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(Extremadamente importante)
Perfect Plants | Indoor and Outdoor Plants delivered Nationwide
La longitud del título es óptima (573 píxeles de una longitud máxima de 580 píxeles).
No se repite ninguna palabra en el título.
Meta descripción
(Extremadamente importante)
At Perfect Plants we grow and source a wide range of high quality indoor and garden plants including houseplants, perennials, bedding plants and herbs. Delivered across the whole of the UK.
La meta descripción es demasiado larga: 1000 píxelesOptimizar la descripción.
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La página tiene una redirección canónica correcta.
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Idioma reconocido automáticamente en el contenido: en
Ubicación geográfica del servidor: Estados Unidos de América
El idioma no ha sido declarado en el código HTML.
Enlaces Alternate/Hreflang
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No se detecta ninguna metaetiqueta de paginación rel prev en la página.
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El dominio no es un subdominio.
La longitud del nombre del dominio es buena.
El dominio no contiene caracteres especiales.
URL de la página
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descriptionAt Perfect Plants we grow and source a wide range of high quality indoor and garden plants including houseplants, perennials, bedding plants and herbs. Delivered across the whole of the UK.
viewportwidth=device-width, initial-scale=1, minimum-scale=1, maximum-scale=1
og:titlePerfect Plants | Indoor and Outdoor Plants delivered Nationwide
og:descriptionAt Perfect Plants we grow and source a wide range of high quality indoor and garden plants including houseplants, perennials, bedding plants and herbs. Delivered across the whole of the UK.
og:site_namePerfect Plants
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(Extremadamente importante)
Algunas palabras del título no se repiten en el cuerpo del texto.
En esta página hay faltas de ortografía:
  • accesories => accessories
Hay 4 textos duplicados en esta página:
  • Texto duplicado 1: Colourful Pansy bedding plants are delightful flowers featuring velvet...
  • Texto duplicado 2: The Rosemary plant is a fragrant and flavorful herb cherished for its ...
El número total de palabras en la página es bueno: 3169 palabras.
Un 31.3% del contenido está constituido por palabras vacías.
Las palabras del encabezado H1 también aparecen en el cuerpo del texto.
La página contiene un listado, lo que indica una buena estructuración del contenido.
Se han encontrado 56 párrafos en esta página.
No se detecta ningún placeholder de texto ni imagen.
La cantidad media de palabras por frase es buena: 15.64 palabras.
(Extremadamente importante)
Esta página no utiliza ningún frameset.
Optimización para móviles
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El valor de la etiqueta viewport es correcto: (width=device-width, initial-scale=1, minimum-scale=1, maximum-scale=1).
Etiquetas Bold y Strong
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Algunas etiquetas se repiten, como por ejemplo: home.
Optimización de imágenes
(Poco importante)
No se detecta ninguna descripción del atributo ALT en 12 imágenes. El contenido de los atributos ALT también es evaluado como texto por los buscadores y es muy importante para la búsqueda de imágenes.
Redes Sociales
Esta página apenas ofrece posibilidades de compartir el contenido en redes sociales. Con la integración de widgets puedes conseguir que tus contenidos se popularicen en redes.
Etiquetas markup adicionales
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Todos los archivos incluidos se transfieren a través de HTTPS.

