Swindonweb.com - SEO Checker

Overview of the SEO Check
Meta information
Page quality
Page structure
Link structure
External factors
SEO Score
Response time
0.28 s
File size
86.50 kB
Media files
Number of links
153 internal / 18 external

Task list of SEO Improvements

Meta specifications

(Critically important)
SwindonWeb | Everything Swindon news, jobs, accommodation in Swindon | SwindonWeb
The page title should be shorter than 580 pixels. It is 807 pixels long. Optimize title
There are no duplicate words in the title
Meta description
(Critically important)
Everything Swindon incl. Swindon what's on, Swindon jobs, Swindon property, Swindon news, Swindon shopping, Swindon hotels and accommodation, Swindon restaurants, Swindon videos, Swindon pictures and more!...
The meta description is too long: 1357 pixels from max. 1000 pixels. Optimize description
(Critically important)
There are no problems in accessing the website.
Canonical URL
No canonical link is specified.
(Somewhat important)
Language detected in text: en
Server location: United States of America
The language is not specified in the HTML markup.
Alternate/Hreflang Links
(Somewhat important)
There are no alternate links specified on this page.
Other meta tags
(Somewhat important)
There is no rel next meta tag on this page.
There is no rel prev meta tag on this page.
(Somewhat important)
The domain is no subdomain.
The domain length is good.
The domain does not contain non-latin characters.
Page URL
(Somewhat important)
No parameters were found in the URL.
No session ID was found in the URL.
The URL does not have too many subdirectories.
Charset encoding
(Somewhat important)
The character encoding is not specified in the HTTP header.
The charset encoding (ISO-8859-1) is set correctly.
(Nice to have)
The doctype XHTML 1.0 Transitional is set correctly.
The doctype is placed at first in the HTML code.
(Nice to have)
No favicon is linked in the HTML code.

Meta tags

DescriptionEverything Swindon incl. Swindon what's on, Swindon jobs, Swindon property, Swindon news, Swindon shopping, Swindon hotels and accommodation, Swindon restaurants, Swindon videos, Swindon pictures and more!...
KeywordsSwindon, SwindonWeb, Swindon Wiltshire, M4, magic roundabout, accommodation, nightlife, what's on, shopping, SwindonEvent, SwindonJob, jobs in Swindon, Swindon jobs, hotels in Swindon, shops in swindon
Content-Typetext/html; charset=UTF-8

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Page quality

(Critically important)
Some words from the page title are not used within the pages content
Only 1 paragraph/s was/were found on this page.
This page contains 677 words. That's ok.
31.5% of the text are stop words.
The page contains a listing, which indicates a good text layout.
No placeholders texts or images were found.
There are no duplicates on the site.
The average number of words per sentence of 18 words is good.
(Critically important)
This page does not use a frameset.
Mobile optimization
(Somewhat important)
No viewpoint tag is provided.
No Apple touch icon is specified.
This page loads 4 JavaScript files. This may affect the load time negatively.
Bold and strong tags
(Somewhat important)
The amount of tags is very high (40). We recommend using a maximum of 14 tags for this page.
Some tags are too long. With 75 characters this one is longer than 70 characters:
"warning: contains words & recollections some town fans may find distressing"
Image SEO
(Somewhat important)
140 images have no alt attribute. The content of alt attributes is used by search engines.
Social Networks
(Nice to have)
There are only a few social sharing widgets on the page. Make your website popular in social networks with social sharing widgets.
Additional markup
(Nice to have)
No additional page markup was found.
(Somewhat important)
At least one javascript file was found, which is not integrated via HTTPS.
This website uses HTTPS to protect privacy and integrity of the exchanged data.

