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The Mail & Guardian | Africa's Better Future
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Meta descripción
(Extremadamente importante)
The Mail & Guardian is a quality investigative and comment news publication, based on a culture of editorial independence and excellence.
La longitud de la meta descripción es óptima (855 píxeles de una longitud máxima de 1000 píxeles).
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descriptionThe Mail & Guardian is a quality investigative and comment news publication, based on a culture of editorial independence and excellence.
authorM&G Digital
og:titleThe Mail & Guardian | Africa's Better Future
og:descriptionThe Mail & Guardian is a quality investigative and comment news publication, based on a culture of editorial independence and excellence.
og:image:altGraphic Reportcards2024 2 1000px
og:site_nameThe Mail & Guardian

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Las palabras clave del título también se repiten en el texto del cuerpo.
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Se han encontrado 21 párrafos en esta página.
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Lista de medios

URLAtributo ALTTítulo
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.../uploads/2023/02/0000199368-1024x683.jpgJudge Mbenenge allegedly sent secretary a photo of his penis
...content/uploads/2025/01/ASA-400x300.jpegActionSA forms alliance with F4SD for 2026 local government elections
...nt/uploads/2025/01/unnamed14-300x400.jpgSewage crisis at Kamfers Dam causes ‘biodiversity nightmare’ for waterbirds
.../Mbuyiseni-Ndlozi-1_1200x675-400x225.jpgANC in Free State eyes former EFF MP Mbuyiseni Ndlozi
...ick_1900x1900-e1736936953550-400x320.jpgSouth African spending patterns in 2024: stability amid economic pressures
.../uploads/2020/11/2596e39c-us-300x200.jpgTrump 2.0 sparks optimism in Africa and Asia, doubt in Europe and the rest of the West
...nshot-2025-01-15-at-14.42.57-400x274.pngSurvivors, corpses pulled from Stilfontein mine in ongoing operation
...tent/uploads/2024/12/unnamed-400x266.jpgCall for nominations: Mail & Guardian’s 200 Young South Africans 2025
...nt/uploads/2024/07/Article-1-400x250.jpgFort Hare embraces ‘A decade of renewal’
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...nt/uploads/2024/07/Article-3-400x250.jpgUniversity of Fort Hare to trailblaze with upcoming Bachelors in Dairy Science & Technology
...nt/uploads/2024/07/Article-4-400x250.jpgAward-winning dairy producer welcomes new research possibilities 
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...ntent/uploads/2022/11/coffee-300x203.jpgSouth Africans are going to be paying more for coffee
...uploads/2025/01/paint-brush-1000x559.pngApplications open for Business and Arts South Africa supporting grants
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...yimages-2163369213-594x594-1-400x267.jpgBaobab is a superfood with growing global demand – that’s bad news for the sacred African tree teams mobilise as KZN braces for severe weather
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.../Mbuyiseni-Ndlozi-1_1200x675-400x225.jpgANC in Free State eyes former EFF MP Mbuyiseni Ndlozi
...ntent/uploads/2023/02/Selby-Mbenenge.pngJudicial tribunal hears of Judge Mbenenge’s sexually explicit texts to colleague
...01/Screenshot-2025-01-14-at-12.14.28.pngParliament wants to meet Zulu king over Ingonyama Trust Board crisis
...nt/uploads/2025/01/Gwarube2-400x267.jpegAt 87.3%, class of 2024 achieves highest pass rate in history of South Africa
...yimages-2105317483-594x594-1-400x257.jpgNew giraffe taxonomy discovery stands tall: Four species, four unique skulls
...ehle18may_streettraders_dw-3-300x200.jpgCompetition Commission uncovers fresh produce oligopoly
...ick_1900x1900-e1736936953550-400x320.jpgSouth African spending patterns in 2024: stability amid economic pressures
...2025/01/SOMCOL_Panorama-1_A3-400x124.jpgSomerset College IEB Matric Results 2024
...Profile-Photo-e1736344003733-400x292.jpgSouth African Tourism appoints Darryl Erasmus as the new Chief Operations Officer
...mage-2024-12-26-at-11.43.08-400x267.jpegThe Republic of Azerbaijan declares 26 December, 2024 a national day of mourning over the tragic crash of the Embraer 190 passenger aircraft
...-Award-Honored-by-Consumer.1-400x240.jpgSamsung’s AI-Powered innovations honoured by consumer technology association
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Estructura de la página

Encabezado H1
(Extremadamente importante)
Judge Mbenenge allegedly sent secretary a photo of his penis
Más de un encabezado H1.