Lista de medios

URLAtributo ALTTítulo
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...793ebd26-4db6-4567-b4ef-fc444e25ee84.jpgCineraria Senetti Plants Pink Bicolour - Delivered in a 17cm Plant Pot - Stunning Flowers
...21d3cde1-d35e-4351-bbc6-e935852ab6bc.jpgBellis Plants Rose - 6 Plants Each Delivered in a 10.5cm Plant Pot - Pom Pom Flowers
...f5f27266-126e-425c-9d57-85053fbde0b7.jpgWallflower Plants Mixed Colours - 6 Plants Each Delivered in a 10.5cm Plant Pot - Delightful Sweet Fragrance
...55168204-0199-4b6d-933a-1cd53f6538ab.jpgPansy Citrus Mix Bedding Plants - 6 x Winter Pansies Ready to Plant Each Delivered in a 10.5cm Plant Pot - Outdoor Plants Great for Hanging Basket or Gifts
...3d475225-182f-4186-9e5f-43a3424bfc01.jpgRanunculus Plants Mixed Colours - 6 Plants Each Delivered in a 10.5cm Plant Pot - Vibrant Flowers with for a Colourful Display
...a0d7726a-23fa-4ae9-af14-d262541bee19.jpgPrimrose Plants Yellow with Orange Eye - 6 Plants Each Delivered in a 10.5cm Plant Pot - Vibrant flowers with Delicate Blooms
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...da27c863-703b-41ab-9546-fe3df5d01ff9.jpgPolyanthus Plants White - 6 Plants Each Delivered in a 10.5cm Plant Pot - Vibrant flowers with Delicate Blooms
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...60aafa80-73ae-40ca-b6fb-e74370e42d58.jpgPolyanthus Plants Blue Shades - 6 Plants Each Delivered in a 10.5cm Plant Pot - Vibrant flowers with Delicate Blooms
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...269ce55c-8b6d-4a5d-8d8f-e2f065c24c93.jpgBellis Plants White - 6 Plants Each Delivered in a 10.5cm Plant Pot - Pom Pom Flowers
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URL del VídeoAnchoAlto

Estructura de la página

Encabezado H1
(Extremadamente importante)
Beautiful Winter Bedding Plants
El encabezado H1 es óptimo.
Hay 50 encabezados H en esta página. La cantidad de encabezados debería guardar una mejor proporción en relación al texto.

Estructura de los encabezados

Jerarquía de encabezadosContenido
H1 Beautiful Winter Bedding Plants
H2 From our home to your home
H2 We Grow and Source
H3 Bursting colors, textures, and scents transform your Winter Garden.
H3 Beautiful plants delivered
H3 directly to your home
H3 A wide variety of plants
H3 for your home and garden
H3 Pansy Mix Bedding Plants - 6 x Winter Pansies Ready to Plant Each Delivered in a 10.5cm Plant Pot - Outdoor Plants Great for Hanging Basket or Gifts
H3 Cineraria Senetti Plants Pink Bicolour - Delivered in a 17cm Plant Pot - Stunning Flowers
H3 Bellis Plants Rose - 6 Plants Each Delivered in a 10.5cm Plant Pot - Pom Pom Flowers
H3 Wallflower Plants Mixed Colours - 6 Plants Each Delivered in a 10.5cm Plant Pot - Delightful Sweet Fragrance
H3 Pansy Citrus Mix Bedding Plants - 6 x Winter Pansies Ready to Plant Each Delivered in a 10.5cm Plant Pot - Outdoor Plants Great for Hanging Basket or Gifts
H3 Ranunculus Plants Mixed Colours - 6 Plants Each Delivered in a 10.5cm Plant Pot - Vibrant Flowers with for a Colourful Display
H3 Primrose Plants Yellow with Orange Eye - 6 Plants Each Delivered in a 10.5cm Plant Pot - Vibrant flowers with Delicate Blooms
H3 Primrose Plants White With Orange Eye - 6 Plants Each Delivered in a 10.5cm Plant Pot - Vibrant flowers with Delicate Blooms
H3 Primrose Plants Mixed Colours - 6 Plants Each Delivered in a 10.5cm Plant Pot - Vibrant flowers with Delicate Blooms
H3 Primrose Plants Cornish Cream - 6 Plants Each Delivered in a 10.5cm Plant Pot - Vibrant flowers with Delicate Blooms
