Raeng.org.uk - SEO Checker

Overview of the SEO Check
Meta information
Page quality
Page structure
Link structure
External factors
SEO Score
Response time
0.50 s
File size
168.00 kB
Media files
Number of links
307 internal / 27 external

Task list of SEO Improvements

Meta specifications

(Critically important)
Royal Academy of Engineering
The length of the page title is perfect. (278 pixels out of 580 max pixel length)
There are no duplicate words in the title
Meta description
(Critically important)
We are a charity that harnesses the power of engineering to build a sustainable society and an inclusive economy that works for everyone.
The length of the meta description is perfect. (852 pixels out of 1000 max pixel length)
(Critically important)
There are no problems in accessing the website.
Canonical URL
There is a valid canonical link specified.
(Somewhat important)
Language detected in text: en
Language defined in HTML: en
Server location: United States of America
The following language is defined by HTML: en
Alternate/Hreflang Links
(Somewhat important)
There are no alternate links specified on this page.
Other meta tags
(Somewhat important)
There is no rel next meta tag on this page.
There is no rel prev meta tag on this page.
(Somewhat important)
The domain is no subdomain.
The domain length is good.
The domain does not contain non-latin characters.
Page URL
(Somewhat important)
No parameters were found in the URL.
No session ID was found in the URL.
The URL does not have too many subdirectories.
Charset encoding
(Somewhat important)
The charset encoding (UTF-8) is set correctly.
(Nice to have)
The doctype HTML 5 is set correctly.
The doctype is placed at first in the HTML code.
(Nice to have)
The favicon is linked correctly.

Meta tags

viewportwidth=device-width, initial-scale=1, shrink-to-fit=no
descriptionWe are a charity that harnesses the power of engineering to build a sustainable society and an inclusive economy that works for everyone.
keywordsEngineering, Royal Academy of Engineering, Sustainable society, Inclusive economy
og:titleRoyal Academy of Engineering
og:descriptionWe are a charity that harnesses the power of engineering to build a sustainable society and an inclusive economy that works for everyone.

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Page quality

(Critically important)
Words from the H1 heading are not used in the page content.
This page contains 3906 words. That's ok.
26.2% of the text are stop words.
Keywords used in the page title are also used in the page content. That's good!
The page contains a listing, which indicates a good text layout.
78 paragraphs were found on this page.
No placeholders texts or images were found.
There are no duplicates on the site.
The average number of words per sentence of 21.21 words is good.
(Critically important)
This page does not use a frameset.
Mobile optimization
(Somewhat important)
No Apple touch icon is specified.
A viewport "width=device-width, initial-scale=1, shrink-to-fit=no" is provided.
Bold and strong tags
(Somewhat important)
The usage of strong and bold tags is perfect. We recommend the use of up to 78 tags for this page.
Image SEO
(Somewhat important)
7 images have no alt attribute. The content of alt attributes is used by search engines.
Social Networks
(Nice to have)
There are only a few social sharing widgets on the page. Make your website popular in social networks with social sharing widgets.
Additional markup
(Nice to have)
No additional page markup was found.
(Somewhat important)
This website uses HTTPS to protect privacy and integrity of the exchanged data.
All included files are also transferred via HTTPS.

Media list

URLAlt attributeTitle
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...e00a7cfa2de42123e4bfcbc2762a48d500ca.jpgKate Black
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...f0e1ad34a794c5dfd7a6a7dc7bf5c2d6c4c9.jpgHeadshot of Professor Sam Jouhara FREng
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...d658f964aa5383b6b2b333a9c8e9fbfbe21c.jpgAtula Abeysekera
...6a9e0260873fc4c6669185c02667f5fef39b.jpgTim Denison
...217e7ab90727365ceaf4899f088f5d7d7cb1.jpgHeadshot of Professor Sohini Kar-Narayan FREng
...f5c2503eb44529ceb9b39650e6e4c2dfb37e.jpgHeadshot of Professor Colm Durkan FREng
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...65540bbe249cbb451c1ce304005d4560a122.jpgHeadshot of Laura Jones FREng
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...c77cdeed7b44ededee38c3681937bb2e2028.jpgHeadshot of Professor Jonathan Morrison FREng
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...e462e9a08bff230ab5b5d47704e8b1ee2eb9.pngHeadshot of Professor Gopal Madabhushi FREng
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/media/r5ohzijg/rae_logo_white.pngRoyal Academy of Engineering Logo

