- SEO Checker

Visión general del análisis SEO
Calidad de la página
Factores externos
Puntuación SEO
Tiempo de carga
0,97 s
Tamaño HTML
118,80 kB
Cantidad de enlaces
306 internos / 195 externos

Lista de tareas pendientes para mejorar tu SEO


(Extremadamente importante)
Language Log
El título es demasiado corto (130 píxeles de un máximo de 580 píxeles).Optimizar ahora
No se repite ninguna palabra en el título.
Meta descripción
(Extremadamente importante)
No se encuentra la meta descripción.
(Extremadamente importante)
No se detectan problemas para acceder al sitio web.
Redirección canónica
No se especifica ningún enlace canónico.
(Poco importante)
Idioma reconocido automáticamente en el contenido: en
Ubicación geográfica del servidor: Estados Unidos de América
El idioma no ha sido declarado en el código HTML.
Enlaces Alternate/Hreflang
(Poco importante)
No se ha encontrado ningún enlace alternativo (alternate) en esta página.
Otras Metaetiquetas
(Poco importante)
No se detecta ninguna metaetiqueta de paginación rel next en la página.
No se detecta ninguna metaetiqueta de paginación rel prev en la página.
(Poco importante)
El nombre del dominio es demasiado extenso.
El dominio no es un subdominio.
El dominio no contiene caracteres especiales.
URL de la página
(Poco importante)
No se detecta ningún parámetro dinámico en la URL.
No se detecta ningún ID de sesión en la URL.
La URL no contiene demasiados subdirectorios.
Codificación de caracteres
(Poco importante)
La codificación de caracteres (UTF-8) ha sido declarada correctamente.
La etiqueta doctype XHTML 1.0 Transitional está configurada correctamente.
La declaración del doctype se ubica al inicio del código HTML.
No se detecta ningún favicon enlazado en el código HTML.


generatorWordPress 6.6.2
Content-Typetext/html; charset=UTF-8

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Calidad de la página

(Extremadamente importante)
En esta página hay faltas de ortografía:
  • inbetween => between
Hay 2 textos duplicados en esta página:
  • Texto duplicado: The project has so far reached 59 Indian languages, including 15 that ...
La cantidad media de palabras por frase es elevada: 29.93 palabras.
El número total de palabras en la página es bueno: 2392 palabras.
Un 29.6% del contenido está constituido por palabras vacías.
Las palabras clave del título también se repiten en el texto del cuerpo.
Las palabras del encabezado H1 también aparecen en el cuerpo del texto.
La página contiene un listado, lo que indica una buena estructuración del contenido.
Se han encontrado 32 párrafos en esta página.
El contenido en formato texto de esta página es óptimo.
No se detecta ningún placeholder de texto ni imagen.
(Extremadamente importante)
Esta página no utiliza ningún frameset.
Optimización para móviles
(Poco importante)
No se proporciona ninguna etiqueta viewport.
No se ha especificado ningún icono de Apple Touch.
Esta página carga 9 archivos JavaScript. Esto puede afectar negativamente a la velocidad de carga.
Etiquetas Bold y Strong
(Poco importante)
El uso de etiquetas de negritas en esta página es óptimo. Te recomendamos emplear hasta 48 etiquetas de negritas en una página.
Optimización de imágenes
(Poco importante)
No se detecta ninguna descripción del atributo ALT en 5 imágenes. El contenido de los atributos ALT también es evaluado como texto por los buscadores y es muy importante para la búsqueda de imágenes.
Redes Sociales
Esta página apenas ofrece posibilidades de compartir el contenido en redes sociales. Con la integración de widgets puedes conseguir que tus contenidos se popularicen en redes.
Etiquetas markup adicionales
La página contiene una marcación de autoría de Google sin imagen.
(Poco importante)
El sitio utiliza HTTPS para transferir datos de forma segura.
Todos los archivos incluidos se transfieren a través de HTTPS.

Lista de medios

URLAtributo ALTTítulo
Contenido no seguro
Carece de atributo ALTClick to embiggen
Contenido no seguro
Carece de atributo ALTClick to embiggen
Contenido no seguro
Carece de atributo ALTClick to embiggen
Contenido no seguro
Carece de atributo ALTClick to embiggen
Contenido no seguro
Carece de atributo ALTClick to embiggen
URL del audio

Estructura de la página

Encabezado H1
(Extremadamente importante)
Language Log
El encabezado H1 es demasiado corto (12 caracteres). Debería tener al menos 20 caracteres.
Los encabezados H están perfectamente ordenados.

