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...tml/home-slider/slide0-1715698724823.jpgCarece de atributo ALT
...tml/home-slider/slide1-1715698725740.jpgPictured are a caterpillar (bottom) and a biomimetic soft origami robot (top). Image credit: Glaucio H. Paulino.
...tml/home-slider/slide2-1715094611920.jpgRed wood ant carrying a pine needle.
...9e/pnas.2024.121.issue-20.largecover.pngThe cover image for the current issue
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...9e/pnas.2024.121.issue-20.largecover.pngThe cover image for PNAS Table of Contents Vol. 121 No. 20
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Encabezado H1
(Extremadamente importante)
PNAS announces new website services! Dive deeper into the latest digital improvements in our Employee Spotlight blog series.
Más de un encabezado H1.
El encabezado H1 es demasiado largo.
Algunos de los encabezados H se repiten dos veces.
Hay 63 encabezados H en esta página. La cantidad de encabezados debería guardar una mejor proporción en relación al texto.

Estructura de los encabezados

Jerarquía de encabezadosContenido
H1 PNAS announces new website services! Dive deeper into the latest digital improvements in our Employee Spotlight blog series.
H1 May 14, 2024; vol. 121 no. 20
H1 Latest in Applied Biological Sciences: Ants’ jaws could inspire the design of tools to manipulate objects in confined spaces.
H1 The world’s glaciers are melting. But how do researchers know exactly how much ice is disappearing and at what rate?
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H2 Current Issue
H2 PNAS is one of the world's most-cited and comprehensive multidisciplinary scientific journals.
H2 In the News
H2 Science Sessions podcasts
H2 Front Matter
H2 Featured QnAs
H2 Recent Issues
H2 Submit to PNAS
H3 In This Issue
H3 Modeling direct air carbon capture and storage in a 1.5 °C climate future using historical analogs
H3 Landscape fragmentation overturns classical metapopulation thinking
H3 Functional constraints on the number and shape of flight feathers
H3 A submerged Stone Age hunting architecture from the Western Baltic Sea
H3 Genomes, fossils, and the concurrent rise of modern birds and flowering plants in the Late Cretaceous
H3 Profile of Wanderley de Souza
H3 Bodily maps of emotions
H3 Oxytocin-enforced norm compliance reduces xenophobic outgroup rejection
H3 Neural network retuning and neural predictors of learning success associated with cello training
H3 Adapting to poor air quality
H3 Measuring Poverty
H3 How a small fish makes big sounds
H3 Making evidence go further: Advancing synergy between agent-based modeling and randomized control trials
H3 Community Review Boards offer a path to research equity
H3 “Net zero” may need a rethink to keep climate targets within reach
H3 The automated lab of tomorrow
H3 Species-level, digitized wildlife trade data are essential for achieving biodiversity targets
H3 We need a solid scientific basis for nature-based climate solutions in the United States
H3 To be policy-relevant, future climate research must include the noncontiguous United States
H3 Fire in the desert
H3 QnAs with Katherine Freese
H3 QnAs with Miguel A. Garcia-Garibay
H3 QnAs with Eugenia Russinova
H3 Sign up for thePNAS Highlights newsletter
H4 Featured Topics
H4 Articles By Topic
H4 Featured Topics Texto duplicado
H4 Articles By Topic Texto duplicado
H4 Featured Topic
H4 Articles By Topic Texto duplicado
H4 Announcing New Website Services: Expanded Author Services, Updates to the Article PDF, and Article-Podcast Links
H4 2023 Cozzarelli Prize Recipients
H4 PNAS Nexus Expands Its License Options
H4 PNAS Announces New Guidelines for the Retention of Raw Data
H4 Selected highlights of 2023
H5 Congrats!
H5 Vol. 121No. 20
H5 Vol. 121No. 19
H5 Vol. 121No. 18
H5 Vol. 121No. 17
H5 Vol. 121No. 16
H5 Vol. 121No. 15
H5 Vol. 121No. 14
H5 Vol. 121No. 13
H5 Vol. 121No. 12
Algunos textos ancla son demasiado largos.
Algunos enlaces internos contienen parámetros dinámicos. Las URL internas no deberían contener parámetros dinámicos, salvo que estén marcadas como nofollow.
