Aargauerkunsthaus.ch - SEO Checker

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164 internos / 12 externos

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Aargauer Kunsthaus
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Meta descripción
(Extremadamente importante)
The Aargauer Kunsthaus is the leading museum for art from Switzerland.
La longitud de la meta descripción es óptima (450 píxeles de una longitud máxima de 1000 píxeles).
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descriptionThe Aargauer Kunsthaus is the leading museum for art from Switzerland.
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og:titleAargauer Kunsthaus
og:descriptionThe Aargauer Kunsthaus is the leading museum for art from Switzerland.
og:site_nameAargauer Kunsthaus
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(Extremadamente importante)
El número total de palabras en la página es bueno: 1096 palabras.
Un 28.8% del contenido está constituido por palabras vacías.
Las palabras clave del título también se repiten en el texto del cuerpo.
La página contiene un listado, lo que indica una buena estructuración del contenido.
Se han encontrado 11 párrafos en esta página.
El contenido en formato texto de esta página es óptimo.
No se detecta ningún placeholder de texto ni imagen.
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La cantidad media de palabras por frase es buena: 15.33 palabras.
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Lista de medios

URLAtributo ALTTítulo
...s/images/footer_logo_kanton_aargau_2.svgLogo Aargauer Kunstverein
...ges/footer_logo_aargauer_kunstverein.svgLogo Aargauer Kunstverein
...s/images/footer_logo_kanton_aargau_2.svgLogo Aargauer Kunstverein
...ges/footer_logo_aargauer_kunstverein.svgLogo Aargauer Kunstverein

Estructura de la página

Encabezado H1
(Extremadamente importante)
No se ha detectado ningún encabezado H1.
En la estructura de los encabezados H faltan uno o varios niveles.
Hay 43 encabezados H en esta página. La cantidad de encabezados debería guardar una mejor proporción en relación al texto.
Algunos encabezados H están vacíos.

