- SEO Checker

Overview of the SEO Check
Meta information
Page quality
Page structure
Link structure
External factors
SEO Score
Response time
0.71 s
File size
235.20 kB
Media files
Number of links
154 internal / 1 external

Task list of SEO Improvements

Meta specifications

(Critically important)
VERMUTERIA | Vermouth & Canned Seafood
The length of the page title is perfect. (411 pixels out of 580 max pixel length)
There are no duplicate words in the title
Meta description
(Critically important)
Wermut kaufen beim Schweizer Vermouth Spezialisten. Bei uns findest du garantiert den perfekten Vermut, ganz nach Deinem Geschmack und für jeden Anlass.
The length of the meta description is perfect. (993 pixels out of 1000 max pixel length)
(Critically important)
There are no problems in accessing the website.
Canonical URL
There is a valid canonical link specified.
(Somewhat important)
Language detected in text: de
Language defined in HTML: de-ch
Server location: United States of America
The following language is defined by HTML: de-ch
Alternate/Hreflang Links
(Somewhat important)
There are no alternate links specified on this page.
Other meta tags
(Somewhat important)
There is no rel next meta tag on this page.
There is no rel prev meta tag on this page.
(Somewhat important)
The domain is no subdomain.
The domain length is good.
The domain does not contain non-latin characters.
Page URL
(Somewhat important)
No parameters were found in the URL.
No session ID was found in the URL.
The URL does not have too many subdirectories.
Charset encoding
(Somewhat important)
The charset encoding (UTF-8) is set correctly.
(Nice to have)
The doctype HTML 5 is set correctly.
The doctype is placed at first in the HTML code.
(Nice to have)
The favicon is linked correctly.

Meta tags

viewportwidth=device-width, initial-scale=1
descriptionWermut kaufen beim Schweizer Vermouth Spezialisten. Bei uns findest du garantiert den perfekten Vermut, ganz nach Deinem Geschmack und für jeden Anlass.
robotsfollow, index, max-snippet:-1, max-video-preview:-1, max-image-preview:large
generatorSite Kit by Google 1.126.0
twitter:titleVERMUTERIA | Vermouth & Canned Seafood
twitter:descriptionWermut kaufen beim Schweizer Vermouth Spezialisten. Bei uns findest du garantiert den perfekten Vermut, ganz nach Deinem Geschmack und für jeden Anlass.
twitter:label1Verfasst von
twitter:label2Zeit zum Lesen
twitter:data23 Minuten
og:titleVERMUTERIA | Vermouth & Canned Seafood
og:descriptionWermut kaufen beim Schweizer Vermouth Spezialisten. Bei uns findest du garantiert den perfekten Vermut, ganz nach Deinem Geschmack und für jeden Anlass.
og:image:altSocial Media Header Vermuteria

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Page quality

(Critically important)
Words from the H1 heading are not used in the page content.
This page contains 704 words. That's ok.
18.8% of the text are stop words.
Keywords used in the page title are also used in the page content. That's good!
The page contains a listing, which indicates a good text layout.
8 paragraphs were found on this page.
No placeholders texts or images were found.
There are no duplicates on the site.
The average number of words per sentence of 17.89 words is good.
(Critically important)
This page does not use a frameset.
Mobile optimization
(Somewhat important)
A viewport "width=device-width, initial-scale=1" is provided.
At least one Apple touch icon is specified.
Bold and strong tags
(Somewhat important)
Empty bold or strong tags were found on this page.
The following tag is repeated too often: 5.00
Image SEO
(Somewhat important)
Alt text (alternative text) is correctly used on all found images.
Social Networks
(Nice to have)
There are only a few social sharing widgets on the page. Make your website popular in social networks with social sharing widgets.
Additional markup
(Nice to have)
No additional page markup was found.
(Somewhat important)
This website uses HTTPS to protect privacy and integrity of the exchanged data.
All included files are also transferred via HTTPS.

