Vogelsangerweine.ch - SEO Checker

Overview of the SEO Check
Meta information
Page quality
Page structure
Link structure
External factors
SEO Score
Response time
0.15 s
File size
286.60 kB
Media files
Number of links
120 internal / 24 external

Task list of SEO Improvements

Meta specifications

(Critically important)
Vogelsanger Weine AG | Wein in St. Gallen kaufen
The length of the page title is perfect. (453 pixels out of 580 max pixel length)
There are no duplicate words in the title
Meta description
(Critically important)
Vogelsanger ist der Profi für Wein & Spirituosen in St. Gallen. Geniesse die Beratung, probiere die Produkte vor Ort oder einfach online bestellen.
The length of the meta description is perfect. (895 pixels out of 1000 max pixel length)
(Critically important)
There are no problems in accessing the website.
Canonical URL
There is a valid canonical link specified.
(Somewhat important)
Language detected in text: de
Language defined in HTML: de-ch
Server location: United States of America
The following language is defined by HTML: de-ch
Alternate/Hreflang Links
(Somewhat important)
There are no alternate links specified on this page.
Other meta tags
(Somewhat important)
There is no rel next meta tag on this page.
There is no rel prev meta tag on this page.
(Somewhat important)
The domain is no subdomain.
The domain length is good.
The domain does not contain non-latin characters.
Page URL
(Somewhat important)
No parameters were found in the URL.
No session ID was found in the URL.
The URL does not have too many subdirectories.
Charset encoding
(Somewhat important)
The charset encoding (UTF-8) is set correctly.
(Nice to have)
The doctype HTML 5 is set correctly.
The doctype is placed at first in the HTML code.
(Nice to have)
The favicon is linked correctly.

Meta tags

viewportwidth=device-width, initial-scale=1
descriptionVogelsanger ist der Profi für Wein & Spirituosen in St. Gallen. Geniesse die Beratung, probiere die Produkte vor Ort oder einfach online bestellen.
robotsfollow, index, max-snippet:-1, max-video-preview:-1, max-image-preview:large
generatorPowered by Slider Revolution 6.6.20 - responsive, Mobile-Friendly Slider Plugin for WordPress with comfortable drag and drop interface.
frameworkRedux 4.1.29
twitter:titleVogelsanger Weine AG | Wein in St. Gallen kaufen
twitter:descriptionVogelsanger ist der Profi für Wein & Spirituosen in St. Gallen. Geniesse die Beratung, probiere die Produkte vor Ort oder einfach online bestellen.
twitter:label1Verfasst von
twitter:label2Zeit zum Lesen
twitter:data22 Minuten
og:titleVogelsanger Weine AG | Wein in St. Gallen kaufen
og:descriptionVogelsanger ist der Profi für Wein & Spirituosen in St. Gallen. Geniesse die Beratung, probiere die Produkte vor Ort oder einfach online bestellen.
og:site_nameVogelsanger Weine AG

Test up to 1.000 webpages of vogelsangerweine.ch with our free plan!

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Page quality

(Critically important)
Some words from the page title are not used within the pages content
There are 6 text duplicates on this page:
  • Duplicate 1: In der Nase würzig, leicht rauchig und frische exotische Frucht; Anklä...
  • Duplicate 2: Ein Gedicht im Bouquet: Blumige und hefige Noten nach Brioche, Honig, ...
  • Duplicate 3: GIN & WINE & FLOWERS Kommt vorbei und erlebt die Verbindung von Gin, W...
This page contains 1103 words. That's ok.
25.5% of the text are stop words.
The page contains a listing, which indicates a good text layout.
25 paragraphs were found on this page.
No placeholders texts or images were found.
The average number of words per sentence of 16.94 words is good.
(Critically important)
This page does not use a frameset.
Mobile optimization
(Somewhat important)
No Apple touch icon is specified.
A viewport "width=device-width, initial-scale=1" is provided.
Bold and strong tags
(Somewhat important)
The usage of strong and bold tags is perfect. We recommend the use of up to 22 tags for this page.
Image SEO
(Somewhat important)
1 images have no alt attribute. The content of alt attributes is used by search engines.
Social Networks
(Nice to have)
There are only a few social sharing widgets on the page. Make your website popular in social networks with social sharing widgets.
Additional markup
(Nice to have)
No additional page markup was found.
(Somewhat important)
This website uses HTTPS to protect privacy and integrity of the exchanged data.
All included files are also transferred via HTTPS.