Estructura de los encabezados

Jerarquía de encabezadosContenido
H2 Johannes Robert Schürch See all
H2 14.9.2024–12.1.2025
H2 Collection 25 I
H2 14.1.–6.7.2025
H2 Marianne Kuhn Collection in Focus
H2 1.2.–22.6.2025
H2 Neutrality Model
H2 1.2.–11.5.2025
H2 The museum is closed today
H3 Encabezado vacío
H3 Event Highlights
H3 Discover the Online Collection
H3 Getting closer to art
H3 Plan your visit
H3 Tickets
H4 Animated films meet works of art
H4 FAQ Flowers to Art
H4 Looking behind the veil of misery
H4 Master of immediacy
H4 Existential and universal
H4 Poems, Simone Lappert
H4 Martians, rovers and fossils at the Kunsthaus
H4 Open Letter. Black Artists and Cultural Workers in Switzerland
H4 Art makes you work
H4 New acquisitions
H4 Ready for a journey through space and time?
H4 Five Questions for Pauline Julier
H4 From the Classroom to the Kunsthaus
H4 Artwork of the Month
H4 Redesign website
H4 How I see it
H4 Our podcast on the collection
H4 Freelance work and commissioned art
H4 Focus on the colour
H4 Working with Contemporary Art
H4 Cultural Canton of Aargau
H4 Aargauer Kunsthaus Collection – DIY!
H4 Volunteers
H4 Provenance Research
H4 Art as a reflection on racism
H4 Reopening Aargauer Kunsthaus
H4 Meditative tour. Mindful (art) moments
H4 Vitamin videos
H4 Good Vibes for a Good Life
Algunos textos ancla son demasiado largos.
Algunos enlaces internos contienen parámetros dinámicos. Las URL internas no deberían contener parámetros dinámicos, salvo que estén marcadas como nofollow.
Algunos textos ancla se repiten más de una vez en varios enlaces.
La cantidad de enlaces internos es adecuada.
Hay 12 enlaces externos en esta página.
EnlacePropiedadesTexto ancla
https://www.microsoft.com/de-d...Externo Subdominio Edge
https://www.google.com/chromeExterno Subdominio Chrome
https://www.mozilla.org/de/fir...Externo Subdominio Firefox.
/en/exhibitions/online-catalogue/Online Catalogue
/en/visit/plan-your-visit/Plan your visit
/en/visit/about-us/About us
https://shop.aargauerkunsthaus...Nueva ventana Externo Subdominio Shop
https://aargauerkunsthaus.ch/en/Aargauer Kunsthaus
/en/exhibition/johannes-robert...Johannes Robert Schürch See all
/en/exhibition/collection-25-i/Collection 25 I
/en/exhibition/marianne-kuhn/Marianne Kuhn Collection in Focus
/en/exhibition/neutrality-model/Neutrality Model
/en/visit/about-us/Texto duplicado About us
/en/events/opening-3/?date=202...Fri 31.1.2025 6 pm – 10 pm Opening Neutrality Model
IMG-ALT Installationsansicht von farbig beleuchteten Statuen
/en/events/childrens-vernissag...Fri 31.1.2025 6 pm – 8 pm Children’s vernissage Neutrality Model
IMG-ALT Foto einer Flagge mit drei Farbkreisen, die sich überschneiden und Farbmischungen anzeigen
/en/events/preview-kunstverein...Fri 31.1.2025 5 pm – 6 pm Preview Kunstverein Neutrality Model
IMG-ALT Eine futuristische Schaltzentrale ohne Menschen mit leeren Bürostühlen
/en/events/dialogue-tour-with-...Sun 2.2.2025 1 pm – 2 pm Dialogue tour with Guerreiro do Divino Amor Neutrality Model
IMG-ALT Collage mit Helvetia, die auf einem Hügel steht, umgeben von kleinen Symbolen, die an die Schweiz erinnern
/en/events/artwork-of-the-mont...Tue 4.2.2025 12.15 pm – 12.45 pm Artwork of the Month February Neutrality Model
IMG-ALT Modell einer Landschaft mit kleinen Militärspielfiguren in einer Tallandschaft
/en/events/residenzzentrum-tan...Thu 6.2.2025 7 pm – 8 pm Residenzzentrum Tanz+. Showcase by Lucas del Rio
IMG-ALT Foto von drei Tänzer:innen,welche die Hände hinter dem Kopf verschränken.
/en/events/book-launch-markus-...Wed 12.2.2025 6 pm – 8 pm Book launch. Markus Raetz – Zeemansblik Collection 25 I
IMG-ALT Buchcover des Katalogs Markus Raetz Zeemansblik , dass eine Silhouette eines Fernglasausblicks auf ein Meer zeigt.
