom shoots dead her three young daughters as fourth child fights for her life
H3 Scots auction house vows to no longer sell Nazi and SS items
H3 Woke madness as C4 slap trigger warning on 'offensive' Father Ted episode
H3 'Not the outcome we hoped', says owner as Scots restaurant closes for good
H3 RUGBY ACE SPLITEngland rugby legend Lawrence Dallaglio DIVORCES wife of almost 20 years after pair 'weathered a number of storms'
H3 Andy Murray at centre of ski slope rescue after getting stuck up mountain
H3 Pranksters play hardcore porn at webinar for charity workers as guests in shock
H3 ‘Another nail in the coffin’, cry Scots locals as American-style diner closes
H3 Scots spa destination crowned best hotel wedding venue in Scotland
H3 Shoppers run to Dunelm for £8.75 buy that 'keeps you snug & warm' on cold days
H3 TOP TALENTInside the sensational rise of 'Britain's next big star' - from childhood BBC dreams to replacing her idol on major TV gig
H3 MURDER RIDDLEEight new unanswered questions in ‘murder’ of Brit couple in France... from missing weapon to ‘killer on the loose’
H3 Stuart Hogg ‘set to be stripped’ of MBE after domestic abuse conviction
H3 Man found dead as cops tape off Scots street & teenage suspect arrested
H3 Ryanair flight from Scotland forced into dramatic U-turn moments after take-off
H3 Sign up to our FREE newsletters for the latest news, politics and sport daily
H3 How to join The Scottish Sun's brilliant new WhatsApp channel in three easy steps
H3 Rangers flop thrills fans as he makes stunning impact after Ibrox exit
H3 I lived in DISNEY WORLD for 3 weeks after leaving Rangers - it was a disaster
H3 Rangers fans reps meet CEO and warn board after 'unacceptable' Cup exit
H3 I played 22 games for Aberdeen - then ARRESTED fan with my poster on his wall
H3 Ex-Rangers star told Philippe Clement 'if you need me, I'll be back up the road'
H3 Dress like a TV star for less as Scots celebs flog their old clothes on Vinted
H3 A change in home numbers, or names, can be the key to passion changes too
H3 The exact age women hit sexual peak - when libido skyrockets & so does enjoyment
H3 Homeowner rips up 70s carpets and finds ‘stuff of nightmares’
H3 I’m a criminal & got a £320 fine after taking my kids to Thailand in term time
H3 Awkward moment Love Island star Grace's dad jokes about her ROMPS with Luca
H3 We've worked with BGT star & won a BAFTA, our show's new twist is full of drama
H3 EastEnders fans think This Morning star ‘let slip’ MASSIVE anniversary spoiler
H3 Love Island fans spot 'clue' that proves Sammy Root is ‘going off’ Elma Pazar
H3 EastEnders star reveals BBC soap has filmed scenes that will ‘never’ air
H3 Inside Coleen & Wayne Rooney's incredible £1k-a-night Disneyland trip with kids
H3 Scotty T banned from driving after being caught three times over cocaine limit
H3 Molly-Mae Hague 'doesn't care about what people think of Tommy Fury reunion'
H3 Huge US pop star sacks manager after latest singles flop amid album 'pressure'
H3 Noel Gallagher brutally slams Kendrick Lamar's Superbowl performance
H3 ROMANTIC RETREATStunning Scots woodland spa at hotel favoured by Beyoncé and Harry Styles is named among best in the UK
H3 Six Scots beaches with crystal waters & Caribbean sands named among best in UK
H3 First look at £3m revamp of Heathrow's VIP terminal used by royalty and celebs
H3 easyJet to scrap popular flight from two UK airports next month
H3 I was tricked by a famous real-life optical illusion waterfall - would you see it?