Estructura de los encabezados

Jerarquía de encabezadosContenido
H1 Language Log
H2 "Lost" languages?
H2 Aborted character simplification in the mid-1930s
H2 Uyghur or Uygur
H2 AI triumphs… and also fails.
H2 A "Deep-Fried Ghost" for October
H2 Collective Noun Tea Towels
H2 B"H
H2 A bit on last night's debate
H2 "I will think fewer of you"
H2 Junks and sampans
H2 Linear algebra and wine
H2 The languages of refugees fleeing to Bosnia
H2 "She stopped every single one of them"
H2 Follow us on Twitter
H2 Archives [+/–]
H2 Blogroll [+/–]
H2 Meta
H3 Phrase
Algunos enlaces internos contienen parámetros dinámicos. Las URL internas no deberían contener parámetros dinámicos, salvo que estén marcadas como nofollow.
Algunos textos ancla se repiten más de una vez en varios enlaces.
5 enlaces cerecen de un texto ancla.
Hay 1 links con un texto ancla que no es suficientemente relevante.
La cantidad de enlaces internos es adecuada.
Ningún texto ancla es excesivamente largo.
Hay demasiados enlaces externos (195) en esta página.
EnlacePropiedadesTexto ancla
/nllSubdominio Language Log
/nllSubdominio Home
/nll/?page_id=2Subdominio About
/nll/?page_id=72Subdominio Comments policy
/nll/?p=66358Subdominio "Lost" languages?
A-TITLE Permanent link to
/nll/?author=2Subdominio Mark Liberman
A-TITLE Posts by Mark Liberman
/nll/?cat=60Subdominio Computational linguistics
/nll/?cat=83Subdominio Endangered languages
https://timesofindia.indiatime...Nueva ventana Externo Subdominio Google set to revive lost Indian languages ventana Externo Subdominio web search for the phrase
/nll/?p=66358Subdominio Texto ancla Sin texto
/nll/?p=66358Subdominio Permalink
A-TITLE Permanent link to
/nll/?p=66358Subdominio Texto ancla Comments
/nll/?p=66371Subdominio Aborted character simplification in the mid-1930s
A-TITLE Permanent link to Aborted character simplification in the mid-1930s
/nll/?author=13Subdominio Victor Mair
A-TITLE Posts by Victor Mair
/nll/?cat=252Subdominio Language reform
/nll/?cat=18Subdominio Writing systems Texto ancla URL October 4, 2024
/nll/?p=66371Subdominio Texto ancla Sin texto
/nll/?p=66371Subdominio Texto duplicado Permalink
A-TITLE Permanent link to Aborted character simplification in the mid-1930s
/nll/?p=66371Subdominio Texto ancla Comments (3)
/nll/?p=66331Subdominio Uyghur or Uygur
A-TITLE Permanent link to Uyghur or Uygur
/nll/?author=13Subdominio Texto duplicado Victor Mair
A-TITLE Posts by Victor Mair
/nll/?cat=16Subdominio Language and politics
/nll/?cat=117Subdominio Pronunciation
/nll/?cat=217Subdominio Spelling
/nll/?cat=57Subdominio Variation Subdominio What’s the controversy over ‘Uygur’ vs ‘Uyghur’?
/nll/?p=66331Subdominio Texto ancla Sin texto
/nll/?p=66331Subdominio Texto duplicado Permalink
A-TITLE Permanent link to Uyghur or Uygur
/nll/?p=66331Subdominio Texto ancla Comments (17)
/nll/?p=66337Subdominio AI triumphs… and also fails.
A-TITLE Permanent link to AI triumphs… and also fails.
/nll/?author=2Subdominio Texto duplicado Mark Liberman
A-TITLE Posts by Mark Liberman
/nll/?cat=322Subdominio Artificial intelligence ventana Externo Subdominio NotebookLM
/myl/NotebookLM1.pngSubdominio Sin texto
/nll/?p=66337Subdominio Texto ancla Sin texto
/nll/?p=66337Subdominio Texto duplicado Permalink
A-TITLE Permanent link to AI triumphs… and also fails.
/nll/?p=66337Subdominio Texto ancla Comments (8)
/nll/?p=66313Subdominio A "Deep-Fried Ghost" for October
A-TITLE Permanent link to A
/nll/?author=13Subdominio Texto duplicado Victor Mair
A-TITLE Posts by Victor Mair
/nll/?cat=178Subdominio Etymology
/nll/?cat=222Subdominio Language and food
/nll/?cat=312Subdominio Language and history
/nll/?p=66313Subdominio Texto ancla Sin texto
/nll/?p=66313Subdominio Texto duplicado Permalink
A-TITLE Permanent link to A
/nll/?p=66313Subdominio Texto ancla Texto duplicado Comments (3)
/nll/?p=66310Subdominio Collective Noun Tea Towels
A-TITLE Permanent link to Collective Noun Tea Towels
/nll/?author=2Subdominio Texto duplicado Mark Liberman
A-TITLE Posts by Mark Liberman
/nll/?cat=248Subdominio Usage
/myl/CollectiveNounTeaTowels.pngSubdominio Sin texto
/nll/?p=66310Subdominio Texto ancla Sin texto
/nll/?p=66310Subdominio Texto duplicado Permalink