/en/events/panel-discussion-ne...Thu 20.2.2025 6.30 pm – 8 pm Panel discussion. Neutrality and Prosperity Neutrality Model
IMG-ALT Ein Foto eines Büroraumes mit einem Bild an der Wand, auf dem ein Dollar- und ein Yen-Zeichen zu sehen ist.
/en/events/la-transparence-nes...Sat 22.2.2025 1 pm – 2.30 pm La transparence n’est pas. Performance and talk with Davide-Christelle Sanvee Neutrality Model
IMG-ALT Foto einer beschlagenen Glasscheibe, auf der LOOK geschrieben steht
/en/events/preview-kunstverein...Mon 3.3.2025 5 pm – 6 pm Preview Kunstverein Flowers to Art 2025
IMG-ALT Foto einer Blumeninstallation in Front eines abstrakten Kunstwerkes mit einem Farbverlauf
/en/events/panel-discussion-ne...Thu 13.3.2025 6.30 pm – 8 pm Panel discussion. Neutrality and knowledge Neutrality Model
IMG-ALT Personen sitzen an Computer in einer Schaltzentrale und diskutieren
/en/events/Texto duplicado Events
/werk/ohne-titel-25/Silvia Bächli, Ohne Titel, 1982 i
IMG-ALT Silvia Bächli, Ohne Titel, 1982
/werk/jung75/Florence Jung, Jung75, 2020 i
IMG-ALT Florence Jung, Jung75, 2020
/werk/coverversions-after-leng...Peter Emch, Coverversions after Leng Mei, 2006 - 2009 i
IMG-ALT Peter Emch, Coverversions after Leng Mei, 2006 - 2009
/werk/the-name-of-fear-aarau-s...Rivane Neuenschwander, The Name of Fear/Aarau (Spritzen/Mobbing), 2020 i
IMG-ALT Rivane Neuenschwander, The Name of Fear/Aarau (Spritzen/Mobbing), 2020
/werk/erwachen/Hans Arp, Erwachen, 1938 i
IMG-ALT Hans Arp, Erwachen, 1938
/werk/baron-karl-august-victor...Anton Graff, Baron Karl August Victor von Broizem, 1775 - 1778 i
IMG-ALT Anton Graff, Baron Karl August Victor von Broizem, 1775 - 1778
/werk/peripheral-vision/Philippe Decrauzat, Peripheral vision, 2009 i
IMG-ALT Philippe Decrauzat, Peripheral vision, 2009
/werk/abhaeutungen/Christian Rothacher, Abhäutungen, 1972 i
IMG-ALT Christian Rothacher, Abhäutungen, 1972
/werk/demets-augenblicke/Daniela Keiser, Demets Augenblicke, 1999 i
IMG-ALT Daniela Keiser, Demets Augenblicke, 1999
/werk/with-blue-miko-in-black/Leiko Ikemura, With Blue Miko in Black, 1997 i
IMG-ALT Leiko Ikemura, With Blue Miko in Black, 1997
/werk/heiteres-figuerchen/Trudi Demut, Heiteres Figürchen, 1975 - 1984 i
IMG-ALT Trudi Demut, Heiteres Figürchen, 1975 - 1984
/werk/keep-it-simple-aus-der-s...Augustin Rebetez, Keep it simple (aus der Serie "The Good Life"), 2022 i
IMG-ALT Augustin Rebetez, Keep it simple (aus der Serie
/werk/ast149/Stéphane Dafflon, AST149, 2009 i
IMG-ALT Stéphane Dafflon, AST149, 2009
/werk/orden/Heinz Reifler, Orden, 1972 i
IMG-ALT Heinz Reifler, Orden, 1972
/werk/ohne-titel-39/Robert Müller, Ohne Titel, Um 1978 - 1987 i
IMG-ALT Robert Müller, Ohne Titel, Um 1978 - 1987
/werk/ohne-titel-aus-der-serie...Beni Bischof, Ohne Titel (aus der Serie: Bambi), 2016 i
IMG-ALT Beni Bischof, Ohne Titel (aus der Serie: Bambi), 2016
/werk/haeuserblock-in-paris-po...Cuno Amiet, Häuserblock in Paris. Porte de Châtillon, Boulevard Brune, 1936 i
IMG-ALT Cuno Amiet, Häuserblock in Paris. Porte de Châtillon, Boulevard Brune, 1936
/werk/nu-akt/Guido Nussbaum, Nu-Akt, 1980 i
IMG-ALT Guido Nussbaum, Nu-Akt, 1980
/werk/glamour/Sylvie Fleury, Glamour, 1996 i
IMG-ALT Sylvie Fleury, Glamour, 1996
/werk/hungerberg/Max Matter, Hungerberg, 1968 i
IMG-ALT Max Matter, Hungerberg, 1968
/en/exhibitions/online-catalogue/Texto duplicado Online Catalogue
/en/exhibitions/online-catalog...Silvia Bächli
/en/exhibitions/online-catalog...Arbeit auf Papier
/en/exhibitions/online-catalog...20. Jahrhundert
/en/exhibitions/online-catalog...Florence Jung
/en/exhibitions/online-catalog...21. Jahrhundert
/en/exhibitions/online-catalog...Peter Emch
/en/exhibitions/online-catalog...Texto duplicado 21. Jahrhundert
/en/exhibitions/online-catalog...Rivane Neuenschwander
