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(Extremadamente importante)
Science News | The latest news from all areas of science
La longitud del título es óptima (512 píxeles de una longitud máxima de 580 píxeles).
No se repite ninguna palabra en el título.
Meta descripción
(Extremadamente importante)
Science News features news articles, videos and more about the latest scientific advances. Independent, accurate nonprofit news since 1921.
La longitud de la meta descripción es óptima (873 píxeles de una longitud máxima de 1000 píxeles).
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No se detectan problemas para acceder al sitio web.
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Ubicación geográfica del servidor: Estados Unidos de América
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URL de la página
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descriptionScience News features news articles, videos and more about the latest scientific advances. Independent, accurate nonprofit news since 1921.
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generatorWordPress 6.5.5
twitter:titleScience News Magazine
twitter:descriptionScience News features daily news articles, feature stories, reviews and more in all disciplines of science, as well as Science News magazine archives back to 1924.
og:titleScience News Magazine
og:descriptionScience News features daily news articles, feature stories, reviews and more in all disciplines of science, as well as Science News magazine archives back to 1924.
og:site_nameScience News

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Algunas palabras del título no se repiten en el cuerpo del texto.
El número total de palabras en la página es bueno: 1352 palabras.
Un 25.9% del contenido está constituido por palabras vacías.
Las palabras del encabezado H1 también aparecen en el cuerpo del texto.
La página contiene un listado, lo que indica una buena estructuración del contenido.
Se han encontrado 4 párrafos en esta página.
No se detecta ningún placeholder de texto ni imagen.
No se detecta contenido duplicado.
La cantidad media de palabras por frase es buena: 18.57 palabras.
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No se detecta ninguna descripción del atributo ALT en 4 imágenes. El contenido de los atributos ALT también es evaluado como texto por los buscadores y es muy importante para la búsqueda de imágenes.
Redes Sociales
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Todos los archivos incluidos se transfieren a través de HTTPS.

Lista de medios

URLAtributo ALTTítulo
...air-pull-pain_feat.jpg?fit=680,383&ssl=1A young child pulls the hair of another child.
...pes-genedrive_feat.jpg?fit=330,186&ssl=1The herpes simplex virus appears as a bumpy orange and yellow sphere on a navy background. A gene drive could be one new strategy to fight infection.
...g_ventography_feat.jpg?fit=330,186&ssl=1Nations interested in wind energy are trying to "own" the resource.
...AAAAAP///yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7Structures and trees are inundated in flood waters.
...AAAAAP///yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7A 3-D reconstruction of an ancient millipede fossil
...AAAAAP///yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7Swirling, diffuse tendrils of orange, yellow and white gas on a backdrop of stars
...AAAAAP///yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7Sketches of Nobel prize winners David Baker, Demis Hassabis and John Jumper.
...illipede-head_feat.jpg?fit=330,186&ssl=1A 3-D reconstruction of an ancient millipede fossil
...n-horseriders_feat.jpg?fit=330,186&ssl=1A horse mandible and a bronze stirrup in dirt
...g_milton_feat_rev.gif?fit=1440,810&ssl=1A moving gif of Hurricane Milton bearing down on the coast of Florida on October 9. The main part of the storm is a deep red with the eye of the storm clearly visible.
...runaway_stars-feat.jpg?fit=330,186&ssl=1Swirling, diffuse tendrils of orange, yellow and white gas on a backdrop of stars
...rial-stitches_feat.jpg?fit=330,186&ssl=1A surgeon holds a suture in their hands, while another cuts the suture with scissors.
.../10/nobelday3final.jpg?fit=330,186&ssl=1Sketches of Nobel prize winners David Baker, Demis Hassabis and John Jumper.
...iver-avulsion_feat.jpg?fit=330,186&ssl=1Structures and trees are inundated in flood waters.
...f_sahara-dust_feat.jpg?fit=330,186&ssl=1A swirl of wind over the ocean is pictured via a NASA satellite
...ricane-deaths_feat.jpg?fit=800,450&ssl=1A man in a blue shirt stands on a deck and looks out over the vast landscape of destruction caused by Hurricane Helene.
...DC100-and-LIFE-285.jpg?fit=800,450&ssl=1Carece de atributo ALT
...00524_cover_680.jpg?resize=445,575&ssl=1Carece de atributo ALT
[email protected]?fit=2560,1353&ssl=1Carece de atributo ALT
...nb_depression_feat.gif?fit=680,383&ssl=1A GIF of a head outlined with simple eyes and a nose, shown from the side as black squiggly lines writhe around it
...-racine-thiam_feat.jpg?fit=330,186&ssl=1Hawa Racine Thiam smiles at the camera. She has short, dark hair and is wearing blue rimmed eyeglasses, a turquoise shirt and a white necklace.
