- SEO Checker

Overview of the SEO Check
Meta information
Page quality
Page structure
Link structure
External factors
SEO Score
Response time
0.41 s
File size
409.10 kB
Media files
Number of links
241 internal / 17 external

Task list of SEO Improvements

Meta specifications

(Critically important)
BIKE24 Online Shop | Alles für dein Fahrrad | BIKE24
The length of the page title is perfect. (478 pixels out of 580 max pixel length)
There are no duplicate words in the title
Meta description
(Critically important)
BIKE24 ▶ Dein Online Shop für Fahrräder, Zubehör & Bekleidung ✔ Running ✔ Outdoor ✔ Fitness ✔ Top Marken ✔ Blitzversand ➤ Lass dich inspirieren!
The length of the meta description is perfect. (963 pixels out of 1000 max pixel length)
(Critically important)
There are no problems in accessing the website.
Canonical URL
There is a valid canonical link specified.
(Somewhat important)
Language detected in text: de
Language defined in HTML: de
Server location: United States of America
The following language is defined by HTML: de
Alternate/Hreflang Links
(Somewhat important)
The specified alternate links have no errors.
Other meta tags
(Somewhat important)
There is no rel next meta tag on this page.
There is no rel prev meta tag on this page.
(Somewhat important)
The domain is no subdomain.
The domain length is good.
The domain does not contain non-latin characters.
Page URL
(Somewhat important)
No parameters were found in the URL.
No session ID was found in the URL.
The URL does not have too many subdirectories.
Charset encoding
(Somewhat important)
The charset encoding (UTF-8) is set correctly.
(Nice to have)
The doctype HTML 5 is set correctly.
The doctype is placed at first in the HTML code.
(Nice to have)
The favicon is linked correctly.

Meta tags

viewportwidth=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, user-scalable=0
authorBike24 GmbH
descriptionBIKE24 ▶ Dein Online Shop für Fahrräder, Zubehör & Bekleidung ✔ Running ✔ Outdoor ✔ Fitness ✔ Top Marken ✔ Blitzversand ➤ Lass dich inspirieren!
og:site_nameBike24 Online Shop
og:titleBIKE24 Online Shop | Alles für dein Fahrrad | BIKE24
og:descriptionBIKE24 ▶ Dein Online Shop für Fahrräder, Zubehör & Bekleidung ✔ Running ✔ Outdoor ✔ Fitness ✔ Top Marken ✔ Blitzversand ➤ Lass dich inspirieren!

Test up to 1.000 webpages of with our free plan!

Try For Free
No trial. It's just free!

Page quality

(Critically important)
Some words from the page title are not used within the pages content
This page contains 883 words. That's ok.
19.9% of the text are stop words.
The page contains a listing, which indicates a good text layout.
5 paragraphs were found on this page.
No placeholders texts or images were found.
There are no duplicates on the site.
The average number of words per sentence of 11.5 words is good.
(Critically important)
This page does not use a frameset.
Mobile optimization
(Somewhat important)
A viewport "width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, user-scalable=0" is provided.
At least one Apple touch icon is specified.
Bold and strong tags
(Somewhat important)
The usage of strong and bold tags is perfect. We recommend the use of up to 18 tags for this page.
Image SEO
(Somewhat important)
Alt text (alternative text) is correctly used on all found images.
Social Networks
(Nice to have)
There are only a few social sharing widgets on the page. Make your website popular in social networks with social sharing widgets.
Additional markup
(Nice to have)
The HTML has geoname information: DE-SN
The HTML has georegion information: Dresden
The HTML has geoposition information: 51.01528;13.808827
(Somewhat important)
This website uses HTTPS to protect privacy and integrity of the exchanged data.
All included files are also transferred via HTTPS.

