Rishi-tea.com - SEO Checker

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651,80 kB
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246 internos / 8 externos

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(Extremadamente importante)
Rishi Tea & Botanicals
La longitud del título es óptima (202 píxeles de una longitud máxima de 580 píxeles).
No se repite ninguna palabra en el título.
Meta descripción
(Extremadamente importante)
Rishi Tea & Botanicals is an online tea shop with a wide variety of loose leaf, sachet teas, tea gifts, teaware, and botanical ingredients. We are a Direct Trade importer of premium, organic teas and botanicals from gardens across the world.
La meta descripción es demasiado larga: 1000 píxelesOptimizar la descripción.
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No se detectan problemas para acceder al sitio web.
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La página tiene una redirección canónica correcta.
(Poco importante)
Idioma reconocido automáticamente en el contenido: en
Idioma declarado en el código HTML: en
Ubicación geográfica del servidor: Estados Unidos de América
El idioma ha sido correctamente declarado en el código HTML: en.
Enlaces Alternate/Hreflang
(Poco importante)
No se ha encontrado ningún enlace alternativo (alternate) en esta página.
Otras Metaetiquetas
(Poco importante)
No se detecta ninguna metaetiqueta de paginación rel next en la página.
No se detecta ninguna metaetiqueta de paginación rel prev en la página.
(Poco importante)
El dominio no es un subdominio.
La longitud del nombre del dominio es buena.
El dominio no contiene caracteres especiales.
URL de la página
(Poco importante)
No se detecta ningún parámetro dinámico en la URL.
No se detecta ningún ID de sesión en la URL.
La URL no contiene demasiados subdirectorios.
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(Poco importante)
La codificación de caracteres (UTF-8) ha sido declarada correctamente.
La etiqueta doctype HTML 5 está configurada correctamente.
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El favicon está enlazado correctamente.


descriptionRishi Tea & Botanicals is an online tea shop with a wide variety of loose leaf, sachet teas, tea gifts, teaware, and botanical ingredients. We are a Direct Trade importer of premium, organic teas and botanicals from gardens across the world.
twitter:titleRishi Tea & Botanicals
twitter:descriptionRishi Tea & Botanicals is an online tea shop with a wide variety of loose leaf, sachet teas, tea gifts, teaware, and botanical ingredients. We are a Direct Trade importer of premium, organic teas and botanicals from gardens across the world.
og:site_nameRishi Tea & Botanicals
og:titleRishi Tea & Botanicals
og:descriptionRishi Tea & Botanicals is an online tea shop with a wide variety of loose leaf, sachet teas, tea gifts, teaware, and botanical ingredients. We are a Direct Trade importer of premium, organic teas and botanicals from gardens across the world.

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Calidad de la página

(Extremadamente importante)
El número total de palabras en la página es bueno: 2501 palabras.
Un 16.6% del contenido está constituido por palabras vacías.
Las palabras clave del título también se repiten en el texto del cuerpo.
La página contiene un listado, lo que indica una buena estructuración del contenido.
Se han encontrado 24 párrafos en esta página.
El contenido en formato texto de esta página es óptimo.
No se detecta ningún placeholder de texto ni imagen.
No se detecta contenido duplicado.
La cantidad media de palabras por frase es buena: 15.29 palabras.
(Extremadamente importante)
Esta página no utiliza ningún frameset.
Optimización para móviles
(Poco importante)
Con 651.8 kB, el documento HTML es demasiado grande.
El valor de la etiqueta viewport es correcto: (width=device-width,initial-scale=1,shrink-to-fit=no).
Al menos un icono de Apple-Touch ha sido especificado.
Etiquetas Bold y Strong
(Poco importante)
El uso de etiquetas de negritas en esta página es óptimo. Te recomendamos emplear hasta 50 etiquetas de negritas en una página.
Optimización de imágenes
(Poco importante)
No se detecta ninguna descripción del atributo ALT en 24 imágenes. El contenido de los atributos ALT también es evaluado como texto por los buscadores y es muy importante para la búsqueda de imágenes.
Redes Sociales
Esta página apenas ofrece posibilidades de compartir el contenido en redes sociales. Con la integración de widgets puedes conseguir que tus contenidos se popularicen en redes.
Etiquetas markup adicionales
No se detecta ninguna etiqueta markup (de Schema.org) adicional.
(Poco importante)
El sitio utiliza HTTPS para transferir datos de forma segura.
Todos los archivos incluidos se transfieren a través de HTTPS.