A-TITLE Permanent link to Collective Noun Tea Towels
/nll/?p=66310Subdominio Texto ancla Comments (26)
/nll/?p=66290Subdominio B"H
A-TITLE Permanent link to B
/nll/?author=13Subdominio Texto duplicado Victor Mair
A-TITLE Posts by Victor Mair
/nll/?cat=82Subdominio Idioms
/nll/?cat=233Subdominio Language and religion Subdominio Wiktionary Subdominio Texto ancla B
A-TITLE B Subdominio Texto ancla H
A-TITLE H Subdominio Texto ancla Judaism
A-TITLE Judaism Subdominio b'ezrat hashem
A-TITLE b'ezrat hashem (page does not exist) Subdominio ב״ה
A-TITLE ב״ה (page does not exist) Subdominio Texto ancla Texto duplicado Judaism
A-TITLE Judaism Subdominio Texto ancla baruch Hashem
A-TITLE baruch Hashem Subdominio City University of New York
A-TITLE City University of New York Subdominio Hebrew:
A-TITLE Hebrew language Subdominio Texto duplicado Judaism
A-TITLE Judaism Subdominio God
A-TITLE God in Judaism Subdominio Wikipedia
/nll/?p=66290Subdominio Texto ancla Sin texto
/nll/?p=66290Subdominio Texto duplicado Permalink
A-TITLE Permanent link to B
/nll/?p=66290Subdominio Texto ancla Comments (10)
/nll/?p=66303Subdominio A bit on last night's debate
A-TITLE Permanent link to A bit on last night's debate
/nll/?author=2Subdominio Texto duplicado Mark Liberman
A-TITLE Posts by Mark Liberman
/nll/?cat=16Subdominio Texto duplicado Language and politics ventana Externo Subdominio's transcript
/myl/PresidentialDebates2024Ty...Subdominio Sin texto
/nll/?p=66303Subdominio Texto ancla Sin texto
/nll/?p=66303Subdominio Texto duplicado Permalink
A-TITLE Permanent link to A bit on last night's debate
/nll/?p=66303Subdominio Texto ancla Texto duplicado Comments (3)
/nll/?p=66299Subdominio "I will think fewer of you"
A-TITLE Permanent link to
/nll/?author=2Subdominio Texto duplicado Mark Liberman
A-TITLE Posts by Mark Liberman
/nll/?cat=23Subdominio Humor
/nll/?cat=62Subdominio Peeving
/myl/LessFewerMagnet.pngSubdominio Sin texto
/nll/?p=66299Subdominio Texto ancla Sin texto
/nll/?p=66299Subdominio Texto duplicado Permalink
A-TITLE Permanent link to
/nll/?p=66299Subdominio Texto ancla Comments (7)
/nll/?p=66278Subdominio Junks and sampans
A-TITLE Permanent link to Junks and sampans
/nll/?author=13Subdominio Texto duplicado Victor Mair
A-TITLE Posts by Victor Mair
/nll/?cat=178Subdominio Texto duplicado Etymology
/nll/?cat=239Subdominio Language and travel
/nll/?cat=278Subdominio Lexicon and lexicography Subdominio Language Matters | Where did English get the words ‘sampan’ and ‘junk’ from?
/nll/?p=66278Subdominio Texto ancla Sin texto
/nll/?p=66278Subdominio Texto duplicado Permalink
A-TITLE Permanent link to Junks and sampans
/nll/?p=66278Subdominio Texto ancla Texto duplicado Comments (8)
/nll/?p=66282Subdominio Linear algebra and wine
A-TITLE Permanent link to Linear algebra and wine
/nll/?author=2Subdominio Texto duplicado Mark Liberman
A-TITLE Posts by Mark Liberman
/nll/?cat=23Subdominio Texto duplicado Humor ventana Externo Subdominio Jean Gallier
/myl/GallierLinearA_Wine.jpgSubdominio Sin texto ventana Externo Subdominio Linear Algebra and Optimization with Applications to Machine Learning
/nll/?p=66282Subdominio Texto ancla Sin texto
/nll/?p=66282Subdominio Texto duplicado Permalink
A-TITLE Permanent link to Linear algebra and wine
/nll/?p=66282Subdominio Texto ancla Comments (4)
/nll/?p=66224Subdominio The languages of refugees fleeing to Bosnia
A-TITLE Permanent link to The languages of refugees fleeing to Bosnia
/nll/?author=13Subdominio Texto duplicado Victor Mair
A-TITLE Posts by Victor Mair
/nll/?cat=330Subdominio Censorship
/nll/?cat=305Subdominio Communication Subdominio A path towards freedom Subdominio Europe Subdominio WhatsApp
/nll/?p=66224Subdominio Texto ancla Sin texto
/nll/?p=66224Subdominio Texto duplicado Permalink
A-TITLE Permanent link to The languages of refugees fleeing to Bosnia
/nll/?p=66224Subdominio Texto ancla Texto duplicado Comments
/nll/?p=66259Subdominio "She stopped every single one of them"
A-TITLE Permanent link to
/nll/?author=2Subdominio Texto duplicado Mark Liberman
A-TITLE Posts by Mark Liberman
/nll/?cat=16Subdominio Texto duplicado Language and politics
/nll/?cat=273Subdominio Misnegation
/nll/?p=65333Nueva ventana Subdominio A new Trump speaking style? ventana Externo Subdominio 9/28/2024 rally speech
