- SEO Checker

Overview of the SEO Check
Meta information
Page quality
Page structure
Link structure
External factors
SEO Score
Response time
0.89 s
File size
91.80 kB
Media files
Number of links
136 internal / 10 external

Task list of SEO Improvements

Meta specifications

(Critically important)
SCM Press
The page title is too short. (103 pixels of 580 max pixel length) Optimize title
There are no duplicate words in the title
Meta description
(Critically important)
The meta description is missing.
(Critically important)
There are no problems in accessing the website.
Canonical URL
There is a valid canonical link specified.
(Somewhat important)
Language detected in text: en
Server location: United States of America
The language is not specified in the HTML markup.
Alternate/Hreflang Links
(Somewhat important)
There are no alternate links specified on this page.
Other meta tags
(Somewhat important)
There is no rel next meta tag on this page.
There is no rel prev meta tag on this page.
(Somewhat important)
This page is hosted on a subdomain. Use a top level domain for better SEO results.
The domain does not contain non-latin characters.
Page URL
(Somewhat important)
No parameters were found in the URL.
No session ID was found in the URL.
The URL does not have too many subdirectories.
Charset encoding
(Somewhat important)
The charset encoding (UTF-8) is set correctly.
(Nice to have)
The doctype HTML 5 is set correctly.
The doctype is placed at first in the HTML code.
(Nice to have)
The favicon is linked correctly.

Meta tags

viewportwidth=device-width, initial-scale=1, shrink-to-fit=no
og:titleSCM Press
twitter:titleSCM Press
og:titleSCM Press

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Page quality

(Critically important)
No paragraphs were detected.
There are only 499 words on this page. Good pages should have about 800 words of useful content.
13.8% of the text are stop words.
Keywords used in the page title are also used in the page content. That's good!
The page contains a listing, which indicates a good text layout.
No placeholders texts or images were found.
(Critically important)
This page does not use a frameset.
Mobile optimization
(Somewhat important)
This page loads 16 JavaScript files. This may affect the load time negatively.
A viewport "width=device-width, initial-scale=1, shrink-to-fit=no" is provided.
At least one Apple touch icon is specified.
Bold and strong tags
(Somewhat important)
The usage of strong and bold tags is perfect. We recommend the use of up to 10 tags for this page.
Image SEO
(Somewhat important)
Alt text (alternative text) is correctly used on all found images.
Social Networks
(Nice to have)
This page is optimized perfectly for social networks.
Additional markup
(Nice to have)
No additional page markup was found.
(Somewhat important)
This website uses HTTPS to protect privacy and integrity of the exchanged data.
All included files are also transferred via HTTPS.

Media list

URLAlt attributeTitle
...-press-for-web-1100px-wide.jpg?width=550SCM PressSCM Press
...ess-for-mobile-600x600-002.jpg?width=200SCM PressSCM Press
...s-ancient-modern-logo-mono.jpg?width=520Hymns Ancient & Modern
...s-ancient-modern-logo-mono.jpg?width=520Hymns Ancient & Modern
...x300.jpg?width=1250&height=300&mode=cropSlider Image
...-300.jpg?width=1250&height=300&mode=cropSlider Image
...-300.jpg?width=1250&height=300&mode=cropSlider Image
...-300.jpg?width=1250&height=300&mode=cropSlider Image
...posting-24-imprint-websites-_600x600.jpgSlider Image
/media/75404/ethics-600-x-600.jpgSlider Image
...ia/75398/messianic-commons-600-x-600.jpgSlider Image
/media/75400/new-churches-600-x-600.jpgSlider Image
...h=400&height=600&mode=pad&bgcolor=ffffffNew Churches
...h=400&height=600&mode=pad&bgcolor=ffffffMessianic Commons
...h=400&height=600&mode=pad&bgcolor=ffffffLived Mission in 21st Century Britain
...h=400&height=600&mode=pad&bgcolor=ffffffSparkle from the Coal
...h=400&height=600&mode=pad&bgcolor=ffffffEthics, repackaged edition
...h=400&height=600&mode=pad&bgcolor=ffffffThe Seeking Heart
...h=400&height=600&mode=pad&bgcolor=ffffffPursuing Perfection
...h=400&height=600&mode=pad&bgcolor=ffffffThe White Bonhoeffer
...h=400&height=600&mode=pad&bgcolor=ffffffBehold the Men
...h=400&height=600&mode=pad&bgcolor=ffffffSCM Studyguide: Anglicanism, 2nd edition
...h=400&height=600&mode=pad&bgcolor=ffffffSCM Studyguide to Religious and Spiritual Experience
...h=400&height=600&mode=pad&bgcolor=ffffffSCM Studyguide: Biblical Hermeneutics, 2nd edition
...h=400&height=600&mode=pad&bgcolor=ffffffSCM Studyguide: Theological Reflection, 2nd Edition
...h=400&height=600&mode=pad&bgcolor=ffffffSCM Studyguide: Philosophy and the Christian Faith
...h=400&height=600&mode=pad&bgcolor=ffffffSCM Studyguide: Church Leadership
...h=400&height=600&mode=pad&bgcolor=ffffffSCM Studyguide: Catholic Liturgy
...h=400&height=600&mode=pad&bgcolor=ffffffSCM Studyguide: Liturgy, 2nd edition
...h=400&height=600&mode=pad&bgcolor=ffffffSCM Studyguide: Theology in the Contemporary World
...h=400&height=600&mode=pad&bgcolor=ffffffSCM Studyguide: Preaching
...h=400&height=600&mode=pad&bgcolor=ffffffSCM Studyguide: Pastoral Theology
...h=400&height=600&mode=pad&bgcolor=ffffffSCM Studyguide: Books of the New Testament
...h=400&height=600&mode=pad&bgcolor=ffffffSCM Studyguide: New Testament Interpretation
...h=400&height=600&mode=pad&bgcolor=ffffffSCM Studyguide: Christian Doctrine
...h=400&height=600&mode=pad&bgcolor=ffffffSCM Studyguide: The Old Testament
...h=104&height=154&mode=pad&bgcolor=fafafaEthics, repackaged edition
...h=104&height=154&mode=pad&bgcolor=fafafaNew Churches
...h=104&height=154&mode=pad&bgcolor=fafafaGiving the Church
...h=104&height=154&mode=pad&bgcolor=fafafaMessianic Commons
...h=104&height=154&mode=pad&bgcolor=fafafaEthics, repackaged edition
...h=104&height=154&mode=pad&bgcolor=fafafaNew Churches
...4517/scm-press-footer-logo.png?width=300SCM PressSCM Press