Algunos de los encabezados H se repiten dos veces.
Hay 91 encabezados H en esta página. La cantidad de encabezados debería guardar una mejor proporción en relación al texto.

Estructura de los encabezados

Jerarquía de encabezadosContenido
H1 Judge Mbenenge allegedly sent secretary a photo of his penis
H1 Sewage crisis at Kamfers Dam causes ‘biodiversity nightmare’ for waterbirds
H1 Careers
H2 ActionSA forms alliance with F4SD for 2026 local government elections
H2 Sewage crisis at Kamfers Dam causes ‘biodiversity nightmare’ for waterbirds Texto duplicado
H2 ANC in Free State eyes former EFF MP Mbuyiseni Ndlozi
H2 South African spending patterns in 2024: stability amid economic pressures
H2 Recommended
H2 Fort Hare leading renewal of SA Dairy sector
H2 Thought Leader
H2 Friday
H2 The Green Guardian
H2 News
H2 Partner Content
H2 View All
H2 IT Web : Press Releases
H2 & Tenders
H3 Trump 2.0 sparks optimism in Africa and Asia, doubt in Europe and the rest of the West
H3 Survivors, corpses pulled from Stilfontein mine in ongoing operation
H3 Call for nominations: Mail & Guardian’s 200 Young South Africans 2025
H3 Fort Hare embraces ‘A decade of renewal’
H3 AngloGold Ashanti Research Chair in Dairy Science & Technology launches into a bright future
H3 University of Fort Hare to trailblaze with upcoming Bachelors in Dairy Science & Technology
H3 Award-winning dairy producer welcomes new research possibilities
H3 Can we fight AI cybersecurity threats with more AI?
H3 Can the GNU deliver on its promises?
H3 Colombian left ascends to power by uniting progressive forces
H3 South Africans are going to be paying more for coffee
H3 Applications open for Business and Arts South Africa supporting grants
H3 Kaytranada headlines first Milk and Cookies Festival in South Africa
H3 DIARY: Kaytranada live in Jozi, stream The Moth Podcast, Sun is a Star at Theatre Arts
H3 A tale of two statesmen: Smuts, Mandela and the making of South Africa
H3 Phumi Morare: Weaving myth, memory and mastery in film
H3 Cruelty case: Limpopo man pleads guilty to smoking bong with live snake inside
H3 Baobab is a superfood with growing global demand – that’s bad news for the sacred African tree
H3 Disaster teams mobilise as KZN braces for severe weather
H3 ActionSA forms alliance with F4SD for 2026 local government elections Texto duplicado
H3 Sewage crisis at Kamfers Dam causes ‘biodiversity nightmare’ for waterbirds Texto duplicado
H3 ANC in Free State eyes former EFF MP Mbuyiseni Ndlozi Texto duplicado
H3 Judicial tribunal hears of Judge Mbenenge’s sexually explicit texts to colleague
H3 Parliament wants to meet Zulu king over Ingonyama Trust Board crisis
H3 At 87.3%, class of 2024 achieves highest pass rate in history of South Africa
H3 New giraffe taxonomy discovery stands tall: Four species, four unique skulls
H3 Competition Commission uncovers fresh produce oligopoly
H3 South African spending patterns in 2024: stability amid economic pressures Texto duplicado
H3 Somerset College IEB Matric Results 2024
H3 South African Tourism appoints Darryl Erasmus as the new Chief Operations Officer
H3 The Republic of Azerbaijan declares 26 December, 2024 a national day of mourning over the tragic crash of the Embraer 190 passenger aircraft
H3 Samsung’s AI-Powered innovations honoured by consumer technology association
H3 The benefits of nicotine replacement therapy: a path to quitting smoking for new years resolution
H3 In my view
H3 Bay stadium on a roll with double-header success within a month
H3 Where there’s a will, there’s a better way
H3 North-West University at the forefront of agricultural innovation
H3 Request for expressions of interest Consulting firms
