- SEO Checker

Overview of the SEO Check
Meta information
Page quality
Page structure
Link structure
External factors
SEO Score
Response time
0.36 s
File size
176.50 kB
Media files
Number of links
495 internal / 20 external

Task list of SEO Improvements

Meta specifications

(Critically important)
Scaled Agile Framework
The length of the page title is perfect. (217 pixels out of 580 max pixel length)
There are no duplicate words in the title
Meta description
(Critically important)
SAFe 6 is an update to the SAFe Framework to help organizations become Lean Enterprise and achieve Business Agility. Learn more and see FAQs about 6.
The length of the meta description is perfect. (966 pixels out of 1000 max pixel length)
(Critically important)
There are no problems in accessing the website.
Canonical URL
The specified canonical link points to a different page.
(Somewhat important)
Language detected in text: en
Language defined in HTML: en-us
Server location: United States of America
The following language is defined by HTML: en-us
Alternate/Hreflang Links
(Somewhat important)
The alternate link to the page itself is missing.
Other meta tags
(Somewhat important)
There is no rel next meta tag on this page.
There is no rel prev meta tag on this page.
(Somewhat important)
This page is hosted on a subdomain. Use a top level domain for better SEO results.
The domain does not contain non-latin characters.
Page URL
(Somewhat important)
No parameters were found in the URL.
No session ID was found in the URL.
The URL does not have too many subdirectories.
Charset encoding
(Somewhat important)
The charset encoding (UTF-8) is set correctly.
(Nice to have)
The doctype HTML 5 is set correctly.
The doctype is placed at first in the HTML code.
(Nice to have)
The favicon is linked correctly.

Meta tags

viewportwidth=device-width, initial-scale=1
robotsindex, follow, max-image-preview:large, max-snippet:-1, max-video-preview:-1
descriptionSAFe 6 is an update to the SAFe Framework to help organizations become Lean Enterprise and achieve Business Agility. Learn more and see FAQs about 6.
generatorPowered by LayerSlider 7.14.1 - Build Heros, Sliders, and Popups. Create Animations and Beautiful, Rich Web Content as Easy as Never Before on WordPress.
twitter:titleSAFe 6.0 Framework
twitter:descriptionSAFe 6.0 is the world’s leading framework for Business Agility.
og:titleSAFe 6.0 Framework
og:descriptionSAFe 6.0 is the world’s leading framework for Business Agility.
og:site_nameScaled Agile Framework

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Page quality

(Critically important)
There are only 438 words on this page. Good pages should have about 800 words of useful content.
The average number of words per sentence of 29.75 words is high.
25.8% of the text are stop words.
Keywords used in the page title are also used in the page content. That's good!
The page contains a listing, which indicates a good text layout.
6 paragraphs were found on this page.
No placeholders texts or images were found.
There are no duplicates on the site.
(Critically important)
This page does not use a frameset.
Mobile optimization
(Somewhat important)
This page loads 44 JavaScript files. This may affect the load time negatively.
A viewport "width=device-width, initial-scale=1" is provided.
At least one Apple touch icon is specified.
Bold and strong tags
(Somewhat important)
The usage of strong and bold tags is perfect. We recommend the use of up to 9 tags for this page.
Image SEO
(Somewhat important)
9 images have no alt attribute. The content of alt attributes is used by search engines.
Social Networks
(Nice to have)
There are only a few social sharing widgets on the page. Make your website popular in social networks with social sharing widgets.
Additional markup
(Nice to have)
No additional page markup was found.
(Somewhat important)
The HTTPS protocol for secure data transmission is not used.

Page structure

H1 heading
(Critically important)
There is no H1 heading specified.
The structure of headings is missing one or more levels. Do not skip heading levels.

Heading structure

Heading levelContent
H2 SAFe® 6.0
H2 Framework
H2 Training
H2 Content & Trademarks
H2 Scaled Agile, Inc
H3 Extended SAFe Guidance
H3 What’s New in SAFe?
H3 Recent Blog Posts
H3 Contact Us
H3 Business Hours
There are too many internal links (495) on this page.
Some anchor texts are used more than once.
1 links don't have an anchor text.
There are 1 links with a trivial anchor text.
