Ultra-shop.ch - SEO Checker

Overview of the SEO Check
Meta information
Page quality
Page structure
Link structure
External factors
SEO Score
Response time
1.18 s
File size
373.90 kB
Media files
Number of links
246 internal / 6 external

Task list of SEO Improvements

Meta specifications

(Critically important)
ultra-shop.ch - Lifestyle for ultras and casual since 2007
The domain is used in the page's title.
There are no duplicate words in the title
Meta description
(Critically important)
Retrouvez vos marques préférées: PGwear, Lyle & Scott, Lacoste, Stone Island, Fred Perry, Ben Sherman, Ellesse, CP Company, Lonsdale, Weekend Offender
The length of the meta description is perfect. (984 pixels out of 1000 max pixel length)
(Critically important)
There are no problems in accessing the website.
Canonical URL
No canonical link is specified.
(Somewhat important)
Language detected in text: fr
Language defined in HTML: fr
Server location: United States of America
The following language is defined by HTML: fr
Alternate/Hreflang Links
(Somewhat important)
There are no alternate links specified on this page.
Other meta tags
(Somewhat important)
There is no rel next meta tag on this page.
There is no rel prev meta tag on this page.
(Somewhat important)
The domain is no subdomain.
The domain length is good.
The domain does not contain non-latin characters.
Page URL
(Somewhat important)
No parameters were found in the URL.
No session ID was found in the URL.
The URL does not have too many subdirectories.
Charset encoding
(Somewhat important)
The charset encoding (UTF-8) is set correctly.
(Nice to have)
The doctype HTML 5 is set correctly.
The doctype is placed at first in the HTML code.
(Nice to have)
The favicon is linked correctly.

Meta tags

descriptionRetrouvez vos marques préférées: PGwear, Lyle & Scott, Lacoste, Stone Island, Fred Perry, Ben Sherman, Ellesse, CP Company, Lonsdale, Weekend Offender
keywordst-shirt, hooligans, sweatshirts, acab, uefamafia, cagoule, écharpe, drapeaux, autocollant, stickers, casquette, veste, bonnet, tribune, virage, 1312, pgwear, polo, shop, boutique, ultras, ultraverse
viewportwidth=device-width, initial-scale=1

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Page quality

(Critically important)
Some words from the page title are not used within the pages content
This page contains 1672 words. That's ok.
12.7% of the text are stop words.
The page contains a listing, which indicates a good text layout.
3 paragraphs were found on this page.
No placeholders texts or images were found.
There are no duplicates on the site.
The average number of words per sentence of 14.25 words is good.
(Critically important)
This page does not use a frameset.
Mobile optimization
(Somewhat important)
No Apple touch icon is specified.
A viewport "width=device-width, initial-scale=1" is provided.
Bold and strong tags
(Somewhat important)
The following tag is repeated too often: modéré
Image SEO
(Somewhat important)
69 images have no alt attribute. The content of alt attributes is used by search engines.
Social Networks
(Nice to have)
This page is optimized perfectly for social networks.
Additional markup
(Nice to have)
No additional page markup was found.
(Somewhat important)
This website uses HTTPS to protect privacy and integrity of the exchanged data.
All included files are also transferred via HTTPS.

Media list

URLAlt attributeTitle
...//modules/an_theme/views/img/loading.svgNo alt attribute provided
...//modules/an_theme/views/img/loading.svgNo alt attribute provided
...//modules/an_theme/views/img/loading.svgNo alt attribute provided
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...eat-zippe-track-top-uef-mafia-pgwear.jpgNo alt attribute provided
...ault/gants-blizzard-noir-us-clothing.jpgNo alt attribute provided
...//modules/an_theme/views/img/loading.svgPromos %
...//modules/an_theme/views/img/loading.svgCasual Ultras
...//modules/an_theme/views/img/loading.svgFootball Mafia
...//modules/an_theme/views/img/loading.svgNo alt attribute provided
...//modules/an_theme/views/img/loading.svgNo alt attribute provided
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...//modules/an_theme/views/img/loading.svgNo alt attribute provided
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...//modules/an_theme/views/img/loading.svgNo alt attribute provided
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...ication/uploads/gg2sd9hanedfy4dyx1wb.pngSwiss Certified Online StoreSwiss Certified Online Store
...ication/uploads/m0owaurtny9j47gegcwf.pngpro climapro clima
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Page structure

H1 heading
(Critically important)
There is no H1 heading specified.
Some headings occur twice on the page.
The structure of headings is missing one or more levels. Do not skip heading levels.
There are 26 headings on the page. The amount of headings should be in a more proper relation to the amount of text.

