- SEO Checker

Overview of the SEO Check
Meta information
Page quality
Page structure
Link structure
External factors
SEO Score
Response time
0.61 s
File size
362.60 kB
Media files
Number of links
1004 internal / 3 external

Task list of SEO Improvements

Meta specifications

(Critically important)
Shisha Online Shop - Shisha Galaxy Online Shop
There are word repetitions in the page title.
The length of the page title is perfect. (442 pixels out of 580 max pixel length)
Meta description
(Critically important)
Der galaktische Shisha Online Shop! Shisha-Tabak, E-Zigaretten, Liquids und mehr! Über +5000 Artikel und +10 Zahlungsmöglichkeiten inklusive Paypal auch für Tabak! Wir freuen uns auf dich!
The meta description is too long: 1190 pixels from max. 1000 pixels. Optimize description
(Critically important)
There are no problems in accessing the website.
Canonical URL
There is a valid canonical link specified.
(Somewhat important)
Language detected in text: de
Language defined in HTML: de
Server location: United States of America
The following language is defined by HTML: de
Alternate/Hreflang Links
(Somewhat important)
There are no alternate links specified on this page.
Other meta tags
(Somewhat important)
There is no rel next meta tag on this page.
There is no rel prev meta tag on this page.
(Somewhat important)
The domain is no subdomain.
The domain length is good.
The domain does not contain non-latin characters.
Page URL
(Somewhat important)
No parameters were found in the URL.
No session ID was found in the URL.
The URL does not have too many subdirectories.
Charset encoding
(Somewhat important)
The charset encoding (UTF-8) is set correctly.
(Nice to have)
The doctype HTML 5 is set correctly.
The doctype is placed at first in the HTML code.
(Nice to have)
The favicon is linked correctly.

Meta tags

descriptionDer galaktische Shisha Online Shop! Shisha-Tabak, E-Zigaretten, Liquids und mehr! Über +5000 Artikel und +10 Zahlungsmöglichkeiten inklusive Paypal auch für Tabak! Wir freuen uns auf dich!
keywordsShisha Online Shop
viewportwidth=device-width, initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1, user-scalable=0
apple-mobile-web-app-titleShisha Galaxy Online Shop
og:site_nameShisha Galaxy Online Shop
og:titleShisha Online Shop
og:descriptionDer galaktische Shisha Online Shop! Shisha-Tabak, E-Zigaretten, Liquids und mehr! Über +5000 Artikel und +10 Zahlungsmöglichkeiten inklusive Paypal auch für Tabak! Wir freuen uns auf dich!

Test up to 1.000 webpages of with our free plan!

Try For Free
No trial. It's just free!

Page quality

(Critically important)
There are 6 text duplicates on this page:
  • Duplicate 1: Gesamthöhe: ca. 67 cm Material: Edelstahl Durchmesser Glasbowl: ca. 20...
  • Duplicate 2: Gesamthöhe: ca. 67 cm Material: Edelstahl Durchmesser Glasbowl: ca. 20...
This page contains 2917 words. That's ok.
11.1% of the text are stop words.
Keywords used in the page title are also used in the page content. That's good!
The page contains a listing, which indicates a good text layout.
14 paragraphs were found on this page.
The text content is perfect.
No placeholders texts or images were found.
The average number of words per sentence of 10.55 words is good.
(Critically important)
This page does not use a frameset.
Mobile optimization
(Somewhat important)
Multiple viewport tags are given. There should only be one.
A viewport "width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" is provided.
At least one Apple touch icon is specified.
Bold and strong tags
(Somewhat important)
The usage of strong and bold tags is perfect. We recommend the use of up to 58 tags for this page.
Image SEO
(Somewhat important)
1 images have no alt attribute. The content of alt attributes is used by search engines.
Social Networks
(Nice to have)
This page is optimized perfectly for social networks.
Additional markup
(Nice to have)
No additional page markup was found.
(Somewhat important)
This website uses HTTPS to protect privacy and integrity of the exchanged data.
All included files are also transferred via HTTPS.

