Hjemogbord.dk - SEO Checker

Overview of the SEO Check
Meta information
Page quality
Page structure
Link structure
External factors
SEO Score
Response time
0.40 s
File size
303.10 kB
Media files
Number of links
366 internal / 4 external

Task list of SEO Improvements

Meta specifications

(Critically important)
Hjem & Bord - Isenkram med historie
The length of the page title is perfect. (331 pixels out of 580 max pixel length)
There are no duplicate words in the title
Meta description
(Critically important)
The meta description is missing.
(Critically important)
There are no problems in accessing the website.
Canonical URL
There is a valid canonical link specified.
(Somewhat important)
Language detected in text: da
Language defined in HTML: da
Server location: United States of America
The following language is defined by HTML: da
Alternate/Hreflang Links
(Somewhat important)
There are no alternate links specified on this page.
Other meta tags
(Somewhat important)
There is no rel next meta tag on this page.
There is no rel prev meta tag on this page.
(Somewhat important)
The domain is no subdomain.
The domain length is good.
The domain does not contain non-latin characters.
Page URL
(Somewhat important)
No parameters were found in the URL.
No session ID was found in the URL.
The URL does not have too many subdirectories.
Charset encoding
(Somewhat important)
The charset encoding (UTF-8) is set correctly.
(Nice to have)
The doctype HTML 5 is set correctly.
The doctype is placed at first in the HTML code.
(Nice to have)
The favicon is linked correctly.

Meta tags

twitter:titleHjem & Bord - Isenkram med historie
twitter:descriptionHjem & Bord
og:site_nameHjem & Bord
og:titleHjem & Bord - Isenkram med historie
og:descriptionHjem & Bord

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Page quality

(Critically important)
This page contains 1364 words. That's ok.
10.2% of the text are stop words.
Keywords used in the page title are also used in the page content. That's good!
Words from the H1 heading are used in the page content.
The page contains a listing, which indicates a good text layout.
5 paragraphs were found on this page.
The text content is perfect.
No placeholders texts or images were found.
There are no duplicates on the site.
The average number of words per sentence of 13.56 words is good.
(Critically important)
This page does not use a frameset.
Mobile optimization
(Somewhat important)
No Apple touch icon is specified.
A viewport "width=device-width,initial-scale=1" is provided.
Bold and strong tags
(Somewhat important)
The usage of strong and bold tags is perfect. We recommend the use of up to 27 tags for this page.
Image SEO
(Somewhat important)
5 images have no alt attribute. The content of alt attributes is used by search engines.
Social Networks
(Nice to have)
There are only a few social sharing widgets on the page. Make your website popular in social networks with social sharing widgets.
Additional markup
(Nice to have)
No additional page markup was found.
(Somewhat important)
This website uses HTTPS to protect privacy and integrity of the exchanged data.
All included files are also transferred via HTTPS.

Page structure

H1 heading
(Critically important)
Hjem & Bord Hjem & Bord Hjem & Bord
The H1 heading is perfect.
The heading structure is perfect.