H3 English castle could be cut off from mainland in new £16m beach protection plans
H3 Reeves should 'work closer with business to fund infrastructure projects'
H3 Popular fast food launches sauce range including new US-inspired flavour
H3 Next ad BANNED for 'unhealthily thin' model - after just a single complaint
H3 Dunelm slashes prices in HUGE winter clearance sale with up to 75% off
H3 Five budget-friendly ways to get your romance on this Valentine's Day
H3 The 2 forms of contraceptive 'most likely to trigger heart attack and stroke'
H3 UK's 'unhealthiest town' crammed with dozens of fast-food outlets
H3 I was opening gifts when my lung POPPED - I thought I was having a heart attack
H3 Popular breakfast could slash risk of bowel cancer if eaten twice a week
H3 Weight loss jabs 'slash booze cravings and curb binge drinking by 40%'
H3 Spotify fans fuming as ads randomly start to appear on PAID premium accounts
H3 More Brits receive huge TV streaming app with thousands of free movies & shows
H3 Northern Lights to be visible over Scotland TONIGHT as Met Office issues update
H3 I fly UK's first 'air taxi' – it can cut an hour-long journey to just 11mins
H3 Too late to deflect 'city-killer' rock hurtling towards Earth, expert warns
H3 Huge car brand with ‘12 months left’ before collapse could be SAVED by tech firm
H3 Iconic brand fears for future amid concerns they’ll have to STOP selling cars
H3 Britain's busiest motorway to close for 8 DAYS sparking chaos for millions
H3 NC500 faces fresh ban on motorhome tourists who are ruining the iconic route Text-Duplikat
H3 Major car brand unveils 'God's Eye' self-driving tech & DeepSeek AI for ALL motors
H3 Follow The Sun
H3 Services
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86 Links haben keinen Linktext oder nur Inhalt in Alt- und Titelattributen.
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Es befinden sich zu viele externe Links (31) auf der Seite.
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/news/scottish-news/Subdomain Scottish News
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/news/14331169/xl-bully-savage...Subdomain DEVIL DOG XL bully savaged my dog to death & broke my mum's arm - my kids are heartbroken EMMA Hoey, from Law near Carluke, said she has been left heart-brok...
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/sport/14324236/rangers-flop-k...Subdomain 'IS HE BRILLIANT?' Rangers flop thrills fans as he makes stunning impact after Ibrox exit HE failed to make an impact in Glasgow but is already enjoying his ...
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/travel/14322055/spa-hotel-bey...Subdomain ROMANTIC RETREATStunning Scots woodland spa at hotel favoured by Beyoncé and Harry Styles is named among best in the UK
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/travel/14318489/six-scots-bea...Subdomain GO SEA IT Six Scots beaches with crystal waters & Caribbean sands named among best in UK SCOTLAND is home to a series of wonderful beaches on both sides of t...
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/travel/14321627/heathrow-term...Subdomain HIGH FLYER First look at £3m revamp of Heathrow's VIP terminal used by royalty and celebs
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/travel/14322904/easyjet-scrap...Subdomain GROUNDED easyJet to scrap popular flight from two UK airports next month
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/money/14334211/rachel-reeves-...Subdomain GROWTH NOT TAXING Reeves should 'work closer with business to fund infrastructure projects' ANDY Briggs, boss of FTSE 100 Phoenix Group, said there were tens...
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/money/14334171/popular-fast-f...Subdomain FEELING SAUCY Popular fast food launches sauce range including new US-inspired flavour
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/money/14334127/next-advert-ba...Subdomain NEXT PLEASE! Next ad BANNED for 'unhealthily thin' model - after just a single complaint
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/money/14334058/dunelm-huge-wi...Subdomain BARGAIN FIND Dunelm slashes prices in HUGE winter clearance sale with up to 75% off
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/health/14334139/contraceptive...Subdomain RISK FACTOR The 2 forms of contraceptive 'most likely to trigger heart attack and stroke' THE overall risk remains low, but researchers say doctors should st...
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/health/14332072/uk-unhealthy-...Subdomain HEALTH BLOW UK's 'unhealthiest town' crammed with dozens of fast-food outlets
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/tech/14331594/spotify-users-f...Subdomain SPOT OF BOTHER Spotify fans fuming as ads randomly start to appear on PAID premium accounts MUSIC streaming giant says it is investigate the issue.
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/tech/14329635/uk-first-air-ta...Subdomain SKY HIGH I fly UK's first 'air taxi' – it can cut an hour-long journey to just 11mins
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/motors/14331788/car-firm-tech...Subdomain DRIVE TIME Huge car brand with ‘12 months left’ before collapse could be SAVED by tech firm THE tech business has confirmed its interest in buying a stake in...
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/motors/14331043/morgan-motors...Subdomain ROAD BLOCK Iconic brand fears for future amid concerns they’ll have to STOP selling cars
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