Media list

URLAlt attributeTitle
/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/logo.pngNo alt attribute provided
...revslider/public/assets/assets/dummy.pngSlideWein in St. Gallen kaufen
...revslider/public/assets/assets/dummy.pngSlideWein in St. Gallen kaufen
...ent/uploads/2020/07/2024-04_Zero_WEB.png2024 04 Zero WEB
...ent/uploads/2019/10/icon-add-to-cart.pngicon add to cart
...24-04_Asolo-Prosecco-Millesemato_WEB.png2024 04 Asolo Prosecco Millesemato WEB
...ent/uploads/2019/10/icon-add-to-cart.pngicon add to cart
...019/11/Bedin-Vino-Frizzante-Prosecco.pngBedin Vino Frizzante Prosecco
...ent/uploads/2019/10/icon-add-to-cart.pngicon add to cart
...secco-Magnum-mit-Verpackung--300x498.pngProsecco Magnum mit Verpackung
...ent/uploads/2019/10/icon-add-to-cart.pngicon add to cart
...ads/2019/11/Bedin-Extra-Dry-Prosecco.pngBedin Extra Dry Prosecco
...ent/uploads/2019/10/icon-add-to-cart.pngicon add to cart
...ndauer-Gisperg-Winterfeld-Pinot-Noir.pngLandauer Gisperg Winterfeld Pinot Noir
...ent/uploads/2019/10/icon-add-to-cart.pngicon add to cart
...ads/2019/11/Pepe_mendoza_Moscatel_02.pngPepe mendoza Moscatel 02
...ent/uploads/2019/10/icon-add-to-cart.pngicon add to cart
...oads/2019/11/Moscato-Bottega-300x986.pngMoscato Bottega
...ent/uploads/2019/10/icon-add-to-cart.pngicon add to cart
...loads/2019/11/2024-10_MerlotRose_WEB.png2024 10 MerlotRose WEB
...ent/uploads/2019/10/icon-add-to-cart.pngicon add to cart
...2/02/Giro-de-Abargues_WEB-2-300x1104.pngGiro de Abargues WEB 2
...ent/uploads/2019/10/icon-add-to-cart.pngicon add to cart
...ent/uploads/2019/10/icon-add-to-cart.pngicon add to cart
...ent/uploads/2019/10/icon-add-to-cart.pngicon add to cart
.../2019/11/Mendoza-Estrecho-Monastrell.pngMendoza Estrecho Monastrell
...ent/uploads/2019/10/icon-add-to-cart.pngicon add to cart
...2021/11/Palau-Cava_Rose_WEB-300x1088.pngPalau Cava Rose WEB
...ent/uploads/2019/10/icon-add-to-cart.pngicon add to cart
...ent/uploads/2019/10/icon-add-to-cart.pngicon add to cart
...loads/2024/02/OASG-2025_lang-300x112.pngOASG 2025 lang
...nt/uploads/2024/02/CSIO-2025-300x165.pngCSIO 2025
...oads/2024/11/Wein-und-Kaese-300x200.jpegWein und Kaese
.../uploads/2019/11/Laden10_web-300x225.jpgLaden10 web
...trifft-Wein-im-Bluetenrausch-300x212.pngGin trifft Wein im Bluetenrausch
...trifft-Wein-im-Bluetenrausch-300x212.pngGin trifft Wein im Bluetenrausch
...-OEFevxAQaCwZ2rwzv5kPi6em_2A&oe=675ED305Vogelsanger Weine
...om-facebook-feed-pro/img/placeholder.png🍾✨ Für alle Fans edler Tropfen: ✨🍾 Unsere prickelnde Schaumwein-Aktion läuft noch bis Sonntag, den 15. Dezember 2024 – online und natürlich auch in unseren Weinshops! 🥂 Perfekt für die Feiertage oder einfach, um sich selbst ein bisschen Luxus zu gönnen. 🍷✨ Sichert euch eure Favoriten und bringt eure Gläser zum Funkeln! 💫 #VogelsangerWeine #Aktion #Schaumweine #PrickelndeMomente #Feiertagsgenuss #Weinliebe
...om-facebook-feed-pro/img/placeholder.pngImage attachment
...-OEFevxAQaCwZ2rwzv5kPi6em_2A&oe=675ED305Vogelsanger Weine
...om-facebook-feed-pro/img/placeholder.png🍷✨ Gin trifft Wein im Blütenrausch🌸 Samstag, 14. Dezember & Sonntag, 15. Dezember bei uns in St. Gallen-Winkeln! 🎄🍸 #VogelsangerWeine #GenussMomente #Gin #Wein #Blumen
...om-facebook-feed-pro/img/placeholder.pngImage attachment
...om-facebook-feed-pro/img/placeholder.pngImage attachment
...om-facebook-feed-pro/img/placeholder.pngImage attachment
...-OEFevxAQaCwZ2rwzv5kPi6em_2A&oe=675ED305Vogelsanger Weine
...om-facebook-feed-pro/img/placeholder.pngEin erfolgreicher Start der neuen Serie Am Tisch mit...! 🍴✨ Am 15.11.2024 verzauberte Fabian Devos unsere Gäste mit 7 aussergewöhnlichen Gängen und spannenden Einblicken in seine Kochkunst. Ein unvergesslicher Abend voller Genuss – danke an alle, die dabei waren! 🥂 #VogelsangerWeine #VogelsangerAmCorso #AmTischMit #FabianDevos #food #wine
...om-facebook-feed-pro/img/placeholder.pngImage attachment
...om-facebook-feed-pro/img/placeholder.pngImage attachment
...om-facebook-feed-pro/img/placeholder.pngImage attachment

