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BoardGameGeek Promo and Game Bits Store – BoardGameGeek Store
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Meta descripción
(Extremadamente importante)
Offering popular game promos for gamers' favorite games, as well as a range of game bits and supplies.
La longitud de la meta descripción es óptima (642 píxeles de una longitud máxima de 1000 píxeles).
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No se detectan problemas para acceder al sitio web.
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Ubicación geográfica del servidor: Estados Unidos de América
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El nombre del dominio es demasiado extenso.
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URL de la página
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descriptionOffering popular game promos for gamers' favorite games, as well as a range of game bits and supplies.
twitter:titleBoardGameGeek Promo and Game Bits Store
twitter:descriptionOffering popular game promos for gamers' favorite games, as well as a range of game bits and supplies.
og:site_nameBoardGameGeek Store
og:titleBoardGameGeek Promo and Game Bits Store
og:descriptionOffering popular game promos for gamers' favorite games, as well as a range of game bits and supplies.

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El número total de palabras en la página es bueno: 2132 palabras.
Un 12.3% del contenido está constituido por palabras vacías.
Las palabras clave del título también se repiten en el texto del cuerpo.
Las palabras del encabezado H1 también aparecen en el cuerpo del texto.
La página contiene un listado, lo que indica una buena estructuración del contenido.
Se han encontrado 6 párrafos en esta página.
El contenido en formato texto de esta página es óptimo.
No se detecta ningún placeholder de texto ni imagen.
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La cantidad media de palabras por frase es buena: 17.27 palabras.
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El valor de la etiqueta viewport es correcto: (width=device-width,initial-scale=1).
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Redes Sociales
Esta página apenas ofrece posibilidades de compartir el contenido en redes sociales. Con la integración de widgets puedes conseguir que tus contenidos se popularicen en redes.
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El sitio utiliza HTTPS para transferir datos de forma segura.
Todos los archivos incluidos se transfieren a través de HTTPS.

Lista de medios

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...cts/IMG_8061.jpg?v=1653090917&width=1000GeekUp Card & Bit Holders for use with the board game Game Storage, REORDER, sold at the BoardGameGeek Store
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Estructura de la página

Encabezado H1
(Extremadamente importante)
BoardGameGeek Store BoardGameGeek Store BoardGameGeek Store
El encabezado H1 es óptimo.
Los encabezados H están perfectamente ordenados.