Lista de medios

URLAtributo ALTTítulo
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...-1ec0cff55ec0.jpg?v=1709670095&width=500Carece de atributo ALT
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...files/Certified-Organic.jpg?v=1699033973Carece de atributo ALT
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...s/Beautiful-Ingredients.jpg?v=1699033993Carece de atributo ALT
...EarlGreySupreme-TC_800x.jpg?v=1709668282A pile of Earl Grey Supreme tea from Rishi Tea & Botanicals on a white background.
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.../Badge_Best_Seller_200x.png?v=1689975538Earl Grey Supreme icon
...usel-MasalaChai-TC_800x.jpg?v=1709671309A pile of Masala Chai from Rishi Tea & Botanicals on a white background.
...ion-MasalaChai-1_1_800x.jpg?v=1690395192Masala Chai hover image
.../Badge_Best_Seller_200x.png?v=1689975538Masala Chai icon
...STB-TurmericGinger_800x.jpg?v=1709670596A bag of Turmeric Ginger tea with a Rishi Tea & Botanicals tea bag next to it.
...eranium-Infusion_1_800x.jpg?v=1709668827Turmeric Ginger hover image
.../Badge_Best_Seller_200x.png?v=1689975538Turmeric Ginger icon
...JasmineGreenTea-TC_800x.jpg?v=1709670410A pile of Jasmine tea from Rishi Tea & Botanicals on a white background.
...smineGreenTea-LS-2_800x.jpg?v=1709672750Jasmine hover image
.../Badge_Best_Seller_200x.png?v=1689975538Jasmine icon
...nglishBreakfast-TC_800x.jpg?v=1709670578A pile of Rishi Tea & Botanicals English Breakfast on a white background.
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...l-Sachet-Sampler-1_800x.jpg?v=1709671958An ultimate experience of Premium Sachet Collection with a box next to it, showcasing a variety of flavors from Rishi Tea & Botanicals.
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...l-BaristaMatcha-TC_800x.jpg?v=1709670502Barista Matcha from Rishi Tea & Botanicals on a white background.
...Matcha-Capp-scaled_800x.jpg?v=1654439851Barista Matcha hover image
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...el-GoldenYunnan-TC_800x.jpg?v=1709671451A pile of Golden Yunnan black tea on a white background from Rishi Tea & Botanicals.
...-8f82-781f1b35728e_800x.jpg?v=1690396168Golden Yunnan hover image
...dge_Rishi_Favorite_200x.png?v=1689975538Golden Yunnan icon
...daySeasonalBlendLL_800x.jpg?v=1730313772The Seasonal Loose Leaf Flight of Tea Bundle by Rishi Tea & Botanicals includes three varieties: Cranberry Yuzu with red fruits, Quince Ginger with green leaves, and Houjicha Cinnamon Orange with toasted leaves, each clearly labeled.
...ab_CranberryYuzu-1_800x.jpg?v=1730313768Seasonal Loose Leaf Flight of Tea Bundle hover image
...s/Badge_Great_Gift_200x.png?v=1689975538Seasonal Loose Leaf Flight of Tea Bundle icon
...rcle_CranberryYuzu_800x.jpg?v=1730313781A vibrant mix of dried tea ingredients, featuring the Cranberry Yuzu blend by Rishi Tea & Botanicals, showcasing orange peels, cranberries, red berries, and a touch of cinnamon spice against a white background.
...ab_CranberryYuzu-1_800x.jpg?v=1730313768Cranberry Yuzu hover image
...ge_Limited_Edition_200x.png?v=1690165643Cranberry Yuzu icon
...ircle_QuinceGinger_800x.jpg?v=1730313796A delicate pile of Quince Ginger blend by Rishi Tea & Botanicals, featuring Silver Needles white tea with green leaves, dried orange pieces, and small red seeds, rests on a white background.
...Lab_QuinceGinger-1_800x.jpg?v=1730313778Quince Ginger hover image
...ge_Limited_Edition_200x.png?v=1690165643Quince Ginger icon
...e_HoujichaCinnamon_800x.jpg?v=1730313793A pile of loose-leaf Houjicha Cinnamon Orange tea by Rishi Tea & Botanicals, featuring citrusy orange peel, rests on a white background.
...HoujichaCinnamon-2_800x.jpg?v=1730313785Houjicha Cinnamon Orange hover image
...ge_Limited_Edition_200x.png?v=1690165643Houjicha Cinnamon Orange icon
...les_EarlGreyFlight_800x.jpg?v=1728918459A stylish tea bundle, the Earl Grey Flight of Tea Bundle, showcases three dark-colored standing pouches, each adorned with the elegant Rishi Tea & Botanicals label. Experience the exquisite Earl Grey Lavender blend, where fragrant bergamot beautifully harmonizes with soothing lavender.
...-8560-2a1f6a95ed84_800x.jpg?v=1709670750Earl Grey Flight of Tea Bundle hover image
...ew_EarlGreySupreme_800x.jpg?v=1728918351The Earl Grey Supreme & Simple Brew Set by Rishi Tea & Botanicals includes a Simple Brew teapot, along with a box labeled
...usel-EarlGrey_LS-3_800x.jpg?v=1709669341Earl Grey Supreme & Simple Brew Set hover image
.../Badge_Bundle_Save_200x.png?v=1689975538Earl Grey Supreme & Simple Brew Set icon
...enTeaStarterBundle_800x.jpg?v=1728918404The Japanese Green Tea Starter Bundle from Rishi Tea & Botanicals, including Matcha Super Green and Sencha packages, a black pitcher, and a clear teapot with an infuser, is displayed on a plain background.
...OkumidoriCarousel2_800x.jpg?v=1709672080Japanese Green Tea Starter Bundle hover image
...s/Badge_Great_Gift_200x.png?v=1689975538Japanese Green Tea Starter Bundle icon
...rcle-OOBHMFB100-RP_800x.jpg?v=1728595317A close-up of a loose pile of Oven-Baked Dian Hong Mao Feng Black Tea leaves from Rishi Tea & Botanicals, highlighting their rich mix of dark brown and golden hues against a plain white background, evoking the smooth and malty flavor characteristic of renowned black teas.
...en-Baked-Dian-Hong_800x.jpg?v=1729092434Oven-Baked Dian Hong Mao Feng Black Tea hover image
...adge_Garden_Direct_200x.png?v=1690166522Oven-Baked Dian Hong Mao Feng Black Tea icon
...-TurmericGinger-TC_800x.jpg?v=1709671890A pile of Rishi Tea & Botanicals Turmeric Ginger on a white background.
...n-TurmericGinger_1_800x.jpg?v=1690561507Turmeric Ginger hover image
.../Badge_Best_Seller_200x.png?v=1689975538Turmeric Ginger icon
...STB-TurmericGinger_800x.jpg?v=1709670596A bag of Turmeric Ginger tea with a Rishi Tea & Botanicals tea bag next to it.
...eranium-Infusion_1_800x.jpg?v=1709668827Turmeric Ginger hover image
.../Badge_Best_Seller_200x.png?v=1689975538Turmeric Ginger icon
