- SEO Checker

Overview of the SEO Check
Meta information
Page quality
Page structure
Link structure
External factors
SEO Score
Response time
0.25 s
File size
306.40 kB
Media files
Number of links
258 internal / 16 external

Task list of SEO Improvements

Meta specifications

(Critically important)
London Transport Museum
The length of the page title is perfect. (240 pixels out of 580 max pixel length)
There are no duplicate words in the title
Meta description
(Critically important)
Discover the powerful link between transport and the growth of London since 1800 at the world's leading museum of urban transport online, in our Museum and at our Depot - an award-winning day out.
The meta description is too long: 1233 pixels from max. 1000 pixels. Optimize description
(Critically important)
There are no problems in accessing the website.
Canonical URL
There is a valid canonical link specified.
(Somewhat important)
Language detected in text: en
Language defined in HTML: en-gb
Language defined in HTTP-Equiv meta tag: en
Server location: United States of America
There are different language information within the page markup.
The following language is defined by HTML: en
Alternate/Hreflang Links
(Somewhat important)
There are no alternate links specified on this page.
Other meta tags
(Somewhat important)
There is no rel next meta tag on this page.
There is no rel prev meta tag on this page.
(Somewhat important)
The domain is no subdomain.
The domain length is good.
The domain does not contain non-latin characters.
Page URL
(Somewhat important)
No parameters were found in the URL.
No session ID was found in the URL.
The URL does not have too many subdirectories.
Charset encoding
(Somewhat important)
The charset encoding (UTF-8) is set correctly.
(Nice to have)
The doctype HTML 5 is set correctly.
The doctype is placed at first in the HTML code.
(Nice to have)
The favicon is linked correctly.

Meta tags

robotsindex, follow
descriptionDiscover the powerful link between transport and the growth of London since 1800 at the world's leading museum of urban transport online, in our Museum and at our Depot - an award-winning day out.
GeneratorDrupal 10 (
pin:descriptionDiscover the powerful link between transport and the growth of London since 1800 at the world's leading museum of urban transport online, in our Museum and at our Depot - an award-winning day out.
twitter:descriptionDiscover the powerful link between transport and the growth of London since 1800 at the world's leading museum of urban transport online, in our Museum and at our Depot - an award-winning day out.
twitter:titleLondon Transport Museum
twitter:image:altExterior of London Transport Museum from Covent Garden Piazza
og:site_nameLondon Transport Museum
og:titleLondon Transport Museum
og:descriptionDiscover the powerful link between transport and the growth of London since 1800 at the world's leading museum of urban transport online, in our Museum and at our Depot - an award-winning day out.
og:image:altExterior of London Transport Museum from Covent Garden Piazza

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Page quality

(Critically important)
There are 7 text duplicates on this page:
  • Duplicate 1: Find out about our Annual Pass options to visit the Museum. Passes are...
  • Duplicate 2: Celebrate iconic London Transport posters and enjoy workshops, and fam...
  • Duplicate 3: Paul Catherall is a London-based printmaker and illustrator learn abou...
This page contains 1501 words. That's ok.
26.9% of the text are stop words.
Keywords used in the page title are also used in the page content. That's good!
Words from the H1 heading are used in the page content.
The page contains a listing, which indicates a good text layout.
25 paragraphs were found on this page.
The text content is perfect.
No placeholders texts or images were found.
The average number of words per sentence of 19.38 words is good.
(Critically important)
This page does not use a frameset.
Mobile optimization
(Somewhat important)
A viewport "width=device-width,initial-scale=1,viewport-fit=cover,minimum-scale=1" is provided.
At least one Apple touch icon is specified.
Bold and strong tags
(Somewhat important)
The usage of strong and bold tags is perfect. We recommend the use of up to 30 tags for this page.
Image SEO
(Somewhat important)
1 images have no alt attribute. The content of alt attributes is used by search engines.
Social Networks
(Nice to have)
This page is optimized perfectly for social networks.
Additional markup
(Nice to have)
No additional page markup was found.
(Somewhat important)
This website uses HTTPS to protect privacy and integrity of the exchanged data.
All included files are also transferred via HTTPS.

