- SEO Checker

Overview of the SEO Check
Meta information
Page quality
Page structure
Link structure
External factors
SEO Score
Response time
0.33 s
File size
343.30 kB
Media files
Number of links
240 internal / 1 external

Task list of SEO Improvements

Meta specifications

(Critically important)
Dein Growshop für günstiges Indoor Growing und Homegrow
The length of the page title is perfect. (547 pixels out of 580 max pixel length)
There are no duplicate words in the title
Meta description
(Critically important)
Entdecke Growboxen, Grow LED Lampen, Belüftung und Dünger der besten Hersteller online. Günstige Preise, schneller Support, diskreter Versand! Der Gr...
The length of the meta description is perfect. (976 pixels out of 1000 max pixel length)
(Critically important)
There are no problems in accessing the website.
Canonical URL
There is a valid canonical link specified.
(Somewhat important)
Language detected in text: de
Language defined in HTML: de-de
Server location: United States of America
The following language is defined by HTML: de-de
Alternate/Hreflang Links
(Somewhat important)
There are no alternate links specified on this page.
Other meta tags
(Somewhat important)
There is no rel next meta tag on this page.
There is no rel prev meta tag on this page.
(Somewhat important)
The domain is no subdomain.
The domain length is good.
The domain does not contain non-latin characters.
Page URL
(Somewhat important)
No parameters were found in the URL.
No session ID was found in the URL.
The URL does not have too many subdirectories.
Charset encoding
(Somewhat important)
The charset encoding (UTF-8) is set correctly.
(Nice to have)
The doctype HTML 5 is set correctly.
The doctype is placed at first in the HTML code.
(Nice to have)
The favicon is linked correctly.

Meta tags

viewportwidth=device-width, initial-scale=1, shrink-to-fit=no
revisit-after15 days
descriptionEntdecke Growboxen, Grow LED Lampen, Belüftung und Dünger der besten Hersteller online. Günstige Preise, schneller Support, diskreter Versand! Der Gr...
twitter:titleDein Growshop für günstiges Indoor Growing und Homegrow
twitter:descriptionEntdecke Growboxen, Grow LED Lampen, Belüftung und Dünger der besten Hersteller online. Günstige Preise, schneller Support, diskreter Versand! Der Gr...
og:titleDein Growshop für günstiges Indoor Growing und Homegrow
og:descriptionEntdecke Growboxen, Grow LED Lampen, Belüftung und Dünger der besten Hersteller online. Günstige Preise, schneller Support, diskreter Versand! Der Gr...

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Page quality

(Critically important)
Some words from the page title are not used within the pages content
Words from the H1 heading are not used in the page content.
This page contains 1385 words. That's ok.
24.8% of the text are stop words.
The page contains a listing, which indicates a good text layout.
11 paragraphs were found on this page.
No placeholders texts or images were found.
There are no duplicates on the site.
The average number of words per sentence of 12.74 words is good.
(Critically important)
This page does not use a frameset.
Mobile optimization
(Somewhat important)
A viewport "width=device-width, initial-scale=1, shrink-to-fit=no" is provided.
At least one Apple touch icon is specified.
Bold and strong tags
(Somewhat important)
The amount of tags is very high (81). We recommend using a maximum of 28 tags for this page.
The following tag is repeated too often: dünger & erde
Image SEO
(Somewhat important)
16 images have no alt attribute. The content of alt attributes is used by search engines.
Social Networks
(Nice to have)
There are only a few social sharing widgets on the page. Make your website popular in social networks with social sharing widgets.
Additional markup
(Nice to have)
No additional page markup was found.
(Somewhat important)
This website uses HTTPS to protect privacy and integrity of the exchanged data.
All included files are also transferred via HTTPS.