Page structure

H1 heading
(Critically important)
Too many H1 headings
The H1 heading consists of only one word. There should be more information given.
The H1 heading is too short (6 characters). It should be at least 20 Characters long.
Some headings occur twice on the page.
There are 65 headings on the page. The amount of headings should be in a more proper relation to the amount of text.
Some headings do not have any content.

Heading structure

Heading levelContent
H1 Aktion
H1 Events
H1 #Vogelsangerweine
H2 Search
H2 Warenkorb
H2 Warenkorb Duplicate text
H2 Zero Mousseux Alkoholfrei
H2 75 cl
H2 Zero Mousseux Alkoholfrei Duplicate text
H2 Prosecco Superiore Millesimato DOCG
H2 2023 / 75 cl
H2 Prosecco Superiore Millesimato DOCG Duplicate text
H2 Prosecco Spago DOC
H2 75 cl Duplicate text
H2 Prosecco Spago DOC Duplicate text
H2 Prosecco Extra Dry DOC Magnum
H2 150 cl
H2 Prosecco Extra Dry DOC Magnum Duplicate text
H2 Prosecco Extra Dry DOC
H2 75 cl Duplicate text
H2 Prosecco Extra Dry DOC Duplicate text
H2 Pinot Noir Mitterfeld
H2 2015 / 75 cl
H2 Pinot Noir Mitterfeld Duplicate text
H2 Pepe Mendoza Blanco
H2 2022 / 75 cl
H2 Pepe Mendoza Blanco Duplicate text
H2 Moscato Dolce BOTTEGA
H2 75 cl Duplicate text
H2 Moscato Dolce BOTTEGA Duplicate text
H2 Merlot Rosé Frizzante IGT
H2 75 cl Duplicate text
H2 Merlot Rosé Frizzante IGT Duplicate text
H2 Giró de Abargues
H2 2019 / 75 cl
H2 Giró de Abargues Duplicate text
H2 Fongaro Brut Magnum
H2 2013 / 150 cl
H2 Fongaro Brut Magnum Duplicate text
H2 Fongaro Brut
H2 2017 / 75 cl
H2 Fongaro Brut Duplicate text
H2 Estrecho
H2 2017 / 75 cl Duplicate text
H2 Estrecho Duplicate text
H2 Cava Palau Brut Rosé
H2 75 cl Duplicate text
H2 Cava Palau Brut Rosé Duplicate text
H2 Cava Palau Brut
H2 75 cl Duplicate text
H2 Cava Palau Brut Duplicate text
H2 OASG 2025
H2 OASG 2025 Duplicate text
H2 CSIO 2025
H2 CSIO 2025 Duplicate text
H2 Wein und Käse | 03-2025
H2 Wein und Käse | 03-2025 Duplicate text
H2 Weinseminar für Einsteiger | 04-2025
H2 Weinseminar für Einsteiger | 04-2025 Duplicate text
H2 “Gintastic” | 05-2025
H2 “Gintastic” | 05-2025 Duplicate text
H2 Gin trifft Wein im Blütenrausch | 12-2024
H2 Gin trifft Wein im Blütenrausch | 12-2024 Duplicate text
H2 Gin trifft Wein im Blütenrausch | 12-2024 Duplicate text
H2 Gin trifft Wein im Blütenrausch | 12-2024 Duplicate text
H2 Empty heading
Some internal links have dynamic parameters. All internal URLs, which are not marked as nofollow, should not contain dynamic parameters.
Some anchor texts are used more than once.
1 links don't have an anchor text.
The number of internal links is ok.
None of the anchor texts is too long.
There are 24 external links on this page.
LinkAttributesAnchor text
https://vogelsangerweine.ch/A-TITLE Vogelsanger Weine AG
/ueber-uns/Über uns
/aktion/Text duplicate Aktionen
/newsletter/Text duplicate Newsletter
/kontakt/Text duplicate Kontakt
/product-category/weine/Text duplicate Weine
/product-category/spirituosen/Text duplicate Spirituosen
/product-category/geschenke/Text duplicate Diverses
/ueber-uns/Text duplicate Über uns
/product-category/events/?filt...Text duplicate Agenda
https://vogelsangerweine.ch/Anchor Aktion
/produkt/zero-mousseux-alkohol...IMG-ALT 2024 04 Zero WEB
/produkt/zero-mousseux-alkohol...Zero Mousseux Alkoholfrei
/produkt/zero-mousseux-alkohol...75 cl
/produkt/zero-mousseux-alkohol...Text duplicate Zero Mousseux Alkoholfrei
/produkt/zero-mousseux-alkohol...IMG-ALT icon add to cart
/produkt/prosecco-superiore-mi...IMG-ALT 2024 04 Asolo Prosecco Millesemato WEB
/produkt/prosecco-superiore-mi...Prosecco Superiore Millesimato DOCG
/produkt/prosecco-superiore-mi...2023 / 75 cl
/produkt/prosecco-superiore-mi...Text duplicate Prosecco Superiore Millesimato DOCG
