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(Extremadamente importante)
BuildHub Self Build Forum |
La longitud del título es óptima (391 píxeles de una longitud máxima de 580 píxeles).
No se repite ninguna palabra en el título.
Meta descripción
(Extremadamente importante)
UK Self Build forum and web community with blogs and advice about building, extending or renovating your home along with DIY & energy efficiency discussion
La longitud de la meta descripción es óptima (983 píxeles de una longitud máxima de 1000 píxeles).
(Extremadamente importante)
No se detectan problemas para acceder al sitio web.
Redirección canónica
La página tiene una redirección canónica correcta.
(Poco importante)
Idioma reconocido automáticamente en el contenido: en
Idioma declarado en el código HTML: en-gb
Ubicación geográfica del servidor: Estados Unidos de América
El idioma ha sido correctamente declarado en el código HTML: en-gb.
Enlaces Alternate/Hreflang
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No se ha encontrado ningún enlace alternativo (alternate) en esta página.
Otras Metaetiquetas
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No se detecta ninguna metaetiqueta de paginación rel next en la página.
No se detecta ninguna metaetiqueta de paginación rel prev en la página.
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Esta página está alojada en un subdominio. Para que la optimización de tu web en los buscadores tenga éxito, deberías utilizar tu propio dominio.
El dominio no contiene caracteres especiales.
URL de la página
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No se detecta ningún parámetro dinámico en la URL.
No se detecta ningún ID de sesión en la URL.
La URL no contiene demasiados subdirectorios.
Codificación de caracteres
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La codificación de caracteres (UTF-8) ha sido declarada correctamente.
La etiqueta doctype HTML 5 está configurada correctamente.
La declaración del doctype se ubica al inicio del código HTML.
El favicon está enlazado correctamente.


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descriptionUK Self Build forum and web community with blogs and advice about building, extending or renovating your home along with DIY & energy efficiency discussion

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Calidad de la página

(Extremadamente importante)
El número total de palabras en la página es bueno: 1551 palabras.
Un 22% del contenido está constituido por palabras vacías.
Las palabras clave del título también se repiten en el texto del cuerpo.
La página contiene un listado, lo que indica una buena estructuración del contenido.
Se han encontrado 5 párrafos en esta página.
El contenido en formato texto de esta página es óptimo.
No se detecta ningún placeholder de texto ni imagen.
No se detecta contenido duplicado.
La cantidad media de palabras por frase es buena: 21.31 palabras.
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Esta página no utiliza ningún frameset.
Optimización para móviles
(Poco importante)
No se ha especificado ningún icono de Apple Touch.
Esta página carga 8 archivos JavaScript. Esto puede afectar negativamente a la velocidad de carga.
El valor de la etiqueta viewport es correcto: (width=device-width, initial-scale=1).
Etiquetas Bold y Strong
(Poco importante)
Hay demasiadas etiquetas de negritas en esta página: 45. Utiliza un máximo de 31 etiquetas.
Algunas etiquetas se repiten, como por ejemplo: 7.
Optimización de imágenes
(Poco importante)
No se detecta ninguna descripción del atributo ALT en 1 imágenes. El contenido de los atributos ALT también es evaluado como texto por los buscadores y es muy importante para la búsqueda de imágenes.
Redes Sociales
Esta página apenas ofrece posibilidades de compartir el contenido en redes sociales. Con la integración de widgets puedes conseguir que tus contenidos se popularicen en redes.
Etiquetas markup adicionales
No se detecta ninguna etiqueta markup (de adicional.
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El sitio utiliza HTTPS para transferir datos de forma segura.
Todos los archivos incluidos se transfieren a través de HTTPS.

Lista de medios

URLAtributo ALTTítulo
...jpg.4269722ea01c07b2d258f10f80de31e8.jpgCarece de atributo ALT
data:[...] Base64Jsgreen
data:[...] Base64Mike
data:[...] Base64Andehh
data:[...] Base64lookseehear
data:[...] Base64junglejim
data:[...] Base64Garald
data:[...] Base64JackofAll
data:[...] Base64Redbeard
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data:[...] Base64MrPotts
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data:[...] Base64crispy_wafer
data:[...] Base64iMCaan
data:[...] Base64Redbeard
data:[...] Base64Garald griffiths
data:[...] Base64DamonHD
data:[...] Base64Gary Martin
data:[...] Base64Alan Ambrose
data:[...] Base64Alan Ambrose
data:[...] Base64MIKE ALLAN
data:[...] Base64Garald
data:[...] Base64JackofAll
data:[...] Base64DamonHD
data:[...] Base64Garald
data:[...] Base64JackofAll
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Estructura de la página

Encabezado H1
(Extremadamente importante)
El encabezado H1 esta compuesto por una sola palabra. Podrías ampliarlo con más información.