Media list

URLAlt attributeTitle
.../1690898050/growlocation-logo-backup.pngZur Startseite wechseln
.../1690898050/growlocation-logo-backup.pngZur Startseite wechseln
.../4f/cc/1734703284/XMAS-Banner_11zon.webpNo alt attribute provided
...a/93/fd/3b/1734702932/home-teaser-1.webpNo alt attribute provided
...a/54/09/ed/1734702944/home-teaser-2.webpNo alt attribute provided
...a/77/35/f3/1734702953/home-teaser-3.webpNo alt attribute provided
...a/4c/73/90/1734702964/home-teaser-4.webpNo alt attribute provided
...a/03/a0/bf/1734702976/home-teaser-5.webpNo alt attribute provided
...a/ed/92/0c/1734702986/home-teaser-6.webpNo alt attribute provided
...a/46/88/f8/1734702995/home-teaser-7.webpNo alt attribute provided
...a/02/46/c9/1734703007/home-teaser-8.webpNo alt attribute provided
...48284/FanBase_EC+_3_GrowControl_800x.pngGrowControl FanBase EC+GrowControl FanBase EC+
...a/00/fa/d3/1679745562/pk125whsp-ectc.jpgPrima Klima WhisperBlower verschiedene Größen - PK125WHSP-ECTCPrima Klima WhisperBlower verschiedene Größen - PK125WHSP-ECTC
...mebox-ambient-100x100x200cm-growzelt.jpgHOMEbox Ambient Q100 GrowboxHOMEbox Ambient Q100 Growbox
/media/7c/28/73/1603740236/q300-1.jpgHOMEbox Ambient Q300+ GrowboxQ300+1
...-fan-150-250-350m3-h-temp-controlled.jpgSecret Jardin DF16 EC Ventilator 150/250/350m3/h Temp. ControlledSecret Jardin DF16 EC Ventilator 150/250/350m3/h Temp. Controlled
/media/44/ae/49/1698316102/X9PWR-4.pngGreenception GCx9 PWR 360WGreenception GCx9 PWR 360W
...a/1720622546/GrowControl-PresSense-1.pngGrowControl PresSense UnterdrucksensorGrowControl PresSense Unterdrucksensor
...ia/ea/25/6c/1679750269/pk125whsp-esm.jpgPrima Klima WhisperBlower - PK125WHSP-ESMPrima Klima WhisperBlower - PK125WHSP-ESM
...6c/1615716217/x-stream-propagator-80.pngNutriculture X-Stream Propagator 80X-Stream Propagator 80
/media/36/6e/01/1603740148/p6qcc4nf_3.jpggrowTOOL - growRACK modular 1.2 / 55growTOOL - growRACK modular 1.2 / 55
/media/fc/12/e7/1615716217/ds120w-3d.pngSecret Jardin Dark Street DS120W 120x60x178 cmDS120W-3D
...ia/20/2f/5a/1732286790/PKVS-100-TC-1.jpgPrima Klima Ventilation Set PK100-TCPrima Klima Ventilation Set PK100-TC
.../1722601536/Greenception-GC-Europe-1.jpgGreenception GC-Europe 250WGreenception GC-Europe 250W
...2b/b4/1731505086/taifun-trimmy-bag-1.jpgTaifun Trimmy Dry BagTaifun Trimmy Dry Bag
.../1732286790/Nanolux-LED-RG150-150W-1.jpgNanolux LED RG150 150WNanolux LED RG150 150W
.../1732286793/Florganics-Dope-Soil-50L.jpgFlorganics Dope Soil – 50 LiterFlorganics Dope Soil – 50 Liter
.../b8/1710949506/Secret-Jardin-GR60-1.webpFrontansicht des Secret Jardin GR60 The Original Growzelts, das eine integrierte Belüftungsanlage aufweistSecret Jardin GR60 The Original Growzelt - Frontansicht mit integrierter Belüftungsanlage
...5/4d/1732286790/LUMii-Switch-Blade-1.pngLUMii SWITCH BLADE - 150WLUMii SWITCH BLADE - 150W
