- SEO Checker

Overview of the SEO Check
Meta information
Page quality
Page structure
Link structure
External factors
SEO Score
Response time
0.41 s
File size
172.60 kB
Media files
Number of links
269 internal / 46 external

Task list of SEO Improvements

Meta specifications

(Critically important)
Improving children’s and young peoples mental health – Place2Be
The page title should be shorter than 580 pixels. It is 591 pixels long. Optimize title
There are no duplicate words in the title
Meta description
(Critically important)
Place2Be provides mental health counselling support and training to schools to improve the emotional wellbeing of children, young people, families, teachers and staff.
The meta description is too long: 1024 pixels from max. 1000 pixels. Optimize description
(Critically important)
There are no problems in accessing the website.
Canonical URL
There is a valid canonical link specified.
(Somewhat important)
Language detected in text: en
Language defined in HTML: en
Server location: United States of America
The following language is defined by HTML: en
Alternate/Hreflang Links
(Somewhat important)
There are no alternate links specified on this page.
Other meta tags
(Somewhat important)
There is no rel next meta tag on this page.
There is no rel prev meta tag on this page.
(Somewhat important)
The domain is no subdomain.
The domain length is good.
The domain does not contain non-latin characters.
Page URL
(Somewhat important)
No parameters were found in the URL.
No session ID was found in the URL.
The URL does not have too many subdirectories.
Charset encoding
(Somewhat important)
The charset encoding (UTF-8) is set correctly.
(Nice to have)
The doctype HTML 5 is set correctly.
The doctype is placed at first in the HTML code.
(Nice to have)
The favicon is linked correctly.

Meta tags

NameImproving children’s and young peoples mental health – Place2Be
DescriptionPlace2Be provides mental health counselling support and training to schools to improve the emotional wellbeing of children, young people, families, teachers and staff.
Keywordsmental health training for schools, mental health support in schools, school counselling courses, child counselling in schools, Children's charity, counselling, counsellor, mental health, early intervention, volunteer counsellor, children's counselling training, school counsellor, emotional difficulties, school counselling, duchess of cambridge
twitter:titleImproving children’s and young peoples mental health – Place2Be
twitter:descriptionPlace2Be provides mental health counselling support and training to schools to improve the emotional wellbeing of children, young people, families, teachers and staff.
og:titleImproving children’s and young peoples mental health – Place2Be
og:descriptionPlace2Be provides mental health counselling support and training to schools to improve the emotional wellbeing of children, young people, families, teachers and staff.

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Page quality

(Critically important)
Some words from the page title are not used within the pages content
There are 4 text duplicates on this page:
  • Duplicate 1: This week we're celebrating Children's Mental Health Week - join us an...
  • Duplicate 2: Applications for our Postgraduate Diploma are now open! Read about our...
This page contains 1841 words. That's ok.
31.3% of the text are stop words.
Words from the H1 heading are used in the page content.
The page contains a listing, which indicates a good text layout.
22 paragraphs were found on this page.
No placeholders texts or images were found.
The average number of words per sentence of 20 words is good.
(Critically important)
This page does not use a frameset.
Mobile optimization
(Somewhat important)
No Apple touch icon is specified.
A viewport "width=device-width,initial-scale=1" is provided.
Bold and strong tags
(Somewhat important)
The usage of strong and bold tags is perfect. We recommend the use of up to 37 tags for this page.
Image SEO
(Somewhat important)
5 images have no alt attribute. The content of alt attributes is used by search engines.
Social Networks
(Nice to have)
There are only a few social sharing widgets on the page. Make your website popular in social networks with social sharing widgets.
Additional markup
(Nice to have)
No additional page markup was found.
(Somewhat important)
This website uses HTTPS to protect privacy and integrity of the exchanged data.
All included files are also transferred via HTTPS.