Algunos textos ancla se repiten más de una vez en varios enlaces.
Hay 3 links con un texto ancla que no es suficientemente relevante.
La cantidad de enlaces internos es adecuada.
Hay 16 enlaces externos en esta página.
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/psychological-and-cognitive-s...Psychological and Cognitive Sciences duplicado Anthropology
/sustainability-scienceTexto duplicado Sustainability Science Sciences
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/biophysics-and-computational-...Texto duplicado Biophysics and Computational Biology
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/environmental-sciencesTexto duplicado Environmental Sciences
/topic/geneticsGenetics and Inflammation
/topic/med-sciMedical Sciences
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/post/update/new-website-servi...PNAS announces new website services! Dive deeper into the latest digital improvements in our Employee Spotlight blog series. Read now.
/toc/pnas/121/20May 14, 2024; vol. 121 no. 20 Volume 121, Issue 20: View articles in the latest issue of PNAS.
IMG-ALT Pictured are a caterpillar (bottom) and a biomimetic soft origami robot (top). Image credit: Glaucio H. Paulino. Latest in Applied Biological Sciences: Ants’ jaws could inspire the design of tools to manipulate objects in confined spaces. Click to read more. Image credi...
IMG-ALT Red wood ant carrying a pine needle.
/post/update/measure-massive-meltThe world’s glaciers are melting. But how do researchers know exactly how much ice is disappearing and at what rate? Click to watch the Featured Video.
IMG-ALT Iceberg
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/toc/pnas/121/20Texto duplicado Current Issue
/toc/pnas/currentIMG-ALT The cover image for the current issue
A-TITLE View the current issue table of contents
/topic/type/twipThis Week in PNAS
/doi/10.1073/iti2024121In This Issue
A-TITLE In This Issue
/topic/type/research-articleResearch Article
/doi/10.1073/pnas.2215679121Modeling direct air carbon capture and storage in a 1.5 °C climate future using historical analogs
A-TITLE Modeling direct air carbon capture and storage in a 1.5 °C climate future using historical analogs
/author/Edwards,+Morgan+RMorgan R. Edwards
A-TITLE Morgan R. Edwards
/author/Thomas,+Zachary+HZachary H. Thomas
A-TITLE Zachary H. Thomas
/author/Nemet,+Gregory+FGregory F. Nemet
A-TITLE Gregory F. Nemet
/author/Rathod,+SagarSagar Rathod
A-TITLE Sagar Rathod
/author/Greene,+JennaJenna Greene
A-TITLE Jenna Greene
/author/Surana,+KavitaKavita Surana
A-TITLE Kavita Surana
/author/Kennedy,+Kathleen+MKathleen M. Kennedy
A-TITLE Kathleen M. Kennedy
/author/Fuhrman,+JayJay Fuhrman
A-TITLE Jay Fuhrman
/author/McJeon,+Haewon+CHaewon C. McJeon
A-TITLE Haewon C. McJeon
/topic/type/research-articleTexto duplicado Research Article
/doi/10.1073/pnas.2303846121Landscape fragmentation overturns classical metapopulation thinking
A-TITLE Landscape fragmentation overturns classical metapopulation thinking
/author/Tao,+YunYun Tao
/author/Hastings,+AlanAlan Hastings
A-TITLE Alan Hastings
/author/Lafferty,+Kevin+DKevin D. Lafferty
A-TITLE Kevin D. Lafferty
/author/Hanski,+IlkkaIlkka Hanski
A-TITLE Ilkka Hanski
/author/Ovaskainen,+OtsoOtso Ovaskainen
A-TITLE Otso Ovaskainen
/toc/pnas/currentVIEW FULL TABLE OF CONTENTS ancla no relevante
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/topic/type/research-articleTexto duplicado Research Article