Page structure

H1 heading
(Critically important)
Together we’re working to address the challenges of our age
The H1 heading is perfect.
There are 96 headings on the page. The amount of headings should be in a more proper relation to the amount of text.

Heading structure

Heading levelContent
H1 Together we’re working to address the challenges of our age
H2 Building a sustainable society and inclusive economy
H2 Discover funding, support, and resources
H2 Latest from the Academy
H2 Academy welcomes new Formula 1 Diversity & Inclusion Charter
H2 Hidden No More: Radical new statue is a first
H2 Academy awards eight new Masters in Motorsport scholarships to graduates of Black and mixed Black ethnic backgrounds
H2 New Fellows 2024
H2 "Engineers are drivers of innovation and economic opportunity, developing and delivering new products, services and enterprises that help to solve pressing problems, and generate jobs and value for...
H2 "We want to celebrate the UK’s engineers and showcase how they are improving lives. This new research emphasises the economic impact of the sector across the UK, revealing how important engineering...
H2 "We hope we can use the insights in this global overview of the engineering response to COVID-19 to better integrate engineering skills and habits of mind into resilience policies and structures ar...
H2 "The global impact these vibrant and creative innovations have already had on their respective sectors and society at large is cementing UK engineering’s leading role on the world stage. It goes to...
H3 National Engineering Day: New Engineering Role Models revealed
H3 Watch the National Engineering Day interview on ITN Business
H3 Experience the National Engineering Day statue with AR
H3 What drives governments to prioritise technologies and what does a good approach look like?
H3 Energy. Transport. The built environment. How do we decarbonise in a just way?
H3 Engineering a resilient and prosperous future: the profession calls for a long-term approach
H3 Can AI be engineered in a responsible way to benefit society? Explore this question in the Academy's new campaign.
H3 What are the challenges, and opportunities, surrounding the open burning of waste?
H3 Funding for engineers in research and industry
H3 Support for entrepreneurs and innovators
H3 Resources for the engineering profession
H3 Policy reports, research and resources for policymakers and insight-seekers
H3 Educational resources for schools and teachers, for all phases of education
H4 Professor Paul Beasley FREng
H4 Professor AbuBakr Bahaj FREng
H4 Dr Saritha Arunkumar FREng
H4 Professor Kate Black FREng
H4 Professor Matt Boyle OBE FREng
H4 Will Butler-Adams OBE FREng
H4 Ila Glennie FREng
H4 Professor Adam Clare FREng
H4 Christopher Cole FREng
H4 Professor Claire Davis FREng
H4 Professor Qiuhua Liang FREng
H4 Jacqueline Castle FREng
H4 Professor Hussam Jouhara FREng
H4 Dr Vania De Stefani FREng
H4 Professor Atula Abeysekera HonFREng
H4 Professor Timothy Denison FREng
H4 Professor Sohini Kar-Narayan FREng
H4 Professor Colm Durkan FREng
H4 Professor Stephan Jefferis FREng
H4 Dr Xudong Jing FREng
H4 Laura Jones FREng
H4 John Kell MBE FREng
H4 Professor Markus Kraft FREng
H4 Professor Bruce Drinkwater FREng
H4 Professor Ian Ritchie CBE HonFREng
H4 Professor Geoffrey Ye Li FREng
H4 Neil McArthur MBE FREng
H4 Dr Matthew Mellor FREng
H4 Susan Partridge FREng
H4 Professor Campbell Middleton FREng
H4 Nick Millington MBE FREng
H4 Professor Anna Peacock FREng
H4 Professor Jonathan Morrison FREng
