On the left, there is a word that says Before and a mobile screen of the old version of the Seedlang registration process. On the right, there is a word that says After and a mobile screen of Yoshie's redesign of the Seedlang registration process.
Sanat Ensemble ↗ A new website design with 1970s-inspired theme, focusing on accessibility and responsive, user-friendly navigation. IMG-ALT The Sanat Ensemble website, showing the homepage with a colourful design and images of the performers on laptop and mobile
Seedlang ↗ Redesign of the onboarding and home screen of Seedlang app. My redesign improved accessibility and usability. IMG-ALT On the left, there is a word that says Before and a mobile screen of the old version of the Seedlang registration process. On the right, there is a word that...
Uplift Horizons ↗ Designed and developed a user-friendly and accessible website to support and empower women. IMG-ALT A laptop screen showing a website with the text
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