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Retail News and Trends | Retail Dive
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Meta descripción
(Extremadamente importante)
Retail Dive provides news and analysis for retail executives. We cover topics like retail tech, marketing, e-commerce, logistics, in-store operations, corporate retail news, and more.
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URL de la página
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El número total de palabras en la página es bueno: 1770 palabras.
Un 28.9% del contenido está constituido por palabras vacías.
Las palabras clave del título también se repiten en el texto del cuerpo.
La página contiene un listado, lo que indica una buena estructuración del contenido.
Se han encontrado 32 párrafos en esta página.
No se detecta ningún placeholder de texto ni imagen.
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La cantidad media de palabras por frase es buena: 18.76 palabras.
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No se detecta ninguna descripción del atributo ALT en 5 imágenes. El contenido de los atributos ALT también es evaluado como texto por los buscadores y es muy importante para la búsqueda de imágenes.
Redes Sociales
Esta página apenas ofrece posibilidades de compartir el contenido en redes sociales. Con la integración de widgets puedes conseguir que tus contenidos se popularicen en redes.
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Lista de medios

URLAtributo ALTTítulo Dive Dive
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Estructura de la página

Encabezado H1
(Extremadamente importante)
Don't miss tomorrow's retail industry news
Más de un encabezado H1.
Hay 46 encabezados H en esta página. La cantidad de encabezados debería guardar una mejor proporción en relación al texto.

Estructura de los encabezados

Jerarquía de encabezadosContenido
H1 Don't miss tomorrow's retail industry news
H1 How Carter’s is pitching kids’ clothes to new Gen Z parents
H2 Top stories
H2 The Latest
H3 Under Armour sales fall 10% as Kevin Plank vows to sell more than ‘just a logo’
H3 Store closures a factor in Allbirds Q2 sales nosedive
H3 Warby Parker notches highest e-commerce growth in 13 quarters
H3 VF revenue remains down despite ‘modest improvement’ at Vans
H3 Tempur Sealy CEO ‘confident’ in acquiring Mattress Firm despite FTC challenge
H3 Ace Hardware’s new experiential store model to be ‘immersive shopping experience that you can’t find anywhere else’
H3 UK retailer Mountain Warehouse offers $5M stalking horse bid for Eastern Mountain Sports
H3 The Container Store sales fall 12% in Q1
H3 ThredUp to exit Europe
H3 How to win over customers in inflationary times. Hint: It’s not just about price.
H3 Adidas global operations exec Martin Shankland to step down
H3 Chief marketers are warming up to generative AI: report
H3 How Liquid Death cuts through marketing noise without big media buys
H3 Prestige beauty sales continue to outpace mass with 8% growth in the first half of the year
H3 Target still struggles to lower virgin plastic use by 2025 deadline
H3 The Weekly Closeout: Fred Segal closes remaining stores and Foxtrot plots its comeback
H3 Simon malls notch Q2 gains in occupancy, traffic and retail sales
H3 Under Armour chief consumer officer exits as 26-year Adidas veteran joins the brand
H3 As retail media networks widen their scope, is a reckoning inbound?
H3 Funko agrees to $2M settlement to resolve claims it misled investors
H3 Walmart adds dorm shop to virtual shopping platform
H3 Big Lots may close up to 315 stores
H3 ThredUp debuts AI search, chatbot tools
H3 How return policies fit into retail customer experience
H3 REI lays off 7 employees as it reorganizes experiences division
H3 Is Big Lots’ transformation plan enough to save it?
H3 FTC chair presses for investigation into high grocery prices
H3 Meati Foods new CCO, CEO look to avoid plant-based pitfalls
H3 Mercari opens first physical store in Los Angeles
H3 Amazon moves up Black Friday inventory deadline for sellers
H3 Get the free newsletter
H3 Most Popular
H3 Library resources
H3 Company Announcements
H3 What We're Reading
H3 Events
H3 Industry Intel
H3 Retail Dive news delivered to your inbox
H3 Get Retail Dive in your inbox
H4 Explore
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H4 Related Publications
Algunos textos ancla son demasiado largos.
Algunos enlaces internos contienen parámetros dinámicos. Las URL internas no deberían contener parámetros dinámicos, salvo que estén marcadas como nofollow.
Algunos textos ancla se repiten más de una vez en varios enlaces.
1 enlaces cerecen de un texto ancla.
La cantidad de enlaces internos es adecuada.
Hay demasiados enlaces externos (36) en esta página.