...el-CinnamonPlum-TC_800x.jpg?v=1709671893A pile of Cinnamon Plum dried fruit and berries on a white background, produced by Rishi Tea & Botanicals.
...ousel-CinnamonPlum_800x.jpg?v=1709670060Cinnamon Plum hover image
...ge_Limited_Edition_200x.png?v=1690165643Cinnamon Plum icon
...lueberryRooibos-TC_800x.jpg?v=1709672553A pile of Blueberry Rooibos flowers and berries on a white background from Rishi Tea & Botanicals.
...-b55f-945974eba610_800x.jpg?v=1690397268Blueberry Rooibos hover image
...ChamomileMedley-TC_800x.jpg?v=1709669681A pile of dried Chamomile Medley flowers from Rishi Tea & Botanicals on a white background.
...-8e45-1cb04603ec42_800x.jpg?v=1690397068Chamomile Medley hover image
...l-HibiscusBerry-TC_800x.jpg?v=1709671920A pile of Hibiscus Berry dried fruit and nuts on a white background from Rishi Tea & Botanicals.
...on-HibiscusBerry_1_800x.jpg?v=1690395940Hibiscus Berry hover image
...l-ValerianDream-TC_800x.jpg?v=1709667874A pile of Valerian Dream herbs and flowers on a white background.
...on-ValerianDream_1_800x.jpg?v=1690571296Valerian Dream hover image
...amomileBlossoms-TC_800x.jpg?v=1709672580A pile of dried Golden Chamomile Blossoms on a white background, by Rishi Tea & Botanicals.
...-b0c5-362bf299d3cd_800x.jpg?v=1690396200Golden Chamomile Blossoms hover image
...el-CinnamonPlum-TC_800x.jpg?v=1709671893A pile of Cinnamon Plum dried fruit and berries on a white background, produced by Rishi Tea & Botanicals.
...ousel-CinnamonPlum_800x.jpg?v=1709670060Cinnamon Plum hover image
...ge_Limited_Edition_200x.png?v=1690165643Cinnamon Plum icon
...usel-MasalaChai-TC_800x.jpg?v=1709671309A pile of Masala Chai from Rishi Tea & Botanicals on a white background.
...ion-MasalaChai-1_1_800x.jpg?v=1690395192Masala Chai hover image
.../Badge_Best_Seller_200x.png?v=1689975538Masala Chai icon
...-TurmericGinger-TC_800x.jpg?v=1709671890A pile of Rishi Tea & Botanicals Turmeric Ginger on a white background.
...n-TurmericGinger_1_800x.jpg?v=1690561507Turmeric Ginger hover image
.../Badge_Best_Seller_200x.png?v=1689975538Turmeric Ginger icon
...CinnamonTulsiSpice_800x.jpg?v=1709671130A pile of Cinnamon Tulsi Spice from Rishi Tea & Botanicals on a white background.
...-9049-77c99795fc1e_800x.jpg?v=1690396906Cinnamon Tulsi Spice hover image
...el-GoldenYunnan-TC_800x.jpg?v=1709671451A pile of Golden Yunnan black tea on a white background from Rishi Tea & Botanicals.
...-8f82-781f1b35728e_800x.jpg?v=1690396168Golden Yunnan hover image
...dge_Rishi_Favorite_200x.png?v=1689975538Golden Yunnan icon
...el-PumpkinSpice-TC_800x.jpg?v=1709669185Against a white background lies a small pile of loose herbal tea leaves and spices from Rishi Tea & Botanicals' Pumpkin Spice blend, featuring an array of dried herbs and spices in shades of brown, yellow, and green that promise a chai-like infusion with hints of seasonal botanicals.
...Holiday2023-31-Web_800x.jpg?v=1709671728Pumpkin Spice hover image
...ge_Limited_Edition_200x.png?v=1690165643Pumpkin Spice icon
...TangerineGinger-TC_800x.jpg?v=1709669344A pile of Rishi Tea & Botanicals' Tangerine Ginger tea leaves on a white background.
...-TangerineGinger_2_800x.jpg?v=1690571898Tangerine Ginger hover image
...arousel-Rooibos-TC_800x.jpg?v=1709670877A pile of red Rishi Tea & Botanicals rooibus tea on a white background.
...reparation-Rooibos_800x.jpg?v=1690569402Rooibos hover image
...EarlGreySupreme-TC_200x.jpg?v=1709668282Earl Grey Supreme-image
...l-BaristaMatcha-TC_200x.jpg?v=1709670502Barista Matcha-image
...TurmericGinger-Box_200x.jpg?v=1709668706Turmeric Ginger-image
...B-MatchaSuperGreen_200x.jpg?v=1709670238Matcha Super Green-image
...-ae7f-f4ef6f183832_200x.jpg?v=1709671918Masala Chai Concentrate-image
...-BlueberryHibiscus_200x.jpg?v=1709668370Blueberry Hibiscus-image
...GoddeessofMercy-TC_200x.jpg?v=1709668044Iron Goddess of Mercy-image
...el-GoldenYunnan-TC_200x.jpg?v=1709671451Golden Yunnan-image
...llection_Black_Tea_800x.jpg?v=1690507095Carece de atributo ALT
...Breakfast-Infusion_800x.jpg?v=1709672221A cup of English Breakfast coffee on a white background by Rishi Tea & Botanicals.
...tanical_Herbal_Tea_800x.jpg?v=1690507204Carece de atributo ALT
...Warming_Spicy_Teas_800x.jpg?v=1690507336Carece de atributo ALT
...asalaChai-Infusion_800x.jpg?v=1709668052A cup of Spicy Masala Chai from Rishi Tea & Botanicals on a white background.
...llection_Green_Tea_800x.jpg?v=1690507173Carece de atributo ALT
...-a327-f2ec6b05b2a7_800x.png?v=1709670443Matcha - Test Rishi Tea & Botanicals
...lection_Matcha_Tea_800x.jpg?v=1690507392Carece de atributo ALT
...ha-asahi-looseleaf_800x.jpg?v=1653598675Carece de atributo ALT
...oddessofMercy-LS-1_800x.jpg?v=1709669650A plate with a cup of Iron Goddess of Mercy tea and a bowl of goji berries from Rishi Tea & Botanicals.
...ssofMercy-Infusion_800x.jpg?v=1709672753A cup of Iron Goddess of Mercy tea from Rishi Tea & Botanicals on a white background.
...ollection_Puer_Tea_800x.jpg?v=1690507546Carece de atributo ALT
...denYunnan-Infusion_800x.jpg?v=1709671564A cup of Golden Yunnan coffee on a white background from Rishi Tea & Botanicals.
...llection_White_Tea_800x.jpg?v=1690507601Carece de atributo ALT
...el-Ginger-Infusion_800x.jpg?v=1709668351A cup of Rishi Tea & Botanicals ginger tea on a white background.
...-9af0-26b7534196e2_200x.jpg?v=1729034751Kuradashi Flight of Tea Bundle-image
...noliaWhiteYuLanHua_200x.jpg?v=1709671669Magnolia White Tea (Yu Lan Hua)-image
...eaCircle-JinXuan24_200x.jpg?v=1720214808Yunnan Lily Black-image
...rcle-HPGS50-RP_jpg_200x.jpg?v=1726869886Hand-Picked Gyokuro Samidori-image
...-OsmanthusBlackTea_200x.jpg?v=1726524136Osmanthus Black Tea-image
...TeaCircle-UGG50-RP_200x.jpg?v=1727111172Ujitawara Gyokuro Gokou-image
...le-RIKIOHGYO100-RP_200x.jpg?v=1727464147Rikio-San’s Hon Yama Gyokuro-image
...-8bd0-ab6921302392_200x.jpg?v=1709669543Sake Barrel Aged Sencha-image
..._Junlge_Tea_Plant_1000x.jpg?v=1692894672Carece de atributo ALT
...h_Junlge_Tea_Plant_800x.jpg?v=1692894672Carece de atributo ALT