Media list

URLAlt attributeTitle
...custom/rutherford/images/logo.svg?srtpmrLondon Transport Museum
data:[...] Base64A draw showing a collection of heritage tickets
data:[...] Base64A mother and child interact with a museum display
data:[...] Base64Actor dressed as a historical transport worker speaking to children dressed in high vis tabards, with flags of the world hanging on the wall behind him
data:[...] Base64Westminster, by Paul Catherall, 2007
data:[...] Base64RM70 Wallace Sewell
data:[...] Base64RM70 Wallace Sewell
data:[...] Base64A mother and child interact with a museum display
data:[...] Base64A mother and child interact with a museum display
data:[...] Base64A draw showing a collection of heritage tickets
data:[...] Base64Heritage vehicles in the Museum
data:[...] Base64A mother and child interact with a museum display
data:[...] Base64Visitors at a craft activity at a Museum Late event
data:[...] Base64Female performer standing in front of buses
data:[...] Base64Group of people on a Hidden London tour
data:[...] Base64Two women looking down a long empty tunnel
data:[...] Base64Underground Tunnel
data:[...] Base64Group of people on a Tube station platform taking photos of historic advertising posters
data:[...] Base64Visitors on a Hidden London tour
data:[...] Base64View of the back of a tour guide wearing a Hidden London polo shirt, gesturing at London street and red postbox, surrounded by a group of people
data:[...] Base64Clapham South Hidden London Tour
data:[...] Base64 The Tate Gallery by Tube, by David Booth of the agency Fine White Line, 1987
data:[...] Base64No alt attribute provided
data:[...] Base64Westminster, by Paul Catherall, 2007
data:[...] Base64 A bus driving through snow, London Transport, circa 1970
data:[...] Base64Poster depicting person wearing orange skating on frozen lake
data:[...] Base64Winter fun-skating by Anna Hymas, 2016. Poster depicting people skating
data:[...] Base64Illustration of a man boarding a busy train
data:[...] Base64Elizabeth stands at the back of a vintage Routemaster bus in London Transport Museum.
data:[...] Base64View of the Museum Galleries from the top floor
data:[...] Base64Saddiyah and Uzair give their speech at the LTM dinner and Auction 2024
Video URLWidthHeight
...iles/video/2021-06/Hl Clip For Web-1.mp41920845

Page structure

H1 heading
(Critically important)
London Transport Museum
The H1 heading is perfect.
Some headings occur twice on the page.
There are 41 headings on the page. The amount of headings should be in a more proper relation to the amount of text.

