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Estructura de la página

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Estructura de los encabezados

No se ha encontrado ningún encabezado.
Algunos textos ancla son demasiado largos.
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La cantidad de enlaces internos es adecuada.
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EnlacePropiedadesTexto ancla architects
/projects/selectedSelected Projects
/projects/selected/holborn-houseHolborn House
/projects/selected/mk_galleryMK Gallery
/projects/selected/south-londo...South London Gallery Fire Station
/projects/selected/photography...Photography Studio for Juergen Teller
/projects/selected/cowan-courtCowan Court
/projects/selected/sadie_coles_hqSadie Coles HQ
/projects/selected/raven-rowRaven Row
/projects/selected/south_londo...South London Gallery
/projects/selected/black-stone...Black Stone House
/projects/selected/paul-smithPaul Smith
/projects/selected/blue-mounta...Blue Mountain School
/projects/selected/coastal-houseCoastal House
/projects/selected/the-perimeterThe Perimeter
/projects/selected/hafen-cityHafen City
/projects/selected/hg-houseHG House
/projects/selected/i-need-to-liveI Need to Live Projects
/awards-and-exhibitionsAwards and Exhibitions
/news/2025/tate-liverpool-flin...Tate Liverpool 'flings open windows' to first phase of £30m revamp
/news/2025/liverpool-echo-tate...Liverpool Echo report on Tate Liverpool
/news/2024/exhibition-at-the-b...Our ideas for the transformation of the Western Range can be seen in the Reading Room of the British Museum until 2 March 2025
/news/2024/6a-shortlisted-for-...We are delighted to be shortlisted by The British Museum for a competition to design a major renovation of its Western Range Galleries.
/news/2024/habitat-royal-acade...Stephanie Macdonald and Tom Emerson RA, Habitat at the Royal Academy Summer Exhibition 2024. Habitat, a giclée print, Edition of 50 is on display in the Wohl...
/news/2024/fashion-museum-bath6a architects appointed to design the new Fashion Museum Bath. Photograph Postal Museum.
/news/2023/i-need-to-liveJuergen Teller's retrospective I Need to Live designed by 6a is open at the Grand Palais Ephémère in Paris until 9 January
/news/2023/holborn-house-short...Holborn House community centre including Great Things Lie Ahead 2020 by artist Caragh Thuring has been shortlisted for the inaugural riba Reinvention Award 2...
/news/2023/royal-academyStephanie Macdonald, Tom Emerson and painter Hurvin Anderson elected Royal Academicians
/news/2023/heinrich-tessenow-g...6a architects has been awarded the Heinrich Tessenow Gold Medal 2023
/projects/more/holborn-houseHolborn House community centre including Great Things Lie Ahead 2020 by artist Caragh Thuring wins riba National Award 2023
/projects/more/holborn-houseHolborn House community centre including Great Things Lie Ahead 2020 by artist Caragh Thuring wins riba London Award 2023
/news/2023/habitat-limhamnHabitat: Limhamn. 6a, Nilsson Rahm Arkitekter, Johan Dehlin Arkitektkontor have won an international competition for the redevelopment of Limhamn cement work... launch of 6a's new monograph published by a+u, Japan at the aa Bookshop, 16 November at 6pm. All welcome
/projects/more/caracara opens to the public with inaugural exhibition A Mass of Cyborgs by Neo Muyanga and The Unsung's ongoing-rehearsal of Hymn to the Strange, October 2022. ...
