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444,30 kB
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439 internos / 20 externos

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(Extremadamente importante)
Saint and Sofia® USA | Boutique Style | Official Store – Saint + Sofia® Inc | Official
Con 752 píxeles, el título de esta página es demasiado largo. Optimizar el título
No se repite ninguna palabra en el título.
Meta descripción
(Extremadamente importante)
Shop new Ready to Wear, Accessories and Leather Goods. Designed in London and hand made in Europe. Great British Style that's sustainable and fair.
La longitud de la meta descripción es óptima (942 píxeles de una longitud máxima de 1000 píxeles).
(Extremadamente importante)
No se detectan problemas para acceder al sitio web.
Redirección canónica
La página tiene una redirección canónica correcta.
(Poco importante)
Idioma reconocido automáticamente en el contenido: en
Idioma declarado en el código HTML: en-us
Ubicación geográfica del servidor: Estados Unidos de América
El idioma ha sido correctamente declarado en el código HTML: en-us.
Enlaces Alternate/Hreflang
(Poco importante)
El idioma en se especifica más de una vez en los enlaces alternativos.
Otras Metaetiquetas
(Poco importante)
No se detecta ninguna metaetiqueta de paginación rel next en la página.
No se detecta ninguna metaetiqueta de paginación rel prev en la página.
(Poco importante)
El dominio no es un subdominio.
La longitud del nombre del dominio es buena.
El dominio no contiene caracteres especiales.
URL de la página
(Poco importante)
No se detecta ningún parámetro dinámico en la URL.
No se detecta ningún ID de sesión en la URL.
La URL no contiene demasiados subdirectorios.
Codificación de caracteres
(Poco importante)
La codificación de caracteres (UTF-8) ha sido declarada correctamente.
La etiqueta doctype HTML 5 está configurada correctamente.
La declaración del doctype se ubica al inicio del código HTML.
El favicon está enlazado correctamente.


viewportwidth=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, height=device-height, minimum-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0
descriptionShop new Ready to Wear, Accessories and Leather Goods. Designed in London and hand made in Europe. Great British Style that's sustainable and fair.
twitter:titleSaint and Sofia® USA | Boutique Style | Official Store
twitter:descriptionShop new Ready to Wear, Accessories and Leather Goods. Designed in London and hand made in Europe. Great British Style that's sustainable and fair.
og:titleSaint and Sofia® USA | Boutique Style | Official Store
og:descriptionShop new Ready to Wear, Accessories and Leather Goods. Designed in London and hand made in Europe. Great British Style that's sustainable and fair.
og:site_nameSaint + Sofia® Inc | Official

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Calidad de la página

(Extremadamente importante)
Algunas palabras del título no se repiten en el cuerpo del texto.
Hay 2 textos duplicados en esta página:
  • Texto duplicado: Saint and Sofia is an award winning boutique brand offering you fashio...
El número total de palabras en la página es bueno: 1413 palabras.
Un 15.4% del contenido está constituido por palabras vacías.
La página contiene un listado, lo que indica una buena estructuración del contenido.
Se han encontrado 3 párrafos en esta página.
No se detecta ningún placeholder de texto ni imagen.
La cantidad media de palabras por frase es buena: 17.11 palabras.
(Extremadamente importante)
Esta página no utiliza ningún frameset.
Optimización para móviles
(Poco importante)
No se ha especificado ningún icono de Apple Touch.
El valor de la etiqueta viewport es correcto: (width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, height=device-height, minimum-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0).
Etiquetas Bold y Strong
(Poco importante)
El uso de etiquetas de negritas en esta página es óptimo. Te recomendamos emplear hasta 28 etiquetas de negritas en una página.
Optimización de imágenes
(Poco importante)
No se detecta ninguna descripción del atributo ALT en 2 imágenes. El contenido de los atributos ALT también es evaluado como texto por los buscadores y es muy importante para la búsqueda de imágenes.
Redes Sociales
Esta página apenas ofrece posibilidades de compartir el contenido en redes sociales. Con la integración de widgets puedes conseguir que tus contenidos se popularicen en redes.