Estructura de la página

Encabezado H1
(Extremadamente importante)
El encabezado H1 es demasiado corto (10 caracteres). Debería tener al menos 20 caracteres.
Algunos de los encabezados H se repiten dos veces.
Hay 71 encabezados H en esta página. La cantidad de encabezados debería guardar una mejor proporción en relación al texto.
Algunos encabezados H están vacíos.

Estructura de los encabezados

Jerarquía de encabezadosContenido
H2 Encabezado vacío
H2 Featured Selections
H2 Earl Grey Supreme
H2 Masala Chai
H2 Turmeric Ginger
H2 Jasmine
H2 English Breakfast
H2 Premium Sachet Collection
H2 Barista Matcha
H2 Golden Yunnan
H2 Seasonal Loose Leaf Flight of Tea Bundle
H2 Cranberry Yuzu
H2 Quince Ginger
H2 Houjicha Cinnamon Orange
H2 Earl Grey Flight of Tea Bundle
H2 Earl Grey Supreme & Simple Brew Set
H2 Japanese Green Tea Starter Bundle
H2 Oven-Baked Dian Hong Mao Feng Black Tea
H2 Turmeric Ginger Texto duplicado
H2 Turmeric Ginger Texto duplicado
H2 Cinnamon Plum
H2 Blueberry Rooibos
H2 Chamomile Medley
H2 Hibiscus Berry
H2 Valerian Dream
H2 Golden Chamomile Blossoms
H2 Cinnamon Plum Texto duplicado
H2 Masala Chai Texto duplicado
H2 Turmeric Ginger Texto duplicado
H2 Cinnamon Tulsi Spice
H2 Golden Yunnan Texto duplicado
H2 Pumpkin Spice
H2 Tangerine Ginger
H2 Rooibos
H2 Reviews
H2 What Rishi Tea Drinkers Are Saying
H2 Garden Direct Teas
H3 Encabezado vacío
H3 Encabezado vacío
H3 Encabezado vacío
H3 Encabezado vacío
H3 Encabezado vacío
H3 Encabezado vacío
H3 Encabezado vacío
H3 Encabezado vacío
H3 Certified Organic
H3 Direct Trade
H3 Beautiful Ingredients
H3 Earl Grey Supreme Texto duplicado
H3 Barista Matcha Texto duplicado
H3 Turmeric Ginger Texto duplicado
H3 Matcha Super Green
H3 Masala Chai Concentrate
H3 Blueberry Hibiscus
H3 Iron Goddess of Mercy
H3 Golden Yunnan Texto duplicado
H3 Black & Red
H3 Botanical
H3 Chai
H3 Green
H3 Matcha
H3 Oolong
H3 Pu'er & Dark
H3 White
H3 Kuradashi Flight of Tea Bundle
H3 Magnolia White Tea (Yu Lan Hua)
H3 Yunnan Lily Black
H3 Hand-Picked Gyokuro Samidori
H3 Osmanthus Black Tea
H3 Ujitawara Gyokuro Gokou
H3 Rikio-San’s Hon Yama Gyokuro
H3 Sake Barrel Aged Sencha
H4 Encabezado vacío
H4 Encabezado vacío
H4 Encabezado vacío
H4 Encabezado vacío
H4 Purveyor Of High-Quality, Organic Teas
H4 & Botanicals From Around The World
H4 Follow Along On Our Journey
H4 Customer Service
H5 Begin Your Tea Journey with Rishi
Algunos textos ancla son demasiado largos.
Algunos textos ancla se repiten más de una vez en varios enlaces.
2 enlaces cerecen de un texto ancla.
La cantidad de enlaces internos es adecuada.
Ningún enlace interno contiene parámetros dinámicos.
Hay 8 enlaces externos en esta página.
EnlacePropiedadesTexto ancla
https://rishi-tea.com/Rishi Tea - Home
/a/account/loginSin texto
/collections/best-sellersBest Sellers
/collections/all-teaFeatured Selections
/collections/shop-all-tea-typesTea Type
/collections/garden-direct-teasGarden Direct
/collections/shop-all-tea-tast...Taste Profile
/collections/all-productsShop All
/collections/best-sellersTexto duplicado Best Sellers
/pages/holiday-shopThe Holiday Shop
/collections/new-arrivalsNew Arrivals
/collections/caffeine-freeCaffeine Free
/collections/fall-teasFall Teas
/collections/all-giftsGifts & Gift Cards
/collections/all-teaTexto duplicado Shop All
/collections/loose-leaf-teasLoose Leaf Teas
/collections/sachet-tea-bagsSachet Tea Bags
/collections/tea-concentratesTea Concentrates
/collections/matcha-powdersMatcha & Powder
/collections/sparkling-botanicalsSparkling Botanicals
/collections/shop-all-tea-formsAll Forms
/collections/black-teaBlack & Red
/collections/puer-teaPu’er & Dark
/collections/caffeine-freeTexto duplicado Caffeine Free
/collections/shop-all-tea-typesAll Tea Types
/collections/garden-direct-bla...Texto duplicado Black & Red
/collections/garden-direct-gre...Texto duplicado Green
/collections/garden-direct-mat...Texto duplicado Matcha
/collections/garden-direct-ool...Texto duplicado Oolong
/collections/garden-direct-pue...Texto duplicado Pu’er & Dark
/collections/garden-direct-whi...Texto duplicado White
/collections/just-landed-garde...Just Landed
/collections/garden-direct-teasAll Garden Direct
/collections/shop-all-tea-originsAll Origins
/collections/teaware-cups-bowlsCups & Bowls
/collections/matcha-teawareMatcha Teaware
/collections/teawareAll Teaware
/collections/bright-citrusy-teasBright & Citrusy
/collections/light-floral-teasLight & Floral
/collections/clean-green-teasClean & Green
/collections/minty-fresh-teasMinty & Fresh
/collections/fruity-berry-teasFruity & Berry
/collections/rich-earthy-teasRich & Earthy
/collections/warming-spicy-teasWarming & Spicy
/collections/deep-bittersweet-...Deep & Bittersweet
/collections/shop-all-tea-tast...All Taste Profiles
/collections/energizing-awakeningEnergizing & Awakening
/collections/calming-restfulCalming & Restful
/collections/detox-digestionDetox & Digestif
