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Justice Action Center – Litigation & Storytelling for Immigrant Justice
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og:titleJustice Action Center
og:descriptionImmigrant Justice Through Litigationand Storytelling Our Mission JAC uses co-equal litigation and storytelling strategies to address unmet needs and build new frameworks to tangibly improve immigrants’ lives. Our Cases Litigation Tracker Visit our interactive microsite that follows, documents, and decodes extremist legal challenges to immigrant inclusive policies. Our Vision JAC envisions a future where the [...]
og:site_nameJustice Action Center
article:sectionLanding Page
og:titleJustice Action Center
og:descriptionImmigrant Justice Through Litigationand Storytelling Our Mission JAC uses co-equal litigation and storytelling strategies to address unmet needs and build new frameworks to tangibly improve immigrants’ lives. Our Cases Litigation Tracker Visit our interactive microsite that follows, documents, and decodes extremist legal challenges to immigrant inclusive policies. Our Vision JAC envisions a future where the [...]
og:site_nameJustice Action Center

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URLAtributo ALTTítulo
...s/2022/09/justice-action-center_logo.svgJustice Action Center Logo
...s/2022/09/justice-action-center_logo.svgJustice Action Center Logo
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...nges-to-Immigrant-Inclusive-Policies.pngCarece de atributo ALT
...ram-feed-images/justiceactioncenter.webpJustice Action Center (JAC)
...ugins/instagram-feed/img/placeholder.png🗣️INTERNSHIP OPPORTUNITY!📢 JAC is now accepting applications for a ✨Summer 2025 Legal Intern✨ This is a full-time, 100% remote position over a 10-week period. If you’re interested in gaining experience not only in impact litigation, but also in communications, media, and storytelling, we want to hear from you! Check out the full position description at our website or the link 🔗 in bio.
...ugins/instagram-feed/img/placeholder.pngThis week at JAC: Our incredible client, Foday Turay, testified in front of the Senate Judiciary on the dangers of mass deportations and the important roles undocumented and DACAmented people play in their various communities. Showing that the threats to separate families and harm undocumented people affect us all. ✨Please drop some love in the chat for Foday and all the directly impacted people taking a stand and fighting for what’s right!✨ JAC Counsel, Hillary Li, and Deputy Director, Adela de la Torre, joined in DC to support Foday. We believe those most impacted should be given the microphone and centered in these conversations. Meanwhile in Houston, Texas: JAC’s Communications Director, Tasha Moro, and Narrative Research Specialist, Liliana Ramirez, were at the National Immigrant Inclusion Conference where Tasha presented on a panel, sharing strategies to reach different audiences and the importance of the freedom to welcome. And in Oakland, our Founder and Director and Program Manager met with partners and allies to advocate for much needed resources for DACA recipients. As a national organization, we’re able to advocate for immigrant justice across the country and deepen connections in this fight for freedom. Join us in continuing this work through 2025! Visit justiceactioncenter.org/donate to make a donation today!🔗💚🌟
...ugins/instagram-feed/img/placeholder.pngBased on the interest last week and the urgent need for time-sensitive information, we are hosting two new webinars this week. These webinars, like the previous ones, will provide you with up-to-date information and practical steps you can take to move forward. Both sessions will be recorded and shared with everyone who registers! Participating organizations: Immigration Institute of the Bay Area East Bay Community Law Center Justice Action Center Path2Papers 📍For Family-based Options and Advance Parole, register here: bit.ly/P4CP3FBAP 📍 For Employment-based options, register here: bit.ly/P4CEB #DACA #Immigration #Path2Papers #LegalSupport #Wellness #CornellLaw
...ugins/instagram-feed/img/placeholder.pngAt a post election solidarity conference, a community member powerfully noted that all the hate and vitriol President-elect Trump eschews only “makes us stronger and united.” She said, “Look at us! Look at us here! We will fight and demand our rights as an immigrant community. Your fear gives us strength, fight and courage.” A powerful reminder that our communities are ready to mobilize, turn anger into action and continue standing up to protect each other.💚🕊
...ugins/instagram-feed/img/placeholder.pngWe would like to invite you to a special webinar: “Preparing for Change Part 2: How the New Administration Could Impact DACA Recipients” on Thursday November 14th at 12pm PST. This webinar will offer DACA recipients guidance around what to expect from the Trump administration. We will ground ourselves in community, outline expected policy changes, and offer steps people can take now to prepare. We will also share information about DIY guides, mental health resources, and financial assistance. Our Founder and Director will be presenting along with reps from @immigrantsrising @fwdus @cornell.law.school @ucimmigrantlegalservices @missionassetfund and the Legalization Project! 📍 Register now: bit.ly/DACAprepwebinar2 #DACA #Immigration #Webinar #Path2Papers #LegalSupport #Wellness
...ugins/instagram-feed/img/placeholder.pngSome heartbreaking news: A federal district court has ruled against #KeepingFamiliesTogether parole. 💔 Mixed status families, including @americanfamiliesunited and @chirla_org members, fought with tremendous courage and determination for a chance stay together. Thanks to these directly impacted communities, their stories are part of the court record, and that of public opinion. Family unity should be a sacred value. We will continue to pushing forward until that is made a reality. Full statement with @maketheroadny at 🔗 in bio.