None of the anchor texts is too long.
All internal links are not using dynamic parameters.
There are 20 external links on this page.
LinkAttributesAnchor text Skip to content window External Register Now! window External No Text
/blog/just-announced-live-at-t...Subdomain LEARN MORE
/blog/just-announced-live-at-t...New window Subdomain No Text Subdomain IMG-ALT SAFe Studio
/Subdomain Framework
/aboutSubdomain About SAFe
/contributorsSubdomain SAFe Contributors
/whats-new-in-safe-6-0-2Subdomain What’s new in SAFe 6.0?
/presentations-and-videosSubdomain Presentations and Videos
/postersSubdomain Posters and Graphics
/contact-2Subdomain Contact Us
/blogSubdomain Blog
/glossarySubdomain SAFe Glossary
/advanced-topics/extended-safe...Subdomain Extended SAFe Guidance
/advanced-topics/community-con...Subdomain Community Contributions
/advanced-topics/safe-beyond-itSubdomain SAFe Beyond IT
/booksSubdomain Books SAFe Training
/safe/New window SAFe® 6.0
/achieving-measurable-business...New window Subdomain Achieving Measurable Business Results with SAFe
/agile-contracts/New window Subdomain Agile Contracts
/advanced-topic-applying-kanba...New window Subdomain Applying Kanban in SAFe
/applying-safe-to-hardware-dev...New window Subdomain Applying SAFe to Hardware Development
/agile-architecture/New window Subdomain Agile Architecture
/coaching-flow/New window Subdomain Coaching Flow
/developing-sustainable-products/New window Subdomain Developing Sustainable Products with SAFe
/operating-value-streams-for-l...Subdomain Operating Value Streams for Large Solution Development
/value-management-office/New window Value Management Office (VMO)
/whats-new-in-safe-6-0/New window Subdomain What’s New in SAFe 6.0
/advanced-topics/extended-safe...New window View All Extended Guidance
/blog/reimagining-safe-maximiz...Subdomain Reimagining SAFe: Maximizing Outcomes and Realizing Business Value
/blog/accelerating-the-flow-of...Subdomain Reimagining SAFe: Accelerating the Flow of Value to the Customer
/blog/developing-innovative-cu...Subdomain Reimagining SAFe: Developing Innovative Customer-Centric Products
/blog/reimagining-safe-keynote...Subdomain Reimagining SAFe: SAFe Summit Washington D.C. Keynote and Business Agility Podcast
/blog/introducing-the-safe-big...Subdomain New Presentation: Introducing the SAFe Big Picture in Four Stories
/blog/category/changelogNew window View More
/blog/announcing-three-new-saf...Subdomain Announcing three new SAFe workshops
/blog/the-2025-safe-summit-sor...Subdomain The 2025 SAFe Summit Sorrento: Solving Real Business Problems with SAFe
/blog/safe-fellow-blog-dont-bi...Subdomain SAFe Fellow Blog | Don’t “big batch” PI Planning
/blog/announcing-a-new-safe-fo...Subdomain Announcing a new SAFe for Hardware course!
/blog/applying-a-flow-based-ap...Subdomain Applying a flow-based approach to SAFe’s Problem-Solving Workshop
/blog/New window Trivial anchor text
Read More
https://v5.framework.scaledagi...New window External Subdomain Looking for SAFe 5?
https://v5.framework.scaledagi...New window External Subdomain It’s here!