Etiquetas markup adicionales
No se detecta ninguna etiqueta markup (de adicional.
(Poco importante)
El sitio utiliza HTTPS para transferir datos de forma segura.
Todos los archivos incluidos se transfieren a través de HTTPS.

Lista de medios

URLAtributo ALTTítulo
...ia_Logo-black.png?v=1693223305&width=135Saint + Sofia® Inc | Official
...nt_and_Sofia_Logo-white.png?v=1693223305Carece de atributo ALT

Estructura de la página

Encabezado H1
(Extremadamente importante)
Saint + Sofia® Inc | Official
El encabezado H1 es óptimo.
Algunos de los encabezados H se repiten dos veces.
Hay 125 encabezados H en esta página. La cantidad de encabezados debería guardar una mejor proporción en relación al texto.

Estructura de los encabezados

Jerarquía de encabezadosContenido
H1 Saint + Sofia® Inc | Official
H2 Fia Mini Tiered Dress - Dark Roses
H2 Tabitha Blouse - Cream Broderie
H2 Paxton Pussybow Blouse - Black
H2 Blake Skull Scarf - Black
H2 Margot Hobo Shoulder Bag - Khaki
H2 Billie Rock Boot - Gunmetal
H2 Maeva Skinny Pant - Black Coated
H2 Remy Crop Sweater - Navy
H2 Suki Lace Hole Knit - Green
H2 Maggie Wrap Midi Dress - Dark Roses
H2 Austen Crew Neck Long Sleeve Tee - Dark Roses
H2 Carnaby Chelsea Boot - Black
H2 Cross Body Bag - Black Studded
H2 Keller Wide Leg Pant - Black
H2 Paxton Pussybow Blouse - Red Ditsy Leopard
H2 Runway Lace Dress - Black
H2 Miranda Lace Tee - Black
H2 Noho Boot - Black
H2 Rylee Cross Body Bag - Black
H2 Raya Knit Dress - Black
H2 Bowie Stretch Flare Jeans - Mid Blue
H2 Spitalfields Sneaker - Leopard/ Star
H2 Soho Shoulder Tote Bag - Burgundy
H2 Audrey Skirt - Spot Feather
H2 Ariella Cardigan - Beige
H2 Dresses
H2 Gifts
H2 Footwear
H2 New Knitwear
H2 Trousers & Jeans
H2 Outerwear
H2 Jewelry
H2 Jackets & Blazers
H2 The Bags
H2 Rock & Roll Scarf - Black
H2 Blake Skull Scarf - Black Texto duplicado
H2 Rylee Cross Body Bag - Black Texto duplicado
H2 Cross Body Bag - Black Studded Texto duplicado
H2 Star Necklace - Gold
H2 Star Necklace - Silver
H2 Vanity Case - Black
H2 Beauty Pouch - Black Croc
H2 Saint + Sofia Scarf - Black/Grey
H2 Rock Houndstooth Scarf - Black/Grey
H2 Cosmetics & Wash Bag - Black
H2 Sunglasses Multi Case - Black Croc
H2 Nora Check Scarf - Green
H2 Nora Check Scarf - Orange
H2 Luxury Playing Cards - Black
H2 Luther Leather Gloves - Black
H2 Merino Beanie - Black
H2 Cashmere Beanie - Cream/Black
H2 Billie Rock Boot - Black
H2 Billie Rock Boot - Gunmetal Texto duplicado
H2 Large Stella Quilted Shoulder Tote Bag - Black
H2 Margot Hobo Shoulder Bag - Black
H2 Jewelry Case - Black
H2 Sunglasses Case - Black Croc
H2 Saddle Bag - Black
H2 Quilted Mia Mini Tote Bag - Black
H2 Victory Belt - Black
H2 Axel Double Skinny Belt - Black
H2 Wren Paisley Scarf - Cream/Burgundy
H2 Wren Paisley Scarf - Black/Green
H2 Swirl Hoop Earrings - Gold
H2 Swirl Hoop Earrings - Silver
H2 Amelia Aviator Jacket - Black
H2 Amelia Aviator Jacket - Brown
H2 Ramona Studded Hat - Black
H2 Small Cosmetics Bag - Black
H2 Abstract Rock Scarf - Black/Cream
H2 Luther Leather Jacket - Black
H2 Digital Gift Card
H2 Story - Coffee Table Book
H2 Finchley Hiking Boot - Black
H2 Kansas Western Boot - Black
H2 Spitalfields Sneaker - Leopard/ Star Texto duplicado
H2 Stella Shoulder Tote Bag - Gloss Black
H2 Figtree Scented Candle
H2 Campfire Scented Candle
H2 Spitalfields Sneaker - Metallic Gold
H2 Spitalfields Sneaker - Black
H2 Noho Boot - Black Texto duplicado
