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Estructura de los encabezados

Jerarquía de encabezadosContenido
H2 Latest
H2 BDP reports record turnover as it expands global operations
H2 Latest Texto duplicado
H2 Stiff & Trevillion submits plans for upmarket City hotel at foot of Tower 42
H2 Specification Spotlight
H2 CPD 02 2025: Hard landscaping specification for housing developments
H2 Material passports: the key to carbon reduction, greater component reuse and more sustainable construction
H2 The way forward for sustainable fibre cement facades
H2 Building with confidence: Competency, skills and designing with structural timber
H2 CPD 02 2025: Hard landscaping specification for housing developments Texto duplicado
H2 Material passports: the key to carbon reduction, greater component reuse and more sustainable construction Texto duplicado
H2 The way forward for sustainable fibre cement facades Texto duplicado
H2 Building with confidence: Competency, skills and designing with structural timber Texto duplicado
H2 Focus
H2 Jan Kattein: architect as catalyst – ‘A transformational impact can be achieved with limited means’
H2 Populous’ EMEA chief Chris Lee made global vice chair
H2 Why protecting the function of architects is a matter of public safety
H2 GPAD gets go-ahead for 13-flat infill scheme in Wembley
H2 Paul Vick Architects secures planning for redevelopment of historic Chiswick care home
H2 Work on first new towns to ‘start within four years’ says Pennycook as 100 proposals submitted
H2 Four AHMM projects on shortlist for RIBA London Awards
H2 Roman basilica uncovered at 85 Gracechurch Street set to feature in Woods Bagot office scheme
H2 Replace the Office for Place with an Office for Space
H2 Green light for Orms office scheme in Southwark
H2 Specification
H2 What made this project... The OWO by EPR Architects
H2 Terraced streets tackle climate change with ambient loop system
H2 It’s time for designers to electrify
H2 CPD 02 2025: Hard landscaping specification for housing developments Texto duplicado
H2 CPD 01 2025: Understanding the regulatory requirements for modern ventilation systems
H2 CPD 20 2024: Steel structures for fire performance
H2 CPD 19 2024: Specifying glass in rooflights
H2 CPD 18 2024: Carbon negative brick solutions
H2 CPD 17 2024: Flat roofs and fire testing standards
H2 CPD 16 2024: Embedding excellence in carbon management
H2 CPD 15 2024: Digital workflow technology
H2 CPD 14 2024: Engaging BIM to build a more connected built environment
H2 CPD 13 2024: When a warranty comes into play
H2 CPD 12 2024: Future-proofing balcony and terrace flooring
H2 CPD 11 2024: Thermal regulation and the performance gap
H2 CPD 10 2024: Understanding overheating in homes
H2 CPD 09 2024: The role of rooflights within the Future Homes Standard and beyond
H2 CPD 08 2024: Polycarbonate facades for sustainability
H2 CPD 07 2024: Reducing waste in development fit-outs through fan coil solution design
H2 CPD 06 2024: Ensuring safety for working at height
H2 CPD 05 2024: An introduction to hostile vehicle mitigation
H2 CPD 04 2024: Using ozone for decontamination
H2 CPD 03 2024: Exploring the A to Z Essential Principles
H2 Sponsored content
H2 The way forward for sustainable fibre cement facades Texto duplicado
H2 Building with confidence: Competency, skills and designing with structural timber Texto duplicado
H2 WA100 Digital Edition
H2 WA100 2025: Digital edition
H2 Architect of the Year Awards 2024
H2 What made this project... The OWO by EPR Architects Texto duplicado
H2 What made this project... Maple House by Gibson Thornley
H2 What made this project... Francis House by Gensler
H2 What made this project... NMIS interiors by HLM Architects
H2 What made this project... Barn X by LOM architecture and design
H2 What made this project... n2 by Lynch Architects
H2 What made this project... House of Communication by Henn
H2 What made this project... Central Foundation Boys’ School by Hawkins Brown
H2 What made this project... The OWO by EPR Architects Texto duplicado
H2 What made this project... Maple House by Gibson Thornley Texto duplicado
H2 What made this project... Francis House by Gensler Texto duplicado