/nll/?p=66259Subdominio Texto ancla Sin texto
/nll/?p=66259Subdominio Texto duplicado Permalink
A-TITLE Permanent link to
/nll/?p=66259Subdominio Texto ancla Texto duplicado Comments (7)
/nll/?paged=2Subdominio « Previous Entries
/nll/?paged=2Subdominio Next Page » Follow us on Twitter
/nll/?m=202410Subdominio October 2024
/nll/?m=202409Subdominio September 2024
/nll/?m=202408Subdominio August 2024
/nll/?m=202407Subdominio July 2024
/nll/?m=202406Subdominio June 2024
/nll/?m=202405Subdominio May 2024
/nll/?m=202404Subdominio April 2024
/nll/?m=202403Subdominio March 2024
/nll/?m=202402Subdominio February 2024
/nll/?m=202401Subdominio January 2024
/nll/?m=202312Subdominio December 2023
/nll/?m=202311Subdominio November 2023
/nll/?m=202310Subdominio October 2023
/nll/?m=202309Subdominio September 2023
/nll/?m=202308Subdominio August 2023
/nll/?m=202307Subdominio July 2023
/nll/?m=202306Subdominio June 2023
/nll/?m=202305Subdominio May 2023
/nll/?m=202304Subdominio April 2023
/nll/?m=202303Subdominio March 2023
/nll/?m=202302Subdominio February 2023
/nll/?m=202301Subdominio January 2023
/nll/?m=202212Subdominio December 2022
/nll/?m=202211Subdominio November 2022
/nll/?m=202210Subdominio October 2022
/nll/?m=202209Subdominio September 2022
/nll/?m=202208Subdominio August 2022
/nll/?m=202207Subdominio July 2022
/nll/?m=202206Subdominio June 2022
/nll/?m=202205Subdominio May 2022
/nll/?m=202204Subdominio April 2022
/nll/?m=202203Subdominio March 2022
/nll/?m=202202Subdominio February 2022
/nll/?m=202201Subdominio January 2022
/nll/?m=202112Subdominio December 2021
/nll/?m=202111Subdominio November 2021
/nll/?m=202110Subdominio October 2021
/nll/?m=202109Subdominio September 2021
/nll/?m=202108Subdominio August 2021
/nll/?m=202107Subdominio July 2021
/nll/?m=202106Subdominio June 2021
/nll/?m=202105Subdominio May 2021
/nll/?m=202104Subdominio April 2021
/nll/?m=202103Subdominio March 2021
/nll/?m=202102Subdominio February 2021
/nll/?m=202101Subdominio January 2021
/nll/?m=202012Subdominio December 2020
/nll/?m=202011Subdominio November 2020
/nll/?m=202010Subdominio October 2020
/nll/?m=202009Subdominio September 2020
/nll/?m=202008Subdominio August 2020
/nll/?m=202007Subdominio July 2020
/nll/?m=202006Subdominio June 2020
/nll/?m=202005Subdominio May 2020
/nll/?m=202004Subdominio April 2020
/nll/?m=202003Subdominio March 2020
/nll/?m=202002Subdominio February 2020
/nll/?m=202001Subdominio January 2020
/nll/?m=201912Subdominio December 2019
/nll/?m=201911Subdominio November 2019
/nll/?m=201910Subdominio October 2019
/nll/?m=201909Subdominio September 2019
/nll/?m=201908Subdominio August 2019
/nll/?m=201907Subdominio July 2019
/nll/?m=201906Subdominio June 2019
/nll/?m=201905Subdominio May 2019
/nll/?m=201904Subdominio April 2019
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/nll/?m=201902Subdominio February 2019
/nll/?m=201901Subdominio January 2019
/nll/?m=201812Subdominio December 2018
/nll/?m=201811Subdominio November 2018
/nll/?m=201810Subdominio October 2018
/nll/?m=201809Subdominio September 2018
/nll/?m=201808Subdominio August 2018
/nll/?m=201807Subdominio July 2018
/nll/?m=201806Subdominio June 2018
/nll/?m=201805Subdominio May 2018
/nll/?m=201804Subdominio April 2018
/nll/?m=201803Subdominio March 2018
/nll/?m=201802Subdominio February 2018
/nll/?m=201801Subdominio January 2018
/nll/?m=201712Subdominio December 2017
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/nll/?m=201710Subdominio October 2017
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/nll/?m=201708Subdominio August 2017
/nll/?m=201707Subdominio July 2017
/nll/?m=201706Subdominio June 2017
/nll/?m=201705Subdominio May 2017
/nll/?m=201704Subdominio April 2017
/nll/?m=201703Subdominio March 2017
/nll/?m=201702Subdominio February 2017
/nll/?m=201701Subdominio January 2017
/nll/?m=201612Subdominio December 2016
/nll/?m=201611Subdominio November 2016
/nll/?m=201610Subdominio October 2016
/nll/?m=201609Subdominio September 2016
/nll/?m=201608Subdominio August 2016
/nll/?m=201607Subdominio July 2016
/nll/?m=201606Subdominio June 2016
/nll/?m=201605Subdominio May 2016
/nll/?m=201604Subdominio April 2016
/nll/?m=201603Subdominio March 2016
