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Home - Printed Matter
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Meta descripción
(Extremadamente importante)
Printed Matter, Inc. is an independent 501(c)(3) non-profit organization founded in 1976 by artists and art workers with the mission to foster the appreciation, dissemination, and understanding of artists' books and other artists' publications.
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URL de la página
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descriptionPrinted Matter, Inc. is an independent 501(c)(3) non-profit organization founded in 1976 by artists and art workers with the mission to foster the appreciation, dissemination, and understanding of artists' books and other artists' publications.
keywordsPrinted Matter, Printed Matter, Inc., Printed Matter, New York, Printed Matter Chelsea, Printed Matter SoHo, Artist Book, Artists Books, Artist's Books, Artists' Books, Art Books, Artist Publication, Artists Publications, Artist's Publications, Artists' Publications, Art Publishers, Art Distribution, Editions, Multiples, New York Gallery, New York Galleries, Retail, Wholesale, Sol LeWitt, Edward Ruscha, Ed Ruscha, John Baldessari, Conceptual Art, Pop Art, Minimal Art, Fluxus, Contemporary Art, Lawrence Weiner, Jenny Holzer, Barbara Kruger, Larry Clark, David Platzker, Max Schumann, Richard Tuttle, Pat Steir, Printed Matter, Inc. is the world's largest non-profit organization dedicated to the promotion of publications made by artists - artists' books or artists' publications. Founded as a for-profit alternative arts space in 1976 by artists and artworkers, Printed Matter reincorporated in 1978 to become the independent non-profit organization that it is today. Originally situated in Tribeca, Printed Matter moved to SoHo in 1989 where for twelve years the book displays and artists¹ projects in the large storefront windows contributed to the artistic and intellectual vibrancy of the neighborhood. In February 2001 Printed Matter relocated to its current space in Chelsea, where it continues to foreground the book as an alternative venue for artists¹ projects and ideas. Recognized for years as an essential voice in the increasingly diversified art world conversations and debates, Printed Matter is dedicated to the examination and interrogation of the changing role of artists¹ publications in the landscape of contemporary art.
viewportwidth=device-width, initial-scale=1.0
og:titleHome - Printed Matter
og:site_namePrinted Matter
og:descriptionPrinted Matter, Inc. is an independent 501(c)(3) non-profit organization founded in 1976 by artists and art workers with the mission to foster the appreciation, dissemination, and understanding of artists' books and other artists' publications.

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No se detecta ningún párrafo.
El número total de palabras en la página es bueno: 1038 palabras.
Un 15.8% del contenido está constituido por palabras vacías.
Las palabras clave del título también se repiten en el texto del cuerpo.
Las palabras del encabezado H1 también aparecen en el cuerpo del texto.
La página contiene un listado, lo que indica una buena estructuración del contenido.
No se detecta ningún placeholder de texto ni imagen.
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Esta página no utiliza ningún frameset.
Optimización para móviles
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No se ha especificado ningún icono de Apple Touch.
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El valor de la etiqueta viewport es correcto: (width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0).
Etiquetas Bold y Strong
(Poco importante)
El uso de etiquetas de negritas en esta página es óptimo. Te recomendamos emplear hasta 21 etiquetas de negritas en una página.
Optimización de imágenes
(Poco importante)
No se detecta ninguna descripción del atributo ALT en 10 imágenes. El contenido de los atributos ALT también es evaluado como texto por los buscadores y es muy importante para la búsqueda de imágenes.
Redes Sociales
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Etiquetas markup adicionales
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Todos los archivos incluidos se transfieren a través de HTTPS.

Lista de medios

URLAtributo ALTTítulo
...ail-abbf741d78f234eb148e8c74dcae6746.svgCarece de atributo ALT
...ram-08e758c45efc0e5ebccdbda2b5546888.svgCarece de atributo ALT
...oad-eb1261ec1ce56ebab509a0d7e6dec560.svgCarece de atributo ALT de atributo ALT
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...ail-abbf741d78f234eb148e8c74dcae6746.svgCarece de atributo ALT
...ram-08e758c45efc0e5ebccdbda2b5546888.svgCarece de atributo ALT
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...ate-6135bc04964eb59d0190ec959ebf6042.svgCarece de atributo ALT
...t=max&fit=max&h=874&w=1312&compress=trueUntitled (knots undone) / (braids) #6, 1990-1991 / 2024
...t=max&fit=max&h=874&w=1312&compress=trueThe Demon of Growing Pains (2024)
...t=max&fit=max&h=874&w=1312&compress=trueOlaf, 2024
...t=max&fit=max&h=874&w=1312&compress=truethe last person I want to speak to., 2024 [Purple/Burgundy]
...t=max&fit=max&h=874&w=1312&compress=truethe last person I want to speak to., 2024 [Red/Yellow]
...t=max&fit=max&h=874&w=1312&compress=trueBook Circle
...t=max&fit=max&h=874&w=1312&compress=trueInstitutional Member pages pages on Paper on Paper are Hungry for Androgyny Gobierno Te Odia [The Government Hates You] [Second Edition] Carlos Bernal: Monografía Tajima: Super Natural Nation Roll of the Dice to the Golden Boomerang Return Lucky THE BEACH MACHINE AFTER TOURISM OF EXTRACTION SLEEPING HERMAPHRODITE World Homes & Dykes, Issue 2 Homes & Dykes, Issue 1 makeup Honesty Zine Honesty Zine Honesty Zine vs Neoliberalism works & a short story Magazine Magazine Buchführung 2001–2010