Media list

URLAlt attributeTitle
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...les/446980313/100x100x1/shisha-tabak.jpgShisha Tabak
...iles/446482546/100x100x1/shisha-shop.jpgShisha Shop
...ssets/custom-hallmark.png?20250121213049Anderer BetragCustom
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...8957/files/472295577/500x500x2/image.jpgSavu Tobacco Speedy (200g) - Shisha TabakSavu Tobacco Speedy (200g) - Shisha Tabak
...avu-tobacco-speedy-200g-shisha-tabak.jpgSavu Tobacco Speedy (200g) - Shisha TabakSavu Tobacco Speedy (200g) - Shisha Tabak
...8957/files/472295562/500x500x2/image.jpgSavu Tobacco Papa Luma (200g) - Shisha TabakSavu Tobacco Papa Luma (200g) - Shisha Tabak
...8957/files/472295562/500x500x2/image.jpgSavu Tobacco Papa Luma (200g) - Shisha TabakSavu Tobacco Papa Luma (200g) - Shisha Tabak
...-tobacco-papa-luma-200g-shisha-tabak.jpgSavu Tobacco Papa Luma (200g) - Shisha TabakSavu Tobacco Papa Luma (200g) - Shisha Tabak
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...8957/files/472295556/500x500x2/image.jpgSavu Tobacco Green Bear (200g) - Shisha TabakSavu Tobacco Green Bear (200g) - Shisha Tabak
...tobacco-green-bear-200g-shisha-tabak.jpgSavu Tobacco Green Bear (200g) - Shisha TabakSavu Tobacco Green Bear (200g) - Shisha Tabak
...8957/files/472295343/500x500x2/image.jpgIJoy IJoy Captain 30 - Refillable - 2 ml - Liquid Leer-Pods - 0,8 Ohm - 2er PackIJoy IJoy Captain 30 - Refillable - 2 ml - Liquid Leer-Pods - 0,8 Ohm - 2er Pack
...8957/files/472295343/500x500x2/image.jpgIJoy IJoy Captain 30 - Refillable - 2 ml - Liquid Leer-Pods - 0,8 Ohm - 2er PackIJoy IJoy Captain 30 - Refillable - 2 ml - Liquid Leer-Pods - 0,8 Ohm - 2er Pack
...ain-30-refillable-2-ml-liquid-leer-p.jpgIJoy IJoy Captain 30 - Refillable - 2 ml - Liquid Leer-Pods - 0,8 Ohm - 2er PackIJoy IJoy Captain 30 - Refillable - 2 ml - Liquid Leer-Pods - 0,8 Ohm - 2er Pack
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...8957/files/471997142/500x500x2/image.jpgTrue Passion Okolom Classic (200g) - Shisha TabakTrue Passion Okolom Classic (200g) - Shisha Tabak
...ion-okolom-classic-200g-shisha-tabak.jpgTrue Passion Okolom Classic (200g) - Shisha TabakTrue Passion Okolom Classic (200g) - Shisha Tabak
...8957/files/471997134/500x500x2/image.jpgTrue Passion Le Chill (200g) - Shisha TabakTrue Passion Le Chill (200g) - Shisha Tabak
...8957/files/471997134/500x500x2/image.jpgTrue Passion Le Chill (200g) - Shisha TabakTrue Passion Le Chill (200g) - Shisha Tabak
...e-passion-le-chill-200g-shisha-tabak.jpgTrue Passion Le Chill (200g) - Shisha TabakTrue Passion Le Chill (200g) - Shisha Tabak
...8957/files/471997111/500x500x2/image.jpgTrue Passion Cinderella (200g) - Shisha TabakTrue Passion Cinderella (200g) - Shisha Tabak
...8957/files/471997111/500x500x2/image.jpgTrue Passion Cinderella (200g) - Shisha TabakTrue Passion Cinderella (200g) - Shisha Tabak
...passion-cinderella-200g-shisha-tabak.jpgTrue Passion Cinderella (200g) - Shisha TabakTrue Passion Cinderella (200g) - Shisha Tabak