Media list

URLAlt attributeTitle
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Insecure Content
Swindon Grayhounds
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Insecure Content
VE Day in Swindon
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Insecure Content
Logs - what burns best & who can deliver
/images/go_vert.gifLogs - what burns best & who can deliver
/images/spacer.gifNo alt attribute provided
Insecure Content
Pubs with Roaring Fires
/images/go_vert.gifPubs with Roaring Fires
/images/spacer.gifNo alt attribute provided
Insecure Content
Autumn Walks
/images/go_vert.gifAutumn Walks
/images/spacer.gifNo alt attribute provided
Insecure Content
Swindon's Connection To Donald Trump
/images/go_vert.gifSwindon's Connection To Donald Trump
/images/spacer.gifNo alt attribute provided
Insecure Content
Swindon and World War One
/images/go_vert.gifSwindon and World War One
/images/spacer.gifNo alt attribute provided
Insecure Content
A Bridge Too Far
/images/go_vert.gifA Bridge Too Far
/images/spacer.gifNo alt attribute provided
Insecure Content
Oasis - Mad for Swindon
/images/go_vert.gifOasis - Mad for Swindon
/images/spacer.gifNo alt attribute provided
Insecure Content
Forget the rain! And jump in!
/images/go_vert.gifForget the rain! And jump in!
/images/spacer.gifNo alt attribute provided
Insecure Content
Woop, Bang, Whizz!
/images/go_vert.gifWoop, Bang, Whizz!
/images/spacer.gifNo alt attribute provided
Insecure Content
What a scorcher!
/images/go_vert.gifWhat a scorcher!
/images/spacer.gifNo alt attribute provided
Insecure Content
Hooray!... It's Barby Time!
/images/go_vert.gifHooray!... It's Barby Time!
/images/spacer.gifNo alt attribute provided
Insecure Content
/images/spacer.gifNo alt attribute provided
Insecure Content
Nineteen Eighty-Four
/images/go_vert.gifNineteen Eighty-Four
/images/spacer.gifNo alt attribute provided
Insecure Content
Flying Nightingales
/images/go_vert.gifFlying Nightingales
/images/spacer.gifNo alt attribute provided
Insecure Content
Swindon's Secret Bluebell Garden
/images/go_vert.gifSwindon's Secret Bluebell Garden
/images/spacer.gifNo alt attribute provided
Insecure Content
/images/go_vert.gifSPINAL TAP
/images/spacer.gifNo alt attribute provided
Insecure Content
Queen Camilla in Swindon
/images/go_vert.gifQueen Camilla in Swindon
/images/spacer.gifNo alt attribute provided
Insecure Content
Bed pans and begging dogs!
/images/go_vert.gifBed pans and begging dogs!
/images/spacer.gifNo alt attribute provided
Insecure Content
The Dambusters 80
/images/go_vert.gifThe Dambusters 80
/images/spacer.gifNo alt attribute provided
Insecure Content
It's Swindon, Ma'am!
/images/go_vert.gifIt's Swindon, Ma'am!
/images/spacer.gifNo alt attribute provided
Insecure Content
The name's Craig, Daniel 'Wroughton' Craig!
/images/video_vert.gifThe name's Craig, Daniel 'Wroughton' Craig!
/images/spacer.gifNo alt attribute provided
Insecure Content
Diego Maradona
/images/go_vert.gifDiego Maradona
/images/spacer.gifNo alt attribute provided
Insecure Content
George Best
/images/go_vert.gifGeorge Best
/images/spacer.gifNo alt attribute provided
Insecure Content
Keep The Kids Entertained
/images/go_vert.gifKeep The Kids Entertained
/images/spacer.gifNo alt attribute provided
Insecure Content
A Day to Remember
/images/go_vert.gifA Day to Remember
/images/spacer.gifNo alt attribute provided
Insecure Content
An Album Ahead Of Its Time
/images/go_vert.gifAn Album Ahead Of Its Time
/images/spacer.gifNo alt attribute provided
Insecure Content
Diana in Swindon
/images/go_vert.gifDiana in Swindon
/images/spacer.gifNo alt attribute provided
Insecure Content
Dog Friendly Food Pubs
/images/go_vert.gifDog Friendly Food Pubs
/images/spacer.gifNo alt attribute provided
Insecure Content
Eating Out Guide
/images/go_vert.gifEating Out Guide
/images/spacer.gifNo alt attribute provided
/images/spacer.gifNo alt attribute provided
/images/ads/radio2.gifBBC RADIO 2 WEBSITE OF THE DAY 'For its excellent protrayal of Swindon'
Insecure Content
/images/spacer.gifNo alt attribute provided
Insecure Content
Leightons Opticians
/images/spacer.gifNo alt attribute provided
Insecure Content
1st Stretch Limos Swindon
/images/spacer.gifNo alt attribute provided
Insecure Content
Studley Grange Butterfly World and Craft Village
/images/spacer.gifNo alt attribute provided
Insecure Content
Leightons Opticians
/images/spacer.gifNo alt attribute provided
Insecure Content
Save On Tyres
/images/spacer.gifNo alt attribute provided
Insecure Content
Chelworth Windows and Conservatories, Swindon, Wiltshire
/images/spacer.gifNo alt attribute provided
Insecure Content

Page structure

H1 heading
(Critically important)
There is no H1 heading specified.
The structure of headings is missing one or more levels. Do not skip heading levels.