Media list

URLAlt attributeTitle
...martini-alkoholfrei-vibrante-300x300.jpgMartini Vibrante ohne AlkoholVermuteria 1
...loads/jsotta-bianco-vermouth-300x300.jpgJsotta Bianco VermouthVermuteria 2
...t/uploads/cisa-rojo-vermouth-300x300.jpgVermouth Cisa Rojo FlascheVermuteria 3
...uploads/dolin-rouge-vermouth-300x300.jpgDolin Rouge VermouthVermuteria 4
...uploads/les-cousins-genciana-600x600.jpgLes Cousins GencianaVermuteria 5
...t/uploads/gryff-vermouth-rot-300x300.jpgGryff Vermouth Rot FlascheVermuteria 6
...ent/uploads/dr-ulrich-bianco-300x300.jpgProduktbild Dr. Ulrich BiancoVermuteria 7
...ploads/olave-blanco-vermouth-300x300.jpgOlave Blanco VermouthVermuteria 8
...oads/belsazar-weiss-vermouth-300x300.jpgFlasche Belsazar Vermouth WeissVermuteria 9
...uploads/dos-deus-rojo-smoked-600x600.jpgDos Déus Rojo SmokedVermuteria 10
.../la-quintinye-vermouth-blanc-300x300.jpgLa Quintinye Vermouth Blanc FlascheVermuteria 11
...t/uploads/atxa-rojo-vermouth-300x300.jpgAtxa Rojo Premium VermouthVermuteria 12
.../uploads/dos-deus-blanco-dry-600x600.jpgDos Déus Blanco DryVermuteria 13
...-blanco-dry-reserva-vermouth-300x300.jpgYzaguirre Blanco Dry Reserva VermutVermuteria 14
/wp-content/uploads/wermu-rot-300x300.jpgWermut RotVermuteria 15 Txurrut VintageVermuteria 16
...arlini-arloren-rojo-vermouth-300x300.jpgArlini Rojo VermouthVermuteria 17
...lini-arloren-blanco-vermouth-300x300.jpgArlini Blanco VermouthVermuteria 18
...s/1757-vermouth-torino-rosso-300x300.jpg1757 Vermouth di TorinoVermuteria 19
...uploads/cisa-blanco-vermouth-300x300.jpgVermouth Cisa Blanco FlascheVermuteria 20
...muller-reserva-rojo-vermouth-300x300.jpgDe Muller Reserva Rojo VermouthVermuteria 21
...t/uploads/vermut-lustau-rose-300x300.jpgLustau Rosé WermutVermuteria 22
.../uploads/vermouth-golfo-rojo-600x600.jpgProduktbild Vermouth Golfo RojoVermuteria 23
...oads/vermouth-forzudo-blanco-300x300.jpgForzudo Blanco Wermut weissVermuteria 24
.../uploads/matter-rot-vermouth-300x300.jpgMatter Vermouth RossoVermuteria 25
/wp-content/uploads/zarro-rojo-300x300.jpgZarro Rojo VermouthVermuteria 26
...uploads/gryff-vermouth-weiss-300x300.jpgGryff Vermouth Weiss FlascheVermuteria 27
.../casa-mariol-blanco-vermouth-300x300.jpgCasa Mariol BlancoVermuteria 28