Page structure

H1 heading
(Critically important)
There is no H1 heading specified.
Some headings occur twice on the page.
The structure of headings is missing one or more levels. Do not skip heading levels.
There are 34 headings on the page. The amount of headings should be in a more proper relation to the amount of text.

Heading structure

Heading levelContent
H2 Updating Basket....
H2 New Titles
H2 Coming Soon
H2 SCM Studyguides
H2 Subscribe to our newsletter
H2 Most popular books
H3 BASKET SUMMARY Duplicate text
H3 New Churches
H3 Messianic Commons
H3 Lived Mission in 21st Centu...
H3 Sparkle from the Coal
H3 Survival
H3 Unity
H3 Ethics, repackaged edition
H3 The Seeking Heart
H3 Pursuing Perfection
H3 The White Bonhoeffer
H3 Behold the Men
H3 SCM Studyguide: Anglicanism...
H3 SCM Studyguide to Religious...
H3 SCM Studyguide: Biblical He...
H3 SCM Studyguide: Theological...
H3 SCM Studyguide: Philosophy...
H3 SCM Studyguide: Church Lead...
H3 SCM Studyguide: Catholic Li...
H3 SCM Studyguide: Liturgy, 2n...
H3 SCM Studyguide: Theology in...
H3 SCM Studyguide: Preaching
H3 SCM Studyguide: Pastoral Th...
H3 SCM Studyguide: Books of th...
H3 SCM Studyguide: New Testame...
H3 SCM Studyguide: Christian D...
H3 SCM Studyguide: The Old Tes...
Some internal links have dynamic parameters. All internal URLs, which are not marked as nofollow, should not contain dynamic parameters.
Some anchor texts are used more than once.
The number of internal links is ok.
None of the anchor texts is too long.
There are 10 external links on this page.
LinkAttributesAnchor text SCM Press window External Subdomain IMG-ALT Hymns Ancient & Modern Subdomain Sign In
/view-basketView Basket
/umbraco/Surface/Basket/Procee...Go to Checkout Subdomain Text duplicate Sign In
/view-basketText duplicate Basket
/view-basketText duplicate View Basket
/umbraco/Surface/Basket/Procee...Text duplicate Go to Checkout
/category/christian-books/bibl...Biblical Studies
/category/christian-books/ethi...Ethics and Philosophy
/category/christian-books/hist...History and Biography
/category/christian-books/inte...Inter-faith and World Religions
/category/christian-books/lite...Literary and General
/category/christian-books/litu...Liturgy and Worship
/category/christian-books/miss...Mission and Ministry
/features/new-titlesNew Titles
/features/coming-soonComing Soon
/features/scm-studyguidesSCM Studyguides
/features/scm-researchSCM research
/features/scm-theological-comm...SCM Theological Commentaries
/features/scm-classicsSCM Classics
/features/new-testament-studiesNew Testament Studies
/features/old-testament-and-he...Old Testament and Hebrew Bible
/features/hebrew-and-jewish-st...Hebrew and Jewish Studies
/features/learning-churchLearning Church
/academics/inspectiondesk-copiesInspection/Desk Copies
/academics/inspection-copy-eva...Inspection Copy Evaluation
/help/ebook-faqeBook FAQ
/help/audiobook-faqAudiobook FAQ
/help/friends-schemeFriends scheme
/help/open-accessOpen Access
/contact-us/general-enquiriesGeneral enquiries
/contact-us/rights-and-permiss...Rights and permissions
/contact-us/about-scm-pressAbout SCM Press
/features/new-titlesText duplicate New Titles
/features/coming-soonText duplicate Coming Soon
/features/scm-studyguidesText duplicate SCM Studyguides
/features/scm-researchText duplicate SCM research
/features/conciliumText duplicate Concilium duplicate Home
/category/christian-books/best...Text duplicate Books
/category/christian-books/bibl...Text duplicate Biblical Studies
/category/christian-books/ethi...Text duplicate Ethics and Philosophy
/category/christian-books/hist...Text duplicate History and Biography
/category/christian-books/inte...Text duplicate Inter-faith and World Religions
/category/christian-books/lite...Text duplicate Literary and General