H4 Roisin Quinn OBE FREng
H4 Dr Rodney Pelzel FREng
H4 Professor Gopal Madabhushi FREng
H4 Dr Catherine Ramsdale FREng
H4 Professor Andrew Randewich FREng
H4 Dr Pratima Rangarajan FREng
H4 Major General Anna-Lee Reilly FREng
H4 Professor Matthew Robson FREng
H4 Daniel Rodenhurst FREng
H4 Dr Roni Savage FREng
H4 Dr Shahrokh Shahpar FREng
H4 Dr Roger Highfield OBE HonFREng FMedSci
H4 Professor Sarah Sharples FREng
H4 Professor Paul Shearing FREng
H4 Professor Rebecca Shipley OBE FREng
H4 Phillipa Slater FREng
H4 Terry Spall FREng
H4 Professor Eva Sorensen MBE FREng
H4 Professor Phil Taylor FREng
H4 Professor Melissa Terras FREng
H4 Mark Thomas FREng
H4 Dr Debashish Bhattacharjee FREng
H4 Professor Robert Thomson FREng
H4 Professor Jennifer Wen FREng
H4 Professor Andrew Tyrrell FREng
H4 Duncan Wanblad FREng
H4 Professor Simon Weeks FREng
H4 Professor Mark Williams FREng
H4 Professor Xudong Zhao FREng
H4 Professor Robert Zimmerman FREng
H4 Nicholas Smallwood FREng
H4 Professor Liang-Shih Fan FREng
H4 Dr Waguih Ishak FREng
H4 Professor Timothy Lieuwen FREng
H4 Santiago Tenorio FREng
H4 Professor Rebecca Fitzgerald OBE HonFREng FRS FMedSci
H4 Professor Sir Chris Whitty KCB HonFREng FRS FMedSci
H4 Professor Elaine S Oran FREng
Some anchor texts are used more than once.
There are 6 links with a trivial anchor text.
The number of internal links is ok.
None of the anchor texts is too long.
All internal links are not using dynamic parameters.
There are too many external links (27) on this page.
LinkAttributesAnchor text
https://raeng.org.uk/Anchor Skip to main content
/web-accessibilityAccessibility Help
https://raeng.org.uk/IMG-ALT Royal Academy of Engineering Logo
https://raeng.org.uk/Anchor Open menu
/about-us/support-usSupport Us
/programmes-and-prizesProgrammes and Prizes
/programmes-and-prizes/program...UK Grants and Prizes
https://raeng.org.uk/researchSupport for Research
https://raeng.org.uk/apexAPEX Awards
https://raeng.org.uk/cietChair in Emerging Technologies
/green-future-fellowshipsGreen Future Fellowships
/google-deepmind-research-readyGoogle DeepMind Research Ready
/industrial-fellowshipsIndustrial Fellowships
https://raeng.org.uk/lrtfLeverhulme Trust Research Fellowships
https://raeng.org.uk/rcsrfResearch Chairs and Senior Research Fellowships
/research-fellowshipsResearch Fellowships
https://raeng.org.uk/internshipsResearch Internships Scheme (Pilot)
https://raeng.org.uk/ukicpostdocUK IC Postdoctoral Research Fellowships
/programmes-and-prizes/program...Support for Education
/amazon-future-engineer-schola...Amazon Future Engineer Bursary
/diversity-impact-programmeDiversity Impact Programme
https://raeng.org.uk/elsEngineering Leaders Scholarship
/programmes-and-prizes/program...Graduate Engineering Engagement programme
/inclusive-leadershipInclusive leadership programme
/lord-bhattacharyya-engineerin...The Lord Bhattacharyya Engineering Education Programme
/msc-motorsportMSc Motorsport
/programmes-and-prizes/program...Northern Ireland Engineering Education Programme
https://raeng.org.uk/smfSainsbury Management Fellowships
https://raeng.org.uk/vpVisiting professors
https://raeng.org.uk/ingeniousIngenious Public Engagement Grants Scheme
/programmes-and-prizes/program...International Programmes
/africa-catalystAfrica Catalyst
https://raeng.org.uk/diaDistinguished International Associates
/programmes-and-prizes/program...Global Talent Visa
https://raeng.org.uk/hepssaHigher Education Partnerships in sub-Saharan Africa
https://raeng.org.uk/lifLeaders in Innovation Fellowships
