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230 Intern / 21 Extern

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Time & Leisure Luxury Lifestyle Magazines for SW London and Surrey
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(Extrem wichtig)
Read Time & Leisure magazines online, the No.1 lifestyle magazine delivered to residents in SW London & Surrey and online.
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og:titleTime & Leisure Luxury Lifestyle Magazines for SW London and Surrey
og:descriptionRead Time & Leisure magazines online, the No.1 lifestyle magazine delivered to residents in SW London & Surrey and online.
og:site_nameTime & Leisure

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Der Inhalt ist mit 731 Wörtern in Ordnung.
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...ceholder.png.pagespeed.ic.er-fIH3E8Q.pngComedian and quizmaster @lucyportercomic is a local girl...well, sort of! She’s actually from Croydon, but has many a childhood memory of hanging out in Epsom – as we found out when we chatted with her on our podcast! She even managed to test us on our Epsom knowledge, setting us an Epsom-themed quiz (we should have expected this from the quizmaster herself) You can hear all about it in our podcast Time & Leisure Social on Spotify! Plus don’t forget to grab tickets to Lucy’s tour No Regrets – Epsom tickets are now sold out, but they’re still up for grabs in Blackheath Halls and Farnham ✨ #lucyporter #podcast #podcasting #epsom #comedian #comedy #swlondon #surrey #londoners #podcastepisode #london #londonpodcast #southwestlondon #quiz #noregretstour
...ceholder.png.pagespeed.ic.er-fIH3E8Q.png🚨 Dry January fam, we’re almost mid-month – and this is when things start getting real. 😅 You know the drill: you kicked off Jan feeling fresh, energized, and like you’ve totally got this... but now the slump starts to creep in. Sound familiar? 🙋‍♀️🙋‍♂️ Don’t throw in the towel yet! Dr. Niall Campbell from Priory Hospital Roehampton spilled the tea 🍵 on what’s really happening to your body as you power through Dry Jan: ✨ Week 1: Better sleep, hydration glow-up, energy boost. ✨ Week 2: Happier tummy, fewer irritations. ✨ Week 3: Lower blood pressure – your heart’s loving it. ✨ Week 4: Radiant skin, liver high-fives, maybe even a slimmer you. So, chin up, water down – YOU. GOT. THIS. 💪 #DryJanuary #HealthGoals #KeepGoing #Health #Wellness #Wellbeing #Goals #Gains #YouGotThis
...ceholder.png.pagespeed.ic.er-fIH3E8Q.png2024 was a jam-packed year for us, and here are some of the highlights... ✨ An exclusive December cover shoot with the fabulous @angellicabell where we got to show you an exclusive peek inside her beautifully renovated Kingston home 🥐 Our #FoodAndCultureAwards where you, our readers, had your say and voted for your favourite restaurants, brands and cultural venues! 💁‍♀️Our #InternationalWomensDay networking event, where amazing local she-bosses and women in business gathered to celebrate female power and connect with each other 👗 Fabulous fashion shows at @elyswimbledon with creative branding designed by us! 🏆 Celebrating brilliant local businesses at the @mertonbest #MertonBestBusinessAwards with a gorgeous Bollywood theme ❤️ And the launch of @mpausewellbeing our wonderful new menopause well-being brand We can’t wait for 2025 to be filled with even more brilliance, and we hope you’ll be joining us for the exciting journey ❤️ #2024 #2025 #roundup #swlondon #surrey #magazine #londonmagazine #mertonbest #mbba #mpause #menopausewellbeing #angellicabell #visitlondon #elys #fashion #lifestyle #womeninbusiness #wimbledon #wimbledonnews #southwestlondon
...ceholder.png.pagespeed.ic.er-fIH3E8Q.png✨ COMPETITION TIME✨ To celebrate Fri-YAY we’re giving you the chance today to enter this fab competition to win a full spa day PLUS afternoon tea by giving us a follow, liking this post and tagging a friend in the comments! ⬇️ This amazing spa experience at @pennyhill_park is the perfect January wellness treat: a full day of exploring the spa’s facilities followed by a post-relaxation afternoon tea of sandwiches and delicate pastries 🧖‍♀️🥐🫖 If you fancy winning this fabulous prize simply follow us, then like and tag a friend! #competition #pennyhill #spa #spaexperience #fridaytreat #january #wellness #afternoontea #rejuvenation #winaspaday #spaday #hotel #pamper
...ceholder.png.pagespeed.ic.er-fIH3E8Q.pngJanuary is the perfect chance to try something new: whether it’s that yoga class you’ve always wanted to join, or the new skill you’ve always fancied learning. Let’s grab 2025 with both hands and make it magical ❤️ In our January edition we rounded up 25 amazing businesses across SW London and Surrey who are doing something different this year💃🧘🎶 What are you planning on doing to make this year amazing? Shout out to these brilliant places who are offering something special this January.... @aija_kruce @goodlifeyoga_wimbledon @hotyogasouth @nakedhealthmedispa @swimwayuk @transcendwellnesslondon @editionclinic_ @arellauk @wellnergy @visitamersham @gordonramsayacademy @londonmozartplayers @richmondtheatre @polkatheatre @painshill #lovejanuary #renewal #change #inspiration #2025 #newyear #newyeargoals #resolutions #london #swlondon #surrey #january #wimbledon
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H1 Überschrift
(Extrem wichtig)
Es ist keine H1-Überschrift definiert.
Einige Überschriftentexte kommen doppelt auf der Seite vor.
Die Überschriftenstruktur ist fehlerhaft. Es sollte keine Hierarchie (H1-H6) ausgelassen werden.
Es befinden sich 58 Überschriften auf der Seite. Die Anzahl der Überschriften sollte in einem besseren Verhältnis zum Text stehen.