/produkt/prosecco-superiore-mi...Text duplicate IMG-ALT icon add to cart
/produkt/prosecco-spago-doc/IMG-ALT Bedin Vino Frizzante Prosecco
/produkt/prosecco-spago-doc/Prosecco Spago DOC
/produkt/prosecco-spago-doc/Text duplicate 75 cl
/produkt/prosecco-spago-doc/Text duplicate Prosecco Spago DOC
/produkt/prosecco-spago-doc/Text duplicate IMG-ALT icon add to cart
/produkt/prosecco-extra-dry-do...IMG-ALT Prosecco Magnum mit Verpackung
/produkt/prosecco-extra-dry-do...Prosecco Extra Dry DOC Magnum
/produkt/prosecco-extra-dry-do...150 cl
/produkt/prosecco-extra-dry-do...Text duplicate Prosecco Extra Dry DOC Magnum
/produkt/prosecco-extra-dry-do...Text duplicate IMG-ALT icon add to cart
/produkt/prosecco-extra-dry-doc/IMG-ALT Bedin Extra Dry Prosecco
/produkt/prosecco-extra-dry-doc/Prosecco Extra Dry DOC
/produkt/prosecco-extra-dry-doc/Text duplicate 75 cl
/produkt/prosecco-extra-dry-doc/Text duplicate Prosecco Extra Dry DOC
/produkt/prosecco-extra-dry-doc/Text duplicate IMG-ALT icon add to cart
/produkt/pinot-noir-mitterfeld/IMG-ALT Landauer Gisperg Winterfeld Pinot Noir
/produkt/pinot-noir-mitterfeld/Pinot Noir Mitterfeld
/produkt/pinot-noir-mitterfeld/2015 / 75 cl
/produkt/pinot-noir-mitterfeld/Text duplicate Pinot Noir Mitterfeld
/produkt/pinot-noir-mitterfeld/Text duplicate IMG-ALT icon add to cart
/produkt/pepe-mendoza-blanco/IMG-ALT Pepe mendoza Moscatel 02
/produkt/pepe-mendoza-blanco/Pepe Mendoza Blanco
/produkt/pepe-mendoza-blanco/2022 / 75 cl
/produkt/pepe-mendoza-blanco/Text duplicate Pepe Mendoza Blanco
/produkt/pepe-mendoza-blanco/Text duplicate IMG-ALT icon add to cart
/produkt/moscato-dolce/IMG-ALT Moscato Bottega
/produkt/moscato-dolce/Moscato Dolce BOTTEGA
/produkt/moscato-dolce/Text duplicate 75 cl
/produkt/moscato-dolce/Text duplicate Moscato Dolce BOTTEGA
/produkt/moscato-dolce/Text duplicate IMG-ALT icon add to cart
/produkt/merlot-rose-frizzante...IMG-ALT 2024 10 MerlotRose WEB
/produkt/merlot-rose-frizzante...Merlot Rosé Frizzante IGT
/produkt/merlot-rose-frizzante...Text duplicate 75 cl
/produkt/merlot-rose-frizzante...Text duplicate Merlot Rosé Frizzante IGT
/produkt/merlot-rose-frizzante...Text duplicate IMG-ALT icon add to cart
/produkt/giro-de-abargues/IMG-ALT Giro de Abargues WEB 2
/produkt/giro-de-abargues/Giró de Abargues
/produkt/giro-de-abargues/2019 / 75 cl
/produkt/giro-de-abargues/Text duplicate Giró de Abargues
/produkt/giro-de-abargues/Text duplicate IMG-ALT icon add to cart
/produkt/fongaro-brut-magnum/IMG-ALT 56877mit
/produkt/fongaro-brut-magnum/Fongaro Brut Magnum
/produkt/fongaro-brut-magnum/2013 / 150 cl
/produkt/fongaro-brut-magnum/Text duplicate Fongaro Brut Magnum
/produkt/fongaro-brut-magnum/Text duplicate IMG-ALT icon add to cart
/produkt/fongaro-brut/IMG-ALT Fongaro
/produkt/fongaro-brut/Fongaro Brut
/produkt/fongaro-brut/2017 / 75 cl
/produkt/fongaro-brut/Text duplicate Fongaro Brut
/produkt/fongaro-brut/Text duplicate IMG-ALT icon add to cart
/produkt/estrecho/IMG-ALT Mendoza Estrecho Monastrell
/produkt/estrecho/Text duplicate 2017 / 75 cl
/produkt/estrecho/Text duplicate Estrecho
/produkt/estrecho/Text duplicate IMG-ALT icon add to cart
/produkt/cava-palau-brut-rose/IMG-ALT Palau Cava Rose WEB
/produkt/cava-palau-brut-rose/Cava Palau Brut Rosé
/produkt/cava-palau-brut-rose/Text duplicate 75 cl
/produkt/cava-palau-brut-rose/Text duplicate Cava Palau Brut Rosé
/produkt/cava-palau-brut-rose/Text duplicate IMG-ALT icon add to cart
/produkt/cava-palau-brut/IMG-ALT 29737
/produkt/cava-palau-brut/Cava Palau Brut
/produkt/cava-palau-brut/Text duplicate 75 cl
/produkt/cava-palau-brut/Text duplicate Cava Palau Brut
/produkt/cava-palau-brut/Text duplicate IMG-ALT icon add to cart
/?page_id=1977No Text