H3 Financial reporting and systems specialist
H3 Town Planner
H3 Africa
H3 Business
H3 Politics
H3 Education
H3 Sport
H3 World
H4 How SA became a haven for dodgy presidential cash from Mozambique
H4 African businesses favour intra-continental trade over global markets
H4 Dehumanising Malawi hospitals fail mothers with impairments
H4 Competition Commission uncovers fresh produce oligopoly Texto duplicado
H4 Experts say AI will fuel cybercrime attacks in 2025
H4 Dip in tractor sales reflects past challenges, but SA’s agricultural outlook remains optimistic
H4 ActionSA forms alliance with F4SD for 2026 local government elections Texto duplicado
H4 ANC in Free State eyes former EFF MP Mbuyiseni Ndlozi Texto duplicado
H4 Parliament wants to meet Zulu king over Ingonyama Trust Board crisis Texto duplicado
H4 Education movements slam high dropout rate for matric class of 2024
H4 At 87.3%, class of 2024 achieves highest pass rate in history of South Africa Texto duplicado
H4 St John’s College celebrates 100% matric pass rate
H4 Tracking the amiable Mr Jordaan
H4 Entries for Comrades Marathon 2025 are open
H4 South Africa cruise to seven-wicket win in Bangladesh Test
H4 Trump 2.0 sparks optimism in Africa and Asia, doubt in Europe and the rest of the West Texto duplicado
H4 Los Angeles Palisades Fire threatens Getty Museum, death toll rises to 24
H4 Survey finds that wealthy influence, racial inequality and education drive economic divide
H5 Search
H5 Welcome
H5 Register Now
Algunos textos ancla son demasiado largos.
Algunos enlaces internos contienen parámetros dinámicos. Las URL internas no deberían contener parámetros dinámicos, salvo que estén marcadas como nofollow.
Algunos textos ancla se repiten más de una vez en varios enlaces.
Hay 6 links con un texto ancla que no es suficientemente relevante.
La cantidad de enlaces internos es adecuada.
Hay demasiados enlaces externos (39) en esta página.
EnlacePropiedadesTexto ancla here ventana Externo Subdominio Sin texto ventana Externo Sin texto ventana Externo Subdominio Sin texto ventana Externo Subdominio Sin texto ventana Externo Subdominio Sin texto ventana Externo Subdominio Sin texto ventana Externo Subdominio Sin texto ventana Externo Subdominio Careers & Tenders The Mail & Guardian
A-TITLE The Mail & Guardian
/shop?utm_medium=marquee&utm_s...Nueva ventana SUBSCRIBE / Support independent journalism ventana Externo Subdominio CAREERS & TENDERS / Visit ventana Externo WHATSAPP? / Follow the M&G WhatsApp channel here
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/section/thought-leader/Thought Leader
A-TITLE Thought Leader
A-TITLE Politics
/section/the-green-guardian/Green Guardian
A-TITLE Green Guardian
A-TITLE Friday
/feature/2023-09-13-from-the-m...Buthelezi, the King’s Hand
A-TITLE Buthelezi, the King's Hand
/cabinet-report-cards-2023/Cabinet Report Cards 2023
A-TITLE Cabinet Report Cards 2023 ventana Externo Subdominio Cabinet Report Cards 2012-2021
A-TITLE Cabinet Report Cards 2012-2021
/tag/the-fiscal-cliff/The Fiscal Cliff
A-TITLE The Fiscal Cliff
A-TITLE Submissions
/powerofwomen-2024/Power of Women 2024
A-TITLE Power of Women 2024 Young South Africans
A-TITLE 200 Young South Africans
/greening-the-future-2024/Greening The Future
A-TITLE Greening The Future Of Women
A-TITLE Power Of Women
/powerofwomen-2024/2024 Edition
A-TITLE 2024 Edition
/section/critical-thinking-forum/Critical Thinking Forum
A-TITLE Critical Thinking Forum
/200youngsouthafricans-summit/Youth Summit
A-TITLE Youth Summit
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/section/digital-editions/Digital Editions
A-TITLE Digital Editions Subdominio WhatsApp Channel
