- SEO Checker

Overview of the SEO Check
Meta information
Page quality
Page structure
Link structure
External factors
SEO Score
Response time
0.86 s
File size
235.80 kB
Media files
Number of links
253 internal / 1 external

Task list of SEO Improvements

Meta specifications

(Critically important)
Online-Druckerei – günstig online drucken | BANNERKÖNIG
The length of the page title is perfect. (542 pixels out of 580 max pixel length)
There are no duplicate words in the title
Meta description
(Critically important)
BANNERKÖNIG ist Ihre erfahrene Online-Druckerei. Bei uns können Sie preiswert online drucken lassen. ✔ Eigenproduktion ✔ Zuverlässig ✔ Hochwertig ✔ Umweltbewusst
The meta description is too long: 1080 pixels from max. 1000 pixels. Optimize description
(Critically important)
There are no problems in accessing the website.
Canonical URL
There is a valid canonical link specified.
(Somewhat important)
Language detected in text: de
Language defined in HTML: de-de
Server location: United States of America
The following language is defined by HTML: de-de
Alternate/Hreflang Links
(Somewhat important)
There are no alternate links specified on this page.
Other meta tags
(Somewhat important)
There is no rel next meta tag on this page.
There is no rel prev meta tag on this page.
(Somewhat important)
The domain is no subdomain.
The domain length is good.
The domain does not contain non-latin characters.
Page URL
(Somewhat important)
No parameters were found in the URL.
No session ID was found in the URL.
The URL does not have too many subdirectories.
Charset encoding
(Somewhat important)
The charset encoding (UTF-8) is set correctly.
(Nice to have)
The doctype HTML 5 is set correctly.
The doctype is placed at first in the HTML code.
(Nice to have)
The favicon is linked correctly.

Meta tags

viewportwidth=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0, user-scalable=no
descriptionBANNERKÖNIG ist Ihre erfahrene Online-Druckerei. Bei uns können Sie preiswert online drucken lassen. ✔ Eigenproduktion ✔ Zuverlässig ✔ Hochwertig ✔ Umweltbewusst
twitter:descriptionWir drucken Ihre Werbebanner günstig und in Top-Qualität. Wir beraten Sie gern und liefern Ihre Bestellungen innerhalb von 3-5 Werktagen.
twitter:titleOnline-Druckerei – günstig online drucken | BANNERKÖNIG
og:descriptionBANNERKÖNIG ist Ihre günstige Online-Druckerei. Wir beraten Sie gern und liefern Ihre Bestellungen innerhalb von 3-5 Werktagen.

Test up to 1.000 webpages of with our free plan!

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No trial. It's just free!

Page quality

(Critically important)
This page contains 1508 words. That's ok.
28.4% of the text are stop words.
Keywords used in the page title are also used in the page content. That's good!
Words from the H1 heading are used in the page content.
The page contains a listing, which indicates a good text layout.
19 paragraphs were found on this page.
The text content is perfect.
No placeholders texts or images were found.
There are no duplicates on the site.
The average number of words per sentence of 13.04 words is good.
(Critically important)
This page does not use a frameset.
Mobile optimization
(Somewhat important)
A viewport "width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0, user-scalable=no" is provided.
At least one Apple touch icon is specified.
Bold and strong tags
(Somewhat important)
The following tag is repeated too often: 0
Image SEO
(Somewhat important)
Alt text (alternative text) is correctly used on all found images.
Social Networks
(Nice to have)
There are only a few social sharing widgets on the page. Make your website popular in social networks with social sharing widgets.
Additional markup
(Nice to have)
No additional page markup was found.
(Somewhat important)
This website uses HTTPS to protect privacy and integrity of the exchanged data.
All included files are also transferred via HTTPS.

