- SEO Checker

Overview of the SEO Check
Meta information
Page quality
Page structure
Link structure
External factors
SEO Score
Response time
0.85 s
File size
143.40 kB
Media files
Number of links
76 internal / 7 external

Task list of SEO Improvements

Meta specifications

(Critically important)
Azestoru und sein Hackblog
The length of the page title is perfect. (254 pixels out of 580 max pixel length)
There are no duplicate words in the title
Meta description
(Critically important)
The meta description is missing.
(Critically important)
There are no problems in accessing the website.
Canonical URL
No canonical link is specified.
(Somewhat important)
Language detected in text: de
Language defined in HTML: de-de
Server location: United States of America
The following language is defined by HTML: de-de
Alternate/Hreflang Links
(Somewhat important)
There are no alternate links specified on this page.
Other meta tags
(Somewhat important)
There is no rel next meta tag on this page.
There is no rel prev meta tag on this page.
(Somewhat important)
This page is hosted on a subdomain. Use a top level domain for better SEO results.
The domain does not contain non-latin characters.
Page URL
(Somewhat important)
No parameters were found in the URL.
No session ID was found in the URL.
The URL does not have too many subdirectories.
Charset encoding
(Somewhat important)
The charset encoding (UTF-8) is set correctly.
(Nice to have)
The doctype HTML 5 is set correctly.
The doctype is placed at first in the HTML code.
(Nice to have)
The favicon is linked correctly.

Meta tags

viewportinitial-scale=1.0, width=device-width
application-nameAzestoru und sein Hackblog
og:titleAzestoru und sein Hackblog
og:site_nameAzestoru und sein Hackblog

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Page quality

(Critically important)
No paragraphs were detected.
There are only 389 words on this page. Good pages should have about 800 words of useful content.
18.3% of the text are stop words.
The page contains a listing, which indicates a good text layout.
No placeholders texts or images were found.
(Critically important)
This page does not use a frameset.
Mobile optimization
(Somewhat important)
This page loads 5 JavaScript files. This may affect the load time negatively.
A viewport "initial-scale=1.0, width=device-width" is provided.
At least one Apple touch icon is specified.
Bold and strong tags
(Somewhat important)
The usage of strong and bold tags is perfect. We recommend the use of up to 8 tags for this page.
Image SEO
(Somewhat important)
59 images have no alt attribute. The content of alt attributes is used by search engines.
Social Networks
(Nice to have)
There are only a few social sharing widgets on the page. Make your website popular in social networks with social sharing widgets.
Additional markup
(Nice to have)
No additional page markup was found.
(Somewhat important)
This website uses HTTPS to protect privacy and integrity of the exchanged data.
All included files are also transferred via HTTPS.