A-TITLE WhatsApp Channel ventana Externo Subdominio Sin texto ventana Externo Sin texto ventana Externo Subdominio Sin texto ventana Externo Subdominio Sin texto ventana Externo Subdominio Sin texto ventana Externo Subdominio Sin texto ventana Externo Subdominio Sin texto duplicado National
/news/2025-01-15-judge-mbeneng...Judge Mbenenge allegedly sent secretary a photo of his penis
/author/emsie-ferreira-1/Emsie Ferreira
A-TITLE Posts by Emsie Ferreira
/news/2025-01-15-judge-mbeneng...Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Judge Mbenenge allegedly sent secretary a photo of his penis
/politics/2025-01-15-actionsa-...IMG-ALT ActionSA forms alliance with F4SD for 2026 local government elections
/section/politics/Texto duplicado Politics
/politics/2025-01-15-actionsa-...Texto duplicado ActionSA forms alliance with F4SD for 2026 local government elections
/author/mandisa-nyathi/Mandisa Nyathi
A-TITLE Posts by Mandisa Nyathi
/the-green-guardian/2025-01-15...IMG-ALT Sewage crisis at Kamfers Dam causes ‘biodiversity nightmare’ for waterbirds
/section/the-green-guardian/The Green Guardian
/the-green-guardian/2025-01-15...Texto duplicado Sewage crisis at Kamfers Dam causes ‘biodiversity nightmare’ for waterbirds
/author/sheree-bega/Sheree Bega
A-TITLE Posts by Sheree Bega
/politics/2025-01-15-anc-in-fr...IMG-ALT ANC in Free State eyes former EFF MP Mbuyiseni Ndlozi
/section/politics/Texto duplicado Politics
/politics/2025-01-15-anc-in-fr...Texto duplicado ANC in Free State eyes former EFF MP Mbuyiseni Ndlozi
/author/lunga-mzangwe/Lunga Mzangwe
A-TITLE Posts by Lunga Mzangwe
/author/mandisa-nyathi/Texto duplicado Mandisa Nyathi
A-TITLE Posts by Mandisa Nyathi
/partner-content/2025-01-15-so...IMG-ALT South African spending patterns in 2024: stability amid economic pressures
/section/partner-content/Partner Content
/partner-content/2025-01-15-so...Texto duplicado South African spending patterns in 2024: stability amid economic pressures
/author/standard-bank/Standard Bank
A-TITLE Posts by Standard Bank
/world/2025-01-15-trump-2-0-sp...IMG-ALT Trump 2.0 sparks optimism in Africa and Asia, doubt in Europe and the rest of the West duplicado World
/world/2025-01-15-trump-2-0-sp...Texto duplicado Trump 2.0 sparks optimism in Africa and Asia, doubt in Europe and the rest of the West
/author/mg-reporter-1/MG Reporter
A-TITLE Posts by MG Reporter
/news/2025-01-15-survivors-cor...IMG-ALT Survivors, corpses pulled from Stilfontein mine in ongoing operation duplicado National
/news/2025-01-15-survivors-cor...Texto duplicado Survivors, corpses pulled from Stilfontein mine in ongoing operation
/author/mg-reporter-1/Texto duplicado MG Reporter
A-TITLE Posts by MG Reporter
/news/2024-12-13-call-for-nomi...IMG-ALT Call for nominations: Mail & Guardian’s 200 Young South Africans 2025 duplicado National
/news/2024-12-13-call-for-nomi...Texto duplicado Call for nominations: Mail & Guardian’s 200 Young South Africans 2025
/author/mg-reporter-1/Texto duplicado MG Reporter
A-TITLE Posts by MG Reporter
/tag/fort-hare-leading-renewal...Fort Hare leading renewal of SA Dairy sector
/partner-content/2024-08-01-fo...By Staff Writer Fort Hare embraces ‘A decade of renewal’ Modernised infrastructure, curriculum renewal and new research agenda driving UFH forward
IMG-ALT Fort Hare embraces ‘A decade of renewal’
/author/staff-writer/Staff Writer
A-TITLE Posts by Staff Writer
/partner-content/2024-08-01-fo...Fort Hare embraces ‘A decade of renewal’
/partner-content/2024-08-01-an...By Elna Schütz AngloGold Ashanti Research Chair in Dairy Science & Technology launches into a bright future The chair is part of UFH’s larger plan to be soci...