...8957/files/471914604/500x500x2/image.jpgGalaxy LIQ Istanbul Berry Mix - Liquid - Nikotin 20 mg/mlGalaxy LIQ Istanbul Berry Mix - Liquid - Nikotin 20 mg/ml
...8957/files/471914604/500x500x2/image.jpgGalaxy LIQ Istanbul Berry Mix - Liquid - Nikotin 20 mg/mlGalaxy LIQ Istanbul Berry Mix - Liquid - Nikotin 20 mg/ml
...anbul-berry-mix-liquid-nikotin-20-mg.jpgGalaxy LIQ Istanbul Berry Mix - Liquid - Nikotin 20 mg/mlGalaxy LIQ Istanbul Berry Mix - Liquid - Nikotin 20 mg/ml
...8957/files/471914333/500x500x2/image.jpg187 Strassenbande Zafari - Shortfill/E-Liquid - Nikotinfrei - 50 ml187 Strassenbande Zafari - Shortfill/E-Liquid - Nikotinfrei - 50 ml
...8957/files/471914333/500x500x2/image.jpg187 Strassenbande Zafari - Shortfill/E-Liquid - Nikotinfrei - 50 ml187 Strassenbande Zafari - Shortfill/E-Liquid - Nikotinfrei - 50 ml
...nde-zafari-shortfill-e-liquid-nikoti.jpg187 Strassenbande Zafari - Shortfill/E-Liquid - Nikotinfrei - 50 ml187 Strassenbande Zafari - Shortfill/E-Liquid - Nikotinfrei - 50 ml
...8957/files/471914330/500x500x2/image.jpg187 Strassenbande Watermelon - Shortfill/E-Liquid - Nikotinfrei - 50 ml187 Strassenbande Watermelon - Shortfill/E-Liquid - Nikotinfrei - 50 ml
...8957/files/471914330/500x500x2/image.jpg187 Strassenbande Watermelon - Shortfill/E-Liquid - Nikotinfrei - 50 ml187 Strassenbande Watermelon - Shortfill/E-Liquid - Nikotinfrei - 50 ml
...nde-watermelon-shortfill-e-liquid-ni.jpg187 Strassenbande Watermelon - Shortfill/E-Liquid - Nikotinfrei - 50 ml187 Strassenbande Watermelon - Shortfill/E-Liquid - Nikotinfrei - 50 ml
...8957/files/459809791/500x500x2/image.jpgElf Bar ELFA - Liquid Pod Probierset - 8 Sorten / 16 Liquid Pods - NikotinfreiElf Bar ELFA - Liquid Pod Probierset - 8 Sorten / 16 Liquid Pods - Nikotinfrei
...8957/files/459809791/500x500x2/image.jpgElf Bar ELFA - Liquid Pod Probierset - 8 Sorten / 16 Liquid Pods - NikotinfreiElf Bar ELFA - Liquid Pod Probierset - 8 Sorten / 16 Liquid Pods - Nikotinfrei
...iquid-pod-probierset-8-sorten-16-liq.jpgElf Bar ELFA - Liquid Pod Probierset - 8 Sorten / 16 Liquid Pods - NikotinfreiElf Bar ELFA - Liquid Pod Probierset - 8 Sorten / 16 Liquid Pods - Nikotinfrei
...8957/files/432731088/500x500x2/image.jpgElf Bar ELFA - Pod Kit - Akku 500 mAh - Aurora PinkElf Bar ELFA - Pod Kit - Akku 500 mAh - Aurora Pink
...8957/files/432731088/500x500x2/image.jpgElf Bar ELFA - Pod Kit - Akku 500 mAh - Aurora PinkElf Bar ELFA - Pod Kit - Akku 500 mAh - Aurora Pink
...lfa-pod-kit-akku-500-mah-aurora-pink.jpgElf Bar ELFA - Pod Kit - Akku 500 mAh - Aurora PinkElf Bar ELFA - Pod Kit - Akku 500 mAh - Aurora Pink
...8957/files/464472069/500x500x2/image.jpgElf Bar ELFA Turbo - Refillable - Liquid Pods - 2er Pack - 0,8 OhmElf Bar ELFA Turbo - Refillable - Liquid Pods - 2er Pack - 0,8 Ohm
...8957/files/464472069/500x500x2/image.jpgElf Bar ELFA Turbo - Refillable - Liquid Pods - 2er Pack - 0,8 OhmElf Bar ELFA Turbo - Refillable - Liquid Pods - 2er Pack - 0,8 Ohm