...dental_plaque_feat.jpg?fit=330,186&ssl=1A whitish growth of Corynebacterium matruchotii bacteria
...4_EC_neutrino_feat.jpg?fit=330,186&ssl=1Bright points are scattered in a weblike pattern over a dark background in a computer simulation of the cosmic web.
...erozoic-temps_feat.jpg?fit=330,186&ssl=1Artist's visualization of three Earths under icehouse or greenhouse conditions.
...s/client/src/images/[email protected]Carece de atributo ALT
...24_fruitflies_feat.jpg?fit=330,186&ssl=1A colorized scanning electron microscope image of the heat of a mutant fruit fly two small ectopic eyes in the place of antennae
...ympic-records_feat.jpg?fit=330,186&ssl=1Usain Bolt crouches next to a digital display showing his new world record while pointing to a crowd in a stadium
...g_milton_feat_rev.gif?fit=1440,810&ssl=1A moving gif of Hurricane Milton bearing down on the coast of Florida on October 9. The main part of the storm is a deep red with the eye of the storm clearly visible.
...s-star-planet_feat.jpg?fit=330,186&ssl=1This artist's representation an exoplanet discovered orbiting the nearby red dward Barnard's star shows the curved edge of a red, rocky planet in the foreground, with a reddish-orange star just above the horizon in the distance.
...ray-lightning_feat.jpg?fit=330,186&ssl=1A plane flies over the tops of thunderclouds that are glowing purple.
...rial-stitches_feat.jpg?fit=330,186&ssl=1A surgeon holds a suture in their hands, while another cuts the suture with scissors.
...alt-lake-dust_feat.jpg?fit=330,186&ssl=1Three people stand in front of the expansive Salt Lake flats, with dried out puddles throughout the landscape
...0_yotam-ophir_feat.jpg?fit=330,186&ssl=1Yotam Ophir looks at the camera with a slight smile. He is standing in front of a bookcase full of books of different sizes and colors. Ophir has short, dark hair and has short beard and mustache.

Estructura de la página

Encabezado H1
(Extremadamente importante)
Science News
Más de un encabezado H1.
El encabezado H1 es demasiado corto (12 caracteres). Debería tener al menos 20 caracteres.
Algunos de los encabezados H se repiten dos veces.
Hay 86 encabezados H en esta página. La cantidad de encabezados debería guardar una mejor proporción en relación al texto.

Estructura de los encabezados

Jerarquía de encabezadosContenido
H1 Science News
H1 Science News Texto duplicado
H2 Hair pulling prompts one of the fastest known pain signals
H2 A viral gene drive could offer a new approach to fighting herpes
H2 There’s a new term for attempting to own the wind: ventography
H2 What leads rivers to suddenly change course?
H2 The largest arthropod to ever live finally has a head
H2 Runaway stars could influence the cosmos far past their home galaxies
H2 Work on protein structure and design wins the 2024 chemistry Nobel
H2 Trending Stories
H2 Spotlight on Health
H2 Sponsored Partner Content
H2 Science News Magazine
H2 Featured Media
H2 More Stories
H2 Science News Texto duplicado
H3 A viral gene drive could offer a new approach to fighting herpes Texto duplicado
H3 New electrical stitches use muscle movement to speed up healing
H3 Ancient Scythians had cultural roots in Siberia
H3 Hair pulling prompts one of the fastest known pain signals Texto duplicado
H3 A viral gene drive could offer a new approach to fighting herpes Texto duplicado
H3 The largest arthropod to ever live finally has a head Texto duplicado
H3 There’s a new term for attempting to own the wind: ventography Texto duplicado
H3 What leads rivers to suddenly change course? Texto duplicado
H3 Climate change fueled the fury of hurricanes Helene and Milton
H3 New electrical stitches use muscle movement to speed up healing Texto duplicado
H3 The discovery of tools key to machine learning wins the 2024 physics Nobel
H3 Thunderstorms churn up a ‘boiling pot’ of gamma rays
