/en.html | Texto ancla | Skip to site search |
/en.html | Texto ancla | Skip to main content |
/en/study/applications-and-adm... | Subdominio | Apply for admission to study |
https://www.auckland.ac.nz/ | | Waipapa Taumata RauUniversity of Auckland |
/en/study/applications-and-adm... | Subdominio | Apply to study |
https://canvas.auckland.ac.nz/ | Externo Subdominio | Canvas> |
/en/intranet.html | Subdominio | Staff intranet> |
http://www.student.auckland.ac... | Externo Subdominio | Student Services Online |
https://www.student.guest.auck... | Externo Subdominio | Class search |
https://canvas.auckland.ac.nz/ | Externo Subdominio | Canvas |
http://www.concursolutions.auc... | Externo Subdominio | Concur |
http://mail.aucklanduni.ac.nz/ | Externo Subdominio | Student email |
/en/about-us/about-the-univers... | | Change my password |
https://auckland.careercentre.... | Externo Subdominio | MyCDES+ (job board) |
https://courseoutline.auckland... | Externo Subdominio | Course outlines |
https://learningessentials.auc... | Externo Subdominio | Learning essentials |
/en/library.html | | Libraries and Learning Services |
https://profiles.auckland.ac.nz/ | Externo Subdominio | Our people |
/en/students/forms-policies-an... | | Forms, policies and guidelines |
/en/students/newstudents/campu... | | Campus Card |
/en/study/applications-and-adm... | | Enrol in courses |
/en/students/academic-informat... | | Postgraduate students |
/en/students/academic-informat... | | Summer school |
/en/students/academic-informat... | | Graduation |
https://uoa.custhelp.com/ | Externo Subdominio | AskAuckland |
/en/students/student-hubs.html | | Student Hubs |
/en/students/student-support/s... | | Student IT Hub |
/en/students/student-support/p... | | Student Health and Counselling |
/en/students/student-support/p... | | Be well |
/en/about-us/emergency-informa... | | Harassment, bullying, sexual assault and other violence |
/en/students/complaints-and-in... | | Complaints and incidents |
/en/students/student-support/a... | | Career Development and Employability Services (CDES) |
/en/students/student-support/p... | | Ratonga Hauātanga Tauira | Student Disability Services (SDS) |
/en/students/student-support/p... | | Rainbow support |
/en/about-us/emergency-informa... | | Emergency information |
/en/health-safety-wellbeing/re... | | Report concerns, incidents and hazards |
/en/health-safety-wellbeing/he... | | Health and safety topics |
/en/intranet.html | | Staff intranet |
https://login.microsoftonline.... | Externo Subdominio | Office 365 |
https://www.finance.ps.aucklan... | Externo Subdominio | PeopleSoft Financials |
https://canvas.auckland.ac.nz/ | Externo Subdominio Texto duplicado | Canvas |
http://www.student.admin.auckl... | Externo Subdominio Texto duplicado | Student Services Online |
https://resourcebooker.aucklan... | Externo Subdominio | Space and resource booker |
https://microstrategy.auckland... | Externo Subdominio | Enterprise Insights Portal |
https://www.hr.auckland.ac.nz/... | Externo Subdominio | PeopleSoft HR |
/en/library.html | Texto duplicado | Libraries and Learning Services |
https://formspace.auckland.ac.... | Externo Subdominio | Forms register |
/en/about-us/about-the-univers... | | Policy hub |
https://www.smartrecruiters.co... | Externo Subdominio | Jobs at the University |
/en/alumni/our-alumni.html | | Our alumni |
/en/alumni/get-involved.html | | Opportunities |
/en/alumni/get-involved/update... | | Update your details |
/en/alumni/make-a-donation.html | | Make a donation |
/en/alumni/whats-happening/eve... | | Events |
/en/news/list.html?tag=news:al... | Subdominio | News |
/en/alumni/whats-happening/alu... | | Publications |
/en/alumni/whats-happening/alu... | | Photo galleries |
/en/alumni/whats-happening/alu... | | Video and audio |
/en/alumni/what-we-offer-you/a... | | Career services |
/en/alumni/get-involved/virtua... | | Virtual Book Club |