Media list

URLAlt attributeTitle
data:[...] Base64BANNERKÖNIG
data:[...] Base64BANNERKÖNIG
data:[...] Base64PVC Banner
data:[...] Base64Mesh Banner
data:[...] Base64Bauzaunbanner PVC
data:[...] Base64Bauzaunbanner Mesh
data:[...] Base64Fahne im Wunschformat
data:[...] Base64Stoffbanner/Textilbanner
data:[...] Base64Dekostoff
data:[...] Base64Backlitstoff
data:[...] Base64Roll-Up Budget
data:[...] Base64Roll-Up Premium
data:[...] Base64Roll-Up Exclusive
data:[...] Base64Roll-Up Double
data:[...] Base64Alu-Verbundplatte
data:[...] Base64Hartschaumplatte
data:[...] Base64Hohlkammerplatte
data:[...] Base64Bestes Material | BANNERKÖNIG
data:[...] Base64Hochwertiger Druck | BANNERKÖNIG
data:[...] Base64Günstiger Preis | BANNERKÖNIG
data:[...] Base64Schnelle Lieferung | BANNERKÖNIG
data:[...] Base64Käuferschutz | BANNERKÖNIG
data:[...] Base64Sicheres Einkaufen | BANNERKÖNIG
data:[...] Base64Sicher einkaufen
data:[...] Base64Zahlungsarten
data:[...] Base64euversand

Page structure

H1 heading
(Critically important)
Online-Druckerei BANNERKÖNIG
The H1 heading is perfect.
The heading structure is perfect.