.../uploads/siset-rojo-vermouth-300x300.jpgMascaro Siset Rojo VermutVermuteria 29
...ploads/belsazar-rot-vermouth-300x300.jpgFlasche Belsazar Vermouth RotVermuteria 30
...uploads/vermut-lustau-blanco-300x300.jpgLustau Blanco WermutVermuteria 31 Reserva Especial VermouthVermuteria 32
...vermouth-atxa-rojo-sparkling-300x300.jpgVermouth Atxa SparklingVermuteria 33 El Vermu RojoVermuteria 34
...irre-blanco-reserva-vermouth-300x300.jpgYzaguirre Blanco Reserva VermuthVermuteria 35
...tent/uploads/dr-ulrich-rosso-300x300.jpgDr.Ulrich RossoVermuteria 36
...martini-alkoholfrei-floreale-300x300.jpgMartini Floreale AlkoholfreiVermuteria 37
...oads/vermouth-martini-bianco-300x300.jpgMartini Bianco VermouthVermuteria 38
...loads/atxa-blanco-vermouth-1-300x300.jpgAtxa Blanco Premium VermouthVermuteria 39
...loads/vermouth-martini-rosso-300x300.jpgMartini Rosso VermouthVermuteria 40
.../uploads/dos-deus-blanco-dry-300x300.jpgDos Déus Blanco DryVermuteria 41
...uploads/dos-deus-rojo-smoked-300x300.jpgDos Déus Rojo SmokedVermuteria 42
...cchi-barolo-chinato-130-anni-300x300.jpgChocchi Barolo Chinato 130 Flasche und HolzkisteVermuteria 43
...uploads/les-cousins-genciana-300x300.jpgLes Cousins GencianaVermuteria 44
...loads/vermouth-martini-fiero-300x300.jpgVermouth Martini FieroVermuteria 45
.../uploads/vermouth-golfo-rojo-300x300.jpgProduktbild Vermouth Golfo RojoVermuteria 46
...tent/uploads/dr-ulrich-rosso-300x300.jpgDr.Ulrich RossoVermuteria 47
...ent/uploads/dr-ulrich-bianco-300x300.jpgProduktbild Dr. Ulrich BiancoVermuteria 48
...ujula-sardinas-guisadas-no35-300x300.jpgLa Brujula Sardinas GuisadasVermuteria 49
...s-de-cambados-huevas-merluza-300x300.jpgConservas de Cambados Huevas de MerluzaVermuteria 50
...s-filetes-melva-aceite-olive-300x300.jpgConservas de Cambados Filetes de MelvaVermuteria 51
...rosa-lafuente-50-sardinillas-300x300.jpgRosa Lafuente feinste Sardinen in Olivenöl 50 stk.Vermuteria 52
...e-ventresca-bonito-del-norte-300x300.jpgRosa Lafuente zarte Thunfischfilets in OlivenölVermuteria 53
...lafuente-sardnilla-ecologico-300x300.jpgPaco Lafuente Sardinen BiologischVermuteria 54
...-lafuente-sardinas-escabeche-300x300.jpgpaco lafuente sardinas escabecheVermuteria 55
...rdinillas-16-18-aceite-oliva-300x300.jpgPaco Lafuente Sardinen in Olivenöl 16/18 stk.Vermuteria 56