EnlacePropiedadesTexto ancla ancla Skip to main content ventana Externo Subdominio Terms of Use ventana Externo Subdominio Privacy Policy Retail Dive
/deep-dive/Deep Dive
/press-release/Press Releases
/signup/?signup_location=headerSign up
/signup/?signup_location=headerTexto duplicado Sign up
/topic/distressed-retail/Distressed Retail
/topic/department-stores/Department Stores
/topic/financial-news/Financial News
/news/carters-gen-z-parents-ba...IMG-ALT a baby plays in the mud
/news/carters-gen-z-parents-ba...How Carter’s is pitching kids’ clothes to new Gen Z parents
/news/carters-gen-z-parents-ba...Read more ➔
/news/under-armour-sales-fall-...Under Armour sales fall 10% as Kevin Plank vows to sell more than ‘just a logo’
/news/allbirds-second-quarter-...Store closures a factor in Allbirds Q2 sales nosedive
/news/warby-parker-earnings-hi...Warby Parker notches highest e-commerce growth in 13 quarters
/news/vf-first-quarter-earning...VF revenue remains down despite ‘modest improvement’ at Vans
/news/tempur-sealy-mattress-fi...Tempur Sealy CEO ‘confident’ in acquiring Mattress Firm despite FTC challenge
/news/ace-hardware-experientia...IMG-ALT DeWalt, Milwaukee and Craftsman tool displays in an Ace Hardware store
/news/ace-hardware-experientia...Ace Hardware’s new experiential store model to be ‘immersive shopping experience that you can’t find anywhere else’
/topic/operations/Texto duplicado Operations
/news/mountain-warehouse-stalk...IMG-ALT An outdoor-gear store.
/news/mountain-warehouse-stalk...UK retailer Mountain Warehouse offers $5M stalking horse bid for Eastern Mountain Sports
/topic/operations/Texto duplicado Operations
/news/the-container-store-sale...IMG-ALT A Container Store banner outside a store. ventana Externo Subdominio Container Store ventana Externo Subdominio colleen ventana Externo CC BY-SA 2.0
/news/the-container-store-sale...The Container Store sales fall 12% in Q1
/topic/financial-news/Texto duplicado Financial News
/news/thredup-exits-europe-exp...IMG-ALT ThredUp warehouse, packaging.
/news/thredup-exits-europe-exp...ThredUp to exit Europe
/topic/operations/Texto duplicado Operations
/news/win-over-customers-infla...IMG-ALT Woman looking at her mobile phone while shopping at the supermarket.
/news/win-over-customers-infla...How to win over customers in inflationary times. Hint: It’s not just about price.
/topic/marketing/Texto duplicado Marketing
/news/longtime-adidas-global-o...IMG-ALT The toe of a shoe pokes out from the left bottom corner.
/news/longtime-adidas-global-o...Adidas global operations exec Martin Shankland to step down
/topic/operations/Texto duplicado Operations
/news/chief-marketing-officers...IMG-ALT Two executives reviewing data, ROI
/news/chief-marketing-officers...Chief marketers are warming up to generative AI: report
/topic/marketing/Texto duplicado Marketing
/news/liquid-death-creative-be...IMG-ALT Liquid Death animated character ventana Externo Subdominio Liquid Death
/news/liquid-death-creative-be...How Liquid Death cuts through marketing noise without big media buys
/topic/marketing/Texto duplicado Marketing
/news/prestige-beauty-sales-gr...Sin texto
/news/prestige-beauty-sales-gr...Prestige beauty sales continue to outpace mass with 8% growth in the first half of the year
/topic/financial-news/Texto duplicado Financial News
/news/target-esg-report-2025-g...IMG-ALT A store employee wearing a red Target vest puts health and beauty products on a store shelf.
/news/target-esg-report-2025-g...Target still struggles to lower virgin plastic use by 2025 deadline
/topic/operations/Texto duplicado Operations
/news/the-weekly-closeout-fred...IMG-ALT Fred Segal storefront
/news/the-weekly-closeout-fred...The Weekly Closeout: Fred Segal closes remaining stores and Foxtrot plots its comeback
/topic/marketing/Texto duplicado Marketing
/news/simon-malls-notch-q2-gai...IMG-ALT The arched entrance to a building reads "Santa Rosa Plaza," with trees, potted flowers and a sculpture of a hand in the foreground, and cloud-streaked blue s...
/news/simon-malls-notch-q2-gai...Simon malls notch Q2 gains in occupancy, traffic and retail sales
/topic/operations/Texto duplicado Operations
/news/under-armour-adidas-eric...IMG-ALT Shoppers walking by an Under Armour store.
/news/under-armour-adidas-eric...Under Armour chief consumer officer exits as 26-year Adidas veteran joins the brand
/topic/operations/Texto duplicado Operations
/news/retail-media-networks-of...IMG-ALT Walmart has agreed to acquire smart TV maker Vizio in a $2.3 billion cash deal.
/news/retail-media-networks-of...As retail media networks widen their scope, is a reckoning inbound?