El encabezado H1 es demasiado corto (6 caracteres). Debería tener al menos 20 caracteres.
Hay 66 encabezados H en esta página. La cantidad de encabezados debería guardar una mejor proporción en relación al texto.

Estructura de los encabezados

Jerarquía de encabezadosContenido
H1 Forums
H2 BuildHub Guide: Information about the site : Introduce Yourself
H2 Build Design, Planning, Finance and Legal
H2 House Construction & Structural Issues
H2 Building Trades
H2 Environmental, Alternative & Green Building Methods
H2 Self Build & DIY: General
H2 Self Build Regional Groups
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H3 Member Statistics
H3 Who's Online 7 Members, 0 Anonymous, 611 Guests (See full list)
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H4 Structural Works, Foundations & Demolition
H4 Insulation & Ventilation
H4 Landscaping & Outdoor Buildings
H4 Damp & Infestation
H4 Plumbing & Heating
H4 Bricklaying, Plastering, Concrete, Blocks & Rendering
H4 Joinery, Windows & Doors
H4 Floors & Flooring
H4 Electrics, Lighting & Home Security
H4 Decorating & Tiling
H4 Kitchens & Bathrooms
H4 Building Materials
H4 Designing Energy Efficient & Sustainable Homes
H4 Renewable Home Energy Generation
H4 Research & Information Sources
H4 Environmental Building Politics
H4 Boffin's Corner
H4 General Self Build & DIY Discussion
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H4 The Fun Irish (House)
H4 The Old Cow Shed
H4 South East Cornwall Low Energy build
H4 Renovation of Ellesmere Bungalow.
H4 Back on the self-build waggon...
H4 The Windy Roost
H4 Little Stud Barn
H4 Contemporary Dream
H4 Making a cheap electrical energy meter
H4 Da Bungalow
H4 Hampshire self-build. Cheap, high quality and fast - we want all three
H4 Deep refurb and extension
H4 The House at the Bottom of the Garden
H4 Major extension and eco renovation in Leicestershire
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Algunos enlaces internos contienen parámetros dinámicos. Las URL internas no deberían contener parámetros dinámicos, salvo que estén marcadas como nofollow.
Algunos textos ancla se repiten más de una vez en varios enlaces.
2 enlaces cerecen de un texto ancla.
La cantidad de enlaces internos es adecuada.
Ningún texto ancla es excesivamente largo.
Hay 1 enlaces externos en esta página.
EnlacePropiedadesTexto ancla ancla Jump to content
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/topic/36891-considering-a-mov...Subdominio Considering a move to Octopus Energy and want to split a £100 bonus with BuildHub?
A-TITLE Considering a move to Octopus Energy and want to split a £100 bonus with BuildHub?
/profile/18-jack/Nofollow Subdominio Texto duplicado jack
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/topic/36891-considering-a-mov...Subdominio January 18
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/profile/5367-jsgreen/Nofollow Subdominio Texto duplicado Jsgreen
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/topic/33836-hello-from-swindon/Subdominio Thursday at 22:30
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/forum/12-build-design-plannin...Subdominio Build Design, Planning, Finance and Legal
/forum/18-building-plots-land-...Subdominio Building Plots, Land & Renovation Properties
/profile/173-mike/Nofollow Subdominio IMG-ALT Mike
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/profile/173-mike/Nofollow Subdominio Texto duplicado Mike
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/forum/98-surveyors-architects/Subdominio Surveyors & Architects
/forum/99-new-house-self-build...Subdominio New House & Self Build Design
/forum/105-project-site-manage...Subdominio Project & Site Management
/forum/108-planning-permission/Subdominio Planning Permission
/forum/109-building-regulations/Subdominio Building Regulations
/profile/5812-andehh/Nofollow Subdominio IMG-ALT Andehh
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/topic/34188-amending-planning...Subdominio Amending planning from Reno to rebuild
A-TITLE Amending planning from Reno to rebuild