Page structure

H1 heading
(Critically important)
Wermut kaufen beim schweizer wermut spezialisten
Too many H1 headings
The heading structure is perfect.

Heading structure

Heading levelContent
H1 Wermut kaufen beim schweizer wermut spezialisten
H2 Neue Vermouths
H2 Konserven für Feinschmecker
H2 VERMUTERIA.CH – Dein Onlineshop für Wermut, Feinschmecker Konserven und weitere spanische Spezialitäten
H3 Anmelden
H3 Neues Kundenkonto anlegen
H4 Vielfältige Auswahl
H4 Bequem und unkompliziert
H4 Unsere Passion erleben
H4 Kostenlose Lieferung
Some anchor texts are used more than once.
The number of internal links is ok.
None of the anchor texts is too long.
All internal links are not using dynamic parameters.
There are 1 external links on this page.
LinkAttributesAnchor text Skip to content
/familienunternehmen-aromo-gmbh/Subdomain Über uns
/kontaktiere-uns/Subdomain Kontakt & B2B
/versandkosten/Subdomain Bezahlung & Versandkosten Blog
/familienunternehmen-aromo-gmbh/Subdomain Text duplicate Über uns
/kontaktiere-uns/Subdomain Text duplicate Kontakt & B2B
/versandkosten/Subdomain Text duplicate Bezahlung & Versandkosten Text duplicate Blog IMG-ALT VERMUTERIA
A-TITLE VERMUTERIA - Die Wermut Spezialisten
/mein-konto/Subdomain Anmelden
/warenkorb/Subdomain Warenkorb
A-TITLE Warenkorb Zurück zum Shop
/warenkorb/Subdomain Text duplicate A-TITLE Warenkorb
/sortiment/vermouth/roter-wermut/Subdomain Roter Wermut
/sortiment/vermouth/weisser-we...Subdomain Weisser Wermut
/sortiment/vermouth/vermouth-r...Subdomain Rosé Wermut
/sortiment/konserven/Subdomain Canned Seafood
/sortiment/konserven/la-brujula/Subdomain La Brújula
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/sortiment/konserven/meeresfru...Subdomain Meeresfrüchte
/produkt/martini-vibrante-alko...Subdomain IMG-ALT Martini Vibrante ohne Alkohol
/produkt/martini-vibrante-alko...Subdomain Martini Vibrante alkoholfrei
/produkt/jsotta-vermouth-bianco/Subdomain IMG-ALT Jsotta Bianco Vermouth
/produkt/jsotta-vermouth-bianco/Subdomain Jsotta Bianco
/produkt/vermouth-cisa-rojo/Subdomain IMG-ALT Vermouth Cisa Rojo Flasche
/produkt/vermouth-cisa-rojo/Subdomain Vermouth Cisa Rojo
/produkt/dolin-vermouth-rouge/Subdomain IMG-ALT Dolin Rouge Vermouth
/produkt/dolin-vermouth-rouge/Subdomain Dolin Rouge
/produkt/genciana-les-cousins/Subdomain IMG-ALT Les Cousins Genciana
/produkt/genciana-les-cousins/Subdomain Text duplicate Les Cousins Genciana
/produkt/gryff-vermouth-rot/Subdomain IMG-ALT Gryff Vermouth Rot Flasche
/produkt/gryff-vermouth-rot/Subdomain Gryff Rot
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/produkt/dr-ulrich-bianco/Subdomain D.Ulrich Bianco
/produkt/olave-blanco/Subdomain IMG-ALT Olave Blanco Vermouth
/produkt/olave-blanco/Subdomain Olave Blanco
/produkt/belsazar-weiss/Subdomain IMG-ALT Flasche Belsazar Vermouth Weiss
/produkt/belsazar-weiss/Subdomain Belsazar Weiss
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/produkt/dos-deus-rojo-smoked/Subdomain Text duplicate Dos Déus Rojo Smoked
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/produkt/la-quintinye-vermouth...Subdomain La Quintinye Vermouth Blanc
/produkt/atxa-rojo/Subdomain IMG-ALT Atxa Rojo Premium Vermouth
/produkt/atxa-rojo/Subdomain Atxa Rojo
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/produkt/dos-deus-blanco-dry/Subdomain Text duplicate Dos Déus Blanco Dry
/produkt/yzaguirre-blanco-rese...Subdomain IMG-ALT Yzaguirre Blanco Dry Reserva Vermut
/produkt/yzaguirre-blanco-rese...Subdomain Yzaguirre Blanco Dry Reserva
/produkt/wermut-rot/Subdomain IMG-ALT Wermut Rot
/produkt/wermut-rot/Subdomain WERMUT Rot
/produkt/txurrut-vintage/Subdomain IMG-ALT Vermut Txurrut Vintage
/produkt/txurrut-vintage/Subdomain Txurrut Vintage
/produkt/arlini-rojo/Subdomain IMG-ALT Arlini Rojo Vermouth
/produkt/arlini-rojo/Subdomain Arlini Rojo
/produkt/arlini-blanco/Subdomain IMG-ALT Arlini Blanco Vermouth
/produkt/arlini-blanco/Subdomain Arlini Blanco