H3 Runaway stars could influence the cosmos far past their home galaxies Texto duplicado
H3 Europa Clipper is launching to solve an alien mystery
H3 50 years ago, satellites threatened astronomers’ view of the cosmos
H3 The largest arthropod to ever live finally has a head Texto duplicado
H3 Ancient Scythians had cultural roots in Siberia Texto duplicado
H3 Climate change fueled the fury of hurricanes Helene and Milton Texto duplicado
H3 Runaway stars could influence the cosmos far past their home galaxies Texto duplicado
H3 New electrical stitches use muscle movement to speed up healing Texto duplicado
H3 Work on protein structure and design wins the 2024 chemistry Nobel Texto duplicado
H3 What leads rivers to suddenly change course? Texto duplicado
H3 A transatlantic flight may turn Saharan dust into a key ocean nutrient
H3 A hurricane’s aftermath may spur up to 11,000 deaths
H3 Brain-controlled bionic limbs are inching closer to reality
H3 A study in mice hints at a new way to treat spinal cord injuries
H3 The Most Profound Industrial Revolution Is Underway In Low-Earth Orbit
H3 The fruit fly revolutionized biology. Now it’s boosting science in Africa
H3 10 early-career scientists tackling some of the biggest problems of today
H3 A brain network linked to attention is larger in people with depression
H3 This biophysicist’s work could one day let doctors control immune cells
H3 Some bacteria in your mouth can divide into as many as 14 cells at once
H3 A neutrino mass mismatch could shake cosmology’s foundations
H3 Earth’s ancient ‘greenhouse’ conditions were hotter than thought
H3 Follow Science News
H3 Life
H3 The fruit fly revolutionized biology. Now it’s boosting science in Africa Texto duplicado
H3 Mega El Niños kicked off the world’s worst mass extinction
H3 Remote seamounts in the southeast Pacific may be home to 20 new species
H3 Humans
H3 World record speeds for two Olympics events have fallen over time. We can go faster
H3 Does social status shape height?
H3 Rain Bosworth studies how deaf children experience the world
H3 Climate
H3 Climate change fueled the fury of hurricanes Helene and Milton Texto duplicado
H3 Why Hurricane Helene was so devastating
H3 How rapid intensification spawned two monster hurricanes in one week
H3 Astronomy
H3 Barnard’s star has at least one planet orbiting it after all
H3 Betelgeuse has a tiny companion star hidden in plain sight
H3 Starlink satellites’ leaky radio waves obscure the cosmos
H3 Physics
H3 Thunderstorms churn up a ‘boiling pot’ of gamma rays Texto duplicado
H3 X-rays from nuclear blasts could defend Earth from asteroids
H3 How to spot tiny black holes that might pass through the solar system
H3 Health & Medicine
H3 New electrical stitches use muscle movement to speed up healing Texto duplicado
H3 Blood pressure may read falsely high if the arm isn’t positioned properly
H3 An mRNA vaccine protected mice against deadly intestinal C. difficile bacteria
H3 Earth
H3 Reactive dust from Great Salt Lake may have health consequences
H3 How earthquakes build beefy gold nuggets
H3 Mantle waves buoy continents upward and bedeck them with diamonds
H3 Science & Society
H3 This researcher studies how misinformation seeps into science and politics
H3 10 early-career scientists tackling some of the biggest problems of today Texto duplicado
H3 ‘After 1177 B.C.’ describes how societies fared when the Bronze Age ended
H3 Subscriber Services
H3 More Information
H3 Society for Science
Algunos textos ancla son demasiado largos.
Algunos enlaces internos contienen parámetros dinámicos. Las URL internas no deberían contener parámetros dinámicos, salvo que estén marcadas como nofollow.
Algunos textos ancla se repiten más de una vez en varios enlaces.
2 enlaces cerecen de un texto ancla.
La cantidad de enlaces internos es adecuada.
Hay 16 enlaces externos en esta página.
