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...tml/home-slider/slide1-1723562634467.jpgPictured is a wafer-scale, flexible spectrometer array. Image credit: Chunyu You, Ningge Huang, and Yongfeng Mei.
...tml/home-slider/slide2-1723562634073.jpgXenophrys mangshanensis in the Nanling Mountains.
...92/pnas.2024.121.issue-33.largecover.pngThe cover image for the current issue
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...92/pnas.2024.121.issue-33.largecover.pngThe cover image for PNAS Table of Contents Vol. 121 No. 33
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Encabezado H1
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Read PNAS Highlights—a collection of top scientific research, news, and profiles delivered to your inbox twice a month.
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Estructura de los encabezados

Jerarquía de encabezadosContenido
H1 Read PNAS Highlights—a collection of top scientific research, news, and profiles delivered to your inbox twice a month.
H1 August 13, 2024; vol. 121 no. 33
H1 Latest in Ecology: Amphibian biodiversity hotspots in China
H1 The world’s glaciers are melting. But how do researchers know exactly how much ice is disappearing and at what rate?
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H2 PNAS is one of the world's most-cited and comprehensive multidisciplinary scientific journals.
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H2 Recent Issues
H2 Submit to PNAS
H3 In This Issue
H3 Spatiotemporally controlled microvortices provide advanced microfluidic components
H3 Understanding the relationship between intergenerational mobility and community violence
H3 The thermoneutral zone in women takes an “arctic” shift compared to men
H3 Effect of skull morphology on fox snow diving
H3 Atmosphere teleconnections from abatement of China aerosol emissions exacerbate Northeast Pacific warm blob events
H3 QnAs with Spyros Artavanis-Tsakonas
H3 Liquid water in the Martian mid-crust
H3 A therapeutic small molecule enhances γ-oscillations and improves cognition/memory in Alzheimer’s disease model mice
H3 Bodily maps of emotions
H3 How redlining affects biodiversity
H3 Animal's eye view of the ocean
H3 Inequitable exposure to wildfire smoke
H3 Extended time, elevated expectations: The unappreciated downsides of pausing the tenure clock
H3 Synthetic data can aid the analysis of clinical outcomes: How much can it be trusted?
H3 Tiny and contentious “crystal clocks” in volcanic rocks could aid early warning for eruptions
H3 Researchers need to better address time-of-day as a critical biological variable
H3 Collaborative consortia can boost postdoctoral workforce development
H3 Sediment DNA can revolutionize archaeology—if it is used the right way
H3 Can ChatGPT help researchers understand how the human brain handles language?
H3 The Global Biodiversity Framework can be leveraged to better manage transboundary watersheds
H3 QnAs with Susan T. Lovett
H3 QnAs with Ulrich R. Christensen
H3 QnAs with Spyros Artavanis-Tsakonas Texto duplicado
H3 Sign up for thePNAS Highlights newsletter
H4 Featured Topics
H4 Articles By Topic
H4 Featured Topics Texto duplicado
H4 Articles By Topic Texto duplicado
H4 Featured Topic
H4 Articles By Topic Texto duplicado
H4 PNAS Special Feature Blog: Physics Meets Machine Learning
H4 Announcing New Website Services: Expanded Author Services, Updates to the Article PDF, and Article-Podcast Links
H4 2023 Cozzarelli Prize Recipients
H4 PNAS Nexus Expands Its License Options
H4 PNAS Announces New Guidelines for the Retention of Raw Data
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H5 Vol. 121No. 33
H5 Vol. 121No. 32
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H5 Vol. 121No. 29
H5 Vol. 121No. 28
H5 Vol. 121No. 27
H5 Vol. 121No. 26
H5 Vol. 121No. 25
H5 Vol. 121No. 24
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Algunos enlaces internos contienen parámetros dinámicos. Las URL internas no deberían contener parámetros dinámicos, salvo que estén marcadas como nofollow.
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/toc/pnas/121/33August 13, 2024; vol. 121 no. 33 Volume 121, Issue 33: View articles in the latest issue of PNAS.
IMG-ALT Pictured is a wafer-scale, flexible spectrometer array. Image credit: Chunyu You, Ningge Huang, and Yongfeng Mei. Latest in Ecology: Amphibian biodiversity hotspots in China Click to read more. Image credit: Han Wan.
IMG-ALT Xenophrys mangshanensis in the Nanling Mountains.
/post/update/measure-massive-meltThe world’s glaciers are melting. But how do researchers know exactly how much ice is disappearing and at what rate? Click to watch the Featured Video.