Media list

URLAlt attributeTitle
/images/p2be-strape-logo.svgNo alt attribute provided
/CMHW_images/reciteme-icon.pngNo alt attribute provided
/media/2x2h12y4/p2b-logo.svgPlace2Be Logo Nav Promo Spot services promo spot Diploma Child Counselling Ss Landmarks Promo Spot Nav Promo Spot services promo spot Diploma Child Counselling Ss Landmarks Promo Spot counsellor talking to school pupil in therapy room counellor talking to young people in library in a Place2be running vest, taking part in a race and running past with her arms in the air.
/media/3vaj4yxr/children-icon.pngChildren Icon
/media/3dve4vdx/help-icon-turquoise.pngHelp Icon Turquoise
/media/jufiqqsg/feelings-icon.pngFeelings Icon playing with abacus talking to two children in classroom with puppet training in child counselling talking with two female pupils in a classroom
/media/jufiqqsg/feelings-icon.pngFeelings Icon
/media/3dve4vdx/help-icon-turquoise.pngHelp Icon Turquoise
/media/3vaj4yxr/children-icon.pngChildren Icon talking to school pupil in Place2Be therapy room counellor talking to young people in library Lilly, Bake Sale 3 (TQ 0527084) Rectangle in Place2Be running vest gesturing at camera whilst running in marathon shot at Royal Parks Half Marathon with corporate supporters of Place2Be (Citi)
/media/ce0mbzyg/invest.pngInvest Thumbnail Martin Thumbnail Thumbnail
/media/jkxjtrrm/newsletter-icon.pngEmail Icon
/images/fr-logo.pngFundraising Regulator logo
/images/headtogether-logo.pngHeads Together logo alt attribute provided
...loyers.png?mode=max&width=129&height=129No alt attribute provided
Video URLWidthHeight

Page structure

H1 heading
(Critically important)
Children should not have to face mental health problems alone
Too many H1 headings
Some headings occur twice on the page.
There are 36 headings on the page. The amount of headings should be in a more proper relation to the amount of text.