...urbo-refillable-liquid-pods-2er-pack.jpgElf Bar ELFA Turbo - Refillable - Liquid Pods - 2er Pack - 0,8 OhmElf Bar ELFA Turbo - Refillable - Liquid Pods - 2er Pack - 0,8 Ohm
...8957/files/456905121/500x500x2/image.jpgElf Bar ELFA & Tappo - Refillable - Liquid Pods - 2er Pack - 1,1 OhmElf Bar ELFA & Tappo - Refillable - Liquid Pods - 2er Pack - 1,1 Ohm
...8957/files/456905121/500x500x2/image.jpgElf Bar ELFA & Tappo - Refillable - Liquid Pods - 2er Pack - 1,1 OhmElf Bar ELFA & Tappo - Refillable - Liquid Pods - 2er Pack - 1,1 Ohm
...appo-refillable-liquid-pods-2er-pack.jpgElf Bar ELFA & Tappo - Refillable - Liquid Pods - 2er Pack - 1,1 OhmElf Bar ELFA & Tappo - Refillable - Liquid Pods - 2er Pack - 1,1 Ohm
...8957/files/416219373/500x500x2/image.jpg187 Strassenbande SE-E-XX - 600 Züge / Nikotinfrei187 Strassenbande SE-E-XX - 600 Züge / Nikotinfrei
...8957/files/416219373/500x500x2/image.jpg187 Strassenbande SE-E-XX - 600 Züge / Nikotinfrei187 Strassenbande SE-E-XX - 600 Züge / Nikotinfrei
...nbande-se-e-xx-600-zuege-nikotinfrei.jpg187 Strassenbande SE-E-XX - 600 Züge / Nikotinfrei187 Strassenbande SE-E-XX - 600 Züge / Nikotinfrei
...8957/files/442112656/500x500x2/image.jpgElf Bar ELFA - Blueberry BG - Liquid Pod - Nikotin 20 mg - 2er PackElf Bar ELFA - Blueberry BG - Liquid Pod - Nikotin 20 mg - 2er Pack
...8957/files/442112656/500x500x2/image.jpgElf Bar ELFA - Blueberry BG - Liquid Pod - Nikotin 20 mg - 2er PackElf Bar ELFA - Blueberry BG - Liquid Pod - Nikotin 20 mg - 2er Pack
...lueberry-bg-liquid-pod-nikotin-20-mg.jpgElf Bar ELFA - Blueberry BG - Liquid Pod - Nikotin 20 mg - 2er PackElf Bar ELFA - Blueberry BG - Liquid Pod - Nikotin 20 mg - 2er Pack
...8957/files/459778214/500x500x2/image.jpgElf Bar ELFA - Blueberry - Liquid Pod - Nikotinfrei - 2er PackElf Bar ELFA - Blueberry - Liquid Pod - Nikotinfrei - 2er Pack
...8957/files/459778214/500x500x2/image.jpgElf Bar ELFA - Blueberry - Liquid Pod - Nikotinfrei - 2er PackElf Bar ELFA - Blueberry - Liquid Pod - Nikotinfrei - 2er Pack
...blueberry-liquid-pod-nikotinfrei-2er.jpgElf Bar ELFA - Blueberry - Liquid Pod - Nikotinfrei - 2er PackElf Bar ELFA - Blueberry - Liquid Pod - Nikotinfrei - 2er Pack
...8957/files/424766198/500x500x2/image.jpgElf Bar ELFA - Pod Kit - Akku 500 mAh - Navy BlueElf Bar ELFA - Pod Kit - Akku 500 mAh - Navy Blue
...8957/files/424766198/500x500x2/image.jpgElf Bar ELFA - Pod Kit - Akku 500 mAh - Navy BlueElf Bar ELFA - Pod Kit - Akku 500 mAh - Navy Blue
...-elfa-pod-kit-akku-500-mah-navy-blue.jpgElf Bar ELFA - Pod Kit - Akku 500 mAh - Navy BlueElf Bar ELFA - Pod Kit - Akku 500 mAh - Navy Blue
...8957/files/464493430/500x500x2/image.jpgElf Bar ElfX - Pod Kit Set - Akku 1000 mAh - BlackElf Bar ElfX - Pod Kit Set - Akku 1000 mAh - Black
...8957/files/464493430/500x500x2/image.jpgElf Bar ElfX - Pod Kit Set - Akku 1000 mAh - BlackElf Bar ElfX - Pod Kit Set - Akku 1000 mAh - Black