/profile/5812-andehh/Nofollow Subdominio Texto duplicado Andehh
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/topic/34188-amending-planning...Subdominio 4 hours ago
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/forum/20-funding-finance-tax/Subdominio Funding, Finance & Tax
/forum/103-self-build-vat-comm...Subdominio Self Build VAT, Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL), S106 & Tax
/forum/112-self-build-mortgages/Subdominio Self Build Mortgages
/forum/169-p2p-lending-crowd-f...Subdominio P2P lending, Crowd Funding and Alternate Sources
/forum/104-costing-estimating/Subdominio Costing & Estimating
/profile/18516-lookseehear/Nofollow Subdominio IMG-ALT lookseehear
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/topic/41877-rebuilding-outer-...Subdominio Rebuilding outer leaf
A-TITLE Rebuilding outer leaf
/profile/18516-lookseehear/Nofollow Subdominio Texto duplicado lookseehear
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/topic/41877-rebuilding-outer-...Subdominio 6 hours ago
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/forum/21-insurance-legal-and-...Subdominio Insurance, Legal and Warranties
/forum/110-party-wall-property...Subdominio Party Wall & Property Legal Issues
/forum/113-new-house-structura...Subdominio New House & Structural Warranties
/forum/114-self-build-insurance/Subdominio Self Build Insurance
/profile/8466-saveasteading/Nofollow Subdominio IMG-ALT saveasteading
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/topic/41940-thoughts-on-warra...Subdominio Thoughts on warranty claim for a defective roof
A-TITLE Thoughts on warranty claim for a defective roof
/profile/8466-saveasteading/Nofollow Subdominio Texto duplicado saveasteading
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/topic/41940-thoughts-on-warra...Subdominio Texto duplicado 6 hours ago
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/forum/13-house-construction-s...Subdominio House Construction & Structural Issues
/forum/24-house-construction/Subdominio House Construction
/forum/53-brick-block/Subdominio Brick & Block
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/forum/55-steel-frame/Subdominio Steel Frame
/forum/56-insulated-concrete-f...Subdominio Insulated Concrete Formwork (ICF)
/forum/58-structural-insulated...Subdominio Structural Insulated Panels (SIPs)
/forum/57-general-construction...Subdominio General Construction Issues
/forum/162-basements/Subdominio Basements
/profile/18934-junglejim/Nofollow Subdominio IMG-ALT junglejim
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/topic/41972-cladding-bottom-d...Subdominio Cladding bottom detail
A-TITLE Cladding bottom detail
/profile/18934-junglejim/Nofollow Subdominio Texto duplicado junglejim
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/topic/41972-cladding-bottom-d...Subdominio 5 hours ago
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/forum/25-conversions-extensions/Subdominio Conversions & Extensions
/forum/60-house-extensions-con...Subdominio House Extensions & Conservatories
/forum/61-barn-conversions/Subdominio Barn Conversions
/forum/63-garage-cellar-conver...Subdominio Garage & Cellar Conversions
/profile/8-prodave/Nofollow Subdominio IMG-ALT ProDave
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/topic/41878-how-to-build-an-e...Subdominio How to build an extension
A-TITLE How to build an extension
/profile/8-prodave/Nofollow Subdominio Texto duplicado ProDave
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/topic/41878-how-to-build-an-e...Subdominio Wednesday at 13:33
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/forum/29-roofing-lofts/Subdominio Roofing & Lofts
/forum/66-roofing-tiling-slating/Subdominio Roofing, Tiling & Slating
/forum/68-flat-roofs/Subdominio Flat Roofs
/forum/67-lofts-dormers-loft-c...Subdominio Lofts, Dormers & Loft Conversions
/forum/144-skylights-roof-wind...Subdominio Skylights & Roof Windows
/profile/13203-garald/Nofollow Subdominio IMG-ALT Garald
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/topic/41964-redoing-an-attic/Subdominio Redoing an attic