H2 What made this project... NMIS interiors by HLM Architects Texto duplicado
H2 What made this project... Barn X by LOM architecture and design Texto duplicado
H2 What made this project... n2 by Lynch Architects Texto duplicado
H2 What made this project... House of Communication by Henn Texto duplicado
H2 What made this project... Central Foundation Boys’ School by Hawkins Brown Texto duplicado
H2 Boomers to Zoomers
H2 Paul Vick Architects secures planning for redevelopment of historic Chiswick care home Texto duplicado
H2 Youth-designed pavilion unveiled in Camden’s HS2 meanwhile garden
H2 Rayner vows to ‘fix the system’ after report links 74 child deaths to temporary accommodation
H2 Compact living, big impact: Dovehouse Court’s lesson in sustainability and community
H2 Why inclusive housing design benefits us all
H2 Putting children and young people at the heart of housing design
H2 Closing the skills gap: Alison Watson on transforming built environment education
H2 UK nightlife faces extinction by 2029 if venue closures persist, warns industry body
H2 Chief Medical Officer’s report calls for active travel, improved housing, and cleaner air in cities
H2 Labour urged to address built environment’s role in young people’s lives
H2 Paul Vick Architects secures planning for redevelopment of historic Chiswick care home Texto duplicado
H2 Youth-designed pavilion unveiled in Camden’s HS2 meanwhile garden Texto duplicado
H2 Rayner vows to ‘fix the system’ after report links 74 child deaths to temporary accommodation Texto duplicado
H2 Compact living, big impact: Dovehouse Court’s lesson in sustainability and community Texto duplicado
H2 Why inclusive housing design benefits us all Texto duplicado
H2 Putting children and young people at the heart of housing design Texto duplicado
H2 Closing the skills gap: Alison Watson on transforming built environment education Texto duplicado
H2 UK nightlife faces extinction by 2029 if venue closures persist, warns industry body Texto duplicado
H2 Chief Medical Officer’s report calls for active travel, improved housing, and cleaner air in cities Texto duplicado
H2 Labour urged to address built environment’s role in young people’s lives Texto duplicado
H2 In Pictures
H2 DLA completes new construction and engineering facility at Oaklands College
H2 Loader Monteith completes rural home in Angus
H2 Levitt Bernstein completes Newham’s first Passivhaus-certified social housing
H2 Fletcher Priest completes refurbishment of former BHS headquarters in Marylebone
H2 In pictures: KPF completes Istanbul bank headquarters
H2 ZHA metro station opens as key hub in Riyadh transit system
H2 First look at Sadler’s Wells East ahead of February opening
H2 SPPARC completes restoration of Army & Navy warehouse in Westminster
H2 DEDRAFT completes new-build home in rural Oxfordshire
H2 Heatherwick completes mixed-use development in Xi’an
H2 DLA completes new construction and engineering facility at Oaklands College Texto duplicado
H2 Loader Monteith completes rural home in Angus Texto duplicado
H2 Levitt Bernstein completes Newham’s first Passivhaus-certified social housing Texto duplicado
H2 Fletcher Priest completes refurbishment of former BHS headquarters in Marylebone Texto duplicado
H2 In pictures: KPF completes Istanbul bank headquarters Texto duplicado
H2 ZHA metro station opens as key hub in Riyadh transit system Texto duplicado
H2 First look at Sadler’s Wells East ahead of February opening Texto duplicado
H2 SPPARC completes restoration of Army & Navy warehouse in Westminster Texto duplicado
H2 DEDRAFT completes new-build home in rural Oxfordshire Texto duplicado
H2 Heatherwick completes mixed-use development in Xi’an Texto duplicado
H2 WA100 2025
H2 WA100 2025: Hopes take a wobble
H2 WA100 2025: Digital edition Texto duplicado
H2 WA100 2025: The big list
H2 WA100 2025: Hopes take a wobble Texto duplicado
H2 WA100 2025: Digital edition Texto duplicado
H2 WA100 2025: The big list Texto duplicado
H2 Opinion
H2 Why protecting the function of architects is a matter of public safety Texto duplicado
H2 Replace the Office for Place with an Office for Space Texto duplicado
H2 What’s stopping us from being more collaborative?