...elfx-pod-kit-set-akku-1000-mah-black.jpgElf Bar ElfX - Pod Kit Set - Akku 1000 mAh - BlackElf Bar ElfX - Pod Kit Set - Akku 1000 mAh - Black
...8957/files/428677756/500x500x2/image.jpg187 Strassenbande Probierset / Bundle - Alle 187 Sorten - 600 Züge / Nikotin 20 mg187 Strassenbande Probierset / Bundle - Alle 187 Sorten - 600 Züge / Nikotin 20 mg
...8957/files/428677756/500x500x2/image.jpg187 Strassenbande Probierset / Bundle - Alle 187 Sorten - 600 Züge / Nikotin 20 mg187 Strassenbande Probierset / Bundle - Alle 187 Sorten - 600 Züge / Nikotin 20 mg
...nde-probierset-bundle-alle-187-sorte.jpg187 Strassenbande Probierset / Bundle - Alle 187 Sorten - 600 Züge / Nikotin 20 mg187 Strassenbande Probierset / Bundle - Alle 187 Sorten - 600 Züge / Nikotin 20 mg
...8957/files/387461825/500x500x2/image.jpgAladin MVP 470 Flower - Shisha Komplett SetAladin MVP 470 Flower - Shisha Komplett Set
...8957/files/387461825/500x500x2/image.jpgAladin MVP 470 Flower - Shisha Komplett SetAladin MVP 470 Flower - Shisha Komplett Set
...n-mvp-470-flower-shisha-komplett-set.jpgAladin MVP 470 Flower - Shisha Komplett SetAladin MVP 470 Flower - Shisha Komplett Set
...8957/files/387778779/500x500x2/image.jpgAladin MVP 670 Cube - 4 Schläuche Shisha Komplett SetAladin MVP 670 Cube - 4 Schläuche Shisha Komplett Set
...8957/files/387778779/500x500x2/image.jpgAladin MVP 670 Cube - 4 Schläuche Shisha Komplett SetAladin MVP 670 Cube - 4 Schläuche Shisha Komplett Set
...-cube-4-schlaeuche-shisha-komplett-s.jpgAladin MVP 670 Cube - 4 Schläuche Shisha Komplett SetAladin MVP 670 Cube - 4 Schläuche Shisha Komplett Set
...8957/files/387780196/500x500x2/image.jpgAladin MVP 670 Dot - 4 Schläuche Shisha Komplett SetAladin MVP 670 Dot - 4 Schläuche Shisha Komplett Set
...8957/files/387780196/500x500x2/image.jpgAladin MVP 670 Dot - 4 Schläuche Shisha Komplett SetAladin MVP 670 Dot - 4 Schläuche Shisha Komplett Set
...-dot-4-schlaeuche-shisha-komplett-se.jpgAladin MVP 670 Dot - 4 Schläuche Shisha Komplett SetAladin MVP 670 Dot - 4 Schläuche Shisha Komplett Set
...8957/files/387780507/500x500x2/image.jpgAladin MVP 670 Wave - 4 Schläuche Shisha Komplett SetAladin MVP 670 Wave - 4 Schläuche Shisha Komplett Set
...8957/files/387780507/500x500x2/image.jpgAladin MVP 670 Wave - 4 Schläuche Shisha Komplett SetAladin MVP 670 Wave - 4 Schläuche Shisha Komplett Set
...-wave-4-schlaeuche-shisha-komplett-s.jpgAladin MVP 670 Wave - 4 Schläuche Shisha Komplett SetAladin MVP 670 Wave - 4 Schläuche Shisha Komplett Set
.../447256715/500x500x2/einweg-e-shisha.jpgEinweg E-ShishaEinweg E-Shisha
...les/445927131/500x500x2/shisha-tabak.jpgShisha TabakShisha Tabak
...files/425445965/500x500x2/feuerzeuge.jpgFeuerzeuge FeuerzeugeülsenFilterhülsen
...files/471806384/zahlung-logos-png-hd.pngNo alt attribute provided
...96/assets/footer-logo.png?20210427002134Shisha Galaxy Online Shop
...assets/directebanking.png?20250125153338SOFORT Banking
...24/assets/paypallater.png?20250125153338PayPal Pay Later
Video URLWidthHeight