/en/alumni/what-we-offer-you/a... | | Library services |
/en/alumni/what-we-offer-you/a... | | Alumni benefits |
/en/alumni/contact-alumni-offi... | | Office contact details |
/en/alumni/contact-alumni-offi... | | Alumni and friends on social media |
/en/students/academic-informat... | Subdominio | Key Dates |
https://auckland.primo.exlibri... | Externo Subdominio | My Library Account |
https://password.auckland.ac.n... | Externo Subdominio | Change Password |
https://superuoa.custhelp.com/... | Externo Subdominio | My Service requests |
https://iam.auckland.ac.nz/ide... | Externo Subdominio | Edit Profile |
/en/students/my-tools/sso/time... | | About your GPA |
https://uoa.custhelp.com/app/a... | Externo Subdominio | Why can't I see my GPA? |
https://auckland.instructure.com/ | Externo Subdominio | My courses |
https://www.student.auckland.a... | Externo Subdominio | My results |
https://uoa.custhelp.com/ | Externo Subdominio Texto duplicado | AskAuckland |
/en/students/student-hubs.html | Subdominio | Student hubs |
/en/students/student-support/s... | Subdominio | Health and counselling |
/en/students/student-support.html | Subdominio | All support |
/en/health-safety-wellbeing.html | Subdominio | Health, safety and well-being |
/en/about-us/emergency-informa... | Subdominio Texto duplicado | Emergency information |
/en/health-safety-wellbeing/re... | Subdominio Texto duplicado | Report concerns, incidents and hazards |
/en/on-campus/emergencies-and-... | Subdominio Texto duplicado | Harassment, bullying, sexual assault and other violence |
/en/students.html | | Ngā tauira Students |
/en/students/my-tools.html | | Tools |
http://www.student.auckland.ac... | Externo Subdominio Texto duplicado | Student Services Online |
https://www.student.guest.auck... | Externo Subdominio Texto duplicado | Class search |
https://canvas.auckland.ac.nz/ | Externo Subdominio Texto duplicado | Canvas |
http://www.concursolutions.auc... | Externo Subdominio Texto duplicado | Concur |
http://mail.aucklanduni.ac.nz/ | Externo Subdominio Texto duplicado | Student email |
/en/about-us/about-the-univers... | Texto duplicado | Change my password |
https://auckland.careercentre.... | Externo Subdominio Texto duplicado | MyCDES+ (job board) |
https://courseoutline.auckland... | Externo Subdominio Texto duplicado | Course outlines |
https://learningessentials.auc... | Externo Subdominio Texto duplicado | Learning essentials |
/en/library.html | Texto duplicado | Libraries and Learning Services |
https://profiles.auckland.ac.nz/ | Externo Subdominio Texto duplicado | Our people |
/en/students/forms-policies-an... | Texto duplicado | Forms, policies and guidelines |
/en/students/newstudents.html | | New students |
/en/students/newstudents/campu... | Texto duplicado | Campus Card |
/en/students/academic-informat... | | Academic information |
/en/study/applications-and-adm... | Texto duplicado | Enrol in courses |
/en/students/academic-informat... | Texto duplicado | Postgraduate students |
/en/students/academic-informat... | Texto duplicado | Summer school |
/en/students/academic-informat... | Texto duplicado | Graduation |
/en/students/student-support.html | | Support |
https://uoa.custhelp.com/ | Externo Subdominio Texto duplicado | AskAuckland |
/en/students/student-hubs.html | Texto duplicado | Student Hubs |
/en/students/student-support/s... | Texto duplicado | Student IT Hub |
/en/students/student-support/p... | Texto duplicado | Student Health and Counselling |
/en/students/student-support/p... | Texto duplicado | Be well |
/en/about-us/emergency-informa... | Texto duplicado | Harassment, bullying, sexual assault and other violence |
/en/students/complaints-and-in... | Texto duplicado | Complaints and incidents |
/en/students/student-support/a... | Texto duplicado | Career Development and Employability Services (CDES) |
/en/students/student-support/p... | Texto duplicado | Ratonga Hauātanga Tauira | Student Disability Services (SDS) |