Heading structure

Heading levelContent
H1 Hjem & Bord Hjem & Bord Hjem & Bord
H2 Gå på opdagelse
H2 Lækre nyheder til dig
H2 Godt isenkram er ikke bare ting. Det er historie.
H2 Tilbud du ikke vil gå glip af
H2 Har du spørgsmål?
H2 Trends & Nyheder
Some internal link anchor texts are too long.
Some anchor texts are used more than once.
6 links don't have an anchor text.
The number of internal links is ok.
All internal links are not using dynamic parameters.
There are 4 external links on this page.
LinkAttributesAnchor text
https://hjemogbord.dk/Anchor Gå til indhold
https://hjemogbord.dk/IMG-ALT Hjem & Bord
https://hjemogbord.dk/cart0 Kurv
/collections/kokken-elKøkken & El
/collections/grydelapper-handskerGrydelapper & Handsker
/collections/stel-bordStel & Bord
/collections/dybe-tallerkenerDybe tallerkener
/collections/tekstiler-til-bordetTekstiler til bordet
/collections/lys-lanternerLys & Lanterner
/collections/led-lysLED lys
/collections/seng-badSeng & Bad
/collections/personlig-plejePersonlig pleje
/collections/tekstiler-til-sen...Text duplicate Tekstiler
/collections/vask-strygVask & Stryg
/collections/strygejernStrygejern & Dampere
/collections/andersen-furnitureAndersen Furniture
/collections/bjorn-wiinbladBjørn Wiinblad
/collections/claus-holmClaus Holm
/collections/eva-solo-trioEva Solo & Trio
/collections/frederik-baggerFrederik Bagger
/collections/georg-jensenGeorg Jensen
/collections/jamie-oliverJamie Oliver
/collections/kay-bojesenKay Bojesen
/collections/knabstrup-keramikKnabstrup Keramik
/collections/le-creusetLe Creuset
/collections/obh-nordicaOBH Nordica
/collections/piet-heinPiet Hein
/collections/royal-copenhagenRoyal Copenhagen
/collections/spring-copenhagenSpring Copenhagen
/collections/uyuni-lightningUyuni Lightning
/collections/nyhederText duplicate Nyheder
IMG-ALT Nyheder
/collections/kokken-elSe alle
/collections/el-produkterText duplicate Se alle
/collections/blenderText duplicate Blendere
/collections/foodprocessorText duplicate Foodprocessorer
/collections/handmixerText duplicate Håndmixere
/collections/kokkenmaskinerText duplicate Køkkenmaskiner
/collections/brodristereText duplicate Brødristere
/collections/kaffemaskineText duplicate Kaffemaskiner
/collections/elkedelText duplicate Elkedler
/collections/ovrigeText duplicate Øvrige
/collections/kokkenudstyrText duplicate Se alle
/collections/bageudstyrText duplicate Bageudstyr
/collections/fadeText duplicate Fade
/collections/kniveText duplicate Knive
/collections/panderText duplicate Pander
/collections/redskaberText duplicate Redskaber
/collections/skaerebraetterText duplicate Skærebrætter
/collections/skaleText duplicate Skåle
/collections/tekstilerText duplicate Se alle
/collections/forklaederText duplicate Forklæder
/collections/viskestykkerText duplicate Viskestykker
/collections/grydelapper-handskerText duplicate Grydelapper & Handsker
/collections/stel-bordText duplicate Se alle
/collections/bestikText duplicate Se alle
/collections/bestiksaetText duplicate Bestiksæt
/collections/bornebestikText duplicate Børnebestik
/collections/serveringsbestikText duplicate Serveringsbestik
/collections/glasText duplicate Se alle
/collections/champagneglasText duplicate Champagneglas
/collections/spritusglasText duplicate Spritusglas
/collections/vandglasText duplicate Vandglas
/collections/vinglasText duplicate Vinglas
/collections/stelText duplicate Se alle
/collections/kopperText duplicate Kopper
/collections/krusText duplicate Krus
/collections/aeggebaegreText duplicate Æggebægre
/collections/serveringText duplicate Se alle
/collections/bakkerText duplicate Bakker
/collections/brodkurveText duplicate Brødkurve
/collections/kanderText duplicate Kander
/collections/karaflerText duplicate Karafler
/collections/tallerkenerText duplicate Se alle
/collections/desserttallerkenText duplicate Desserttallerken