H2 Hampstead Sneaker - Croc
H2 New Lookbook
H2 Sustainability
H2 Saddle Bag - Black Texto duplicado
H2 Quilted Mia Mini Tote Bag - Black Texto duplicado
H2 Teddy Woven Duffle Bag - Caramel
H2 Cross Body Bag - Black Studded Texto duplicado
H2 Rylee Cross Body Bag - Black Texto duplicado
H2 Quilted Keira Cross Body Bag - Black
H2 Taylor Hobo Handbag - Black
H2 Large Stella Quilted Shoulder Tote Bag - Black Texto duplicado
H2 Contact
H2 Our Partners
H3 Are you in the right place? ...
H3 Popular TODAY
H3 NEW ARRIVALS / AW24 Texto duplicado
H3 Show me more
H3 Show me more Texto duplicado
H3 Show me more Texto duplicado
H3 Show me more Texto duplicado
H3 Show me more Texto duplicado
H3 Show me more Texto duplicado
H3 Show me more Texto duplicado
H3 Show me more Texto duplicado
H3 Show me more Texto duplicado
H3 Show me more Texto duplicado
H3 Show me more Texto duplicado
H3 Show me more Texto duplicado
H3 Collections
H3 About
H3 Help Centre
H4 Trending items today
H4 Modern classics, with a twist ...
H4 Discover more
H4 Modern classics, with a twist ... Texto duplicado
Hay demasiados enlaces internos (439) en esta página.
Algunos textos ancla se repiten más de una vez en varios enlaces.
50 enlaces cerecen de un texto ancla.
Ningún texto ancla es excesivamente largo.
Ningún enlace interno contiene parámetros dinámicos.
Hay 20 enlaces externos en esta página.
EnlacePropiedadesTexto ancla ancla Skip to content States Subdominio United Kingdom Subdominio Europe Subdominio Sin texto
/pages/choose-countryIMG-ALT Country flag
/collections/new-arrivalsNew Arrivals
/collections/best-sellersBest Sellers
/collections/womens-topsAll Tops
/collections/womens-casual-topsCasual Tops
/collections/womens-tshirts-tanksT-Shirts & Tanks
/collections/womens-blouses-sh...Blouses & Shirts
/collections/womens-jackets-coatsJackets & Coats
/collections/womens-knitwearTexto duplicado Knitwear
/collections/womens-bagsAll Bags
/collections/leather-bagsLeather Bags
/collections/nylon-bagsNylon Bags
/collections/weekend-bagsWeekend Bags
/collections/work-bagsWork Bags
/collections/gym-bagsGym Bags
/collections/phone-bagsPhone Bags
/collections/womens-mini-bagsMini Bags
/collections/womens-cross-body...Cross Body Bags
/collections/womens-shoulder-bagsShoulder Bags
/collections/womens-tote-bagsTote Bags
/collections/womens-jewelryAll Jewelry
/collections/gold-jewelryGold Jewelry
/collections/silver-jewelrySilver Jewelry
/collections/womens-knitwearTexto duplicado Knitwear
/collections/womens-shoesTexto duplicado Footwear
/collections/womens-accessoriesTexto duplicado Accessories
/collections/novemberThe December Collection
/pages/act-ii-campaignACT TWO | CAMPAIGN AW24
/collections/new-november-coll...New Lookbook
/collections/beautiful-boots-editBeautiful Boots Style classics to edge up your looks
/collections/winter-tops-edit-...New Winter Tops Beautiful new top styles for all occasions
/collections/coords-sets-editCoords & Sets Matching sets for the fall
/collections/tailoring-style-c...Tailoring Smart styles tailored by hand
/collections/the-ponte-studio-...The Ponte Studio All the styles in Ponte di Roma
/pages/investors-in-people-sai...Investors in people
/pages/styled-on-instagramStyled On Instagram in | Create account
/pages/shipping-returnsFree Shipping & Returns Info
https://saintandsofiausa.loopr...Externo Subdominio Return/Exchange an item