EnlacePropiedadesTexto ancla ancla Skip to content
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/all-storiesSubdominio All Stories
/centurySubdominio Century of Science Educators
/collections/2019-novel-corona...Subdominio Coronavirus Outbreak
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https://www.societyforscience....Externo Subdominio Our Store
/give?key=9MDONBUTSubdominio Donate Science News INDEPENDENT JOURNALISM SINCE 1921
/sign-inSubdominio SIGN IN Texto duplicado Science News INDEPENDENT JOURNALISM SINCE 1921
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/topic/climateSubdominio Climate
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/topic/artificial-intelligenceSubdominio Artificial Intelligence
/topic/chemistrySubdominio Chemistry
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/topics/Subdominio Texto duplicado All Topics
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/topic/humansSubdominio Texto duplicado Humans
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/topic/archaeologySubdominio Texto duplicado Archaeology
/topic/psychologySubdominio Texto duplicado Psychology
/topic/health-medicineSubdominio Texto duplicado Health & Medicine
/article/gene-drive-herpes-sim...Subdominio A viral gene drive could offer a new approach to fighting herpes
/author/meghan-rosenSubdominio Meghan Rosen
A-TITLE Posts by Meghan Rosen
/topic/health-medicineSubdominio Texto duplicado Health & Medicine
/article/electrical-stitches-m...Subdominio New electrical stitches use muscle movement to speed up healing
/author/andrea-tamayoSubdominio Andrea Tamayo
A-TITLE Posts by Andrea Tamayo
/topic/archaeologySubdominio Texto duplicado Archaeology
/article/scythians-cultural-ro...Subdominio Ancient Scythians had cultural roots in Siberia
/author/bruce-bowerSubdominio Bruce Bower
A-TITLE Posts by Bruce Bower
/topic/lifeSubdominio Texto duplicado Life
/topic/lifeSubdominio Texto duplicado Life
/topic/animalsSubdominio Texto duplicado Animals
/topic/plantsSubdominio Texto duplicado Plants
/topic/ecosystemsSubdominio Texto duplicado Ecosystems
/topic/paleontologySubdominio Texto duplicado Paleontology
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/topic/geneticsSubdominio Texto duplicado Genetics
/topic/microbesSubdominio Texto duplicado Microbes
/topic/neuroscienceSubdominio Texto duplicado Neuroscience
/article/hair-pull-pain-signal...Subdominio Hair pulling prompts one of the fastest known pain signals
/author/laura-sandersSubdominio Laura Sanders
A-TITLE Posts by Laura Sanders
/topic/health-medicineSubdominio Texto duplicado Health & Medicine
/article/gene-drive-herpes-sim...Subdominio Texto duplicado A viral gene drive could offer a new approach to fighting herpes
/author/meghan-rosenSubdominio Texto duplicado Meghan Rosen
A-TITLE Posts by Meghan Rosen
/topic/paleontologySubdominio Texto duplicado Paleontology
/article/largest-arthropod-headSubdominio The largest arthropod to ever live finally has a head
/author/jason-bittelSubdominio Jason Bittel
A-TITLE Posts by Jason Bittel
/topic/earthSubdominio Texto duplicado Earth
/topic/earthSubdominio Texto duplicado Earth
/topic/agricultureSubdominio Texto duplicado Agriculture
/topic/climateSubdominio Texto duplicado Climate
/topic/oceansSubdominio Texto duplicado Oceans
/topic/environmentSubdominio Texto duplicado Environment
/topic/science-societySubdominio Texto duplicado Science & Society
/article/wind-ownership-ventog...Subdominio There’s a new term for attempting to own the wind: ventography
/author/sujata-guptaSubdominio Sujata Gupta
A-TITLE Posts by Sujata Gupta
/topic/earthSubdominio Texto duplicado Earth
/article/why-rivers-suddenly-c...Subdominio What leads rivers to suddenly change course?
/author/nikk-ogasaSubdominio Nikk Ogasa
A-TITLE Posts by Nikk Ogasa
/topic/climateSubdominio Texto duplicado Climate
/article/climate-change-hurric...Subdominio Climate change fueled the fury of hurricanes Helene and Milton
/author/carolyn-gramlingSubdominio Carolyn Gramling
A-TITLE Posts by Carolyn Gramling
/topic/physicsSubdominio Texto duplicado Physics
/topic/physicsSubdominio Texto duplicado Physics
/topic/materials-scienceSubdominio Texto duplicado Materials Science
/topic/quantum-physicsSubdominio Texto duplicado Quantum Physics
/topic/particle-physicsSubdominio Texto duplicado Particle Physics