H3 Primrose Plants Appleblossom - 6 Plants Each Delivered in a 10.5cm Plant Pot - Vibrant flowers with Delicate Blooms
H3 Polyanthus Plants Yellow - 6 Plants Each Delivered in a 10.5cm Plant Pot - Vibrant flowers with Delicate Blooms
H3 Polyanthus Plants White - 6 Plants Each Delivered in a 10.5cm Plant Pot - Vibrant flowers with Delicate Blooms
H3 Polyanthus Plants Mixed Colours - 6 Plants Each Delivered in a 10.5cm Plant Pot - Vibrant flowers with Delicate Blooms
H3 Polyanthus Plants Blue Shades - 6 Plants Each Delivered in a 10.5cm Plant Pot - Vibrant flowers with Delicate Blooms
H3 Cineraria Senetti Plants Violet Bicolour - Delivered in a 17cm Plant Pot - Stunning Flowers
H3 Cineraria Senetti Plants Red - Delivered in a 17cm Plant Pot - Stunning Flowers
H3 Cineraria Senetti Plants Deep Blue - Delivered in a 17cm Plant Pot - Stunning Flowers
H3 Bellis Plants White - 6 Plants Each Delivered in a 10.5cm Plant Pot - Pom Pom Flowers
H3 Bellis Plants Red - 6 Plants Each Delivered in a 10.5cm Plant Pot - Pom Pom Flowers
H3 Swiss Cheese Plant with Moss Pole
H3 Swiss Cheese Plant
H3 Kentia Palm
H3 Alocasia (Zebrina)
H3 String of Pearls
H3 Butterfly Palm
H3 Snake Plant (Laurentii)
H3 Bird of Paradise (Nicolai)
H3 Indian Laurel (Ginseng)
H3 Weeping Fig Tree (Ficus Anastasia)
H3 Oregano plant in 13cm pot Garden Ready Herb Plant
H3 Chives Plant in a 13cm pot Garden Ready Herb Plant
H3 Thyme Plant Silver Leaved in a 13cm pot
H3 Rosemary Plant in a 13cm pot - Garden Ready Herb Plant
H3 Parsley Plant Flat Leaf in a 13cm pot Garden Ready Herb Plant
H3 Parsley Plant Curled in a 13cm pot Garden Ready Herb Plant
H3 Orange Mint Plant in a 13cm pot Garden Ready Herb Plant
H3 Blue Hyssop Plant in a 13cm Pot Garden Ready Herb Plant
H3 Thyme Plant in a 13cm Pot Garden Ready
H3 Rosemary Plant in a 17cm pot- Garden Ready Herb Plant
H4 Wishlist
H4 Comparing box
Algunos textos ancla son demasiado largos.
Algunos enlaces internos contienen parámetros dinámicos. Las URL internas no deberían contener parámetros dinámicos, salvo que estén marcadas como nofollow.
Algunos textos ancla se repiten más de una vez en varios enlaces.
7 enlaces cerecen de un texto ancla.
Hay 1 links con un texto ancla que no es suficientemente relevante.
La cantidad de enlaces internos es adecuada.
Hay 3 enlaces externos en esta página.
EnlacePropiedadesTexto ancla Perfect Plants
/collections/indoor-plantsIndoor Plants
/collections/indoor-plantsAll Indoor Plants
/collections/plant-typePlant Type
/collections/leafy-houseplantLeafy houseplants
/collections/tropicalTropical plants
/collections/fernsIndoor ferns
/collections/hangingHanging plants
/collections/cactusCactus plants
/collections/carnivorous-plantsCarnivorous plants
/collections/living-roomLiving room
/collections/home-officeHome office
/collections/most-popularMost Popular
/collections/outdoor-plantsOutdoor Plants
/collections/winter-beddingWinter Bedding Plants
/collections/ornamental-grassesOrnamental Grasses
/collections/herbs-vegetablesHerbs & Vegetables
/collections/herb-plantsHerb Plants
/collections/tomato-plantsTomato Plants
/collections/cucumber-plantsCucumber Plants
/collections/chilli-plantsChilli Plants
/collections/potsPots & Accesories
/products/e-gift-cardGift Cards
/pages/our-storyOur Story
/collections/add-a-little-treatAdd a little treat
/collections/bedding-plantsBedding Plants
/collections/cactusCactus Plants
/collections/care-levelCare Level
/collections/carnivorous-plantsCarnivorous Plants
/collections/direct-sunlightDirect Sunlight