Heading structure

Heading levelContent
Some internal link anchor texts are too long.
Some internal links have dynamic parameters. All internal URLs, which are not marked as nofollow, should not contain dynamic parameters.
Some anchor texts are used more than once.
1 links don't have an anchor text.
There are 3 links with a trivial anchor text.
The number of internal links is ok.
There are 18 external links on this page.
LinkAttributesAnchor text
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/myswindonwebIMG-ALT myswindonweb
http://www.arkells.com/New window External Subdomain IMG-ALT ARKELLS sponsor swindonweb
/index.asp?m=1&t=Front+Pagefront page
A-TITLE Front Page
http://www.swindonpubs.com/New window External Subdomain swindon pub guide
A-TITLE Swindon Pub Guide
http://www.eatswindon.com/External Subdomain eat swindon
A-TITLE Leisure/Sport
/index.asp?m=2&t=Swindon+Lifeswindon life
A-TITLE Swindon Life
/index.asp?m=8&t=Guide+to+Swindonguide to swindon
A-TITLE Guide to Swindon
A-TITLE swindonJOB
A-TITLE swindonB2B
A-TITLE swindonADS
http://www.swindonweb.tv/External Subdomain IMG-ALT swindonWeb TV®
A-TITLE SwindonWebTV®
https://www.facebook.com/Swind...New window External Subdomain IMG-ALT swindonWeb facebook
A-TITLE swindonWeb facebook
http://twitter.com/SwindonWebNew window External IMG-ALT swindonWeb twitter
A-TITLE swindonWeb twitter
/index.asp?m=8&s=122&t=Swindon...IMG-ALT swindon weather forecast
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/index.asp?m=8&s=122&t=Swindon...No Text
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/index.asp?dir=OTHERIMG-ALT +
https://www.swindonweb.com/?m=476IMG-ALT about
/?m=476&s&ss&c=1509IMG-ALT advertise here
http://www.swindonwebdesign.co...New window External Subdomain IMG-ALT SwindonWeb webdesign service
/?m=8&s=116&ss=395&c=1325&t=VE...IMG-ALT VE Day in Swindon
/?m=8&s=116&ss=395&c=1325&t=VE...IMG-ALT Full Story
/?m=8&s=122&ss=0&c=2114&t=Swin...Swindon Weather Forecast
/?m=2&s=1804&ss=1970&c=11433&t...Even The Queen Was Invited
/?m=2&s=1804&ss=1943&c=11269&t...SWINDON VOICES: Green Spaces or Homes?
/event/?event_date=complete&st...Subdomain What's on today
/event/?event_date=complete&st...Subdomain Live Music in Swindon
/event/?m=49&s=0&ss=0&c=1032&t...Swindon Film Guide
/shop/?m=598&s=0&ss=0&c=2460&t...Markets in Swindon
/?m=11&s=18&ss=0&c=1048&t=Eati...Eating Out Guide
/?m=8&s=910&ss=0&c=4216&t=Frig...Fright, fireworks & fun!
/job/?m=1347&s=0&ss=0&c=6909&t...Working In...
/?m=8&s=119&ss=0&c=1251&t=Swin...Swindon Accommodation Guide
/index.asp?archive=storyTrivial anchor text
https://www.swindonweb.com/eventText duplicate Trivial anchor text
/index.asp?archive=featureText duplicate Trivial anchor text
https://www.swindonpubs.com/gu...New window External Subdomain THE BEST SWINDON PUB GARDENS To bag an al fresco, eating out bargain! >>
/home/?m=460&s=1069&ss=0&c=858...IMG-ALT Logs - what burns best & who can deliver
/home/?m=460&s=1069&ss=0&c=858...LOGS - WHAT BURNS BEST & WHO CAN DELIVER Advice on seasoned & kiln-dried logs & who supplies the best in Swindon...
/home/?m=460&s=1069&ss=0&c=858...Text duplicate IMG-ALT Logs - what burns best & who can deliver