...1030662/Lumatek-Zeus-600W-PRO-3.1-1.webpAuf dem Bild ist die Lumatek Zeus 600W PRO 3.1 LED-Lampe zu sehen, von unten betrachtet. Die einzelnen LED-Leisten und die Beschriftung sind deutlich erkennbar.Lumatek Zeus 600W PRO 3.1 LED schräg von unten
.../jungle-led-the-jackson-nemesis-100w.jpgLeistungsstarke Samsung LED Lampe mit 100 Watt. Über 2g/wGrow The Jungle LED The Jackson Nemesis - 100 Watt
...rowlocation_sunflower_baby_trimmer4.webpSUNFLOWER Baby TrimmerSUNFLOWER Baby Trimmer
...70/1711021580/GrowBase-Lite-zoom-1+.webpSeitenansicht der GrowBase Lite, auf der das Display, der Stromanschluss und zwei weitere Anschlüsse zu sehen sindSeitenansicht der GrowBase Lite mit Display und Anschlüssen
.../ca/43/1c/1726565530/pureled-680w-1.webpLuminaria PURE LED PRO 680W 3.2Luminaria PURE LED PRO 680W 3.2
...20078/jungle-led-the-jackson-lt-100w.jpgLeistungsstarke Samsung LED Lampe mit 100 Watt. Über 1 g/wGrow The Jungle LED The Jackson LT - 100 Watt
...9/1725969121/floragard-royal-mix-40l.jpgFloragard Terracult Royal Mix 40LFloragard Terracult Royal Mix 40L
...9f/22/d9/1603740217/10l_euro-pebbles.pngPlagron Euro Pebbles 10 L10l_Euro Pebbles
...UMii BLACK Blade 100 W LED von unten.pngLUMii Black Blade 100 W Wachstums-LEDLUMii Black Blade 100 W Wachstums-LED
...2825/homebox-drynet-90-vorderansicht.pngDRYNET 90 Viele Erzeuger trocknen ihre Produkte, um Aromen und Geschmacksstoffe einzuschließen und so die Lagerung zu erleichtern. Das Drynet macht diesen Prozess einfacher. Zur Erntezeit hängen Sie einfach Ihr Drynet auf und Ihre HOMEbox® verwandelt sichHomebox Drynet 90 Vorderansicht
...2d/1718792395/plagron-mega-worm-10l.jpegPlagron Mega Worm 10 LPlagron Mega Worm 10 L
.../a1/3f/e9/1615716227/dp90-3d-optgrid.pngSecret Jardin Dark Propagator DP90 90x60x98 cmDP90-3D-OptGrid
/media/27/c9/36/1698330225/X25PWR-4.pngGreenception GCx25 PWR 1000WGreenception GCx25 PWR 1000W
.../1728468221/ram-clipventilator-15cm.jpegRAM Clipventilator 15W 15cmRAM Clipventilator 15W 15cm
/media/44/ae/49/1698316102/X9PWR-4.pngGreenception GCx9 PWR 360WGreenception GCx9 PWR 360W
/media/0f/c2/df/1615716241/dp60-3d.pngSecret Jardin Dark Propagator DP60 60x40x60 cmDP60-3D
...92346114/LUMii Black Blade 400 W LED.jpgLUMii Black Blade 400 W LEDLUMii Black Blade 400 W LED
...a/7f/10/82/1732187920/Clipventilator.jpgPure Factory Clipventilator 15W 15cmPure Factory Clipventilator 15W 15cm
...3320733/Growlocation-Store-500x375-1.jpgNo alt attribute provided
...3320733/Growlocation-Store-500x375-2.jpgNo alt attribute provided
...3320733/Growlocation-Store-500x375-3.jpgNo alt attribute provided
...c/1733320951/homepage-blog-1-500x500.jpgNo alt attribute provided
...9/1733320964/homepage-blog-2-500x500.jpgNo alt attribute provided
...a/1733320974/homepage-blog-3-500x500.jpgNo alt attribute provided
...9/1733320988/homepage-blog-4-500x500.jpgNo alt attribute provided
.../1690898050/growlocation-logo-backup.pngZur Startseite wechseln