/collections/easy-to-care-forEasy to care for
/collections/extra-largeExtra Large
/collections/featured-plantsFeatured Plants
/collections/gift-cardGift Card
/collections/great-for-beginnersGreat For Beginners
/collections/hangingHanging Plants
/collections/herb-plantsTexto duplicado Herb Plants
/collections/herbs-vegetablesTexto duplicado Herbs & Vegetables
/collections/indoor-plantsTexto duplicado Indoor Plants
/collections/leafy-houseplantLeafy Houseplants
/collections/light-levelLight Level
/collections/light-shadeLight Shade
/collections/needs-some-loveNeeds some love
/collections/newNew Arrivals
/collections/ornamental-grassesTexto duplicado Ornamental Grasses
/collections/plant-typeOur favourite indoor plant collections
/collections/outdoor-plantsTexto duplicado Outdoor Plants
/collections/pet-friendlyPet Friendly
/collections/plant-originPlant Origin
/collections/plant-sizePlant Size
/collections/bathroomPlants for the Bathroom
/collections/bedroomPlants for the bedroom
/collections/conservatoryPlants for the Conservatory
/collections/home-officePlants for the Home Office
/collections/kitchenPlants for the Kitchen
/collections/living-roomPlants for the Living Room
/collections/windowsillPlants for the Windowsill
/collections/potsPots & Accessories
/collections/roomTexto duplicado Room
/collections/rubber-plantRubber Plant
/collections/shade-lovingShade Loving plants
/collections/shady-cornerShady Corner
/collections/snake-plantSnake Plant
/collections/swamp-houseSwamp House
/collections/monsteraSwiss Cheeseplant
/collections/the-desert-houseThe Desert House
/collections/the-woodland-houseThe Forest House
/collections/the-tropical-houseThe Tropical House
/collections/tomato-plantsTexto duplicado Tomato Plants
/collections/tropicalTexto duplicado Tropical plants
/collections/unkillableUnkillable plants
/collections/winter-beddingTexto duplicado Winter Bedding Plants
/account/loginSin texto cart
/collections/newTexto duplicado New
/collections/indoor-plantsTexto duplicado Indoor Plants
/collections/indoor-plantsTexto duplicado All Indoor Plants
/collections/plant-typeTexto duplicado Plant Type
/collections/leafy-houseplantTexto duplicado Leafy houseplants
/collections/tropicalTexto duplicado Tropical plants
/collections/fernsTexto duplicado Indoor ferns
/collections/hangingTexto duplicado Hanging plants
/collections/cactusTexto duplicado Cactus plants
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/collections/conservatoryTexto duplicado Conservatory
/collections/home-officeTexto duplicado Home office
/collections/most-popularTexto duplicado Most Popular
/collections/outdoor-plantsTexto duplicado Outdoor Plants
/collections/winter-beddingTexto duplicado Winter Bedding Plants
/collections/ornamental-grassesTexto duplicado Ornamental Grasses
/collections/herbs-vegetablesTexto duplicado Herbs & Vegetables
/collections/herb-plantsTexto duplicado Herb Plants
/collections/tomato-plantsTexto duplicado Tomato Plants
/collections/cucumber-plantsTexto duplicado Cucumber Plants
/collections/chilli-plantsTexto duplicado Chilli Plants
/collections/potsTexto duplicado Pots & Accesories
/products/e-gift-cardTexto duplicado Gift Cards
/pages/our-storyTexto duplicado Our Story
/blogs/indoor-plantsTexto duplicado Blog ventana Externo Subdominio A-TITLE Facebook ventana Externo A-TITLE Twitter ventana Externo A-TITLE Linkedin
/collections/winter-beddingSin texto
/collections/indoor-plantsSin texto
/pages/our-storySin texto