IMG-ALT Iceberg
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/toc/pnas/121/33Texto duplicado Current Issue
/toc/pnas/currentIMG-ALT The cover image for the current issue
A-TITLE View the current issue table of contents
/topic/type/twipThis Week in PNAS
/doi/10.1073/iti3324121In This Issue
A-TITLE In This Issue
/topic/type/research-articleResearch Article
/doi/10.1073/pnas.2306182121Spatiotemporally controlled microvortices provide advanced microfluidic components
A-TITLE Spatiotemporally controlled microvortices provide advanced microfluidic components
/author/Saito,+MakotoMakoto Saito
A-TITLE Makoto Saito
/author/Arai,+FumihitoFumihito Arai
A-TITLE Fumihito Arai
/author/Yamanishi,+YokoYoko Yamanishi
A-TITLE Yoko Yamanishi
/author/Sakuma,+ShinyaShinya Sakuma
A-TITLE Shinya Sakuma
/topic/type/research-articleTexto duplicado Research Article
/doi/10.1073/pnas.2309066121Understanding the relationship between intergenerational mobility and community violence
A-TITLE Understanding the relationship between intergenerational mobility and community violence
/author/Mann,+OliviaOlivia Mann
A-TITLE Olivia Mann
/author/Edin,+Kathryn+JKathryn J. Edin
A-TITLE Kathryn J. Edin
/author/Shaefer,+H+LukeH. Luke Shaefer
A-TITLE H. Luke Shaefer
/toc/pnas/currentVIEW FULL TABLE OF CONTENTS ancla no relevante
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/topic/type/research-articleTexto duplicado Research Article
/doi/10.1073/pnas.2311116121The thermoneutral zone in women takes an “arctic” shift compared to men
A-TITLE The thermoneutral zone in women takes an “arctic” shift compared to men
/author/Brychta,+Robert+JRobert J. Brychta
A-TITLE Robert J. Brychta
/author/McGehee,+SuzanneSuzanne McGehee
A-TITLE Suzanne McGehee
/author/Huang,+ShanShan Huang
A-TITLE Shan Huang
/author/Leitner,+Brooks+PBrooks P. Leitner
A-TITLE Brooks P. Leitner
/author/Duckworth,+Courtney+JCourtney J. Duckworth
A-TITLE Courtney J. Duckworth
/author/Fletcher,+Laura+ALaura A. Fletcher
A-TITLE Laura A. Fletcher
/author/Kim,+KatherineKatherine Kim
A-TITLE Katherine Kim
/author/Cassimatis,+Thomas+MThomas M. Cassimatis
A-TITLE Thomas M. Cassimatis
/author/Israni,+Nikita+SNikita S. Israni
A-TITLE Nikita S. Israni
/author/Lea,+Hannah+JHannah J. Lea
A-TITLE Hannah J. Lea
/author/Lentz,+Taylor+NTaylor N. Lentz
A-TITLE Taylor N. Lentz
/author/Pierce,+Anne+EAnne E. Pierce
A-TITLE Anne E. Pierce
/author/Jiang,+AlexAlex Jiang
A-TITLE Alex Jiang
/author/LaMunion,+Samuel+RSamuel R. LaMunion
A-TITLE Samuel R. LaMunion
/author/Thomas,+Reed+JReed J. Thomas
A-TITLE Reed J. Thomas
/author/Ishihara,+AsukaAsuka Ishihara
A-TITLE Asuka Ishihara
/author/Courville,+Amber+BAmber B. Courville
A-TITLE Amber B. Courville
/author/Yang,+Shanna+BShanna B. Yang
A-TITLE Shanna B. Yang
/author/Reitman,+Marc+LMarc L. Reitman
A-TITLE Marc L. Reitman
/author/Cypess,+Aaron+MAaron M. Cypess
A-TITLE Aaron M. Cypess
/author/Chen,+Kong+YKong Y. Chen
A-TITLE Kong Y. Chen
/topic/type/research-articleTexto duplicado Research Article
/doi/10.1073/pnas.2321179121Effect of skull morphology on fox snow diving
A-TITLE Effect of skull morphology on fox snow diving
/author/Yuk,+JisooJisoo Yuk
A-TITLE Jisoo Yuk
/author/Pandey,+AnupamAnupam Pandey
A-TITLE Anupam Pandey
/author/Park,+LeenaLeena Park
A-TITLE Leena Park
/author/Bemis,+William+EWilliam E. Bemis
A-TITLE William E. Bemis
/author/Jung,+SunghwanSunghwan Jung
A-TITLE Sunghwan Jung
/topic/type/research-articleTexto duplicado Research Article
/doi/10.1073/pnas.2313797121Atmosphere teleconnections from abatement of China aerosol emissions exacerbate Northeast Pacific warm blob events
A-TITLE Atmosphere teleconnections from abatement of China aerosol emissions exacerbate Northeast Pacific warm blob events
