- SEO Checker

Overview of the SEO Check
Meta information
Page quality
Page structure
Link structure
External factors
SEO Score
Response time
0.09 s
File size
147.70 kB
Media files
Number of links
353 internal / 9 external

Task list of SEO Improvements

Meta specifications

(Critically important)
University of Augsburg
The length of the page title is perfect. (202 pixels out of 580 max pixel length)
There are no duplicate words in the title
Meta description
(Critically important)
The University of Augsburg offers more than 90 study programs on a campus with a green park landscape.
The length of the meta description is perfect. (655 pixels out of 1000 max pixel length)
(Critically important)
There are no problems in accessing the website.
Canonical URL
No canonical link is specified.
(Somewhat important)
Language detected in text: en
Language defined in HTML: en
Server location: United States of America
The following language is defined by HTML: en
Alternate/Hreflang Links
(Somewhat important)
There are no alternate links specified on this page.
Other meta tags
(Somewhat important)
There is no rel next meta tag on this page.
There is no rel prev meta tag on this page.
(Somewhat important)
This page is hosted on a subdomain. Use a top level domain for better SEO results.
The domain does not contain non-latin characters.
Page URL
(Somewhat important)
No parameters were found in the URL.
No session ID was found in the URL.
The URL does not have too many subdirectories.
Charset encoding
(Somewhat important)
The charset encoding (UTF-8) is set correctly.
(Nice to have)
The doctype HTML 5 is set correctly.
The doctype is placed at first in the HTML code.
(Nice to have)
The favicon is linked correctly.

Meta tags

viewportwidth=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0, user-scalable=no
DescriptionThe University of Augsburg offers more than 90 study programs on a campus with a green park landscape.

Test up to 1.000 webpages of with our free plan!

Try For Free
No trial. It's just free!

Page quality

(Critically important)
Words from the H1 heading are not used in the page content.
These Typos were found:
  • carreer => career
There are 2 text duplicates on this page:
  • Duplicate: The Extended Executive Board of the University has adopted a new susta...
This page contains 1709 words. That's ok.
26.4% of the text are stop words.
Keywords used in the page title are also used in the page content. That's good!
The page contains a listing, which indicates a good text layout.
13 paragraphs were found on this page.
No placeholders texts or images were found.
The average number of words per sentence of 22.13 words is good.
(Critically important)
This page does not use a frameset.
Mobile optimization
(Somewhat important)
No Apple touch icon is specified.
A viewport "width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0, user-scalable=no" is provided.
Bold and strong tags
(Somewhat important)
Empty bold or strong tags were found on this page.
Image SEO
(Somewhat important)
Alt text (alternative text) is correctly used on all found images.
Social Networks
(Nice to have)
This page is optimized perfectly for social networks.
Additional markup
(Nice to have)
No additional page markup was found.
(Somewhat important)
This website uses HTTPS to protect privacy and integrity of the exchanged data.
All included files are also transferred via HTTPS.

Media list

URLAlt attributeTitle Augsburg Logo Augsburg Logo
...cation-945,540_subsampling-2_upscale.pngLuftaufnahme des Campus der Universität Augsburg im Sommer
...ation-1418,945_subsampling-2_upscale.jpg24.12. Präsidentin
...cation-210,132_subsampling-2_upscale.jpgBewachsenes Flachdach
...cation-420,264_subsampling-2_upscale.jpgNeue Kanzlerin Katja Graßl
...tion-2205,1470_subsampling-2_upscale.jpgDie fünf Personen lachen in die Kamera: Georg Haindl, Sabine Doering-Manteuffel, Farida Khalaf, Markus Blume, Eva Weber, Tom Kučera
...cation-320,240_subsampling-2_upscale.pngScientists from the Experimental Pediatric Oncology and Tumor Epigenetics research group.
...tion-1997,1498_subsampling-2_upscale.jpgResearchers at the Zugspitze
...tion-2103,1409_subsampling-2_upscale.jpgThe sample - hidden in the center of the cell - has a cross section of roughly 1 mm2 and is located between two anvils.
...tion-3150,1320_subsampling-2_upscale.jpgHero-Bild Public Climate School 2024
...tion-1995,1501_subsampling-2_upscale.jpgSchlüsselübergabe bei der Eröffnung des neuen Lehrgebäudes Medizin
...tion-2835,1890_subsampling-2_upscale.jpgSymbolbild Herz Gesundheit Weltherztag
...cation-210,132_subsampling-2_upscale.jpgSchülerin hält Smartphone in der Hand

Page structure

H1 heading
(Critically important)
Scientia et Conscientia
Too many H1 headings
Some headings occur twice on the page.