Überschriften HierarchieInhalt
H2 Food & Drink
H2 Time & Leisure Reader Newsletters
H3 21+ Magical Things to Discover this March
H3 Latest Stories...
H3 Top restaurants in south west London & Surrey
H3 Read our magazines online
H3 timeandleisure
H4 Vote now in the Food & Culture Awards
H4 How to give your kitchen a refresh
H4 7 new spring looks we’re obsessed with
H4 Your 2025 beauty bible: 7 top tips
H4 Top 3 new book releases this spring
H4 New Season, New Style
H4 What’s on for families this Easter
H4 14 indulgent afternoon teas
H4 Review: Hotel Café Royal
H4 Why Consider Superyacht Cruises Over Traditional Vacations?
H4 Nicky Hambleton-Jones: Style is our superpower
H4 The best things to do this weekend
H4 Kate Mosse: Labyrinth on tour
H4 Erin Boag: “Everyone can dance!”
H4 Interview: Ella Maisy Purvis
H4 Garden trends to try now
H4 The 6 golden rules of a renovation
H4 How to have fun with colour in your home
H4 Arturo review
H4 8 top indoor climbing venues in London and Surrey
H4 Why strength is our superpower as we get older
H4 Sophie Lewisohn: Capturing a moment
H4 Wandsworth Borough of Culture events
H4 Best museums in SW London and Surrey – the ultimate list
H4 Top 10+ Restaurants at Battersea Power Station
H4 11 Wimbledon restaurants you need to visit
H4 Top 10 Chelsea restaurants
H4 10 Putney Restaurants You Need to Visit
H4 10 of the best restaurants in Surrey
H4 Kingston restaurants not to miss
H4 10 Clapham Restaurants You Need To Visit
H4 10 of the best Wandsworth restaurants
H4 How to go off-grid with the kids
H4 Win £25,000 with the Royal Hospital for Neuro-disability Weekly Lottery
H4 Elite care comes to south west London
H4 The Ultimate Family Travel Guide
H4 WIN! 4 tickets to see Sisters 360 at Polka Theatre
H4 The Best UK Grand Prize Competitions To Enter
H5 The best things to do this weekend Text-Duplikat
H5 Delicious March Dining Deals
H5 Garden trends to try now Text-Duplikat
H5 12 family day out activities
H5 London and Surrey Michelin winners
H5 Recipe: Dorset Crab & Lincolnshire Poacher Croque
H5 Try this recipe to feature on our Instagram!
H5 Review: The Farmer’s Mistress
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6 Links haben keinen Linktext oder nur Inhalt in Alt- und Titelattributen.
Es gibt 1 Links mit einem trivialem Linktext.
Die Anzahl an internen Links ist ok.
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Alle internen Links haben keine dynamischen Parameter.
Es befinden sich 21 externe Links auf der Seite.
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A-TITLE The best things to do this weekend
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A-TITLE Delicious March Dining Deals
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A-TITLE Garden trends to try now
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A-TITLE Garden trends to try now
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A-TITLE 12 family day out activities
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A-TITLE London and Surrey Michelin winners
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/food-culture-awards/Neues Fenster Vote now in the Food & Culture Awards
/food-culture-awards/Neues Fenster Nominate your favourite restaurants and venues
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A-TITLE How to give your kitchen a refresh
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A-TITLE Try this recipe to feature on our Instagram!
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A-TITLE Review: The Farmer’s Mistress
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