Page structure

H1 heading
(Critically important)
Growlocation - Dein Onlineshop für erfolgreiches Indoor Growing
The H1 heading is perfect.
There are 27 headings on the page. The amount of headings should be in a more proper relation to the amount of text.
Some headings do not have any content.

Heading structure

Heading levelContent
H1 Growlocation - Dein Onlineshop für erfolgreiches Indoor Growing
H2 Deine Vorteile bei Growlocation
H2 Growlocation – Dein Spezialist für Indoor Growing
H3 Lagerartikel - sofort verfügbar
H3 Neu im Sortiment
H3 Artikel im Sale
H3 Willkommen bei Growlocation - Dein Experte für Indoor Growing
H3 Growlocation in Paderborn
H3 Unser Grow-Blog
H3 Unsere Kategorien – Alles für Deinen Grow
H3 Dein Ladengeschäft in Paderborn
H3 Versand und Zahlungsmöglichkeiten
H3 Warum Growlocation?
H3 Unsere Daten
H3 Service
H3 Information
H4 Beleuchtung
H4 Belüftung & Klimatechnik
H4 Dünger, Erde & Substrate
H4 Growbox Komplettsets
H4 Grow-Zubehör
H4 Schneller, sicherer und diskreter Versand
H4 Zahlungsmöglichkeiten
H5 Grow- und Headshop
H5 Unsere Öffnungszeiten
H5 Hier findest Du uns
H5 So erreichst Du uns
H5 Empty heading
Some internal link anchor texts are too long.
Some internal links have dynamic parameters. All internal URLs, which are not marked as nofollow, should not contain dynamic parameters.
Some anchor texts are used more than once.
13 links don't have an anchor text.
The number of internal links is ok.
There are 1 external links on this page.
LinkAttributesAnchor text
A-TITLE Kontaktformular
/zahlung-lieferung-und-versand/Versandkostenfrei ab 150€*
A-TITLE Aktuelle Informationen Zur Startseite wechseln
A-TITLE Zur Startseite wechseln
A-TITLE Anmelden
A-TITLE registrieren
A-TITLE Übersicht
/account/profilePersönliches Profil
A-TITLE Persönliches Profil
A-TITLE Adressen
A-TITLE Zahlungsarten
A-TITLE Bestellungen
/checkout/cartshopping_bag 0,00 €*
A-TITLE Warenkorb duplicate IMG-ALT Zur Startseite wechseln
A-TITLE Zur Startseite wechseln
/grow-setsSubdomain Komplettsets
A-TITLE Komplettsets
/growboxenSubdomain Growboxen
A-TITLE Growboxen
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A-TITLE Beleuchtung
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A-TITLE Belüftung & Klimatechnik
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A-TITLE Dünger & Erde
/grow-zubehoerSubdomain Zubehör
A-TITLE Zubehör
/Lifestyle/Subdomain Lifestyle
A-TITLE Lifestyle Blog
/Hersteller/Subdomain Hersteller
A-TITLE Hersteller
/grow-setsSubdomain Zur Kategorie Komplettsets
A-TITLE Komplettsets
/grow-sets/growbox-sets/led-gr...Subdomain Growbox Komplettsets
A-TITLE Growbox Komplettsets
/Komplettsets/Komplettsets-fue...Subdomain Komplettsets für 3 Pflanzen
A-TITLE Komplettsets für 3 Pflanzen
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A-TITLE Bewässerungssets
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A-TITLE Anzucht & Stecklingssets
/Komplettsets/Duenger-Erde-Sets/Subdomain Dünger- & Erde-Sets
A-TITLE Dünger- & Erde-Sets
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A-TITLE Growboxen
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A-TITLE Growbox Komplettsets
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A-TITLE AC Infinity Komplettsets
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A-TITLE Secret Jardin
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A-TITLE G-Tools Growschränke
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A-TITLE Vivosun Komplettsets
/Growboxen/DiamondBox/Subdomain DiamondBox
A-TITLE DiamondBox
/Growboxen/Lighthouse-Tents/Subdomain Lighthouse Tents
A-TITLE Lighthouse Tents
/Growboxen/Garden-HighPro/Subdomain Garden HighPro
A-TITLE Garden HighPro
/Growboxen/BudBox/Subdomain BudBox