/products/pansy-mix-bedding-pl...IMG-ALT Pansy Mix Bedding Plants - 6 x Winter Pansies Ready to Plant Each Delivered in a 10.5cm Plant Pot - Outdoor Plants Great for Hanging Basket or Gifts
/products/pansy-mix-bedding-pl...Quick View
/products/pansy-mix-bedding-pl...Texto duplicado Pansy Mix Bedding Plants - 6 x Winter Pansies Ready to Plant Each Delivered in a 10.5cm Plant Pot - Outdoor Plants Great for Hanging Basket or Gifts
/products/cineraria-senetti-pl...IMG-ALT Cineraria Senetti Plants Pink Bicolour - Delivered in a 17cm Plant Pot - Stunning Flowers
/products/cineraria-senetti-pl...Texto duplicado Quick View
/products/cineraria-senetti-pl...Texto duplicado Cineraria Senetti Plants Pink Bicolour - Delivered in a 17cm Plant Pot - Stunning Flowers
/products/cineraria-senetti-pl...Sold Out
/products/bellis-plants-rose-o...IMG-ALT Bellis Plants Rose - 6 Plants Each Delivered in a 10.5cm Plant Pot - Pom Pom Flowers
/products/bellis-plants-rose-o...Texto duplicado Quick View
/products/bellis-plants-rose-o...Texto duplicado Bellis Plants Rose - 6 Plants Each Delivered in a 10.5cm Plant Pot - Pom Pom Flowers
/products/wallflower-plants-mi...IMG-ALT Wallflower Plants Mixed Colours - 6 Plants Each Delivered in a 10.5cm Plant Pot - Delightful Sweet Fragrance
/products/wallflower-plants-mi...Texto duplicado Quick View
/products/wallflower-plants-mi...Texto duplicado Wallflower Plants Mixed Colours - 6 Plants Each Delivered in a 10.5cm Plant Pot - Delightful Sweet Fragrance
/products/pansy-citrus-mix-bed...IMG-ALT Pansy Citrus Mix Bedding Plants - 6 x Winter Pansies Ready to Plant Each Delivered in a 10.5cm Plant Pot - Outdoor Plants Great for Hanging Basket or Gifts
/products/pansy-citrus-mix-bed...Texto duplicado Quick View
/products/pansy-citrus-mix-bed...Texto duplicado Pansy Citrus Mix Bedding Plants - 6 x Winter Pansies Ready to Plant Each Delivered in a 10.5cm Plant Pot - Outdoor Plants Great for Hanging Basket or Gifts
/products/ranunculus-plants-mi...IMG-ALT Ranunculus Plants Mixed Colours - 6 Plants Each Delivered in a 10.5cm Plant Pot - Vibrant Flowers with for a Colourful Display
/products/ranunculus-plants-mi...Texto duplicado Quick View
/products/ranunculus-plants-mi...Texto duplicado Ranunculus Plants Mixed Colours - 6 Plants Each Delivered in a 10.5cm Plant Pot - Vibrant Flowers with for a Colourful Display
/products/primrose-plants-yell...IMG-ALT Primrose Plants Yellow with Orange Eye - 6 Plants Each Delivered in a 10.5cm Plant Pot - Vibrant flowers with Delicate Blooms
/products/primrose-plants-yell...Texto duplicado Quick View
/products/primrose-plants-yell...Texto duplicado Primrose Plants Yellow with Orange Eye - 6 Plants Each Delivered in a 10.5cm Plant Pot - Vibrant flowers with Delicate Blooms
/products/primrose-plants-whit...IMG-ALT Primrose Plants White With Orange Eye - 6 Plants Each Delivered in a 10.5cm Plant Pot - Vibrant flowers with Delicate Blooms
/products/primrose-plants-whit...Texto duplicado Quick View
/products/primrose-plants-whit...Texto duplicado Primrose Plants White With Orange Eye - 6 Plants Each Delivered in a 10.5cm Plant Pot - Vibrant flowers with Delicate Blooms
/products/primrose-plants-mixe...IMG-ALT Primrose Plants Mixed Colours - 6 Plants Each Delivered in a 10.5cm Plant Pot - Vibrant flowers with Delicate Blooms
/products/primrose-plants-mixe...Texto duplicado Quick View
/products/primrose-plants-mixe...Texto duplicado Primrose Plants Mixed Colours - 6 Plants Each Delivered in a 10.5cm Plant Pot - Vibrant flowers with Delicate Blooms