Heading structure

Heading levelContent
H1 Scientia et Conscientia
H1 Search
H2 Sustainability as a guiding profile: University of Augsburg adopts new strategy
H2 News
H2 Sustainability as a guiding profile: University of Augsburg adopts new strategy Duplicate text
H2 Merry christmas and a healthy new year
H2 Augsburg rated “Best New Participating University” in international sustainability ranking
H2 Katja Graßl appointed as the new head of administrative services at the University of Augsburg
H2 Farida Khalaf awarded the 2024 Mietek Pemper Award
H2 New insights into the risk assessment of rare, aggressive tumours in children
H2 The international doctoral programme “Rethinking Environment” receives second round of funding
H2 A Simple Method to Transform Soft Magnets into Hard Magnets
H2 The Public Climate School at the University of Augsburg
H2 Ceremonial opening of the new teaching building at Augsburg’s new medical campus
H2 Heart health: What’s new in research?
H2 Banning smartphones in schools is meaningful when pedagogically guided
H2 Faculties
H2 Sitemap
Some internal link anchor texts are too long.
Some internal links have dynamic parameters. All internal URLs, which are not marked as nofollow, should not contain dynamic parameters.
Some anchor texts are used more than once.
1 links don't have an anchor text.
There are 13 links with a trivial anchor text.
The number of internal links is ok.
There are 9 external links on this page.
LinkAttributesAnchor text
/en/IMG-ALT Uni Augsburg Logo
/admin/logout/?next=/en/A-TITLE Log out
/en/ueber-uns/About us
/en/verantwortung/University in responsibility
/en/jobs-und-karriere/Working at Augsburg University
/en/uni-medien/University Media
/en/foerderer/Friends & Sponsors
/en/aufbau-medizin/Augsburg University Medicine
/en/high-tech-agenda-bavaria/High-Tech Agenda Bavaria
/en/ueber-uns/leitbild/Mission Statement
/en/ueber-uns/zahlen/Facts and figures
/en/ueber-uns/ehrungen/Honours & Awards
/en/verantwortung/gesundheit/Stay healthy at work and study
/en/verantwortung/gender-equit...Gender Equity Diversity
/en/verantwortung/on-the-way-t...On the way to climate neutrality by 2028
/de/verantwortung/public-clima...Public Climate School
/en/organisation/leitung/University Executive
/en/organisation/verwaltung/University Administration
/en/jobs-und-karriere/arbeitge...Working at the University of Augsburg
/en/jobs-und-karriere/stellena...Job Offers
/de/jobs-und-karriere/einstieg/Einstieg an der Universität
/de/jobs-und-karriere/dual-car...Dual Career
/en/uni-medien/wissenschaft/Research Magazine
/en/uni-medien/university-videos/University videos
/de/uni-medien/podcasts-der-un...Podcasts der Universität Augsburg
/en/uni-medien/unireden/Series "University Speeches"
/en/foerderer/gdf/Friends' association
/en/foerderer/foerdermoeglichk...Funding opportunities
/en/aufbau-medizin/studium-und...Study Programmes
/en/aufbau-medizin/krankenvers...Patient Care
/en/aufbau-medizin/medizin-cam...The Medical Campus
/en/aufbau-medizin/haufige-fra...Frequently Asked Questions
/en/aufbau-medizin/kontakt/Text duplicate Contact
/en/high-tech-agenda-bavaria/h...Hightech Agenda Professors
/en/studium/orientierung/Interested in studying?
/en/studium/studienangebot/Degree Programmes
/en/studium/studieren-augsburg/Studying in Augsburg
/en/studium/bewerbung/Application & Enrolment
/en/studium/organisation-berat...Study organisation and advice
/en/studium/ausland/Study Abroad
/en/studium/zusatzqualifikatio...Get additional skills
/en/studium/studentisches-leben/Student life
/en/studium/nach-dem-studium/After graduation
/en/studium/orientierung/studi...Counselling for prospective students
/en/studium/orientierung/begin...Starting your studies
/en/studium/orientierung/messen/Study fairs
/en/studium/orientierung/schnu...Get a first look
/en/studium/orientierung/angeb...Offers for schools and teachers
/en/studium/orientierung/schul...Info day for pupils