/Growboxen/Anzuchtboxen-Propag...Subdomain Anzuchtboxen & Propagators
A-TITLE Anzuchtboxen & Propagators
/beleuchtungSubdomain Zur Kategorie Beleuchtung
A-TITLE Beleuchtung
/beleuchtung/grow-led-lampeSubdomain Grow LED Lampe
A-TITLE Grow LED Lampe
/beleuchtung/anzucht-steckling...Subdomain Anzuchtlampen
A-TITLE Anzuchtlampen
/Beleuchtung/Beleuchtung-Zubeh...Subdomain Beleuchtung Zubehör
A-TITLE Beleuchtung Zubehör
/belueftungSubdomain Zur Kategorie Belüftung & Klimatechnik
A-TITLE Belüftung & Klimatechnik
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A-TITLE Belüftungssets
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A-TITLE Abluftventilatoren
/belueftung/filterSubdomain Aktivkohlefilter
A-TITLE Aktivkohlefilter
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A-TITLE Umluftventilatoren
/belueftung/schalldaempferSubdomain Schalldämmung
A-TITLE Schalldämmung
/belueftung/klimasteuerungSubdomain Messen & Steuern
A-TITLE Messen & Steuern
/Belueftung-Klimatechnik/Luftf...Subdomain Luftfeuchtigkeit & Temperatur
A-TITLE Luftfeuchtigkeit & Temperatur
/belueftung/belueftung-zubehoerSubdomain Schläuche & Zubehör
A-TITLE Schläuche & Zubehör
/duenger-substrateSubdomain Zur Kategorie Dünger & Erde
A-TITLE Dünger & Erde
/duenger-substrate/duenger-sub...Subdomain Dünger & Erde Sets
A-TITLE Dünger & Erde Sets
/Duenger-Erde/Erde/Subdomain Erde
/duenger-substrate/duengerSubdomain Dünger
A-TITLE Dünger
/Duenger-Erde/Weitere-Substrate/Subdomain Weitere Substrate
A-TITLE Weitere Substrate
/duenger-substrate/anzucht-ste...Subdomain Anzucht
A-TITLE Anzucht
/Duenger-Erde/pH-EC/Subdomain pH & EC
/grow-zubehoerSubdomain Zur Kategorie Zubehör
A-TITLE Zubehör
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A-TITLE Behälter & Töpfe
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A-TITLE Bewässerungssysteme
/grow-zubehoer/stecklingsbedarfSubdomain Anzucht & Stecklinge
A-TITLE Anzucht & Stecklinge
/grow-zubehoer/ernteSubdomain Ernte
A-TITLE Ernte Zur Kategorie Blog
/Blog/Homegrow-Beginner-Guide/Subdomain Homegrow Beginner Guide
A-TITLE Homegrow Beginner Guide
/Blog/Guenstige-LED-Lampen-fue...Subdomain Günstige LED-Lampen für 3 Pflanzen
A-TITLE Günstige LED-Lampen für 3 Pflanzen
/Blog/Unsere-Growbox-Kompletts...Subdomain Unsere Growbox Komplettsets
A-TITLE Unsere Growbox Komplettsets
/Blog/Mach-deinen-Grow-winterf...Subdomain Mach deinen Grow winterfest!
A-TITLE Mach deinen Grow winterfest!
/Blog/Die-beste-Grow-LED-Lampe...Subdomain Die beste Grow LED Lampe 2024
A-TITLE Die beste Grow LED Lampe 2024
/Blog/Die-beste-Growbox-2024/Subdomain Die beste Growbox 2024
A-TITLE Die beste Growbox 2024
/Blog/Die-richtige-Belueftung-...Subdomain Die richtige Belüftung finden
A-TITLE Die richtige Belüftung finden
/Blog/Messwerte-beim-Indoor-Gr...Subdomain Messwerte beim Indoor Growing
A-TITLE Messwerte beim Indoor Growing
/Blog/LED-Stromkosten-Rechner/Subdomain LED Stromkosten-Rechner
A-TITLE LED Stromkosten-Rechner
/Blog/SANlight-im-Detail/Subdomain SANlight im Detail
A-TITLE SANlight im Detail
/Blog/Greenception-im-Detail/Subdomain Greenception im Detail
A-TITLE Greenception im Detail
/Blog/Lumatek-im-Detail/Subdomain Lumatek im Detail
A-TITLE Lumatek im Detail
/Blog/Secret-Jardin-im-Detail/Subdomain Secret Jardin im Detail
A-TITLE Secret Jardin im Detail
/Blog/BioBizz-im-Detail/Subdomain BioBizz im Detail
A-TITLE BioBizz im Detail
/blog/die-besten-grow-lampen-i...Subdomain Die besten Grow Lampen im Vergleich
A-TITLE Die besten Grow Lampen im Vergleich
/blog/growboxen-aufbau-verglei...Subdomain Growboxen - Aufbau, Vergleich und die beste Growbox im Test
A-TITLE Growboxen - Aufbau, Vergleich und die beste Growbox im Test
/Blog/Milwaukee-Messgeraete-im...Subdomain Milwaukee Messgeräte im Detail