/category/christian-books/litu...Text duplicate Liturgy and Worship
/category/christian-books/miss...Text duplicate Mission and Ministry
/category/christian-books/refe...Text duplicate Reference
/category/christian-books/theo...Text duplicate Theology
/featuresText duplicate Features
/features/new-titlesText duplicate New Titles
/features/coming-soonText duplicate Coming Soon
/features/scm-studyguidesText duplicate SCM Studyguides
/features/scm-researchText duplicate SCM research
/features/scm-theological-comm...Text duplicate SCM Theological Commentaries
/features/scm-classicsText duplicate SCM Classics
/features/veritasText duplicate Veritas
/features/conciliumText duplicate Concilium
/features/brieflysText duplicate Brieflys
/features/new-testament-studiesText duplicate New Testament Studies
/features/old-testament-and-he...Text duplicate Old Testament and Hebrew Bible
/features/hebrew-and-jewish-st...Text duplicate Hebrew and Jewish Studies
/features/learning-churchText duplicate Learning Church
/academics/inspectiondesk-copiesText duplicate Inspection/Desk Copies
/academics/inspection-copy-eva...Text duplicate Inspection Copy Evaluation
/help/faqText duplicate FAQ
/help/ebook-faqText duplicate eBook FAQ
/help/audiobook-faqText duplicate Audiobook FAQ
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/help/open-accessText duplicate Open Access
/blogText duplicate Blog
/eventsText duplicate Events
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/contact-us/tradeText duplicate Trade
/contact-us/authorsText duplicate Authors
/contact-us/rights-and-permiss...Text duplicate Rights and permissions
/contact-us/about-scm-pressText duplicate About SCM Press
/features/new-titlesText duplicate New Titles
/features/coming-soonText duplicate Coming Soon
/features/scm-studyguidesText duplicate SCM Studyguides
/features/scm-researchText duplicate SCM research
/features/conciliumText duplicate Concilium window External Subdomain Text duplicate IMG-ALT Hymns Ancient & Modern
/books/9780334065876/ethics-re...Subdomain IMG-ALT Slider Image
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/features/new-titlesText duplicate New Titles
/books/9780334066156/new-churchesNew Churches Will Foulger, Jo... £30.00
IMG-ALT New Churches
/books/9780334066385/messianic...Messianic Commons David Benjamin Bl... £25.00
IMG-ALT Messianic Commons
/books/9780334065531/lived-mis...Lived Mission in 21st Centu... Benjamin Aldous,... £35.00
IMG-ALT Lived Mission in 21st Century Britain
/books/9780334066293/sparkle-f...Sparkle from the Coal Barbara Howard £35.00
IMG-ALT Sparkle from the Coal
/books/9780334065036/survivalSurvival Karen O'Donnell £19.99
IMG-ALT Survival
/books/9780334065609/unityUnity Charlie Bell £19.99
/features/coming-soonText duplicate Coming Soon
/books/9780334065876/ethics-re...Ethics, repackaged edition Dietrich Bonhoeff... £19.99 £15.99
IMG-ALT Ethics, repackaged edition
/books/9780334065852/the-seeki...The Seeking Heart Ian Mobsby £25.00 £20.00
IMG-ALT The Seeking Heart
/books/9780334065586/pursuing-...Pursuing Perfection Maja Whitaker £35.00
IMG-ALT Pursuing Perfection
/books/9780334065364/the-white...The White Bonhoeffer Tim Judson £25.00
IMG-ALT The White Bonhoeffer
/books/9780334061236/behold-th...Behold the Men Robert Beckford,... £19.99
IMG-ALT Behold the Men
/features/scm-studyguidesText duplicate SCM Studyguides
/books/9780334060178/scm-study...SCM Studyguide: Anglicanism... Stephen Spencer £19.99
IMG-ALT SCM Studyguide: Anglicanism, 2nd edition
/books/9780334057963/scm-study...SCM Studyguide to Religious... Jeff Astley £19.99
IMG-ALT SCM Studyguide to Religious and Spiritual Experience
/books/9780334057314/scm-study...SCM Studyguide: Biblical He... David Holgate, R... £19.99
IMG-ALT SCM Studyguide: Biblical Hermeneutics, 2nd edition