/pages/size-chartSize Guide
/pages/help-centreHelp Center
/pages/choose-countryChange country
/products/fia-mini-tiered-dres...IMG-ALT Fia Mini Tiered Dress Dark Roses - Women's Dresses | Saint + Sofia® US
/products/fia-mini-tiered-dres...Fia Mini Tiered Dress - Dark Roses
/products/tabitha-cotton-blous...IMG-ALT Tabitha Blouse Cream Broderie - Women's Blouses | Saint + Sofia® US
/products/tabitha-cotton-blous...Tabitha Blouse - Cream Broderie
/products/paxton-pussybow-blou...IMG-ALT Paxton Pussybow Blouse Black - Women's Blouses | Saint + Sofia® US
/products/paxton-pussybow-blou...Paxton Pussybow Blouse - Black
/products/blake-skull-black-wo...IMG-ALT Blake Skull Scarf Black - Women's Scarves | Saint + Sofia® UK
/products/blake-skull-black-wo...Blake Skull Scarf - Black
/products/margot-hobo-shoulder...Sin texto
/products/margot-hobo-shoulder...Margot Hobo Shoulder Bag - Khaki
/products/billie-rock-leather-...Sin texto
/products/billie-rock-leather-...Billie Rock Boot - Gunmetal
/products/maeva-skinny-pant-bl...IMG-ALT Maeva Skinny Pant Black Coated - Women's Pants | Saint + Sofia® US
/products/maeva-skinny-pant-bl...Maeva Skinny Pant - Black Coated
/products/remy-crop-sweater-navyIMG-ALT Remy Crop Sweater Navy - Women's Sweaters | Saint + Sofia® US
/products/remy-crop-sweater-navyRemy Crop Sweater - Navy
/products/suki-lace-hole-knit-...IMG-ALT Suki Lace Hole Knit Green - Women's Knitwear | Saint + Sofia® UK
/products/suki-lace-hole-knit-...Suki Lace Hole Knit - Green Saint + Sofia® Inc | Official
/collections/new-arrivalsNew ArrivalsNew Arrivals
/collections/new-arrivalsClothing Test
/collections/womens-pantsTexto duplicado Pants
/collections/womens-coatsCoats & Jackets
/collections/womens-knitwearTexto duplicado Knitwear
/collections/womens-dressesTexto duplicado Dresses
/collections/womens-blazersTexto duplicado Blazers
/collections/womens-skirtsTexto duplicado Skirts
/collections/womens-jeansDenim & Jeans
/collections/womens-blouses-sh...Texto duplicado Blouses & Shirts
/collections/womens-sweatersTexto duplicado Sweaters
/collections/womens-casual-topsTexto duplicado Casual Tops
/collections/womens-tshirts-tanksTexto duplicado T-Shirts & Tanks
/collections/best-sellersThe Best Sellers
/collections/essential-outerwe...Essential Outerwear
/collections/fall-knitwear-editComfortable Knitwear
/collections/bags-of-glory-aw2...Bags of Glory
/collections/beautiful-boots-editBeautiful Boots
/collections/tailoring-style-c...The Tailored Edit
/collections/the-ponte-studio-...Ponte Studio
/collections/new-arrivalsTexto duplicado New Arrivals
/collections/womens-dressesTexto duplicado Dresses
/collections/womens-pantsTexto duplicado Pants
/collections/womens-blazersTexto duplicado Blazers
/collections/womens-skirtsTexto duplicado Skirts
/collections/womens-blouses-sh...Texto duplicado Blouses & Shirts
/collections/womens-jeansTexto duplicado Jeans
/collections/womens-knitwearTexto duplicado Knitwear
/collections/womens-jackets-coatsTexto duplicado Jackets & Coats
/collections/womens-shortsTexto duplicado Shorts
/collections/swimwearSwim Wear
/collections/womens-bagsTexto duplicado All Bags
/collections/womens-sandalsSandals & Slides
/collections/womens-accessoriesAll Accessories
/collections/womens-bagsTexto duplicado Bags
/collections/womens-jewelryTexto duplicado Jewelry
/collections/womens-scarves-hatsScarves & Hats
/collections/womens-leather-goodsLeather Goods