Heading structure

Heading levelContent
H2 Service client
H2 Ne manquez rien !
H3 Sweat-shirt à capuche...
H3 Sweat-shirt à capuche... Duplicate text
H3 T-shirt Excursion Noir -...
H3 Veste Full Face Resistance...
H3 Polo Tipped Black - Lyle &...
H3 Polo Tipped White - Lyle &...
H3 Sacoche bandoulière...
H3 T-shirt Plain Navy - Lyle &...
H3 Polo Plain - Fred Perry
H3 Polo Twin Tipped - Fred Perry
H3 Casquette Pique Classic...
H3 Bonnet Noir - Fred Perry
H3 Casquette Clay Check -...
H3 Bob Check Navy - Weekend...
H3 Bonnet Kettama Rib Chunky...
H3 Polo Pique Badge Navy -...
H3 T-shirt Fuenti blanc - Ellesse
H3 Bob Lorenzo Noir - Ellesse
H3 Veste de survêtement navy -...
H3 Sacoche bandoulière noir -...
H4 Contactez-nous:
H4 Livraison gratuite:
H4 Modes de paiement:
H4 Droit de retour sous 90 jours:
Some anchor texts are used more than once.
12 links don't have an anchor text.
The number of internal links is ok.
None of the anchor texts is too long.
All internal links are not using dynamic parameters.
There are 6 external links on this page.
LinkAttributesAnchor text
/shop/fr/page/3-conditions-gen...Subdomain En savoir plus
/shop/fr/Subdomain Français
/shop/de/Subdomain Deutsch
/shop/it/Subdomain Italiano
/shop/fr/Subdomain Text duplicate Français
/shop/de/Subdomain Text duplicate Deutsch
/shop/it/Subdomain Text duplicate Italiano
/shop/fr/contactSubdomain Formulaire de contact
/shop/fr/page/7-effectuer-un-r...Subdomain Effectuer un retour
/shop/fr/mon-compteNofollow Subdomain Connexion
A-TITLE Identifiez-vous
/shop/fr/module/an_wishlist/listSubdomain Mes favoris: 0 Mes favoris (0)
A-TITLE Mes favoris
/shop/fr/panier?action=showNofollow Subdomain Panier: 0 0
https://www.ultra-shop.ch/shop/Subdomain IMG-ALT ultra-shop.ch
https://www.ultra-shop.ch/shop/Subdomain Text duplicate IMG-ALT ultra-shop.ch
/shop/fr/21-nouvel-arrivage-no...Subdomain Nouveautés
/shop/fr/49-valentine-s-daySubdomain Valentine's Day UP TO 50%
/shop/fr/28-collections-ultras...Subdomain Collections & Marques
/shop/fr/21-nouvel-arrivage-no...Subdomain Text duplicate Nouveautés
A-TITLE Nouveautés
/shop/fr/33-lyle-scott-casual-...Subdomain Lyle & Scott
A-TITLE Lyle & Scott
/shop/fr/35-ellesse-casual-ult...Subdomain Ellesse
A-TITLE Ellesse
/shop/fr/37-fred-perry-casual-...Subdomain Fred Perry
A-TITLE Fred Perry
/shop/fr/40-the-north-face-cas...Subdomain The North Face
A-TITLE The North Face
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A-TITLE Weekend Offender
/shop/fr/39-adidas-originals-c...Subdomain adidas Originals
A-TITLE adidas Originals
/shop/fr/32-lacoste-polos-casu...Subdomain Lacoste
A-TITLE Lacoste
/shop/fr/34-pgwear-casual-ultr...Subdomain PGwear
/shop/fr/47-napapijri-casual-u...Subdomain Napapijri
A-TITLE Napapijri
/shop/fr/43-carhartt-casual-ul...Subdomain Carhartt
A-TITLE Carhartt
/shop/fr/31-no-respect-polos-t...Subdomain No Respect
A-TITLE No Respect
/shop/fr/38-stadium-wear-ultra...Subdomain Stadium Wear
A-TITLE Stadium Wear
/shop/fr/24-casual-ultras-pgwe...Subdomain Casual Ultras
A-TITLE Casual Ultras
/shop/fr/23-acab-1312-ultras-c...Subdomain ACAB/1312
/shop/fr/27-football-mafiaSubdomain Football Mafia
A-TITLE Football Mafia
/shop/fr/395-1629-polo-pique-n...Subdomain Anchor A-TITLE Polo Pique Navy - PGwear
/shop/fr/395-1629-polo-pique-n...Subdomain Anchor Text duplicate Polo Pique Navy - PGwear
A-TITLE Polo Pique Navy - PGwear
/shop/fr/3-vetements-ultras-ca...Subdomain Vêtements
/shop/fr/4-t-shirts-ultras-cas...Subdomain T-shirts