Media list

URLAlt attributeTitle
...15/12/wellington5.jpg?w=300&h=200&crop=1No alt attribute provided
.../2015/11/kassler2.jpg?w=300&h=200&crop=1No alt attribute provided
...015/11/keylimepie.jpg?w=300&h=200&crop=1No alt attribute provided
...1/saltimboccaroll.jpg?w=300&h=200&crop=1No alt attribute provided
...mangoldmandelhuhn.jpg?w=300&h=200&crop=1No alt attribute provided
...2015/01/banoffee1.jpg?w=300&h=200&crop=1No alt attribute provided
...rindfleischsalat1.jpg?w=300&h=200&crop=1No alt attribute provided
...2014/12/svickova1.jpg?w=300&h=200&crop=1No alt attribute provided
...1/blutwursttarte1.jpg?w=300&h=200&crop=1No alt attribute provided
...4/03/bierfamilie2.jpg?w=300&h=200&crop=1No alt attribute provided
...ent/themes/pub/mixfolio/images/image.jpgNo alt attribute provided
.../03/safranrisotto.jpg?w=300&h=200&crop=1No alt attribute provided
...senseitlingpajeon.jpg?w=300&h=200&crop=1No alt attribute provided
...03/mayantwilight1.jpg?w=300&h=200&crop=1No alt attribute provided
...ent/themes/pub/mixfolio/images/image.jpgNo alt attribute provided
.../02/limonseitling.jpg?w=300&h=200&crop=1No alt attribute provided
...14/02/bergamotte1.jpg?w=300&h=200&crop=1No alt attribute provided
...14/02/tomatekokos.jpg?w=300&h=200&crop=1No alt attribute provided
...senmitwollschwein.jpg?w=300&h=200&crop=1No alt attribute provided
...014/01/cimedirapa.jpg?w=300&h=200&crop=1No alt attribute provided
...14/01/palmherzen1.jpg?w=300&h=200&crop=1No alt attribute provided
...eidelbeerparfait1.jpg?w=300&h=200&crop=1No alt attribute provided
...4/01/kaesemilben1.gif?w=300&h=200&crop=1No alt attribute provided
...13/02/briesbutter.jpg?w=300&h=200&crop=1No alt attribute provided alt attribute provided
...2/07/heideljomasa.jpg?w=300&h=200&crop=1No alt attribute provided
.../04/quichespargel.jpg?w=300&h=200&crop=1No alt attribute provided
...2012/04/aglioolio.jpg?w=300&h=200&crop=1No alt attribute provided
...2/03/schmelzkaese.jpg?w=300&h=200&crop=1No alt attribute provided
...012/03/quicherot2.jpg?w=300&h=200&crop=1Quiche mit roter Bete
.../03/rotsauerkraut.jpg?w=300&h=200&crop=1No alt attribute provided
...m/2012/03/blunzn2.jpg?w=300&h=200&crop=1No alt attribute provided
...011/12/schokoreh2.jpg?w=300&h=200&crop=1No alt attribute provided
...2011/12/apfelpute.jpg?w=300&h=200&crop=1No alt attribute provided
...2011/12/zimtkanin.jpg?w=300&h=200&crop=1No alt attribute provided
...11/12/walnusssoss.jpg?w=300&h=200&crop=1No alt attribute provided
...2011/12/weihmenu5.jpg?w=300&h=200&crop=1Hühner-Zwiebel-Suppe mit Käse-Toast-Stern
.../12/walnussragout.jpg?w=300&h=200&crop=1No alt attribute provided
...11/12/apfelgewirz.jpg?w=300&h=200&crop=1No alt attribute provided
...2011/12/fettleber.jpg?w=300&h=200&crop=1Entenleberpastete mit Trüffel
...2011/12/weihmenu1.jpg?w=300&h=200&crop=1No alt attribute provided
.../2011/12/handkaes.jpg?w=300&h=200&crop=1No alt attribute provided
.../12/blunzngroestl.jpg?w=300&h=200&crop=1No alt attribute provided
...ent/themes/pub/mixfolio/images/image.jpgNo alt attribute provided
...0/pilztomatenudel.jpg?w=300&h=200&crop=1No alt attribute provided
...0/pannacottafeige.jpg?w=300&h=200&crop=1Panna Cotta mit Portweinfeigen
...011/11/marzikleb1.jpg?w=300&h=200&crop=1No alt attribute provided
...2011/11/karamell0.jpg?w=300&h=200&crop=1Mandelgrießpudding mit Apfelkaramellsoße
...10/11/beteschnitt.jpg?w=300&h=200&crop=1Chioggia-Beteänsebrust mit Apfelsaftreduktion
...m/2011/11/truffl1.jpg?w=300&h=200&crop=1No alt attribute provided
...1/10/fuellschwein.jpg?w=300&h=200&crop=1No alt attribute provided
...10/pfifferschwert.jpg?w=300&h=200&crop=1No alt attribute provided
...011/10/wuerztreff.jpg?w=300&h=200&crop=1No alt attribute provided
...ent/themes/pub/mixfolio/images/image.jpgNo alt attribute provided
...1/09/linsensalat1.jpg?w=300&h=200&crop=1No alt attribute provided
...ent/themes/pub/mixfolio/images/image.jpgNo alt attribute provided
...11/09/scotcheggs2.jpg?w=300&h=200&crop=1Scotch Eggs
...lschweinschnitzel.jpg?w=300&h=200&crop=1No alt attribute provided
...1/08/pompomsteak2.jpg?w=300&h=200&crop=1No alt attribute provided
...011/08/panzanella.jpg?w=300&h=200&crop=1No alt attribute provided
...2011/08/baumpilz1.jpg?w=300&h=200&crop=1No alt attribute provided
...11/07/ragucodabue.jpg?w=300&h=200&crop=1No alt attribute provided
.../07/zitrobasihuhn.jpg?w=300&h=200&crop=1No alt attribute provided
...07/supplitelefono.jpg?w=300&h=200&crop=1No alt attribute provided alt attribute provided alt attribute provided