/collections/perfect-giftsTexto duplicado Gifts
/collections/best-sellersTexto duplicado Best Sellers
/collections/novemberDecember Collection
/products/saint-and-sofia-gift...Gift Cards
/collections/winter-tops-edit-...Winter Tops
/collections/beautiful-boots-editTexto duplicado Beautiful Boots
/collections/essential-outerwe...Texto duplicado Essential Outerwear
/collections/bags-of-glory-aw2...Texto duplicado Bags of Glory
/collections/coords-sets-editCoords & Sets
/collections/the-ponte-studio-...The Ponte Studio
/collections/novemberTexto duplicado December Collection
/collections/best-sellersTexto duplicado Best Sellers
/collections/womens-accessoriesTexto duplicado Accessories
/collections/new-arrivalsTexto duplicado New Arrivals
/collections/womens-shoesTexto duplicado Footwear
/collections/womens-jewelryTexto duplicado All Jewelry
/collections/gold-jewelryTexto duplicado Gold Jewelry
/collections/silver-jewelryTexto duplicado Silver Jewelry
/collections/earringsTexto duplicado Earrings
/collections/necklacesTexto duplicado Necklaces
/collections/braceletsTexto duplicado Bracelets
/products/double-ball-chain-br...Double Chain Story
/products/organic-open-oval-ch...Oval Story
/products/long-link-chain-drop...Link Story
/products/chunky-swirl-charm-n...Swirl Story
/products/chunky-cable-chain-b...Chain Story
/products/bar-enamel-beaded-sl...Emerald Story
/products/constellation-cluste...Constellation Bracelet
/products/astral-lightning-cha...Astral Lightning Earrings
/products/astral-star-charm-dr...Astral Star Earrings
/products/astral-lightning-bra...Astral Lightning Bracelet
/products/constellation-cluste...Constellation Necklace
/collections/earringsTexto duplicado Earrings
/collections/braceletsTexto duplicado Bracelets
/collections/necklacesTexto duplicado Necklaces
/collections/gold-jewelryTexto duplicado Gold Jewelry
/collections/silver-jewelryTexto duplicado Silver Jewelry
/collections/womens-bagsTexto duplicado All Bags
/collections/leather-bagsTexto duplicado Leather Bags
/collections/nylon-bagsTexto duplicado Nylon Bags
/collections/phone-bagsTexto duplicado Phone Bags
/collections/weekend-bagsTexto duplicado Weekend Bags
/collections/gym-bagsTexto duplicado Gym Bags
/collections/work-bagsWork Edit
/collections/weekend-bagsWeekend Edit
/collections/big-bagsBig Bag Edit
/collections/womens-mini-bagsMini Bag Edit
/products/quilted-selene-shopp...Quilted Shopper Bag
/products/soho-shoulder-tote-b...Soho Tote Bag
/products/woven-duffle-bag-bla...Woven Duffle Bag
/products/teddy-selene-shopper...Teddy Shopper Bag
/products/margot-hobo-shoulder...Margot Shoulder Bag
/products/rylee-cross-body-lea...Rylee Bag
/collections/womens-bagsAll bags
/collections/leather-bagsLeather bags
/collections/nylon-bagsNylon bags
/collections/womens-bagsNew Bags
/collections/womens-bagsMost Popular
/collections/womens-shoesAll Shoes
/collections/womens-bootsAll Boots
/collections/womens-sneakersAll Sneakers
/collections/womens-sandalsAll Sandals
/collections/beautiful-boots-editThe Boot Edit
/collections/womens-sneakersSneaker Looks
/products/noho-tie-up-boot-bla...The Noho Boot
/products/hampstead-platform-s...The Hampstead Sneaker
/products/texas-studded-boot-b...The Texas Boot
/products/kansas-western-boot-...The Kansas Boot
/collections/womens-shoesAll Footwear
/collections/womens-bootsAll boots
/collections/womens-sneakersAll sneakers