Heading structure

Heading levelContent
H1 Children should not have to face mental health problems alone
H1 Children should not have to face mental health problems alone Duplicate text
H2 Place2Be is a children’s mental health charity with over 30 years’ experience working with pupils, families and staff in UK schools.
H2 Counselling training and placements
H2 Our services in schools
H2 Support us
H2 Why our work is important
H2 Learn about our impact
H2 How we help
H2 How we made a difference
H2 The difference we make in schools
H2 Mental health support in schools
H2 Want Place2Be services in your school?
H2 How you can help
H2 Donate today
H2 For every £1 invested...
H2 Sign up to our email updates
H3 1 in 5
H3 50%
H3 1 in 10
H3 Mental health support in schools Duplicate text
H3 Counselling training and placements Duplicate text
H3 Our mental health services in schools
H3 Over 40,000
H3 91%
H3 Over 8,000
H3 Do your own thing
H3 Take part in an event
H3 Partner with us
H3 Your donation helps Place2Be make a vital difference to children in schools across the UK
H3 News & blogs
H4 Smiley Movement visits Gwyn Jones Primary School for Place2Be’s Children’s Mental Health Week
H4 Ricky Martin finds a creative way to fundraise for Children's Mental Health Week
H4 Dame Darcey Bussell DBE attends dance showcase at Ark Tindal Primary Academy
H5 Contact us
H5 Follow us on
Some anchor texts are used more than once.
The number of internal links is ok.
None of the anchor texts is too long.
All internal links are not using dynamic parameters.
There are too many external links (46) on this page.
LinkAttributesAnchor text Accessibility help children's mental health
IMG-ALT Place2Be Logo
/page/get-urgent-help/Get urgent help
A-TITLE Get urgent help
A-TITLE Careers Counsellors' training
A-TITLE Counsellors' training window External Subdomain Careers section
A-TITLE Careers section
https://counsellors.place2be.o...New window External Subdomain Counsellors' portal
A-TITLE Counsellors' portal window External Subdomain Moodle
A-TITLE Moodle
https://mentalhealthchampions....New window External Subdomain Hive - Schools & Youth Groups training
A-TITLE Hive - Schools & Youth Groups training window External Subdomain Hive - Parenting Smart Online Course
A-TITLE Hive - Parenting Smart Online Course
https://qualify.hivelearning.c...New window External Subdomain Hive - Taster Day
A-TITLE Hive - Taster Day window External Subdomain Hive - Counsellors on Placement's Learning Hub
A-TITLE Hive - Counsellors on Placement's Learning Hub
/support-us/donate/Text duplicate Donate Close About us Go Back
/about-us/Text duplicate About us Our work Text duplicate Go Back
/about-us/our-work/Text duplicate Our work
/about-us/our-work/our-approach/Our approach
/about-us/our-work/our-mission...Our mission and values
/about-us/our-work/our-history/Our history
/about-us/where-we-work/Where we work
/about-us/our-policies/equity-...Equity, Diversity and Inclusion
/about-us/media-centre/Media centre
/about-us/place2be-turns-30/Place2Be turns 30
/about-us/childrens-mental-hea...New window Children's Mental Health Week Our team Text duplicate Go Back
/about-us/our-team/Text duplicate Our team
/about-us/our-team/our-staff-a...Our staff and trustees
/about-us/our-team/our-royal-p...Our Royal Patron
/about-us/our-team/our-ambassa...Our Ambassadors and Champions
/about-us/our-team/working-wit...Working with other organisations Impact and evidence Text duplicate Go Back
/about-us/impact-and-evidence/Text duplicate Impact and evidence
/about-us/impact-and-evidence/...Statistics and evidence
/about-us/impact-and-evidence/...How we measure our impact
/about-us/media-centre/childre...Mental health statistics
/about-us/impact-and-evidence/...Our stories
/about-us/impact-and-evidence/...Policy and public affairs
/about-us/impact-and-evidence/...Accounts and impact report
/about-us/impact-and-evidence/...Our research
/about-us/news-and-blogs/News and blogs
https://www.childrensmentalhea...New window External Subdomain Learn more about the week Our services Text duplicate Go Back
/our-services/Text duplicate Our services Mental health services in schools Text duplicate Go Back
/our-services/services-in-scho...Text duplicate Mental health services in schools
/our-services/services-in-scho...Mental health services for pupils
/our-services/services-in-scho...Mental health services for staff
/our-services/services-in-scho...Mental health services for parents and carers
/our-services/services-in-scho...Mental health resources for schools
/our-services/parents-and-care...The Art Room Training and consultations Text duplicate Go Back
/our-services/mental-health-tr...Text duplicate Training and consultations
/our-services/services-in-scho...Senior Mental Health Leads training
/our-services/services-in-scho...Free mental health training
/our-services/services-in-scho...Resources for schools Parents and carers Text duplicate Go Back
/our-services/parents-and-carers/Text duplicate Parents and carers window External Parenting Smart
/our-services/parents-and-care...Supporting your child's mental health