H2 WH Smith and the ‘perma-crisis’ on the high street
H2 Housing needs architects – and it’s time to make the case
H2 It’s time for trams – and Britain needs to catch up
H2 Briefing
H2 ‘This is a growth story’... Network Rail’s strategy to become one of the UK’s largest housebuilders
H2 Jan Kattein: architect as catalyst – ‘A transformational impact can be achieved with limited means’ Texto duplicado
H2 What the delays at the Building Safety Regulator mean for high-rise development
H2 5 minutes with ... Ayman El Hibri at Wilkinson Eyre
H2 Material passports: the key to carbon reduction, greater component reuse and more sustainable construction Texto duplicado
H2 ‘Frankly, what’s the alternative?’ Turley’s Stephen Bell applauds the government’s planning vision
H2 Sponsored content Texto duplicado
H2 Meeting sustainability objectives with durability
H2 A New Era of Design: Thinking Together
H2 Reducing carbon in steel
H2 Building Reputations Together: Specify a Dow Quality Bond™ Member
H2 Reimagining Outdoor Spaces with Marshalls’ Modal X at Cambridge Biomedical Campus
H2 Integrating security into architectural office designs
H2 Buildings
H2 Compact living, big impact: Dovehouse Court’s lesson in sustainability and community Texto duplicado
H2 How Bennetts Associates transformed a Victorian hospital into a forward-focused university department
H2 Rowan Court: a blueprint for council housing that repairs the urban fabric and elevates its context
H2 Space House: 1960s icon gets another chance to shine
H2 Midland Metropolitan University Hospital: Inside the long, costly journey to deliver Birmingham and Sandwell’s new £1bn ‘super hospital’
H2 A triangular community: how Author brings generations together at King’s Cross
H2 A decade in the making: Norton Folgate’s controversial redevelopment unveiled
H2 ‘A glimpse of new horizons’: Cooke Fawcett’s reworking of Cockpit’s craft incubator
H2 A harmonious blend of context and concept: Mass Studies reimagines the Serpentine Pavilion
H2 Under The Big Roof... Charity unites generations and nurtures skills that last a lifetime
H2 Compact living, big impact: Dovehouse Court’s lesson in sustainability and community Texto duplicado
H2 How Bennetts Associates transformed a Victorian hospital into a forward-focused university department Texto duplicado
H2 Rowan Court: a blueprint for council housing that repairs the urban fabric and elevates its context Texto duplicado
H2 Space House: 1960s icon gets another chance to shine Texto duplicado
H2 Midland Metropolitan University Hospital: Inside the long, costly journey to deliver Birmingham and Sandwell’s new £1bn ‘super hospital’ Texto duplicado
H2 A triangular community: how Author brings generations together at King’s Cross Texto duplicado
H2 A decade in the making: Norton Folgate’s controversial redevelopment unveiled Texto duplicado
H2 ‘A glimpse of new horizons’: Cooke Fawcett’s reworking of Cockpit’s craft incubator Texto duplicado
H2 A harmonious blend of context and concept: Mass Studies reimagines the Serpentine Pavilion Texto duplicado
H2 Under The Big Roof... Charity unites generations and nurtures skills that last a lifetime Texto duplicado
H2 Reviews
H2 Saint, state and stone: the politics of preserving Old Goa’s Basilica de Bom Jesus
H2 Film review: The Brutalist – It isn’t really about brutalism...
H2 The bold brilliance of Edwardian Baroque: rediscovering Edwin Rickards
H2 Rogue Goths: the flamboyant and eccentric architects who reimagined Victorian Gothic Revival
H2 ‘Where sculpture and building come together’: a history of collaboration between sculptors and architects
H2 Why inclusive housing design benefits us all Texto duplicado
H2 ‘New methods for the old’: how Minnette de Silva redefined modernity
H2 Modern Architecture in a Post-Modern Era
H2 Materialized Space: The Architecture of Paul Rudolph
H2 Nithurst Farm: ‘an uncompromising engagement with architecture in all its spatial, material, and symbolic richness’
H2 Saint, state and stone: the politics of preserving Old Goa’s Basilica de Bom Jesus Texto duplicado
H2 Film review: The Brutalist – It isn’t really about brutalism... Texto duplicado
H2 The bold brilliance of Edwardian Baroque: rediscovering Edwin Rickards Texto duplicado
H2 Rogue Goths: the flamboyant and eccentric architects who reimagined Victorian Gothic Revival Texto duplicado
H2 ‘Where sculpture and building come together’: a history of collaboration between sculptors and architects Texto duplicado
H2 Why inclusive housing design benefits us all Texto duplicado
H2 ‘New methods for the old’: how Minnette de Silva redefined modernity Texto duplicado
H2 Modern Architecture in a Post-Modern Era Texto duplicado
H2 Materialized Space: The Architecture of Paul Rudolph Texto duplicado
H2 Nithurst Farm: ‘an uncompromising engagement with architecture in all its spatial, material, and symbolic richness’ Texto duplicado
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https://www.buildingproductsea...Externo Subdominio Product Search
/intelligence-for-architects/m...Subdominio Boomers to Zoomers: Designing for the Generations Subdominio Texto duplicado Subscribe Subdominio Jobs
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IMG-ALT Stiff Trevillion Old Broad St 1
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IMG-ALT 1937984_pattern004_jpg_63319
/news/populous-emea-chief-chri...Populous’ EMEA chief Chris Lee made global vice chair
IMG-ALT Lee_Christopher_enviro[8]
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IMG-ALT Starmer Nansledan
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https://www.buildingproductsea...Externo Subdominio Texto duplicado Product Search
/intelligence-for-architects/m...Subdominio Texto duplicado Boomers to Zoomers: Designing for the Generations Subdominio Texto duplicado Subscribe Subdominio Texto duplicado Jobs