Heading structure

Heading levelContent
H1 Online-Druckerei BANNERKÖNIG
H2 Unser Markenzeichen: Qualitätsprodukte zu kleinen Preisen
H2 Online drucken war noch nie so einfach wie bei BANNERKÖNIG
H2 Online-Druckerei mit eigener Produktionsstätte
H2 Online-Druckerei mit 500.000 m² Produktionskapazität im Jahr
Some anchor texts are used more than once.
1 links don't have an anchor text.
The number of internal links is ok.
None of the anchor texts is too long.
All internal links are not using dynamic parameters.
There are 1 external links on this page.
LinkAttributesAnchor text Skip to content
/resellerprogramm/Subdomain Für Reseller
A-TITLE Für Reseller
/kontakt/Subdomain Kontakt
A-TITLE Kontakt
/impressum/Subdomain Impressum
A-TITLE BANNERKÖNIG - Mit uns beeindrucken Sie immer.
/konto/Subdomain Anmelden
/warenkorb/Subdomain Warenkorb 0
A-TITLE Warenkorb
/warenkorb/Subdomain A-TITLE Warenkorb
/banner/Subdomain Banner
/shop/pvc-banner/Subdomain PVC BannerTOPSELLER
/shop/mesh-banner/Subdomain Mesh BannerTOPSELLER
A-TITLE Mesh Banner
/shop/xxl-banner/Subdomain XXL-Banner
/shop/stoffbanner-textilbanner/Subdomain Stoffbanner
/shop/backlit-banner/Subdomain Backlit Banner
A-TITLE Backlit Banner
/shop/blockout-banner/Subdomain Blockout Banner
A-TITLE Blockout Banner
/bauzaunbanner/Subdomain Bauzaunbanner
A-TITLE Bauzaunbanner
/geruestbanner/Subdomain Gerüstbanner
A-TITLE Gerüstbanner
/banner-fuer-absperrgitter/Subdomain Banner für Absperrgitter
A-TITLE Banner für Absperrgitter
/plattendruck/Subdomain Plattendruck
A-TITLE Plattendruck
/shop/alu-verbundplatte/Subdomain Alu-Verbundplatte
A-TITLE Alu-Verbundplatte
/shop/hartschaumplatte/Subdomain Hartschaumplatte
A-TITLE Hartschaumplatten
/shop/hohlkammerplatte/Subdomain Hohlkammerplatte
A-TITLE Hohlkammerplatten
/fahnendruck/Subdomain Fahnendruck
A-TITLE Fahnendruck
/shop/hissflaggen-hissfahnen/Subdomain Hissflagge / Hissfahne
A-TITLE Hissflagge / Hissfahne
/shop/fahnen/Subdomain Fahne im Wunschformat
A-TITLE Fahne im Wunschformat
/beachflag/Subdomain Beachflags
A-TITLE Beachflags
/shop/dropflag/Subdomain Dropflag
/shop/sailflag/Subdomain Sailflag
/shop/squareflag/Subdomain Squareflag
/stoffdruck/Subdomain Stoffdruck
/shop/stoffbanner-textilbanner/Subdomain Textilbanner
A-TITLE Stoffbanner / Textilbanner
/shop/dekostoff/Subdomain Dekostoff
/shop/backlitstoff/Subdomain Backlitstoff
/shop/blockoutstoff/Subdomain Blockoutstoff
/shop/displaystoff/Subdomain Displaystoff
/roll-up-banner/Subdomain Roll-Ups
A-TITLE Roll-Ups
/shop/roll-up-budget/Subdomain Roll-Up Budget
/shop/roll-up-premium/Subdomain Roll-Up Premium
/shop/roll-up-premium-black/Subdomain Roll-Up Premium Black
/shop/roll-up-exclusive/Subdomain Roll-Up Exclusive
/shop/roll-up-double/Subdomain Roll-Up Double
/shop/roll-up-double-outdoor/Subdomain Roll-Up Double Outdoor
/shop/roll-up-max/Subdomain Roll-Up Max
/displays/Subdomain Displays
A-TITLE Displays
/x-banner/Subdomain X-Banner
/l-banner/Subdomain L-Banner
/kundenstopper/Subdomain Kundenstopper
/infostaender/Subdomain Infoständer
/foliendruck/Subdomain Foliendruck
A-TITLE Foliendruck
/shop/klebefolie/Subdomain Klebefolie
A-TITLE Klebefolie
/shop/backlit-folie/Subdomain Backlit Folie
A-TITLE Backlit Folie
/shop/magnetfolie/Subdomain Magnetfolie
A-TITLE Magnetfolie
/shop/adhaesionsfolie/Subdomain Adhäsionsfolie
A-TITLE Adhäsionsfolie
/fensterfolie/Subdomain Fensterfolie
/shop/milchglasfolie-glasdekor...Subdomain Milchglasfolie
A-TITLE Milchglasfolie
/shop/transparente-folie/Subdomain Transparente Folie
A-TITLE Transparente Folie
/shop/lochfolie/Subdomain Lochfolie
A-TITLE Lochfolie
/autofolie/Subdomain Autofolie
/shop/lochfolie-kfz/Subdomain Lochfolie Kfz
/shop/magnetschilder-auto/Subdomain Magnetschild Auto
/shop/2d-fahrzeugfolie/Subdomain 2D Fahrzeugfolie
/shop/3d-car-wrapping-folie/Subdomain 3D Car Wrapping Folie
A-TITLE Gegossene Folie
/bodenfolie/Subdomain Bodenfolie