Media list

URLAlt attributeTitle
...m/static/images/8e6800bd228af47a3e77.svgbike24 logo
...m/static/images/8e6800bd228af47a3e77.svgbike24 logo
...m/static/images/8e6800bd228af47a3e77.svgbike24 logo
...eal-of-the-week-25-02-bike24-1821347.jpgDeal der Woche - Jeden Freitag Neu - Solange der Vorrat reicht - deal-of-the-week
...8x320-hot-deals-25-02-bike24-1821731.jpgHot Deals - Handverlesen Preis-Hits - hot-deals-24
...tical-928x320-fahrrad-knackt-1818772.jpgDein Fahrrad knackt? Das steckt dahinter!
...28x320-delivery-23-10-bike24-1567400.jpgBike24 Versandversprechen
...-drs-wheelset-28-carbon-xdr2-1797968.jpgProduktbild von DXC x Novatec® RD/FIFTY DRS Laufradsatz - 28" | Carbon | Centerlock - 12x100mm | 12x142mm - XDR von Sixpack Gravel Lenker CF | 31.8 - schwarz
...2/transam-frame-cascade-blue-1787617.jpgProduktbild von Transition TRANSAM - 29" Stahl Rahmen - 2025 - cascade blue
...ttcc-orbea-rise-lt-h10-black-1769709.jpgProduktbild von Orbea RISE LT H10 E-Mountainbike - 2025 - Diamond Black - Splash Olive Green (matt)
...twatch-40mm-black-charcoal-3-1794240.jpgProduktbild von Garmin Instinct E GPS Smartwatch - 40mm - Kohle/Schwarz
...acket-men-neon-yellow-0800-3-1807839.jpgProduktbild von GOREWEAR Glidewheel GORE-TEX Jacke Herren - neon yellow 0800
...ica22337-wts-arc-1400-38-lrs-1807972.jpgProduktbild von DT Swiss ARC 1400 DICUT db 38 Laufradsatz - 28" | Carbon | Clincher | Centerlock - 12x100mm | 12x142mm
...9/sentinel-x0-axs-graphite-1-1787676.jpgProduktbild von Transition SENTINEL X0 AXS - 29" Carbon Mountainbike - 2025 - graphite grey
...d-running-shoes-men-yellow-1-1798757.jpgProduktbild von Joe Nimble Addict Pro-R Straßen Laufschuhe Damen - Gelb
...agd-aristos-t-gravel-ekar-01-1818521.jpgProduktbild von Falkenjagd ARISTOS T GRAVEL - Campagnolo EKAR GT - Gravel Bike - 2025
...ourstroke-lt-two-petrol-sand-1569647.jpgProduktbild von BMC FOURSTROKE LT TWO - 29" Carbon Mountainbike - 2024 - sparkling dark petrol / sand
...gps-bike-computer-c-3q-s-v02-1672499.jpgProduktbild von Hammerhead Karoo 3 GPS Fahrradcomputer von ÖHLINS RXF36 m.2 Trail Air 27.5"+ / 29" Federgabel - 170mm - Tapered - 15x110mm Boost - Offset 51mm
...elock-ls-660-ls-740-8005405-a-843143.jpgProduktbild von Trelock LS 660 I-GO VISION LITE Beleuchtungsset - schwarz
.../23/14/xg-1295-eagle-cassette-844545.jpgProduktbild von SRAM XG-1295 Eagle Kassette - 12-fach | 10-52 Zähne - OE Sonderangebot - grau
...-handlebar-3l-pocket-clay--1-1817470.jpgProduktbild von Fjällräven Hoja 3L Lenkertasche - clay
...di2-2x12-speed-special-offer-1787516.jpgProduktbild von Shimano 105 R7150 Schaltgruppe - Di2 | 2x12-fach - Sonderangebot
...tery-charger-special-offer-3-1802243.jpgProduktbild von SRAM eTap / AXS Ladegerät - Sonderangebot
...amal-carbon-c21-db-wheelset-1-843888.jpgProduktbild von Campagnolo Shamal C21 DB Laufradsatz - 28" | Carbon | 2-Way Fit | AFS - 12x100mm | 12x142mm - N3W
...3-atlantico-metallic-1691963-1691996.jpgProduktbild von Tout Terrain VASCO GT 28 Select 3.4 - Gravel Bike - atlantico metallic
...928x320-outdoor-25-01-bike24-1791920.jpgOutdoor-Bekleidung entdecken - outdoor-apparel-25
...928x320-b-stock-24-12-bike24-1787827.jpgB-Ware – Fahrräder, Komponenten, Bekleidung & mehr bei BIKE24
...-bike-computers-24-11-bike24-1766387.jpgDer Fahrradcomputer – von Tacho bis Trainingspartner
...m/static/images/371586fc8951b6c59202.svgbike24 logo

Page structure

H1 heading
(Critically important)
There is no H1 heading specified.
The structure of headings is missing one or more levels. Do not skip heading levels.