/collections/frokosttallerkenText duplicate Frokosttallerken
/collections/dybe-tallerkenerText duplicate Dybe tallerkener
/collections/middagstallerkenText duplicate Middagstallerken
/collections/tekstiler-til-bordetText duplicate Se alle
/collections/bordskanereText duplicate Bordskånere
/collections/dugeText duplicate Duge
/collections/daekkeservietterText duplicate Dækkeservietter
/collections/servietterText duplicate Servietter
/collections/stueText duplicate Se alle
/collections/dekorationText duplicate Se alle
/collections/figurerText duplicate Figurer
/collections/hoptimisterText duplicate Hoptimister
/collections/lamperText duplicate Lamper
/collections/potteskjulereText duplicate Potteskjulere
/collections/vaserText duplicate Vaser
/collections/julepyntText duplicate Julepynt
/collections/paskepyntText duplicate Påskepynt
/collections/lys-lanternerText duplicate Se alle
/collections/fyrfadsstagerText duplicate Fyrfadsstager
/collections/lanternerText duplicate Lanterner
/collections/led-lysText duplicate LED lys
/collections/lysestagerText duplicate Lysestager
/collections/seng-badText duplicate Se alle
/collections/badevaerelsetText duplicate Se alle
/collections/spejleText duplicate Spejle
/collections/saebedispensereText duplicate Sæbedispensere
/collections/saebeholdereText duplicate Sæbeholdere
/collections/tandborsterText duplicate Tandbørster
/collections/toiletborsterText duplicate Toiletbørster
/collections/toiletspandeText duplicate Toiletspande
/collections/personlig-plejeText duplicate Se alle
/collections/harfjerningText duplicate Hårfjerning
/collections/hartorrerText duplicate Hårtørrer
/collections/glattejernText duplicate Glattejern
/collections/krollejernText duplicate Krøllejern
/collections/badevaegteText duplicate Badevægte
/collections/tekstiler-til-sen...Text duplicate Se alle
/collections/badeforhaengText duplicate Badeforhæng
/collections/handklaederText duplicate Håndklæder
/collections/sengetojText duplicate Sengetøj
/collections/vask-strygText duplicate Se alle
/collections/strygebraetterText duplicate Strygebrætter
/collections/strygejernText duplicate Strygejern & Dampere
/collections/stovsugereText duplicate Støvsugere
/collections/torrestativerText duplicate Tørrestativer
/collections/udendorsText duplicate Udendørs
IMG-ALT Udendørs
/collections/tilbudText duplicate Tilbud
IMG-ALT Tilbud
/collections/aarkeText duplicate Aarke
/collections/aidaText duplicate Aida
/collections/aldenteText duplicate Aldente
/collections/andersen-furnitureText duplicate Andersen Furniture
/collections/architectmadeText duplicate Architectmade
/collections/aqviaText duplicate Aqvia
/collections/babylissText duplicate Babyliss
/collections/bitzText duplicate Bitz
/collections/bjorn-wiinbladText duplicate Bjørn Wiinblad
/collections/blomsterbergsText duplicate Blomsterbergs
/collections/bodumText duplicate Bodum
/collections/boschText duplicate Bosch
/collections/brabantiaText duplicate Brabantia
/collections/braunText duplicate Braun
/collections/claus-holmText duplicate Claus Holm
/collections/dialaegtText duplicate Dialægt
/collections/endeavourText duplicate Endeavour
/collections/eva-solo-trioText duplicate Eva Solo & Trio
/collections/fablewoodText duplicate Fablewood
/collections/fiskarsText duplicate Fiskars
/collections/frederik-baggerText duplicate Frederik Bagger
/collections/georg-jensenText duplicate Georg Jensen
/collections/globalText duplicate Global
/collections/holmegaardText duplicate Holmegaard
/collections/hoptimistText duplicate Hoptimist
/collections/jamie-oliverText duplicate Jamie Oliver
/collections/kay-bojesenText duplicate Kay Bojesen
/collections/kitchenaidText duplicate KitchenAid
/collections/klarborgText duplicate Klarborg
/collections/knabstrup-keramikText duplicate Knabstrup Keramik
/collections/kahlerText duplicate Kähler
/collections/le-creusetText duplicate Le Creuset