A-TITLE T-shirts
/shop/fr/5-polos-casual-ultras...Subdomain Polos
/shop/fr/29-maillots-de-footba...Subdomain Maillots de football
A-TITLE Maillots de football
/shop/fr/13-shorts-et-bermudas...Subdomain Shorts et bermudas
A-TITLE Shorts et bermudas
/shop/fr/11-sweatshirts-hoolig...Subdomain Sweatshirts
A-TITLE Sweatshirts
/shop/fr/12-vestes-jaquettes-u...Subdomain Vestes et jaquettes
A-TITLE Vestes et jaquettes
/shop/fr/22-pantalons-et-joggingsSubdomain Pantalons et joggings
A-TITLE Pantalons et joggings
/shop/fr/314-1218-sweat-zippe-...Subdomain Anchor A-TITLE Sweat zippé Track Top UEF* MAFIA - PGwear
/shop/fr/314-1218-sweat-zippe-...Subdomain Anchor Sweat zippé Track Top UEF*...
A-TITLE Sweat zippé Track Top UEF* MAFIA - PGwear
/shop/fr/6-cagoules-bonnets-ec...Subdomain Accessoires
/shop/fr/7-cagoules-ultras-cas...Subdomain Cagoules
A-TITLE Cagoules
/shop/fr/8-casquettes-bob-ultr...Subdomain Casquettes
A-TITLE Casquettes
/shop/fr/14-bonnetsSubdomain Bonnets
A-TITLE Bonnets
/shop/fr/16-echarpesSubdomain Écharpes
A-TITLE Écharpes
/shop/fr/36-gants-casual-ultra...Subdomain Gants
/shop/fr/44-ceinturesSubdomain Ceintures
A-TITLE Ceintures
/shop/fr/18-autocollants-ultra...Subdomain Autocollants
A-TITLE Autocollants
/shop/fr/15-gadgets-ultras-cas...Subdomain Gadgets
A-TITLE Gadgets
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A-TITLE Drapeaux
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A-TITLE Cartes cadeaux
/shop/fr/667-3162-gants-blizza...Subdomain Anchor A-TITLE Gants Blizzard noir - US Clothing
/shop/fr/667-3162-gants-blizza...Subdomain Anchor Gants Blizzard noir - US...
A-TITLE Gants Blizzard noir - US Clothing
/shop/fr/page/9-autocollants-u...Subdomain Custom
/shop/fr/page/9-autocollants-u...Subdomain Text duplicate Autocollants
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/shop/fr/49-valentine-s-daySubdomain Text duplicate Valentine's Day UP TO 50%
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/shop/fr/21-nouvel-arrivage-no...Subdomain Text duplicate Nouveautés
A-TITLE Nouveautés
/shop/fr/33-lyle-scott-casual-...Subdomain Text duplicate Lyle & Scott
A-TITLE Lyle & Scott
/shop/fr/35-ellesse-casual-ult...Subdomain Text duplicate Ellesse
A-TITLE Ellesse
/shop/fr/37-fred-perry-casual-...Subdomain Text duplicate Fred Perry
A-TITLE Fred Perry
/shop/fr/40-the-north-face-cas...Subdomain Text duplicate The North Face
A-TITLE The North Face
/shop/fr/42-weekend-offender-c...Subdomain Text duplicate Weekend Offender
A-TITLE Weekend Offender
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A-TITLE adidas Originals
/shop/fr/32-lacoste-polos-casu...Subdomain Text duplicate Lacoste
A-TITLE Lacoste
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/shop/fr/47-napapijri-casual-u...Subdomain Text duplicate Napapijri
A-TITLE Napapijri
/shop/fr/43-carhartt-casual-ul...Subdomain Text duplicate Carhartt
A-TITLE Carhartt
/shop/fr/31-no-respect-polos-t...Subdomain Text duplicate No Respect
A-TITLE No Respect
/shop/fr/38-stadium-wear-ultra...Subdomain Text duplicate Stadium Wear
A-TITLE Stadium Wear
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A-TITLE Casual Ultras
/shop/fr/23-acab-1312-ultras-c...Subdomain Text duplicate ACAB/1312
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A-TITLE Football Mafia
/shop/fr/395-1629-polo-pique-n...Subdomain Anchor Text duplicate A-TITLE Polo Pique Navy - PGwear
/shop/fr/395-1629-polo-pique-n...Subdomain Anchor Text duplicate Polo Pique Navy - PGwear