/produkt/oasg-2024/IMG-ALT OASG 2025 lang
/produkt/oasg-2024/OASG 2025
/produkt/oasg-2024/Text duplicate OASG 2025
/produkt/csio-2024/IMG-ALT CSIO 2025
/produkt/csio-2024/Text duplicate CSIO 2025
/produkt/csio-2024/Text duplicate CSIO 2025
/produkt/wein-und-kaese-03-2025/IMG-ALT Wein und Kaese
/produkt/wein-und-kaese-03-2025/Wein und Käse | 03-2025
/produkt/wein-und-kaese-03-2025/Text duplicate Wein und Käse | 03-2025
/produkt/weinseminar-fuer-eins...IMG-ALT Laden10 web
/produkt/weinseminar-fuer-eins...Weinseminar für Einsteiger | 04-2025
/produkt/weinseminar-fuer-eins...Text duplicate Weinseminar für Einsteiger | 04-2025
/produkt/gintastic-05-2025/IMG-ALT GIN
/produkt/gintastic-05-2025/“Gintastic” | 05-2025
/produkt/gintastic-05-2025/Text duplicate “Gintastic” | 05-2025
/produkt/gin-trifft-wein-im-bl...IMG-ALT Gin trifft Wein im Bluetenrausch
/produkt/gin-trifft-wein-im-bl...Gin trifft Wein im Blütenrausch | 12-2024
/produkt/gin-trifft-wein-im-bl...Text duplicate Gin trifft Wein im Blütenrausch | 12-2024
/produkt/gin-trifft-wein-im-bl...Text duplicate IMG-ALT Gin trifft Wein im Bluetenrausch
/produkt/gin-trifft-wein-im-bl...Text duplicate Gin trifft Wein im Blütenrausch | 12-2024
/produkt/gin-trifft-wein-im-bl...Text duplicate Gin trifft Wein im Blütenrausch | 12-2024
https://facebook.com/990377391...New window Nofollow External Vogelsanger Weine
https://facebook.com/990377391...New window Nofollow External Text duplicate IMG-ALT Vogelsanger Weine
https://www.facebook.com/99037...New window Nofollow External Subdomain IMG-ALT 🍾✨ Für alle Fans edler Tropfen: ✨🍾 Unsere prickelnde Schaumwein-Aktion läuft noch bis Sonntag, den 15. Dezember 2024 – online und natürlich auch in unseren W...
https://facebook.com/740216109...Nofollow External #vogelsangerweine
https://facebook.com/519810451...Nofollow External #Aktion
https://facebook.com/583209898...Nofollow External #schaumweine
https://facebook.com/138096607...Nofollow External #prickelndemomente
https://facebook.com/626603554...Nofollow External #Feiertagsgenuss
https://facebook.com/564372810...Nofollow External #weinliebe
https://www.facebook.com/11039...New window Nofollow External Subdomain Comment on Facebook
https://facebook.com/990377391...New window Nofollow External Text duplicate Vogelsanger Weine
https://facebook.com/990377391...New window Nofollow External Text duplicate IMG-ALT Vogelsanger Weine
https://www.facebook.com/99037...New window Nofollow External Subdomain +1
IMG-ALT 🍷✨ Gin trifft Wein im Blütenrausch🌸 Samstag, 14. Dezember & Sonntag, 15. Dezember bei uns in St. Gallen-Winkeln! 🎄🍸 #VogelsangerWeine #GenussMomente #Gin #We...
https://www.facebook.com/11034...New window Nofollow External Subdomain Text duplicate Comment on Facebook
https://facebook.com/990377391...New window Nofollow External Text duplicate Vogelsanger Weine
https://facebook.com/990377391...New window Nofollow External Text duplicate IMG-ALT Vogelsanger Weine
https://www.facebook.com/99037...New window Nofollow External Subdomain +7
IMG-ALT Ein erfolgreicher Start der neuen Serie Am Tisch mit...! 🍴✨ Am 15.11.2024 verzauberte Fabian Devos unsere Gäste mit 7 aussergewöhnlichen Gängen und spannende...
https://facebook.com/740216109...Nofollow External Text duplicate #vogelsangerweine
https://facebook.com/243623266...Nofollow External #vogelsangeramcorso
https://facebook.com/104534879...Nofollow External #amtischmit
https://facebook.com/339361595...Nofollow External #fabiandevos
https://facebook.com/225985610...Nofollow External #food
https://facebook.com/219438321...Nofollow External #wine
https://www.facebook.com/11018...New window Nofollow External Subdomain Text duplicate Comment on Facebook
/kontakt/Anchor Standort am Corso
/mein-konto/Mein Konto