/produkt/cinzano-1757-rosso/Subdomain IMG-ALT 1757 Vermouth di Torino
/produkt/cinzano-1757-rosso/Subdomain Cinzano 1757 Rosso
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/produkt/vermouth-cisa-blanco/Subdomain Vermouth Cisa Blanco
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/produkt/de-muller-vermut-rese...Subdomain De Muller Reserva
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/produkt/lustau-rose/Subdomain Lustau Rosé
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/produkt/vermouth-golfo-rojo/Subdomain Golfo Rojo
/produkt/forzudo-blanco/Subdomain IMG-ALT Forzudo Blanco Wermut weiss
/produkt/forzudo-blanco/Subdomain Forzudo Blanco
/produkt/matter-vermouth-rosso/Subdomain IMG-ALT Matter Vermouth Rosso
/produkt/matter-vermouth-rosso/Subdomain Matter Rosso Formula O.
/produkt/zarro-rojo/Subdomain IMG-ALT Zarro Rojo Vermouth
/produkt/zarro-rojo/Subdomain Zarro Rojo
/produkt/gryff-vermouth-weiss/Subdomain IMG-ALT Gryff Vermouth Weiss Flasche
/produkt/gryff-vermouth-weiss/Subdomain Gryff Weiss
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/produkt/casa-mariol-blanco/Subdomain Text duplicate Casa Mariol Blanco
/produkt/mascaro-vermut-de-siset/Subdomain IMG-ALT Mascaro Siset Rojo Vermut
/produkt/mascaro-vermut-de-siset/Subdomain Mascaro Vermut de Siset
/produkt/belsazar-rot/Subdomain IMG-ALT Flasche Belsazar Vermouth Rot
/produkt/belsazar-rot/Subdomain Belsazar Rot
/produkt/lustau-blanco/Subdomain IMG-ALT Lustau Blanco Wermut
/produkt/lustau-blanco/Subdomain Lustau Blanco
/produkt/padro-co-blanco-reser...Subdomain IMG-ALT Padro Reserva Especial Vermouth
/produkt/padro-co-blanco-reser...Subdomain Padró & Co. Reserva Especial
/produkt/atxa-sparkling/Subdomain IMG-ALT Vermouth Atxa Sparkling
/produkt/atxa-sparkling/Subdomain Atxa Rojo Sparkling
/produkt/valdovinos-el-vermu/Subdomain IMG-ALT Valdovinos El Vermu Rojo
/produkt/valdovinos-el-vermu/Subdomain Valdovinos El Vermú
/produkt/yzaguirre-blanco-rese...Subdomain IMG-ALT Yzaguirre Blanco Reserva Vermuth
/produkt/yzaguirre-blanco-rese...Subdomain Yzaguirre Blanco Reserva
/produkt/dr-ulrich-rosso/Subdomain IMG-ALT Dr.Ulrich Rosso
/produkt/dr-ulrich-rosso/Subdomain D.Ulrich Rosso
/produkt/martini-floreale-alko...Subdomain IMG-ALT Martini Floreale Alkoholfrei
/produkt/martini-floreale-alko...Subdomain Martini Floreale alkoholfrei
/produkt/martini-bianco/Subdomain IMG-ALT Martini Bianco Vermouth
/produkt/martini-bianco/Subdomain Martini Bianco
/produkt/atxa-blanco/Subdomain IMG-ALT Atxa Blanco Premium Vermouth
/produkt/atxa-blanco/Subdomain Atxa Blanco
/produkt/martini-rosso/Subdomain IMG-ALT Martini Rosso Vermouth
/produkt/martini-rosso/Subdomain Martini Rosso
/produkt/dos-deus-blanco-dry/Subdomain Text duplicate IMG-ALT Dos Déus Blanco Dry
/produkt/dos-deus-blanco-dry/Subdomain Text duplicate Dos Déus Blanco Dry
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/produkt/dos-deus-rojo-smoked/Subdomain Text duplicate Dos Déus Rojo Smoked
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/produkt/cocchi-barolo-chinato...Subdomain Cocchi Barolo Chinato 130th Anniversary
/produkt/genciana-les-cousins/Subdomain Text duplicate IMG-ALT Les Cousins Genciana
/produkt/genciana-les-cousins/Subdomain Text duplicate Les Cousins Genciana
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/produkt/martini-fiero/Subdomain Martini Fiero
/produkt/vermouth-golfo-rojo/Subdomain Text duplicate IMG-ALT Produktbild Vermouth Golfo Rojo
/produkt/vermouth-golfo-rojo/Subdomain Text duplicate Golfo Rojo
/produkt/dr-ulrich-rosso/Subdomain Text duplicate IMG-ALT Dr.Ulrich Rosso
/produkt/dr-ulrich-rosso/Subdomain Text duplicate D.Ulrich Rosso
/produkt/dr-ulrich-bianco/Subdomain Text duplicate IMG-ALT Produktbild Dr. Ulrich Bianco
/produkt/dr-ulrich-bianco/Subdomain Text duplicate D.Ulrich Bianco
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/produkt/la-brujula-sardinas-g...Subdomain La Brujula Sardinas Guisadas No.35