/en/studium/orientierung/maste...Information events for Master's students
/en/studium/studienangebot/ueb...Study programmes
/en/studium/studienangebot/ber...Part-time studies for working professionals
/en/studium/studienangebot/pro...Doctoral studies
/en/studium/studienangebot/fru...Early studies programme
/en/studium/studienangebot/gas...Guest students
/en/studium/studieren-augsburg...Study location Augsburg
/en/studium/studieren-augsburg...CAMPUS CARD AUGSBURG
/en/studium/bewerbung/vorausse...Admission requirements
/en/studium/bewerbung/vorausse...Study with a vocational qualification
/en/studium/bewerbung/studienp...Student study place exchange
/en/studium/bewerbung/versiche...Health and accident insurance
/en/studium/bewerbung/hochschu...Changing university
/en/studium/bewerbung/doppelst...Study a double degree
/en/studium/bewerbung/eignungs...Aptitude assessment processes and tests
/en/studium/bewerbung/studieng...Changing degree programmes or subjects
/en/studium/organisation-berat...Text duplicate Starting your studies
/en/studium/organisation-berat...Student Advice and Counselling Service
/en/studium/organisation-berat...Organisational formalities
/en/studium/organisation-berat...Dates and deadlines
/en/studium/organisation-berat...Course Catalogue
/en/studium/organisation-berat...Career Orientation & Career Entry
/en/studium/ausland/studium/Studying Abroad
/en/studium/ausland/praktikum/Internships Abroad
/en/studium/zusatzqualifikatio...Virtuelle Hochschule Bayern
/en/studium/zusatzqualifikatio...Learning Languages
/en/studium/zusatzqualifikatio...Certificate for Intercultural Key Qualifications (ZIS)
/en/studium/zusatzqualifikatio...IT Courses
/en/studium/zusatzqualifikatio...Profile Building
/en/studium/studentisches-lebe...Student Initiatives
/en/studium/studentisches-lebe...Student Representation
/en/studium/studentisches-lebe...University Elections
/en/studium/studentisches-lebe...University Sport
/en/studium/nach-dem-studium/b...Career Start
/en/studium/nach-dem-studium/g...Start-Up Guidance
/en/studium/nach-dem-studium/f...Further Education Offers
/en/studium/nach-dem-studium/p...Text duplicate Doctoral studies
/en/forschung/Text duplicate Research
/en/forschung/profil/Research Profile
/en/forschung/foerderung/doctoral degree & programs
/en/forschung/forschende-aus-d...International Visiting Scholars
/en/forschung/package-of-measu...Package of measures: “Forschungspotenziale besser nutzen!”
/en/forschung/profil/umwelt-un...Environment and Climate
/en/forschung/profil/gesundhei...Health and Medicine
/en/forschung/profil/physics-l...Physics and Life Sciences
/en/forschung/profil/neue-mate...New Materials and Resources
/en/forschung/profil/daten-und...Data and Artificial Intelligence
/en/forschung/profil/gesellsch...Society and History
/en/forschung/profil/okonomie-...Economy and Law
/en/forschung/profil/sprachen-...Languages and Literature
/en/forschung/profil/lehr-und-...Teaching and Learning Studies
/en/forschung/profil/kunst-und...Art and Music
/en/forschung/foerderung/promo...Doctoral Degree
/en/forschung/foerderung/gradu...Graduate Center
/en/forschung/foerderung/gradu...Graduate Programmes
/en/forschung/foerderung/stipe...Scholarships for Graduates
/de/forschung/foerderung/profi...Profilbildung im Bereich Nachhaltigkeit
/en/forschung/einrichtungen/in...Institutes and centers
/en/forschung/einrichtungen/gr...Text duplicate Graduate Programmes
/en/forschung/einrichtungen/ko...Research Committee
/en/forschung/einrichtungen/au...External Research Institutions
/en/forschung/forschende-aus-d...Housing Search
/en/forschung/forschende-aus-d...Events of the Welcome Service
/en/forschung/forschende-aus-d...Organizational matters for internationally mobile researchers
/en/forschung/package-of-measu...Promoting the acquisition of high-quality third-party funding
/en/forschung/package-of-measu...Measures to strengthen the culture of academic research
/en/forschung/package-of-measu...Support through the research centres