/en/students/student-support/p... | Texto duplicado | Rainbow support |
/en/health-safety-wellbeing.html | | Health, safety and wellbeing |
/en/about-us/emergency-informa... | Texto duplicado | Emergency information |
/en/health-safety-wellbeing/re... | Texto duplicado | Report concerns, incidents and hazards |
/en/health-safety-wellbeing/he... | Texto duplicado | Health and safety topics |
/en/staff.html | | Ngā kaimahi Staff |
/en/staff/my-tools.html | | My tools |
https://outlook.office.com/mai... | Externo Subdominio | Staff email |
/en/intranet.html | Texto duplicado | Staff intranet |
https://login.microsoftonline.... | Externo Subdominio Texto duplicado | Office 365 |
https://www.finance.ps.aucklan... | Externo Subdominio Texto duplicado | PeopleSoft Financials |
https://canvas.auckland.ac.nz/ | Externo Subdominio Texto duplicado | Canvas |
http://www.student.admin.auckl... | Externo Subdominio Texto duplicado | Student Services Online |
https://resourcebooker.aucklan... | Externo Subdominio Texto duplicado | Space and resource booker |
https://microstrategy.auckland... | Externo Subdominio Texto duplicado | Enterprise Insights Portal |
https://www.hr.auckland.ac.nz/... | Externo Subdominio Texto duplicado | PeopleSoft HR |
/en/library.html | Texto duplicado | Libraries and Learning Services |
https://formspace.auckland.ac.... | Externo Subdominio Texto duplicado | Forms register |
/en/about-us/about-the-univers... | Texto duplicado | Change my password |
/en/staff.html | | Staff information |
https://profiles.auckland.ac.nz/ | Externo Subdominio Texto duplicado | Our people |
https://research-hub.auckland.... | Externo Subdominio | ResearchHub |
/en/about-us/about-the-univers... | Texto duplicado | Policy hub |
/en/staff/education-office.html | | Education Office |
https://teachwell.auckland.ac.nz/ | Externo Subdominio | TeachWell |
https://www.smartrecruiters.co... | Externo Subdominio Texto duplicado | Jobs at the University |
https://www.calendar.auckland.... | Externo Subdominio | University Calendar |
/en/health-safety-wellbeing.html | Texto duplicado | Health, safety and wellbeing |
/en/about-us/emergency-informa... | Texto duplicado | Emergency information |
/en/health-safety-wellbeing/re... | Texto duplicado | Report concerns, incidents and hazards |
/en/health-safety-wellbeing/he... | Texto duplicado | Health and safety topics |
/en/about-us/emergency-informa... | Texto duplicado | Harassment, bullying, sexual assault and other violence |
/en/alumni.html | | Raukura Alumni |
/en/alumni.html | | Alumni and friends |
/en/alumni/our-alumni.html | Texto duplicado | Our alumni |
/en/alumni/get-involved.html | Texto duplicado | Opportunities |
/en/alumni/get-involved/update... | Texto duplicado | Update your details |
/en/alumni/make-a-donation.html | Texto duplicado | Make a donation |
/en/alumni/whats-happening.html | | What's happening |
/en/alumni/whats-happening/eve... | Texto duplicado | Events |
/en/news/list.html?tag=news:al... | Subdominio Texto duplicado | News |
/en/alumni/whats-happening/alu... | Texto duplicado | Publications |
/en/alumni/whats-happening/alu... | Texto duplicado | Photo galleries |
/en/alumni/whats-happening/alu... | Texto duplicado | Video and audio |
/en/alumni/what-we-offer-you.html | | What we offer you |
/en/alumni/what-we-offer-you/a... | Texto duplicado | Career services |
/en/alumni/get-involved/virtua... | Texto duplicado | Virtual Book Club |
/en/alumni/what-we-offer-you/a... | Texto duplicado | Library services |
/en/alumni/what-we-offer-you/a... | Texto duplicado | Alumni benefits |
/en/alumni/contact-alumni-offi... | | Contact the Alumni Office |
/en/alumni/contact-alumni-offi... | Texto duplicado | Office contact details |
/en/alumni/contact-alumni-offi... | Texto duplicado | Alumni and friends on social media |
/en/study.html | | Ngā akoranga Study |
/en/study/study-options.html | | Study options |