Page structure

H1 heading
(Critically important)
Azestoru und sein Hackblog
Too many H1 headings
There are 69 headings on the page. The amount of headings should be in a more proper relation to the amount of text.

Heading structure

Heading levelContent
H1 Azestoru und sein Hackblog
H1 Menü
H1 Filet Wellington
H1 Kaßler selbst trockengesalzen, geräuchert, Sous-Vide
H1 Bergamottenkuchen nach Key-Lime-Pie-Art
H1 Involtini di saltimbocca alla romana
H1 Mangold-Mandel-Hühnersuppe
H1 Karananenkuchen
H1 Rindfleischsalat
H1 Rinderlende auf Sahnesoße
H1 Blutwurst-Tarte
H1 Bierhandwerk
H1 Azestoru beantwortet Leserfragen
H1 Safranrisotto mit Jakobsmuschel
H1 Rosenseitling-Pajeon
H1 Mayan-Twilight-Kartoffelbrei und Sauerkrautgulasch
H1 Sauerkraut mit Wollschweinwurst
H1 Zitronenseitling
H1 Bergamotte
H1 Tomaten-Kokos-Suppe
H1 Linsen mit Wollschweinbratwurst
H1 Nudeln mit Stengelkohl und Pekannüssen
H1 Palmherzsalat
H1 Waldheidelbeer-Parfait
H1 Milbenkäse
H1 Kalbsbries in Sherry
H1 Feigensenf
H1 Waldheidelbeeren, Jomasa, Ahorn-karamellisierte Mandeln
H1 Spargelquiche mit Chabichou
H1 Aglio e olio e cociugaru
H1 Käsesuppe mit Lauch
H1 Quiche mit roter Bete
H1 Rotes Sauerkraut
H1 Blunzngröstl aus violettn Erdäpfln
H1 Rehgulasch mit Schokolade
H1 Karamelisierte Apfel-Röstgemüse-Soße zur Pute
H1 Zimtrahmsoße zum Kaninchen
H1 Nudeln mit Walnußsoße
H1 Hühner-Zwiebel-Suppe mit Käsehäubchen
H1 Bolognese mit Walnüssen
H1 Apfel-Gewürz-Kompott
H1 Getrüffelte Entenleberpastete
H1 Weihnachtsmenü 2011
H1 Handkäs mit Musik
H1 Blunzngröstl
H1 Wie findet man Azestoru im Advent?
H1 Tomatensoße und Pilze
H1 Panna Cotta mit Portweinfeigen
H1 Wie klebe ich Marzipan wieder zusammen?
H1 Mandelgrießpudding mit Apfel-Sahne-Karamell
H1 Wie heißt die Rübensorte, die rot-weiß-rot geringelt ist?
H1 Gänsebrust mit Apfelreduktion und Orangensalbei
H1 Trüffelrührei
H1 Spitzmeißel
H1 Schwertfisch mit Pfifferlingen und Dornfelder
H1 Bloggertreffen in Würzburg
H1 Treffen
H1 Scones
H1 Lauwarmer Linsensalat
H1 Wie findet man Azestoru?
H1 Schottische Eier
H1 Wollschweinferkelrippchen und Pfifferlinge
H1 Hochrippensteak mit Pom-Pom-Pilzen und Zwiebelsoufflé
H1 Panzanella
H1 Pom-Pom-Pilz
H1 Ochsenschwanzbolognese
H1 Hühnchen mit Zitronen-Basilikum-Sahne und Pappardelle
H1 Reisbällchen nach Telefon-Art
H1 Beitragsnavigation
Some internal links have dynamic parameters. All internal URLs, which are not marked as nofollow, should not contain dynamic parameters.
Some anchor texts are used more than once.
The number of internal links is ok.
None of the anchor texts is too long.
There are 7 external links on this page.
LinkAttributesAnchor text Azestoru und sein Hackblog
A-TITLE Azestoru und sein Hackblog Zum Inhalt springen
A-TITLE Zum Inhalt springen Startseite
/inhaltsverzeichnis/Subdomain Inhaltsverzeichnis
/kochen/Subdomain Kochen
/daten/Subdomain Daten
/2015/12/13/filet-wellington/Subdomain A-TITLE Permalink zu Filet Wellington
/2015/11/18/kasler-selbst-troc...Subdomain A-TITLE Permalink zu Kaßler selbst trockengesalzen, geräuchert, Sous-Vide