/plakatdruck/Subdomain Plakatdruck
/werbeplakate/Subdomain Werbeplakate
/wahlplakate/Subdomain Wahlplakate
/shop/wahlplakat-hohlkammerpla...Subdomain Wahlplakat HohlkammerplatteNEU
/shop/wahlplakat-doppelseitig/Subdomain Wahlplakat DoppelseitigNEU
/shop/wahlplakat-360-grad/Subdomain Wahlplakat 360 GradNEU
/shop/wahlplakat-statisch-haft...Subdomain Wahlplakat Statisch HaftendNEU
/shop/wahlplakat-bauzaunbanner/Subdomain Wahlplakat BauzaunbannerNEU
/shop/wahlplakat-18-1-grossfla...Subdomain Wahlplakat 18/1 GroßflächenplakatNEU
/bilderdruck/Subdomain Bilderdruck
A-TITLE Bilderdruck
/leinwandbilder/Subdomain Leinwandbilder
A-TITLE Leinwandbilder
/shop/fotoleinwand/Subdomain Fotoleinwand
A-TITLE Fotoleinwand
/shop/fotoposter/Subdomain Fotoposter
/bannerdruck/Subdomain Bannerdruck
/abi-banner/Subdomain Abi-Banner
/bannerdruck/xxl/Subdomain Bannerdruck XXL
/bauzaunwerbung/Subdomain Bauzaunwerbung
/weihnachtsbanner/Subdomain Weihnachtsbanner
/werbebanner/Subdomain Werbebanner
/werbeplane/Subdomain Werbeplane
/schilderdruck/Subdomain Schilderdruck
/bandenwerbung/Subdomain Bandenwerbung
/bauschilder/Subdomain Bauschilder
/firmenschilder/Subdomain Firmenschilder
/hinweisschilder/Subdomain Hinweisschilder
/kanzleischilder/Subdomain Kanzleischilder
/parkplatzschilder/Subdomain Parkplatzschilder
/praxisschilder/Subdomain Praxisschilder
/tuerschilder/Subdomain Türschilder
/werbeschilder/Subdomain Werbeschilder
/druckdaten/Subdomain Druckdaten
/online-designer/Subdomain Online-Designer Blog
/wahlplakate/Subdomain No Text
/wahlplakate/Subdomain Öffnen
/shop/pvc-banner/Subdomain IMG-ALT PVC Banner
/shop/pvc-banner/Subdomain Text duplicate PVC Banner
/shop/pvc-banner/Subdomain Jetzt kalkulieren
A-TITLE Jetzt kalkulieren
/shop/mesh-banner/Subdomain IMG-ALT Mesh Banner
/shop/mesh-banner/Subdomain Text duplicate Mesh Banner
/shop/mesh-banner/Subdomain Text duplicate Jetzt kalkulieren
A-TITLE Jetzt kalkulieren
/shop/bauzaunbanner-pvc-340-x-...Subdomain IMG-ALT Bauzaunbanner PVC
/shop/bauzaunbanner-pvc-340-x-...Subdomain Text duplicate Bauzaunbanner PVC
/shop/bauzaunbanner-pvc-340-x-...Subdomain Text duplicate Jetzt kalkulieren
A-TITLE Jetzt kalkulieren
/shop/bauzaunbanner-mesh-340-x...Subdomain IMG-ALT Bauzaunbanner Mesh
/shop/bauzaunbanner-mesh-340-x...Subdomain Text duplicate Bauzaunbanner Mesh
/shop/bauzaunbanner-mesh-340-x...Subdomain Text duplicate Jetzt kalkulieren
A-TITLE Jetzt kalkulieren
/shop/fahnen/Subdomain Text duplicate IMG-ALT Fahne im Wunschformat
/shop/fahnen/Subdomain Fahnen im Wunschformat
/shop/fahnen/Subdomain Text duplicate Jetzt kalkulieren
A-TITLE Jetzt kalkulieren
/shop/stoffbanner-textilbanner/Subdomain IMG-ALT Stoffbanner/Textilbanner
/shop/stoffbanner-textilbanner/Subdomain Stoffbanner / Textilbanner
/shop/stoffbanner-textilbanner/Subdomain Text duplicate Jetzt kalkulieren
A-TITLE Jetzt kalkulieren
/shop/dekostoff/Subdomain Text duplicate IMG-ALT Dekostoff
/shop/dekostoff/Subdomain Text duplicate Dekostoff
/shop/dekostoff/Subdomain Text duplicate Jetzt kalkulieren
A-TITLE Jetzt kalkulieren
/shop/backlitstoff/Subdomain Text duplicate IMG-ALT Backlitstoff
/shop/backlitstoff/Subdomain Text duplicate Backlitstoff
/shop/backlitstoff/Subdomain Text duplicate Jetzt kalkulieren
A-TITLE Jetzt kalkulieren
/roll-up-banner/Subdomain Text duplicate Roll-Ups
A-TITLE Roll-Up Banner
/shop/roll-up-budget/Subdomain Text duplicate IMG-ALT Roll-Up Budget
/shop/roll-up-budget/Subdomain Text duplicate Roll-Up Budget
/shop/roll-up-budget/Subdomain Text duplicate Jetzt kalkulieren
A-TITLE Jetzt kalkulieren
/shop/roll-up-premium/Subdomain Text duplicate IMG-ALT Roll-Up Premium
/shop/roll-up-premium/Subdomain Text duplicate Roll-Up Premium
/shop/roll-up-premium/Subdomain Text duplicate Jetzt kalkulieren
A-TITLE Jetzt kalkulieren
/shop/roll-up-exclusive/Subdomain Text duplicate IMG-ALT Roll-Up Exclusive