IMG-ALT AngloGold Ashanti Research Chair in Dairy Science & Technology launches into a bright future
/author/elna-schutz/Elna Schütz
A-TITLE Posts by Elna Schütz
/partner-content/2024-08-01-an...AngloGold Ashanti Research Chair in Dairy Science & Technology launches into a bright future
/partner-content/2024-08-01-un...By Elna Schütz University of Fort Hare to trailblaze with upcoming Bachelors in Dairy Science & Technology Producing skilled staff in this field will help to...
IMG-ALT University of Fort Hare to trailblaze with upcoming Bachelors in Dairy Science & Technology
/author/elna-schutz/Texto duplicado Elna Schütz
A-TITLE Posts by Elna Schütz
/partner-content/2024-08-01-un...University of Fort Hare to trailblaze with upcoming Bachelors in Dairy Science & Technology
/partner-content/2024-08-01-aw...By Elna Schütz Award-winning dairy producer welcomes new research possibilities Amadlelo Agri and UFH are working together to benefit local communities and t...
IMG-ALT Award-winning dairy producer welcomes new research possibilities
/author/elna-schutz/Texto duplicado Elna Schütz
A-TITLE Posts by Elna Schütz
/partner-content/2024-08-01-aw...Award-winning dairy producer welcomes new research possibilities
/tag/fort-hare-leading-renewal...View more articles duplicado Thought Leader
/thought-leader/opinion/2025-0...IMG-ALT Can we fight AI cybersecurity threats with more AI?
/thought-leader/opinion/2025-0...Texto duplicado Can we fight AI cybersecurity threats with more AI?
/author/lisa-strydom/Lisa Strydom
A-TITLE Posts by Lisa Strydom
/thought-leader/opinion/2025-0...IMG-ALT Can the GNU deliver on its promises?
/thought-leader/opinion/2025-0...Texto duplicado Can the GNU deliver on its promises?
/author/kholwani-simelane/Kholwani Simelane
A-TITLE Posts by Kholwani Simelane
/author/freddy-mathekga/Freddy Mathekga
A-TITLE Posts by Freddy Mathekga
/thought-leader/opinion/2025-0...IMG-ALT Colombian left ascends to power by uniting progressive forces
/thought-leader/opinion/2025-0...Texto duplicado Colombian left ascends to power by uniting progressive forces
/author/imraan-buccus/Imraan Buccus
A-TITLE Posts by Imraan Buccus
/thought-leader/opinion/2025-0...IMG-ALT South Africans are going to be paying more for coffee
/thought-leader/opinion/2025-0...Texto duplicado South Africans are going to be paying more for coffee
/author/wandile-sihlobo/Wandile Sihlobo
A-TITLE Posts by Wandile Sihlobo duplicado Friday
/friday/2025-01-15-application...IMG-ALT Applications open for Business and Arts South Africa supporting grants
/friday/2025-01-15-application...Texto duplicado Applications open for Business and Arts South Africa supporting grants
/friday/2025-01-10-kaytranada-...IMG-ALT Kaytranada headlines first Milk and Cookies Festival in South Africa
/friday/2025-01-10-kaytranada-...Texto duplicado Kaytranada headlines first Milk and Cookies Festival in South Africa
/friday/2025-01-10-diary-kaytr...IMG-ALT DIARY: Kaytranada live in Jozi, stream The Moth Podcast, Sun is a Star at Theatre Arts
/friday/2025-01-10-diary-kaytr...Texto duplicado DIARY: Kaytranada live in Jozi, stream The Moth Podcast, Sun is a Star at Theatre Arts
/friday/2025-01-09-a-tale-of-t...IMG-ALT A tale of two statesmen: Smuts, Mandela and the making of South Africa
/friday/2025-01-09-a-tale-of-t...Texto duplicado A tale of two statesmen: Smuts, Mandela and the making of South Africa
/friday/2025-01-09-phumi-morar...IMG-ALT Phumi Morare: Weaving myth, memory and mastery in film
/friday/2025-01-09-phumi-morar...Texto duplicado Phumi Morare: Weaving myth, memory and mastery in film
/section/the-green-guardian/Texto duplicado The Green Guardian
/the-green-guardian/2025-01-15...Texto duplicado Sewage crisis at Kamfers Dam causes ‘biodiversity nightmare’ for waterbirds
/author/sheree-bega/Texto duplicado Sheree Bega
A-TITLE Posts by Sheree Bega
