Elfi Seidel is an artist-researcher concerned with the materialities and meanings of language. Working with artist’s books, analogue prints, writing and sound, she explores the peculiar beauty that language may reveal beyond semantic clarity. Seidel seeks to create an openness around the acts of reading and listening, creating spaces of poetic ambiguity and highlighting the mystical within the linguistically familiar.
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artist’s book, language as material, visual art, text based art, artistic research, fine-art prints, sound art, publishing as artistic practice
Elfi Seidel is an artist-researcher concerned with the materialities and meanings of language. Working with artist’s books, analogue prints, writing and sound, she explores the peculiar beauty that language may reveal beyond semantic clarity. Seidel seeks to create an openness around the acts of reading and listening, creating spaces of poetic ambiguity and highlighting the mystical within the linguistically familiar.
VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn
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Elfi Seidel is an artist-researcher concerned with the materialities and meanings of language. Working with artist’s books, analogue prints, writing and sound, she explores the peculiar beauty that language may reveal beyond semantic clarity. Seidel seeks to create an openness around the acts of reading and listening, creating spaces of poetic ambiguity and highlighting the mystical within the linguistically familiar.
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