/en/study/study-options/find-a... | | Find a study option |
https://courseoutline.auckland... | Externo Subdominio Texto duplicado | Course outlines |
/en/study/study-options/underg... | | Undergraduate study options |
https://guide.auckland.ac.nz/ | Externo Subdominio | Personalised undergraduate study options |
/en/study/study-options/postgr... | | Postgraduate study options |
/en/study/applications-and-adm... | | Entry requirements |
/en/study/study-options/profes... | | Professional development and short courses |
/en/study/study-options/360-in... | | 360 International |
/en/study/applications-and-adm... | | Applications and admissions |
/en/study/applications-and-adm... | | Apply now |
/en/study/applications-and-adm... | Texto duplicado | Enrol in courses |
/en/on-campus/accommodation.html | | Accommodation options |
/en/study/fees-and-money-matte... | | Fees and money matters |
/en/study/scholarships-and-awa... | | Scholarships and awards |
/en/study/maori-students.html | | Māori students |
/en/study/pacific-students.html | | Pacific students |
/en/study/international-studen... | | International students |
https://www.uniauckland.cn/ | Externo Subdominio | China website 中文网站 |
/en/study/international-studen... | Texto duplicado | Study options |
/en/study/international-studen... | Texto duplicado | Entry requirements |
/en/study/international-studen... | | Scholarships, loans and funding |
https://response.auckland.ac.n... | Externo Subdominio | Future undergraduate |
https://response.auckland.ac.n... | Externo Subdominio | Future postgraduate |
https://response.auckland.ac.n... | Externo Subdominio | International student |
/en/study/our-faculties.html | | Our faculties |
/en/arts.html | | Arts |
/en/business.html | | Business School |
/en/creative.html | | Creative Arts and Industries |
/en/education.html | | Education and Social work |
/en/engineering.html | | Engineering |
/en/law.html | | Law |
/en/fmhs.html | | Medical and Health Sciences |
/en/science.html | | Science |
/en/research.html | | Rangahau Research |
/en/research/about-our-researc... | | About our research |
/en/research/the-challenge.html | | Mātātaki | The Challenge |
/en/research/postgraduate-rese... | | Postgraduate research and study |
https://research-hub.auckland.... | Externo Subdominio Texto duplicado | ResearchHub |
/en/research/business-and-comm... | | Business and commercial |
https://www.uniservices.co.nz/ | Externo Subdominio | UniServices |
/en/on-campus/our-campuses/cam... | | Newmarket Innovation Precinct |
/en/research/research-institut... | | Research centres and institutes |
/en/research/research-institut... | | University research centres |
/en/abi/our-research.html | | Auckland Bioengineering Institute |
/en/liggins.html | | Liggins Institute |
https://research-hub.auckland.... | Externo Subdominio | Centres of Research Excellence |
/en/research/research-institut... | | Other research centres |
/en/research/research-by-facul... | | Research by faculty |
/en/arts/our-research.html | Texto duplicado | Arts |
/en/business/our-research.html | Texto duplicado | Business School |
/en/creative/our-research.html | Texto duplicado | Creative Arts and Industries |
/en/education/research.html | | Education and Social Work |
/en/engineering/our-research.html | Texto duplicado | Engineering |
/en/law/our-research.html | Texto duplicado | Law |
/en/fmhs/research.html | Texto duplicado | Medical and Health Sciences |
/en/science/our-research.html | Texto duplicado | Science |
/en/on-campus.html | | Te ao ki konei On campus |
/en/on-campus/our-campuses.html | | Our campuses |
/en/on-campus/our-campuses/cam... | | Campus maps |
/en/about-us/emergency-informa... | | Emergencies and safety on campus |
/en/on-campus/life-on-campus.html | | Life on campus |
/en/on-campus/life-on-campus/l... | | Living in Auckland |
/en/on-campus/life-on-campus/c... | | Clubs and societies |
/en/on-campus/life-on-campus/w... | | What's On |