/doi/10.1073/pnas.2306639121Functional constraints on the number and shape of flight feathers
A-TITLE Functional constraints on the number and shape of flight feathers
/author/Kiat,+YosefYosef Kiat
A-TITLE Yosef Kiat
/author/O'Connor,+Jingmai+KJingmai K. O’Connor
A-TITLE Jingmai K. O’Connor
/topic/type/research-articleTexto duplicado Research Article
/doi/10.1073/pnas.2312008121A submerged Stone Age hunting architecture from the Western Baltic Sea
A-TITLE A submerged Stone Age hunting architecture from the Western Baltic Sea
/author/Geersen,+JacobJacob Geersen
A-TITLE Jacob Geersen
/author/Bradtmöller,+MarcelMarcel Bradtmöller
A-TITLE Marcel Bradtmöller
/author/Schneider+von+Deimling...Jens Schneider von Deimling
A-TITLE Jens Schneider von Deimling
/author/Feldens,+PeterPeter Feldens
A-TITLE Peter Feldens
/author/Auer,+JensJens Auer
A-TITLE Jens Auer
/author/Held,+PhilippPhilipp Held
A-TITLE Philipp Held
/author/Lohrberg,+ArneArne Lohrberg
A-TITLE Arne Lohrberg
/author/Supka,+RuthRuth Supka
A-TITLE Ruth Supka
/author/Hoffmann,+Jasper+Justu...Jasper Justus Lutz Hoffmann
A-TITLE Jasper Justus Lutz Hoffmann
/author/Eriksen,+Berit+ValentinBerit Valentin Eriksen
A-TITLE Berit Valentin Eriksen
/author/Rabbel,+WolfgangWolfgang Rabbel
A-TITLE Wolfgang Rabbel
/author/Karlsen,+Hans-JörgHans-Jörg Karlsen
A-TITLE Hans-Jörg Karlsen
/author/Krastel,+SebastianSebastian Krastel
A-TITLE Sebastian Krastel
/author/Brandt,+DavidDavid Brandt
A-TITLE David Brandt
/author/Heuskin,+DavidDavid Heuskin
A-TITLE David Heuskin
/author/Lübke,+HaraldHarald Lübke
A-TITLE Harald Lübke
/topic/type/research-articleTexto duplicado Research Article
/doi/10.1073/pnas.2319696121Genomes, fossils, and the concurrent rise of modern birds and flowering plants in the Late Cretaceous
A-TITLE Genomes, fossils, and the concurrent rise of modern birds and flowering plants in the Late Cretaceous
/author/Wu,+ShaoyuanShaoyuan Wu
A-TITLE Shaoyuan Wu
/author/Rheindt,+Frank+EFrank E. Rheindt
A-TITLE Frank E. Rheindt
/author/Zhang,+JinJin Zhang
A-TITLE Jin Zhang
/author/Wang,+JiajiaJiajia Wang
A-TITLE Jiajia Wang
/author/Zhang,+LeiLei Zhang
A-TITLE Lei Zhang
/author/Quan,+ChengCheng Quan
A-TITLE Cheng Quan
/author/Li,+ZhihengZhiheng Li
A-TITLE Zhiheng Li
/author/Wang,+MinMin Wang
A-TITLE Min Wang
/author/Wu,+FeixiangFeixiang Wu
A-TITLE Feixiang Wu
/author/Qu,+YanhuaYanhua Qu
A-TITLE Yanhua Qu
/author/Edwards,+Scott+VScott V. Edwards
A-TITLE Scott V. Edwards
/author/Zhou,+ZhongheZhonghe Zhou
A-TITLE Zhonghe Zhou
/author/Liu,+LiangLiang Liu
A-TITLE Liang Liu
/doi/10.1073/pnas.2403579121Profile of Wanderley de Souza
A-TITLE Profile of Wanderley de Souza
/author/Viegas,+JenniferJennifer Viegas
A-TITLE Jennifer Viegas
/about/pnas-in-the-newsView all news
/topic/type/research-articleTexto duplicado Research Article
/doi/full/10.1073/pnas.1321664111Bodily maps of emotions
A-TITLE Bodily maps of emotions
/author/Nummenmaa,+LauriLauri Nummenmaa
A-TITLE Lauri Nummenmaa
/author/Glerean,+EnricoEnrico Glerean
A-TITLE Enrico Glerean
/author/Hari,+RiittaRiitta Hari
A-TITLE Riitta Hari
/author/Hietanen,+Jari+KJari K. Hietanen
A-TITLE Jari K. Hietanen
/topic/type/research-articleTexto duplicado Research Article
/doi/full/10.1073/pnas.1705853114Oxytocin-enforced norm compliance reduces xenophobic outgroup rejection
A-TITLE Oxytocin-enforced norm compliance reduces xenophobic outgroup rejection
/author/Marsh,+NinaNina Marsh
A-TITLE Nina Marsh
/author/Scheele,+DirkDirk Scheele
A-TITLE Dirk Scheele