Heading structure

Heading levelContent
H1 London Transport Museum
H2 Shop the RM70 Wallace Sewell Collection
H2 Discover our Hidden London Tours
H2 February Half Term: Behind the Poster
H2 Welcome
H2 Events not to miss
H2 Step into history
H2 Explore our collections online
H2 Featured stories
H2 Latest from the blog
H2 Opening times
H2 About
H2 Commercial
H2 Join & Support
H3 Tickets
H3 February Half Term: Behind the Poster Duplicate text
H3 Plan your school visit
H3 Paul Catherall: London in Lino
H3 Tickets Duplicate text
H3 Museum guide
H3 February Half Term: Behind the Poster Duplicate text
H3 Museum Late: Going Underground
H3 Music in the Museum
H3 Dover Street: Alight here for Green Park
H3 Piccadilly Circus: The Heart of London
H3 Moorgate: Metropolitan maze
H3 Aldwych: The End of the Line
H3 Charing Cross: Access All Areas
H3 Secrets of Central London walking tour
H3 Clapham South: Subterranean Shelter
H3 Posters
H3 Collections
H3 Paul Catherall: London in Lino Duplicate text
H3 Dashing through the snow: keeping London moving in winter
H3 Winter wonderland
H3 Winter sports
H3 Fougasse: the witty posters of Cyril Kenneth Bird
H3 Curtains up and a new vision: looking back at 2024
H3 David's story: our first Explorer Evening for adults with additional needs or disabled adults
H3 Siblings to colleagues: our route into apprenticeships at Transport for London and London Transport Museum
H3 Museum galleries and Shop
Some internal links have dynamic parameters. All internal URLs, which are not marked as nofollow, should not contain dynamic parameters.
Some anchor texts are used more than once.
1 links don't have an anchor text.
There are 1 links with a trivial anchor text.
The number of internal links is ok.
None of the anchor texts is too long.
There are 16 external links on this page.
LinkAttributesAnchor text Skip page header and navigation
/visit/ticketsText duplicate Book duplicate Donate
/enewsletter?utm_source=menuText duplicate Enewsletter IMG-ALT London Transport Museum
/visit/ticketsText duplicate Tickets
/visit/opening-timesOpening times
/visit/getting-hereGetting here
/visit/museum-guideMuseum guide
/visit/museum-depotMuseum Depot
/visit/faqVisiting FAQs
/whats-onWhat's on
/whats-on/family-events/februa...February Half Term: Behind the Poster
/whats-on-calendarEvents calendar
/whats-on/depot-guided-toursDepot guided tours
/whats-onSubdomain Anchor Exhibitions
/whats-on/depot-open-daysDepot open days
/whats-on/family-eventsFamily events
/whats-on/heritage-vehicle-out...Heritage vehicle outings
/whats-on/latesMuseum Lates
/activitiesActivities from home
/hidden-londonHidden London
/hidden-london/locationsTours by location
/whats-on-calendar?hidden_lond...Subdomain Tours by date
/whats-on/hidden-london/secret...Walking tour
/hidden-london/enewsletterText duplicate Enewsletter
/hidden-london/gift-vouchersGift Vouchers
/hidden-london/hangoutsHidden London Hangouts
/hidden-london/secrets-london-...Secrets of the London Underground Subdomain Shop Hidden London
/whats-on/hidden-london/clapha...Clapham South Subdomain Shop
/schools/plan-visitPlan your school visit
/schools/key-stage-1Key Stage 1
/schools/key-stage-2Key Stage 2
/schools/key-stage-3Key Stage 3
/schools/key-stage-4-5Key Stage 4 & 5
/schools/special-education-needsSpecial Education Needs
/schools/plan-visitText duplicate Plan your school visit
/collections/stories/design/pa...Paul Catherall: London in Lino
/collections/the-collectionThe collection Browse over 270,000 records on our Collection Online
/collections/my-collectionsMy Collections Save your favourite items in your very own collections
/collections/storiesStories Discover the intriguing and often unheard of history of people, places and transport across London and beyond
/collections/projectsProjects As a charity, we care for over 500,000 objects and deliver special projects and programmes
/collections/researchResearch Text duplicate Visit duplicate Visit
/visit/ticketsText duplicate Tickets
/visit/opening-timesText duplicate Opening times
/visit/getting-hereText duplicate Getting here
/visit/facilitiesText duplicate Facilities
/visit/accessibilityText duplicate Accessibility
/visit/groupsText duplicate Groups
/visit/shoppingText duplicate Shopping
/visit/eatingText duplicate Eating
/visit/museum-guideText duplicate Museum guide
/visit/museum-guideText duplicate Museum guide
/visit/museum-guide/global-pos...Global Poster Gallery
/visit/museum-guide/legacies-l...Legacies: London Transport’s Caribbean Workforce
/visit/museum-guide/echoes-blitzEchoes of the Blitz: Underground shelters in Ukraine and London
/visit/museum-guide/19th-centu...19th Century London and Victorian Transport
/visit/museum-guide/worlds-fir...World's first Underground
/visit/museum-guide/growth-londonThe growth of London
/visit/museum-guide/digging-de...Digging Deeper
/visit/museum-guide/formation-...The formation of London Transport
/visit/museum-guide/surface-19...On the Surface 1900-1945
/visit/museum-guide/london-designLondon by Design
/visit/museum-guide/londons-tr...London Transport at war
/visit/museum-guide/future-eng...Future Engineers
/visit/museum-guide/surface-19...On the surface 1945 to today