/shop/roll-up-exclusive/Subdomain Text duplicate Roll-Up Exclusive
/shop/roll-up-exclusive/Subdomain Text duplicate Jetzt kalkulieren
A-TITLE Jetzt kalkulieren
/shop/roll-up-double/Subdomain Text duplicate IMG-ALT Roll-Up Double
/shop/roll-up-double/Subdomain Text duplicate Roll-Up Double
/shop/roll-up-double/Subdomain Text duplicate Jetzt kalkulieren
A-TITLE Jetzt kalkulieren
/shop/alu-verbundplatte/Subdomain Text duplicate IMG-ALT Alu-Verbundplatte
/shop/alu-verbundplatte/Subdomain Text duplicate Alu-Verbundplatte
/shop/alu-verbundplatte/Subdomain Text duplicate Jetzt kalkulieren
A-TITLE Jetzt kalkulieren
/shop/hartschaumplatte/Subdomain Text duplicate IMG-ALT Hartschaumplatte
/shop/hartschaumplatte/Subdomain Text duplicate Hartschaumplatte
/shop/hartschaumplatte/Subdomain Text duplicate Jetzt kalkulieren
A-TITLE Jetzt kalkulieren
/shop/hohlkammerplatte/Subdomain Text duplicate IMG-ALT Hohlkammerplatte
/shop/hohlkammerplatte/Subdomain Text duplicate Hohlkammerplatte
/shop/hohlkammerplatte/Subdomain Text duplicate Jetzt kalkulieren
A-TITLE Jetzt kalkulieren
/versandarten/Subdomain Versandinformationen
/zahlungsarten/Subdomain Zahlungsarten
/druckdaten/Subdomain Text duplicate Druckdaten
/bestellvorgang/Subdomain Bestellvorgang
A-TITLE Bestellvorgang FAQ
A-TITLE FAQ - Häufig gestellte Fragen
/reklamation/Subdomain Reklamation
A-TITLE Reklamation
/staffelpreise/Subdomain Staffelpreise
A-TITLE Staffelpreise
/ueber-uns/Subdomain Über uns
A-TITLE Bannerkönig - Über uns
/nachhaltigkeit/Subdomain Nachhaltigkeit window External Subdomain Jobs & Karriere
A-TITLE Offene Stellen
/kontakt/Subdomain Text duplicate Kontakt
A-TITLE Kontakt
/impressum/Subdomain Text duplicate Impressum AGB
/datenschutzbelehrung/Subdomain Datenschutz
/widerrufsbelehrung/Subdomain Widerrufsbelehrung No Text Produkte
/banner/Subdomain Text duplicate Banner
/shop/pvc-banner/Subdomain Text duplicate PVC Banner
/shop/mesh-banner/Subdomain Text duplicate Mesh Banner
A-TITLE Mesh Banner
/shop/xxl-banner/Subdomain Text duplicate XXL-Banner
/shop/stoffbanner-textilbanner/Subdomain Text duplicate Stoffbanner
/shop/backlit-banner/Subdomain Text duplicate Backlit Banner
A-TITLE Backlit Banner
/shop/blockout-banner/Subdomain Text duplicate Blockout Banner
A-TITLE Blockout Banner
/bauzaunbanner/Subdomain Text duplicate Bauzaunbanner
A-TITLE Bauzaunbanner
/geruestbanner/Subdomain Text duplicate Gerüstbanner
A-TITLE Gerüstbanner
/banner-fuer-absperrgitter/Subdomain Text duplicate Banner für Absperrgitter
A-TITLE Banner für Absperrgitter
/plattendruck/Subdomain Text duplicate Plattendruck
A-TITLE Plattendruck
/shop/alu-verbundplatte/Subdomain Text duplicate Alu-Verbundplatte
A-TITLE Alu-Verbundplatte
/shop/hartschaumplatte/Subdomain Text duplicate Hartschaumplatte
A-TITLE Hartschaumplatten
/shop/hohlkammerplatte/Subdomain Text duplicate Hohlkammerplatte
A-TITLE Hohlkammerplatten
/fahnendruck/Subdomain Text duplicate Fahnendruck
A-TITLE Fahnendruck
/shop/hissflaggen-hissfahnen/Subdomain Text duplicate Hissflagge / Hissfahne
A-TITLE Hissflagge / Hissfahne
/shop/fahnen/Subdomain Text duplicate Fahne im Wunschformat
A-TITLE Fahne im Wunschformat
/beachflag/Subdomain Text duplicate Beachflags
A-TITLE Beachflags
/shop/dropflag/Subdomain Text duplicate Dropflag
/shop/sailflag/Subdomain Text duplicate Sailflag
/shop/squareflag/Subdomain Text duplicate Squareflag
/stoffdruck/Subdomain Text duplicate Stoffdruck
/shop/stoffbanner-textilbanner/Subdomain Text duplicate Textilbanner
A-TITLE Stoffbanner / Textilbanner
/shop/dekostoff/Subdomain Text duplicate Dekostoff
/shop/backlitstoff/Subdomain Text duplicate Backlitstoff
/shop/blockoutstoff/Subdomain Text duplicate Blockoutstoff
/shop/displaystoff/Subdomain Text duplicate Displaystoff
/roll-up-banner/Subdomain Text duplicate Roll-Ups
A-TITLE Roll-Ups
/shop/roll-up-budget/Subdomain Text duplicate Roll-Up Budget