/author/Feinstein,+Justin+SJustin S. Feinstein
A-TITLE Justin S. Feinstein
/author/Gerhardt,+HolgerHolger Gerhardt
A-TITLE Holger Gerhardt
/author/Strang,+SabrinaSabrina Strang
A-TITLE Sabrina Strang
/author/Maier,+WolfgangWolfgang Maier
A-TITLE Wolfgang Maier
/author/Hurlemann,+RenéRené Hurlemann
A-TITLE René Hurlemann
/topic/type/research-articleTexto duplicado Research Article
/doi/full/10.1073/pnas.1721414115Neural network retuning and neural predictors of learning success associated with cello training
A-TITLE Neural network retuning and neural predictors of learning success associated with cello training
/author/Wollman,+IndianaIndiana Wollman
A-TITLE Indiana Wollman
/author/Penhune,+VirginiaVirginia Penhune
A-TITLE Virginia Penhune
/author/Segado,+MelanieMelanie Segado
A-TITLE Melanie Segado
/author/Carpentier,+ThibautThibaut Carpentier
A-TITLE Thibaut Carpentier
/author/Zatorre,+Robert+JRobert J. Zatorre
A-TITLE Robert J. Zatorre more
/doi/10.1073/pc.31102568play Adapting to poor air quality
IMG-ALT placeholder
/doi/10.1073/pc.30908323play Measuring Poverty
IMG-ALT placeholder
/doi/10.1073/pc.30695898play How a small fish makes big sounds
IMG-ALT placeholder
/about/science-sessions-podcastmore Science Sessions
/doi/10.1073/pnas.2314993121Making evidence go further: Advancing synergy between agent-based modeling and randomized control trials
A-TITLE Making evidence go further: Advancing synergy between agent-based modeling and randomized control trials
/author/Hammond,+Ross+ARoss A. Hammond
A-TITLE Ross A. Hammond
/author/Barkin,+ShariShari Barkin
A-TITLE Shari Barkin
/topic/type/opinionTexto duplicado Opinion
/doi/10.1073/pnas.2320334121Community Review Boards offer a path to research equity
A-TITLE Community Review Boards offer a path to research equity
/author/Sabet,+Cameron+JohnCameron John Sabet
A-TITLE Cameron John Sabet
/author/Bajaj,+Simar+SSimar S. Bajaj
A-TITLE Simar S. Bajaj
/author/Stanford,+Fatima+CodyFatima Cody Stanford
A-TITLE Fatima Cody Stanford
/topic/type/core-conCore Concepts
/doi/10.1073/pnas.2407160121“Net zero” may need a rethink to keep climate targets within reach
A-TITLE “Net zero” may need a rethink to keep climate targets within reach
/author/Battersby,+StephenStephen Battersby
A-TITLE Stephen Battersby
/topic/type/news-featNews Feature
/doi/10.1073/pnas.2406320121The automated lab of tomorrow
A-TITLE The automated lab of tomorrow
/author/Adam,+DavidDavid Adam
A-TITLE David Adam
/topic/type/opinionTexto duplicado Opinion
/doi/10.1073/pnas.2306869121Species-level, digitized wildlife trade data are essential for achieving biodiversity targets
A-TITLE Species-level, digitized wildlife trade data are essential for achieving biodiversity targets
/author/Tlusty,+Michael+FMichael F. Tlusty
A-TITLE Michael F. Tlusty
/author/Cassey,+PhillipPhillip Cassey
A-TITLE Phillip Cassey
/author/Rhyne,+Andrew+LAndrew L. Rhyne
A-TITLE Andrew L. Rhyne
/author/Omrow,+Delon+ADelon A. Omrow
A-TITLE Delon A. Omrow
/author/Stoett,+PeterPeter Stoett
A-TITLE Peter Stoett
/topic/type/opinionTexto duplicado Opinion
/doi/10.1073/pnas.2318505121We need a solid scientific basis for nature-based climate solutions in the United States
A-TITLE We need a solid scientific basis for nature-based climate solutions in the United States
/author/Novick,+Kimberly+AKimberly A. Novick
A-TITLE Kimberly A. Novick
/author/Keenan,+Trevor+FTrevor F. Keenan
A-TITLE Trevor F. Keenan
/author/Anderegg,+William+R+LWilliam R. L. Anderegg