/collections/womens-shoesTexto duplicado All Shoes
/collections/beautiful-boots-editTexto duplicado The Boot Edit
/pages/about-saint-sofiaTexto duplicado About
/pages/help-centreHelp Centre
/pages/shipping-returnsDelivery & Service
/collections/new-arrivalsTexto duplicado New Arrivals
/pages/site-termsSite Terms
/pages/privacyPrivacy Policy
/pages/sustainabilityTexto duplicado Sustainability
/pages/fairnessTexto duplicado Fairness
/pages/qualityTexto duplicado Quality
/pages/creativityTexto duplicado Creativity
/pages/meet-the-teamMeet The Team
/pages/investors-in-people-sai...Investors In People
/pages/key-partnershipsOur Partnerships
/pages/styled-on-instagramStyled on Instagram
/pages/store-covent-garden-londonTexto duplicado Stores
/pages/about-saint-sofiaTexto duplicado About
/pages/sustainabilityTexto duplicado Sustainability
/pages/qualityTexto duplicado Quality
/pages/creativityTexto duplicado Creativity
/pages/fairnessTexto duplicado Fairness
/pages/choose-countryTexto duplicado IMG-ALT Country flag In
/collections/new-arrivalsNEW ARRIVALS / AW24 Modern classics, with a twist ... SHOP NOW
/collections/new-arrivalsSHOP NOW
/collections/novemberTHE DECEMBER COLLECTION Discover more Discover more
/collections/novemberDiscover more
/collections/new-arrivalsTexto duplicado NEW ARRIVALS / AW24 Modern classics, with a twist ... SHOP NOW
/collections/new-arrivalsTexto duplicado SHOP NOW
/products/maggie-wrap-midi-dre...IMG-ALT Maggie Wrap Midi Dress Dark Roses - Women's Dresses | Saint + Sofia® US
/products/maggie-wrap-midi-dre...Maggie Wrap Midi Dress - Dark Roses
/products/austen-crew-neck-tee...IMG-ALT Austen Crew Neck Tee Long Sleeve Dark Roses - Women's T-Shirts | Saint + Sofia® US
/products/austen-crew-neck-tee...Austen Crew Neck Long Sleeve Tee - Dark Roses
/products/carnaby-chelsea-boot...Sin texto
/products/carnaby-chelsea-boot...Carnaby Chelsea Boot - Black
/products/cross-body-leather-b...Sin texto
/products/cross-body-leather-b...Cross Body Bag - Black Studded
/products/keller-wide-leg-pant...IMG-ALT Keller Wide Leg Pant Black - Women's Pants | Saint + Sofia® USA
/products/keller-wide-leg-pant...Keller Wide Leg Pant - Black
/products/paxton-pussybow-blou...IMG-ALT Paxton Pussybow Blouse - Red Ditsy Leopard
/products/paxton-pussybow-blou...Texto duplicado Paxton Pussybow Blouse - Red Ditsy Leopard
/products/runway-lace-dress-blackIMG-ALT Runway Lace Dress Black - Women's Dresses | Saint + Sofia® USA
/products/runway-lace-dress-blackRunway Lace Dress - Black
/products/miranda-lace-tee-blackIMG-ALT Miranda Lace Tee Black - Women's T-Shirts | Saint + Sofia® USA
/products/miranda-lace-tee-blackMiranda Lace Tee - Black
/products/noho-tie-up-boot-bla...Sin texto
/products/noho-tie-up-boot-bla...Noho Boot - Black
/products/rylee-cross-body-lea...Sin texto
/products/rylee-cross-body-lea...Rylee Cross Body Bag - Black
/products/raya-knit-mini-dress...IMG-ALT Raya Knit Black - Women's Knitwear | Saint + Sofia® US
/products/raya-knit-mini-dress...Raya Knit Dress - Black
/products/bowie-stretch-flare-...IMG-ALT Bowie Stretch Flare Jeans Mid Blue - Women's Jeans | Saint + Sofia® US
/products/bowie-stretch-flare-...Bowie Stretch Flare Jeans - Mid Blue
/products/spitalfields-sneaker...Sin texto
/products/spitalfields-sneaker...Spitalfields Sneaker - Leopard/ Star
/products/soho-shoulder-tote-b...Sin texto