/nll/?m=201602Subdominio February 2016
/nll/?m=201601Subdominio January 2016
/nll/?m=201512Subdominio December 2015
/nll/?m=201511Subdominio November 2015
/nll/?m=201510Subdominio October 2015
/nll/?m=201509Subdominio September 2015
/nll/?m=201508Subdominio August 2015
/nll/?m=201507Subdominio July 2015
/nll/?m=201506Subdominio June 2015
/nll/?m=201505Subdominio May 2015
/nll/?m=201504Subdominio April 2015
/nll/?m=201503Subdominio March 2015
/nll/?m=201502Subdominio February 2015
/nll/?m=201501Subdominio January 2015
/nll/?m=201412Subdominio December 2014
/nll/?m=201411Subdominio November 2014
/nll/?m=201410Subdominio October 2014
/nll/?m=201409Subdominio September 2014
/nll/?m=201408Subdominio August 2014
/nll/?m=201407Subdominio July 2014
/nll/?m=201406Subdominio June 2014
/nll/?m=201405Subdominio May 2014
/nll/?m=201404Subdominio April 2014
/nll/?m=201403Subdominio March 2014
/nll/?m=201402Subdominio February 2014
/nll/?m=201401Subdominio January 2014
/nll/?m=201312Subdominio December 2013
/nll/?m=201311Subdominio November 2013
/nll/?m=201310Subdominio October 2013
/nll/?m=201309Subdominio September 2013
/nll/?m=201308Subdominio August 2013
/nll/?m=201307Subdominio July 2013
/nll/?m=201306Subdominio June 2013
/nll/?m=201305Subdominio May 2013
/nll/?m=201304Subdominio April 2013
/nll/?m=201303Subdominio March 2013
/nll/?m=201302Subdominio February 2013
/nll/?m=201301Subdominio January 2013
/nll/?m=201212Subdominio December 2012
/nll/?m=201211Subdominio November 2012
/nll/?m=201210Subdominio October 2012
/nll/?m=201209Subdominio September 2012
/nll/?m=201208Subdominio August 2012
/nll/?m=201207Subdominio July 2012
/nll/?m=201206Subdominio June 2012
/nll/?m=201205Subdominio May 2012
/nll/?m=201204Subdominio April 2012
/nll/?m=201203Subdominio March 2012
/nll/?m=201202Subdominio February 2012
/nll/?m=201201Subdominio January 2012
/nll/?m=201112Subdominio December 2011
/nll/?m=201111Subdominio November 2011
/nll/?m=201110Subdominio October 2011
/nll/?m=201109Subdominio September 2011
/nll/?m=201108Subdominio August 2011
/nll/?m=201107Subdominio July 2011
/nll/?m=201106Subdominio June 2011
/nll/?m=201105Subdominio May 2011
/nll/?m=201104Subdominio April 2011
/nll/?m=201103Subdominio March 2011
/nll/?m=201102Subdominio February 2011
/nll/?m=201101Subdominio January 2011
/nll/?m=201012Subdominio December 2010
/nll/?m=201011Subdominio November 2010
/nll/?m=201010Subdominio October 2010
/nll/?m=201009Subdominio September 2010
/nll/?m=201008Subdominio August 2010
/nll/?m=201007Subdominio July 2010
/nll/?m=201006Subdominio June 2010
/nll/?m=201005Subdominio May 2010
/nll/?m=201004Subdominio April 2010
/nll/?m=201003Subdominio March 2010
/nll/?m=201002Subdominio February 2010
/nll/?m=201001Subdominio January 2010
/nll/?m=200912Subdominio December 2009
/nll/?m=200911Subdominio November 2009
/nll/?m=200910Subdominio October 2009
/nll/?m=200909Subdominio September 2009
/nll/?m=200908Subdominio August 2009
/nll/?m=200907Subdominio July 2009
/nll/?m=200906Subdominio June 2009
/nll/?m=200905Subdominio May 2009
/nll/?m=200904Subdominio April 2009
/nll/?m=200903Subdominio March 2009
/nll/?m=200902Subdominio February 2009
/nll/?m=200901Subdominio January 2009
/nll/?m=200812Subdominio December 2008
/nll/?m=200811Subdominio November 2008
/nll/?m=200810Subdominio October 2008
/nll/?m=200809Subdominio September 2008
/nll/?m=200808Subdominio August 2008
/nll/?m=200807Subdominio July 2008
/nll/?m=200806Subdominio June 2008
/nll/?m=200805Subdominio May 2008
/nll/?m=200804Subdominio April 2008
/~myl/languagelogSubdominio Texto ancla no relevante
here Subdominio Texto duplicado Texto ancla no relevante
here Subdominio "Spoken language expert’s exuberant life of science" ventana Externo …And read all over
A-TITLE Used to be a book review site, but now… Subdominio A Linguist Goes to Law School Subdominio A Roguish Chrestomathy
A-TITLE the pultaceous wisdom of a word weevil
http://walkinthewords.blogspot...Externo Subdominio A Walk in the WoRds
A-TITLE A linguistic tour for people who love having fun with words and language. Subdominio A Way With Words
A-TITLE Public radio's lively language show, with Martha Barnette and Grant Barrett Subdominio Abecedaria