A-TITLE William R. L. Anderegg
/author/Normile,+Caroline+PCaroline P. Normile
A-TITLE Caroline P. Normile
/author/Runkle,+Benjamin+R+KBenjamin R. K. Runkle
A-TITLE Benjamin R. K. Runkle
/author/Oldfield,+Emily+EEmily E. Oldfield
A-TITLE Emily E. Oldfield
/author/Shrestha,+GyamiGyami Shrestha
A-TITLE Gyami Shrestha
/author/Baldocchi,+Dennis+DDennis D. Baldocchi
A-TITLE Dennis D. Baldocchi
/author/Evans,+Margaret+E+KMargaret E. K. Evans
A-TITLE Margaret E. K. Evans
/author/Randerson,+James+TJames T. Randerson
A-TITLE James T. Randerson
/author/Sanderman,+JonathanJonathan Sanderman
A-TITLE Jonathan Sanderman
/author/Torn,+Margaret+SMargaret S. Torn
A-TITLE Margaret S. Torn
/author/Trugman,+Anna+TAnna T. Trugman
A-TITLE Anna T. Trugman
/author/Williams,+Christopher+AChristopher A. Williams
A-TITLE Christopher A. Williams
/topic/type/opinionTexto duplicado Opinion
/doi/10.1073/pnas.2315505121To be policy-relevant, future climate research must include the noncontiguous United States
A-TITLE To be policy-relevant, future climate research must include the noncontiguous United States
/author/Basile,+SamanthaSamantha Basile
A-TITLE Samantha Basile
/author/Avery,+Christopher+WChristopher W. Avery
A-TITLE Christopher W. Avery
/author/Grade,+AaronAaron Grade
A-TITLE Aaron Grade
/author/Crimmins,+Allison+RAllison R. Crimmins
A-TITLE Allison R. Crimmins
/topic/type/news-featTexto duplicado News Feature
/doi/10.1073/pnas.2402794121Fire in the desert
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/post/update/pnas-nexus-expand...PNAS Nexus Expands Its License Options
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/doi/10.1073/pnas.2407157121QnAs with Katherine Freese
A-TITLE QnAs with Katherine Freese
/author/Gabrielsen,+PaulPaul Gabrielsen
A-TITLE Paul Gabrielsen
/topic/type/qnasTexto duplicado QnAs
/doi/10.1073/pnas.2404940121QnAs with Miguel A. Garcia-Garibay
A-TITLE QnAs with Miguel A. Garcia-Garibay
/author/Ravindran,+SandeepSandeep Ravindran
A-TITLE Sandeep Ravindran
/topic/type/qnasTexto duplicado QnAs
/doi/10.1073/pnas.2322423121QnAs with Eugenia Russinova
A-TITLE QnAs with Eugenia Russinova
/author/Ravindran,+SandeepTexto duplicado Sandeep Ravindran
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/toc/pnas/121/20May 14, 2024 Vol. 121No. 20
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/toc/pnas/121/19May 7, 2024 Vol. 121No. 19
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/toc/pnas/121/18April 30, 2024 Vol. 121No. 18
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/toc/pnas/121/17April 23, 2024 Vol. 121No. 17
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/toc/pnas/121/16April 16, 2024 Vol. 121No. 16
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/toc/pnas/121/15April 9, 2024 Vol. 121No. 15
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/toc/pnas/121/14April 2, 2024 Vol. 121No. 14
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/toc/pnas/121/13March 26, 2024 Vol. 121No. 13
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/toc/pnas/121/12March 19, 2024 Vol. 121No. 12
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Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), a peer reviewed journal of the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) - an authoritative source of high-impact, original research that broadly spans the biological, physical, and social sciences.

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