/collections/focus-meditativeFocus & Meditative
/collections/fortify-reviveFortify & Revive
/collections/shop-all-tea-moodsAll Moods
/collections/best-sellersTexto duplicado Best Sellers
https://rishi-tea.com/pages/aboutOur Story
/pages/originsRishi Origins Map
/blogs/journal/tagged/educationTea Education
/blogs/journal/tagged/recipesRecipes & Inspiration
/blogs/journal/tagged/origins_...Origins & Travel
/blogs/journal/tagged/how_toHow to Brew Tea
/blogs/journalView Full Journal
/blogs/journal/holiday-gift-guideDiscover the Art of Gifting Tea: A Holiday Gift Guide
/blogs/journal/give-the-gift-o...Give the Gift of Travel: Experience the World with Rishi's Tea Flight Bundles
/blogs/journal/why-water-tempe...Tea Education Why Water Temperature is Important When Brewing Tea
https://rishi-tea.com/Sin texto
/a/account/loginSin texto
/collections/best-sellersTexto duplicado Best Sellers
/pages/holiday-shopTexto duplicado The Holiday Shop
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/collections/fall-teasTexto duplicado Fall Teas
/collections/all-giftsTexto duplicado Gifts & Gift Cards
/collections/merchandiseTexto duplicado Merchandise
/collections/all-teaTexto duplicado Shop All
/collections/loose-leaf-teasTexto duplicado Loose Leaf Teas
/collections/sachet-tea-bagsTexto duplicado Sachet Tea Bags
/collections/tea-concentratesTexto duplicado Tea Concentrates
/collections/matcha-powdersTexto duplicado Matcha & Powder
/collections/sparkling-botanicalsTexto duplicado Sparkling Botanicals
/collections/shop-all-tea-formsTexto duplicado All Forms
/collections/black-teaTexto duplicado Black & Red
/collections/herbal-tea-botani...Texto duplicado Botanical
/collections/chai-teaTexto duplicado Chai
/collections/green-teaTexto duplicado Green
/collections/matcha-teaTexto duplicado Matcha
/collections/oolong-teaTexto duplicado Oolong
/collections/puer-teaTexto duplicado Pu’er & Dark
/collections/white-teaTexto duplicado White
/collections/caffeine-freeTexto duplicado Caffeine Free
/collections/shop-all-tea-typesTexto duplicado All Tea Types
/collections/garden-direct-bla...Texto duplicado Black & Red
/collections/garden-direct-gre...Texto duplicado Green
/collections/garden-direct-mat...Texto duplicado Matcha
/collections/garden-direct-ool...Texto duplicado Oolong
/collections/garden-direct-pue...Texto duplicado Pu’er & Dark
/collections/garden-direct-whi...Texto duplicado White
/collections/just-landed-garde...Texto duplicado Just Landed
/collections/garden-direct-teasTexto duplicado All Garden Direct
/collections/teas-from-chinaTexto duplicado China
/collections/teas-from-japanTexto duplicado Japan
/collections/teas-from-taiwanTexto duplicado Taiwan
/collections/teas-from-thailandTexto duplicado Thailand
/collections/shop-all-tea-originsTexto duplicado All Origins
/collections/teaware-teapotsTexto duplicado Teapots
/collections/teaware-cups-bowlsTexto duplicado Cups & Bowls
/collections/matcha-teawareTexto duplicado Matcha Teaware
/collections/tea-accessoriesTexto duplicado Accessories
/collections/teawareTexto duplicado All Teaware
/collections/bright-citrusy-teasTexto duplicado Bright & Citrusy
/collections/light-floral-teasTexto duplicado Light & Floral
/collections/clean-green-teasTexto duplicado Clean & Green
/collections/minty-fresh-teasTexto duplicado Minty & Fresh
/collections/fruity-berry-teasTexto duplicado Fruity & Berry
/collections/rich-earthy-teasTexto duplicado Rich & Earthy
/collections/warming-spicy-teasTexto duplicado Warming & Spicy
/collections/deep-bittersweet-...Texto duplicado Deep & Bittersweet
/collections/shop-all-tea-tast...Texto duplicado All Taste Profiles
/collections/energizing-awakeningTexto duplicado Energizing & Awakening
/collections/calming-restfulTexto duplicado Calming & Restful
/collections/detox-digestionTexto duplicado Detox & Digestif
/collections/focus-meditativeTexto duplicado Focus & Meditative
/collections/fortify-reviveTexto duplicado Fortify & Revive
/collections/shop-all-tea-moodsTexto duplicado All Moods
/collections/all-productsTexto duplicado Shop All
https://rishi-tea.com/pages/aboutTexto duplicado Our Story
/pages/originsTexto duplicado Rishi Origins Map
/blogs/journal/tagged/educationTexto duplicado Tea Education
/blogs/journal/tagged/recipesTexto duplicado Recipes & Inspiration
/blogs/journal/tagged/origins_...Texto duplicado Origins & Travel
/blogs/journal/tagged/how_toTexto duplicado How to Brew Tea
/blogs/journal/holiday-gift-guideTexto duplicado Discover the Art of Gifting Tea: A Holiday Gift Guide
/blogs/journal/give-the-gift-o...Texto duplicado Give the Gift of Travel: Experience the World with Rishi's Tea Flight Bundles
/blogs/journal/why-water-tempe...Texto duplicado Tea Education Why Water Temperature is Important When Brewing Tea
/pages/holiday-shopTexto duplicado Holiday
/pages/holiday-shopSHOP HOLIDAY
/collections/organic-teascertified organic