/?m=8&s=1581&ss=0&c=8612&t=Pub...IMG-ALT Pubs with Roaring Fires
/?m=8&s=1581&ss=0&c=8612&t=Pub...PUBS WITH ROARING FIRES Crikey it's cold!! So here's where to warm your cockles in Swindon...
/?m=8&s=1581&ss=0&c=8612&t=Pub...Text duplicate IMG-ALT Pubs with Roaring Fires
/?m=8&s=1553&ss=0&c=8471&t=Aut...IMG-ALT Autumn Walks
/?m=8&s=1553&ss=0&c=8471&t=Aut...AUTUMN WALKS The best places to enjoy a leafy stroll in Swindon - with places to eat & drink nearby...
/?m=8&s=1553&ss=0&c=8471&t=Aut...Text duplicate IMG-ALT Autumn Walks
/?m=2&s=2482&ss=2485&c=14427&t...IMG-ALT Swindon's Connection To Donald Trump
/?m=2&s=2482&ss=2485&c=14427&t...SWINDON'S CONNECTION TO DONALD TRUMP VIDEO: Tenuous, yes. But well worth a look just because he didn't insult us!...
/?m=2&s=2482&ss=2485&c=14427&t...Text duplicate IMG-ALT Swindon's Connection To Donald Trump
/?m=8&s=116&ss=364&c=1216&t=Sw...IMG-ALT Swindon and World War One
/?m=8&s=116&ss=364&c=1216&t=Sw...SWINDON AND WORLD WAR ONE Lest We Forget more than a century on: our 4-part chronicle of the role Swindon people played in the Great War #therebutnotthere
/?m=8&s=116&ss=364&c=1216&t=Sw...Text duplicate IMG-ALT Swindon and World War One
/?m=8&s=116&ss=0&c=6136&t=A+Br...IMG-ALT A Bridge Too Far
/?m=8&s=116&ss=0&c=6136&t=A+Br...A BRIDGE TOO FAR 80 YEARS ON: Swindon's connection to Operation Market Garden, the biggest airborne invasion ever mounted - September 1944...
/?m=8&s=116&ss=0&c=6136&t=A+Br...Text duplicate IMG-ALT A Bridge Too Far
/?m=8&s=121&ss=420&c=1378&t=Oa...IMG-ALT Oasis - Mad for Swindon
/?m=8&s=121&ss=420&c=1378&t=Oa...OASIS - MAD FOR SWINDON After 15 years of feuding, they're back on tour. So what's the story, morning glory?.....
/?m=8&s=121&ss=420&c=1378&t=Oa...Text duplicate IMG-ALT Oasis - Mad for Swindon
/?m=8&s=1137&ss=1145&c=5539&t=...IMG-ALT Forget the rain! And jump in!
/?m=8&s=1137&ss=1145&c=5539&t=...FORGET THE RAIN! AND JUMP IN! 15 things - some obvious, some surprising - to do in Swindon when the sun ain't shinin'!..
/?m=8&s=1137&ss=1145&c=5539&t=...Text duplicate IMG-ALT Forget the rain! And jump in!
/?m=8&s=1236&ss=0&c=6450&t=Woo...IMG-ALT Woop, Bang, Whizz!
/?m=8&s=1236&ss=0&c=6450&t=Woo...WOOP, BANG, WHIZZ! It's Guy Fawkes! Where to enjoy a firework display in Swindon...
/?m=8&s=1236&ss=0&c=6450&t=Woo...Text duplicate IMG-ALT Woop, Bang, Whizz!
/?m=8&s=1150&ss=0&c=5576&t=Wha...IMG-ALT What a scorcher!
/?m=8&s=1150&ss=0&c=5576&t=Wha...WHAT A SCORCHER! So here's where to cool down and enjoy the water in Swindon - FULL GUIDE
/?m=8&s=1150&ss=0&c=5576&t=Wha...Text duplicate IMG-ALT What a scorcher!
/home/?m=460&s=761&ss=0&c=2493...IMG-ALT Hooray!... It's Barby Time!
/home/?m=460&s=761&ss=0&c=2493...HOORAY!... IT'S BARBY TIME! So come on, Swindon, let's get sizzling! - FULL GUIDE
/home/?m=460&s=761&ss=0&c=2493...Text duplicate IMG-ALT Hooray!... It's Barby Time!
/?m=8&s=116&ss=346&c=1204&t=D-DAYIMG-ALT D-DAY
/?m=8&s=116&ss=346&c=1204&t=D-DAYD-DAY 80th ANNIVERSARY: Watch our films showing how Swindon played its part on the 6th June 1944 - WATCH VIDEOS
/?m=8&s=116&ss=346&c=1204&t=D-DAYText duplicate IMG-ALT D-DAY