/posters/Download SAFe Posters & Graphics
/blogSubdomain Text duplicate Blog window External Subdomain Course Calendar window External Subdomain About Certification window External Subdomain Become a Trainer window External Subdomain FAQs on how to use SAFe content and trademarks window External Subdomain Permissions Form
/usage-and-permissions/Usage and Permissions Subdomain Get News Terms of Use Subdomain Privacy Policy Code of Conduct Remote Training Policy Subdomain No Text No Text Subdomain No Text Subdomain No Text
/product-owner/New window A-TITLE Product Owner
/enablers/New window A-TITLE Enabler
/enablers/New window Text duplicate A-TITLE Enabler
/story/New window A-TITLE Story
/enterprise/New window A-TITLE Enterprise
/agile-teams/New window A-TITLE Agile Teams
/team-backlog/New window A-TITLE Team Backlogs
/scrum-master-team-coach/New window A-TITLE Scrum Master/Team Coach
/pi-planning/New window A-TITLE PI Planning
/inspect-and-adapt/New window A-TITLE Inspect and Adapt
/system-demo/New window A-TITLE System Demo
/agile-release-train/New window A-TITLE Agile Release Train
/portfolio-leadership/New window A-TITLE Portfolio Leadership
/Government/New window A-TITLE Government
/business-owners/New window A-TITLE Business Owners
/lean-portfolio-management/New window A-TITLE Lean Portfolio Management
/enterprise-solution-delivery/New window A-TITLE Enterprise Solution Delivery
/agile-product-delivery/New window A-TITLE Agile Product Delivery
/team-and-technical-agility/New window A-TITLE Team and Technical Agility
/release-on-demand/New window A-TITLE Release on Demand
/portfolio-strategy/New window A-TITLE Portfolio Strategy
/portfolio-backlog/New window A-TITLE Portfolio Backlog
/epic/New window A-TITLE Epic
/coordinate-and-deliver/New window A-TITLE Coordination
/development-value-streams/New window A-TITLE Development Value Streams
/solution/New window A-TITLE Solution
/solution/New window Text duplicate A-TITLE Solution
/continuous-delivery-pipeline/New window A-TITLE Continuous Delivery Pipeline
/customer-centricity/New window A-TITLE Customer
/release-train-engineer/New window A-TITLE Release Train Engineer
/system-architect/New window A-TITLE System Architect
/product-management/New window A-TITLE Product Management
/art-and-solution-train-backlogs/New window A-TITLE ART Backlog
/roadmap/New window A-TITLE Roadmap
/solution-vision/New window A-TITLE Vision
/innovation-and-planning-itera...New window A-TITLE IP Iteration
/iterations/New window A-TITLE Iterations
/features-and-capabilities/New window A-TITLE Feature
/features-and-capabilities/New window Text duplicate A-TITLE Feature
/story/New window Text duplicate A-TITLE Story
/planning-interval/New window A-TITLE PI
/lean-agile-mindset-safe-core-...New window A-TITLE Mindset, Values, and Principles
/spc/New window A-TITLE SAFe Practice Consultant
/implementation-roadmap/New window A-TITLE Implementation Roadmap
/measure-and-grow/New window A-TITLE Measure and Grow
/lean-agile-leadership/New window A-TITLE Lean-Agile Leadership
/feedback/New window A-TITLE Feedback
/product-innovation/New window A-TITLE Product Innovation
/accelerating-flow-with-safe/New window A-TITLE Flow
/portfolio/New window A-TITLE Portfolio
/business-value/New window A-TITLE Business Value
/enablers/New window Text duplicate A-TITLE Enabler
/story/New window Text duplicate A-TITLE Story
/team-backlog/New window Text duplicate A-TITLE Team Backlogs
/pi-planning/New window Text duplicate A-TITLE PI Planning
/business-agility/New window A-TITLE Business Agility
/lean-portfolio-management/New window Text duplicate A-TITLE Lean Portfolio Management
/enterprise-solution-delivery/New window Text duplicate A-TITLE Enterprise Solution Delivery
/agile-product-delivery/New window Text duplicate A-TITLE Agile Product Delivery
/organizational-agility/New window A-TITLE Organizational Agility
/continuous-learning-culture/New window A-TITLE Continuous Learning Culture
/lean-agile-leadership/New window Text duplicate A-TITLE Lean-Agile Leadership
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/pi-planning/New window Text duplicate A-TITLE PI Planning