Estructura de la página

Encabezado H1
(Extremadamente importante)
Printed Matter, Inc.
Más de un encabezado H1.
Algunos de los encabezados H se repiten dos veces.
Algunos encabezados H están vacíos.

Estructura de los encabezados

Jerarquía de encabezadosContenido
H1 Printed Matter, Inc.
H1 Printed Matter, Inc. Texto duplicado
H1 Printed Matter, Inc. Texto duplicado
H2 2024 NY Art Book Fair Editions
H2 Membership
H2 Black Artists and Publishers Directory
H2 Published by Printed Matter, Inc.
H2 Encabezado vacío
H2 Events
H2 Exhibitions
H2 The Bulletin
H2 Art Book Fairs
H2 You can support artists, independent publishers and Printed Matter by placing an order online, following & liking us on social media, or:
H2 Encabezado vacío
Algunos textos ancla son demasiado largos.
Algunos textos ancla se repiten más de una vez en varios enlaces.
2 enlaces cerecen de un texto ancla.
La cantidad de enlaces internos es adecuada.
Ningún enlace interno contiene parámetros dinámicos.
Hay 8 enlaces externos en esta página.
EnlacePropiedadesTexto ancla Matter, Inc.
/locationsSin texto
/locationsMain location
/locations11 am
/locations/st-marksSin texto
/locations/st-marksSt Marks
/locations/st-marks12 pm
/loginLog in
/mailing-listSubscribe to email Subdominio Instagram
/catalog/digital-downloadsDigital downloads
/services/submit-your-bookSubmit a book
/support/donateDonate duplicado Printed Matter, Inc.
/locationsTexto duplicado Main location
/locationsTexto duplicado 11 am
/locations/st-marksTexto duplicado St Marks
/locationsTexto duplicado 11 am
/loginTexto duplicado Log in
/mailing-listTexto duplicado Subscribe to email Subdominio Texto duplicado Instagram
/catalog/digital-downloadsTexto duplicado Digital downloads
/services/submit-your-bookTexto duplicado Submit a book
/support/donateTexto duplicado Donate duplicado Printed Matter, Inc.
/catalog/65345Carla Williams Untitled (knots undone) / (braids) #6, 1990-1991 / 2024 PM Fundraising Editions $250.00
IMG-ALT Untitled (knots undone) / (braids) #6, 1990-1991 / 2024
/catalog/65349Tamar Ettun The Demon of Growing Pains (2024) PM Fundraising Editions $111.00
IMG-ALT The Demon of Growing Pains (2024)
/catalog/65348Trevor Shimizu Olaf, 2024 PM Fundraising Editions $500.00
IMG-ALT Olaf, 2024
/catalog/65347Raque Ford the last person I want to speak to., 2024 [Purple/Burgundy] PM Fundraising Editions $100.00
IMG-ALT the last person I want to speak to., 2024 [Purple/Burgundy]
/catalog/65346Raque Ford the last person I want to speak to., 2024 [Red/Yellow] PM Fundraising Editions $100.00
IMG-ALT the last person I want to speak to., 2024 [Red/Yellow]
/catalog/category/15-pm-fundra...Subdominio Purchase Here
/catalog/35259Friend $60
IMG-ALT Friend
/catalog/37899Contributor $100
IMG-ALT Contributor
/catalog/35261Supporter $250
IMG-ALT Supporter
/catalog/35262Advocate $500
IMG-ALT Advocate
/catalog/35263Book Circle $1000
IMG-ALT Book Circle
/catalog/37898Benefactor $2000
IMG-ALT Benefactor
/catalog/53287Institutional Member Institutional ($250)
IMG-ALT Institutional Member
/support/membershipLearn More About Memberships ancla Recent arrivals ancla Best sellers ancla PM Publications
/catalog/65764Claudio Pogo and Magdalena Wysocka dead pages No. 4 moj pies Periodicals $50.00 Featured at NYABF Recent Arrival
IMG-ALT dead pages
/catalog/65642Claudio Pogo and Magdalena Wysocka dead pages No. 3 bravo Periodicals $50.00 Featured at NYABF Recent Arrival
IMG-ALT dead pages
/catalog/65626Magdalena Wysocka Dirty Books $65.00 Featured at NYABF Recent Arrival Signed
/catalog/65627Lily Cummings Bodies on Paper No. 3 Books $25.00 Featured at NYABF Recent Arrival
IMG-ALT Bodies on Paper
/catalog/65615Lily Cummings Bodies on Paper No. 1 Books $25.00 Featured at NYABF Recent Arrival
IMG-ALT Bodies on Paper
/catalog/40883Kasper Andreasen and Tine Melzer Inventory Books $22.00 Back In Stock