/our-services/mental-health-su...Support for under 18s
/our-services/parents-and-care...How we work
https://parentingsmart.place2b...New window External Subdomain Getting ready to start primary school
https://parentingsmart.place2b...New window External Subdomain Getting ready to start secondary/high school
/our-services/services-in-scho...Our services in schools Counselling training & placements Text duplicate Go Back
/counselling-training-placements/Text duplicate Counselling training & placements Getting started Text duplicate Go Back
/counselling-training-placemen...Text duplicate Getting started
/counselling-training-placemen...How to become a child counsellor
/counselling-training-placemen...Apply for our Bursary Pathway
/counselling-training-placemen...Get started with a Taster Day
/counselling-training-placemen...Introduction to Counselling Skills (Level 2 Award)
/counselling-training-placemen...Intermediate Counselling Skills for Working with Children (Level 3 Certificate) Qualifying courses and placements Text duplicate Go Back
/counselling-training-placemen...Text duplicate Qualifying courses and placements
/counselling-training-placemen...Text duplicate Apply for our Bursary Pathway
/counselling-training-placemen...Level 4 Diploma in School-Based Child Counselling
/counselling-training-placemen...Postgraduate Diploma
/counselling-training-placemen...Mental Health Professionals Network
/counselling-training-placemen...Counselling placements For qualified counsellors Text duplicate Go Back
/counselling-training-placemen...Text duplicate For qualified counsellors
/counselling-training-placemen...Child Counselling for Adult Counsellors (Level 5 Certificate)
/counselling-training-placemen...Counselling Supervision Certificate (Level 6 Certificate)
/counselling-training-placemen...Text duplicate Mental Health Professionals Network
/jobs-and-careers/Text duplicate Careers
/counselling-training-placemen...Our Postgraduate Diploma Support us Text duplicate Go Back
/support-us/Text duplicate Support us Donate today Text duplicate Go Back
/support-us/donate/Text duplicate Donate today
/support-us/donate/donate-in-m...Donate in memory
/support-us/donate/leave-a-gif...Leave a gift in your Will
/support-us/donate/donate-whil...Donate while you shop
/support-us/donate/gift-aid-yo...Gift Aid your donation
/support-us/donate/give-while-...Give while you earn Take part in an event Text duplicate Go Back
/support-us/take-part-in-an-ev...Text duplicate Take part in an event
/support-us/take-part-in-an-ev...Virtual events
/support-us/take-part-in-an-ev...Walking and trekking
/support-us/take-part-in-an-ev...Social events Fundraise for us Text duplicate Go Back
/support-us/fundraise-for-us/Text duplicate Fundraise for us
/support-us/fundraise-for-us/g...Text duplicate Getting started
/support-us/fundraise-for-us/s...Solo fundraising
/support-us/fundraise-for-us/n...Primary schools and nurseries
/support-us/fundraise-for-us/s...Secondary schools and colleges
/support-us/fundraise-for-us/c...Workplaces and universities
/support-us/fundraise-for-us/f...Fundraising resources Partner with us Text duplicate Go Back
/support-us/partner-with-us/Text duplicate Partner with us
/support-us/partner-with-us/co...Corporate partnerships
/support-us/partner-with-us/tr...Trusts and foundations
/support-us/partner-with-us/ou...Our partners
/support-us/partner-with-us/pa...Partner with us enquiry
/support-us/volunteer-with-us/Volunteer with us
/support-us/take-part-in-an-ev...Find an event for you
/about-us/contact-us/Contact us Follow us Text duplicate Go Back Twitter Subdomain Facebook Instagram Linkedin Subdomain YouTube
/page/get-urgent-help/Text duplicate Get urgent help
/jobs-and-careers/Text duplicate Careers Sign in Text duplicate Go Back Text duplicate Counsellors' training
A-TITLE Counsellors' training window External Subdomain Text duplicate Careers section
https://counsellors.place2be.o...New window External Subdomain Text duplicate Counsellors' portal window External Subdomain Text duplicate Moodle
https://mentalhealthchampions....New window External Subdomain Text duplicate Hive - Schools & Youth Groups training window External Subdomain Text duplicate Hive - Parenting Smart Online Course
https://qualify.hivelearning.c...New window External Subdomain Text duplicate Hive - Taster Day window External Subdomain Text duplicate Hive - Counsellors on Placement's Learning Hub
/about-us/Text duplicate About us
/about-us/our-work/Text duplicate Our work
/about-us/our-work/our-approach/Text duplicate Our approach
/about-us/our-work/our-mission...Text duplicate Our mission and values
/about-us/our-work/our-history/Text duplicate Our history
/about-us/where-we-work/Text duplicate Where we work
/about-us/our-policies/equity-...Text duplicate Equity, Diversity and Inclusion
/about-us/media-centre/Text duplicate Media centre
/about-us/place2be-turns-30/Text duplicate Place2Be turns 30
/about-us/childrens-mental-hea...New window Text duplicate Children's Mental Health Week
/about-us/our-team/Text duplicate Our team