/en/on-campus/life-on-campus/m... | | Māori life on campus |
/en/on-campus/life-on-campus/p... | | Pacific life on campus |
https://www.theinsideword.ac.nz/ | Externo Subdominio | Blog: The Inside Word |
/en/on-campus/accommodation.html | | Accommodation |
/en/on-campus/accommodation/ac... | | Self-catered accommodation |
/en/on-campus/accommodation/ac... | | Catered accommodation |
/en/on-campus/accommodation/ho... | | How to apply |
/en/on-campus/facilities-and-s... | | Facilities and services |
/en/library.html | Texto duplicado | Libraries and Learning Services |
/en/on-campus/facilities-and-s... | | Early childhood centres |
/en/on-campus/facilities-and-s... | | Food and retail |
/en/on-campus/facilities-and-s... | | Sport and recreation |
/en/on-campus/facilities-and-s... | | Event and conference services |
/en/on-campus/facilities-and-s... | | University of Auckland Clinics |
/en/on-campus/facilities-and-s... | | Kate Edger Information Commons |
/en/about-us.html | | Mō mātou About us |
/en/about-us/about-the-univers... | | About the University |
/en/study/our-faculties.html | | Our faculties and institutes |
/en/about-us/about-the-univers... | | Equity at the University |
/en/about-us/about-the-univers... | | Sustainability |
/en/about-us/business-and-empl... | | Business and employers |
/en/about-us/community-service... | | Community services |
https://www.calendar.auckland.... | Externo Subdominio Texto duplicado | University Calendar |
https://cape.org.nz/ | Externo | Centres of Asia-Pacific Excellence |
/en/about-us/connect-with-us.html | | Connect with us |
/en/about-us/connect-with-us/c... | | Contact us |
https://profiles.auckland.ac.nz/ | Externo Subdominio Texto duplicado | Our people |
https://www.givingtoauckland.o... | Externo Subdominio | Donate to the University |
/en/about-us/jobs-at-auckland.... | | Work with us |
/en/about-us/jobs-at-auckland/... | | Staff benefits |
/en/about-us/jobs-at-auckland/... | | Career development |
/en/news.html | | Ngā kaupapa me ngā hui News and events |
/en/news.html | | Latest news |
/en/news/list.html?tag=news:co... | Subdominio | University news |
/en/news/list.html?tag=news:co... | Subdominio | Sustainable impact |
/en/news/list.html?tag=news:co... | Subdominio | Health and medicine |
/en/news/list.html?tag=news:co... | Subdominio | Science and technology |
/en/news/list.html?tag=news:th... | Subdominio Texto duplicado | Mātātaki | The Challenge |
/en/news/notices.html | | Notices |
/en/about-us/about-the-univers... | Texto duplicado | Publications |
/en/on-campus/life-on-campus/w... | | What's on for students |
https://unievents.auckland.ac.... | Externo Subdominio | University events |
/en/news/list.html?tag=news:au... | Subdominio Texto duplicado | Auckland Bioengineering Institute |
/en/news/list.html?tag=news:li... | Subdominio Texto duplicado | Liggins Institute |
/en/news/list.html?tag=news:fa... | Subdominio Texto duplicado | Arts |
/en/news/list.html?tag=news:bu... | Subdominio Texto duplicado | Business School |
/en/news/list.html?tag=news:fa... | Subdominio Texto duplicado | Creative Arts and Industries |
/en/news/list.html?tag=news:fa... | Subdominio Texto duplicado | Education and Social Work |
/en/news/list.html?tag=news:fa... | Subdominio Texto duplicado | Engineering |
/en/news/list.html?tag=news:au... | Subdominio Texto duplicado | Law |
/en/news/list.html?tag=news:fa... | Subdominio Texto duplicado | Medical and Health Sciences |
/en/news/list.html?tag=news:fa... | Subdominio Texto duplicado | Science |
/en/news/media-contacts.html | | Contacts |
https://profiles.auckland.ac.n... | Externo Subdominio | Find a media expert |
/en/giving.html | | Takoha Giving |
/en/giving/donate.html | | Donate |
/en/giving/donate/select-an-ar... | | Select an area to support |
/en/giving/donate/a-z-list-of-... | | A-Z list of funds |
/en/giving/other-ways-to-give/... | | Leaving a gift in your will |