Estructura de los encabezados

Jerarquía de encabezadosContenido
H1 BoardGameGeek Store BoardGameGeek Store BoardGameGeek Store
H1 Orléans: Promo Ortskarten N°1
H2 Black Friday Sale
H2 2025 Calendar
H2 New in November
H2 VISIT BoardGameGeek!
H2 SAVE $5
H2 Buy more and SAVE!
H2 Get $10 for $100 spent in clearance
H2 Get in touch
H2 We accept
H3 One-of-a-Kind Products
H3 International Shipping
H3 Satisfied or Refunded
Algunos textos ancla son demasiado largos.
Algunos enlaces internos contienen parámetros dinámicos. Las URL internas no deberían contener parámetros dinámicos, salvo que estén marcadas como nofollow.
Algunos textos ancla se repiten más de una vez en varios enlaces.
7 enlaces cerecen de un texto ancla.
La cantidad de enlaces internos es adecuada.
Hay 8 enlaces externos en esta página.
EnlacePropiedadesTexto ancla ancla Skip to content BoardGameGeek Store
/cart0 Cart
/collections/frontpageNew Products
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/products/gift-cardGift Cards
/collections/bgg-store-promosBGG Store Promos
/collections/dicetowerDice Tower Exclusives
/collections/game-boy-geek-promosGame Boy Geek Promos
/collections/bgg-geekup-bit-setsGeekUp Upgrade Sets
/collections/bowls-traysBowls & Trays
/collections/drawstring-bagsDrawstring Bags
/collections/totes-casesTotes & Cases
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/collections/play-accessoriesPLAY ACCESSORIES
/collections/game-specific-partsGame Specific Upgrades
/collections/game-partsGeneric Game Parts
/collections/coins-and-poker-c...Poker Chips
/collections/playing-cardsPlaying Cards
/collections/role-playing-acce...Role Playing Accessories
/collections/accessories-by-ga...ACCESSORIES By Game Title
/products/x-trayzClear Black White Orange +5 X-Trayz from Game Trayz Game Trayz from $179 from $1.79
IMG-ALT X-Trayz from Game Trayz for use with the board game Game Trayz, REORDER, sold at the BoardGameGeek Store
/collections/strategy-gamesStrategy Games
/collections/card-gamesCard Games
/collections/roll-write-gamesRoll & Write Games
/collections/party-gamesParty Games
/collections/puzzle-gamesPuzzle Games
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/collections/geek-patchEmbroidered Patches
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/collections/misc-home-goodsHome Goods
/collections/stickers-and-decalsStickers and Decals
/collections/stocking-stuffers...Red Yellow Blue Orange +9 Microfiber Drawstring Bags BoardGameGeek from $125 from $1.25
IMG-ALT Microfiber Drawstring Bags for use with the board game REORDER, sold at the BoardGameGeek Store
/collections/stocking-stuffers...Texto duplicado Clear Black White Orange +5 X-Trayz from Game Trayz Game Trayz from $179 from $1.79
IMG-ALT X-Trayz from Game Trayz for use with the board game Game Trayz, REORDER, sold at the BoardGameGeek Store
/collections/stocking-stuffers...Full Set of 13 colors Red Blue Yellow +10 GeekUp Bit Bowls - Now in two sizes! BoardGameGeek from $380 from $3.80
IMG-ALT GeekUp Bit Bowls - Now in two sizes! for use with the board game Game Storage, REORDER, sold at the BoardGameGeek Store
/collections/stocking-stuffers...Sale Full Set of 13 colors Red Blue Yellow +10 GeekUp Card & Bit Holders BoardGameGeek from $500 from $5.00 Regular price $6500 $65.00 Save 92%
IMG-ALT GeekUp Card & Bit Holders for use with the board game Game Storage, REORDER, sold at the BoardGameGeek Store
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/collections/bgg-store-promosTexto duplicado BGG Store Promos
/collections/dicetowerTexto duplicado Dice Tower Exclusives
/collections/game-boy-geek-promosTexto duplicado Game Boy Geek Promos
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/collections/bgg-geekup-bit-setsTexto duplicado GeekUp Upgrade Sets
/collections/organizationTexto duplicado View all
/collections/bowls-traysTexto duplicado Bowls & Trays
/collections/containersTexto duplicado Containers
/collections/drawstring-bagsTexto duplicado Drawstring Bags
/collections/playmatsTexto duplicado Playmats
/collections/standsTexto duplicado Stands
/collections/protectionTexto duplicado View all
/collections/totes-casesTexto duplicado Totes & Cases
/collections/deck-boxesTexto duplicado Deck Boxes
/collections/card-sleevesTexto duplicado Card Sleeves
/collections/play-accessoriesTexto duplicado View all
/collections/game-specific-partsTexto duplicado Game Specific Upgrades
/collections/game-partsTexto duplicado Generic Game Parts
/collections/coins-and-poker-c...Texto duplicado Poker Chips
/collections/diceTexto duplicado Dice
/collections/playing-cardsTexto duplicado Playing Cards
/collections/role-playing-acce...Texto duplicado Role Playing Accessories
/collections/accessories-by-ga...Texto duplicado ACCESSORIES By Game Title
/collections/gamesTexto duplicado View all
/collections/strategy-gamesTexto duplicado Strategy Games
/collections/card-gamesTexto duplicado Card Games
/collections/roll-write-gamesTexto duplicado Roll & Write Games
/collections/party-gamesTexto duplicado Party Games
/collections/puzzle-gamesTexto duplicado Puzzle Games
/collections/abstract-gamesTexto duplicado Abstract Games
/collections/games-from-asiaTexto duplicado Games from Asia
/collections/ding-dentTexto duplicado Ding & Dent