/business-owners/New window Text duplicate A-TITLE Business Owners
/scrum-master-team-coach/New window Text duplicate A-TITLE Scrum Master/Team Coach
/built-In-quality/New window A-TITLE Built-in Quality
/continuous-delivery-pipelineNew window Text duplicate A-TITLE Continuous Delivery Pipeline
/continuous-exploration/New window A-TITLE Continuous Exploration
/continuous-integration/New window A-TITLE Continuous Integration
/art-and-solution-train-backlogs/New window Text duplicate A-TITLE ART Backlog
/system-demo/New window Text duplicate A-TITLE System Demo
/essential-safe/New window A-TITLE Essential SAFe
/customer-centricity/New window Text duplicate A-TITLE Customer Centricity
/solution/New window Text duplicate A-TITLE Solution
/solution-vision/New window Text duplicate A-TITLE Vision
/roadmap/New window Text duplicate A-TITLE Roadmap
/system-team/New window A-TITLE System Team
/devops/New window A-TITLE DevOps
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/system-architect/New window Text duplicate A-TITLE System Architect
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/team-and-technical-agility/New window Text duplicate A-TITLE Team and Technical Agility
/agile-teams/New window Text duplicate A-TITLE Agile Teams
/product-owner/New window Text duplicate A-TITLE Product Owner
/agile-teams/New window Text duplicate A-TITLE Agile Teams
/design-thinking/New window A-TITLE Design Thinking
/nonfunctional-requirements/New window A-TITLE Nonfunctional Requirements
/lean-agile-mindset/New window A-TITLE Lean-Agile Mindset
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/implementation-roadmap/New window A-TITLE SAFe Implementation Roadmap
/spc/New window A-TITLE SPC
/safe-scrum/New window A-TITLE SAFe Scrum
/safe-team-kanban/New window A-TITLE SAFe Team Kanban
/team-backlog/New window Text duplicate A-TITLE Team Backlogs
/safe-core-values/New window A-TITLE Core Values
/pi-objectives/New window A-TITLE PI Objectives
/planning-interval/New window A-TITLE Planning Interval
/iterations/New window Text duplicate A-TITLE Iterations
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/nonfunctional-requirements/New window Text duplicate A-TITLE Nonfunctional Requirements
/wsjf/New window A-TITLE Weighted Shortest Job First
/solution-context/New window A-TITLE Solution Context
/architectural-runway/New window A-TITLE Architectural Runway
/innovation-and-planning-itera...New window A-TITLE Innovation and Planning Iteration
/pi-planning/New window Text duplicate A-TITLE PI Planning
/team-backlog/New window Text duplicate A-TITLE Team Backlogs
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/inspect-and-adapt/New window Text duplicate A-TITLE Inspect and Adapt
/system-demo/New window Text duplicate A-TITLE System Demo
/enablers/New window A-TITLE Enabler Story
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/solution-vision/New window Text duplicate A-TITLE Vision
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/shared-services/New window A-TITLE Shared Services
/measure-and-grow/New window Text duplicate A-TITLE Measure and Grow
/wsjf/New window A-TITLE WSJF
/innovation-and-planning-itera...New window Text duplicate A-TITLE Innovation and Planning Iteration
/design-thinking/New window Text duplicate A-TITLE Design Thinking
/inspect-and-adapt/New window Text duplicate A-TITLE Inspect and Adapt
/large-solution/New window A-TITLE Large Solution
/enterprise/New window Text duplicate A-TITLE Enterprise
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/team-and-technical-agilityNew window Text duplicate A-TITLE Team and Technical Agility
/solution-architect/New window A-TITLE Solution Architect
/solution-management/New window A-TITLE Solution Management
/solution-train-engineer/New window A-TITLE Solution Train Engineer
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/system-architect/New window Text duplicate A-TITLE System Architect
/product-management/New window Text duplicate A-TITLE Product Management
/release-train-engineer/New window Text duplicate A-TITLE Release Train Engineer
/product-owner/New window Text duplicate A-TITLE Product Owner