/visit/museum-guide/past-exhib...Past exhibitions
/visit/familiesText duplicate Families
/visit/familiesText duplicate Families
/visit/families/all-aboardAll Aboard
/visit/families/families-sendSEN for families
/visit/families/under-5sUnder 5s
/whats-on/family-eventsText duplicate Family events
/visit/museum-depotText duplicate Museum Depot
/visit/museum-depotText duplicate Museum Depot
/visit/museum-depot/london-tra...London Transport Miniature Railway
/visit/faqText duplicate Visiting FAQs
/whats-onText duplicate What's on
/whats-onText duplicate What's on
/whats-on-calendarText duplicate Events calendar
/whats-on/depot-guided-toursText duplicate Depot guided tours
/whats-onSubdomain Anchor Text duplicate Exhibitions
/whats-on/depot-open-daysText duplicate Depot open days
/whats-on/family-eventsText duplicate Family events
/whats-on/heritage-vehicle-out...Text duplicate Heritage vehicle outings
/whats-on/latesText duplicate Museum Lates
/activitiesText duplicate Activities from home
/activitiesText duplicate Activities from home
/activities/make-pop-christmas...Make a pop-up Christmas card
/activities/windowsill-garden-...Windowsill Garden Guide
/activities/winter-storiesWinter Stories
/activities/make-your-own-chri...Make your own Christmas decorations
/activities/colouring-winter-p...Colouring in: winter posters
/activities/ice-skating-spot-d...Ice skating: spot the difference
/activities/winter-sport-words...Winter sport wordsearch
/activities/winter-sport-anagramsWinter sport anagrams
/activities/my-visitMy Visit to London Transport Museum trail
/activities/lost-and-found-gamesLost and Found games
/activities/caribbean-cookbookCaribbean cookbook
/activities/do-you-know-caribb...Do you know the Caribbean flags?
/activities/lost-and-found-gamesText duplicate Lost and Found games
/activities/caribbean-cookbookText duplicate Caribbean cookbook
/activities/secret-shelter-cha...Secret Shelter Challenge
/activities/steam-green-transp...From Steam to Green transport quiz
/activities/your-storyYour Story
/activities/billy-brown-london...Billy Brown of London Town
/activities/collection-colour-...Collection colour quiz
/activities/colouring-postersColouring in: posters
/activities/design-your-own-ro...Design your own roundels
/activities/future-engineers-a...Future Engineers activities
/activities/make-paper-vehicle...Make paper vehicle models
/activities/make-paper-vehicle...Text duplicate Make paper vehicle models
/activities/make-your-own-moqu...Make your own moquette
/activities/make-your-own-moqu...Text duplicate Make your own moquette
/activities/make-your-own-roun...Make your own roundel cappuccino
/activities/poster-design-acti...Poster design activities
/activities/easter-activitiesEaster family activities
/activities/singing-and-story-...Singing and Story videos
/activities/victorian-vehiclesVictorian vehicles
/activities/roundel-mazesRoundel mazes
/hidden-londonText duplicate Hidden London
/hidden-londonText duplicate Hidden London
/hidden-london/locationsText duplicate Tours by location
/whats-on-calendar?hidden_lond...Subdomain Text duplicate Tours by date
/whats-on/hidden-london/secret...Text duplicate Walking tour
/hidden-london/enewsletterText duplicate Enewsletter
/hidden-london/gift-vouchersText duplicate Gift Vouchers
/hidden-london/hangoutsText duplicate Hidden London Hangouts
/hidden-london/secrets-london-...Text duplicate Secrets of the London Underground
/hidden-london/secrets-london-...Text duplicate Secrets of the London Underground
/hidden-london/secrets-london-...Episode guide
/hidden-london/secrets-london-...Interview with Siddy Holloway and Tim Dunn
/hidden-london/secrets-london-...Meet the presenters
/hidden-london/secrets-london-...Hidden London quizzes and games Subdomain Text duplicate Shop Hidden London
/whats-on/hidden-london/clapha...Text duplicate Clapham South Subdomain Text duplicate Shop
/schoolsText duplicate Schools
/schoolsText duplicate Schools
/schools/key-stage-1Text duplicate Key Stage 1
/schools/key-stage-2Text duplicate Key Stage 2
/schools/key-stage-2Text duplicate Key Stage 2
/schools/key-stage-2/engineeri...Engineering Change
/schools/key-stage-3Text duplicate Key Stage 3
/schools/key-stage-4-5Text duplicate Key Stage 4 & 5
/schools/special-education-needsText duplicate Special Education Needs
/schools/teachersText duplicate Teachers
/schools/plan-visitText duplicate Plan your school visit
/schools/artsmarkText duplicate Artsmark
/schools/artsmarkText duplicate Artsmark
/schools/artsmark/artsmark-car...Artsmark: Caribbean Journeys
/collectionsText duplicate Collections
/collectionsText duplicate Collections
/collections/the-collectionThe collection
/collections/my-collectionsMy Collections
/collections/my-collectionsText duplicate My Collections
/collections/my-collections/he...My Collections help guide
/collections/storiesText duplicate Stories
/collections/stories/collectio...Collections conservation in action: Standard stock relighting
/collections/projectsText duplicate Projects
/collections/projects/acton-ac...Acton Access
/collections/projects/making-b...The Making of Black Britain