/blogs/journal/direct-trade-te...deep relationships
/collections/new-arrivalsnew teas
/products/organic-earl-grey-su...{ added = true; opened = false; }); " > 1 Pound $56.00 { added = true; opened = false; }); " > 1/4 Pound $18.90 QUICK ADD Earl Grey Supreme from $18.90 Organ...
IMG-ALT A pile of Earl Grey Supreme tea from Rishi Tea & Botanicals on a white background.
/products/organic-masala-chai-...{ added = true; opened = false; }); " > 1 Pound $43.00 { added = true; opened = false; }); " > 1/4 Pound $15.75 QUICK ADD Masala Chai from $15.75 Organic Bla...
IMG-ALT A pile of Masala Chai from Rishi Tea & Botanicals on a white background.
/products/organic-turmeric-gin...{ added = true; opened = false; }); " > 50 Count $34.00 { opened = false; }); opened = false; " > QUICK ADD Turmeric Ginger $34.00 Organic Caffeine-Free Bota...
IMG-ALT A bag of Turmeric Ginger tea with a Rishi Tea & Botanicals tea bag next to it.
/products/organic-jasmine-gree...{ added = true; opened = false; }); " > 1 Pound $51.00 { added = true; opened = false; }); " > 1/4 Pound $17.85 QUICK ADD Jasmine from $17.85 Organic Green T...
IMG-ALT A pile of Jasmine tea from Rishi Tea & Botanicals on a white background.
/products/organic-english-brea...{ added = true; opened = false; }); " > 1 Pound $43.00 { added = true; opened = false; }); " > 1/4 Pound $16.80 QUICK ADD English Breakfast from $16.80 Organ...
IMG-ALT A pile of Rishi Tea & Botanicals English Breakfast on a white background.
/products/premium-sachet-colle...{ added = true; opened = false; }); " > 23 Count $39.00 { opened = false; }); opened = false; " > QUICK ADD Premium Sachet Collection $39.00 Sampler Gift Box
IMG-ALT An ultimate experience of Premium Sachet Collection with a box next to it, showcasing a variety of flavors from Rishi Tea & Botanicals.
/products/organic-barista-matcha{ added = true; opened = false; }); " > 100 Grams $48.00 { opened = false; }); opened = false; " > QUICK ADD Barista Matcha $48.00 Organic Japanese Green Tea...
IMG-ALT Barista Matcha from Rishi Tea & Botanicals on a white background.
/products/organic-golden-yunna...{ added = true; opened = false; }); " > 1 Pound $52.00 { added = true; opened = false; }); " > 1/4 Pound $16.80 QUICK ADD Golden Yunnan from $16.80 Organic D...
IMG-ALT A pile of Golden Yunnan black tea on a white background from Rishi Tea & Botanicals.
/products/seasonal-loose-leaf-...{ opened = false; }); opened = false; " > QUICK ADD Seasonal Loose Leaf Flight of Tea Bundle $98.00 $93.00 Seasonal Loose Leaf Tea Bundle
IMG-ALT The Seasonal Loose Leaf Flight of Tea Bundle by Rishi Tea & Botanicals includes three varieties: Cranberry Yuzu with red fruits, Quince Ginger with green lea...
/products/cranberry-yuzu{ added = true; opened = false; }); " > 100 Grams $28.00 { opened = false; }); opened = false; " > QUICK ADD Cranberry Yuzu $28.00 Seasonal Botanical Tea Ble...
IMG-ALT A vibrant mix of dried tea ingredients, featuring the Cranberry Yuzu blend by Rishi Tea & Botanicals, showcasing orange peels, cranberries, red berries, and ...
/products/quince-ginger{ added = true; opened = false; }); " > 100 Grams $45.00 { opened = false; }); opened = false; " > QUICK ADD Quince Ginger $45.00 Seasonal White Tea Blend Br...
IMG-ALT A delicate pile of Quince Ginger blend by Rishi Tea & Botanicals, featuring Silver Needles white tea with green leaves, dried orange pieces, and small red se...
/products/organic-houjicha-cin...{ added = true; opened = false; }); " > 100 Grams $25.00 { opened = false; }); opened = false; " > QUICK ADD Houjicha Cinnamon Orange $25.00 Seasonal Green T...
IMG-ALT A pile of loose-leaf Houjicha Cinnamon Orange tea by Rishi Tea & Botanicals, featuring citrusy orange peel, rests on a white background.
/products/earl-grey-flight-of-...{ opened = false; }); opened = false; " > QUICK ADD Earl Grey Flight of Tea Bundle $54.60 $51.90 Loose Leaf Tea Bundle
IMG-ALT A stylish tea bundle, the Earl Grey Flight of Tea Bundle, showcases three dark-colored standing pouches, each adorned with the elegant Rishi Tea & Botanicals...
/products/earl-grey-supreme-si...{ opened = false; }); opened = false; " > QUICK ADD Earl Grey Supreme & Simple Brew Set $40.90 $38.90 Tea & Teaware Bundle
IMG-ALT The Earl Grey Supreme & Simple Brew Set by Rishi Tea & Botanicals includes a Simple Brew teapot, along with a box labeled
/products/japanese-green-tea-s...{ opened = false; }); opened = false; " > QUICK ADD Japanese Green Tea Starter Bundle $154.60 $146.90 Tea & Teaware Bundle
IMG-ALT The Japanese Green Tea Starter Bundle from Rishi Tea & Botanicals, including Matcha Super Green and Sencha packages, a black pitcher, and a clear teapot with...
/products/oven-baked-dian-hong...{ added = true; opened = false; }); " > 100 Grams $24.00 { opened = false; }); opened = false; " > QUICK ADD Oven-Baked Dian Hong Mao Feng Black Tea $24.00 G...