/agile-teams/New window Text duplicate A-TITLE Agile Teams
/scrum-master-team-coach/New window Text duplicate A-TITLE Scrum Master/Team Coach
/solution-intent/New window A-TITLE Solution Intent
/compliance/New window A-TITLE Compliance
/model-based-systems-engineering/New window A-TITLE Model-Based Systems Engineering
/set-based-design/New window A-TITLE Set-Based Design
/customer-centricityNew window Text duplicate A-TITLE Customer Centricity
/pi-objectives/New window Text duplicate A-TITLE PI Objectives
/SolutionNew window Text duplicate A-TITLE Solution
/art-and-solution-train-backlogs/New window A-TITLE Solution Train Backlog
/art-and-solution-train-backlogs/New window Text duplicate A-TITLE Solution Train Backlog
/nonfunctional-requirements/New window Text duplicate A-TITLE Nonfunctional Requirements
/solution-demo/New window A-TITLE Solution Demo
/solution-demo/New window Text duplicate A-TITLE Solution Demo
/enablers/New window Text duplicate A-TITLE Enablers
/features-and-capabilities/New window A-TITLE Features and Capabilities
/solution-train/New window A-TITLE Solution Train
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/continuous-integration/New window Text duplicate A-TITLE Continuous Integration
/continuous-deployment/New window Text duplicate A-TITLE Continuous Deployment
/release-on-demand/New window Text duplicate A-TITLE Release on Demand
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/essential-safe/New window Text duplicate A-TITLE Essential SAFe
/devops/New window Text duplicate A-TITLE DevOps
/built-in-quality/New window A-TITLE Built-In Quality
/safe-core-values/New window Text duplicate A-TITLE Core Values
/lean-agile-mindset/New window Text duplicate A-TITLE Lean-Agile Mindset
/team-backlog/New window Text duplicate A-TITLE Team Backlogs
/nonfunctional-requirements/New window Text duplicate A-TITLE Nonfunctional Requirements
/team-backlog/New window Text duplicate A-TITLE Team Backlogs
/wsjf/New window Text duplicate A-TITLE Weighted Shortest Job First
/nonfunctional-requirements/New window Text duplicate A-TITLE Nonfunctional Requirements
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/art-and-solution-train-backlogs/New window Text duplicate A-TITLE ART and Solution Train Backlog
/system-demo/New window Text duplicate A-TITLE System Demo
/safe-lean-agile-principles/New window Text duplicate A-TITLE SAFe Lean-Agile Principles
/lean-agile-leadership/New window Text duplicate A-TITLE Lean-Agile Leadership
/lean-agile-leadership/New window Text duplicate A-TITLE Lean-Agile Leadership
/implementation-roadmap/New window Text duplicate A-TITLE SAFe Implementation Roadmap
/safe-program-consultant/New window A-TITLE Certified SAFe® Program Consultant
/planning-interval/New window Text duplicate A-TITLE Planning Interval
/iterations/New window Text duplicate A-TITLE Iterations
/inspect-and-adapt/New window Text duplicate A-TITLE Inspect and Adapt
/agile-teams/New window Text duplicate A-TITLE Agile Teams
/architectural-runway/New window Text duplicate A-TITLE Architectural Runway
/inspect-and-adapt/New window Text duplicate A-TITLE Inspect and Adapt
/inspect-and-adapt/New window Text duplicate A-TITLE Inspect and Adapt
/supplier/New window A-TITLE Supplier
/system-demo/New window Text duplicate A-TITLE System Demo
/safe-core-values/New window Text duplicate A-TITLE Core Values
/lean-agile-mindset/New window A-TITLE Lean Agile Mindset
/safe-lean-agile-principles/New window A-TITLE SAFe Lean Agile Principles
/lean-agile-leadership/New window A-TITLE Lean Agile Leadership
/implementation-roadmap/New window Text duplicate A-TITLE SAFe Implementation Roadmap
/spc/New window Text duplicate A-TITLE SPC
/agile-teams/New window Text duplicate A-TITLE Agile Teams
/continuous-learning-culture/New window Text duplicate A-TITLE Continuous Learning Culture
/ai/New window A-TITLE AI
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/team-flow/New window Text duplicate A-TITLE Team Flow
/art-flow/New window Text duplicate A-TITLE ART Flow
/solution-train-flow/New window A-TITLE Solution Train Flow
/coordinate-and-deliver/New window A-TITLE Coordinate and Deliver