/the-green-guardian/2025-01-09...IMG-ALT Cruelty case: Limpopo man pleads guilty to smoking bong with live snake inside
/the-green-guardian/2025-01-09...Texto duplicado Cruelty case: Limpopo man pleads guilty to smoking bong with live snake inside
/author/sheree-bega/Texto duplicado Sheree Bega
A-TITLE Posts by Sheree Bega
/the-green-guardian/2025-01-08...IMG-ALT Baobab is a superfood with growing global demand – that’s bad news for the sacred African tree
/the-green-guardian/2025-01-08...Texto duplicado Baobab is a superfood with growing global demand – that’s bad news for the sacred African tree
/author/patrick-maundu/Patrick Maundu
A-TITLE Posts by Patrick Maundu
/the-green-guardian/2025-01-06...IMG-ALT Disaster teams mobilise as KZN braces for severe weather
/the-green-guardian/2025-01-06...Texto duplicado Disaster teams mobilise as KZN braces for severe weather
/author/mg-reporter-1/Texto duplicado MG Reporter
A-TITLE Posts by MG Reporter
/politics/2025-01-15-actionsa-...Texto duplicado IMG-ALT ActionSA forms alliance with F4SD for 2026 local government elections
/section/politics/Texto duplicado Politics
/politics/2025-01-15-actionsa-...Texto duplicado ActionSA forms alliance with F4SD for 2026 local government elections
/the-green-guardian/2025-01-15...Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Sewage crisis at Kamfers Dam causes ‘biodiversity nightmare’ for waterbirds
/section/the-green-guardian/Texto duplicado The Green Guardian
/the-green-guardian/2025-01-15...Texto duplicado Sewage crisis at Kamfers Dam causes ‘biodiversity nightmare’ for waterbirds
/politics/2025-01-15-anc-in-fr...Texto duplicado IMG-ALT ANC in Free State eyes former EFF MP Mbuyiseni Ndlozi
/section/politics/Texto duplicado Politics
/politics/2025-01-15-anc-in-fr...Texto duplicado ANC in Free State eyes former EFF MP Mbuyiseni Ndlozi
/news/2025-01-14-judicial-trib...IMG-ALT Judicial tribunal hears of Judge Mbenenge’s sexually explicit texts to colleague duplicado National
/news/2025-01-14-judicial-trib...Texto duplicado Judicial tribunal hears of Judge Mbenenge’s sexually explicit texts to colleague
/politics/2025-01-14-parliamen...IMG-ALT Parliament wants to meet Zulu king over Ingonyama Trust Board crisis
/section/politics/Texto duplicado Politics
/politics/2025-01-14-parliamen...Texto duplicado Parliament wants to meet Zulu king over Ingonyama Trust Board crisis
/education/2025-01-14-at-87-3-...IMG-ALT At 87.3%, class of 2024 achieves highest pass rate in history of South Africa
/section/education/Texto duplicado Education
/education/2025-01-14-at-87-3-...Texto duplicado At 87.3%, class of 2024 achieves highest pass rate in history of South Africa
/news/2025-01-14-new-giraffe-t...IMG-ALT New giraffe taxonomy discovery stands tall: Four species, four unique skulls duplicado National
/news/2025-01-14-new-giraffe-t...Texto duplicado New giraffe taxonomy discovery stands tall: Four species, four unique skulls
/business/2025-01-13-competiti...IMG-ALT Competition Commission uncovers fresh produce oligopoly
/section/business/Texto duplicado Business
/business/2025-01-13-competiti...Texto duplicado Competition Commission uncovers fresh produce oligopoly
/section/partner-content/Texto duplicado Partner Content
/partner-content/2025-01-15-so...Texto duplicado South African spending patterns in 2024: stability amid economic pressures
/partner-content/2025-01-15-so...Texto duplicado IMG-ALT South African spending patterns in 2024: stability amid economic pressures
/partner-content/2025-01-15-so...Texto ancla no relevante
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/partner-content/2025-01-14-so...Somerset College IEB Matric Results 2024
/partner-content/2025-01-14-so...Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Somerset College IEB Matric Results 2024
/partner-content/2025-01-14-so...Texto duplicado Texto ancla no relevante
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/partner-content/2025-01-08-so...South African Tourism appoints Darryl Erasmus as the new Chief Operations Officer