/programmes-and-prizes/program...Meet the Researchers
https://engineeringx.raeng.org...External Subdomain Engineering X
https://africaprize.raeng.org....External Subdomain Africa Prize
https://macrobertaward.raeng.o...External Subdomain MacRobert Award
/programmes-and-prizes/prizes/...Colin Campbell Mitchell Award
/bhattacharyya-awardBhattacharyya Award
/programmes-and-prizes/prizes/...Major Project Award for Sustainability
/programmes-and-prizes/prizes/...President's Medal
/programmes-and-prizes/prizes/...Prince Philip Medal
/programmes-and-prizes/prizes/...Princess Royal Silver Medal
/programmes-and-prizes/prizes/...The President's Special Awards for Pandemic Service
/programmes-and-prizes/prizes/...Queen Elizabeth Prize for Engineering
/programmes-and-prizes/prizes/...Sir Frank Whittle Medal
/programmes-and-prizes/prizes/...RAEng Engineers Trust Young Engineer of the Year
/programmes-and-prizes/prizes/...Rooke Award
/programmes-and-prizes/prizes/...RAEng Armourers and Brasiers Company Prize
https://enterprisehub.raeng.or...New window External Subdomain Enterprise Hub
https://grants.raeng.org.uk/New window External Subdomain Grants Management System
/policy-and-resourcesPolicy and Resources
https://nepc.raeng.org.uk/New window External Subdomain National Engineering Policy Centre
/policy-and-resources/educatio...Education policy
/policy-and-resources/engineer...Engineering policy
/policy-and-resources/research...Research and innovation
/policy-and-resources/support-...Support for policymakers
https://raeng.org.uk/diversityD&I resources
/policy-and-resources/policy-p...Policy publications
https://raeng.org.uk/ethicsEngineering ethics
/education-and-skillsEducation and Skills
/policy-and-resources/educatio...Education Policy
https://raeng.org.uk/schoolsEngineering in Schools
/education-and-skills/further-...Engineering in Further Education
/education-and-skills/higher-e...Engineering in Higher Education
/education-and-skills/schools/...STEM Resources
/education-and-skills/this-is-...New window This Is Engineering
/news-and-eventsNews and Events
/news-and-events/press-and-med...Press and media centre
/national-engineering-dayNational Engineering Day
https://raeng.org.uk/about-usAbout Us
/about-us/who-we-areWho we are
https://raeng.org.uk/policiesOur policies
https://raeng.org.uk/policiesText duplicate Our policies
/about-us/who-we-are/our-polic...Operating policies
/grants-policiesGrant policies
/about-us/our-strategyOur strategy
/about-us/who-we-are/staff-tru...Staff, Trustee board and committees
https://raeng.org.uk/policiesText duplicate Our policies
/about-us/who-we-are/charter-s...Charter, Statutes and Regulations
/new-fellows-2024New Fellows 2024
/about-us/fellowship/fellowshi...Fellowship fit for the future
/about-us/fellowship/election-...Election to the Fellowship
/about-us/fellowship/news-of-f...News of Fellows
/about-us/our-impactOur Impact
https://nepc.raeng.org.uk/New window External Subdomain Policy and Innovation
/diversity-impact-programmeTalent and Diversity
https://enterprisehub.raeng.or...External Subdomain Supporting Innovation
https://raeng.org.uk/researchSupporting research
https://raeng.org.uk/sdgsEngineering to meet the Sustainable Development Goals
/about-us/diversity-and-inclusionDiversity and Inclusion
/inclusive-culturesInclusive cultures
/policy-and-resources/diversit...Diversity and inclusion progression framework
/diversity-and-inclusion-confe...2024 Diversity and Inclusion Conference
/about-us/awardee-excellence-c...Awardee Excellence Community