/en/exhibitions/online-catalog...Texto duplicado 21. Jahrhundert
/en/exhibitions/online-catalog...Hans Arp
/en/exhibitions/online-catalog...Texto duplicado 20. Jahrhundert
/en/exhibitions/online-catalog...Anton Graff
/en/exhibitions/online-catalog...18. Jahrhundert
/en/exhibitions/online-catalog...Philippe Decrauzat
/en/exhibitions/online-catalog...Texto duplicado Gemälde
/en/exhibitions/online-catalog...Texto duplicado 21. Jahrhundert
/en/exhibitions/online-catalog...Christian Rothacher
/en/exhibitions/online-catalog...Texto duplicado Arbeit auf Papier
/en/exhibitions/online-catalog...Texto duplicado 20. Jahrhundert
/en/exhibitions/online-catalog...Daniela Keiser
/en/exhibitions/online-catalog...Texto duplicado 20. Jahrhundert
/en/exhibitions/online-catalog...Leiko Ikemura
/en/exhibitions/online-catalog...Texto duplicado Gemälde
/en/exhibitions/online-catalog...Texto duplicado 20. Jahrhundert
/en/exhibitions/online-catalog...Trudi Demut
/en/exhibitions/online-catalog...Texto duplicado Plastik/Skulptur
/en/exhibitions/online-catalog...Texto duplicado 20. Jahrhundert
/en/exhibitions/online-catalog...Augustin Rebetez
/en/exhibitions/online-catalog...Texto duplicado Arbeit auf Papier
/en/exhibitions/online-catalog...Texto duplicado 21. Jahrhundert
/en/exhibitions/online-catalog...Stéphane Dafflon
/en/exhibitions/online-catalog...Texto duplicado Gemälde
/en/exhibitions/online-catalog...Texto duplicado 21. Jahrhundert
/en/exhibitions/online-catalog...Heinz Reifler
/en/exhibitions/online-catalog...Texto duplicado Objekt
/en/exhibitions/online-catalog...Texto duplicado 20. Jahrhundert
/en/exhibitions/online-catalog...Robert Müller
/en/exhibitions/online-catalog...Texto duplicado Arbeit auf Papier
/en/exhibitions/online-catalog...Beni Bischof
/en/exhibitions/online-catalog...Texto duplicado Arbeit auf Papier
/en/exhibitions/online-catalog...Texto duplicado Ja
/en/exhibitions/online-catalog...Cuno Amiet
/en/exhibitions/online-catalog...Texto duplicado Gemälde
/en/exhibitions/online-catalog...Texto duplicado 20. Jahrhundert
/en/exhibitions/online-catalog...Guido Nussbaum
/en/exhibitions/online-catalog...Texto duplicado 20. Jahrhundert
/en/exhibitions/online-catalog...Sylvie Fleury
/en/exhibitions/online-catalog...Texto duplicado Plastik/Skulptur
/en/exhibitions/online-catalog...Texto duplicado 20. Jahrhundert
/en/exhibitions/online-catalog...Max Matter
/en/exhibitions/online-catalog...Texto duplicado Gemälde
/en/exhibitions/online-catalog...Texto duplicado 20. Jahrhundert
/en/insights/re-mix-animated-f...Animated films meet works of art Animation filmmakers animate the artworks in the Aargauer Kunsthaus Read more
/en/insights/faq-flowers-to-art/FAQ Flowers to Art Here you will find all the answers to the most important questions. Read more
IMG-ALT Eine florale Interpretation eines Kunstwerkes aus der Sammlung des Aargauer Kunsthauses
/en/insights/looking-behind-th...Looking behind the veil of misery Co-curator Nicole Rampa in conversation with journalist Patricia Banzer Read more
IMG-ALT Porträt von Patricia Banzer und Nicole Rampa
/en/insights/master-of-immediacy/Master of immediacy The exhibition "See all" attempts to bring the artist Johannes Robert Schürch out of oblivion as one of the protagonists of early moderni...
IMG-ALT Installationsansicht von Kunstwerken von Johannes Robert Schürch im Aargauer Kunsthaus
/en/insights/existential-and-u...Existential and universal Arttv.ch presents a filmic insight into the exhibition by Johannes Robert Schürch. Read more
IMG-ALT Selbstporträt des Künstlers Johannes Robert Schürch, der den Betrachter im Spiegel anschaut
/en/insights/poems-simone-lapp...Poems, Simone Lappert For the exhibition "Johannes Robert Schürch. Seeing everything", the writer Simone Lappert has written lyrical contributions and record...