/products/primrose-plants-corn...IMG-ALT Primrose Plants Cornish Cream - 6 Plants Each Delivered in a 10.5cm Plant Pot - Vibrant flowers with Delicate Blooms
/products/primrose-plants-corn...Texto duplicado Quick View
/products/primrose-plants-corn...Texto duplicado Primrose Plants Cornish Cream - 6 Plants Each Delivered in a 10.5cm Plant Pot - Vibrant flowers with Delicate Blooms
/products/primrose-plants-corn...Texto duplicado Sold Out
/products/primrose-plants-appl...IMG-ALT Primrose Plants Appleblossom - 6 Plants Each Delivered in a 10.5cm Plant Pot - Vibrant flowers with Delicate Blooms
/products/primrose-plants-appl...Texto duplicado Quick View
/products/primrose-plants-appl...Texto duplicado Primrose Plants Appleblossom - 6 Plants Each Delivered in a 10.5cm Plant Pot - Vibrant flowers with Delicate Blooms
/products/polyanthus-plants-ye...IMG-ALT Polyanthus Plants Yellow - 6 Plants Each Delivered in a 10.5cm Plant Pot - Vibrant flowers with Delicate Blooms
/products/polyanthus-plants-ye...Texto duplicado Quick View
/products/polyanthus-plants-ye...Texto duplicado Polyanthus Plants Yellow - 6 Plants Each Delivered in a 10.5cm Plant Pot - Vibrant flowers with Delicate Blooms
/products/polyanthus-plants-wh...IMG-ALT Polyanthus Plants White - 6 Plants Each Delivered in a 10.5cm Plant Pot - Vibrant flowers with Delicate Blooms
/products/polyanthus-plants-wh...Texto duplicado Quick View
/products/polyanthus-plants-wh...Texto duplicado Polyanthus Plants White - 6 Plants Each Delivered in a 10.5cm Plant Pot - Vibrant flowers with Delicate Blooms
/products/polyanthus-plants-mi...IMG-ALT Polyanthus Plants Mixed Colours - 6 Plants Each Delivered in a 10.5cm Plant Pot - Vibrant flowers with Delicate Blooms
/products/polyanthus-plants-mi...Texto duplicado Quick View
/products/polyanthus-plants-mi...Texto duplicado Polyanthus Plants Mixed Colours - 6 Plants Each Delivered in a 10.5cm Plant Pot - Vibrant flowers with Delicate Blooms
/products/polyanthus-plants-bl...IMG-ALT Polyanthus Plants Blue Shades - 6 Plants Each Delivered in a 10.5cm Plant Pot - Vibrant flowers with Delicate Blooms
/products/polyanthus-plants-bl...Texto duplicado Quick View
/products/polyanthus-plants-bl...Texto duplicado Polyanthus Plants Blue Shades - 6 Plants Each Delivered in a 10.5cm Plant Pot - Vibrant flowers with Delicate Blooms
/products/cineraria-senetti-pl...IMG-ALT Cineraria Senetti Plants Violet Bicolour - Delivered in a 17cm Plant Pot - Stunning Flowers
/products/cineraria-senetti-pl...Texto duplicado Quick View
/products/cineraria-senetti-pl...Texto duplicado Cineraria Senetti Plants Violet Bicolour - Delivered in a 17cm Plant Pot - Stunning Flowers
/products/cineraria-senetti-pl...Texto duplicado Sold Out
/products/cineraria-senetti-pl...IMG-ALT Cineraria Senetti Plants Red - Delivered in a 17cm Plant Pot - Stunning Flowers
/products/cineraria-senetti-pl...Texto duplicado Quick View
/products/cineraria-senetti-pl...Texto duplicado Cineraria Senetti Plants Red - Delivered in a 17cm Plant Pot - Stunning Flowers
/products/cineraria-senetti-pl...Texto duplicado Sold Out
/products/cineraria-senetti-pl...IMG-ALT Cineraria Senetti Plants Deep Blue - Delivered in a 17cm Plant Pot - Stunning Flowers
/products/cineraria-senetti-pl...Texto duplicado Quick View
/products/cineraria-senetti-pl...Texto duplicado Cineraria Senetti Plants Deep Blue - Delivered in a 17cm Plant Pot - Stunning Flowers
/products/cineraria-senetti-pl...Texto duplicado Sold Out
/products/bellis-plants-white-...IMG-ALT Bellis Plants White - 6 Plants Each Delivered in a 10.5cm Plant Pot - Pom Pom Flowers