/products/soho-shoulder-tote-b...Soho Shoulder Tote Bag - Burgundy
/products/audrey-midi-skirt-bl...IMG-ALT Audrey Skirt Spot Feather - Women's Skirts | Saint + Sofia® UK
/products/audrey-midi-skirt-bl...Audrey Skirt - Spot Feather
/products/ariella-cardigan-woo...IMG-ALT Ariella Cardigan Beige - Women's Cardigans | Saint + Sofia® UK
/products/ariella-cardigan-woo...Ariella Cardigan - Beige
/collections/womens-dressesShow me more Dresses
/collections/perfect-giftsShow me more Gifts
/collections/womens-shoesShow me more Footwear
/collections/fall-knitwear-editShow me more New Knitwear
/collections/womens-pantsShow me more Trousers & Jeans
/collections/womens-coatsShow me more Outerwear
/collections/womens-jewelryShow me more Jewelry
/collections/womens-jackets-coatsShow me more Jackets & Blazers
/collections/womens-bagsShow me more The Bags
/products/rock-roll-scarf-blackIMG-ALT Rock and Roll Scarf Black - Women's Scarves | Saint + Sofia® USA
/products/rock-roll-scarf-blackRock & Roll Scarf - Black
/products/blake-skull-black-wo...Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Blake Skull Scarf Black - Women's Scarves | Saint + Sofia® UK
/products/blake-skull-black-wo...Texto duplicado Blake Skull Scarf - Black
/products/rylee-cross-body-lea...Sin texto
/products/rylee-cross-body-lea...Texto duplicado Rylee Cross Body Bag - Black
/products/cross-body-leather-b...Sin texto
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/products/saint-sofia-scarf-bl...Saint + Sofia Scarf - Black/Grey
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/products/wren-paisley-scarf-b...Sin texto
/products/wren-paisley-scarf-b...Wren Paisley Scarf - Black/Green
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/products/chunky-swirl-hoop-ea...Swirl Hoop Earrings - Gold
/products/chunky-swirl-hoop-ea...IMG-ALT Swirl Hoop Earrings Silver - Women's Jewellery | Saint + Sofia® USA
/products/chunky-swirl-hoop-ea...Swirl Hoop Earrings - Silver
/products/amelia-aviator-jacke...IMG-ALT Amelia Aviator Jacket Black - Women's Leather Jackets | Saint + Sofia® UK
/products/amelia-aviator-jacke...Amelia Aviator Jacket - Black
/products/amelia-aviator-jacke...IMG-ALT Amelia Aviator Jacket Brown - Women's Leather Jackets | Saint + Sofia® USA
/products/amelia-aviator-jacke...Amelia Aviator Jacket - Brown
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/products/ramona-studded-fedor...Ramona Studded Hat - Black
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/products/small-cosmetic-bag-q...Small Cosmetics Bag - Black
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/products/abstract-rock-scarf-...Abstract Rock Scarf - Black/Cream
/products/luther-leather-biker...IMG-ALT Luther Leather Jacket Black - Women's Leather Jacket | Saint + Sofia® USA
/products/luther-leather-biker...Luther Leather Jacket - Black
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/products/saint-and-sofia-gift...Digital Gift Card
/products/saint-and-sofia-stor...IMG-ALT Story - Coffee Table Book
/products/saint-and-sofia-stor...Texto duplicado Story - Coffee Table Book
/products/finchley-hiking-boot...Sin texto
/products/finchley-hiking-boot...Finchley Hiking Boot - Black
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/products/kansas-western-boot-...Kansas Western Boot - Black
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/products/spitalfields-sneaker...Texto duplicado Spitalfields Sneaker - Leopard/ Star