IMG-ALT Portrait von Simone Lappert
/en/insights/martians-rovers-a...Martians, rovers and fossils at the Kunsthaus Pauline Julier presents her works and her work in the film. Read more
IMG-ALT Pauline Julier steht im Innenhof des Kunsthauses
/en/insights/17554/Open Letter. Black Artists and Cultural Workers in Switzerland How will you proactively support Black artists and cultural professionals in the future? Read ...
IMG-ALT Installationsansicht Stranger in the Village. Rassismus im Spiegel von James Baldwin mit unterschiedlichen Kunstwerken im Aargauer Kunsthaus
/en/insights/art-makes-you-wor...Art makes you work Our collection publication addresses the changes in the way contemporary art is handled. Read more
IMG-ALT Ausstellungsansicht mit verschiedenen Gemälden im Aargauer Kunsthaus
/en/insights/new-acquisitions/New acquisitions Every year, the Aargauer Kunsthaus acquires numerous new works. Read more
IMG-ALT Ausstellungsansicht der Sammlung mit verschiedenen abstrakten Kunstwerken und Vogelfiguren auf dem Boden
/en/insights/ready-for-a-journ...Ready for a journey through space and time? Arttv.ch presents a filmic insight into the exhibition by Pauline Julier. Read more
/en/insights/5-questions-to-pa...Five Questions for Pauline Julier The artist and filmmaker Pauline Julier answers five of our questions. Read more
IMG-ALT Die Künstlerin Pauline Julier sitzt in in ihrer Einzelausstellung im Aargauer Kunsthaus.
/en/insights/from-the-classroo...From the Classroom to the Kunsthaus A Hodler figure as a footballer, Anker's girl travelling through time in the 21st century. A multi-faceted digital tour u...
IMG-ALT Kinder schauen mit einem Tablet in der Hand auf ein Sammlungswerk und erleben dank Augmented Reality eine animierte Version des Kunstwerkes
/en/insights/picture-of-the-mo...Artwork of the Month Our video series gives you an insight into the artwork and the artist behind it. Read more
IMG-ALT Ein Mann steht im Aargauer Kunsthaus vor einem Gemälde von Gerhard Richter.
/en/insights/new-website/Redesign website A brief overview of the most important functions of the website. Read more
IMG-ALT Screenshot der Webseite
/en/insights/how-i-see-it/How I see it Come to the museum and invent an exhibition with us! We are looking for young people who want to change the Kunsthaus together with us. Read more
IMG-ALT Ein Gemälde eines weiblichen Gesichts, dass mit einem suspekten Gesichtsausdruck nach rechts schaut.
/en/insights/our-podcast-on-th...Our podcast on the collection 30 stories about works from the collection are available as podcasts in German, French and Italian. Read more
IMG-ALT Logo des Podcasts
/en/insights/freelance-work-an...Freelance work and commissioned art The curators provide insights into the comprehensive presentation of Augusto Giacometti. Read more
IMG-ALT Eine Frau steht vor einem Werk von Augusto Giacometti und schaut in eine VR Brille
/en/insights/focus-on-the-colour/Focus on the colour Augusto Giacometti's work was characterised by his brilliant use of colour. Read more
IMG-ALT Gemalte Ansicht einer Brücke über den Bahngeleisen
/en/insights/working-with-cont...Working with Contemporary Art The collection publication addresses the changes in the way contemporary art is handled. Read more
IMG-ALT Buchcover Mit Gegenwartskunst umgehen
/en/insights/cultural-canton-o...Cultural Canton of Aargau Making culture heard. This claim is at the origin of the idea of offering a joint platform to various cultural flagships from the e...
IMG-ALT Ein maskiertes Orchester spielt auf ihren Instrumenten in der Natur