/products/bellis-plants-white-...Texto duplicado Quick View
/products/bellis-plants-white-...Texto duplicado Bellis Plants White - 6 Plants Each Delivered in a 10.5cm Plant Pot - Pom Pom Flowers
/products/bellis-plants-red-ou...IMG-ALT Bellis Plants Red - 6 Plants Each Delivered in a 10.5cm Plant Pot - Pom Pom Flowers
/products/bellis-plants-red-ou...Texto duplicado Quick View
/products/bellis-plants-red-ou...Texto duplicado Bellis Plants Red - 6 Plants Each Delivered in a 10.5cm Plant Pot - Pom Pom Flowers
/collections/indoor-plantsShop all indoor plants
IMG-ALT Shop all indoor plants
/collections/herbs-vegetablesShop our Herb & Vegetable Plants
IMG-ALT Shop our Herb & Vegetable Plants
/products/swiss-cheese-plant-w...IMG-ALT Swiss Cheese Plant with Moss Pole
/products/swiss-cheese-plant-w...Texto duplicado Quick View
/products/swiss-cheese-plant-w...Texto duplicado Swiss Cheese Plant with Moss Pole
/products/swiss-cheese-plant-w...Texto duplicado Sold Out
/products/swiss-cheese-plant-m...IMG-ALT Swiss Cheese Plant
/products/swiss-cheese-plant-m...Texto duplicado Quick View
/products/swiss-cheese-plant-m...Texto duplicado Swiss Cheese Plant
/products/swiss-cheese-plant-m...Add to Cart
/products/kentia-palm-howea-fo...IMG-ALT Kentia Palm
/products/kentia-palm-howea-fo...Texto duplicado Quick View
/products/kentia-palm-howea-fo...Texto duplicado Kentia Palm
/products/kentia-palm-howea-fo...Texto duplicado Sold Out
/products/alocasia-zebrina-ele...IMG-ALT Alocasia (Zebrina)
/products/alocasia-zebrina-ele...Texto duplicado Quick View
/products/alocasia-zebrina-ele...Texto duplicado Alocasia (Zebrina)
/products/alocasia-zebrina-ele...Texto duplicado Sold Out
/products/string-of-pearls-sen...IMG-ALT String of Pearls
/products/string-of-pearls-sen...Texto duplicado Quick View
/products/string-of-pearls-sen...Texto duplicado String of Pearls
/products/string-of-pearls-sen...Texto duplicado Add to Cart
/products/butterfly-palm-dypsi...IMG-ALT Butterfly Palm
/products/butterfly-palm-dypsi...Texto duplicado Quick View
/products/butterfly-palm-dypsi...Texto duplicado Butterfly Palm
/products/butterfly-palm-dypsi...Texto duplicado Add to Cart
/products/snake-plant-laurenti...IMG-ALT Snake Plant (Laurentii)
/products/snake-plant-laurenti...Texto duplicado Quick View
/products/snake-plant-laurenti...Texto duplicado Snake Plant (Laurentii)
/products/snake-plant-laurenti...Texto duplicado Add to Cart
/products/bird-of-paradise-nic...IMG-ALT Bird of Paradise (Nicolai)
/products/bird-of-paradise-nic...Texto duplicado Quick View
/products/bird-of-paradise-nic...Texto duplicado Bird of Paradise (Nicolai)
/products/bird-of-paradise-nic...Texto duplicado Add to Cart
/products/indian-laurel-ginsen...IMG-ALT Indian Laurel (Ginseng)
/products/indian-laurel-ginsen...Texto duplicado Quick View
/products/indian-laurel-ginsen...Texto duplicado Indian Laurel (Ginseng)
/products/indian-laurel-ginsen...Texto duplicado Sold Out
/products/weeping-fig-tree-fic...IMG-ALT Weeping Fig Tree (Ficus Anastasia)
/products/weeping-fig-tree-fic...Texto duplicado Quick View
/products/weeping-fig-tree-fic...Texto duplicado Weeping Fig Tree (Ficus Anastasia)
/products/weeping-fig-tree-fic...Texto duplicado Sold Out
/pages/shop-by-roomShop by room
/pages/shop-by-roomSin texto
/pages/shop-by-roomSin texto
/collections/herbs-vegetablesSin texto
/products/oregano-plant-in-13c...IMG-ALT Oregano plant in 13cm pot Garden Ready Herb Plant
/products/oregano-plant-in-13c...Texto duplicado Quick View