...ugins/instagram-feed/img/placeholder.pngWhile this raises the stakes of our fight, we carry out our mission without fear or favor to the party occupying the White House. JAC will always work to protect immigrant-inclusive policies from extremist attacks, ensuring that those closest to the harm will have their voices heard by the courts determining their fates. We’ve won cases before judges of all stripes, including those appointed by President-elect Trump, and will continue to do so in 2025 and beyond. So, our team has a simple message for President-elect Trump or his deputies if they decide to make good on their despicable plans: We'll see you in court. 🔗 Read the full statement: https://bit.ly/TrumpSeeYouInCourt
...ugins/instagram-feed/img/placeholder.pngWe showed up today in Tyler, Texas! Guided by hope, led by action and love for all the families fighting to stay together. #KeepingFamiliesTogether w/ @maketheroadny @chirla_org
...ugins/instagram-feed/img/placeholder.pngWe were in court today with mixed status families in support of #KeepingFamiliesTogether(KFT)! JAC litigator, Laura Flores-Perilla, argued powerfully on behalf of amici and others who would benefit from KFT. She centered and shared stories of mixed status families and demonstrated the effect blocking KFT has on real people. Even on a busy Election Day, folks showed up in solidarity in court and we’ll continue to fight for love and safety, even in the face of anti-immigrant attacks, because love is what makes a family and families deserve to stay together! @maketheroadny @chirla_org @americanfamiliesunited
...ugins/instagram-feed/img/placeholder.pngSome election week reminders✨ No matter the outcome, we will continue to fight for the safety, freedom and the fullness of immigrant communities. Remember to take care of yourself and know that our movements have built power in many different scenarios and will continue to do so.
...ugins/instagram-feed/img/placeholder.pngAdela de la Torre, JAC’s Deputy Director, spoke in front of the Fifth Circuit Court in New Orleans after the hearing on DACA earlier this month. She called out attacks on #KeepingFamiliesTogether parole and DACA. #HomeisHere for the thousands of immigrants whose futures are at stake and we’ll keep fighting to ensure their voices are actually represented in court.
...ugins/instagram-feed/img/placeholder.png“How can I live without my husband? How do I raise my son without his father?" Jaxhiel is a medical assistant and primary caregiver to her mother. #KFT parole would allow her family, like so many other families, the chance to stay together without fear of separation. Families belong together. 💚 That’s why both Jaxhiel and her husband, Foday, are fighting to keep their family together through #KFT parole.
...ugins/instagram-feed/img/placeholder.png🚨 BREAKING: Mixed status families and @chirla_org represented by JAC and MRNY just filed an emergency motion to end the block on grants of #KeepingFamiliesTogether parole! District courts can’t block federal processes like KFT for >28 days without providing the required legal analysis. Ignoring long-settled law, the courts have frozen grants of KFT since August, recently extending the stay until 11/8 to block it for what will be 74 (!!!) days total. Political forces continue to weaponize our justice system at the expense of families who simply hope to remain together and have no other options. 🗣️The state of Texas and its co-conspirators have no legal basis for continuing to block this process and must be held accountable. Let's keep fighting for the thousands of families who have long awaited—and deserve—an opportunity to remain together in the place they call home. 💚🫂 🔗 Read the full statement at https://bit.ly/KFT-EmergencyMotion-Mandamus 👐 For updates on this case and to get involved, visit https://bit.ly/KFTCase
...ugins/instagram-feed/img/placeholder.pngToday, our team was in New Orleans to bear witness to the #DACA hearing before the 5th Circuit. We joined hundreds of people in and outside the court in solidarity for the fight to protect our communities. Proud to stand with our amazing clients, program participants and partners in this fight for the fullness of our lives. 🗣#HomeisHere 📸2-5: @juansaaaa🌟
...ugins/instagram-feed/img/placeholder.pngDACA is back in the courts today, as anti-immigrant forces spend the day arguing to dismantle the program and put hundreds of thousands of people at risk of being separated from their families, communities, and homes. While the court WILL NOT make a decision about the DACA program today, make no mistake: this is the latest and clearest step by anti-immigrant extremists’ to make our communities vulnerable to their broader plan of enacting the largest mass deportation campaign in modern U.S. history. It's crucial to stay up-to-date as the judicial process unfolds. Swipe through our latest infographic for an overview of the case's timeline, potential next steps, and what they could mean for you. 💬 GET INVOLVED: Text HOME IS HERE to 787-57 and tell Congress to deliver a pathway to citizenship and protect immigrants now! #HomeIsHere
...ugins/instagram-feed/img/placeholder.pngAttacks on the #KeepingFamiliesTogether process are the newest wave in longstanding attacks on immigrant and mixed-status families by anti-immigrant forces. Still, we hold firm to what we know: Love is what makes a family, and families deserve to stay together. 💚 The fight to defend this critical process is not over. DACA and the Keeping Families Together process are some of the most important lifelines for millions of immigrants who have lived, worked, and contributed to the U.S. for years. And for both DACA recipients and mixed status families, #HomeIsHere.