/shop/roll-up-premium/Subdomain Text duplicate Roll-Up Premium
/shop/roll-up-premium-black/Subdomain Text duplicate Roll-Up Premium Black
/shop/roll-up-exclusive/Subdomain Text duplicate Roll-Up Exclusive
/shop/roll-up-double/Subdomain Text duplicate Roll-Up Double
/shop/roll-up-double-outdoor/Subdomain Text duplicate Roll-Up Double Outdoor
/shop/roll-up-max/Subdomain Text duplicate Roll-Up Max
/displays/Subdomain Text duplicate Displays
A-TITLE Displays
/x-banner/Subdomain Text duplicate X-Banner
/l-banner/Subdomain Text duplicate L-Banner
/kundenstopper/Subdomain Text duplicate Kundenstopper
/infostaender/Subdomain Text duplicate Infoständer
/bilderdruck/Subdomain Text duplicate Bilderdruck
A-TITLE Bilderdruck
/leinwandbilder/Subdomain Text duplicate Leinwandbilder
A-TITLE Leinwandbilder
/shop/fotoleinwand/Subdomain Text duplicate Fotoleinwand
A-TITLE Fotoleinwand
/shop/fotoposter/Subdomain Text duplicate Fotoposter
/foliendruck/Subdomain Text duplicate Foliendruck
A-TITLE Foliendruck
/shop/klebefolie/Subdomain Text duplicate Klebefolie
A-TITLE Klebefolie
/shop/backlit-folie/Subdomain Text duplicate Backlit Folie
A-TITLE Backlit Folie
/shop/magnetfolie/Subdomain Text duplicate Magnetfolie
A-TITLE Magnetfolie
/shop/adhaesionsfolie/Subdomain Text duplicate Adhäsionsfolie
A-TITLE Adhäsionsfolie
/fensterfolie/Subdomain Text duplicate Fensterfolie
/shop/milchglasfolie-glasdekor...Subdomain Text duplicate Milchglasfolie
A-TITLE Milchglasfolie
/shop/transparente-folie/Subdomain Text duplicate Transparente Folie
A-TITLE Transparente Folie
/shop/lochfolie/Subdomain Text duplicate Lochfolie
A-TITLE Lochfolie
/autofolie/Subdomain Text duplicate Autofolie
/shop/lochfolie-kfz/Subdomain Text duplicate Lochfolie Kfz
/shop/magnetschilder-auto/Subdomain Text duplicate Magnetschild Auto
/shop/2d-fahrzeugfolie/Subdomain Text duplicate 2D Fahrzeugfolie
/shop/3d-car-wrapping-folie/Subdomain Text duplicate 3D Car Wrapping Folie
A-TITLE Gegossene Folie
/bodenfolie/Subdomain Text duplicate Bodenfolie
/plakatdruck/Subdomain Text duplicate Plakatdruck
/werbeplakate/Subdomain Text duplicate Werbeplakate
/wahlplakate/Subdomain Text duplicate Wahlplakate
/shop/wahlplakat-hohlkammerpla...Subdomain Wahlplakat Hohlkammerplatte
/shop/wahlplakat-doppelseitig/Subdomain Wahlplakat Doppelseitig
/shop/wahlplakat-360-grad/Subdomain Wahlplakat 360 Grad
/shop/wahlplakat-statisch-haft...Subdomain Wahlplakat Statisch Haftend
/shop/wahlplakat-bauzaunbanner/Subdomain Wahlplakat Bauzaunbanner
/shop/wahlplakat-18-1-grossfla...Subdomain Wahlplakat 18/1 Großflächenplakat
/themenwelten/Subdomain Themenwelten
/bannerdruck/Subdomain Text duplicate Bannerdruck
/abi-banner/Subdomain Text duplicate Abi-Banner
/bannerdruck/xxl/Subdomain Text duplicate Bannerdruck XXL
/bauzaunwerbung/Subdomain Text duplicate Bauzaunwerbung
/weihnachtsbanner/Subdomain Text duplicate Weihnachtsbanner
/werbebanner/Subdomain Text duplicate Werbebanner
/werbeplane/Subdomain Text duplicate Werbeplane
/schilderdruck/Subdomain Text duplicate Schilderdruck
/bandenwerbung/Subdomain Text duplicate Bandenwerbung
/bauschilder/Subdomain Text duplicate Bauschilder
/firmenschilder/Subdomain Text duplicate Firmenschilder
/hinweisschilder/Subdomain Text duplicate Hinweisschilder
/kanzleischilder/Subdomain Text duplicate Kanzleischilder
/parkplatzschilder/Subdomain Text duplicate Parkplatzschilder
/praxisschilder/Subdomain Text duplicate Praxisschilder
/tuerschilder/Subdomain Text duplicate Türschilder
/werbeschilder/Subdomain Text duplicate Werbeschilder
/druckdaten/Subdomain Text duplicate Druckdaten
/online-designer/Subdomain Text duplicate Online-Designer Text duplicate Blog
/resellerprogramm/Subdomain Text duplicate Für Reseller
A-TITLE Für Reseller
/kontakt/Subdomain Text duplicate Kontakt
A-TITLE Kontakt
/impressum/Subdomain Text duplicate Impressum
A-TITLE Impressum
/konto/Subdomain Text duplicate Anmelden