/partner-content/2025-01-08-so...Texto duplicado IMG-ALT South African Tourism appoints Darryl Erasmus as the new Chief Operations Officer
/partner-content/2025-01-08-so...Texto duplicado Texto ancla no relevante
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/section/partner-content/View All
/partner-content/2024-12-27-th...The Republic of Azerbaijan declares 26 December, 2024 a national day of mourning over the tragic crash of the Embraer 190 passenger aircraft
/partner-content/2024-12-27-th...Texto duplicado IMG-ALT The Republic of Azerbaijan declares 26 December, 2024 a national day of mourning over the tragic crash of the Embraer 190 passenger aircraft
/partner-content/2024-12-27-th...Texto duplicado Texto ancla no relevante
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/partner-content/2024-12-20-sa...Samsung’s AI-Powered innovations honoured by consumer technology association
/partner-content/2024-12-20-sa...Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Samsung’s AI-Powered innovations honoured by consumer technology association
/partner-content/2024-12-20-sa...Texto duplicado Texto ancla no relevante
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/partner-content/2024-12-20-th...The benefits of nicotine replacement therapy: a path to quitting smoking for new years resolution
/partner-content/2024-12-20-th...Texto duplicado IMG-ALT The benefits of nicotine replacement therapy: a path to quitting smoking for new years resolution
/partner-content/2024-12-20-th...Texto duplicado Texto ancla no relevante
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/press-releases/2025-01-07-in-...IMG-ALT In my view
/author/mandela-bay-development/Mandela Bay Development
A-TITLE Posts by Mandela Bay Development
/press-releases/2025-01-07-in-...Texto duplicado In my view
/press-releases/2024-12-09-bay...IMG-ALT Bay stadium on a roll with double-header success within a month
/author/mandela-bay-development/Texto duplicado Mandela Bay Development
A-TITLE Posts by Mandela Bay Development
/press-releases/2024-12-09-bay...Texto duplicado Bay stadium on a roll with double-header success within a month
/press-releases/2024-12-04-whe...IMG-ALT Where there’s a will, there’s a better way
/author/chartered-wealth-solut...Chartered Wealth Solutions
A-TITLE Posts by Chartered Wealth Solutions
/press-releases/2024-12-04-whe...Texto duplicado Where there’s a will, there’s a better way
/press-releases/2024-12-04-nor...IMG-ALT North-West University at the forefront of agricultural innovation
/author/north-west-university/North West University
A-TITLE Posts by North West University
/press-releases/2024-12-04-nor...Texto duplicado North-West University at the forefront of agricultural innovation ventana Externo Subdominio ventana Externo Subdominio IMG-ALT Request for expressions of interest Consulting firms ventana Externo Subdominio ORASECOM ventana Externo Subdominio Texto duplicado Request for expressions of interest Consulting firms ventana Externo Subdominio IMG-ALT Financial reporting and systems specialist ventana Externo Subdominio African Health Research Institute (AFRI) ventana Externo Subdominio Texto duplicado Financial reporting and systems specialist ventana Externo Subdominio IMG-ALT Town Planner ventana Externo Subdominio John Taola Gaetsewe District Municipality ventana Externo Subdominio Texto duplicado Town Planner duplicado Africa
/africa/2024-11-18-how-sa-beca...How SA became a haven for dodgy presidential cash from Mozambique
/author/the-continent-reporter/The Continent Reporter
A-TITLE Posts by The Continent Reporter
/africa/2024-11-16-african-bus...African businesses favour intra-continental trade over global markets
/author/conrad-onyango/Conrad Onyango
A-TITLE Posts by Conrad Onyango
/africa/2024-11-11-dehumanisin...Dehumanising Malawi hospitals fail mothers with impairments
