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Home | Western Gateway
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Western Gateway is the UK's first pan-regional partnership to bring together local leaders from two countries. Stretching across South Wales and Western and Western England.
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Western Gateway is the UK's first pan-regional partnership to bring together local leaders from two countries. Stretching across South Wales and Western and Western England.
Western Gateway: Net-zero Innovation Connectivity International
Western Gateway is the UK's first pan-regional partnership to bring together local leaders from two countries. Stretching across South Wales and Western and Western England.
Western Gateway: Net-zero Innovation Connectivity International
Western Gateway is the UK's first pan-regional partnership to bring together local leaders from two countries. Stretching across South Wales and Western and Western England.
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Blog The Western Gateway All Party Parliamentary Group wants to hear from you Connecting Communities Governance Innovation Investment IMG-ALT group of people standing around a wooden table
Inward Investment We’re making the case that the Western Gateway is an ideal place to invest and do business IMG-ALT A water droplet with a reflection of a lake
Supporting Innovation The Western Gateway has a long and proud history of innovation. We’re ready to take this to the… IMG-ALT A man standing with a high-vis
Connecting Communities We’re working to better connect communities through public transport and digital channels. IMG-ALT Train moving on a train track across the countryside
Western Gateway is the UK's first pan-regional partnership to bring together local leaders from two countries. Stretching across South Wales and Western and Western England.
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