IMG-ALT Inventory
/catalog/65763Leilah King We are Hungry for Androgyny Books $18.00 Recent Arrival
IMG-ALT We are Hungry for Androgyny
/catalog/65665Christopher Gregory-Rivera El Gobierno Te Odia [The Government Hates You] [Second Edition] Books $63.50 Recent Arrival
IMG-ALT El Gobierno Te Odia [The Government Hates You] [Second Edition]
/catalog/65761Louis Carlos Bernal Louis Carlos Bernal: Monografía Books $50.00 Recent Arrival
IMG-ALT Louis Carlos Bernal: Monografía
/catalog/65760Mika Tajima and Mika Yoshitake Mika Tajima: Super Natural Books $30.00 Recent Arrival
IMG-ALT Mika Tajima: Super Natural
/catalog/65553Don Mee Choi Mirror Nation Books $25.00 Recent Arrival
IMG-ALT Mirror Nation
/catalog/65551Stéphane Mallarmé, Jeff Clark (translator) and Robert Bononno (translator) A Roll of the Dice Books $25.00 Recent Arrival
IMG-ALT A Roll of the Dice
/catalog/65552CAConrad Listen to the Golden Boomerang Return Books $20.00 Recent Arrival
IMG-ALT Listen to the Golden Boomerang Return
/catalog/65759Lily Bloom Painfully Lucky Books $18.00 Recent Arrival
IMG-ALT Painfully Lucky
/catalog/65561Jeremy Rendina Communitas Books $24.00 Recent Arrival
IMG-ALT Communitas
/catalog/65757François Pragnère and Marius Astruc Corpus Books $40.00 Recent Arrival
IMG-ALT Corpus
/catalog/65564David Bergé and George Papam THE BEACH MACHINE Books $15.00 Recent Arrival
/catalog/65565David Bergé and George Papam ISLANDS AFTER TOURISM Books $15.00 Recent Arrival
/catalog/65563David Bergé BODIES OF EXTRACTION Books $15.00 Recent Arrival
/catalog/65562David Bergé and Juan Duque THE SLEEPING HERMAPHRODITE Books $15.00 Recent Arrival
/catalog/65756Sophie Arnold Enjoy Books $25.00 Recent Arrival Signed
/catalog/65755Brooke Lord Other World Books $25.00 Recent Arrival
IMG-ALT Other World
/catalog/65555S. Hansen and Elli Vega Better Homes & Dykes, Issue 2 Periodicals $20.00 Recent Arrival
IMG-ALT Better Homes & Dykes, Issue 2
/catalog/65554S. Hansen and Elli Vega Better Homes & Dykes, Issue 1 Periodicals $20.00 Recent Arrival
IMG-ALT Better Homes & Dykes, Issue 1
/catalog/65754Sophie Arnold Full makeup Books $10.00 Recent Arrival Signed
IMG-ALT Full makeup
/catalog/65750Sloane Stokle and Heather Lee Allen Radical Honesty Zine No. 3 Books $8.00 Recent Arrival
IMG-ALT Radical Honesty Zine
/catalog/65749Sloane Stokle and Heather Lee Allen Radical Honesty Zine No. 2 Books $8.00 Recent Arrival
IMG-ALT Radical Honesty Zine
/catalog/65748Sloane Stokle and Heather Lee Allen Radical Honesty Zine No. 1 Books $8.00 Recent Arrival
IMG-ALT Radical Honesty Zine
/catalog/65747Julia C. Parodi Beauty vs Neoliberalism Books $18.00 Recent Arrival
IMG-ALT Beauty vs Neoliberalism
/catalog/65746Darares EMPTYSTOMAC Books $18.00 Recent Arrival
/catalog/65745POST-POST Books $32.00 Recent Arrival
/catalog/65742Vida Adamczewski and Sara Anstis small works & a short story Books $40.00 Recent Arrival
IMG-ALT small works & a short story
/catalog/65741J. Hackson, E.P. Smoke, T. Fitzayré and A. Weizen Clod Magazine No. 39 Periodicals $7.00 Recent Arrival
IMG-ALT Clod Magazine
/catalog/65740J. Hackson, E.P. Smoke, T. Fitzayré and A. Weizen Clod Magazine No. 38 Periodicals $6.00 Recent Arrival
IMG-ALT Clod Magazine
/catalog/65739Thomas Baldischwyler Doppelte Buchführung Books $50.00 Recent Arrival
IMG-ALT Doppelte Buchführung
/catalog/65738John Jaewon Kim Stubs: 2001–2010 Books $10.00 Recent Arrival
IMG-ALT Stubs: 2001–2010
/catalogSee all recent arrivals
/services/submit-your-bookSubmit your book
IMG-ALT Nqou5e7tttqmsvyneocp?&fit=max
/support/membershipBecome a member
IMG-ALT Pururcrscq9cs6gluflg?&fit=max
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IMG-ALT Gzgwdazthfkwi35cyagd?&fit=max
/support/donateMake a donation
IMG-ALT B5cv3egqsr6ftopalt7k?&fit=max
/support/gift-certificatesBuy a gift certificate