Heading structure

Heading levelContent
H2 News & Highlights
H2 Aktuelle Preishits
H3 Beliebte Themen
H3 Unsere Top-Marken
H3 International
H4 Über BIKE24
H4 Hilfe & Service
H4 Zahlungsarten
H4 Versender
H4 Vertrauen
H4 Newsletter
Some internal link anchor texts are too long.
Some anchor texts are used more than once.
24 links don't have an anchor text.
The number of internal links is ok.
All internal links are not using dynamic parameters.
There are 17 external links on this page.
LinkAttributesAnchor text window External Subdomain Hervorragend 4.3 von 5
/kontakt/kundenserviceHilfe und Kontakt bike24 logo
/radfahren/fahrraeder/rennraed...Gravel Bikes
/fahrradbekleidung-fahrradschu...Fahrradbekleidung & Schuhe
/radfahren/elektronikElektronik & Beleuchtung
/E-Bike-Teile.htmlE-Bike Teile
/sportnahrung.htmlSportnahrung & Körperpflege
/marken/shimanoA-TITLE Shimano SRAM
/marken/schwalbeA-TITLE Schwalbe Cube
/marken/specializedA-TITLE Specialized
/marken/castelliA-TITLE Castelli
/marken/dt-swissA-TITLE Dt Swiss
/marken/enduraA-TITLE Endura
/marken/gorewear/themen/gore-t...GORE-TEX INFINIUM™
/laufen/laufrucksaecke-trinksy...Laufrucksäcke & Trinksysteme
/sportbandagen-stuetzen.htmlSportbandagen & Stützen
/textilpflege.htmlTextilpflege Nike
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/marken/gorewearA-TITLE Gore Wear
/marken/adidasA-TITLE Adidas Hoka One One
/marken/sauconyA-TITLE Saucony
/marken/garminA-TITLE Garmin
/marken/oakleyA-TITLE Oakley
/Badehosen-und-Bikinis.htmlBadehosen & Badeanzüge
/reisetaschen-sporttaschen.htmlReisetaschen & Sporttaschen
/textilpflege.htmlText duplicate Textilpflege
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/Triathlon-Hosen.htmlTriathlon Hosen
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/fitness-oberteile.htmlShirts & Tops
/marken/garmin/themen/garmin-p...Garmin Sportuhren
/muskelstimulation.htmlMuskelstimulation & Massage
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/marken/mammut/themen/mammut-e...Mammut Eiger Extreme
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/radfahren/fahrraeder/rennraed...Text duplicate Gravel Bikes
/themen/hot-dealsHot Deals - Handverlesen Preis-Hits - hot-deals-24
/ratgeber/reparatur-wartung/fa...Dein Fahrrad knackt? Das steckt dahinter!
/service/lieferungBike24 Versandversprechen
/p1873450.htmlDXC x Novatec® RD/FIFTY DRS Laufradsatz - 28" | Carbon | Centerlock - 12x100mm | 12x142mm - XDR 799,95 € UVP 699,00 €*
IMG-ALT Produktbild von DXC x Novatec® RD/FIFTY DRS Laufradsatz - 28" | Carbon | Centerlock - 12x100mm | 12x142mm - XDR
A-TITLE DXC x Novatec® RD/FIFTY DRS Laufradsatz - 28" | Carbon | Centerlock - 12x100mm | 12x142mm - XDR
/p1882013.htmlSixpack-Racing Gravel Lenker CF | 31.8 - schwarz 249,00 €*
IMG-ALT Produktbild von Sixpack Gravel Lenker CF | 31.8 - schwarz
A-TITLE Sixpack Gravel Lenker CF | 31.8 - schwarz
/p1898184.htmlTransition TRANSAM - 29" Stahl Rahmen - 2025 - cascade blue 890,00 €*
IMG-ALT Produktbild von Transition TRANSAM - 29" Stahl Rahmen - 2025 - cascade blue
A-TITLE Transition TRANSAM - 29" Stahl Rahmen - 2025 - cascade blue
/p1884829.htmlOrbea RISE LT H10 E-Mountainbike - 2025 - Diamond Black - Splash Olive Green (matt) 6.499,00 €*
IMG-ALT Produktbild von Orbea RISE LT H10 E-Mountainbike - 2025 - Diamond Black - Splash Olive Green (matt)
A-TITLE Orbea RISE LT H10 E-Mountainbike - 2025 - Diamond Black - Splash Olive Green (matt)
/p1900623.htmlGarmin Instinct E GPS Smartwatch - 40mm - Kohle/Schwarz 299,99 € UVP 269,99 €*
IMG-ALT Produktbild von Garmin Instinct E GPS Smartwatch - 40mm - Kohle/Schwarz
A-TITLE Garmin Instinct E GPS Smartwatch - 40mm - Kohle/Schwarz
/p1875390.htmlGOREWEAR Glidewheel GORE-TEX Jacke Herren - neon yellow 0800 229,95 €*