/news/2022/tate-liverpool6a wins competition for reimagining of Tate Liverpool
/projects/more/holborn-houseHolborn House community centre opened in November 2021 including Great Things Lie Ahead 2020 by artist Caragh Thuring. Photo Johan Dehlin
/projects/more/caraCenter for Art, Research and Alliances (cara) is launched in New York. Photo Michael Vahrenwald
/news/2022/ingrid-pollard-carb...Ingrid Pollard: Carbon Slowly Turning currently showing at mk Gallery has been nominated for the Turner Prize. Photo Johan Dehlin
/projects/more/hafen-cityNew photographs of 6a's completed housing project at Hafen City, Hamburg by Hannes Heitmüller
/projects/more/a2_b2A2_B2 at Design District, London are complete. Photo Johan Dehlin
/news/2021/ Gallery wins an riba National Award 2021
/projects/more/hg-househg House was completed in August 2021
/news/2021/mk-gallery-wins-dou...Double riba Award 2021 for mk Gallery
/projects/more/a2_b2a2_b2 at Design District London approaches completion
/news/2021/survey-by-matthew-w...Drawing by Stephanie Macdonald published Survey, a new book by Matthew Wells (Drawing Matter and Park Books, 2021)
/news/2021/au-610-house-lookin...6a featured in a+u, 610, July 2021
/news/2021/new-yorkNew York, February 2021. Construction continues on a new art space. Photo John Banks, 20x Architects
/projects/more/hg-househg House nears completion in north London. February 2021
/news/2021/stephanie-macdonald...6a founder Stephanie Macdonald profile in The Telegraph Magazine, 13 February 2021
/projects/more/a2_b2Cladding has started of the a2 and b2 at the Design District, London with pink and green terrazzo tiles
/news/2021/6a-founders-appoint...6a architects founders Stephanie Macdonald and Tom Emerson appointed obe's in New Years Honours 2021
/projects/more/hg-houseThe structure of our new hg House in London is complete.
/projects/more/jw-andersonJW Anderson's first flagship store opens in Soho
/news/2020/50-best-architectur...6a architects on Domus' list of 50 Best Architecture Firms 2020
/projects/more/a2_b2February 2020, the structure of 6a's two buildings at the Greenwich Design District are complete. Photograph by Taran Wilkhu
/news/2019/best-buildings-of-2019Rowan Moores selects MK Gallery in The Observer's best buildings of 2019
/news/2019/best-buildings-of-2019MK Gallery selected as one the best buildings of 2019 by Oliver Wainwright in The Guardian
/news/2020/mk-gallery-in-casab...Federico Tranfa reviews mk Gallery in Casabella Magazine, December 2019
/news/2019/ Gallery has been nominated for the Beazley Design of Year 2019 at the Design Museum
/projects/more/south-london-ga...July 2019; South London Gallery Firestation wins riba National Award
/projects/more/hafen-cityMay 2019; basements and ground floor complete in Hafen City, Hamburg
/news/2019/6a-wins-two-riba-lo...6a wins two riba London Awards 2019 for South London Gallery Fire Station and Blue Mountain School
/projects/more/mk_galleryCity Club by artists Gareth Jones and Nils Norman has been completed in Milton Keynes
/news/2019/mirror-to-milton-ke...Sam Jacob reviews the new mk Gallery in Architecture Today 297
/news/2019/cover-stories-ad-19...The new mk Gallery featuring City Club by Gareth Jones and Nils Norman. From ad Magazine cover in 1974 to the entrance of the new mk Gallery to the cover of ...
/news/2019/a-building-that-mak...Double review in The Daily Telegraph. Chief art critic Mark Hudson gives mk Gallery ****
/news/2019/bbc-look-east-newsmk Gallery featured on the bbc Look East news programme, 12 March 2019, 6:30pm,
/projects/more/mk_galleryThe new mk Gallery in Milton Keynes will open on 16 March
/projects/more/mk_galleryAuditorium over looking Campbell Park, featuring City Club by Gareth Jones and Nils Norman, mk Gallery, Milton Keynes
/news/2019/hope-and-faith-in-r...Rowan Moore reviews mk Gallery in The Observer, 9 March 2019
/news/2019/studio-jrgen-teller...Studio Juergen Teller featured in Casabella 895, March 2019
/news/2019/the-lie-of-the-land...The new mk Gallery opens on 16 March with The Lie of the Land Gallery review in The Guardian - utterly, thrillingly Milton Keynesian by Oliver Wainwright
/projects/more/mk_galleryTexto duplicado The new mk Gallery in Milton Keynes will open on 16 March
/news/2019/living-on-the-gridLiving on the Grid by Edwin Heathcote in the Financial Times, 2 March 2019
/news/2019/aberturas-openingsThe exhibition catalogues for Aberturas/Openings, curated by Tom Emerson from the archive of Alvaro Siza has been published by the Serralves Museum
/news/2019/is-this-tomorrowArtist Amalia Pica and 6a collaborate on Enclosure, part of Is This Tomorrow? at the Whitechapel Gallery from 15 February.