/collections/lyngbyText duplicate Lyngby
/collections/moccamasterText duplicate Moccamaster
/collections/morsoText duplicate Morsø
/collections/mumiText duplicate MUMI
/collections/obh-nordicaText duplicate OBH Nordica
/collections/philipsText duplicate Philips
/collections/piet-heinText duplicate Piet Hein
/collections/pillivuytText duplicate Pillivuyt
/collections/raadvadText duplicate Raadvad
/collections/rosendahlText duplicate Rosendahl
/collections/rostiText duplicate Rosti
/collections/royal-copenhagenText duplicate Royal Copenhagen
/collections/silikomartText duplicate Silikomart
/collections/scanpanText duplicate Scanpan
/collections/siriusText duplicate Sirius
/collections/steltonText duplicate Stelton
/collections/sodahlText duplicate Södahl
/collections/spring-copenhagenText duplicate Spring Copenhagen
/collections/tefalText duplicate Tefal
/collections/uyuni-lightningText duplicate Uyuni Lightning
/collections/yaxellText duplicate Yaxell
/collections/zoneText duplicate Zone
https://hjemogbord.dk/collectionsUdforsk brands
/collections/tilbudShop tilbud
/collections/eva-solo-trioFå alt til madlavningen med Eva Solo & Trio
/collections/siriusStort udvalg af hyggelige LED lys fra Sirius
/collections/frederik-baggerEkstravagante glas fra Frederik Bagger
/collections/kokken-elText duplicate Køkken & El
IMG-ALT Køkken & El
/collections/stel-bordText duplicate Stel & Bord
IMG-ALT Stel & Bord
/collections/stueText duplicate Stue
/collections/seng-badText duplicate Seng & Bad
IMG-ALT Seng & Bad
/collections/udendorsText duplicate Udendørs
IMG-ALT Udendørs
/collections/tilbudText duplicate Tilbud
IMG-ALT Tilbud
/collections/nyhederText duplicate Se alle
/collections/nyheder/products/...Spar 50% Eva Trio Recycled Stainless Steel Honeycomb stegepande Ø20 cm Eva Solo Udsalgspris19995 kr 199,95 kr Normalpris 39995 kr 399,95 kr Spar 50%
/collections/nyheder/products/...Spar 26% Tefal Twist termokrus blå 0,36 liter Tefal Udsalgspris19895 kr 198,95 kr Normalpris 26995 kr 269,95 kr Spar 26%
/collections/nyheder/products/...Spar 38% RAW Buffalo dækkeserviet genbrugslæder mørkegrå Aida RAW Udsalgspris4995 kr 49,95 kr Normalpris 7995 kr 79,95 kr Spar 38%
/collections/nyheder/products/...Peugeot Line peberkværn 12 cm grafit Peugeot 34895 kr 348,95 kr
/collections/nyheder/products/...Spar 38% RAW Buffalo dækkeserviet genbrugslæder sky blue Aida RAW Udsalgspris4995 kr 49,95 kr Normalpris 7995 kr 79,95 kr Spar 38%
/collections/nyheder/products/...Spar 35% Tiger termokande chrome 1 liter stål Tiger Udsalgspris19395 kr 193,95 kr Normalpris 29995 kr 299,95 kr Spar 35%
/collections/nyheder/products/...Spar 26% Tefal Twist termokrus rød 0,36 liter Tefal Udsalgspris19895 kr 198,95 kr Normalpris 26995 kr 269,95 kr Spar 26%
/collections/nyheder/products/...Spar 46% Eva Trio Recycled Stainless Steel Honeycomb stegepande Ø24 cm Eva Solo Udsalgspris26995 kr 269,95 kr Normalpris 49995 kr 499,95 kr Spar 46%
/collections/nyheder/products/...Spar 58% Eva Trio Recycled Stainless Steel sauterkasserolle 1,3 liter Ø16 cm Eva Solo Udsalgspris24995 kr 249,95 kr Normalpris 59995 kr 599,95 kr Spar 58%
/collections/nyheder/products/...Spar 40% Eva Trio Recycled Stainless Steel gryde 10 liter Ø24 cm Eva Solo Udsalgspris59995 kr 599,95 kr Normalpris 99995 kr 999,95 kr Spar 40%
/collections/tilbudText duplicate Se alle
/collections/tilbud/products/a...Spar 46% Udsolgt AGA/AQVIA PET flaske - Sort 1ltr. Aqvia Udsalgspris4895 kr 48,95 kr Normalpris 8995 kr 89,95 kr Spar 46%
/collections/tilbud/products/k...Etly Klarborg Årsnissepar - 2022 Harald & Maren Klarborg 39995 kr 399,95 kr
/collections/tilbud/products/f...Spar 32% Frederik Bagger LowBall Crispy 2 pak Frederik Bagger Udsalgspris27195 kr 271,95 kr Normalpris 39995 kr 399,95 kr Spar 32%
/collections/tilbud/products/g...Spar 23% Georg Jensen Juleuro 2022 - Forgyldt Georg Jensen Udsalgspris30995 kr 309,95 kr Normalpris 39995 kr 399,95 kr Spar 23%