/about-us/our-team/our-staff-a...Text duplicate Our staff and trustees
/about-us/our-team/our-royal-p...Text duplicate Our Royal Patron
/about-us/our-team/our-ambassa...Text duplicate Our Ambassadors and Champions
/about-us/our-team/working-wit...Text duplicate Working with other organisations
/about-us/impact-and-evidence/Text duplicate Impact and evidence
/about-us/impact-and-evidence/...Text duplicate Statistics and evidence
/about-us/impact-and-evidence/...Text duplicate How we measure our impact
/about-us/media-centre/childre...Text duplicate Mental health statistics
/about-us/impact-and-evidence/...Text duplicate Our stories
/about-us/impact-and-evidence/...Text duplicate Policy and public affairs
/about-us/impact-and-evidence/...Text duplicate Accounts and impact report
/about-us/impact-and-evidence/...Text duplicate Our research
/about-us/news-and-blogs/Text duplicate News and blogs
https://www.childrensmentalhea...New window External Subdomain Text duplicate Learn more about the week
/our-services/Text duplicate Our services
/our-services/services-in-scho...Text duplicate Mental health services in schools
/our-services/services-in-scho...Text duplicate Mental health services for pupils
/our-services/services-in-scho...Text duplicate Mental health services for staff
/our-services/services-in-scho...Text duplicate Mental health services for parents and carers
/our-services/services-in-scho...Text duplicate Mental health resources for schools
/our-services/parents-and-care...Text duplicate The Art Room
/our-services/mental-health-tr...Text duplicate Training and consultations
/our-services/services-in-scho...Text duplicate Senior Mental Health Leads training
/our-services/services-in-scho...Text duplicate Free mental health training
/our-services/services-in-scho...Text duplicate Resources for schools
/our-services/parents-and-carers/Text duplicate Parents and carers window External Text duplicate Parenting Smart
/our-services/parents-and-care...Text duplicate Supporting your child's mental health
/our-services/mental-health-su...Text duplicate Support for under 18s
/our-services/parents-and-care...Text duplicate How we work
https://parentingsmart.place2b...New window External Subdomain Text duplicate Getting ready to start primary school
https://parentingsmart.place2b...New window External Subdomain Text duplicate Getting ready to start secondary/high school
/our-services/services-in-scho...Text duplicate Our services in schools
/counselling-training-placements/Text duplicate Counselling training & placements
/counselling-training-placemen...Text duplicate Getting started
/counselling-training-placemen...Text duplicate How to become a child counsellor
/counselling-training-placemen...Text duplicate Apply for our Bursary Pathway
/counselling-training-placemen...Text duplicate Get started with a Taster Day
/counselling-training-placemen...Text duplicate Introduction to Counselling Skills (Level 2 Award)
/counselling-training-placemen...Text duplicate Intermediate Counselling Skills for Working with Children (Level 3 Certificate)
/counselling-training-placemen...Text duplicate Qualifying courses and placements
/counselling-training-placemen...Text duplicate Apply for our Bursary Pathway
/counselling-training-placemen...Text duplicate Level 4 Diploma in School-Based Child Counselling
/counselling-training-placemen...Text duplicate Postgraduate Diploma
/counselling-training-placemen...Text duplicate Mental Health Professionals Network
/counselling-training-placemen...Text duplicate Counselling placements
/counselling-training-placemen...Text duplicate For qualified counsellors
/counselling-training-placemen...Text duplicate Child Counselling for Adult Counsellors (Level 5 Certificate)
/counselling-training-placemen...Text duplicate Counselling Supervision Certificate (Level 6 Certificate)
/counselling-training-placemen...Text duplicate Mental Health Professionals Network
/jobs-and-careers/Text duplicate Careers
/counselling-training-placemen...Text duplicate Our Postgraduate Diploma
/support-us/Text duplicate Support us
/support-us/donate/Text duplicate Donate today
/support-us/donate/donate-in-m...Text duplicate Donate in memory
/support-us/donate/leave-a-gif...Text duplicate Leave a gift in your Will
/support-us/donate/donate-whil...Text duplicate Donate while you shop
/support-us/donate/gift-aid-yo...Text duplicate Gift Aid your donation
/support-us/donate/give-while-...Text duplicate Give while you earn
/support-us/take-part-in-an-ev...Text duplicate Take part in an event
/support-us/take-part-in-an-ev...Text duplicate Virtual events
/support-us/take-part-in-an-ev...Text duplicate Adrenaline
/support-us/take-part-in-an-ev...Text duplicate Cycling
/support-us/take-part-in-an-ev...Text duplicate Running
/support-us/take-part-in-an-ev...Text duplicate Walking and trekking
/support-us/take-part-in-an-ev...Text duplicate Social events
/support-us/fundraise-for-us/Text duplicate Fundraise for us
/support-us/fundraise-for-us/g...Text duplicate Getting started
/support-us/fundraise-for-us/s...Text duplicate Solo fundraising