/projects/more/black-stone-houseBlack Stone House wins Hackney Design Award 2018. Photo Hisao Suzuki
/news/2018/openings-serralves-...Openings, conversations with Alvaro Siza's archive at the Serralves Museum, curated by Tom Emerson, from 26 October until 27 January 2019
/news/2019/hamburg-housingConstruction has started on 6a's competition winning housing project in Hafen City, Hamburg
/news/2018/trees-down-hereTrees Down Here made by artist Ben Rivers for the Biennale di Venezia 2018 is released on mubi
/news/2018/south-london-galler...Sin texto
/projects/more/south-london-ga...South London Gallery Fire Station, opens this weekend. Photo by Johan Dehlin
/projects/more/the-perimeterThe Perimeter opens on Sunday 23rd September for Open House London 2018. Booking required. Photo by Joseph Asghar AA Files X, 6a co-founder Tom Emerson’s exploration of George Perec is published in a collection of nearly four decades of writing in the AA Files.
/news/2018/coastal-house-wins-...Coastal House wins a RIBA National Architectural Award. Photo by Johan Dehlin
/projects/more/coastal-houseCoastal House, Devon Photo by Johan Dehlin
/news/2018/trees-down-hereopen...Trees Down Here, The Natural History of Churchill College opens at the 16th International Architecture Exhibition, La Biennale di Venezia featuring a new fil...
/projects/more/blue-mountain-s...Blue Mountain School opens in Shoreditch, London. Photo by Lewis Ronald
/projects/more/black-stone-houseBlack Stone House awarded a riba London Award 2018. Photo by Johan Dehlin
/news/2018/coastal-house-wins-...Coastal House wins an riba South West Award 2018 and Conservation Award 2018. Photo by Johan Dehlin
/news/2018/kanal-brut-centre-p...Kanal Centre Pompidou competition, 6a, AdVVT & AGWA's entry displayed at the Kanal Centre, Brussels
/news/2018/major-boost-to-st-a...Mayor Sadiq Kahn has acquired the St Ann’s Hospital site giving a major boost to St Ann’s Redevelopment Trust (StART). 6a and Maccreanor Lavington have been ...
/projects/more/mk_galleryMK Gallery under construction, April 2018
/projects/more/mk_galleryTexto duplicado MK Gallery under construction, April 2018
/projects/selected/mk_gallerySubdominio MK Gallery steel frame completed, February 2018
/news/2018/7-architects-in-pra...7 Architects in Practice, Writings for Studio Nicholson
/news/2018/tall-buildings-thei...Tall Buildings: Their Problems and Some Ideas, Stephanie Macdonald and Sofia von Ellrichshausen co-curate and lead a symposium at the National Gallery of Vic...
/news/2018/rupert-street-melbo...Collingwood, Melbourne 6a commissioned for first Australian project. Photo by Will Neill © Molonglo Group 2018
/news/2018/el-croquis6a celebrates the start of 2018 with the launch of a new monograph published by El Croquis
/news/2017/wood-awards-2017coa...6a architects ' Coastal House, Devon, was announced as the overall winner of the 2017 Wood Awards awarded the Arnold Laver Gold Award and Best in category fo...
/news/2017/photography-studio-...Photography Studio for Juergen Teller, RIBA Stirling Prize 2017 to be announced 31st October
/news/2017/the-trade-show6a architects participate in The Trade Show organised by Faye Toogood for this year's London Design Festival.
/news/2017/chicago-architectur...Entitled Making New History, the Chicago Architecture Biennial invited 6a to reconsider the Chicago Tribune Competition. The famous competition was contempor...
/news/2017/park-hill-art-space...Park Hill Estate, 6a shortlisted for a new international public art venue in Sheffield. Photograph by Roger Mayne
/news/2017/citron-cultural-cen...Citroën Cultural Centre, 6a has been shortlisted to design a new Pompidou Centre satellite in Brussels in collaboration with architecten de vylder vinck tail...