IMG-ALT Hvtyue4otciy03kcjdwj?&fit=max
/catalog/digital-downloadsFree downloads
IMG-ALT Fwro49icrw2p5aaqc3oz?&fit=max
/programs/events/1833St MarksWindowEvent The More We Look Ahead, The More We See Behind A Window Installation by Club del Prado April 23 - May 25, 2024
/eventsSee all events
/programs/events/1836EventWindowChelsea 0800-TAKE-ME-HOME Rebelliousness in Queer Artists’ Publications and Photography April 24 - May 26, 2024
/eventsTexto duplicado See all events
/programs/events/1824EventGlass Case Display From the Archive of Top Stories A special presentation from the collection of Anne Turyn April 25 - May 26, 2024
/eventsTexto duplicado See all events
/programs/events/1879EventChelsea Textdemic: A.L. Steiner and Matilde Guidelli-Guidi in conversation May 23, 2024
/eventsTexto duplicado See all events
/programs/events/1874EventSt Marks A Book About Colab (and Related Activities) — Book Launch for Second Printing May 30, 2024
/eventsTexto duplicado See all events
/programs/events/1828EventGlass Case DisplayChelsea The Publicsfear Archive Display at Printed Matter Chelsea May 31 - July 26, 2024
/eventsTexto duplicado See all events
/programs/events/1878EventChelsea TBW Books Multi-Title Launch At Printed Matter Chelsea June 6, 2024
/eventsTexto duplicado See all events
/programs/events/1841EventOnline Programming Suzanne Harris – An Anarchitectural Body of Work: A Conversation June 12, 2024
/eventsTexto duplicado See all events
/programs/events/1839EventChelsea 4N Exchange An evening with Special Special and 4N June 13, 2024
/eventsTexto duplicado See all events
/programs/events/1819AnnouncementFairSt Marks East Village Zine Fair 2024 Co-Presented by Printed Matter / St Marks and 8-Ball Community June 15, 2024
/eventsTexto duplicado See all events
/programs/events/1829ExhibitionEventChelsea Kaghazi Pairahan – Publishing & Resistance in South Asia April 24 - June 20, 2024
/programs/1-exhibitionsSee all exhibitions
/services/the-bulletinThe Bulletin
/services/the-bulletinTexto duplicado The Bulletin
/services/the-bulletin/artist-...Artist Opportunities
/services/the-bulletin/printin...Printing & Binding Resources
/services/the-bulletin/book-an...Book & Zine Fairs
/services/the-bulletin/glossaryPrinting & Binding Glossary
/services/the-bulletin/audio-v...Audio & Video Resources
/services/the-bulletin/other-u...Other Useful Links
/resources_for_artistsCOVID-19 Resources
/mail-art/Submit Mail Art
/services/submit-your-bookTexto duplicado Submit your book
/services/distribution-servicesDistribution Services
/services/bibliographic-servicesBibliographic Services
/services/wholesalersFor Wholesalers
/services/libraries-and-instit...For Libraries & Institutions
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/support/gift-certificatesTexto duplicado Buy a gift certificate
IMG-ALT Hvtyue4otciy03kcjdwj?&fit=max NY Art Book Fair LA Art Book Fair
/contact-usContact us
/press-inquiriesPress inquiries
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/services/submit-your-bookTexto duplicado Submit your book
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/jobs-internshipsJobs & internships
/services/wholesalersFor wholesalers
/services/libraries-and-instit...For libraries & institutions Subdominio Facebook Texto duplicado Instagram Twitter

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Snippet (vista previa de los resultados de búsqueda)
Home - Printed Matter
Printed Matter, Inc. is an independent 501(c)(3) non-profit organization founded in 1976 by artists and art workers with the mission to foster the appreciation, dissemination, and understanding of artists' books and other artists' publications.

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Printed Matter85%Check
Printed Matter Chelsea66%Check
Art Book55%Check

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