/2015/11/07/bergamottenkuchen-...Subdomain A-TITLE Permalink zu Bergamottenkuchen nach Key-Lime-Pie-Art
/2015/11/07/involtini-di-salti...Subdomain A-TITLE Permalink zu Involtini di saltimbocca alla romana
/2015/11/07/mangold-mandel-huh...Subdomain A-TITLE Permalink zu Mangold-Mandel-Hühnersuppe
/2015/01/15/karananenkuchen/Subdomain A-TITLE Permalink zu Karananenkuchen
/2015/01/11/rindfleischsalat/Subdomain A-TITLE Permalink zu Rindfleischsalat
/2014/12/06/rinderlende-auf-sa...Subdomain A-TITLE Permalink zu Rinderlende auf Sahnesoße
/2014/11/30/blutwurst-tarte/Subdomain A-TITLE Permalink zu Blutwurst-Tarte
/2014/03/26/bierhandwerk/Subdomain A-TITLE Permalink zu Bierhandwerk
/2014/03/16/azestoru-beantwort...Subdomain A-TITLE Permalink zu Azestoru beantwortet Leserfragen
/2014/03/12/safranrisotto-mit-...Subdomain A-TITLE Permalink zu Safranrisotto mit Jakobsmuschel
/2014/03/07/rosenseitling-pajeon/Subdomain A-TITLE Permalink zu Rosenseitling-Pajeon
/2014/03/02/mayan-twilight-kar...Subdomain A-TITLE Permalink zu Mayan-Twilight-Kartoffelbrei und Sauerkrautgulasch
/2014/03/01/sauerkraut-mit-wol...Subdomain A-TITLE Permalink zu Sauerkraut mit Wollschweinwurst
/2014/02/23/zitronenseitling/Subdomain A-TITLE Permalink zu Zitronenseitling
/2014/02/16/bergamotte/Subdomain A-TITLE Permalink zu Bergamotte
/2014/02/09/tomaten-kokos-suppe/Subdomain A-TITLE Permalink zu Tomaten-Kokos-Suppe
/2014/01/29/linsen-mit-wollsch...Subdomain A-TITLE Permalink zu Linsen mit Wollschweinbratwurst
/2014/01/27/nudeln-mit-stangel...Subdomain A-TITLE Permalink zu Nudeln mit Stengelkohl und Pekannüssen
/2014/01/13/palmherzsalat/Subdomain A-TITLE Permalink zu Palmherzsalat
/2014/01/12/waldheidelbeer-par...Subdomain A-TITLE Permalink zu Waldheidelbeer-Parfait
/2014/01/08/milbenkase/Subdomain A-TITLE Permalink zu Milbenkäse
/2013/02/27/kalbsbries-in-sherry/Subdomain A-TITLE Permalink zu Kalbsbries in Sherry
/2012/10/15/feigensenf/Subdomain A-TITLE Permalink zu Feigensenf
/2012/07/29/waldheidelbeeren-j...Subdomain A-TITLE Permalink zu Waldheidelbeeren, Jomasa, Ahorn-karamellisierte Mandeln
/2012/04/24/spargelquiche-mit-...Subdomain A-TITLE Permalink zu Spargelquiche mit Chabichou
/2012/04/05/aglio-e-olio-e-coc...Subdomain A-TITLE Permalink zu Aglio e olio e cociugaru
/2012/04/02/kasesuppe-mit-lauch/Subdomain A-TITLE Permalink zu Käsesuppe mit Lauch
/2012/04/01/quiche-mit-roter-b...Subdomain A-TITLE Permalink zu Quiche mit roter Bete
/2012/03/22/rotes-sauerkraut/Subdomain A-TITLE Permalink zu Rotes Sauerkraut
/2012/03/18/blunzngrostl-aus-v...Subdomain A-TITLE Permalink zu Blunzngröstl aus violettn Erdäpfln
/2011/12/30/rehgulasch-mit-sch...Subdomain A-TITLE Permalink zu Rehgulasch mit Schokolade
/2011/12/27/karamelisierte-apf...Subdomain A-TITLE Permalink zu Karamelisierte Apfel-Röstgemüse-Soße zur Pute
/2011/12/26/zimtrahmsose-zum-k...Subdomain A-TITLE Permalink zu Zimtrahmsoße zum Kaninchen
/2011/12/24/nudeln-mit-walnuss...Subdomain A-TITLE Permalink zu Nudeln mit Walnußsoße