/news/2016/glasgow_atlasGlasgow Atlas, Last weekend to see the exhibition by the students of Studio Tom Emerson from ETH Zurich, part of Glasgow International festival of contempora...
/news/2016/pavilion_of_reflect...Manifesta 11, Zurich, construction by staff and students from Studio Tom Emerson (6a) at ETH Zurich of the Pavilion of Reflections is nearing completion. It ...
/projects/more/mk_galleryMK Gallery, Milton Keynes, construction is about to start on a major expansion of MK Gallery
/news/2016/vicotria_mortonVictoria Morton, in conversation with Stephanie Macdonald at Sadie Coles hq, 1 Davies Street, London w1, 8 June, 7pm.
/projects/more/photography-stu...Architecture Today, 6a's studio for Juergen Teller features on the cover of Architecture Today, vol 270, July/August 2016 with an article and photographs by ...
/news/2016/churchill_collegeCowan Court, Churchill College, University of Cambridge, hrh The Duke of Gloucester opens Cowan Court on 23 September 2016 (photo Johan Dehlin)
/news/2016/juergen_teller_studioJuergen Teller Studio, reviewed by Rowan Moore in The Observer, 1 October 2016
/news/2017/frieze_academyOn Art and Architecture: Tom Emerson and Richard Wentworth, 9 February 2017, Frieze Academy
/news/2016/casabellaCasabella 868, Cowan Court, Churchill College Cambridge reviewed by Federico Tranfa Teller Studio, featured in Mark 65, December 2016
/projects/more/photography-stu...Juergen's Latimer Road Garden, Dan Pearson's garden in Juergen Teller's studio features in The Plant Magazine, Issue 10 with photographs by Juergen Teller.
/news/2017/6a_shortlisted_RIBA...riba Awards 2017, A Photography Studio for Juergen Teller and Cowan Court, the new halls of residence at Churchill College, University of Cambridge, have bot...
/news/2017/cowan_court_wins_a_...RIBA East Award 2017, for Cowan Court, Churchill College, University of Cambridge
/news/2017/rubens_house_and_ga...6a architects shortlisted for Ruben's House & Garden, Antwerp, Belgium
/news/2017/museum-of-the-yearDisobedient Bodies at The Hepworth Wakefield
/news/2017/maritime-museum-ant...Maritime Museum, 6a has been shortlisted for a major new museum in Antwerp
/projects/more/cowan-courtChurchill College Cambridge timber frame is complete,
/projects/more/cowan-courtChurchill College Cambridge, Mock up facade complete, October 2015
/news/2015/juergen_teller_edit...Juergen Teller edits new Salame publication, Juergen Teller uses construction site of his new studio designed by 6a as location for shoot
/projects/more/photography-stu...Juergen Teller Studio, the new studio for photographer Juergen Teller is complete. Photo by Johan Dehlin
/projects/more/cowan-courtCowan Court, Churchill College, University of Cambridge, construction of new halls of residence nears completion
/projects/more/cowan-courtCowan Court, Churchill College, University of Cambridge, reclaimed oak facade is complete
/news/2016/pavilion_of_reflect...Pavilion of Reflections, was pulled across lake Zurich on 27 May for the opening of Manifesta 11 on 11 June. The pavilion was designed and built by students ...
/projects/more/photography-stu...Plates / Teller, Bi-annual men’s fashion magazine Arena homme+ has published an extensive series of photographs by Juergen Teller at his recently completed s... June 2016
/news/2016/gabriel_orozco_gardenGabriel Orozco Garden, opens at the South London Gallery
/news/2016/art_quarterlyOrozco Garden at the South London Gallery, Louisa Buck interviews Gabriel Orozco and Stephanie Macdonald for Art Quartlerly
/news/2017/timber_brutCowan Court on the cover of the Architects' Journal, 26 January 2017, Jay Merrick reviews the new halls of residence at Churchill College, Cambridge
/news/2016/best_buildings_of_2016Cowan Court , is in The Guardian's top 10 buildings of the year and in The Oberver's top 5 photo Johan Dehlin
/news/2017/just_add_juergenJust Add Juergen, Icon Magazine, Juergen Teller's photographs in James McLachlan review of his new studio for Icon Magazine, March 2017. Photo by Juergen Tel...