/produkt/conservas-de-cambados...Subdomain IMG-ALT Conservas de Cambados Huevas de Merluza
/produkt/conservas-de-cambados...Subdomain Text duplicate Conservas de Cambados Huevas de Merluza
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/produkt/conservas-de-cambados...Subdomain Text duplicate Conservas de Cambados Filetes de Melva
/produkt/rosa-lafuente-sardini...Subdomain IMG-ALT Rosa Lafuente feinste Sardinen in Olivenöl 50 stk.
/produkt/rosa-lafuente-sardini...Subdomain Rosa Lafuente Sardinillas en Aceite Oliva
/produkt/rosa-lafuente-ventres...Subdomain IMG-ALT Rosa Lafuente zarte Thunfischfilets in Olivenöl
/produkt/rosa-lafuente-ventres...Subdomain Rosa Lafuente Ventresca Bonito del Norte
/produkt/paco-lafuente-sardini...Subdomain IMG-ALT Paco Lafuente Sardinen Biologisch
/produkt/paco-lafuente-sardini...Subdomain Paco Lafuente Sardinillas en Aceite Ecológico
/produkt/paco-lafuente-sardini...Subdomain IMG-ALT paco lafuente sardinas escabeche
/produkt/paco-lafuente-sardini...Subdomain Paco Lafuente Sardinas en Escabeche
/produkt/paco-lafuente-sardini...Subdomain IMG-ALT Paco Lafuente Sardinen in Olivenöl 16/18 stk.
/produkt/paco-lafuente-sardini...Subdomain Paco Lafuente Sardinillas en Aceite Oliva window External Subdomain der Tapas Bar, Comestibles und Bodega “De Tapas”
A-TITLE Besuche
/kontaktiere-uns/New window Subdomain uns zu kontaktieren!
/familienunternehmen-aromo-gmbh/New window Subdomain weitere Informationen zu unserem Betrieb.
/impressum/Subdomain Impressum
/datenschutzerklaerung/Subdomain Datenschutzerklärung
/allgemeine-geschaeftsbedingun...Subdomain Allgemeine Geschäftsbedingungen
/familienunternehmen-aromo-gmbh/Subdomain Text duplicate Über uns
/kontaktiere-uns/Subdomain Text duplicate Kontakt & B2B
/versandkosten/Subdomain Text duplicate Bezahlung & Versandkosten Text duplicate Blog
/sortiment/vermouth/roter-wermut/Subdomain Text duplicate Roter Wermut
/sortiment/vermouth/weisser-we...Subdomain Text duplicate Weisser Wermut
/sortiment/vermouth/vermouth-r...Subdomain Text duplicate Rosé Wermut
/sortiment/konserven/Subdomain Text duplicate Canned Seafood
/sortiment/konserven/la-brujula/Subdomain Text duplicate La Brújula
/sortiment/konserven/fangst-ko...Subdomain Text duplicate FANGST Scandinavia
/sortiment/konserven/fischkons...Subdomain Text duplicate Fischkonserven
/sortiment/konserven/meeresfru...Subdomain Text duplicate Meeresfrüchte
/mein-konto/Subdomain Text duplicate Anmelden
/mein-konto/passwort-vergessen/Subdomain Passwort vergessen?
/datenschutzerklaerung/New window Subdomain Text duplicate Datenschutzerklärung

Server configuration

HTTP redirects
(Critically important)
This page redirects to ""
HTTP header
No X-Powered HTTP header is sent.
This page uses GZip for compressed data transmission.
(Somewhat important)
The page response time of 0.71 seconds is longer than the recommended limit of 0.4 seconds. A high response time unnecessarily slows down search engine crawling and results in bad user experience as well.
The file size of the HTML document is fine (235 kB).

HTTP Response Header

dateSun, 20 Oct 2024 01:56:07 GMT
content-typetext/html; charset=UTF-8
cache-controlmax-age=3, must-revalidate

External factors

This page has only a few links from other websites.
This page only has backlinks from 3 referring domains.
This page only has 10 backlinks.
This page only has few backlinks from 3 different ip addresses.

Links from Wikipedia

No links from Wikipedia were found.

Search preview
VERMUTERIA | Vermouth & Canned Seafood
Wermut kaufen beim Schweizer Vermouth Spezialisten. Bei uns findest du garantiert den perfekten Vermut, ganz nach Deinem Geschmack und für jeden Anlass.

Most important keywords

Following keywords were found. You can check the keyword optimization of this page for each keyword.

Wermut kaufen66%Check
Vermouth Feinschmecker55%Check

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