/topic/health-medicineSubdominio Texto duplicado Health & Medicine
/article/electrical-stitches-m...Subdominio Texto duplicado New electrical stitches use muscle movement to speed up healing
/author/andrea-tamayoSubdominio Texto duplicado Andrea Tamayo
A-TITLE Posts by Andrea Tamayo
/topic/artificial-intelligenceSubdominio Texto duplicado Artificial Intelligence
/article/nobel-physics-2024-ma...Subdominio The discovery of tools key to machine learning wins the 2024 physics Nobel
/author/emily-conoverSubdominio Emily Conover
A-TITLE Posts by Emily Conover
/topic/physicsSubdominio Texto duplicado Physics
/article/thunderstorms-radiati...Subdominio Thunderstorms churn up a ‘boiling pot’ of gamma rays
/author/emily-conoverSubdominio Texto duplicado Emily Conover
A-TITLE Posts by Emily Conover
/topic/spaceSubdominio Texto duplicado Space
/topic/spaceSubdominio Texto duplicado Space
/topic/astronomySubdominio Texto duplicado Astronomy
/topic/planetary-scienceSubdominio Texto duplicado Planetary Science
/topic/cosmologySubdominio Texto duplicado Cosmology
/topic/astronomySubdominio Texto duplicado Astronomy
/article/runaway-stars-cosmos-...Subdominio Runaway stars could influence the cosmos far past their home galaxies
/author/lisa-grossmanSubdominio Lisa Grossman
A-TITLE Posts by Lisa Grossman
/topic/planetary-scienceSubdominio Texto duplicado Planetary Science
/article/europa-clipper-find-a...Subdominio Europa Clipper is launching to solve an alien mystery
/author/lisa-grossmanSubdominio Texto duplicado Lisa Grossman
A-TITLE Posts by Lisa Grossman
/topic/spaceSubdominio Texto duplicado Space
/article/satellites-cosmos-vie...Subdominio 50 years ago, satellites threatened astronomers’ view of the cosmos
/author/lisa-grossmanSubdominio Texto duplicado Lisa Grossman
A-TITLE Posts by Lisa Grossman
/article/hair-pull-pain-signal...Subdominio IMG-ALT A young child pulls the hair of another child.
/topic/neuroscienceSubdominio Texto duplicado Neuroscience
/article/hair-pull-pain-signal...Subdominio Texto duplicado Hair pulling prompts one of the fastest known pain signals
/author/laura-sandersSubdominio Texto duplicado Laura Sanders
A-TITLE Posts by Laura Sanders
/article/gene-drive-herpes-sim...Subdominio IMG-ALT The herpes simplex virus appears as a bumpy orange and yellow sphere on a navy background. A gene drive could be one new strategy to fight infection.
/topic/health-medicineSubdominio Texto duplicado Health & Medicine
/article/gene-drive-herpes-sim...Subdominio Texto duplicado A viral gene drive could offer a new approach to fighting herpes
/author/meghan-rosenSubdominio Texto duplicado Meghan Rosen
A-TITLE Posts by Meghan Rosen
/article/wind-ownership-ventog...Subdominio IMG-ALT Nations interested in wind energy are trying to "own" the resource.
/topic/science-societySubdominio Texto duplicado Science & Society
/article/wind-ownership-ventog...Subdominio Texto duplicado There’s a new term for attempting to own the wind: ventography
/author/sujata-guptaSubdominio Texto duplicado Sujata Gupta
A-TITLE Posts by Sujata Gupta
/article/why-rivers-suddenly-c...Subdominio IMG-ALT Structures and trees are inundated in flood waters.
/topic/earthSubdominio Texto duplicado Earth
/article/why-rivers-suddenly-c...Subdominio Texto duplicado What leads rivers to suddenly change course?
/author/nikk-ogasaSubdominio Texto duplicado Nikk Ogasa
A-TITLE Posts by Nikk Ogasa
/article/largest-arthropod-headSubdominio IMG-ALT A 3-D reconstruction of an ancient millipede fossil
/topic/paleontologySubdominio Texto duplicado Paleontology
/article/largest-arthropod-headSubdominio Texto duplicado The largest arthropod to ever live finally has a head
/author/jason-bittelSubdominio Texto duplicado Jason Bittel
A-TITLE Posts by Jason Bittel
/article/runaway-stars-cosmos-...Subdominio IMG-ALT Swirling, diffuse tendrils of orange, yellow and white gas on a backdrop of stars
/topic/astronomySubdominio Texto duplicado Astronomy
/article/runaway-stars-cosmos-...Subdominio Texto duplicado Runaway stars could influence the cosmos far past their home galaxies
/author/lisa-grossmanSubdominio Texto duplicado Lisa Grossman
A-TITLE Posts by Lisa Grossman
/article/nobel-prize-chemistry...Subdominio IMG-ALT Sketches of Nobel prize winners David Baker, Demis Hassabis and John Jumper.