/news/2017/disobedient_bodies_...Disobedient Bodies at The Hepworth Wakefield, Curated by Jonathan Anderson and designed by 6a architects, Disobedient Bodies opens today at The Hepworth Wake...
/news/2017/riba_london_buildin...RIBA Award and London Building of the Year 2017, for 6a's photography studio for Juergen Teller
/news/2017/riba_london_buildin...Photography Studio for Juergen Teller wins riba London Building of the Year 2017
/news/2017/ecevwjyexJuergen Teller's Photography Studio on the cover of the Architects' Journal, 22 June 2017, Rob Wilson describes its "glorious space-making"
/news/2017/riba-stirling-prize6a is nominated for the Stirling Prize 2017 for Juergen Teller's photography studio complex. bbc News photographed by Richard Wentworth House, Visits to the Tree House will be possible as part of Open House on Saturday 19th September. Booking is required.
/projects/more/photography-stu...Juergen Teller Studio
/projects/more/cowan-courtChurchill College curve is out of the ground, August 2015
/projects/more/the_world_of_ch...The World of Charles and Ray Eames, Barbican Art Gallery, 21st October 2015 - 14th February 2016. Photo by Johan Dehlin
/projects/more/tree_houseTree House, East London
/projects/more/photography-stu...Juergen Teller Studio approaches completion. Photo by Johan Dehlin
/projects/more/paul-smith6a architects x Paul Smith, 11 Albemarle Street, Mayfair
/projects/more/photography-stu...A new photography studio for Juergen Teller is under construction,
/projects/more/cowan-courtConstruction of a new halls of residence for Churchill College, Cambridge, will begin in Autumn 2014, Foundation, Zurich, 6a architects and Richard Wentworth have produced an installation in Theater Objects: A Stage for Architecture and Art
/projects/more/cowan-courtChurchill College, Cambridge, construction has begun on a new halls of residence Objects, 6a and artist Richard Wentworth's collaboration exhibited in Theatre Objects at the Luma Foundation in Zurich is included in the catalogue p...
/projects/more/south_london_ga...South London Gallery, Peckham, South London
/projects/more/ICAICA, The Mall, London, 2011
/projects/more/wim_crouwel_a_g...Wim Crouwel, A Graphic Odyssey, Design Museum, London, 2011 Park, Country House, Cambridgeshire
/projects/more/romneys-houseRomney's House, Hampstead, London
/projects/more/victoria_albert...V&A Fashion Gallery, Cromwell Road, London,
/projects/more/raven-rowRaven Row, Contemporary art exhibition centre, Spitalfields, London
/projects/more/victoria_albert...Texto duplicado V&A Fashion Gallery, Cromwell Road, London,
/projects/more/paul-smithMockups for cast iron facade, Mayfair, London 2012
/projects/more/the_stuff_that_...The Stuff That Matters, Textiles collected by Seth Siegelaub, 01.03–06.05.2012 at Raven Row
/projects/more/victoria_albert...V&A Fashion Gallery, Cromwell Road, London
/projects/more/romneys-houseTexto duplicado Romney's House, Hampstead, London
/projects/more/paul-smithCast iron facade for Paul Smith, Mayfair, London
/news/2015/LC_HouseLC House, North London
/projects/more/romneys-houseTexto duplicado Romney's House, Hampstead, London for an Artists' Cinema (2012), Luke Fowler and 6a architects. Turner Prize Exhibition 2012, Tate Britain
/projects/more/victoria_albert...V&A Fashion Gallery, London Modern, by Irénée Scalbert and 6a architects, published by Park Books, Zurich, 2013
/projects/more/mk_galleryFuture City, 06.12.13 - 05.01.14, Exhibition, MK Gallery, Helmut Jacoby, Milton Keynes City Centre, 1974
/projects/more/photography-stu...Juergen Teller Studio, construction site, 10 October 2014, 6a has designed Dust Free Friends, a limited edition furniture series for Brussels-based design initiative maniera.

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