/support-us/fundraise-for-us/n...Text duplicate Primary schools and nurseries
/support-us/fundraise-for-us/s...Text duplicate Secondary schools and colleges
/support-us/fundraise-for-us/c...Text duplicate Workplaces and universities
/support-us/fundraise-for-us/f...Text duplicate Fundraising resources
/support-us/partner-with-us/Text duplicate Partner with us
/support-us/partner-with-us/co...Text duplicate Corporate partnerships
/support-us/partner-with-us/tr...Text duplicate Trusts and foundations
/support-us/partner-with-us/ou...Text duplicate Our partners
/support-us/partner-with-us/ph...Text duplicate Philanthropy
/support-us/partner-with-us/pa...Text duplicate Partner with us enquiry
/support-us/volunteer-with-us/Text duplicate Volunteer with us
/support-us/take-part-in-an-ev...Text duplicate Find an event for you
/about-us/contact-us/Text duplicate Contact us No Text Subdomain No Text No Text No Text Subdomain No Text
/counselling-training-placements/IMG-ALT Place2Be counsellor talking to school pupil in therapy room
A-TITLE Counselling training & placements
/counselling-training-placements/Counselling training and placements
A-TITLE Counselling training & placements
/counselling-training-placements/Text duplicate Counselling training & placements
A-TITLE Counselling training & placements
/our-services/services-in-scho...IMG-ALT school counellor talking to young people in library
A-TITLE Read about our services in schools
/our-services/services-in-scho...Text duplicate Our services in schools
A-TITLE Read about our services in schools
/our-services/services-in-scho...Read about our services in schools
A-TITLE Read about our services in schools
/support-us/IMG-ALT Woman in a Place2be running vest, taking part in a race and running past with her arms in the air.
A-TITLE Support us
/support-us/Text duplicate Support us
A-TITLE Support us
/support-us/Text duplicate Support us
A-TITLE Support us
/about-us/impact-and-evidence/IMG-ALT child playing with abacus
A-TITLE Learn about our impact
/about-us/impact-and-evidence/Learn about our impact
A-TITLE Learn about our impact
/about-us/impact-and-evidence/Text duplicate Learn about our impact
A-TITLE Learn about our impact
/our-services/services-in-scho...Our mental health support in schools
A-TITLE Our mental health support in schools
/counselling-training-placements/Look at our counselling qualifications
A-TITLE Look at our counselling qualifications
/our-services/services-in-scho...Text duplicate Our services in schools
A-TITLE Our services in schools
/about-us/our-work/IMG-ALT counsellor talking to school pupil in Place2Be therapy room
A-TITLE Learn about our work
/about-us/our-work/The difference we make in schools
A-TITLE Learn about our work
/about-us/our-work/Learn about our work
A-TITLE Learn about our work
/our-services/services-in-scho...Text duplicate IMG-ALT school counellor talking to young people in library
A-TITLE Become a partner school
/our-services/services-in-scho...Want Place2Be services in your school?
A-TITLE Become a partner school
/our-services/services-in-scho...Become a partner school
A-TITLE Become a partner school
/support-us/fundraise-for-us/Text duplicate Fundraise for us
A-TITLE Fundraise for us
/support-us/take-part-in-an-ev...Text duplicate Find an event for you
A-TITLE Find an event for you
/support-us/partner-with-us/Text duplicate Partner with us
A-TITLE Partner with us Single donation Monthly donation Subdomain Fundraised? Pay it in! Subdomain Text duplicate Fundraised? Pay it in!
/media/esfjzc3f/pro-bono-econo...Read our report
A-TITLE Pro Bono Economics Report Place2be 2022
https://www.childrensmentalhea...New window External Subdomain Trivial anchor text
Read more
A-TITLE Read more
https://www.childrensmentalhea...New window External Subdomain Text duplicate Trivial anchor text
Read more
A-TITLE Read more
https://www.childrensmentalhea...New window External Subdomain Text duplicate Trivial anchor text
Read more
A-TITLE Read more
/enewsletter/Sign up now
A-TITLE eNewsletter No Text Subdomain No Text No Text No Text Subdomain No Text
/enewsletter/Email sign up
A-TITLE eNewsletter
/change-your-email-preferences/Email preferences
A-TITLE Change your email preferences
A-TITLE Feedback and complaints
/about-us/media-centre/Text duplicate Media centre
A-TITLE Media centre
/jobs-and-careers/Text duplicate Careers
A-TITLE Careers
A-TITLE Child mental health support - Scotland
A-TITLE Child mental health support – Wales
/about-us/our-team/working-wit...BACP membership
https://www.fundraisingregulat...New window External Subdomain IMG-ALT Fundraising Regulator logo window External Subdomain IMG-ALT Heads Together logo window External Subdomain No Text window External Subdomain No Text
/page/safeguarding-policy/Safeguarding policy
A-TITLE Safeguarding policy
/page/privacy-policy/Privacy policy
A-TITLE Privacy policy
/page/cookies-policy/Cookies policy
A-TITLE Cookies policy
/page/terms-and-conditions/Terms and conditions
A-TITLE Terms and conditions
/page/terms-of-website-use/Terms of website use
A-TITLE Terms of Website Use
A-TITLE Accessibility