...ugins/instagram-feed/img/placeholder.pngOn October 10th, we’ll be in New Orleans defending DACA and highlighting the importance of impacted families in the fight to protect Keeping Families Together Parole! “What’s happening with Keeping Families Together parole?” Why are they seeking to intervene? Why was there a stay?” Swipe for a breakdown of what’s happened so far in the parole case since KFT (PIP) was announced on August 19th. And tune in today for an IG live with @justiceactioncenter and @chirla_org where we’ll be answering your questions!
...ugins/instagram-feed/img/placeholder.png📍This Thursday, we're going live with @chirla_org to share updates on the #KeepingFamiliesTogether (PIP) parole case! We're here to answer your questions, tune in at 3 PT/6 ET🕒
...ugins/instagram-feed/img/placeholder.pngAre you a #DACA recipient or know a DACA recipient who may benefit from Advance Parole? Do you want to learn more about the immigrant justice movement and volunteer at the southern border? Swipe to learn about the Border Advocacy Training Project! For many of our participants, it’s been a life-changing opportunity. You can check out their journeys on our pages here and on our website (linked in bio!) [Text correction] Slide 4- “Participants are responsible for* ...”
...ugins/instagram-feed/img/placeholder.pngYesterday, we filed a motion to vacate the Fifth Circuit’s extension of a stay that blocked the issuing of grants for Keeping Families Together (KFT) applications. “Texas has yet to demonstrate how it is harmed by a process that fosters family unity and stability. And yet, it has managed to halt this process nationwide. We are hopeful that the court will act promptly and lift this stay, ending the real and unnecessary pain our clients and thousands of other families are enduring at this time.” Full press release/update linked in bio
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Estructura de la página

Encabezado H1
(Extremadamente importante)
Immigrant Justice Through Litigation and Storytelling
El encabezado H1 es óptimo.
Los encabezados H están perfectamente ordenados.

Estructura de los encabezados

Jerarquía de encabezadosContenido
H1 Immigrant Justice Through Litigation and Storytelling
H2 Our Mission
H2 Our Cases
H2 Litigation Tracker
H2 Our Vision
H2 Follow JAC on Instagram
H2 Support Justice Action Center
H3 Texas v. DHS (Keeping Families Together Parole)
H3 ImmDef v. DHS (Unaccompanied Children)
H3 Texas v. DHS (CHNV Parole)
H3 Gomez v. Biden (2020 Diversity Visas)
H3 Haitian Bridge Alliance v. Biden (Abuse of Haitian Migrants in Del Rio, TX)
H3 justiceactioncenter
Algunos textos ancla son demasiado largos.
Algunos textos ancla se repiten más de una vez en varios enlaces.
La cantidad de enlaces internos es adecuada.
Ningún enlace interno contiene parámetros dinámicos.
Hay demasiados enlaces externos (30) en esta página.