IMG-ALT Produktbild von GOREWEAR Glidewheel GORE-TEX Jacke Herren - neon yellow 0800
A-TITLE GOREWEAR Glidewheel GORE-TEX Jacke Herren - neon yellow 0800
/p1908650.htmlDT Swiss ARC 1400 DICUT db 38 Laufradsatz - 28" | Carbon | Clincher | Centerlock - 12x100mm | 12x142mm 2.049,80 € UVP 1.583,99 €*
IMG-ALT Produktbild von DT Swiss ARC 1400 DICUT db 38 Laufradsatz - 28" | Carbon | Clincher | Centerlock - 12x100mm | 12x142mm
A-TITLE DT Swiss ARC 1400 DICUT db 38 Laufradsatz - 28" | Carbon | Clincher | Centerlock - 12x100mm | 12x142mm
/p1898345.htmlTransition SENTINEL X0 AXS - 29" Carbon Mountainbike - 2025 - graphite grey 8.990,00 €*
IMG-ALT Produktbild von Transition SENTINEL X0 AXS - 29" Carbon Mountainbike - 2025 - graphite grey
A-TITLE Transition SENTINEL X0 AXS - 29" Carbon Mountainbike - 2025 - graphite grey
/p1902061.htmlJoe Nimble Addict Pro-R Straßen Laufschuhe Damen - Gelb 188,99 €*
IMG-ALT Produktbild von Joe Nimble Addict Pro-R Straßen Laufschuhe Damen - Gelb
A-TITLE Joe Nimble Addict Pro-R Straßen Laufschuhe Damen - Gelb
/p1906845.htmlFalkenjagd ARISTOS T GRAVEL - Campagnolo EKAR GT - Gravel Bike - 2025 3.999,00 € UVP 3.499,00 €*
IMG-ALT Produktbild von Falkenjagd ARISTOS T GRAVEL - Campagnolo EKAR GT - Gravel Bike - 2025
A-TITLE Falkenjagd ARISTOS T GRAVEL - Campagnolo EKAR GT - Gravel Bike - 2025
/p1777341.html-40% BMC FOURSTROKE LT TWO - 29" Carbon Mountainbike - 2024 - sparkling dark petrol / sand 3.999,00 € UVP 2.399,00 €*
IMG-ALT Produktbild von BMC FOURSTROKE LT TWO - 29" Carbon Mountainbike - 2024 - sparkling dark petrol / sand
A-TITLE BMC FOURSTROKE LT TWO - 29" Carbon Mountainbike - 2024 - sparkling dark petrol / sand
/p1819215.htmlHammerhead Karoo 3 GPS Fahrradcomputer 500,00 € UVP 356,99 €*
IMG-ALT Produktbild von Hammerhead Karoo 3 GPS Fahrradcomputer
A-TITLE Hammerhead Karoo 3 GPS Fahrradcomputer
/p1345885.html-43% ÖHLINS RXF36 m.2 Trail Air 27.5"+ / 29" Federgabel - 170mm - Tapered - 15x110mm Boost - Offset 51mm 1.494,24 € UVP 849,99 €*
IMG-ALT Produktbild von ÖHLINS RXF36 m.2 Trail Air 27.5"+ / 29" Federgabel - 170mm - Tapered - 15x110mm Boost - Offset 51mm
A-TITLE ÖHLINS RXF36 m.2 Trail Air 27.5"+ / 29" Federgabel - 170mm - Tapered - 15x110mm Boost - Offset 51mm
/p1382717.html-53% Trelock LS 660 I-GO VISION LITE Beleuchtungsset - schwarz 114,99 € UVP 53,99 €*
IMG-ALT Produktbild von Trelock LS 660 I-GO VISION LITE Beleuchtungsset - schwarz
A-TITLE Trelock LS 660 I-GO VISION LITE Beleuchtungsset - schwarz
/p1910174.htmlSRAM XG-1295 Eagle Kassette - 12-fach | 10-52 Zähne - OE Sonderangebot - grau 434,00 € UVP 229,99 €*
IMG-ALT Produktbild von SRAM XG-1295 Eagle Kassette - 12-fach | 10-52 Zähne - OE Sonderangebot - grau
A-TITLE SRAM XG-1295 Eagle Kassette - 12-fach | 10-52 Zähne - OE Sonderangebot - grau
/p1909324.html-39% Fjällräven Hoja 3L Lenkertasche - clay 59,95 € UVP 35,99 €*
IMG-ALT Produktbild von Fjällräven Hoja 3L Lenkertasche - clay
A-TITLE Fjällräven Hoja 3L Lenkertasche - clay
/p1896017.html-14% Shimano 105 R7150 Schaltgruppe - Di2 | 2x12-fach - Sonderangebot 999,00 €*
IMG-ALT Produktbild von Shimano 105 R7150 Schaltgruppe - Di2 | 2x12-fach - Sonderangebot
A-TITLE Shimano 105 R7150 Schaltgruppe - Di2 | 2x12-fach - Sonderangebot
/p1772396.html-42% SRAM eTap / AXS Ladegerät - Sonderangebot 52,00 € UVP 29,99 €*
IMG-ALT Produktbild von SRAM eTap / AXS Ladegerät - Sonderangebot
A-TITLE SRAM eTap / AXS Ladegerät - Sonderangebot
/p1382989.html-39% Campagnolo Shamal C21 DB Laufradsatz - 28" | Carbon | 2-Way Fit | AFS - 12x100mm | 12x142mm - N3W 1.299,87 € UVP 789,99 €*
IMG-ALT Produktbild von Campagnolo Shamal C21 DB Laufradsatz - 28" | Carbon | 2-Way Fit | AFS - 12x100mm | 12x142mm - N3W
A-TITLE Campagnolo Shamal C21 DB Laufradsatz - 28" | Carbon | 2-Way Fit | AFS - 12x100mm | 12x142mm - N3W