/products/oregano-plant-in-13c...Texto duplicado Oregano plant in 13cm pot Garden Ready Herb Plant
/products/chives-plant-in-a-13...IMG-ALT Chives Plant in a 13cm pot Garden Ready Herb Plant
/products/chives-plant-in-a-13...Texto duplicado Quick View
/products/chives-plant-in-a-13...Texto duplicado Chives Plant in a 13cm pot Garden Ready Herb Plant
/products/thyme-plant-silver-l...IMG-ALT Thyme Plant Silver Leaved in a 13cm pot
/products/thyme-plant-silver-l...Texto duplicado Quick View
/products/thyme-plant-silver-l...Texto duplicado Thyme Plant Silver Leaved in a 13cm pot
/products/rosemary-plant-in-a-...IMG-ALT Rosemary Plant in a 13cm pot - Garden Ready Herb Plant
/products/rosemary-plant-in-a-...Texto duplicado Quick View
/products/rosemary-plant-in-a-...Texto duplicado Rosemary Plant in a 13cm pot - Garden Ready Herb Plant
/products/parsley-plant-flat-l...IMG-ALT Parsley Plant Flat Leaf in a 13cm pot Garden Ready Herb Plant
/products/parsley-plant-flat-l...Texto duplicado Quick View
/products/parsley-plant-flat-l...Texto duplicado Parsley Plant Flat Leaf in a 13cm pot Garden Ready Herb Plant
/products/parsley-plant-curled...IMG-ALT Parsley Plant Curled in a 13cm pot Garden Ready Herb Plant
/products/parsley-plant-curled...Texto duplicado Quick View
/products/parsley-plant-curled...Texto duplicado Parsley Plant Curled in a 13cm pot Garden Ready Herb Plant
/products/orange-mint-plant-in...IMG-ALT Orange Mint Plant in a 13cm pot Garden Ready Herb Plant
/products/orange-mint-plant-in...Texto duplicado Quick View
/products/orange-mint-plant-in...Texto duplicado Orange Mint Plant in a 13cm pot Garden Ready Herb Plant
/products/blue-hyssop-plant-in...IMG-ALT Blue Hyssop Plant in a 13cm Pot Garden Ready Herb Plant
/products/blue-hyssop-plant-in...Texto duplicado Quick View
/products/blue-hyssop-plant-in...Texto duplicado Blue Hyssop Plant in a 13cm Pot Garden Ready Herb Plant
/products/thyme-plant-in-a-13c...IMG-ALT Thyme Plant in a 13cm Pot Garden Ready
/products/thyme-plant-in-a-13c...Texto duplicado Quick View
/products/thyme-plant-in-a-13c...Texto duplicado Thyme Plant in a 13cm Pot Garden Ready
/products/rosemary-plant-in-a-...IMG-ALT Rosemary Plant in a 17cm pot- Garden Ready Herb Plant
/products/rosemary-plant-in-a-...Texto duplicado Quick View
/products/rosemary-plant-in-a-...Texto duplicado Rosemary Plant in a 17cm pot- Garden Ready Herb Plant
/pages/our-storyThe Perfect Plants promise
/pages/our-storyTexto ancla no relevante
/blogs/seasonal-guides/winter-...Plant Blog
/blogs/indoor-plants/getting-r...Getting rid of brown spots on leaves
/blogs/indoor-plants/a-guide-t...A Guide to Repotting a Plant
/blogs/indoor-plants/which-pla...Which plants can I keep in my bathroom and cloakroom?
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Snippet (vista previa de los resultados de búsqueda)
Perfect Plants | Indoor and Outdoor Plants delivered Nationwide
At Perfect Plants we grow and source a wide range of high quality indoor and garden plants including houseplants, perennials, bedding plants and herbs. Delivered across the whole of the UK.

Palabras clave más importantes

Se han encontrado las siguientes palabras clave. Comprueba si esta página está bien optimizada para cada palabra clave en concreto.

Palabra claveResultadoComprobar
Perfect Plants81%Check
plant perfect81%Check
Bedding Plants77%Check
Indoor Plants74%Check
plants delivered74%Check
Plants Red73%Check
Herb Plant70%Check

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