A-TITLE Milwaukee Messgeräte im Detail
/blog/die-besten-grow-led-lamp...Subdomain Die besten Grow LED Lampen im Vergleich mit Stromkosten
A-TITLE Die besten Grow LED Lampen im Vergleich mit Stromkosten
/blog/top-grow-led-pflanzenlam...Subdomain Top Grow LED Pflanzenlampen 2022 mit Stromkosten
A-TITLE Top Grow LED Pflanzenlampen 2022 mit Stromkosten
/grow-setsSubdomain Text duplicate Komplettsets
A-TITLE Komplettsets
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A-TITLE Growboxen
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A-TITLE Beleuchtung
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A-TITLE Belüftung & Klimatechnik
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A-TITLE Dünger & Erde
/grow-zubehoerSubdomain Text duplicate Zubehör
A-TITLE Zubehör
/Lifestyle/Subdomain Text duplicate Lifestyle
A-TITLE Lifestyle Text duplicate Blog
A-TITLE Blog Text duplicate % SALE %
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A-TITLE Hersteller window Subdomain No Text
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/beleuchtungNo Text
/belueftungNo Text
/duenger-substrateNo Text
/grow-zubehoerNo Text
/Lifestyle/No Text Text
/zahlung-lieferung-und-versand/New window Subdomain Versand
/lagerartikel/New window Lagerartikel - sofort verfügbar
/GrowControl-FanBase-ECSubdomain IMG-ALT GrowControl FanBase EC+
A-TITLE GrowControl FanBase EC+
/GrowControl-FanBase-ECSubdomain Text duplicate GrowControl FanBase EC+
A-TITLE GrowControl FanBase EC+
/Prima-Klima-WhisperBlower-ver...Subdomain IMG-ALT Prima Klima WhisperBlower verschiedene Größen - PK125WHSP-ECTC
A-TITLE Prima Klima WhisperBlower verschiedene Größen - PK125WHSP-ECTC
/Prima-Klima-WhisperBlower-ver...Subdomain Text duplicate Prima Klima WhisperBlower verschiedene Größen - PK125WHSP-ECTC
A-TITLE Prima Klima WhisperBlower verschiedene Größen - PK125WHSP-ECTC
/homebox-ambient-q100Subdomain IMG-ALT HOMEbox Ambient Q100 Growbox
A-TITLE HOMEbox Ambient Q100 Growbox
/homebox-ambient-q100Subdomain Text duplicate HOMEbox Ambient Q100 Growbox
A-TITLE HOMEbox Ambient Q100 Growbox
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A-TITLE HOMEbox Ambient Q300+ Growbox
/homebox-ambient-q300-growboxSubdomain Text duplicate HOMEbox Ambient Q300+ Growbox
A-TITLE HOMEbox Ambient Q300+ Growbox
/Secret-Jardin-DF16-EC-Ventila...Subdomain IMG-ALT Secret Jardin DF16 EC Ventilator 150/250/350m3/h Temp. Controlled
A-TITLE Secret Jardin DF16 EC Ventilator 150/250/350m3/h Temp. Controlled
/Secret-Jardin-DF16-EC-Ventila...Subdomain Text duplicate Secret Jardin DF16 EC Ventilator 150/250/350m3/h Temp. Controlled
A-TITLE Secret Jardin DF16 EC Ventilator 150/250/350m3/h Temp. Controlled
/Greenception-GCx9-PWR-360WSubdomain IMG-ALT Greenception GCx9 PWR 360W
A-TITLE Greenception GCx9 PWR 360W
/Greenception-GCx9-PWR-360WSubdomain Text duplicate Greenception GCx9 PWR 360W
A-TITLE Greenception GCx9 PWR 360W
/GrowControl-PresSense-Unterdr...Subdomain IMG-ALT GrowControl PresSense Unterdrucksensor
A-TITLE GrowControl PresSense Unterdrucksensor
/GrowControl-PresSense-Unterdr...Subdomain Text duplicate GrowControl PresSense Unterdrucksensor
A-TITLE GrowControl PresSense Unterdrucksensor
/Prima-Klima-WhisperBlower-PK1...Subdomain IMG-ALT Prima Klima WhisperBlower - PK125WHSP-ESM
A-TITLE Prima Klima WhisperBlower - PK125WHSP-ESM
/Prima-Klima-WhisperBlower-PK1...Subdomain Text duplicate Prima Klima WhisperBlower - PK125WHSP-ESM
A-TITLE Prima Klima WhisperBlower - PK125WHSP-ESM
/nutriculture-x-stream-propaga...Subdomain IMG-ALT Nutriculture X-Stream Propagator 80
A-TITLE Nutriculture X-Stream Propagator 80
/nutriculture-x-stream-propaga...Subdomain Text duplicate Nutriculture X-Stream Propagator 80
A-TITLE Nutriculture X-Stream Propagator 80