A-TITLE Polo Pique Navy - PGwear
/shop/fr/3-vetements-ultras-ca...Subdomain Text duplicate Vêtements
/shop/fr/4-t-shirts-ultras-cas...Subdomain Text duplicate T-shirts
A-TITLE T-shirts
/shop/fr/5-polos-casual-ultras...Subdomain Text duplicate Polos
/shop/fr/29-maillots-de-footba...Subdomain Text duplicate Maillots de football
A-TITLE Maillots de football
/shop/fr/13-shorts-et-bermudas...Subdomain Text duplicate Shorts et bermudas
A-TITLE Shorts et bermudas
/shop/fr/11-sweatshirts-hoolig...Subdomain Text duplicate Sweatshirts
A-TITLE Sweatshirts
/shop/fr/12-vestes-jaquettes-u...Subdomain Text duplicate Vestes et jaquettes
A-TITLE Vestes et jaquettes
/shop/fr/22-pantalons-et-joggingsSubdomain Text duplicate Pantalons et joggings
A-TITLE Pantalons et joggings
/shop/fr/314-1218-sweat-zippe-...Subdomain Anchor Text duplicate A-TITLE Sweat zippé Track Top UEF* MAFIA - PGwear
/shop/fr/314-1218-sweat-zippe-...Subdomain Anchor Sweat zippé Track Top...
A-TITLE Sweat zippé Track Top UEF* MAFIA - PGwear
/shop/fr/6-cagoules-bonnets-ec...Subdomain Text duplicate Accessoires
/shop/fr/7-cagoules-ultras-cas...Subdomain Text duplicate Cagoules
A-TITLE Cagoules
/shop/fr/8-casquettes-bob-ultr...Subdomain Text duplicate Casquettes
A-TITLE Casquettes
/shop/fr/14-bonnetsSubdomain Text duplicate Bonnets
A-TITLE Bonnets
/shop/fr/16-echarpesSubdomain Text duplicate Écharpes
A-TITLE Écharpes
/shop/fr/36-gants-casual-ultra...Subdomain Text duplicate Gants
/shop/fr/44-ceinturesSubdomain Text duplicate Ceintures
A-TITLE Ceintures
/shop/fr/18-autocollants-ultra...Subdomain Text duplicate Autocollants
A-TITLE Autocollants
/shop/fr/15-gadgets-ultras-cas...Subdomain Text duplicate Gadgets
A-TITLE Gadgets
/shop/fr/17-drapeauxSubdomain Text duplicate Drapeaux
A-TITLE Drapeaux
/shop/fr/26-cartes-cadeaux-bon...Subdomain Text duplicate Cartes cadeaux
A-TITLE Cartes cadeaux
/shop/fr/667-3162-gants-blizza...Subdomain Anchor Text duplicate A-TITLE Gants Blizzard noir - US Clothing
/shop/fr/667-3162-gants-blizza...Subdomain Anchor Gants Blizzard noir -...
A-TITLE Gants Blizzard noir - US Clothing
/shop/fr/page/9-autocollants-u...Subdomain Text duplicate Custom
/shop/fr/page/9-autocollants-u...Subdomain Text duplicate Autocollants
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/shop/fr/21-nouvel-arrivage-no...Subdomain No Text
/shop/fr/46-promosSubdomain No Text
/shop/fr/24-casual-ultras-pgwe...Subdomain No Text
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/shop/fr/7-cagoules-ultras-cas...Subdomain No Text
/shop/fr/27-football-mafiaSubdomain No Text
/shop/fr/34-pgwear-casual-ultr...Subdomain Text duplicate PGwear
/shop/fr/34-pgwear-casual-ultr...Subdomain Voir tous les produits
/shop/fr/639-3019-sweat-shirt-...Subdomain Anchor No Text
/shop/fr/639-3019-sweat-shirt-...Subdomain Anchor Sweat-shirt à capuche...
/shop/fr/639-3019-sweat-shirt-...Subdomain Anchor -20%
/shop/fr/641-3043-sweat-shirt-...Subdomain Anchor No Text
/shop/fr/641-3043-sweat-shirt-...Subdomain Anchor Text duplicate Sweat-shirt à capuche...
/shop/fr/641-3043-sweat-shirt-...Subdomain Anchor Text duplicate -20%
/shop/fr/642-3055-t-shirt-excu...Subdomain Anchor No Text
/shop/fr/642-3055-t-shirt-excu...Subdomain Anchor T-shirt Excursion Noir -...
/shop/fr/642-3055-t-shirt-excu...Subdomain Anchor Text duplicate -20%
/shop/fr/644-3079-veste-full-f...Subdomain Anchor No Text
/shop/fr/644-3079-veste-full-f...Subdomain Anchor Veste Full Face Resistance...