EnlacePropiedadesTexto ancla
https://justiceactioncenter.org/Texto ancla Skip to content
A-TITLE Skip to content
https://justiceactioncenter.org/IMG-ALT Justice Action Center Logo
/about/Mission & Values
/team/Our Team
/uncategorized/summer-2025-leg...Summer 2025 Legal Internship
/contact-us/Contact Us
/border-advocacy-training-proj...Border Advocacy Training Project
/chnv/Take Action / Campaigns
http://litigationtracker.justi...Externo Subdominio Litigation Tracker
/category/news/Press Releases and Statements
/jac-in-the-news/JAC in the News
/donateNueva ventana Donate
/donateNueva ventana Texto duplicado Donate
https://justiceactioncenter.org/Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Justice Action Center Logo
/about/Texto duplicado Mission & Values
/team/Texto duplicado Our Team
/uncategorized/summer-2025-leg...Texto duplicado Summer 2025 Legal Internship
/contact-us/Texto duplicado Contact Us
/our-cases/Texto duplicado Cases
/border-advocacy-training-proj...Texto duplicado Border Advocacy Training Project
/chnv/Texto duplicado Take Action / Campaigns
http://litigationtracker.justi...Externo Subdominio Texto duplicado Litigation Tracker
/category/news/Texto duplicado News
/category/news/Texto duplicado Press Releases and Statements
/jac-in-the-news/Texto duplicado JAC in the News
/case/texas-v-dhs-keeping-fami...Texas v. DHS (Keeping Families Together Parole) Federal lawsuit by Texas and 15 other states challenging Keeping Families Together parole process. Eleven dir...
/case/immdef-v-dhs/ImmDef v. DHS (Unaccompanied Children) Federal lawsuit challenging the Trump and now Biden administration's practice of denying unaccompanied children previo...
/case/texas-v-dhs/Texas v. DHS (CHNV Parole) Federal lawsuit by Texas and others states challenging the humanitarian parole programs for Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua and Venezuela.
/case/gomez-v-biden/Gomez v. Biden (2020 Diversity Visas) Federal lawsuit on behalf of family-based immigrant visa petitioners, diversity visa 2020 lottery winners, and non-immi...
/case/hba-v-biden/Haitian Bridge Alliance v. Biden (Abuse of Haitian Migrants in Del Rio, TX) Federal class action lawsuit brought on behalf of 11 Haitians and HBA against the...
http://litigationtracker.justi...Externo Subdominio Litigation Tracker Visit our interactive microsite that follows, documents, and decodes extremist legal challenges to immigrant inclusive policies.
/aboutMore About JAC
https://www.instagram.com/just...Nueva ventana Nofollow Externo Subdominio justiceactioncenter Weaving immigrant justice through litigation & storytelling
IMG-ALT Justice Action Center (JAC)
A-TITLE @justiceactioncenter
https://www.instagram.com/p/DD...Nueva ventana Nofollow Externo Subdominio 🗣️INTERNSHIP OPPORTUNITY!📢 JAC is now acce
IMG-ALT 🗣️INTERNSHIP OPPORTUNITY!📢 JAC is now accepting applications for a ✨Summer 2025 Legal Intern✨ This is a full-time, 100% remote position over a 10-week period...
https://www.instagram.com/p/DD...Nueva ventana Nofollow Externo Subdominio This week at JAC: Our incredible client, Foday Tur
IMG-ALT This week at JAC: Our incredible client, Foday Turay, testified in front of the Senate Judiciary on the dangers of mass deportations and the important roles ...
https://www.instagram.com/p/DC...Nueva ventana Nofollow Externo Subdominio Based on the interest last week and the urgent nee
IMG-ALT Based on the interest last week and the urgent need for time-sensitive information, we are hosting two new webinars this week. These webinars, like the previ...
https://www.instagram.com/p/DC...Nueva ventana Nofollow Externo Subdominio At a post election solidarity conference, a commun
IMG-ALT At a post election solidarity conference, a community member powerfully noted that all the hate and vitriol President-elect Trump eschews only “makes us stro...
https://www.instagram.com/p/DC...Nueva ventana Nofollow Externo Subdominio We would like to invite you to a special webinar:
IMG-ALT We would like to invite you to a special webinar: “Preparing for Change Part 2: How the New Administration Could Impact DACA Recipients” on Thursday November...
https://www.instagram.com/p/DC...Nueva ventana Nofollow Externo Subdominio Some heartbreaking news: A federal district court
IMG-ALT Some heartbreaking news: A federal district court has ruled against #KeepingFamiliesTogether parole. 💔 Mixed status families, including @americanfamiliesunit...
https://www.instagram.com/p/DC...Nueva ventana Nofollow Externo Subdominio While this raises the stakes of our fight, we carr
IMG-ALT While this raises the stakes of our fight, we carry out our mission without fear or favor to the party occupying the White House. JAC will always work to pro...
https://www.instagram.com/p/DC...Nueva ventana Nofollow Externo Subdominio We showed up today in Tyler, Texas! Guided by hope
IMG-ALT We showed up today in Tyler, Texas! Guided by hope, led by action and love for all the families fighting to stay together. #KeepingFamiliesTogether w/ @maket...
https://www.instagram.com/reel...Nueva ventana Nofollow Externo Subdominio We were in court today with mixed status families
IMG-ALT We were in court today with mixed status families in support of #KeepingFamiliesTogether(KFT)! JAC litigator, Laura Flores-Perilla, argued powerfully on beha...