/about-us/awardee-excellence-c...About the Awardee Excellence Community
/about-us/awardee-excellence-c...Stay connected
/about-us/awardee-excellence-c...Awardee Excellence Community Events
/about-us/awardee-excellence-c...Meet the team
/international-partnershipsInternational Partnerships
/programmes-and-prizes/program...Text duplicate International Programmes
/about-us/work-with-usWork with us
/about-us/work-with-us/calls-f...Calls for proposal
/programmes-and-prizesText duplicate Programmes and Prizes
/programmes-and-prizes/programmesText duplicate Programmes
/programmes-and-prizes/program...Text duplicate UK Grants and Prizes
https://raeng.org.uk/researchText duplicate Support for Research
https://raeng.org.uk/apexText duplicate APEX Awards
https://raeng.org.uk/cietText duplicate Chair in Emerging Technologies
/green-future-fellowshipsText duplicate Green Future Fellowships
/google-deepmind-research-readyText duplicate Google DeepMind Research Ready
/industrial-fellowshipsText duplicate Industrial Fellowships
https://raeng.org.uk/lrtfText duplicate Leverhulme Trust Research Fellowships
https://raeng.org.uk/rcsrfText duplicate Research Chairs and Senior Research Fellowships
/research-fellowshipsText duplicate Research Fellowships
https://raeng.org.uk/internshipsText duplicate Research Internships Scheme (Pilot)
https://raeng.org.uk/ukicpostdocText duplicate UK IC Postdoctoral Research Fellowships
/programmes-and-prizes/program...Text duplicate Support for Education
/amazon-future-engineer-schola...Text duplicate Amazon Future Engineer Bursary
/diversity-impact-programmeText duplicate Diversity Impact Programme
https://raeng.org.uk/elsText duplicate Engineering Leaders Scholarship
/programmes-and-prizes/program...Text duplicate Graduate Engineering Engagement programme
/inclusive-leadershipText duplicate Inclusive leadership programme
/lord-bhattacharyya-engineerin...Text duplicate The Lord Bhattacharyya Engineering Education Programme
/msc-motorsportText duplicate MSc Motorsport
/programmes-and-prizes/program...Text duplicate Northern Ireland Engineering Education Programme
https://raeng.org.uk/smfText duplicate Sainsbury Management Fellowships
https://raeng.org.uk/vpText duplicate Visiting professors
https://raeng.org.uk/ingeniousText duplicate Ingenious Public Engagement Grants Scheme
/programmes-and-prizes/program...Text duplicate International Programmes
/africa-catalystText duplicate Africa Catalyst
https://raeng.org.uk/diaText duplicate Distinguished International Associates
https://raeng.org.uk/frontiersText duplicate Frontiers
/programmes-and-prizes/program...Text duplicate Global Talent Visa
https://raeng.org.uk/hepssaText duplicate Higher Education Partnerships in sub-Saharan Africa
https://raeng.org.uk/lifText duplicate Leaders in Innovation Fellowships
/programmes-and-prizes/program...Text duplicate Meet the Researchers
https://engineeringx.raeng.org...External Subdomain Text duplicate Engineering X
/programmes-and-prizes/prizesText duplicate Prizes
https://africaprize.raeng.org....External Subdomain Text duplicate Africa Prize
https://macrobertaward.raeng.o...External Subdomain Text duplicate MacRobert Award
/programmes-and-prizes/prizes/...Text duplicate Colin Campbell Mitchell Award
/bhattacharyya-awardText duplicate Bhattacharyya Award
/programmes-and-prizes/prizes/...Text duplicate Major Project Award for Sustainability
/programmes-and-prizes/prizes/...Text duplicate President's Medal
/programmes-and-prizes/prizes/...Text duplicate Prince Philip Medal