/shop/fr/644-3079-veste-full-f...Subdomain Anchor Text duplicate -20%
/shop/fr/33-lyle-scott-casual-...Subdomain Text duplicate Lyle & Scott
/shop/fr/33-lyle-scott-casual-...Subdomain Text duplicate Voir tous les produits
/shop/fr/562-2652-polo-tipped-...Subdomain Anchor No Text
/shop/fr/562-2652-polo-tipped-...Subdomain Anchor Polo Tipped Black - Lyle &...
/shop/fr/562-2652-polo-tipped-...Subdomain Anchor Text duplicate -20%
/shop/fr/566-2676-polo-tipped-...Subdomain Anchor No Text
/shop/fr/566-2676-polo-tipped-...Subdomain Anchor Polo Tipped White - Lyle &...
/shop/fr/566-2676-polo-tipped-...Subdomain Anchor Text duplicate -20%
/shop/fr/612-2876-sacoche-band...Subdomain Anchor No Text
/shop/fr/612-2876-sacoche-band...Subdomain Anchor Sacoche bandoulière...
/shop/fr/612-2876-sacoche-band...Subdomain Anchor -15%
/shop/fr/625-2964-t-shirt-plai...Subdomain Anchor No Text
/shop/fr/625-2964-t-shirt-plai...Subdomain Anchor T-shirt Plain Navy - Lyle &...
/shop/fr/625-2964-t-shirt-plai...Subdomain Anchor Text duplicate -20%
/shop/fr/37-fred-perry-casual-...Subdomain Text duplicate Fred Perry
/shop/fr/37-fred-perry-casual-...Subdomain Text duplicate Voir tous les produits
/shop/fr/577-2733-polo-plain-f...Subdomain Anchor No Text
/shop/fr/577-2733-polo-plain-f...Subdomain Anchor Polo Plain - Fred Perry
/shop/fr/577-2733-polo-plain-f...Subdomain Anchor Text duplicate -20%
/shop/fr/581-2765-polo-twin-ti...Subdomain Anchor No Text
/shop/fr/581-2765-polo-twin-ti...Subdomain Anchor Polo Twin Tipped - Fred Perry
/shop/fr/581-2765-polo-twin-ti...Subdomain Anchor Text duplicate -20%
/shop/fr/634-2996-casquette-pi...Subdomain Anchor No Text
/shop/fr/634-2996-casquette-pi...Subdomain Anchor Casquette Pique Classic...
/shop/fr/634-2996-casquette-pi...Subdomain Anchor Text duplicate -15%
/shop/fr/668-3165-bonnet-noir-...Subdomain Anchor No Text
/shop/fr/668-3165-bonnet-noir-...Subdomain Anchor Bonnet Noir - Fred Perry
/shop/fr/668-3165-bonnet-noir-...Subdomain Anchor -15% Nouveau
/shop/fr/42-weekend-offender-c...Subdomain Text duplicate Weekend Offender
/shop/fr/42-weekend-offender-c...Subdomain Text duplicate Voir tous les produits
/shop/fr/638-3014-casquette-cl...Subdomain Anchor No Text
/shop/fr/638-3014-casquette-cl...Subdomain Anchor Casquette Clay Check -...
/shop/fr/638-3014-casquette-cl...Subdomain Anchor -15% Rupture de stock
/shop/fr/676-3193-bob-check-na...Subdomain Anchor No Text
/shop/fr/676-3193-bob-check-na...Subdomain Anchor Bob Check Navy - Weekend...
/shop/fr/676-3193-bob-check-na...Subdomain Anchor Text duplicate -15% Nouveau
/shop/fr/677-3195-bonnet-ketta...Subdomain Anchor No Text
/shop/fr/677-3195-bonnet-ketta...Subdomain Anchor Bonnet Kettama Rib Chunky...
/shop/fr/677-3195-bonnet-ketta...Subdomain Anchor Text duplicate -15% Nouveau
/shop/fr/678-3203-polo-pique-b...Subdomain Anchor No Text
/shop/fr/678-3203-polo-pique-b...Subdomain Anchor Polo Pique Badge Navy -...
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A-TITLE En savoir plus
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www.ultra-shop.ch › shop
ultra-shop.ch - Lifestyle for ultras and casual since 2007
Retrouvez vos marques préférées: PGwear, Lyle & Scott, Lacoste, Stone Island, Fred Perry, Ben Sherman, Ellesse, CP Company, Lonsdale, Weekend Offender

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Fred Perry56%Check
Lyle Scott53%Check
de retour51%Check

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