/en/forschung/package-of-measu...Research support
/en/campusleben/Campus Life
/en/campusleben/neuigkeiten/Text duplicate News
/en/campusleben/veranstaltungen/Public events
/en/campusleben/musik-kultur/Music, Arts and Culture
/en/campusleben/nature-campus/Nature on campus
/de/campusleben/veranstaltunge...Lange Nacht der Wissenschaft
/de/portal/kinderuni/KinderUni Augsburg
/de/campusleben/veranstaltunge...Ringvorlesungen und Vortragsreihen
/de/fakultaet/philsoz/lmz/Leopold Mozart College of Music
/en/campusleben/musik-kultur/c...collegium musicum
/de/campusleben/musik-kultur/c...ClangCampus – Uni:versum Musik
/en/campusleben/musik-kultur/k...Art on Campus
/de/campusleben/musik-kultur/a...Augsburg OnStage
/de/campusleben/musik-kultur/u...Universität Augsburg Schach
/en/fakultaet/Text duplicate Faculties
/en/fakultaet/kthf/Faculty of Catholic Theology
/en/fakultaet/wiwi/Faculty of Business and Economics
/en/fakultaet/jura/Faculty of Law
/en/fakultaet/philsoz/Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences
/en/fakultaet/philhist/Faculty of Philology and History
/en/fakultaet/mntf/Faculty of Mathematics, Natural Sciences, and Materials Engineering
/en/fakultaet/fai/Faculty of Applied Computer Science
/en/fakultaet/med/Faculty of Medicine
/en/fakultaet/kthf/lehrstuhle-...Chairs & Professors
/en/fakultaet/kthf/dekanat/Dean's Office & Contact
/en/fakultaet/kthf/studium/Text duplicate Study Programmes
/en/fakultaet/kthf/forschung/Research at the FCTh
/en/fakultaet/kthf/studieninte...For Prospective Students
/en/fakultaet/wiwi/aktuelles/Text duplicate News
/en/fakultaet/wiwi/dekanat/Dean’s Office & Facilities
/en/fakultaet/wiwi/studieren-w...Studying at the Faculty of Business and Economics in Augsburg
/en/fakultaet/wiwi/studies/Degree Programs
/en/fakultaet/wiwi/studienorga...Organisation of Studies
/en/fakultaet/wiwi/prof/Clusters and Professors
/en/fakultaet/wiwi/transferpro...Transfer profile
/en/fakultaet/wiwi/cir/Center for International Relations (CIR)
/en/fakultaet/wiwi/lsz/Learning and Service Centre
https://dyn.wiwi.uni-augsburg....External Subdomain Virtueller Rundgang
/en/fakultaet/jura/stellen/Job Postings at the Faculty of Law
/en/fakultaet/jura/lehre-und-s...Text duplicate Study Programmes
/en/fakultaet/jura/forschung/Text duplicate Research
/en/fakultaet/jura/fam/Frauen arbeiten miteinander [fam]
/de/fakultaet/jura/50-jahre/50 Jahre Juristische Fakultät
https://lawclinic.jura.uni-aug...External Subdomain Lawclinic Augsburg Subdomain MIPLC Subdomain Aktuelles
/en/fakultaet/philsoz/informat...Study information
/en/fakultaet/philsoz/studieng...For prospective students
/en/fakultaet/philsoz/fakultat/Disciplines & work groups
/en/fakultaet/philsoz/internat...Text duplicate Internationalisation
/en/fakultaet/philsoz/habilita...Habilitation Subdomain Research (only in German)
/en/fakultaet/philsoz/praktiku...Office for Internships
/en/fakultaet/philsoz/lmz/Text duplicate Leopold Mozart College of Music
/en/faculties/philhist/faculty/Text duplicate Faculty
/en/fakultaet/philhist/studium/Text duplicate Study Programmes
/en/fakultaet/philhist/forschung/Text duplicate Research
/en/fakultaet/philhist/promotion/Text duplicate Doctoral Degree
/de/fakultaet/philhist/habilit...Text duplicate Habilitation
/en/fakultaet/mntf/aktuelles/Text duplicate News
/en/fakultaet/mntf/dekanat/Text duplicate Dean's Office & Contact
/en/fakultaet/mntf/studiengaenge/Study Programms
/en/fakultaet/mntf/mrm/Institute of Materials Resource Management
/en/fakultaet/mntf/math/Institute of Mathematics
/en/fakultaet/mntf/physik/Institute of Physics
/en/fakultaet/fai/aktuelles/Text duplicate News
/en/fakultaet/fai/dekanat/Text duplicate Dean's Office & Contact
/en/fakultaet/fai/prof/Chairs and Professors
/en/fakultaet/fai/studium-lehre/Text duplicate Study Programmes
/en/fakultaet/fai/informatik/Institute of Computer Science
/en/fakultaet/fai/geo/Institute of Geography
/en/fakultaet/fai/isse/Institute for Software & Systems Engineering