IMG-ALT A close-up of a loose pile of Oven-Baked Dian Hong Mao Feng Black Tea leaves from Rishi Tea & Botanicals, highlighting their rich mix of dark brown and golde...
/products/organic-turmeric-gin...{ added = true; opened = false; }); " > 1 Pound $43.00 { added = true; opened = false; }); " > 1/4 Pound $15.75 QUICK ADD Turmeric Ginger from $15.75 Organic...
IMG-ALT A pile of Rishi Tea & Botanicals Turmeric Ginger on a white background.
/products/organic-turmeric-gin...Texto duplicado { added = true; opened = false; }); " > 50 Count $34.00 { opened = false; }); opened = false; " > QUICK ADD Turmeric Ginger $34.00 Organic Caffeine-Free Bota...
IMG-ALT A bag of Turmeric Ginger tea with a Rishi Tea & Botanicals tea bag next to it.
/products/organic-cinnamon-plu...{ added = true; opened = false; }); " > 1 Pound $33.00 { added = true; opened = false; }); " > 1/4 Pound $12.60 QUICK ADD Cinnamon Plum from $12.60 Organic C...
IMG-ALT A pile of Cinnamon Plum dried fruit and berries on a white background, produced by Rishi Tea & Botanicals.
/products/organic-blueberry-ro...{ added = true; opened = false; }); " > 1 Pound $45.00 { added = true; opened = false; }); " > 1/4 Pound $18.90 QUICK ADD Blueberry Rooibos from $18.90 Organ...
IMG-ALT A pile of Blueberry Rooibos flowers and berries on a white background from Rishi Tea & Botanicals.
/products/organic-chamomile-me...{ added = true; opened = false; }); " > 250 Grams $28.00 { added = true; opened = false; }); " > 1/4 Pound $18.90 QUICK ADD Chamomile Medley from $18.90 Orga...
IMG-ALT A pile of dried Chamomile Medley flowers from Rishi Tea & Botanicals on a white background.
/products/organic-hibiscus-ber...{ added = true; opened = false; }); " > 1 Pound $43.00 { added = true; opened = false; }); " > 1/4 Pound $15.75 QUICK ADD Hibiscus Berry from $15.75 Organic ...
IMG-ALT A pile of Hibiscus Berry dried fruit and nuts on a white background from Rishi Tea & Botanicals.
/products/organic-valerian-dre...{ added = true; opened = false; }); " > 1 Pound $56.00 { added = true; opened = false; }); " > 1/4 Pound $19.95 QUICK ADD Valerian Dream from $19.95 Organic ...
IMG-ALT A pile of Valerian Dream herbs and flowers on a white background.
/products/organic-golden-chamo...{ added = true; opened = false; }); " > 250 Grams $26.00 { added = true; opened = false; }); " > 1/4 Pound $15.75 QUICK ADD Golden Chamomile Blossoms from $1...
IMG-ALT A pile of dried Golden Chamomile Blossoms on a white background, by Rishi Tea & Botanicals.
/products/organic-cinnamon-plu...Texto duplicado { added = true; opened = false; }); " > 1 Pound $33.00 { added = true; opened = false; }); " > 1/4 Pound $12.60 QUICK ADD Cinnamon Plum from $12.60 Organic C...
IMG-ALT A pile of Cinnamon Plum dried fruit and berries on a white background, produced by Rishi Tea & Botanicals.
/products/organic-masala-chai-...Texto duplicado { added = true; opened = false; }); " > 1 Pound $43.00 { added = true; opened = false; }); " > 1/4 Pound $15.75 QUICK ADD Masala Chai from $15.75 Organic Bla...
IMG-ALT A pile of Masala Chai from Rishi Tea & Botanicals on a white background.
/products/organic-turmeric-gin...Texto duplicado { added = true; opened = false; }); " > 1 Pound $43.00 { added = true; opened = false; }); " > 1/4 Pound $15.75 QUICK ADD Turmeric Ginger from $15.75 Organic...
IMG-ALT A pile of Rishi Tea & Botanicals Turmeric Ginger on a white background.
/products/organic-cinnamon-tul...{ added = true; opened = false; }); " > 1 Pound $29.00 { added = true; opened = false; }); " > 1/4 Pound $9.00 QUICK ADD Cinnamon Tulsi Spice from $9.00 Orga...
IMG-ALT A pile of Cinnamon Tulsi Spice from Rishi Tea & Botanicals on a white background.
/products/organic-golden-yunna...Texto duplicado { added = true; opened = false; }); " > 1 Pound $52.00 { added = true; opened = false; }); " > 1/4 Pound $16.80 QUICK ADD Golden Yunnan from $16.80 Organic D...
IMG-ALT A pile of Golden Yunnan black tea on a white background from Rishi Tea & Botanicals.
/products/organic-pumpkin-spic...{ added = true; opened = false; }); " > 1/4 Pound $12.00 { opened = false; }); opened = false; " > QUICK ADD Pumpkin Spice $12.00 Seasonal Organic Caffeine-F...
IMG-ALT Against a white background lies a small pile of loose herbal tea leaves and spices from Rishi Tea & Botanicals' Pumpkin Spice blend, featuring an array of dr...
/products/organic-tangerine-gi...{ added = true; opened = false; }); " > 1 Pound $43.00 { added = true; opened = false; }); " > 1/4 Pound $15.75 QUICK ADD Tangerine Ginger from $15.75 Organi...
IMG-ALT A pile of Rishi Tea & Botanicals' Tangerine Ginger tea leaves on a white background.
/products/organic-rooibos-tea{ added = true; opened = false; }); " > 1 Pound $27.00 { added = true; opened = false; }); " > 1/4 Pound $10.50 QUICK ADD Rooibos from $10.50 Organic Caffein...
IMG-ALT A pile of red Rishi Tea & Botanicals rooibus tea on a white background.