/pre-plan/New window A-TITLE Pre-PI Planning
/business-and-technology/New window Text duplicate A-TITLE Business and Technology
/okrs/New window A-TITLE OKRs
/enablers/New window Text duplicate A-TITLE Enablers
/value-stream-coordination/New window A-TITLE Value Stream Coordination
/development-value-streams/New window Text duplicate A-TITLE Development Value Streams
/product-owner/New window Text duplicate A-TITLE Product Owner
/scrum-master-team-coach/New window Text duplicate A-TITLE Scrum Master/Team Coach
/agile-teams/New window Text duplicate A-TITLE Agile Teams
/safe-team-kanban/New window Text duplicate A-TITLE SAFe Team Kanban
/team-backlog/New window A-TITLE Team Backlog
/system-demo/New window Text duplicate A-TITLE System Demo
/enablers/New window Text duplicate A-TITLE Enabler Feature
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/safe-lean-agile-principles/New window A-TITLE SAFe Principles
/implementation-roadmap/New window Text duplicate A-TITLE Implementation Roadmap
/spc/New window Text duplicate A-TITLE SPC
/team-backlog/New window Text duplicate A-TITLE Team Backlog
/agile-release-trainNew window Text duplicate A-TITLE Agile Release Train
/continuous-deploymentNew window Text duplicate A-TITLE Continuous Deployment
/release-train-engineer/New window Text duplicate A-TITLE Release Train Engineer
/features-and-capabilitiesNew window Text duplicate A-TITLE Feature
/enablers/New window Text duplicate A-TITLE Enabler Story
/pi-planning/New window Text duplicate A-TITLE PI Planning
/pi-planning/New window Text duplicate A-TITLE PI Planning
/inspect-and-adaptNew window Text duplicate A-TITLE Inspect and Adapt
/innovation-and-planning-itera...New window Text duplicate A-TITLE Innovation and Planning Iteration
/business-owners/New window Text duplicate A-TITLE Business Owners
/built-In-quality/New window Text duplicate A-TITLE Built-in Quality
/system-team/New window Text duplicate A-TITLE System Team
/product-management/New window Text duplicate A-TITLE Product Management
/solution-vision/New window Text duplicate A-TITLE Vision
/nonfunctional-requirements/New window A-TITLE NFR - Nonfunctional Requirements
/ART-and-solution-train-backlogs/New window Text duplicate A-TITLE ART Backlog
/wsjf/New window A-TITLE WSJF - Weighted Shortest Job First
/ART-and-solution-train-backlogs/New window Text duplicate A-TITLE ART Backlog
/devops/New window Text duplicate A-TITLE DevOps
/lean-ux/New window Text duplicate A-TITLE Lean UX
/system-architect/New window Text duplicate A-TITLE System Architect
/architectural-runway/New window Text duplicate A-TITLE Architectural Runway
/continuous-delivery-pipelineNew window Text duplicate A-TITLE Continuous Delivery Pipeline
/continuous-exploration/New window Text duplicate A-TITLE Continuous Exploration
/continuous-integration/New window Text duplicate A-TITLE Continuous Integration
/nonfunctional-requirements/New window A-TITLE Non-Functional Requirements
/roadmap/New window Text duplicate A-TITLE Roadmap
/communities-of-practice/New window Text duplicate A-TITLE Communities of Practice
/shared-services/New window Text duplicate A-TITLE Shared Services
/enterprise/New window Text duplicate A-TITLE Enterprise
/strategic-themes/New window A-TITLE Strategic Themes
/epic-owner/New window A-TITLE Epic Owners
/enterprise-architect/New window A-TITLE Enterprise Architect
/portfolio-vision/New window A-TITLE Portfolio Vision
/lean-budgets/New window A-TITLE Lean Budgets
/nonfunctional-requirements/New window Text duplicate A-TITLE Non-Functional Requirements
/portfolio-backlog/New window Text duplicate A-TITLE Portfolio Backlog
/epic/New window A-TITLE Portfolio Business Epic
/epic/New window Text duplicate A-TITLE Portfolio Business Epic
/enablers/New window A-TITLE Enabler Epic
/portfolio/New window Text duplicate A-TITLE Portfolio
/portfolio-backlog/New window Text duplicate A-TITLE Portfolio Backlog
/release-on-demand/New window Text duplicate A-TITLE Release on Demand
/essential-safeNew window Text duplicate A-TITLE Essential SAFe
/value-stream-kpis/New window A-TITLE Value Stream KPIs
/Government/New window Text duplicate A-TITLE Government