/programmes-and-prizes/prizes/...Text duplicate Princess Royal Silver Medal
/programmes-and-prizes/prizes/...Text duplicate The President's Special Awards for Pandemic Service
/programmes-and-prizes/prizes/...Text duplicate Queen Elizabeth Prize for Engineering
/programmes-and-prizes/prizes/...Text duplicate Sir Frank Whittle Medal
/programmes-and-prizes/prizes/...Text duplicate RAEng Engineers Trust Young Engineer of the Year
/programmes-and-prizes/prizes/...Text duplicate Rooke Award
/programmes-and-prizes/prizes/...Text duplicate RAEng Armourers and Brasiers Company Prize
https://enterprisehub.raeng.or...New window External Subdomain Text duplicate Enterprise Hub
https://grants.raeng.org.uk/New window External Subdomain Text duplicate Grants Management System
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/policy-and-resources/educatio...Text duplicate Education Policy
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/education-and-skills/higher-e...Text duplicate Engineering in Higher Education
/education-and-skills/schools/...Text duplicate STEM Resources
/education-and-skills/this-is-...New window Text duplicate This Is Engineering
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/national-engineering-dayNew window National Engineering Day: New Engineering Role Models revealed
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/strategic-advantageWhat drives governments to prioritise technologies and what does a good approach look like?
/critical-conversationsEnergy. Transport. The built environment. How do we decarbonise in a just way?
https://nepc.raeng.org.uk/poli...External Subdomain Engineering a resilient and prosperous future: the profession calls for a long-term approach
/engineering-responsible-aiCan AI be engineered in a responsible way to benefit society? Explore this question in the Academy's new campaign.
https://engineeringx.raeng.org...External Subdomain What are the challenges, and opportunities, surrounding the open burning of waste?
/programmes-and-prizesFunding for engineers in research and industry
/programmes-and-prizes/entrepr...Support for entrepreneurs and innovators
/policy-and-resources/educatio...Resources for the engineering profession
/policy-and-resourcesPolicy reports, research and resources for policymakers and insight-seekers
/education-and-skillsEducational resources for schools and teachers, for all phases of education
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/news/academy-awards-eight-new...Text duplicate Trivial anchor text
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/about-us/fellowship/new-fello...Professor Paul Beasley FREng
/about-us/fellowship/new-fello...Professor AbuBakr Bahaj FREng
/about-us/fellowship/new-fello...Dr Saritha Arunkumar FREng
/about-us/fellowship/new-fello...Professor Kate Black FREng
/about-us/fellowship/new-fello...Professor Matt Boyle OBE FREng
/about-us/fellowship/new-fello...Will Butler-Adams OBE FREng
/about-us/fellowship/new-fello...Ila Glennie FREng
/about-us/fellowship/new-fello...Professor Adam Clare FREng
/about-us/fellowship/new-fello...Chris Cole FREng
/about-us/fellowship/new-fello...Professor Claire Davis FREng
/about-us/fellowship/new-fello...Professor Qiuhua Liang FREng
/about-us/fellowship/new-fello...Jacqueline Castle FREng
/about-us/fellowship/new-fello...Professor Hussam Jouhara FREng
/about-us/fellowship/new-fello...Dr Vania De Stefani FREng
/about-us/fellowship/new-fello...Professor Atula Abeysekera HonFREng
/about-us/fellowship/new-fello...Professor Timothy Denison FREng