A-TITLE Redoing an attic
/profile/13203-garald/Nofollow Subdominio Texto duplicado Garald
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/topic/41964-redoing-an-attic/Subdominio 52 minutes ago
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/forum/26-structural-works-fou...Subdominio Structural Works, Foundations & Demolition
/forum/71-general-structural-i...Subdominio General Structural Issues
/forum/72-demolition/Subdominio Demolition
/forum/73-foundations/Subdominio Foundations
/forum/74-rsjs-lintels-steelwork/Subdominio RSJs, Lintels & Steelwork
/profile/1486-jackofall/Nofollow Subdominio IMG-ALT JackofAll
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/topic/41973-diy-raft/Subdominio Diy raft
A-TITLE Diy raft
/profile/1486-jackofall/Nofollow Subdominio Texto duplicado JackofAll
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/topic/41973-diy-raft/Subdominio 1 hour ago
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/forum/31-insulation-ventilation/Subdominio Insulation & Ventilation
/forum/79-mechanical-ventilati...Subdominio Mechanical Ventilation with Heat Recovery (MVHR)
/forum/77-sound-insulation/Subdominio Sound Insulation
/forum/80-heat-insulation/Subdominio Heat Insulation
/forum/78-ventilation/Subdominio Ventilation
/profile/13413-redbeard/Nofollow Subdominio IMG-ALT Redbeard
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/topic/41971-ewi-over-pebbledash/Subdominio EWI over pebbledash
A-TITLE EWI over pebbledash
/profile/13413-redbeard/Nofollow Subdominio Texto duplicado Redbeard
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/topic/41971-ewi-over-pebbledash/Subdominio 2 hours ago
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/forum/28-landscaping-outdoor-...Subdominio Landscaping & Outdoor Buildings
/forum/82-garages-workshops/Subdominio Garages & Workshops
/forum/83-landscaping-decking-...Subdominio Landscaping, Decking & Patios
/forum/85-driveways/Subdominio Driveways
/profile/21298-claire99/Nofollow Subdominio IMG-ALT claire99
A-TITLE Go to claire99's profile
/topic/41928-need-planning-per...Subdominio Need planning permission for side fence driveway?
A-TITLE Need planning permission for side fence driveway?
/profile/21298-claire99/Nofollow Subdominio Texto duplicado claire99
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/topic/41928-need-planning-per...Subdominio Sunday at 16:28
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/forum/30-damp-infestation/Subdominio Damp & Infestation
/forum/86-damp-dpcs/Subdominio Damp & DPCs
/forum/87-waterproofing-sealants/Subdominio Waterproofing & Sealants
/forum/88-infestation/Subdominio Infestation
/profile/30-joe90/Nofollow Subdominio IMG-ALT joe90
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/topic/41753-re-rendering-an-u...Subdominio Re- rendering an undressed stone wall
A-TITLE Re- rendering an undressed stone wall
/profile/30-joe90/Nofollow Subdominio Texto duplicado joe90
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/topic/41753-re-rendering-an-u...Subdominio Thursday at 16:43
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/forum/15-building-trades/Subdominio Building Trades
/forum/37-plumbing-heating/Subdominio Plumbing & Heating
/forum/128-general-plumbing/Subdominio General Plumbing
/forum/130-waste-sewerage/Subdominio Waste & Sewerage
/forum/136-underfloor-heating/Subdominio Underfloor Heating
/forum/137-central-heating-rad...Subdominio Central Heating (Radiators)
/forum/138-stoves-fires-firepl...Subdominio Stoves, Fires & Fireplaces
/forum/131-gas-pipework/Subdominio Gas Pipework
/forum/132-rainwater-guttering...Subdominio Rainwater, Guttering & SuDS
/forum/139-boilers-hot-water-t...Subdominio Boilers & Hot Water Tanks
/forum/140-other-heating-systems/Subdominio Other Heating Systems
/profile/19453-mrpotts/Nofollow Subdominio IMG-ALT MrPotts
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/topic/41910-balancing-rads-help/Subdominio Balancing rads help.....
A-TITLE Balancing rads help.....