/en/giving/other-ways-to-give.... | | Other ways to give |
/en/alumni/get-involved/volunt... | | Volunteering and mentoring opportunities |
/en/news/list.html?tag=news:gi... | Subdominio | Giving news |
/en/giving/about-the-campaign/... | | The For All Our Futures Campaign |
/en/giving/your-questions-abou... | | Your questions |
/en/giving/your-questions-abou... | | Questions about giving |
/en/giving/your-questions-abou... | | Tax efficient giving |
/en/giving/contact-us.html | | Contact the Fundraising Team |
/en/study/applications-and-adm... | | Applications closing soon |
/en/study/applications-and-adm... | Texto duplicado | Apply now A-TITLE Apply now |
/en/study/study-options/summer... | | Summer School |
/en/study/study-options/summer... | Texto duplicado | Apply now A-TITLE Apply now |
/en/on-campus/facilities-and-s... | | Hiwa, Recreation Centre |
/en/on-campus/facilities-and-s... | | Find out more A-TITLE Find out more |
https://www.online.auckland.ac... | Externo Subdominio | UoA Online |
https://www.online.auckland.ac... | Externo Subdominio Texto duplicado | Find out more A-TITLE Find out more |
/en/study/study-options/postgr... | | Postgraduate study |
/en/study/study-options/postgr... | | Explore options A-TITLE Explore options |
/en/students/student-hubs.html | Texto duplicado | Student Hubs |
/en/students/student-hubs.html | Texto duplicado | Find out more A-TITLE Find out more |
/en/study/international-studen... | | Joining us as an international student? |
/en/study/international-studen... | Texto duplicado | Find out more A-TITLE Find out more |
/en/study/international-studen... | | Study options for international students |
/en/study/international-studen... | Texto duplicado | Find out more A-TITLE Find out more |
/en/study/study-options/underg... | | New Start |
/en/study/study-options/underg... | Texto duplicado | Find out more A-TITLE Find out more |
/en/study/study-options/underg... | | Summer Programmes |
/en/study/study-options/underg... | Texto duplicado | Find out more A-TITLE Find out more |
/en/on-campus/accommodation.html | | Accommodation applications |
/en/on-campus/accommodation.html | Texto duplicado | Find out more A-TITLE Find out more |
/en/study/fees-and-money-matte... | | StudyLink applications closing soon |
/en/study/fees-and-money-matte... | | Get started A-TITLE Get started |
https://uoa.custhelp.com/app/a... | Externo Subdominio | How long does it take for StudyLink to process my Student Loan application? A-TITLE How long does it take for StudyLink to process my Student Loan application? |
https://uoa.custhelp.com/app/a... | Externo Subdominio | How do I enrol in courses? A-TITLE How do I enrol in courses? |
https://uoa.custhelp.com/app/a... | Externo Subdominio | How do I apply for my University of Auckland student visa? A-TITLE How do I apply for my University of Auckland student visa? |
/en/about-us/about-the-univers... | | No.1 ranked NZ University |
/en/about-us/about-the-univers... | Texto duplicado | Find out more A-TITLE Find out more |
/en/news/2024/12/04/online-hat... | | Online hate: new tool identifies toxic text |
/en/news/2024/12/04/online-hat... | | Texto ancla no relevante Read more A-TITLE Read more |
/en/news/2024/12/05/what-happe... | | What happens when trademarks go too far? |
/en/news/2024/12/05/what-happe... | Texto duplicado | Texto ancla no relevante Read more A-TITLE Read more |
/en/news/2024/12/03/are-we-cou... | | Are we counting on the right evidence? |
/en/news/2024/12/03/are-we-cou... | Texto duplicado | Texto ancla no relevante Read more A-TITLE Read more |
/en/news/2024/12/02/safeguardi... | | Safeguarding Pacific youth focus of new study |
/en/news/2024/12/02/safeguardi... | Texto duplicado | Texto ancla no relevante Read more A-TITLE Read more |
/en/news/2024/12/02/czech-pres... | | Czech President highlights ‘immense potential’ for research collaboration |
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