Server configuration

HTTP redirects
(Critically important)
This page redirects to ""
HTTP header
No X-Powered HTTP header is sent.
This page uses GZip for compressed data transmission.
(Somewhat important)
The page response time of 0.86 seconds is longer than the recommended limit of 0.4 seconds. A high response time unnecessarily slows down search engine crawling and results in bad user experience as well.
The file size of the HTML document is fine (236 kB).

HTTP Response Header

dateWed, 01 Jan 2025 21:14:39 GMT
content-typetext/html; charset=UTF-8
last-modifiedWed, 01 Jan 2025 12:55:25 GMT
expiresWed, 01 Jan 2025 21:14:39 GMT

External factors

This website has excellent links from other websites.
This page has backlinks from 160 referring domains.
This page has 72,608 backlinks.
This page has backlinks from 135 different ip addresses.

Links from Wikipedia

No links from Wikipedia were found.


User-agent: *
Disallow: /wp-content/uploads/wc-logs/
Disallow: /wp-content/uploads/woocommerce_transient_files/
Disallow: /wp-content/uploads/woocommerce_uploads/
Disallow: /wp-admin/
Allow: /wp-admin/admin-ajax.php

# ---------------------------
User-agent: *

# ---------------------------

Search preview
Online-Druckerei – günstig online drucken | BANNERKÖNIG
BANNERKÖNIG ist Ihre erfahrene Online-Druckerei. Bei uns können Sie preiswert online drucken lassen. ✔ Eigenproduktion ✔ Zuverlässig ✔ Hochwertig ✔ Umweltbewusst

Most important keywords

Following keywords were found. You can check the keyword optimization of this page for each keyword.

online drucken70%Check
PVC Banner64%Check
Online-Druckerei günstig online64%Check
günstig online59%Check
günstig online drucken58%Check

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