/collections/allShop Now
/products/organic-earl-grey-su...Earl Grey Supreme Rich | Citrusy | Floral from $3
IMG-ALT Earl Grey Supreme-image
/products/organic-barista-matchaBarista Matcha Fresh | Invigorating | Bright from $48
IMG-ALT Barista Matcha-image
/products/organic-turmeric-gin...Turmeric Ginger Spicy | Zesty | Fragrant from $10
IMG-ALT Turmeric Ginger-image
/products/organic-matcha-super...Matcha Super Green Sweet | Smooth | Umami from $34
IMG-ALT Matcha Super Green-image
/products/organic-masala-chai-...Masala Chai Concentrate Spicy | Rich | Fragrant from $25.50
IMG-ALT Masala Chai Concentrate-image
/products/organic-blueberry-hi...Blueberry Hibiscus Vibrant | Tart | Luscious from $34
IMG-ALT Blueberry Hibiscus-image
/products/iron-goddess-of-merc...Iron Goddess of Mercy Roasty | Dried Fruit | Smooth from $3
IMG-ALT Iron Goddess of Mercy-image
/products/organic-golden-yunna...Golden Yunnan Malty | Jammy | Mellow from $3
IMG-ALT Golden Yunnan-image
/collections/black-teaTexto duplicado Black & Red
/collections/herbal-tea-botani...Texto duplicado Botanical
/collections/chai-teaTexto duplicado Chai
/collections/green-teaTexto duplicado Green
/collections/matcha-teaTexto duplicado Matcha
/collections/oolong-teaTexto duplicado Oolong
/collections/puer-teaPu'er & Dark
/collections/white-teaTexto duplicado White
/collections/black-teaShop Collection
/collections/herbal-tea-botani...Texto duplicado Shop Collection
/collections/chai-teaTexto duplicado Shop Collection
/collections/green-teaTexto duplicado Shop Collection
/collections/matcha-teaTexto duplicado Shop Collection
/collections/oolong-teaTexto duplicado Shop Collection
/collections/puer-teaTexto duplicado Shop Collection
/collections/white-teaTexto duplicado Shop Collection
/collections/garden-direct-teasTexto duplicado Shop All
/products/kuradashi-flight-of-...Kuradashi Flight of Tea Bundle from $129
IMG-ALT Kuradashi Flight of Tea Bundle-image
/products/magnolia-white-tea-y...Magnolia White Tea (Yu Lan Hua) Lychee | Heady Magnolia | Honey Nectar from $28
IMG-ALT Magnolia White Tea (Yu Lan Hua)-image
/products/yunnan-lily-blackYunnan Lily Black Carnation | Lychee Plum from $30
IMG-ALT Yunnan Lily Black-image
/products/hand-picked-gyokuro-...Hand-Picked Gyokuro Samidori Hijiki | Nori | Sugar Snap Pea from $60
IMG-ALT Hand-Picked Gyokuro Samidori-image
/products/osmanthus-black-teaOsmanthus Black Tea Peach | Honey | Nectar from $30
IMG-ALT Osmanthus Black Tea-image
/products/ujitawara-gyokuro-gokouUjitawara Gyokuro Gokou Hijiki | Nori | Sugar Snap Pea from $44
IMG-ALT Ujitawara Gyokuro Gokou-image
/products/rikio-san-s-hon-yama...Rikio-San’s Hon Yama Gyokuro Sakura Blossoms | Alpine Freshness | Umami from $36
IMG-ALT Rikio-San’s Hon Yama Gyokuro-image
/products/sake-barrel-aged-senchaSake Barrel Aged Sencha Peach | Sake | Nectarine from $32
IMG-ALT Sake Barrel Aged Sencha-image
https://rishi-tea.com/pages/aboutDiscover the Rishi Story
https://www.instagram.com/rish...Nueva ventana Externo Subdominio @rishitea Follow Along On Our Journey
/pages/contactCustomer Service
/collections/loose-leaf-teasLoose Leaf
/collections/matcha-powdersMatcha & Powders
/collections/sparkling-botanicalsTexto duplicado Sparkling Botanicals
/collections/teawareTexto duplicado Teaware
/collections/all-teaTexto duplicado Shop All
https://rishi-tea.com/pages/aboutTexto duplicado Our Story
https://rishi-tea.com/pages/referRefer A Friend
/pages/store-locatorFind In Store
/pages/contactContact Us
/pages/shipping-returnsShipping & Returns
https://www.instagram.com/rish...Nueva ventana Externo Subdominio Instagram
https://www.facebook.com/rishiteaNueva ventana Externo Subdominio Facebook
https://www.youtube.com/rishit...Nueva ventana Externo Subdominio YouTube
https://twitter.com/RishiTeaNueva ventana Externo Twitter
https://www.linkedin.com/compa...Nueva ventana Externo Subdominio LinkedIn
/pages/contactTexto duplicado Customer Service
https://privacy.rishi-tea.com/Externo Subdominio Privacy Policy
/pages/terms-conditionsTerms & Conditions
https://bf.inc/Nueva ventana Externo Site Credit

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Snippet (vista previa de los resultados de búsqueda)

Rishi Tea & Botanicals
Rishi Tea & Botanicals is an online tea shop with a wide variety of loose leaf, sachet teas, tea gifts, teaware, and botanical ingredients. We are a Direct Trade importer of premium, organic teas and botanicals from gardens across the world.

Palabras clave más importantes

Se han encontrado las siguientes palabras clave. Comprueba si esta página está bien optimizada para cada palabra clave en concreto.

Palabra claveResultadoComprobar
Rishi Tea87%Check
Rishi Tea Botanicals80%Check
Leaf Tea75%Check
Teas Tea75%Check
Organic Tea74%Check
Tea Shop72%Check
Tea Gifts71%Check

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