Page structure

H1 heading
(Critically important)
There is no H1 heading specified.
The structure of headings is missing one or more levels. Do not skip heading levels.

Heading structure

Heading levelContent
H2 Neu im Shop!
H2 Beliebte Produkte
H2 Empfohlene Produkte
H2 Kategorien
H2 Shisha Galaxy
H2 Dein Online Shop für Tabak, E-Zigaretten und mehr!
There are too many internal links (1001) on this page.
Some internal links have dynamic parameters. All internal URLs, which are not marked as nofollow, should not contain dynamic parameters.
Some anchor texts are used more than once.
5 links don't have an anchor text.
None of the anchor texts is too long.
There are 3 external links on this page.
LinkAttributesAnchor text
/cart/?shippingSubdomain Versandkosten berechnen
/checkout/Subdomain Zur Kasse
/service/payment-methods/Subdomain IMG-ALT SOFORT Banking
A-TITLE Zahlungsarten
/service/payment-methods/Subdomain IMG-ALT Cash
A-TITLE Zahlungsarten
/service/payment-methods/Subdomain IMG-ALT PayPal
A-TITLE Zahlungsarten
/service/payment-methods/Subdomain IMG-ALT PayPal Pay Later
A-TITLE Zahlungsarten
/account/password/Subdomain Passwort vergessen?
/account/register/Subdomain Noch kein Konto? Klicken Sie auf Deutsch
IMG-ALT flag-Deutsch
/einweg-e-shisha/Subdomain Einweg E-Shisha
/einweg-e-shisha/alle-e-shisha...Subdomain Alle E-Shishas (A-Z)
/einweg-e-shisha/beliebte-e-sh...Subdomain Beliebte E-Shishas
/einweg-e-shisha/nikotinfreie-...Subdomain Nikotinfreie E-Shishas
/einweg-e-shisha/probiersets-b...Subdomain Probiersets & Bundle
/einweg-e-shisha/neuheiten-tre...Subdomain Neuheiten & Trends
/einweg-e-shisha/mengenrabatte...Subdomain Mengenrabatte & Sale
/einweg-e-shisha/mengenrabatte...Subdomain Alle Angebote
/einweg-e-shisha/mengenrabatte...Subdomain Mengenrabatte
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/einweg-e-shisha/187-strassenb...Subdomain 187 Strassenbande
/einweg-e-shisha/187-strassenb...Subdomain 187 Strassenbande V2
/einweg-e-shisha/27er/Subdomain 27er
/einweg-e-shisha/7-days/Subdomain 7 Days
/einweg-e-shisha/al-massiva/Subdomain Al Massiva
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/einweg-e-shisha/elf-bar-600-v2/Subdomain Elf Bar 600 V2
/einweg-e-shisha/elfpro/Subdomain Elfpro
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/einweg-e-shisha/jamule/Subdomain Jamule
/einweg-e-shisha/joy-stick/Subdomain Joy Stick
/einweg-e-shisha/kubik/Subdomain Kubik
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/einweg-e-shisha/lost-mary-qm600/Subdomain Lost Mary QM600
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/einweg-e-shisha/smok/Subdomain Smok
/einweg-e-shisha/waka/Subdomain Waka
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/einweg-e-shisha/tipps-empfehl...Subdomain Tipps & Empfehlungen
/e-zigaretten/Subdomain E-Zigaretten
/e-zigaretten/187-strassenbande/Subdomain Text duplicate 187 Strassenbande
/e-zigaretten/al-massiva/Subdomain Text duplicate Al Massiva
/e-zigaretten/caesar-shadow/Subdomain Caesar Shadow
/e-zigaretten/caesar-shadow-ni...Subdomain Caesar Shadow "Nikotinfrei"
/e-zigaretten/crystal-plus/Subdomain Crystal Plus
/e-zigaretten/elfa/Subdomain ELFA