/en/fakultaet/fai/intern/Internal Affairs
/en/fakultaet/fai/faifrau/Women's Officer of the Faculty of Applied Computer Science
/de/fakultaet/fai/graduiertenz...Graduiertenzentrum FAI
/en/fakultaet/med/neuigkeiten/Text duplicate News
/en/fakultaet/med/studium-copy-2/Teaching and studies
/en/fakultaet/med/forschung-co...Text duplicate Research
/en/fakultaet/med/fakultaet/Text duplicate Faculty
/en/fakultaet/med/profs/Chairs and professorships
/en/fakultaet/med/aufbau/Construction & development
/en/No Text
/de/No Text
/en/jobs-und-karriere/Carreer |
A-TITLE Carreer
/en/services/locations-maps/Locations & Maps |
A-TITLE Locations & Maps
/en/portal/presse/Press & Media
A-TITLE Press & Media
/en/portal/internationals/International Students
/en/portal/internationals/Text duplicate International Students
/en/forschung/forschende-aus-d...Text duplicate International Visiting Scholars
/en/forschung/forschende-aus-d...Text duplicate International Visiting Scholars
/en/portal/presse/Media & Press
/en/portal/presse/Text duplicate Media & Press
/en/portal/internationals/alum...Text duplicate Alumni
/en/portal/internationals/alum...Text duplicate Alumni
/en/campusleben/neuigkeiten/20...Sustainability as a guiding profile: University of Augsburg adopts new strategy
/en/campusleben/neuigkeiten/20...Trivial anchor text
Read more
/en/studium/studienangebot/Degree programmes
/en/studium/bewerbung/New window International applications
/en/studium/bewerbung/bewerbun...New window Restricted admission programmes
/en/forschung/forschungsprofil...New window Research profile
/en/campusleben/neuigkeiten/20...Text duplicate Sustainability as a guiding profile: University of Augsburg adopts new strategy
/en/campusleben/neuigkeiten/20...Text duplicate Trivial anchor text
Read more
/en/campusleben/neuigkeiten/20...IMG-ALT Luftaufnahme des Campus der Universität Augsburg im Sommer
/en/campusleben/neuigkeiten/20...Merry christmas and a healthy new year
/en/campusleben/neuigkeiten/20...Text duplicate Trivial anchor text
Read more
/en/campusleben/neuigkeiten/20...IMG-ALT 24.12. Präsidentin
/en/campusleben/neuigkeiten/20...Augsburg rated “Best New Participating University” in international sustainability ranking
/en/campusleben/neuigkeiten/20...Text duplicate Trivial anchor text
Read more
/en/campusleben/neuigkeiten/20...IMG-ALT Bewachsenes Flachdach
/en/campusleben/neuigkeiten/20...Katja Graßl appointed as the new head of administrative services at the University of Augsburg
/en/campusleben/neuigkeiten/20...Text duplicate Trivial anchor text
Read more
/en/campusleben/neuigkeiten/20...IMG-ALT Neue Kanzlerin Katja Graßl
/en/campusleben/neuigkeiten/20...Farida Khalaf awarded the 2024 Mietek Pemper Award
/en/campusleben/neuigkeiten/20...Text duplicate Trivial anchor text
Read more
/en/campusleben/neuigkeiten/20...IMG-ALT Die fünf Personen lachen in die Kamera: Georg Haindl, Sabine Doering-Manteuffel, Farida Khalaf, Markus Blume, Eva Weber, Tom Kučera
/en/campusleben/neuigkeiten/20...New insights into the risk assessment of rare, aggressive tumours in children
/en/campusleben/neuigkeiten/20...Text duplicate Trivial anchor text
Read more
/en/campusleben/neuigkeiten/20...IMG-ALT Scientists from the Experimental Pediatric Oncology and Tumor Epigenetics research group.
/en/campusleben/neuigkeiten/20...The international doctoral programme “Rethinking Environment” receives second round of funding
/en/campusleben/neuigkeiten/20...Text duplicate Trivial anchor text
Read more
/en/campusleben/neuigkeiten/20...IMG-ALT Researchers at the Zugspitze
/en/campusleben/neuigkeiten/20...A Simple Method to Transform Soft Magnets into Hard Magnets
/en/campusleben/neuigkeiten/20...Text duplicate Trivial anchor text
Read more
/en/campusleben/neuigkeiten/20...IMG-ALT The sample - hidden in the center of the cell - has a cross section of roughly 1 mm2 and is located between two anvils.