A-TITLE A blog about keyboarding in diverse scripts, literacy and digital literacy, and random quotes selected from the history of writing system theory.
http://alex-ateachersthoughts....Externo Subdominio Alex's phonetic thoughts All Things Linguistic
A-TITLE All the linguistic things, all the time. Well, a lot of them, daily. Anggarrgoon
A-TITLE Bardi on the Web
http://britishlibrary.typepad....Externo Subdominio Archival Sounds (British Library) Subdominio Arrant Pedantry Ask the League of Nerds Subdominio Babel's Dawn (Edmund Blair Bolles) Subdominio Bad Language
A-TITLE Dr.Karen Stollznow…Linguist, Writer and Paranormal Investigator (of the skeptical kind)
http://badlinguistics.posterou...Externo Subdominio BadLinguistics (Pauline Foster)
A-TITLE If you are going to broadcast your views about language, you might want to get a few things straight first. ventana Externo Subdominio Between the Lines with Edwin Battistella Blogamundo
A-TITLE poking holes in the language barrier
http://bradshawofthefuture.blo...Externo Subdominio Bradshaw of the Future
A-TITLE sƿeostorƿord Subdominio Bremer sprachblog
A-TITLE Institut für allgemeine und angewandte Sprachwissenschaft Subdominio Building Rapport
A-TITLE advocating plain language, clear design, sensitivity to audience concerns, and civility Subdominio Bulbulovo
A-TITLE a Semitic philologist in making dabbling into all things linguistic Career Linguist
A-TITLE We studied linguistics. What happens next? Child's Play
A-TITLE Melody Dye and Jason Goldman
http://citizensociolinguistics...Externo Citizen sociolinguistics
A-TITLE Betsy Rymes: "speaking up about one's own language is citizen sociolinguistics"
http://clinicallinguistics.wor...Externo Subdominio clinicallinguistics
A-TITLE All about clinical linguistics and clinical phonetics
http://cobylubliner.wordpress....Externo Subdominio Coby Lubliner's Blog Subdominio Cognition And Language Lab
A-TITLE runs experiments through the Web testing human reasoning, particularly in the domain of language.
http://adventuresinlinguistics...Externo Subdominio Colorless Green Ideas
A-TITLE "Don't talk about syntax at parties; people will walk away from you." — Rubin
http://conjugatevisits.blogspo...Externo Subdominio Conjugate Visits
A-TITLE You know, like grammar and stuff.
http://david-crystal.blogspot....Externo Subdominio DCblog (David Crystal) Subdominio Degelka af soomaaliga
A-TITLE Somali Language Blog
http://descriptively.blogspot....Externo Subdominio Descriptively Adequate
A-TITLE linguistics grad student at Cornell University and internet addict dialect blog
A-TITLE …a place for hobbyists, actors, linguists and curiosity-seekers to learn about and discuss the dialects of the English language.
http://www.dictionaryevangelis...Externo Subdominio Dictionary Evangelist
A-TITLE Erin McKean *really* likes dictionaries. Subdominio Dictionary Society of North America Subdominio Double-Tongued Dictionary
A-TITLE A lexicon of fringe English, focusing on slang, jargon, and new words. Subdominio Ed Absurdum
A-TITLE I edit manuscripts for a university press. "Ed Absurdum" isn't my real name. This blog has no opinion on anything controversial (although it may have opinion... Subdominio Eggcorn Database
A-TITLE This site is devoted to collecting the kind of unusual English spellings that have come to be called eggcorns. Subdominio Endangered Languages and Cultures
A-TITLE linguistic documentation, fieldwork, technology, language maintenance and education, and issues that pertain to endangered languages and cultures around the ... Subdominio English, Jack
A-TITLE Second thoughts on English and how she's taught Subdominio Epea Pteroenta Subdominio Eternally Stressed Semanticist
http://everythingyouknowaboute...Externo Everything You Know About English Is Wrong
A-TITLE Cantankerous commentary on what we speak and why we speak it, from Bill Brohaugh
http://evolvingenglish.blogspo...Externo Subdominio Evolving English Subdominio Far Outliers
http://foundintranslation.berk...Externo Subdominio Found in Translation
A-TITLE An open blog for and by students, teachers, and others at Berkeley who share a fascination with language Subdominio Freemorpheme
http://nancyfriedman.typepad.c...Externo Subdominio Fritinancy