/topic/operations/Texto duplicado Operations
/news/funko-misled-investors-s...IMG-ALT A person with spiky hair wearing a blue suit, blue tie and white shirt.
/news/funko-misled-investors-s...Funko agrees to $2M settlement to resolve claims it misled investors
/topic/operations/Texto duplicado Operations
/news/walmart-realm-dorm-shop-...IMG-ALT A screenshot of Walmart Realm's virtual dorm shop experience ad on YouTube.
/news/walmart-realm-dorm-shop-...Walmart adds dorm shop to virtual shopping platform
/topic/marketing/Texto duplicado Marketing
/news/big-lots-close-315-store...IMG-ALT A Big Lots storefront with a cloudy gray sky
/news/big-lots-close-315-store...Big Lots may close up to 315 stores
/topic/operations/Texto duplicado Operations
/news/thredup-debuts-ai-search...IMG-ALT Person in the grass.
/news/thredup-debuts-ai-search...ThredUp debuts AI search, chatbot tools
/topic/operations/Texto duplicado Operations
/news/retail-return-policies-c...IMG-ALT A customer prepares a box for a return
/news/retail-return-policies-c...How return policies fit into retail customer experience
/topic/operations/Texto duplicado Operations
/news/rei-layoffs-outdoor-reta...IMG-ALT People milling about in front of a store, with trees on each side.
/news/rei-layoffs-outdoor-reta...REI lays off 7 employees as it reorganizes experiences division
/topic/operations/Texto duplicado Operations
/news/is-big-lots-transformati...Texto duplicado IMG-ALT A Big Lots storefront with a cloudy gray sky
/news/is-big-lots-transformati...Is Big Lots’ transformation plan enough to save it?
/topic/operations/Texto duplicado Operations
/news/ftc-investigate-high-gro...IMG-ALT FTC v. Welsh Carson and USAP
/news/ftc-investigate-high-gro...FTC chair presses for investigation into high grocery prices
/topic/operations/Texto duplicado Operations
/news/meati-foods-executives-a...IMG-ALT A person slices a Meati Crispy Cutlet on a white cutting board that sits on a coral-colored counter.
/news/meati-foods-executives-a...Meati Foods new CCO, CEO look to avoid plant-based pitfalls
/topic/operations/Texto duplicado Operations
/news/mercari-first-physical-s...IMG-ALT A storefront with a blue sign in the background that says "Mercari."
/news/mercari-first-physical-s...Mercari opens first physical store in Los Angeles
/topic/operations/Texto duplicado Operations
/news/amazon-moves-up-black-fr...IMG-ALT An Amazon worker with a cart sorts packages in a warehouse aisle packed with Amazon packages.
/news/amazon-moves-up-black-fr...Amazon moves up Black Friday inventory deadline for sellers
/topic/operations/Texto duplicado Operations
/?page=2More stories
IMG-ALT next icon ventana Externo Subdominio Texto duplicado Terms of Use ventana Externo Subdominio Texto duplicado Privacy Policy
/news/under-armour-sales-fall-...IMG-ALT An Under Armour storefront
/news/under-armour-sales-fall-...Texto duplicado Under Armour sales fall 10% as Kevin Plank vows to sell more than ‘just a logo’
/news/allbirds-second-quarter-...IMG-ALT Closeup of a store sign on a building.
/news/allbirds-second-quarter-...Texto duplicado Store closures a factor in Allbirds Q2 sales nosedive
/news/the-container-store-sale...Texto duplicado IMG-ALT A Container Store banner outside a store.
/news/the-container-store-sale...Texto duplicado The Container Store sales fall 12% in Q1
/news/thredup-exits-europe-exp...Texto duplicado IMG-ALT ThredUp warehouse, packaging.
/news/thredup-exits-europe-exp...Texto duplicado ThredUp to exit Europe
https://resources.industrydive...Nueva ventana Externo Subdominio How to manage the complex issues of online age verification
https://supplychaindive.tradep...Nueva ventana Externo Subdominio New Report: Peak Season Confidence High. Can Execs Deliver?
https://resources.industrydive...Nueva ventana Externo Subdominio DTC Brands Find Profitability with a Holistic Ecommerce Platform
/library/View all
/press-release/20240808-just-o...Just Opened: Glameria’s Premier Store Launches at CF Market Mall!
/press-release/20240801-locall...Locally Celebrates Decade of Transforming Online-to-Offline Shopping Experience with Leading G...
/press-release/20240801-touris...Tourism and Outdoor Attractions Prompt Increases in Downtown Pedestrian Traffic in July
/press-release/Texto duplicado View all
/press-release/get-started/Post a press release ventana Externo Subdominio Ralph Lauren net income up 28%
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