/?m=8&s=121&ss=1154&c=5590&t=N...IMG-ALT Nineteen Eighty-Four
/?m=8&s=121&ss=1154&c=5590&t=N...NINETEEN EIGHTY-FOUR 1984: Swindon's connection to the movie of the George Orwell classic - 40 YEARS AGO THIS MONTH
/?m=8&s=121&ss=1154&c=5590&t=N...Text duplicate IMG-ALT Nineteen Eighty-Four
/?m=8&s=116&ss=346&c=15182&t=F...IMG-ALT Flying Nightingales
/?m=8&s=116&ss=346&c=15182&t=F...FLYING NIGHTINGALES D-DAY 80: The first-ever females to fly in to a combat zone took off from here 80 years ago....
/?m=8&s=116&ss=346&c=15182&t=F...Text duplicate IMG-ALT Flying Nightingales
/?m=2&s=1326&ss=1331&c=7719&t=...IMG-ALT Swindon's Secret Bluebell Garden
/?m=2&s=1326&ss=1331&c=7719&t=...SWINDON'S SECRET BLUEBELL GARDEN SPRINGTIME SWINDON: A peep at an urban haven for beautiful bluebells at Blagrove & around Swindon - WATCH VIDEO
/?m=2&s=1326&ss=1331&c=7719&t=...Text duplicate IMG-ALT Swindon's Secret Bluebell Garden
/?m=8&s=121&ss=1170&c=5697&t=S...IMG-ALT SPINAL TAP
/?m=8&s=121&ss=1170&c=5697&t=S...SPINAL TAP 40th Anniversary. Swindon's connection to the mockumentary legends of rock - WATCH VIDEO #takingitto11
/?m=8&s=121&ss=1170&c=5697&t=S...Text duplicate IMG-ALT SPINAL TAP
/?m=2&s=2640&ss=0&c=15245&t=Qu...IMG-ALT Queen Camilla in Swindon
/?m=2&s=2640&ss=0&c=15245&t=Qu...QUEEN CAMILLA IN SWINDON Old Town by royal appointment as monarch visits Deacons Jewellers to mark their 175th anniversary - WATCH VIDEO
/?m=2&s=2640&ss=0&c=15245&t=Qu...Text duplicate IMG-ALT Queen Camilla in Swindon
/?m=8&s=116&ss=337&c=1190&t=Be...IMG-ALT Bed pans and begging dogs!
/?m=8&s=116&ss=337&c=1190&t=Be...BED PANS AND BEGGING DOGS! NHS75: From cradle to grave. A look back at Swindon's blueprint for the National Health Service...
/?m=8&s=116&ss=337&c=1190&t=Be...Text duplicate IMG-ALT Bed pans and begging dogs!
/?m=2&s=2033&ss=2062&c=12384&t...IMG-ALT The Dambusters 80
/?m=2&s=2033&ss=2062&c=12384&t...THE DAMBUSTERS 80 Swindon's connection to the genius of Barnes Wallis & the Bouncing Bomb....
/?m=2&s=2033&ss=2062&c=12384&t...Text duplicate IMG-ALT The Dambusters 80
/?m=8&s=116&ss=344&c=1196&t=It...IMG-ALT It's Swindon, Ma'am!
/?m=8&s=116&ss=344&c=1196&t=It...IT'S SWINDON, MA'AM! QUEEN ELIZABETH II: In her amazing 70 years on the throne, here's the 4 occasions Her Majesty officially stopped off in Swindon...
/?m=8&s=116&ss=344&c=1196&t=It...Text duplicate IMG-ALT It's Swindon, Ma'am!
/?m=8&s=121&ss=406&c=1346&t=Th...IMG-ALT The name's Craig, Daniel 'Wroughton' Craig!
/?m=8&s=121&ss=406&c=1346&t=Th...THE NAME'S CRAIG, DANIEL 'WROUGHTON' CRAIG! ... plus Swindon's 00-seven other unlikely connections to the glamour and glitz of James Bond - WATCH VIDEO
/?m=8&s=121&ss=406&c=1346&t=Th...Text duplicate IMG-ALT The name's Craig, Daniel 'Wroughton' Craig!
/?m=8&s=121&ss=2633&c=15227&t=...IMG-ALT Diego Maradona
/?m=8&s=121&ss=2633&c=15227&t=...DIEGO MARADONA Swindon's connection to the mercurial football artist. WARNING: CONTAINS WORDS & RECOLLECTIONS SOME TOWN FANS MAY FIND DISTRESSING
/?m=8&s=121&ss=2633&c=15227&t=...Text duplicate IMG-ALT Diego Maradona
/?m=8&s=121&ss=437&c=1407&t=Ge...IMG-ALT George Best