/about-us/fellowship/new-fello...Professor Sohini Kar-Narayan FREng
/about-us/fellowship/new-fello...Professor Colm Durkan FREng
/about-us/fellowship/new-fello...Professor Stephan Jefferis FREng
/about-us/fellowship/new-fello...Dr Xudong Jing FREng
/about-us/fellowship/new-fello...Laura Jones FREng
/about-us/fellowship/new-fello...John Kell MBE FREng
/about-us/fellowship/new-fello...Professor Markus Kraft FREng
/about-us/fellowship/new-fello...Professor Bruce Drinkwater FREng
/about-us/fellowship/new-fello...Professor Ian Ritchie CBE RA HonFREng
/about-us/fellowship/new-fello...Professor Geoffrey Ye Li FREng
/about-us/fellowship/new-fello...Neil McArthur MBE FREng
/about-us/fellowship/new-fello...Dr Matthew Mellor FREng
/about-us/fellowship/new-fello...Sue Partridge FREng
/about-us/fellowship/new-fello...Professor Campbell Middleton FREng
/about-us/fellowship/new-fello...Nick Millington MBE FREng
/about-us/fellowship/new-fello...Professor Anna Peacock FREng
/about-us/fellowship/new-fello...Professor Jonathan Morrison FREng
/about-us/fellowship/new-fello...Roisin Quinn OBE FREng
/about-us/fellowship/new-fello...Dr Rodney Pelzel FREng
/about-us/fellowship/new-fello...Professor Gopal Madabhushi FREng
/about-us/fellowship/new-fello...Dr Catherine Ramsdale FREng
/about-us/fellowship/new-fello...Professor Andrew Randewich FREng
/about-us/fellowship/new-fello...Dr Pratima Rangarajan FREng
/about-us/fellowship/new-fello...Major General Anna-Lee Reilly CB FREng
/about-us/fellowship/new-fello...Professor Matthew Robson FREng
/about-us/fellowship/new-fello...Daniel Rodenhurst FREng
/about-us/fellowship/new-fello...Roni Savage FREng
/about-us/fellowship/new-fello...Dr Shahrokh Shahpar FREng
/about-us/fellowship/new-fello...Dr Roger Highfield OBE HonFREng FMedSci
/about-us/fellowship/new-fello...Professor Sarah Sharples FREng
/about-us/fellowship/new-fello...Professor Paul Shearing FREng
/about-us/fellowship/new-fello...Professor Rebecca Shipley OBE FREng
/about-us/fellowship/new-fello...Phillipa Slater FREng
/about-us/fellowship/new-fello...Terry Spall FREng
/about-us/fellowship/new-fello...Professor Eva Sorensen MBE FREng
/about-us/fellowship/new-fello...Professor Phil Taylor FREng
/about-us/fellowship/new-fello...Professor Melissa Terras FREng
/about-us/fellowship/new-fello...Mark Thomas FREng
/about-us/fellowship/new-fello...Professor Robert Thomson FREng
/about-us/fellowship/new-fello...Professor Jennifer Wen FREng
/about-us/fellowship/new-fello...Professor Andy Tyrrell FREng
/about-us/fellowship/new-fello...Duncan Wanblad FREng
/about-us/fellowship/new-fello...Professor Simon Weeks FREng
/about-us/fellowship/new-fello...Professor Mark Williams FREng
/about-us/fellowship/new-fello...Professor Xudong Zhao FREng
/about-us/fellowship/new-fello...Professor Robert Zimmerman FREng
/about-us/fellowship/new-fello...Nicholas Smallwood FREng
/about-us/fellowship/new-fello...Professor Liang-Shih Fan FREng
/about-us/fellowship/new-fello...Dr Waguih Ishak FREng
/about-us/fellowship/new-fello...Professor Timothy Lieuwen FREng
/about-us/fellowship/new-fello...Yago Tenorio FREng
/about-us/fellowship/new-fello...Professor Rebecca Fitzgerald OBE HonFREng FRS FMedSci
/about-us/fellowship/new-fello...Professor Sir Chris Whitty KCB HonFREng FRS FMedSci
/about-us/fellowship/new-fello...Professor Elaine S Oran FREng
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/news/a-hotbed-of-innovation-n...Text duplicate Trivial anchor text
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