/author/Wang,+HaiHai Wang
A-TITLE Hai Wang
/author/Zheng,+Xiao-TongXiao-Tong Zheng
A-TITLE Xiao-Tong Zheng
/author/Cai,+WenjuWenju Cai
A-TITLE Wenju Cai
/author/Han,+Zi-WenZi-Wen Han
A-TITLE Zi-Wen Han
/author/Xie,+Shang-PingShang-Ping Xie
A-TITLE Shang-Ping Xie
/author/Kang,+Sarah+MSarah M. Kang
A-TITLE Sarah M. Kang
/author/Geng,+Yu-FanYu-Fan Geng
A-TITLE Yu-Fan Geng
/author/Liu,+FukaiFukai Liu
A-TITLE Fukai Liu
/author/Wang,+Chuan-YangChuan-Yang Wang
A-TITLE Chuan-Yang Wang
/author/Wu,+YueYue Wu
/author/Xiang,+BaoqiangBaoqiang Xiang
A-TITLE Baoqiang Xiang
/author/Zhou,+LeiLei Zhou
A-TITLE Lei Zhou
/doi/10.1073/pnas.2412426121QnAs with Spyros Artavanis-Tsakonas
A-TITLE QnAs with Spyros Artavanis-Tsakonas
/author/Ravindran,+SandeepSandeep Ravindran
A-TITLE Sandeep Ravindran
/about/pnas-in-the-newsView all news
/topic/type/brief-reportBrief Report
/doi/10.1073/pnas.2409983121Liquid water in the Martian mid-crust
A-TITLE Liquid water in the Martian mid-crust
/author/Wright,+VashanVashan Wright
A-TITLE Vashan Wright
/author/Morzfeld,+MatthiasMatthias Morzfeld
A-TITLE Matthias Morzfeld
/author/Manga,+MichaelMichael Manga
A-TITLE Michael Manga
/topic/type/research-articleTexto duplicado Research Article
/doi/10.1073/pnas.2400420121A therapeutic small molecule enhances γ-oscillations and improves cognition/memory in Alzheimer’s disease model mice
A-TITLE A therapeutic small molecule enhances γ-oscillations and improves cognition/memory in Alzheimer’s disease model mice
/author/Wei,+XiaofeiXiaofei Wei
A-TITLE Xiaofei Wei
/author/Campagna,+Jesus+JJesus J. Campagna
A-TITLE Jesus J. Campagna
/author/Jagodzinska,+BarbaraBarbara Jagodzinska
A-TITLE Barbara Jagodzinska
/author/Wi,+DongwookDongwook Wi
A-TITLE Dongwook Wi
/author/Cohn,+WhitakerWhitaker Cohn
A-TITLE Whitaker Cohn
/author/Lee,+Jessica+TJessica T. Lee
A-TITLE Jessica T. Lee
/author/Zhu,+ChunniChunni Zhu
A-TITLE Chunni Zhu
/author/Huang,+Christine+SChristine S. Huang
A-TITLE Christine S. Huang
/author/Molnár,+LászlóLászló Molnár
A-TITLE László Molnár
/author/Houser,+Carolyn+RCarolyn R. Houser
A-TITLE Carolyn R. Houser
/author/John,+VargheseVarghese John
A-TITLE Varghese John
/author/Mody,+IstvanIstvan Mody
A-TITLE Istvan Mody
/topic/type/research-articleTexto duplicado Research Article
/doi/10.1073/pnas.1321664111Bodily maps of emotions
A-TITLE Bodily maps of emotions
/author/Nummenmaa,+LauriLauri Nummenmaa
A-TITLE Lauri Nummenmaa
/author/Glerean,+EnricoEnrico Glerean
A-TITLE Enrico Glerean
/author/Hari,+RiittaRiitta Hari
A-TITLE Riitta Hari
/author/Hietanen,+Jari+KJari K. Hietanen
A-TITLE Jari K. Hietanen all
/doi/10.1073/pc.32419002play How redlining affects biodiversity
IMG-ALT placeholder
/doi/10.1073/pc.32113667play Animal's eye view of the ocean
IMG-ALT placeholder
/doi/10.1073/pc.31930007play Inequitable exposure to wildfire smoke
IMG-ALT placeholder
/about/science-sessions-podcastview all episodes
/doi/10.1073/pnas.2403489121Extended time, elevated expectations: The unappreciated downsides of pausing the tenure clock
A-TITLE Extended time, elevated expectations: The unappreciated downsides of pausing the tenure clock
/author/Holland,+Maria+AMaria A. Holland
A-TITLE Maria A. Holland
/author/Maisel,+KatharinaKatharina Maisel
A-TITLE Katharina Maisel
/author/Ibberson,+Carolyn+BCarolyn B. Ibberson
A-TITLE Carolyn B. Ibberson
/author/Wiley,+Laura+KLaura K. Wiley
A-TITLE Laura K. Wiley
/author/Burnett,+David+CDavid C. Burnett
A-TITLE David C. Burnett
/author/Mace,+Emily+MEmily M. Mace
A-TITLE Emily M. Mace
/author/Elting,+Mary+WilliardMary Williard Elting
A-TITLE Mary Williard Elting
/topic/type/core-conCore Concepts
/doi/10.1073/pnas.2414310121Synthetic data can aid the analysis of clinical outcomes: How much can it be trusted?