/lean-agile-leadership/New window Text duplicate A-TITLE Lean Agile Leadership
/pi-objectives/New window Text duplicate A-TITLE PI Objectives
/guardrails/New window A-TITLE Guardrails
/guardrails/New window Text duplicate A-TITLE Guardrails
/iterations/New window Text duplicate A-TITLE Iterations
/story/New window Text duplicate A-TITLE Story
/customer-centricity/New window Text duplicate A-TITLE Customer Centricity
/inspect-and-adapt/New window Text duplicate A-TITLE Inspect and Adapt
/lean-portfolio-management/New window A-TITLE Lean Portfolio Management Competency
/agile-product-delivery/New window A-TITLE Agile Product Delivery Competency
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/safe-lean-agile-principles/New window Text duplicate A-TITLE SAFe Principles
/implementation-roadmap/New window Text duplicate A-TITLE Implementation Roadmap
/spc/New window Text duplicate A-TITLE SPC
/team-backlog/New window Text duplicate A-TITLE Team Backlog
/agile-release-train/New window Text duplicate A-TITLE Agile Release Train
/continuous-deployment/New window Text duplicate A-TITLE Continuous Deployment
/release-train-engineer/New window Text duplicate A-TITLE Release Train Engineer
/features-and-capabilities/New window Text duplicate A-TITLE Feature
/enablers/New window Text duplicate A-TITLE Enabler Feature
/planning-interval/New window Text duplicate A-TITLE Planning Interval
/pi-planning/New window Text duplicate A-TITLE PI Planning
/inspect-and-adaptNew window Text duplicate A-TITLE Inspect and Adapt
/business-owners/New window Text duplicate A-TITLE Business Owners
/lean-agile-leadership/New window Text duplicate A-TITLE Lean Agile Leadership
/built-In-quality/New window Text duplicate A-TITLE Built-in Quality
/system-team/New window Text duplicate A-TITLE System Team
/product-management/New window Text duplicate A-TITLE Product Management
/solution-vision/New window Text duplicate A-TITLE Vision
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/wsjf/New window Text duplicate A-TITLE WSJF - Weighted Shortest Job First
/art-and-solution-train-backlogs/New window Text duplicate A-TITLE ART and Solution Train Backlogs
/devops/New window Text duplicate A-TITLE DevOps
/lean-ux/New window Text duplicate A-TITLE Lean UX
/system-architect/New window Text duplicate A-TITLE System Architect
/architectural-runway/New window Text duplicate A-TITLE Architectural Runway
/continuous-delivery-pipeline/New window Text duplicate A-TITLE Continuous Delivery Pipeline
/continuous-exploration/New window Text duplicate A-TITLE Continuous Exploration
/continuous-integration/New window Text duplicate A-TITLE Continuous Integration
/nonfunctional-requirements/New window Text duplicate A-TITLE Nonfunctional Requirements (NFRs)
/roadmap/New window Text duplicate A-TITLE Roadmap
/communities-of-practice/New window Text duplicate A-TITLE Communities of Practice
/shared-services/New window Text duplicate A-TITLE Shared Services
/enterprise/New window Text duplicate A-TITLE Enterprise
/strategic-themes/New window Text duplicate A-TITLE Strategic Themes
/epic-owner/New window Text duplicate A-TITLE Epic Owners
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/portfolio-vision/New window Text duplicate A-TITLE Portfolio Vision
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/portfolio-backlog/New window Text duplicate A-TITLE Portfolio Backlog
/epic/New window Text duplicate A-TITLE Portfolio Business Epic
/epic/New window Text duplicate A-TITLE Portfolio Business Epic
/enablers/New window Text duplicate A-TITLE Enabler Epic
/portfolio/New window Text duplicate A-TITLE Portfolio
/portfolio-backlog/New window Text duplicate A-TITLE Portfolio Backlog
/essential-safe/New window Text duplicate A-TITLE Essential SAFe
/value-stream-kpis/New window Text duplicate A-TITLE Value Stream KPIs
/innovation-and-planning-itera...New window Text duplicate A-TITLE Innovation and Planning Iteration
/Government/New window Text duplicate A-TITLE Government
/pi-objectives/New window Text duplicate A-TITLE PI Objectives
/guardrails/New window Text duplicate A-TITLE Guardrails
/story/New window Text duplicate A-TITLE Story