Server configuration

HTTP redirects
(Critically important)
This page redirects to ""
HTTP header
No X-Powered HTTP header is sent.
This page uses GZip for compressed data transmission.
(Somewhat important)
The page response time of 0.41 seconds is longer than the recommended limit of 0.4 seconds. A high response time unnecessarily slows down search engine crawling and results in bad user experience as well.
The file size of the HTML document is fine (173 kB).

HTTP Response Header

dateWed, 12 Feb 2025 00:49:31 GMT
content-typetext/html; charset=utf-8
alt-svch3=":443"; ma=86400

External factors

This website has excellent links from other websites.
This page has backlinks from 3,000 referring domains.
This page has 28,233 backlinks.
This page has backlinks from 1,749 different ip addresses.

Links from Wikipedia

No links from Wikipedia were found.

Search preview
Improving children’s and young peoples mental health – Place2Be
Place2Be provides mental health counselling support and training to schools to improve the emotional wellbeing of children, young people, families, teachers and staff.

Most important keywords

Following keywords were found. You can check the keyword optimization of this page for each keyword.

Mental Health79%Check
mental health Place2Be75%Check
Mental Health Support70%Check
mental health training70%Check
Child Counselling70%Check
support children70%Check

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We use cookies to make our site work and also for analytics and advertising purposes. You can enable or disable optional cookies as desired. See the following links for more information.

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