/2011/12/22/huhner-zwiebel-sup...Subdomain A-TITLE Permalink zu Hühner-Zwiebel-Suppe mit Käsehäubchen
/2011/12/21/bolognese-mit-waln...Subdomain A-TITLE Permalink zu Bolognese mit Walnüssen
/2011/12/20/apfel-gewirz-kompott/Subdomain A-TITLE Permalink zu Apfel-Gewürz-Kompott
/2011/12/19/getruffelte-entenl...Subdomain A-TITLE Permalink zu Getrüffelte Entenleberpastete
/2011/12/18/weihnachtsmenu-2011/Subdomain A-TITLE Permalink zu Weihnachtsmenü 2011
/2011/12/07/handkas-mit-musik/Subdomain A-TITLE Permalink zu Handkäs mit Musik
/2011/12/06/blunzngrostl/Subdomain A-TITLE Permalink zu Blunzngröstl
/2011/12/01/wie-findet-man-aze...Subdomain A-TITLE Permalink zu Wie findet man Azestoru im Advent?
/2011/11/29/tomatensose-und-pi...Subdomain A-TITLE Permalink zu Tomatensoße und Pilze
/2011/11/23/panna-cotta-mit-po...Subdomain A-TITLE Permalink zu Panna Cotta mit Portweinfeigen
/2011/11/21/wie-klebe-ich-marz...Subdomain A-TITLE Permalink zu Wie klebe ich Marzipan wieder zusammen?
/2011/11/20/mandelgriespudding...Subdomain A-TITLE Permalink zu Mandelgrießpudding mit Apfel-Sahne-Karamell
/2011/11/19/wie-heist-die-rube...Subdomain A-TITLE Permalink zu Wie heißt die Rübensorte, die rot-weiß-rot geringelt ist?
/2011/11/17/gansebrust-mit-apf...Subdomain A-TITLE Permalink zu Gänsebrust mit Apfelreduktion und Orangensalbei
/2011/11/06/truffelruhrei/Subdomain A-TITLE Permalink zu Trüffelrührei
/2011/11/05/spitzmeisel/Subdomain A-TITLE Permalink zu Spitzmeißel
/2011/10/31/schwertfisch-mit-p...Subdomain A-TITLE Permalink zu Schwertfisch mit Pfifferlingen und Dornfelder
/2011/10/30/bloggertreffen-in-...Subdomain A-TITLE Permalink zu Bloggertreffen in Würzburg
/2011/10/03/treffen/Subdomain A-TITLE Permalink zu Treffen
/2011/09/25/scones/Subdomain A-TITLE Permalink zu Scones
/2011/09/24/lauwarmer-linsensa...Subdomain A-TITLE Permalink zu Lauwarmer Linsensalat
/2011/09/10/wie-findet-man-aze...Subdomain A-TITLE Permalink zu Wie findet man Azestoru?
/2011/09/06/schottische-eier/Subdomain A-TITLE Permalink zu Schottische Eier
/2011/09/05/wollschweinferkels...Subdomain A-TITLE Permalink zu Wollschweinferkelrippchen und Pfifferlinge
/2011/08/08/hochrippensteak-mi...Subdomain A-TITLE Permalink zu Hochrippensteak mit Pom-Pom-Pilzen und Zwiebelsoufflé
/2011/08/07/panzanella/Subdomain A-TITLE Permalink zu Panzanella
/2011/08/05/pom-pom-pilz/Subdomain A-TITLE Permalink zu Pom-Pom-Pilz
/2011/08/03/ochsenschwanzbolog...Subdomain A-TITLE Permalink zu Ochsenschwanzbolognese
/2011/07/25/huhnchen-mit-zitro...Subdomain A-TITLE Permalink zu Hühnchen mit Zitronen-Basilikum-Sahne und Pappardelle
/2011/07/19/reisballchen-nach-...Subdomain A-TITLE Permalink zu Reisbällchen nach Telefon-Art
/page/2/Subdomain ← Ältere Beiträge External Erstelle kostenlos eine Website oder ein Blog auf Text duplicate Azestoru und sein Hackblog Melde dich jetzt an. Text duplicate Azestoru und sein Hackblog
/wp-admin/customize.php?url=ht...Subdomain Anpassen Registrieren Anmelden window External Melde diesen Inhalt Website im Reader anzeigen Subdomain Abonnements verwalten