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/intelligence-for-architects/m...Subdominio Click here for more
IMG-ALT Colourful logo promoting Boomers to Zoomers campaign
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/news/stiff-and-trevillion-sub...Subdominio IMG-ALT Stiff Trevillion Old Broad St 1
/news/stiff-and-trevillion-sub...Subdominio Texto duplicado Stiff & Trevillion submits plans for upmarket City hotel at foot of Tower 42
/programmes/buildings-design-a...Subdominio Specification Spotlight
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/tobermore/4503836.bioSubdominio Tobermore
/briefing/material-passports-t...Subdominio IMG-ALT 30 Duke Street St James’s – courtesy of GPE, render by The Boundary copy
/briefing/material-passports-t...Subdominio Material passports: the key to carbon reduction, greater component reuse and more sustainable construction
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/buildings-design-and-specific...Subdominio IMG-ALT Suzanna Lashford Head of Business Development
/buildings-design-and-specific...Subdominio It’s time for designers to electrify
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/news/what-made-this-project-m...Subdominio IMG-ALT Index pic (83)
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/news/what-made-this-project-f...Subdominio IMG-ALT Gensler Edelman 02
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/news/what-made-this-project-n...Subdominio IMG-ALT National Manufacturing Institute Scotland2
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/news/what-made-this-project-b...Subdominio What made this project... Barn X by LOM architecture and design
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/news/what-made-this-project-h...Subdominio IMG-ALT 1403_Foto_Mark_Seelen_1
/news/what-made-this-project-h...Subdominio What made this project... House of Communication by Henn
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/news/what-made-this-project-c...Subdominio What made this project... Central Foundation Boys’ School by Hawkins Brown
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/news/paul-vick-architects-sec...Subdominio Texto duplicado Paul Vick Architects secures planning for redevelopment of historic Chiswick care home
/news/youth-designed-pavilion-...Subdominio IMG-ALT M+F_Reflect_Installed_01_credit Nick Turpin
/news/youth-designed-pavilion-...Subdominio Youth-designed pavilion unveiled in Camden’s HS2 meanwhile garden
/news/rayner-vows-to-fix-the-s...Subdominio IMG-ALT rayner
/news/rayner-vows-to-fix-the-s...Subdominio Rayner vows to ‘fix the system’ after report links 74 child deaths to temporary accommodation
/buildings/compact-living-big-...Subdominio IMG-ALT 08 Mole Dovehouse Court credit David Butler 328 Hires
/buildings/compact-living-big-...Subdominio Compact living, big impact: Dovehouse Court’s lesson in sustainability and community
/briefing/why-inclusive-housin...Subdominio IMG-ALT InclusiveHousing_GIF
/briefing/why-inclusive-housin...Subdominio Why inclusive housing design benefits us all
/opinion/putting-children-and-...Subdominio IMG-ALT ZCD Dinah Bornat reduced
/opinion/putting-children-and-...Subdominio Putting children and young people at the heart of housing design
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/briefing/closing-the-skills-g...Subdominio Closing the skills gap: Alison Watson on transforming built environment education
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/news/uk-nightlife-faces-extin...Subdominio UK nightlife faces extinction by 2029 if venue closures persist, warns industry body
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/news/chief-medical-officers-r...Subdominio Chief Medical Officer’s report calls for active travel, improved housing, and cleaner air in cities
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/news/labour-urged-to-address-...Subdominio Labour urged to address built environment’s role in young people’s lives
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/news/levitt-bernstein-complet...Subdominio Levitt Bernstein completes Newham’s first Passivhaus-certified social housing
/news/fletcher-priest-complete...Subdominio IMG-ALT Fletcher Priest Architects - Marylebone Place - cropped
/news/fletcher-priest-complete...Subdominio Fletcher Priest completes refurbishment of former BHS headquarters in Marylebone
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/news/zha-metro-station-opens-...Subdominio ZHA metro station opens as key hub in Riyadh transit system
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/news/first-look-at-sadlers-we...Subdominio First look at Sadler’s Wells East ahead of February opening
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/news/spparc-completes-restora...Subdominio SPPARC completes restoration of Army & Navy warehouse in Westminster
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/news/heatherwick-completes-mi...Subdominio Heatherwick completes mixed-use development in Xi’an
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/wa100-2025-the-big-list/51338...Subdominio WA100 2025: The big list
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/opinion/why-protecting-the-fu...Subdominio Texto duplicado Why protecting the function of architects is a matter of public safety
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/opinion/replace-the-office-fo...Subdominio Texto duplicado Replace the Office for Place with an Office for Space
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/opinion/housing-needs-archite...Subdominio Housing needs architects – and it’s time to make the case
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/opinion/its-time-for-trams-an...Subdominio IMG-ALT David Milner
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