/books/9780334056836/scm-study...SCM Studyguide: Theological... Judith Thompson,... £19.99
IMG-ALT SCM Studyguide: Theological Reflection, 2nd Edition
/books/9780334057109/scm-study...SCM Studyguide: Philosophy... Ben Pugh £22.99
IMG-ALT SCM Studyguide: Philosophy and the Christian Faith
/books/9780334057789/scm-study...SCM Studyguide: Church Lead... Jon Coutts £19.99
IMG-ALT SCM Studyguide: Church Leadership
/books/9780334056621/scm-study...SCM Studyguide: Catholic Li... Peter McGrail, M... £22.99
IMG-ALT SCM Studyguide: Catholic Liturgy
/books/9780334056805/scm-study...SCM Studyguide: Liturgy, 2n... Stephen Burns £19.99
IMG-ALT SCM Studyguide: Liturgy, 2nd edition
/books/9780334055747/scm-study...SCM Studyguide: Theology in... Ben Pugh £21.99
IMG-ALT SCM Studyguide: Theology in the Contemporary World
/books/9780334043744/scm-study...SCM Studyguide: Preaching Peter Stevenson £19.99
IMG-ALT SCM Studyguide: Preaching
/books/9780334045502/scm-study...SCM Studyguide: Pastoral Th... Margaret Whipp £19.99
IMG-ALT SCM Studyguide: Pastoral Theology
/books/9780334040477/scm-study...SCM Studyguide: Books of th... Ian Boxall £21.99
IMG-ALT SCM Studyguide: Books of the New Testament
/books/9780334040484/scm-study...SCM Studyguide: New Testame... Ian Boxall £19.99
IMG-ALT SCM Studyguide: New Testament Interpretation
/books/9780334043249/scm-study...SCM Studyguide: Christian D... Jeff Astley £19.99
IMG-ALT SCM Studyguide: Christian Doctrine
/books/9780334029854/scm-study...SCM Studyguide: The Old Tes... John Holdsworth £19.99
IMG-ALT SCM Studyguide: The Old Testament window External Visit our Twitter account @ @SCM_Press
/books/9780334065876/ethics-re...Ethics, repackaged edition by Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Samuel Wells £19.99 £15.99
IMG-ALT Ethics, repackaged edition
/books/9780334066156/new-churchesNew Churches by Will Foulger, Joshua Cockayne £30.00
IMG-ALT New Churches
/books/9780334066125/giving-th...Giving the Church by Michael Moynagh £45.00 £35.00
IMG-ALT Giving the Church
/books/9780334066385/messianic...Messianic Commons by David Benjamin Blower £25.00
IMG-ALT Messianic Commons
/books/9780334065876/ethics-re...Text duplicate Ethics, repackaged edition by Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Samuel Wells £19.99 £15.99
IMG-ALT Ethics, repackaged edition
/books/9780334066156/new-churchesText duplicate New Churches by Will Foulger, Joshua Cockayne £30.00
IMG-ALT New Churches window External No Text Subdomain Privacy Subdomain Returns Subdomain Terms and conditions window External Impreza Software Development

Server configuration

HTTP redirects
(Critically important)
This page redirects to ""
HTTP header
The HTML page should be transferred using GZip compression.
No X-Powered HTTP header is sent.
(Somewhat important)
The page response time of 0.89 seconds is longer than the recommended limit of 0.4 seconds. A high response time unnecessarily slows down search engine crawling and results in bad user experience as well.
This page loads 16 JavaScript files. This may affect the load time negatively.
This page only loads 2 CSS files. That's ok.
The file size of the HTML document is fine (92 kB).

HTTP Response Header

content-typetext/html; charset=utf-8
set-cookie74 Characters
dateSun, 15 Dec 2024 11:39:16 GMT

External factors

This page is referenced by wikipedia.
This website has excellent links from other websites.
This page has backlinks from 667 referring domains.
This page has 14,395 backlinks.
This page has backlinks from 360 different ip addresses.

Search preview
SCM Press

Most important keywords

Following keywords were found. You can check the keyword optimization of this page for each keyword.

SCM Press63%Check
SCM Studyguide50%Check
New Churches46%Check

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