/author/josephine-chinele/Josephine Chinele
A-TITLE Posts by Josephine Chinele
/author/chisomo-ngulube/Chisomo Ngulube
A-TITLE Posts by Chisomo Ngulube → duplicado Business
/business/2025-01-13-competiti...Texto duplicado Competition Commission uncovers fresh produce oligopoly
/author/lyse-comins/Lyse Comins
A-TITLE Posts by Lyse Comins
/business/2025-01-13-experts-s...Experts say AI will fuel cybercrime attacks in 2025
/author/lyse-comins/Texto duplicado Lyse Comins
A-TITLE Posts by Lyse Comins
/business/2025-01-13-dip-in-tr...Dip in tractor sales reflects past challenges, but SA’s agricultural outlook remains optimistic
/author/wandile-sihlobo/Texto duplicado Wandile Sihlobo
A-TITLE Posts by Wandile Sihlobo
/sections/businessTexto duplicado More → duplicado Politics
/politics/2025-01-15-actionsa-...Texto duplicado ActionSA forms alliance with F4SD for 2026 local government elections
/author/mandisa-nyathi/Texto duplicado Mandisa Nyathi
A-TITLE Posts by Mandisa Nyathi
/politics/2025-01-15-anc-in-fr...Texto duplicado ANC in Free State eyes former EFF MP Mbuyiseni Ndlozi
/author/lunga-mzangwe/Texto duplicado Lunga Mzangwe
A-TITLE Posts by Lunga Mzangwe
/author/mandisa-nyathi/Texto duplicado Mandisa Nyathi
A-TITLE Posts by Mandisa Nyathi
/politics/2025-01-14-parliamen...Texto duplicado Parliament wants to meet Zulu king over Ingonyama Trust Board crisis
/author/paddy-harper/Paddy Harper
A-TITLE Posts by Paddy Harper
/sections/politicsTexto duplicado More →
/section/educationTexto duplicado Education
/education/2025-01-14-educatio...Education movements slam high dropout rate for matric class of 2024 Bakharia
A-TITLE Posts by Umamah Bakharia
/education/2025-01-14-at-87-3-...Texto duplicado At 87.3%, class of 2024 achieves highest pass rate in history of South Africa
/author/mg-reporter-1/Texto duplicado MG Reporter
A-TITLE Posts by MG Reporter
/education/2025-01-13-st-johns...St John’s College celebrates 100% matric pass rate duplicado Umamah Bakharia
A-TITLE Posts by Umamah Bakharia
/sections/educationTexto duplicado More → duplicado Sport
/sport/2024-11-30-tracking-the...Tracking the amiable Mr Jordaan
/author/luke-alfred/Luke Alfred
A-TITLE Posts by Luke Alfred
/sport/2024-11-13-entries-for-...Entries for Comrades Marathon 2025 are open
/author/akheel-sewsunker/Akheel Sewsunker
A-TITLE Posts by Akheel Sewsunker
/sport/2024-10-24-south-africa...South Africa cruise to seven-wicket win in Bangladesh Test
A-TITLE Posts by Afp duplicado More → duplicado World
/world/2025-01-15-trump-2-0-sp...Texto duplicado Trump 2.0 sparks optimism in Africa and Asia, doubt in Europe and the rest of the West
/author/mg-reporter-1/Texto duplicado MG Reporter
A-TITLE Posts by MG Reporter
/world/2025-01-13-los-angeles-...Los Angeles Palisades Fire threatens Getty Museum, death toll rises to 24 News
A-TITLE Posts by DW News
/world/2025-01-10-survey-wealt...Survey finds that wealthy influence, racial inequality and education drive economic divide
/author/aarti-bhana/Aarti Bhana
A-TITLE Posts by Aarti Bhana duplicado More → MAIL & GUARDIAN duplicado Subscribe duplicado Newsletters ventana Externo Subdominio Texto duplicado WhatsApp Channel ventana Externo Twitter ventana Externo Subdominio Facebook ventana Externo Subdominio YouTube ventana Externo Subdominio Instagram ventana Externo Subdominio LinkedIn ventana Externo Subdominio TikTok ventana Externo Subdominio Threads
/200youngsouthafricans/Texto duplicado 200 Young South Africans duplicado Power Of Women
/greeningthefuture/Texto duplicado Greening The Future Policy Policy
/ethics-and-social-media-policy/Ethics & Social Media Policy ventana Externo Subdominio Mail & Guardian Careers ventana Externo Subdominio Property for sale IMG-ALT Mail & Guardian

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The Mail & Guardian | Africa's Better Future
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