/en/campusleben/neuigkeiten/20...The Public Climate School at the University of Augsburg
/en/campusleben/neuigkeiten/20...Text duplicate Trivial anchor text
Read more
/en/campusleben/neuigkeiten/20...IMG-ALT Hero-Bild Public Climate School 2024
/en/campusleben/neuigkeiten/20...Ceremonial opening of the new teaching building at Augsburg’s new medical campus
/en/campusleben/neuigkeiten/20...Text duplicate Trivial anchor text
Read more
/en/campusleben/neuigkeiten/20...IMG-ALT Schlüsselübergabe bei der Eröffnung des neuen Lehrgebäudes Medizin
/en/campusleben/neuigkeiten/20...Heart health: What’s new in research?
/en/campusleben/neuigkeiten/20...Text duplicate Trivial anchor text
Read more
/en/campusleben/neuigkeiten/20...IMG-ALT Symbolbild Herz Gesundheit Weltherztag
/en/campusleben/neuigkeiten/20...Banning smartphones in schools is meaningful when pedagogically guided
/en/campusleben/neuigkeiten/20...Text duplicate Trivial anchor text
Read more
/en/campusleben/neuigkeiten/20...IMG-ALT Schülerin hält Smartphone in der Hand
/en/Text duplicate University
/en/ueber-uns/Text duplicate About us
/en/verantwortung/Text duplicate University in responsibility
/en/organisation/Text duplicate Organisation
/en/jobs-und-karriere/Text duplicate Working at Augsburg University
/en/uni-medien/Text duplicate University Media
/en/foerderer/Text duplicate Friends & Sponsors
/en/aufbau-medizin/Text duplicate Augsburg University Medicine
/en/high-tech-agenda-bavaria/Text duplicate High-Tech Agenda Bavaria
/en/studium/Text duplicate Study
/en/studium/orientierung/Text duplicate Interested in studying?
/en/studium/studienangebot/Text duplicate Degree Programmes
/en/studium/studieren-augsburg/Text duplicate Studying in Augsburg
/en/studium/bewerbung/Text duplicate Application & Enrolment
/en/studium/organisation-berat...Text duplicate Study organisation and advice
/en/studium/ausland/Text duplicate Study Abroad
/en/studium/zusatzqualifikatio...Text duplicate Get additional skills
/en/studium/studentisches-leben/Text duplicate Student life
/en/studium/nach-dem-studium/Text duplicate After graduation
/en/forschung/Text duplicate Research
/en/forschung/profil/Text duplicate Research Profile
/en/forschung/projekte/Text duplicate Projects
/en/forschung/foerderung/Text duplicate doctoral degree & programs
/en/forschung/einrichtungen/Text duplicate Units
/en/forschung/forschende-aus-d...Text duplicate International Visiting Scholars
/en/forschung/package-of-measu...Text duplicate Package of measures: “Forschungspotenziale besser nutzen!”
/en/forschung/transfer/Text duplicate Transfer
/en/campusleben/Text duplicate Campus Life
/en/campusleben/neuigkeiten/Text duplicate News
/en/campusleben/veranstaltungen/Text duplicate Public events
/en/campusleben/musik-kultur/Text duplicate Music, Arts and Culture
/en/campusleben/nature-campus/Text duplicate Nature on campus
/en/campusleben/uni-shop/Text duplicate Uni-Shop
/en/fakultaet/Text duplicate Faculties
/en/fakultaet/kthf/Text duplicate Faculty of Catholic Theology
/en/fakultaet/wiwi/Text duplicate Faculty of Business and Economics
/en/fakultaet/jura/Text duplicate Faculty of Law
/en/fakultaet/philsoz/Text duplicate Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences
/en/fakultaet/philhist/Text duplicate Faculty of Philology and History
/en/fakultaet/mntf/Text duplicate Faculty of Mathematics, Natural Sciences, and Materials Engineering
/en/fakultaet/fai/Text duplicate Faculty of Applied Computer Science
/en/fakultaet/med/Text duplicate Faculty of Medicine Subdomain No Text Subdomain No Text Subdomain No Text Subdomain No Text
/en/portal/presse/Presse und Medien
/en/services/locations-maps/Standorte und Lagepläne

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HTTP Response Header

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University of Augsburg
The University of Augsburg offers more than 90 study programs on a campus with a green park landscape.

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