A-TITLE Synthetic data can aid the analysis of clinical outcomes: How much can it be trusted?
/author/Adam,+DavidDavid Adam
A-TITLE David Adam
/topic/type/core-conTexto duplicado Core Concepts
/doi/10.1073/pnas.2413856121Tiny and contentious “crystal clocks” in volcanic rocks could aid early warning for eruptions
A-TITLE Tiny and contentious “crystal clocks” in volcanic rocks could aid early warning for eruptions
/author/McDermott,+AmyAmy McDermott
A-TITLE Amy McDermott
/topic/type/opinionTexto duplicado Opinion
/doi/10.1073/pnas.2316959121Researchers need to better address time-of-day as a critical biological variable
A-TITLE Researchers need to better address time-of-day as a critical biological variable
/author/Nelson,+Randy+JRandy J. Nelson
A-TITLE Randy J. Nelson
/author/DeVries,+A+CourtneyA. Courtney DeVries
A-TITLE A. Courtney DeVries
/author/Prendergast,+Brian+JBrian J. Prendergast
A-TITLE Brian J. Prendergast
/topic/type/opinionTexto duplicado Opinion
/doi/10.1073/pnas.2401812121Collaborative consortia can boost postdoctoral workforce development
A-TITLE Collaborative consortia can boost postdoctoral workforce development
/author/Lowman,+Heili+EHeili E. Lowman
A-TITLE Heili E. Lowman
/author/DeSiervo,+MelissaMelissa DeSiervo
A-TITLE Melissa DeSiervo
/author/Hall,+Robert+O+JrRobert O. Hall
A-TITLE Robert O. Hall
/author/Jahner,+Joshua+PJoshua P. Jahner
A-TITLE Joshua P. Jahner
/author/Jimoh,+Saheed+OSaheed O. Jimoh
A-TITLE Saheed O. Jimoh
/author/Laughlin,+Daniel+CDaniel C. Laughlin
A-TITLE Daniel C. Laughlin
/author/Patterson,+Amy+CAmy C. Patterson
A-TITLE Amy C. Patterson
/author/Weiss-Lehman,+ChristopherChristopher Weiss-Lehman
A-TITLE Christopher Weiss-Lehman
/author/Barbosa,+Carolina+CCarolina C. Barbosa
A-TITLE Carolina C. Barbosa
/author/Bell,+Katherine+LKatherine L. Bell
A-TITLE Katherine L. Bell
/author/Blaszczak,+Joanna+RJoanna R. Blaszczak
A-TITLE Joanna R. Blaszczak
/author/Buerkle,+C+AlexC. Alex Buerkle
A-TITLE C. Alex Buerkle
/author/Carter,+Alice+MAlice M. Carter
A-TITLE Alice M. Carter
/author/Collins,+Sarah+MSarah M. Collins
A-TITLE Sarah M. Collins
/author/DeLeo,+VictoriaVictoria DeLeo
A-TITLE Victoria DeLeo
/author/Dunkle,+MattMatt Dunkle
A-TITLE Matt Dunkle
/author/Gannon,+DustinDustin Gannon
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Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), a peer reviewed journal of the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) - an authoritative source of high-impact, original research that broadly spans the biological, physical, and social sciences.

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