/collections/apparelTexto duplicado View all
/collections/t-shirts-and-hoodiesTexto duplicado Shirts
/collections/pants-and-skirtsTexto duplicado Pants and Skirts
/collections/outerwearTexto duplicado Outerwear
/collections/hats-1Texto duplicado Hats
/collections/geek-patchTexto duplicado Embroidered Patches
/collections/enamel-pinsTexto duplicado Jewelry and Enamel Pins
/collections/hatsTexto duplicado Accessories
/collections/home-goodsTexto duplicado View all
/collections/game-artTexto duplicado Game Art
/collections/booksTexto duplicado Books
/collections/drinkwareTexto duplicado Drinkware
/collections/jigsaw-puzzlesTexto duplicado Puzzles
/collections/misc-home-goodsTexto duplicado Home Goods
/collections/stickers-and-decalsTexto duplicado Stickers and Decals
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/collections/promosIMG-ALT King of Tokyo Monster
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/collections/artist-seriesIMG-ALT Quacks of Quedligburg
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/collections/frontpage/product...Board Game Art Creations - 2025 Calendar Board Game Art Creations $2000 $20.00
/collections/frontpage/product...GeekUp Bit Set: Orleans: Plague Expansion BoardGameGeek $1800 $18.00
/collections/frontpage/product...GeekUp Bit Set: Fields of Green BoardGameGeek Store $2800 $28.00
/collections/frontpage/product...GeekUp Box Set: Cubitos: Fowl Play - Expansion Storage Box Set BoardGameGeek $800 $8.00
/collections/frontpage/product...GeekUp Bit Set: Antiquity BoardGameGeek $3800 $38.00
IMG-ALT GeekUp Bit Set: Antiquity for use with the board game Antiquity, REORDER, sold at the BoardGameGeek Store
/collections/frontpage/product...Game Gags - board games BoardGameGeek Store $150 $1.50
/collections/frontpage/product...Terraforming Mars: Dual Layer Player Boards Stronghold Games $2000 $20.00
IMG-ALT Terraforming Mars: Dual Layer Player Boards for use with the board game T, Terraforming Mars, sold at the BoardGameGeek Store
/collections/frontpage/product...Wingspan: 100 Speckled Eggs Stonemaier Games $2000 $20.00
/collections/frontpage/product...Scythe & Expeditions: Metal Coin Set Stonemaier Games $3000 $30.00
/collections/frontpage/product...Sold Out Viticulture and Tuscany: Metal Coin Set Stonemaier Games $3000 $30.00
/collections/frontpage/product...Wyrmspan: Metal Coins & Wooden Resources Stonemaier Games $3500 $35.00
/collections/frontpage/product...Ancient Knowledge: Promo Cards IELLO $500 $5.00
/collections/frontpage/product...Sold Out Wooden Coffee Cup compatible with Ark Nova (Meeple Source) Meeple Source $100 $1.00
/collections/frontpage/product...Baseball Highlights 2045: Green Monstah Promo Card Game Boy Geek $300 $3.00
/collections/frontpage/product...Blazon: Embellishments Promo Set Game Boy Geek $500 $5.00
/collections/bgg-geekup-bit-setsIMG-ALT GeekUP Logo
/collections/gamegenicIMG-ALT The logo and wordmark for the company Gamegenic: two intersecting rings form a basic sphere shape with the company name underneath.
/collections/game-trayzIMG-ALT The logo and wordmark for the company Game Trayz: an orange rectangle with square and rectangular cutouts and the company name above it.
/collections/dicetowerIMG-ALT The Dice Tower Logo
/collections/game-boy-geek-promosIMG-ALT The logo and wordmark for the company Game Boy Geek, featuring a pair of glasses reflecting game boxes in the lens and the words Game Boy Geek underneath.
/collections/meeple-sourceIMG-ALT The logo and wordmark for the company Meeple Source: a cube with a shirt, heart, and meeple on each side and the name of the company beneath it.
/collections/vendors?q=DLP GamesDLP Games ventana Externo visit the BGG listing
/collections/orleansTexto duplicado View all
/collections/orleans/products/...GeekUp Bit Set: Orleans BoardGameGeek $3500 $35.00
IMG-ALT GeekUp Bit Set: Orleans for use with the board game Orleans, REORDER, sold at the BoardGameGeek Store
/collections/orleans/products/...Orléans: Neue Ortskarten N°4 DLP Games $600 $6.00
IMG-ALT Orléans: Neue Ortskarten N°4 for use with the board game O, Orleans, sold at the BoardGameGeek Store
/collections/orleans/products/...Orléans: Neue Ortskarten N°2 DLP Games $600 $6.00
IMG-ALT Orléans: Neue Ortskarten N°2 for use with the board game O, Orleans, sold at the BoardGameGeek Store
/collections/orleans/products/...Orléans: Neue Ortskarten N°3 DLP Games $600 $6.00
IMG-ALT Orléans: Neue Ortskarten N°3 for use with the board game O, Orleans, sold at the BoardGameGeek Store
/collections/orleans/products/...Orléans: Neue Ortskarten N°1 DLP Games $600 $6.00
IMG-ALT Orléans: Neue Ortskarten N°1 for use with the board game O, Orleans, sold at the BoardGameGeek Store VISIT BGG
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Snippet (vista previa de los resultados de búsqueda)
BoardGameGeek Promo and Game Bits Store – BoardGameGeek Store
Offering popular game promos for gamers' favorite games, as well as a range of game bits and supplies.

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Palabra claveResultadoComprobar
Board Game92%Check
BoardGameGeek Store83%Check
Game Bits80%Check
Game Bits Store80%Check
BoardGameGeek Promo77%Check

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