A-TITLE Names, brands, writing, and the quirks of the English language. Subdominio Fully (sic)
A-TITLE Crikey’s very own language blog for discerning word nerds — Australian linguists getting all hot and bothered about the way we communicate.
http://goodreasonblog.blogspot...Externo Subdominio Good Reason
A-TITLE Daniel Midgley, Perth, Australia: Linguistics lecturer, researcher, atheist, and president-in-exile of the world. Subdominio Gordon P. Hemsley
A-TITLE Linguist by day. Web developer by night. Subdominio Greater Blogazonia Subdominio Hanzi Smatter 一知半解
https://korystamper.wordpress....Externo Subdominio Harmless Drudgery
A-TITLE Kory Stamper, a lexicographer at Merriam-Webster who spends all day reading citations and trying to define words like “Monophysite” and “bodice ripper.”
http://headsuptheblog.blogspot...Externo Subdominio HeadsUp: The Blog Subdominio Texto ancla URL Idibon
A-TITLE Idibon blog Subdominio Isabella Massardo Copy & Translation Subdominio Jabal al-Lughat
http://phonetic-blog.blogspot....Externo Subdominio John Wells's Phonetic Blog
A-TITLE Everything to do with phonetics. Subdominio Johnson
A-TITLE The Economist's language blog Subdominio Subdominio Keywords Subdominio Langguj Gel Subdominio Language Evolution
A-TITLE How and why language varies and changes Language Geek Subdominio Language Hat Subdominio Language Is The People's Subdominio Language Jones
A-TITLE Taylor Jones on linguistics, sociolinguistics, sociology, game theory, and more. Subdominio Language Trainers Blog Subdominio Language: A Feminist Guide
A-TITLE By Deborah Cameron, author of The Myth of Mars and Venus ventana Externo Subdominio Lathophobic Aphasia
A-TITLE teaching, language, lust, food, blaphemy, rant
http://lawnlinguistics.wordpre...Externo Subdominio LAWnLinguistics
A-TITLE Not about the linguistics of lawns. Subdominio LGSA Fledgelings
A-TITLE Linguistics Graduate Student Association, San Francisco State University
http://lingformant.vertebrates...Externo Subdominio Lingformant Lingua Franca
A-TITLE Chronicle of Higher Education language and writing blog
http://community.livejournal.c...Externo Subdominio Linguaphiles Subdominio Linguism Subdominio Linguistics Anonymous Subdominio Linguistrix
http://literalminded.wordpress...Externo Subdominio Literal-Minded
http://livinglanguages.wordpre...Externo Subdominio Living Languages Subdominio Logomacy Subdominio Logophilius
http://makingnoiseandhearingth...Externo Making Noise and Hearing Things
A-TITLE "The How and Why of Speaking and Hearing", from Rachel Tatman at William & Mary Subdominio Matjjin-nehen Mental Floss (language section) Subdominio Metrolingua Subdominio Michael Erard
A-TITLE Michael Erard is an author and journalist who writes about language at the intersection of technology, policy, law, and science.
http://motivatedgrammar.wordpr...Externo Subdominio Motivated Grammar
A-TITLE Prescriptivism Must Die! Subdominio Mr. Verb
http://www.nakedtranslations.c...Externo Subdominio Naked Translations Subdominio Natural Language Processing Blog
A-TITLE Hal Daumé III's biased thoughts on the fields of natural language processing (NLP), computational linguistics (CL) and related topics (machine learning, math... No-sword Noncompositional Subdominio NPR code switch Subdominio Office Natural Language Team Blog Subdominio Omniglot – The Blog Subdominio Oxford Etymologist Subdominio Ozarque's Journal Subdominio Paleoglot
A-TITLE Ancient languages and culture Subdominio Paperpools Subdominio Peter Harvey, Linguist Subdominio phonoloblog
A-TITLE All things phonology Pinyin News Podictionary Polyglot Conspiracy Subdominio Polyglot Vegetarian Subdominio Polysyllabic (Karl Hagen)
A-TITLE ruminations on grammar, philology and anything else that strikes my fancy
http://popularlinguisticsonlin...Externo Popular Linguistics Subdominio Proper Words in Proper Places
A-TITLE Meditations on the English language Subdominio Replicated Typo
A-TITLE Culture, its evolution and anything inbetween
http://linguistlessons.blogspo...Externo Subdominio Ryan's linguistics blog
A-TITLE A blog about any and all things linguistic. Topics can range from phonetics to syntax to aspects of specific languages. Subdominio Sauvage Noble Subdominio Schnaufblog