/?m=8&s=121&ss=437&c=1407&t=Ge...GEORGE BEST The Good, The Bad and The Bubbly - and Swindon enjoyed all three #legend....
/?m=8&s=121&ss=437&c=1407&t=Ge...Text duplicate IMG-ALT George Best
/?m=8&s=1137&ss=1140&c=5534&t=...IMG-ALT Keep The Kids Entertained
/?m=8&s=1137&ss=1140&c=5534&t=...KEEP THE KIDS ENTERTAINED 10 top ideas of things to do in Swindon when the school holidays come round - INSIDE & OUT - WATCH VIDEOS
/?m=8&s=1137&ss=1140&c=5534&t=...Text duplicate IMG-ALT Keep The Kids Entertained
/?m=11&s=16&ss=452&c=1457&t=A+...IMG-ALT A Day to Remember
/?m=11&s=16&ss=452&c=1457&t=A+...A DAY TO REMEMBER 55 YEARS AGO!Memories of Swindon Town's greatest day - the 1969 League Cup Final - 15 MARCH 1969 - WATCH VIDEOS
/?m=11&s=16&ss=452&c=1457&t=A+...Text duplicate IMG-ALT A Day to Remember
/?m=2&s=2553&ss=2591&c=14980&t...IMG-ALT An Album Ahead Of Its Time
/?m=2&s=2553&ss=2591&c=14980&t...AN ALBUM AHEAD OF ITS TIME 50 years on from The Moody Blues' grounbreaking 'Days of Future Passed' written by Swindon Rock God Justin Hayward#madeinswindon
/?m=2&s=2553&ss=2591&c=14980&t...Text duplicate IMG-ALT An Album Ahead Of Its Time
/?m=2&s=2553&ss=2587&c=14936&t...IMG-ALT Diana in Swindon
/?m=2&s=2553&ss=2587&c=14936&t...DIANA IN SWINDON We look back on the Princess's visits to town - both official & unofficial - WATCH VIDEO
/?m=2&s=2553&ss=2587&c=14936&t...Text duplicate IMG-ALT Diana in Swindon
/?m=8&s=1669&ss=0&c=9068&t=Dog...IMG-ALT Dog Friendly Food Pubs
/?m=8&s=1669&ss=0&c=9068&t=Dog...DOG FRIENDLY FOOD PUBS Where to enjoy a bite to eat in Swindon and take along your four-legged friend... #dogfriendly
/?m=8&s=1669&ss=0&c=9068&t=Dog...Text duplicate IMG-ALT Dog Friendly Food Pubs
/?m=11&s=18&ss=0&c=1048&t=Eati...Text duplicate IMG-ALT Eating Out Guide
/?m=11&s=18&ss=0&c=1048&t=Eati...EATING OUT GUIDE Italian restaurant in Swindon? Chinese, perhaps? A quick bite at lunch-time? Or Sunday lunch? FULL GUIDE
/?m=11&s=18&ss=0&c=1048&t=Eati...Text duplicate IMG-ALT Eating Out Guide
/myswindonweb/Text duplicate IMG-ALT myswindonweb
http://www.deacons-jewellers.com/New window External Subdomain IMG-ALT Deacons
A-TITLE Deacons
http://www.leightonsopticians....New window External Subdomain IMG-ALT Leightons Opticians
A-TITLE Leightons Opticians
https://www.1ststretch.com/New window External Subdomain IMG-ALT 1st Stretch Limos Swindon
A-TITLE 1st Stretch Limos Swindon
http://www.studleygrange.co.uk/New window External Subdomain IMG-ALT Studley Grange Butterfly World and Craft Village
A-TITLE Studley Grange Butterfly World and Craft Village
http://www.leightonsopticians....New window External Subdomain Text duplicate IMG-ALT Leightons Opticians
A-TITLE Leightons Opticians
http://www.saveontyresltd.co.uk/New window External Subdomain IMG-ALT Save On Tyres
A-TITLE Save On Tyres
http://www.chelworthwindows.co...New window External Subdomain IMG-ALT Chelworth Windows and Conservatories, Swindon, Wiltshire
A-TITLE Chelworth Windows and Conservatories, Swindon, Wiltshire
http://www.toomers.co.uk/New window External Subdomain IMG-ALT Toomers
A-TITLE Toomers
http://www.swindonchiro.co.uk/New window External Subdomain A-TITLE Swindon Chiro
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