/profile/19453-mrpotts/Nofollow Subdominio Texto duplicado MrPotts
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/topic/41910-balancing-rads-help/Subdominio Texto duplicado 5 hours ago
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/forum/38-bricklaying-plasteri...Subdominio Bricklaying, Plastering, Concrete, Blocks & Rendering
/forum/133-bricklaying-blockwo...Subdominio Bricklaying, Blockwork & Mortar
/forum/134-plastering-rendering/Subdominio Plastering & Rendering
/forum/135-concrete/Subdominio Concrete
/profile/21623-qamar/Nofollow Subdominio IMG-ALT qamar
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/topic/41921-what-mortar-mix-t...Subdominio What mortar mix to use here in 1930's inner wall
A-TITLE What mortar mix to use here in 1930's inner wall
/profile/21623-qamar/Nofollow Subdominio Texto duplicado qamar
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/topic/41921-what-mortar-mix-t...Subdominio December 21
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/forum/40-joinery-windows-doors/Subdominio Joinery, Windows & Doors
/forum/141-general-joinery/Subdominio General Joinery
/forum/142-windows-glazing/Subdominio Windows & Glazing
/forum/143-doors-door-frames/Subdominio Doors & Door Frames
/profile/4845-crispy_wafer/Nofollow Subdominio IMG-ALT crispy_wafer
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/topic/41953-alternatives-to-w...Subdominio Alternatives to wooden door linings
A-TITLE Alternatives to wooden door linings
/profile/4845-crispy_wafer/Nofollow Subdominio Texto duplicado crispy_wafer
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/topic/41953-alternatives-to-w...Subdominio Tuesday at 21:01
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/forum/41-floors-flooring/Subdominio Floors & Flooring
/forum/145-wood-laminate-floor...Subdominio Wood & Laminate Flooring
/forum/147-floor-tiles-tiling/Subdominio Floor Tiles & Tiling
/forum/146-floor-structures/Subdominio Floor Structures
/forum/149-general-flooring/Subdominio General Flooring
/profile/10916-imcaan/Nofollow Subdominio IMG-ALT iMCaan
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/topic/41816-herringbone-floor...Subdominio Herringbone Floor Direction
A-TITLE Herringbone Floor Direction
/profile/10916-imcaan/Nofollow Subdominio Texto duplicado iMCaan
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/topic/41816-herringbone-floor...Subdominio December 15
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/forum/42-electrics-lighting-h...Subdominio Electrics, Lighting & Home Security
/forum/160-electrics-kitchen-b...Subdominio Electrics - Kitchen & Bathroom
/forum/159-consumer-units-rcds...Subdominio Consumer Units, RCDs, MCBOs
/forum/153-power-circuits/Subdominio Power Circuits
/forum/154-lighting/Subdominio Lighting
/forum/157-electrics-other/Subdominio Electrics - Other
/forum/156-regulations-trainin...Subdominio Regulations, Training & Qualifications
/forum/158-networks-av-securit...Subdominio Networks, AV, Security & Automation
/profile/30-joe90/Nofollow Subdominio Texto duplicado IMG-ALT joe90
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/topic/41966-driveway-lights/Subdominio Driveway Lights
A-TITLE Driveway Lights
/profile/30-joe90/Nofollow Subdominio Texto duplicado joe90
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/topic/41966-driveway-lights/Subdominio 14 hours ago
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/forum/43-decorating-tiling/Subdominio Decorating & Tiling
/forum/150-decorating/Subdominio Decorating
/forum/152-wall-tiles-tiling/Subdominio Wall Tiles & Tiling
/profile/13413-redbeard/Nofollow Subdominio Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Redbeard
A-TITLE Go to Redbeard's profile
/topic/41871-caulk-between-wal...Subdominio Caulk between wall and ceiling
A-TITLE Caulk between wall and ceiling
/profile/13413-redbeard/Nofollow Subdominio Texto duplicado Redbeard
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/topic/41871-caulk-between-wal...Subdominio December 20
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/forum/176-kitchens-bathrooms/Subdominio Kitchens & Bathrooms
/forum/46-kitchen-household-ap...Subdominio Kitchen & Household Appliances
/forum/89-kitchen-units-worktops/Subdominio Kitchen Units & Worktops
/forum/129-bathrooms-ensuites-...Subdominio Bathrooms, Ensuites & Wetrooms
/profile/13203-garald/Nofollow Subdominio Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Garald
A-TITLE Go to Garald's profile
/topic/41962-advantage-of-an-i...Subdominio Advantage of an induction hob.
A-TITLE Advantage of an induction hob.
/profile/13203-garald/Nofollow Subdominio Texto duplicado Garald
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/topic/41962-advantage-of-an-i...Subdominio 7 hours ago
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/forum/90-building-materials/Subdominio Building Materials
/profile/298-russell-griffiths/Nofollow Subdominio IMG-ALT Russell griffiths
A-TITLE Go to Russell griffiths's profile
/topic/41881-false-lintel-what...Subdominio False lintel - what material and other questions
A-TITLE False lintel - what material and other questions
/profile/298-russell-griffiths/Nofollow Subdominio Texto duplicado Russell griffiths
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/topic/41881-false-lintel-what...Subdominio December 17
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/forum/14-environmental-altern...Subdominio Environmental, Alternative & Green Building Methods
/forum/32-designing-energy-eff...Subdominio Designing Energy Efficient & Sustainable Homes
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/topic/41124-can’t-get-daikin-...Subdominio Can’t get Daikin Althema to be controlled by LWT
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/topic/41124-can’t-get-daikin-...Subdominio Texto duplicado Can’t get Daikin Althema to be controlled by LWT
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