/growrack-modular-1-2-55Subdomain IMG-ALT growTOOL - growRACK modular 1.2 / 55
A-TITLE growTOOL - growRACK modular 1.2 / 55
/growrack-modular-1-2-55Subdomain Text duplicate growTOOL - growRACK modular 1.2 / 55
A-TITLE growTOOL - growRACK modular 1.2 / 55
/dark-street-120wSubdomain IMG-ALT Secret Jardin Dark Street DS120W 120x60x178 cm
A-TITLE Secret Jardin Dark Street DS120W 120x60x178 cm
/dark-street-120wSubdomain Text duplicate Secret Jardin Dark Street DS120W 120x60x178 cm
A-TITLE Secret Jardin Dark Street DS120W 120x60x178 cm
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A-TITLE Prima Klima Ventilation Set PK100-TC
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A-TITLE Prima Klima Ventilation Set PK100-TC
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A-TITLE Greenception GC-Europe 250W
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A-TITLE Greenception GC-Europe 250W
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A-TITLE Taifun Trimmy Dry Bag
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A-TITLE Nanolux LED RG150 150W
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A-TITLE Nanolux LED RG150 150W
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A-TITLE Florganics Dope Soil – 50 Liter
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A-TITLE Florganics Dope Soil – 50 Liter
/Secret-Jardin-GR60-The-Origin...Subdomain IMG-ALT Frontansicht des Secret Jardin GR60 The Original Growzelts, das eine integrierte Belüftungsanlage aufweist
A-TITLE Secret Jardin GR60 The Original 60
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A-TITLE Secret Jardin GR60 The Original 60
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A-TITLE Lumatek ZEUS 600W Pro 3.1
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A-TITLE Lumatek ZEUS 600W Pro 3.1
/detail/7866abe0303e48b286265e...Subdomain IMG-ALT Leistungsstarke Samsung LED Lampe mit 100 Watt. Über 2g/w
A-TITLE The Jackson NEMESIS - 100W, 150W, 200W, 250W
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A-TITLE The Jackson NEMESIS - 100W, 150W, 200W, 250W
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A-TITLE GrowBase Lite
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A-TITLE GrowBase Lite
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A-TITLE Luminaria PURE LED PRO 680W 3.2
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A-TITLE Luminaria PURE LED PRO 680W 3.2
/detail/4607708c8008481e9ee6da...Subdomain IMG-ALT Leistungsstarke Samsung LED Lampe mit 100 Watt. Über 1 g/w
A-TITLE The Jackson LT - 100W, 150W, 200W, 250W
/detail/4607708c8008481e9ee6da...Subdomain The Jackson LT - 100W, 150W, 200W, 250W
A-TITLE The Jackson LT - 100W, 150W, 200W, 250W window Artikel im Sale
/Floragard-Terracult-Royal-Mix...Subdomain IMG-ALT Floragard Terracult Royal Mix 40L
A-TITLE Floragard Terracult Royal Mix 40L
/Floragard-Terracult-Royal-Mix...Subdomain Text duplicate Floragard Terracult Royal Mix 40L
A-TITLE Floragard Terracult Royal Mix 40L
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A-TITLE Plagron Euro Pebbles 10 L
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A-TITLE Plagron Euro Pebbles 10 L
/LUMii-Black-Blade-100-W-Wachs...Subdomain IMG-ALT LUMii Black Blade 100 W Wachstums-LED
A-TITLE LUMii Black Blade 100 W Wachstums-LED
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A-TITLE LUMii Black Blade 100 W Wachstums-LED
/homebox-drynet-90Subdomain IMG-ALT DRYNET 90 Viele Erzeuger trocknen ihre Produkte, um Aromen und Geschmacksstoffe einzuschließen und so die Lagerung zu erleichtern. Das Drynet macht diesen Pr...
A-TITLE Homebox Drynet 90
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A-TITLE Homebox Drynet 90
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A-TITLE Plagron Mega Worm 10 L