/collections/projects/elizabet...Contemporary Collecting: the Elizabeth line
/collections/projects/how-make...How to Make a Poster
/collections/projects/holborn-...Holborn Community Association
/collections/projects/lgbt-col...LGBT+ collecting
/collections/projects/battle-busBattle Bus
/collections/projects/district...District 150
/collections/projects/london-2030London 2030
/collections/projects/document...Documentary Curators
/collections/projects/moquette...Moquette project
/collections/projects/q-stockQ stock
/collections/projects/where-ar...Where are all the women?
/collections/libraryText duplicate Library
/collections/libraryText duplicate Library
/collections/library/request-l...Request a library visit
/collections/researchText duplicate Research Subdomain Shop now
/hidden-londonBook your tour
/whats-on/family-events/februa...More information
/about/awards-and-recognitionSubdomain award-winning plan your visit
/visit/ticketsText duplicate Tickets
/visit/museum-guideText duplicate Museum guide
/whats-on/family-events/februa...Text duplicate February Half Term: Behind the Poster
/whats-on/friday-late/museum-l...Museum Late: Going Underground
/whats-on/music-museumMusic in the Museum
/hidden-londonSubdomain Text duplicate Hidden London
/whats-on/hidden-london/dover-...Dover Street: Alight here for Green Park
IMG-ALT Group of people on a Hidden London tour
/whats-on/hidden-london/piccad...Piccadilly Circus: The Heart of London
IMG-ALT Two women looking down a long empty tunnel
/whats-on/hidden-london/moorgateMoorgate: Metropolitan maze
IMG-ALT Underground Tunnel
/whats-on/hidden-london/aldwychAldwych: The End of the Line
IMG-ALT Group of people on a Tube station platform taking photos of historic advertising posters
/whats-on/hidden-london/charin...Charing Cross: Access All Areas
IMG-ALT Visitors on a Hidden London tour
/whats-on/hidden-london/secret...Secrets of Central London walking tour
IMG-ALT View of the back of a tour guide wearing a Hidden London polo shirt, gesturing at London street and red postbox, surrounded by a group of people
/whats-on/hidden-london/clapha...Clapham South: Subterranean Shelter
IMG-ALT Clapham South Hidden London Tour
/collections-0Text duplicate Collections
/collections/stories/design/pa...Text duplicate Paul Catherall: London in Lino
/collections/stories/transport...Dashing through the snow: keeping London moving in winter
/collections/stories/design/wi...Winter wonderland
/collections/stories/design/wi...Winter sports
/collections/stories/design/fo...Fougasse: the witty posters of Cyril Kenneth Bird
/blog/curtains-and-new-vision-...Curtains up and a new vision: looking back at 2024
/blog/davids-story-our-first-e...David's story: our first Explorer Evening for adults with additional needs or disabled adults
/blog/siblings-colleagues-our-...Siblings to colleagues: our route into apprenticeships at Transport for London and London Transport Museum
/visit/opening-timesSubdomain Trivial anchor text
/contactContact us
/about/our-policiesOur policies
/about/learning-programmesLearning Programmes
/enewsletterText duplicate Enewsletter
/venue-hire/venue-hireVenue Hire
/filming-and-photographyFilm & photography
/venue-hire/image-licensingImage licensing Subdomain Text duplicate Shop
/corporateJoin & Support
/corporateSubdomain Corporate Partnerships
/corporate/membershipCorporate Membership
/about/our-supportersOur supporters duplicate Donate
/donate/patronsPatrons Circle Subdomain Friends Subdomain Arts Council England Transport for London Subdomain No Text No Text Subdomain No Text Subdomain No Text Subdomain No Text Subdomain No Text Subdomain No Text
/terms-conditionsTerms and conditions
/privacy-and-cookiesPrivacy & cookies
/accessibility-statementWebsite accessibility Anchor registered charity

Server configuration

HTTP redirects
(Critically important)
This page redirects to ""
HTTP header
No X-Powered HTTP header is sent.
This page uses GZip for compressed data transmission.
(Somewhat important)
The page response time is excellent with 0.25 seconds.
The file size of the HTML document is fine (306 kB).

HTTP Response Header

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External factors

This page is referenced by wikipedia.
This website has excellent links from other websites.
This page has backlinks from 7,763 referring domains.
This page has 881,625 backlinks.
This page has backlinks from 2,865 different ip addresses.


User-agent: *
Allow: /core/*.css$
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Disallow: /collections/the-collection?


Search preview
London Transport Museum
Discover the powerful link between transport and the growth of London since 1800 at the world's leading museum of urban transport online, in our Museum and at our Depot - an award-winning day out.

Most important keywords

Following keywords were found. You can check the keyword optimization of this page for each keyword.

Transport Museum87%Check
London Transport Museum85%Check
London Transport81%Check
visit London Transport Museum75%Check
Museum Depot71%Check
growth London65%Check
Hidden London63%Check

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