/customer-centricity/New window Text duplicate A-TITLE Customer Centricity
/inspect-and-adapt/New window Text duplicate A-TITLE Inspect and Adapt
/lean-portfolio-management/New window Text duplicate A-TITLE Lean Portfolio Management Competency
/agile-product-delivery/New window Text duplicate A-TITLE Agile Product Delivery Competency
/team-and-technical-agility/New window Text duplicate A-TITLE Team and Technical Agility Competency
/design-thinking/New window Text duplicate A-TITLE Design Thinking
/agile-teams/New window Text duplicate A-TITLE Agile Teams
/solution/New window Text duplicate A-TITLE Solution
/solution-context/New window Text duplicate A-TITLE Solution Context
/organizational-agility/New window Text duplicate A-TITLE Organizational Agility
/continuous-learning-culture/New window Text duplicate A-TITLE Continuous Learning Culture
/business-agility/New window Text duplicate A-TITLE Business Agility
/measure-and-grow/New window Text duplicate A-TITLE Measure and Grow
/enterprise-solution-delivery/New window Text duplicate A-TITLE Enterprise Solution Delivery
/solution-architect/New window Text duplicate A-TITLE Solution Architect
/solution-management/New window Text duplicate A-TITLE Solution Management
/solution-train-engineer/New window Text duplicate A-TITLE Solution Train Engineer
/solution-intent/New window Text duplicate A-TITLE Solution Intent
/compliance/New window Text duplicate A-TITLE Compliance
/model-based-systems-engineering/New window Text duplicate A-TITLE Model-Based Systems Engineering
/set-based-design/New window Text duplicate A-TITLE Set-Based Design
/art-and-solution-train-backlogs/New window Text duplicate A-TITLE Solution Train Backlog
/nonfunctional-requirements/New window Text duplicate A-TITLE Nonfunctional Requirements (NFRs)
/art-and-solution-train-backlogs/New window Text duplicate A-TITLE Solution Train Backlog
/solution-train/New window Text duplicate A-TITLE Solution Train
/supplier/New window Text duplicate A-TITLE Supplier
/pre-plan/New window Text duplicate A-TITLE Pre-PI Planning
/solution-demo/New window Text duplicate A-TITLE Solution Demo
/solution-demo/New window Text duplicate A-TITLE Solution Demo
/coordinate-and-deliver/New window Text duplicate A-TITLE Coordinate and Deliver
/inspect-and-adapt/New window Text duplicate A-TITLE Inspect and Adapt
/inspect-and-adapt/New window Text duplicate A-TITLE Inspect and Adapt
/large-solution/New window Text duplicate A-TITLE Large Solution
/features-and-capabilities/New window A-TITLE Capability
/enablers/New window Text duplicate A-TITLE Enablers
/wsjf/New window Text duplicate A-TITLE WSJF - Weighted Shortest Job First
/enablers/New window Text duplicate A-TITLE Enabler Story
/participatory-budgeting/New window Text duplicate A-TITLE Participatory Budgeting
/system-demo/New window Text duplicate A-TITLE System Demo
/pi-planning/New window Text duplicate A-TITLE PI Planning
/iterations/New window Text duplicate A-TITLE Iterations
/solution/New window A-TITLE Solutions
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/team-backlog/New window Text duplicate A-TITLE Team Backlog
/solution/New window Text duplicate A-TITLE Solution
/portfolio-flow/New window Text duplicate A-TITLE Portfolio Flow
/solution-train-flow/New window Text duplicate A-TITLE Solution Train Flow
/art-flow/New window Text duplicate A-TITLE ART Flow
/team-flow/New window Text duplicate A-TITLE Team Flow
/ai/New window Text duplicate A-TITLE AI
/cloud/New window Text duplicate A-TITLE Cloud
/big-data/New window Text duplicate A-TITLE Big Data
/system-demo/Text duplicate A-TITLE System Demo
/business-and-technology/New window Text duplicate A-TITLE Business and Technology
/value-stream-management/New window Text duplicate A-TITLE Value Stream Management
/guardrails/New window Text duplicate A-TITLE Guardrails
/okrs/New window Text duplicate A-TITLE OKRs

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Scaled Agile Framework
SAFe 6 is an update to the SAFe Framework to help organizations become Lean Enterprise and achieve Business Agility. Learn more and see FAQs about 6.

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