/collections/tilbud/products/g...Spar 34% Georg Jensen Bernadotte kagekniv Georg Jensen Udsalgspris22995 kr 229,95 kr Normalpris 34995 kr 349,95 kr Spar 34%
/collections/tilbud/products/a...Spar 56% Udsolgt Aida RAW Bestiksæt - Guld - 60 dele Aida Udsalgspris99800 kr 998,00 kr Normalpris 2.29400 kr 2.294,00 kr Spar 56%
/collections/tilbud/products/e...Spar 13% Etly Klarborg Årsnissepar - 2023 Cirkeline & Sylvester Etly Klarborg Udsalgspris34995 kr 349,95 kr Normalpris 39995 kr 399,95 kr Spar 13%
/collections/tilbud/products/r...Spar 31% Rosendahl Grand Cru kaffefilterholder sort Rosendahl Udsalgspris6895 kr 68,95 kr Normalpris 9995 kr 99,95 kr Spar 31%
/collections/tilbud/products/g...Spar 44% Georg Jensen Bernadotte Bestiksæt - 48 dele Georg Jensen Udsalgspris3.49900 kr 3.499,00 kr Normalpris 6.29900 kr 6.299,00 kr Spar 44%
/collections/tilbud/products/w...Spar 60% WMF Nutella smøre kniv WMF Udsalgspris4795 kr 47,95 kr Normalpris 11995 kr 119,95 kr Spar 60%
/collections/georg-jensenNo Text
/collections/obh-nordicaNo Text
/collections/pillivuytNo Text
/collections/jamie-oliverNo Text
/collections/lyngbyNo Text
/collections/piet-heinNo Text
/pages/ofte-stillede-sporgsmalOfte stillede spørgsmål
/pages/kontaktFå mere at vide
/blogs/trends-nyhederVis alle indlæg
/blogs/trends-nyheder/sadan-pl...IMG-ALT Sådan plejer du dine fabelagtige dyr
/blogs/trends-nyheder/sadan-pl...Text duplicate Sådan plejer du dine fabelagtige dyr
/blogs/trends-nyheder/airfryer...IMG-ALT Airfryer - Hurtigere, nemmere og sundere
/blogs/trends-nyheder/airfryer...Text duplicate Airfryer - Hurtigere, nemmere og sundere
/blogs/trends-nyheder/airfryer...Læs mere ...
/blogs/trends-nyheder/bruger-e...IMG-ALT Hvor meget strøm bruger en lyskæde
/blogs/trends-nyheder/bruger-e...Bruger en lyskæde meget Strøm ?
/blogs/trends-nyheder/bruger-e...Text duplicate Læs mere ...
/blogs/trends-nyheder/sommeren...IMG-ALT Sommerens hits
/blogs/trends-nyheder/sommeren...Text duplicate Sommerens hits
/blogs/trends-nyheder/sommeren...Text duplicate Læs mere ...
/blogs/trends-nyheder/hvem-er-...IMG-ALT Hvem er hjemogbord.dk
/blogs/trends-nyheder/hvem-er-...Text duplicate Hvem er hjemogbord.dk
/blogs/trends-nyheder/hvem-er-...Text duplicate Læs mere ...
https://m.facebook.com/hjemogb...New window External Subdomain Facebook
A-TITLE Hjem & Bord på Facebook
/collections/kokken-elText duplicate Køkken & El
/collections/seng-badText duplicate Seng & Bad
/collections/stel-bordText duplicate Stel & Bord
/collections/stueText duplicate Stue
/collections/udendorsText duplicate Udendørs
/blogs/trends-nyhederTrends & Nyheder
/pages/ofte-stillede-sporgsmalText duplicate Ofte stillede spørgsmål
/pages/handelsbetingelserAnchor Fortrydelsesret
/pages/cookie-politikCookiepolitik & præferencer
https://return.shipmondo.com/h...External Subdomain Returportal
https://dk.trustpilot.com/revi...New window External Subdomain Trustpilot
https://shophelten.dk/External ShopHelten.dk

Server configuration

HTTP redirects
(Critically important)
This page redirects to "https://hjemogbord.dk/"
HTTP header
No X-Powered HTTP header is sent.
This page uses GZip for compressed data transmission.
(Somewhat important)
The page response time is excellent with 0.40 seconds.
The file size of the HTML document is fine (303 kB).

HTTP Response Header

dateSun, 01 Dec 2024 21:09:00 GMT
content-typetext/html; charset=utf-8
set-cookie99 Characters
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x-xss-protection1; mode=block

External factors

This website has excellent links from other websites.
This page has backlinks from 55 referring domains.
This page has 85 backlinks.
This page has backlinks from 41 different ip addresses.

Links from Wikipedia

No links from Wikipedia were found.


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