/products/stella-shoulder-tote...Sin texto
/products/stella-shoulder-tote...Stella Shoulder Tote Bag - Gloss Black
/products/figtree-scented-cand...Sin texto
/products/figtree-scented-cand...Figtree Scented Candle
/products/campfire-scented-can...Sin texto
/products/campfire-scented-can...Campfire Scented Candle
/products/spitalfields-sneaker...Sin texto
/products/spitalfields-sneaker...Spitalfields Sneaker - Metallic Gold
/products/spitalfields-sneaker...Sin texto
/products/spitalfields-sneaker...Spitalfields Sneaker - Black
/products/noho-tie-up-boot-bla...Sin texto
/products/noho-tie-up-boot-bla...Texto duplicado Noho Boot - Black
/products/hampstead-platform-s...Sin texto
/products/hampstead-platform-s...Hampstead Sneaker - Croc
/collections/novemberShow me more New Lookbook
/pages/sustainabilityShow me more Sustainability
/products/saddle-bag-leather-h...Sin texto
/products/saddle-bag-leather-h...Texto duplicado Saddle Bag - Black
/products/quilted-mia-mini-tot...Sin texto
/products/quilted-mia-mini-tot...Texto duplicado Quilted Mia Mini Tote Bag - Black
/products/teddy-woven-duffle-b...Sin texto
/products/teddy-woven-duffle-b...Teddy Woven Duffle Bag - Caramel
/products/cross-body-leather-b...Sin texto
/products/cross-body-leather-b...Texto duplicado Cross Body Bag - Black Studded
/products/rylee-cross-body-lea...Sin texto
/products/rylee-cross-body-lea...Texto duplicado Rylee Cross Body Bag - Black
/products/quilted-keira-cross-...Sin texto
/products/quilted-keira-cross-...Quilted Keira Cross Body Bag - Black
/products/taylor-hobo-shoulder...Sin texto
/products/taylor-hobo-shoulder...Taylor Hobo Handbag - Black
/products/large-stella-quilted...Sin texto
/products/large-stella-quilted...Texto duplicado Large Stella Quilted Shoulder Tote Bag - Black
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https://saintandsofiausa.loopr...Externo Subdominio Texto ancla Return an Item
/pages/help-centrePopular Questions
/pages/help-centreContact us
/pages/choose-countryChoose Country
/pages/about-saint-sofiaAbout Saint and Sofia
/pages/store-covent-garden-londonTexto duplicado Stores
/products/saint-and-sofia-gift...Texto duplicado Gift Cards Account
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/collections/womens-accessoriesTexto duplicado Accessories
/pages/about-saint-sofiaAbout Saint + Sofia
/pages/meet-the-teamTexto duplicado Meet The Team
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/pages/shipping-returnsFree Shipping & Returns
/pages/size-chartTexto duplicado Size Guide
https://saintandsofiausa.loopr...Externo Subdominio Texto ancla Texto duplicado Return an Item
/pages/lookup-your-order-statusTexto duplicado Check Order Status
/pages/help-centreTexto duplicado Help Center
/pages/help-centreContact Us
https://saintandsofiausa.loopr...Externo Subdominio Texto ancla Texto duplicado Return an Item

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Snippet (vista previa de los resultados de búsqueda)
Saint and Sofia® USA | Boutique Style | Official Store – Saint + So...
Shop new Ready to Wear, Accessories and Leather Goods. Designed in London and hand made in Europe. Great British Style that's sustainable and fair.

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Saint Sofia81%Check
Saint Sofia®56%Check
Contact us55%Check

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