A-TITLE Observations by a dog person and linguist Subdominio Sentence First
A-TITLE An Irishman’s blog about the English language. Mostly.
http://separatedbyacommonlangu...Externo Subdominio Separated by a Common Language Subdominio Sesquiotica (James Harbeck)
A-TITLE Words, words, words
http://www.linguisticanthropol...Externo Subdominio SLA Blog
A-TITLE Official blog of the Society for Linguistic Anthropology Subdominio Strong Language
A-TITLE A sweary blog about swearing Subdominio Stæfcræft & Vyākaraṇa
A-TITLE Germanic, Indo-Aryan, and Indo-European philology & general linguistics Subdominio Superlinguo
A-TITLE Lauren and Georgia, two linguaphiles from Melbourne Subdominio Talk Wordy to Me
A-TITLE Words, grammar, and other oddities. (Such as the Oxford comma.)
http://talkingbrains.blogspot....Externo Subdominio Talking Brains
A-TITLE News and views on the neural organization of language Subdominio Technologies du Langage Subdominio Tenser, said the Tensor Subdominio That Munanga Linguist
A-TITLE Language man working on Aboriginal languages occasionally sharing his thoughts…
http://thatwhichmatter.tumblr....Externo Subdominio ThatWhichMatter
A-TITLE To honor the that/which distinction and all grammar that which matters. Subdominio The Babbel Blog
http://thediacritics.wordpress...Externo Subdominio The Diacritics
A-TITLE thoughts on words
http://engineroomblog.blogspot...Externo Subdominio The Engine Room Subdominio The Greenbelt The Ideophone
http://thelanguageguy.blogspot...Externo Subdominio The Language Guy Subdominio The Lexicographer's Rules Subdominio The Ling Space
A-TITLE Because language is awesome Subdominio The Lingua FIle
A-TITLE Associated with TLF Translation Services
http://thelousylinguist.blogsp...Externo Subdominio The Lousy Linguist The mashed radish
A-TITLE John Kelly on English etymology
http://prototumblinguist.tumbl...Externo Subdominio The Ramblings of a Proto-linguist
A-TITLE Sunny, who does linguisticky thing for fun The Stone and the Shell
A-TITLE Historical questions raised by a quantitative approach to language
http://virtuallinguist.typepad...Externo Subdominio The Virtual Linguist Subdominio The Visual Linguist
A-TITLE Neil Cohn writes in words and pictures, and studies them both. Subdominio The Web of Language Subdominio The Zero Morpheme
http://throwgrammarfromthetrai...Externo Subdominio Throw Grammar From the Train
A-TITLE Jan Freeman's blog Transblawg Subdominio Transient Languages & Cultures Subdominio Translate This! Subdominio Val Systems
A-TITLE Josef Fruehwald Subdominio Vocalized/Vocalised (Lauren Hall-Lew)
A-TITLE Voicings about language by an American linguist in Edinburgh Subdominio Web-Translations Subdominio Wishydig
https://languagejazz.wordpress...Externo Subdominio Word Jazz
A-TITLE By a recovering materials scientist, now a grad student in Applied Linguistics at the University of London Subdominio Word Journal
A-TITLE A journal of interesting and infrequently encountered words Subdominio Word Porn Subdominio Word Routes
A-TITLE Exploring the pathways of our lexicon Subdominio Wordlustitude
A-TITLE A growing dictionary of ephemeral words Subdominio Wordnik blog Subdominio Words Are Delicious
A-TITLE a blog about words, language, and content development Subdominio Words from Sweden Subdominio Words to the Wise
A-TITLE A conversation on language – with a dash of editing Subdominio You Don't Say
A-TITLE Veteran drudge John E. McIntyre writes about language, journalism, and arbitrarily chosen topics.
/nll/wp-login.phpSubdominio Log in
/nll/?feed=rss2Subdominio RSS 2.0
A-TITLE Syndicate this site using RSS 2.0
/nll/?feed=atomSubdominio Atom
A-TITLE Syndicate this site using Atom WordPress
A-TITLE Powered by WordPress, state-of-the-art semantic personal publishing platform. Subdominio Texto duplicado WordPress

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Language Log

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Language Log73%Check
Language Lab55%Check
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English Language52%Check
name as42%Check
lost Indian languages41%Check

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