/p1710931.html-16% Tout Terrain VASCO GT 28 Select 3.4 - Gravel Bike - atlantico metallic 3.599,00 € UVP 2.999,99 €*
IMG-ALT Produktbild von Tout Terrain VASCO GT 28 Select 3.4 - Gravel Bike - atlantico metallic
A-TITLE Tout Terrain VASCO GT 28 Select 3.4 - Gravel Bike - atlantico metallic
/Outdoor-Bekleidung.htmlOutdoor-Bekleidung entdecken - outdoor-apparel-25
/themen/b-ware-und-mhd-wareB-Ware – Fahrräder, Komponenten, Bekleidung & mehr bei BIKE24
/fahrradcomputer.htmlDer Fahrradcomputer – von Tacho bis Trainingspartner
/e-bikes.html/f.marke.giantSubdomain Giant E Bike
/rennraeder.html/f.geschlecht....Subdomain Rennrad Damen
/Unterwaesche.html/f.geschlech...Subdomain Fahrradunterwäsche Herren
/e-bikes.html/f.besonderheiten...Subdomain E Bike Tiefeinsteiger
/e-bikes.html/f.besonderheiten...Subdomain E Bike Mit Riemenantrieb
/radfahren/teile/fahrradreifen...Subdomain Tubeless Reifen
/radfahren/fahrraeder/rennraed...Subdomain Bianchi Gravel
/radfahren/fahrraeder/rennraed...Subdomain Cannondale Gravel Bike
/radfahren/bekleidung/fahrradj...Subdomain Fahrradweste Damen
/marken/assosNo Text
/marken/campagnoloNo Text
/marken/cannondaleNo Text
/marken/castelliNo Text Text
/marken/dt-swissNo Text
/marken/enduraNo Text
/marken/fox-racingNo Text
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/marken/rockshoxNo Text
/marken/schwalbeNo Text
/marken/shimanoNo Text
/marken/specializedNo Text Text
/marken/vaudeNo Text
/marken/wahoo-fitnessNo TextÜbersicht aller Marken
A-TITLE Impressum window External Subdomain Corporate Website
A-TITLE Corporate Website window External Subdomain Jobs (powered by talentsconnect)
A-TITLE Karriere bei BIKE24
/service-pointsText duplicate Service Points
A-TITLE Service Points
A-TITLE Widerrufsbelehrung
A-TITLE Datenschutzerklärung
/entsorgung-und-recycling.htmlEntsorgung und Recycling
A-TITLE Entsorgung und Recycling
/kontakt/kundenserviceKontakt & FAQ
A-TITLE Kontakt & FAQ
A-TITLE Sendungsverfolgung
/service/rahmengroesse-fahrradRahmengröße ermitteln
A-TITLE Rahmengröße ermitteln
/hersteller.htmlHersteller Sitemap
A-TITLE Hersteller Sitemap
/service/lieferungLieferung und Verfügbarkeiten
A-TITLE Lieferung und Verfügbarkeiten
A-TITLE Versandkosten
A-TITLE Preisgarantie
A-TITLE Bezahlung
A-TITLE Finanzierung
/service/fahrrad-ebike-leasingFahrrad- und E-Bike-Leasing
A-TITLE Fahrrad- und E-Bike-Leasing
/fahrrad-montage.htmlFahrradmontage und Versand
A-TITLE Fahrradmontage und Versand
/retoure.htmlRetoure und Reklamation
A-TITLE Retoure und Reklamation
/zahlungsarten.htmlA-TITLE Rechnung
/zahlungsarten.htmlA-TITLE MasterCard
/zahlungsarten.htmlA-TITLE Visa Karte
/zahlungsarten.htmlA-TITLE American Express
/zahlungsarten.htmlA-TITLE PayPal
/zahlungsarten.htmlA-TITLE Klarna - Sofort bezahlen
/zahlungsarten.htmlA-TITLE Amazon Pay
/zahlungsarten.htmlA-TITLE Vorkasse
/zahlungsarten.htmlText duplicate A-TITLE Finanzierung
/service/fahrrad-ebike-leasingText duplicate A-TITLE Fahrrad- und E-Bike-Leasing
/versandkosten.htmlA-TITLE Deutsche Post DHL
/versandkosten.htmlA-TITLE Deutscher Paketdienst (DPD)
/service/newsletter-anmeldungZur Anmeldung
/versandkosten.htmlText duplicate Versandkosten
/service/lieferungMehr zur Lieferung
/service/lieferungMehr zum Versandversprechen Subdomain English int. Deutsch Subdomain Text duplicate Deutsch Subdomain Español Subdomain Français Subdomain Italiano Subdomain Nederlands Subdomain Text duplicate Français Subdomain Text duplicate Deutsch Subdomain Text duplicate Français Subdomain Text duplicate Nederlands duplicate IMG-ALT bike24 logo window External Subdomain A-TITLE Facebook window External A-TITLE Twitter window External Subdomain A-TITLE Instagram window External Subdomain A-TITLE YouTube