/en/insights/aargauer-kunsthau...Aargauer Kunsthaus Collection – DIY! In this exhibition room, you can use an app to create your own exhibition with pictures from our collection. Read more
IMG-ALT Personen wählen BIlder auf einem Bildschirm aus, die auf eine Wand neben ihnen projetziert werden.
/en/insights/volunteers/Volunteers Anyone interested can become actively involved in the Aargauer Kunsthaus and support our programmes. Read more
IMG-ALT Eine Freiwillige verteilt Handouts an Besucherinnen
/en/insights/provenance-research/Provenance Research The one-year provenance research project sponsored by the BAK intensively analysed a total of 54 works from the Aargauischer Kunstverein....
IMG-ALT Registrarin nimmt ein BIld aus dem Sammlungsdepot
/en/insights/art-as-a-reflecti...Art as a reflection on racism Baldwin's words are still an inspiration for many artists today. Read more
IMG-ALT Installationsansicht eines Werkes von James Bantone mit zwei schwarzgekleideten Kinderfiguren in einem grünen Raum während der Ausstellung Stranger in the Vi...
/en/insights/reopening-aargaue...Reopening Aargauer Kunsthaus The extensive renovation work on the floors, lighting and façade of the Aargauer Kunsthaus has been completed. Read more
IMG-ALT Aussenansicht des Aargauer Kunsthauses mit Neubau und Plakatständern vor dem Gebäude
/en/insights/meditative-tour-m...Meditative tour. Mindful (art) moments The public can explore various mindfulness exercises with selected works in the collection exhibition. Read more
IMG-ALT Drei Besucherinnen hören mit Kopfhörer eine Meditationsanleitung vor einem Gemälde von Franz Gertsch
/en/insights/11832/Vitamin videos It may get loud and uncomfortable. That suits Augustin Rebetez just fine. Read more
IMG-ALT Wandbeschriftung Fassade Augustin Rebetez
/en/insights/good-vibes-for-a-...Good Vibes for a Good Life Augustin Rebetez’s work is sure to have an effect on you. Read more
IMG-ALT Foto von Augustin Rebetez
/en/visit/insights/Texto duplicado Insights
/en/visit/plan-your-visit/Texto duplicado Plan your visit
https://shop.aargauerkunsthaus...Nueva ventana Externo Subdominio Tickets
https://www.ag.ch/de/verwaltun...Nueva ventana Externo Subdominio IMG-ALT Logo Aargauer Kunstverein
/en/visit/commitment/Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Logo Aargauer Kunstverein
https://www.ag.ch/de/verwaltun...Nueva ventana Externo Subdominio Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Logo Aargauer Kunstverein
/en/visit/commitment/Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Logo Aargauer Kunstverein
/en/visit/about-us/Texto duplicado About us
/en/visit/about-us/Texto ancla Texto duplicado Collection
https://shop.aargauerkunsthaus...Externo Subdominio Texto duplicado Tickets
https://shop.aargauerkunsthaus...Externo Subdominio Webshop
/en/visit/accessibility/Texto duplicado Accessibility
/en/job-opportunities/Job Opportunities
/en/visit/commitment/Texto ancla Sponsors + Partners
/en/privacy-policy/Privacy Policy
https://www.facebook.com/pages...Nueva ventana Externo Subdominio Facebook
https://instagram.com/aargauer...Nueva ventana Externo Instagram
https://www.youtube.com/channe...Nueva ventana Externo Subdominio Youtube
/en/newsletter/Nueva ventana Newsletter

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dateMon, 13 Jan 2025 00:33:08 GMT
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expiresMon, 13 Jan 2025 00:33:08 GMT

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Snippet (vista previa de los resultados de búsqueda)

Aargauer Kunsthaus
The Aargauer Kunsthaus is the leading museum for art from Switzerland.

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Aargauer Kunsthaus75%Check
Contemporary Art50%Check
way contemporary art45%Check

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