Server configuration

HTTP redirects
(Critically important)
This page redirects to "https://vogelsangerweine.ch/"
HTTP header
No X-Powered HTTP header is sent.
This page uses GZip for compressed data transmission.
(Somewhat important)
The page response time is excellent with 0.15 seconds.
The file size of the HTML document is fine (287 kB).

HTTP Response Header

last-modifiedWed, 11 Dec 2024 04:43:56 GMT
cache-controlmax-age=0, no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate
expiresMon, 29 Oct 1923 20:30:00 GMT
content-typetext/html; charset=UTF-8
dateWed, 11 Dec 2024 05:04:24 GMT

External factors

This website has excellent links from other websites.
This page has backlinks from 74 referring domains.
This page has 1,429 backlinks.
This page has backlinks from 56 different ip addresses.

Links from Wikipedia

No links from Wikipedia were found.

Search preview

Vogelsanger Weine AG | Wein in St. Gallen kaufen
Vogelsanger ist der Profi für Wein & Spirituosen in St. Gallen. Geniesse die Beratung, probiere die Produkte vor Ort oder einfach online bestellen.

Most important keywords

Following keywords were found. You can check the keyword optimization of this page for each keyword.

Vogelsanger Weine72%Check
Vogelsanger Weine AG65%Check
Gin trifft Wein im55%Check
trifft Wein im Blütenrausch55%Check

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