Server configuration

HTTP redirects
(Critically important)
This page redirects to ""
HTTP header
No X-Powered HTTP header is sent.
This page uses GZip for compressed data transmission.
(Somewhat important)
The page response time of 0.41 seconds is longer than the recommended limit of 0.4 seconds. A high response time unnecessarily slows down search engine crawling and results in bad user experience as well.
The file size of the HTML document is fine (409 kB).

HTTP Response Header

dateSat, 15 Feb 2025 01:11:41 GMT
content-typetext/html; charset=UTF-8
expiresThu, 19 Nov 1981 08:52:00 GMT
cache-controlno-store, no-cache, must-revalidate
set-cookie43 Characters
via1.1 google
strict-transport-securitymax-age=63072000; includeSubDomains; preload
content-security-policyframe-ancestors 'self'

External factors

This page is referenced by wikipedia.
This website has excellent links from other websites.
This page has backlinks from 1,171 referring domains.
This page has 984,962 backlinks.
This page has backlinks from 868 different ip addresses.


User-agent: *
Disallow: /ajax.php
Disallow: /api/*
Disallow: /cdn-cgi/*
Disallow: /search?*
Disallow: /suche?*
Disallow: /sale?*
Disallow: /suchergebnis?*
Disallow: /suchergebnis-v2?*
Disallow: /checkout/*
Disallow: /thema/*
Disallow: /radfahren/fahrrad/*

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BIKE24 Online Shop | Alles für dein Fahrrad | BIKE24
BIKE24 ▶ Dein Online Shop für Fahrräder, Zubehör & Bekleidung ✔ Running ✔ Outdoor ✔ Fitness ✔ Top Marken ✔ Blitzversand ➤ Lass dich inspirieren!

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Bike Shop50%Check
BIKE24 Online50%Check
Fahrrad Zubehör47%Check
Top Marken47%Check

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