Server configuration

HTTP redirects
(Critically important)
This page redirects to ""
HTTP header
No X-Powered HTTP header is sent.
This page uses GZip for compressed data transmission.
(Somewhat important)
The page response time of 0.85 seconds is longer than the recommended limit of 0.4 seconds. A high response time unnecessarily slows down search engine crawling and results in bad user experience as well.
This page loads 7 CSS files. This may affect the page load time negatively.
This page loads 5 JavaScript files. This may affect the load time negatively.
The file size of the HTML document is fine (143 kB).

HTTP Response Header

dateSun, 12 May 2024 00:45:16 GMT
content-typetext/html; charset=UTF-8
x-hackerWant root? Visit and mention this header.
link<>; rel=shortlink
x-ac1.vie _dca MISS
alt-svch3=":443"; ma=86400

External factors

(Nice to have)
This website is not classified "for adult only".
This page has only a few links from other websites.
This page only has backlinks from 17 referring domains.
This page only has 5,065 backlinks.
This page only has few backlinks from 17 different ip addresses.
Facebook popularity
(Somewhat important)
The page has 0 shares and comments on Facebook.

Links from Wikipedia

No links from Wikipedia were found.


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User-agent: *
Disallow: /wp-admin/
Allow: /wp-admin/admin-ajax.php
Disallow: /wp-login.php
Disallow: /wp-signup.php
Disallow: /press-this.php
Disallow: /remote-login.php
Disallow: /activate/
Disallow: /cgi-bin/
Disallow: /mshots/v1/
Disallow: /next/
Disallow: /public.api/

# This file was generated on Thu, 01 Feb 2024 00:39:23 +0000

Search preview
Azestoru und sein Hackblog

Most important keywords

Following keywords were found. You can check the keyword optimization of this page for each keyword.


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