/e-zigaretten/elfa-nikotinfrei/Subdomain ELFA "Nikotinfrei"
/e-zigaretten/elfa-turbo/Subdomain ELFA Turbo
/e-zigaretten/elfx/Subdomain ElfX
/e-zigaretten/elf-bar-mate-500/Subdomain Elf Bar Mate 500
/e-zigaretten/elfpro/Subdomain Text duplicate Elfpro
/e-zigaretten/flerbar/Subdomain Flerbar
/e-zigaretten/ijoy-captain-30/Subdomain IJoy Captain 30
/e-zigaretten/innocigs-eco/Subdomain InnoCigs Eco
/e-zigaretten/ivg-2400/Subdomain IVG 2400
/e-zigaretten/ivg-air-2in1/Subdomain IVG Air 2in1
/e-zigaretten/lost-mary-tappo/Subdomain Lost Mary Tappo
/e-zigaretten/geek-vape-aegis-...Subdomain Geek Vape Aegis Boost Pro 2
/e-zigaretten/voopoo-argus-p1/Subdomain Voopoo Argus P1
/e-zigaretten/voopoo-argus-p2/Subdomain Voopoo Argus P2
/liquids/Subdomain Liquids
/liquids/187-salts/Subdomain 187 Salts
/liquids/adalya/Subdomain Adalya
/liquids/al-massiva/Subdomain Text duplicate Al Massiva
/liquids/elfliq/Subdomain Elfliq
/liquids/galaxy-liq/Subdomain Galaxy LIQ
/liquids/ivg-salt/Subdomain IVG Salt
/liquids/maryliq/Subdomain Maryliq
/liquids/nikotinshots/Subdomain Nikotinshots
/liquids/187-juice/Subdomain 187 Juice
/shisha-tabak/Subdomain Shisha Tabak
/shisha-tabak/alle-tabaksorten...Subdomain Alle Tabaksorten (A-Z)
/shisha-tabak/neue-tabaksorten/Subdomain Neue Tabaksorten
/shisha-tabak/beliebte-tabakso...Subdomain Beliebte Tabaksorten
/shisha-tabak/030/Subdomain 030
/shisha-tabak/187-strassenbande/Subdomain Text duplicate 187 Strassenbande
/shisha-tabak/7-days-platin/Subdomain 7 Days Platin
/shisha-tabak/adalya/Subdomain Text duplicate Adalya
/shisha-tabak/al-fakher/Subdomain Al Fakher
/shisha-tabak/al-massiva/Subdomain Text duplicate Al Massiva
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/shisha-shop/wasserpfeifen-859...Subdomain Smokah
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/shisha-shop/shisha-sets/shish...Subdomain Shisha Sets (4er)
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IMG-ALT Einweg E-Shisha
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IMG-ALT E-Zigaretten
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IMG-ALT Liquids
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IMG-ALT Shisha Tabak
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IMG-ALT Shisha Shop
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IMG-ALT Tabakwaren
/tabakwaren/Subdomain Text duplicate Tabakwaren
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IMG-ALT Zubehör
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IMG-ALT SALE% Text duplicate NEU
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A-TITLE Savu Tobacco Speedy (200g) - Shisha Tabak
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A-TITLE Savu Tobacco Speedy (200g) - Shisha Tabak
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A-TITLE Savu Tobacco Papa Luma (200g) - Shisha Tabak
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A-TITLE Savu Tobacco Papa Luma (200g) - Shisha Tabak
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A-TITLE Savu Tobacco Green Bear (200g) - Shisha Tabak
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A-TITLE Savu Tobacco Green Bear (200g) - Shisha Tabak
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