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A-TITLE Plagron Mega Worm 10 L
/dark-propagator-90Subdomain IMG-ALT Secret Jardin Dark Propagator DP90 90x60x98 cm
A-TITLE Secret Jardin Dark Propagator DP90 90x60x98 cm
/dark-propagator-90Subdomain Text duplicate Secret Jardin Dark Propagator DP90 90x60x98 cm
A-TITLE Secret Jardin Dark Propagator DP90 90x60x98 cm
/Greenception-GCx25-PWR-1000WSubdomain IMG-ALT Greenception GCx25 PWR 1000W
A-TITLE Greenception GCx25 PWR 1000W
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A-TITLE Greenception GCx25 PWR 1000W
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A-TITLE RAM Clipventilator 15W 15cm
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A-TITLE RAM Clipventilator 15W 15cm
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A-TITLE Greenception GCx9 PWR 360W
/Greenception-GCx9-PWR-360WSubdomain Text duplicate Greenception GCx9 PWR 360W
A-TITLE Greenception GCx9 PWR 360W
/dark-propagator-60Subdomain IMG-ALT Secret Jardin Dark Propagator DP60 60x40x60 cm
A-TITLE Secret Jardin Dark Propagator DP60 60x40x60 cm
/dark-propagator-60Subdomain Text duplicate Secret Jardin Dark Propagator DP60 60x40x60 cm
A-TITLE Secret Jardin Dark Propagator DP60 60x40x60 cm
/LUMii-Black-Blade-400-W-LEDSubdomain IMG-ALT LUMii Black Blade 400 W LED
A-TITLE LUMii Black Blade 400 W LED
/LUMii-Black-Blade-400-W-LEDSubdomain Text duplicate LUMii Black Blade 400 W LED
A-TITLE LUMii Black Blade 400 W LED
/Pure-Factory-Clipventilator-1...Subdomain IMG-ALT Pure Factory Clipventilator 15W 15cm
A-TITLE Pure Factory Clipventilator 15W 15cm
/Pure-Factory-Clipventilator-1...Subdomain Text duplicate Pure Factory Clipventilator 15W 15cm
A-TITLE Pure Factory Clipventilator 15W 15cm
/growboxenhochwertige Growboxen
/beleuchtung/grow-led-lampeleistungsstarke LED Grow Lampen
/belueftungeffiziente Belüftungs- und Klimatechnik
/duenger-substrate/duengererstklassige Dünger
/grow-zubehoerpraktisches Zubehör
/grow-sets/growbox-sets/led-gr...individuell zusammengestellten Komplettsets window External Subdomain Adresse in Google Maps öffnen
/Blog/Homegrow-Beginner-Guide/No Text
/Blog/Guenstige-LED-Lampen-fue...No Text
/Blog/Unsere-Growbox-Kompletts...No Text
/Blog/Mach-deinen-Grow-winterf...No Text Beiträge anzeigen
/growboxenText duplicate Growboxen
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/duenger-substrateText duplicate Dünger & Erde
/grow-zubehoerText duplicate Zubehör
/Hersteller/Produkte führender Marken
/hersteller/prima-klima/Prima Klima
/beleuchtung/grow-led-lampeLED Grow Lampen
/beleuchtung/grow-led-lampe/sa...Text duplicate Sanlight
/beleuchtung/grow-led-lampe/gr...Text duplicate Greenception
/beleuchtung/grow-led-lampe/se...Text duplicate Secret Jardin
/belueftung?manufacturer=bdf11...Text duplicate Prima Klima
/belueftung/ventilatorenText duplicate Abluftventilatoren
/belueftung/filterText duplicate Aktivkohlefilter
/duenger-substrateText duplicate Dünger & Erde
/duenger-substrate?manufacture...Text duplicate BioBizz
/Duenger-Erde/Erde/Text duplicate Erde
/duenger-substrate/duengerText duplicate Dünger
/grow-setsText duplicate Komplettsets
/grow-sets/growbox-sets/led-gr...Growlocation Komplettsets
/growboxen/secret-jardinText duplicate Secret Jardin
/Duenger-Erde/pH-EC/pH- und EC-Messgeräten
/Superoot-Air-Pot-20-LiterTöpfe von Air-Pot
/GrowBaseSteuerungstechnik von GrowBase
A-TITLE Datenschutz
A-TITLE Widerrufsbelehrung
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A-TITLE Zahlung, Lieferung und Versand
A-TITLE Batterieverordnung
/kontakt/Text duplicate Kontakt
/account/Mein Konto
/widgets/cmsMehr Informationen ...
A-TITLE Mehr Informationen

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