https://www.instagram.com/p/DB...Nueva ventana Nofollow Externo Subdominio Some election week reminders✨ No matter the outc
IMG-ALT Some election week reminders✨ No matter the outcome, we will continue to fight for the safety, freedom and the fullness of immigrant communities. Remember to...
https://www.instagram.com/reel...Nueva ventana Nofollow Externo Subdominio Adela de la Torre, JAC’s Deputy Director, spoke
IMG-ALT Adela de la Torre, JAC’s Deputy Director, spoke in front of the Fifth Circuit Court in New Orleans after the hearing on DACA earlier this month. She called o...
https://www.instagram.com/p/DB...Nueva ventana Nofollow Externo Subdominio “How can I live without my husband? How do I rai
IMG-ALT “How can I live without my husband? How do I raise my son without his father?" Jaxhiel is a medical assistant and primary caregiver to her mother. #KFT parol...
https://www.instagram.com/p/DA...Nueva ventana Nofollow Externo Subdominio 🚨 BREAKING: Mixed status families and @chirla_o
IMG-ALT 🚨 BREAKING: Mixed status families and @chirla_org represented by JAC and MRNY just filed an emergency motion to end the block on grants of #KeepingFamiliesTo...
https://www.instagram.com/p/DA...Nueva ventana Nofollow Externo Subdominio Today, our team was in New Orleans to bear witness
IMG-ALT Today, our team was in New Orleans to bear witness to the #DACA hearing before the 5th Circuit. We joined hundreds of people in and outside the court in soli...
https://www.instagram.com/p/DA...Nueva ventana Nofollow Externo Subdominio DACA is back in the courts today, as anti-immigran
IMG-ALT DACA is back in the courts today, as anti-immigrant forces spend the day arguing to dismantle the program and put hundreds of thousands of people at risk of ...
https://www.instagram.com/p/DA...Nueva ventana Nofollow Externo Subdominio Attacks on the #KeepingFamiliesTogether process ar
IMG-ALT Attacks on the #KeepingFamiliesTogether process are the newest wave in longstanding attacks on immigrant and mixed-status families by anti-immigrant forces. ...
https://www.instagram.com/p/DA...Nueva ventana Nofollow Externo Subdominio On October 10th, we’ll be in New Orleans defendi
IMG-ALT On October 10th, we’ll be in New Orleans defending DACA and highlighting the importance of impacted families in the fight to protect Keeping Families Togethe...
https://www.instagram.com/p/DA...Nueva ventana Nofollow Externo Subdominio 📍This Thursday, we're going live with @chirla_o
IMG-ALT 📍This Thursday, we're going live with @chirla_org to share updates on the #KeepingFamiliesTogether (PIP) parole case! We're here to answer your questions, tu...
https://www.instagram.com/p/DA...Nueva ventana Nofollow Externo Subdominio Are you a #DACA recipient or know a DACA recipient
IMG-ALT Are you a #DACA recipient or know a DACA recipient who may benefit from Advance Parole? Do you want to learn more about the immigrant justice movement and vo...
https://www.instagram.com/p/DA...Nueva ventana Nofollow Externo Subdominio Yesterday, we filed a motion to vacate the Fifth C
IMG-ALT Yesterday, we filed a motion to vacate the Fifth Circuit’s extension of a stay that blocked the issuing of grants for Keeping Families Together (KFT) applica...
https://www.instagram.com/just...Nueva ventana Nofollow Externo Subdominio Follow on Instagram
/donateTexto duplicado Donate
https://www.facebook.com/Justi...Nueva ventana Externo Subdominio Sin texto
https://twitter.com/jactioncenterNueva ventana Externo Sin texto
https://www.instagram.com/just...Nueva ventana Externo Subdominio Sin texto
https://www.youtube.com/channe...Nueva ventana Externo Subdominio Sin texto
https://giantrabbit.com/Externo Giant Rabbit
/privacy-policy/Privacy Policy
/about/About JAC
/our-cases/Our Cases
/team/Texto duplicado Our Team
/contact-us/Texto duplicado Contact Us
/category/news/Take Action
/donateTexto duplicado Donate

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Palabras clave más importantes

Se han encontrado las siguientes palabras clave. Comprueba si esta página está bien optimizada para cada palabra clave en concreto.

Palabra claveResultadoComprobar
Immigrant Justice75%Check
Justice Action75%Check
Justice Action Center73%Check
Action Center70%Check
Justice Action Center Litigation68%Check
Litigation Storytelling66%Check

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