/topic/chemistrySubdominio Texto duplicado Chemistry
/article/nobel-prize-chemistry...Subdominio Work on protein structure and design wins the 2024 chemistry Nobel
/author/meghan-rosenSubdominio Texto duplicado Meghan Rosen
A-TITLE Posts by Meghan Rosen
/article/largest-arthropod-headSubdominio Texto duplicado IMG-ALT A 3-D reconstruction of an ancient millipede fossil
/topic/paleontologySubdominio Texto duplicado Paleontology
/article/largest-arthropod-headSubdominio Texto duplicado The largest arthropod to ever live finally has a head
/author/jason-bittelSubdominio Texto duplicado Jason Bittel
A-TITLE Posts by Jason Bittel
/article/scythians-cultural-ro...Subdominio IMG-ALT A horse mandible and a bronze stirrup in dirt
/topic/archaeologySubdominio Texto duplicado Archaeology
/article/scythians-cultural-ro...Subdominio Texto duplicado Ancient Scythians had cultural roots in Siberia
/author/bruce-bowerSubdominio Texto duplicado Bruce Bower
A-TITLE Posts by Bruce Bower
/article/climate-change-hurric...Subdominio IMG-ALT A moving gif of Hurricane Milton bearing down on the coast of Florida on October 9. The main part of the storm is a deep red with the eye of the storm clearl...
/topic/climateSubdominio Texto duplicado Climate
/article/climate-change-hurric...Subdominio Texto duplicado Climate change fueled the fury of hurricanes Helene and Milton
/author/carolyn-gramlingSubdominio Texto duplicado Carolyn Gramling
A-TITLE Posts by Carolyn Gramling
/article/runaway-stars-cosmos-...Subdominio Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Swirling, diffuse tendrils of orange, yellow and white gas on a backdrop of stars
/topic/astronomySubdominio Texto duplicado Astronomy
/article/runaway-stars-cosmos-...Subdominio Texto duplicado Runaway stars could influence the cosmos far past their home galaxies
/author/lisa-grossmanSubdominio Texto duplicado Lisa Grossman
A-TITLE Posts by Lisa Grossman
/article/electrical-stitches-m...Subdominio IMG-ALT A surgeon holds a suture in their hands, while another cuts the suture with scissors.
/topic/health-medicineSubdominio Texto duplicado Health & Medicine
/article/electrical-stitches-m...Subdominio Texto duplicado New electrical stitches use muscle movement to speed up healing
/author/andrea-tamayoSubdominio Texto duplicado Andrea Tamayo
A-TITLE Posts by Andrea Tamayo
/article/nobel-prize-chemistry...Subdominio Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Sketches of Nobel prize winners David Baker, Demis Hassabis and John Jumper.
/topic/chemistrySubdominio Texto duplicado Chemistry
/article/nobel-prize-chemistry...Subdominio Texto duplicado Work on protein structure and design wins the 2024 chemistry Nobel
/author/meghan-rosenSubdominio Texto duplicado Meghan Rosen
A-TITLE Posts by Meghan Rosen
/article/why-rivers-suddenly-c...Subdominio Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Structures and trees are inundated in flood waters.
/topic/earthSubdominio Texto duplicado Earth
/article/why-rivers-suddenly-c...Subdominio Texto duplicado What leads rivers to suddenly change course?
/author/nikk-ogasaSubdominio Texto duplicado Nikk Ogasa
A-TITLE Posts by Nikk Ogasa
/article/saharan-dust-becomes-...Subdominio IMG-ALT A swirl of wind over the ocean is pictured via a NASA satellite
/topic/oceansSubdominio Texto duplicado Oceans
/article/saharan-dust-becomes-...Subdominio A transatlantic flight may turn Saharan dust into a key ocean nutrient
/author/douglas-foxSubdominio Douglas Fox
A-TITLE Posts by Douglas Fox
/all-stories/Subdominio More Stories
/article/hurricane-helene-deat...Subdominio IMG-ALT A man in a blue shirt stands on a deck and looks out over the vast landscape of destruction caused by Hurricane Helene.
/article/hurricane-helene-deat...Subdominio A hurricane’s aftermath may spur up to 11,000 deaths
/author/meghan-rosenSubdominio Texto duplicado Meghan Rosen
A-TITLE Posts by Meghan Rosen
/article/brain-controlled-bion...Subdominio Brain-controlled bionic limbs are inching closer to reality
/article/study-treat-spinal-co...Subdominio A study in mice hints at a new way to treat spinal cord injuries
/sponsored/the-most-profound-i...Subdominio Sin texto
/sponsored/the-most-profound-i...Subdominio The Most Profound Industrial Revolution Is Underway In Low-Earth Orbit
/sn-magazine/october-5-2024Subdominio Sin texto
/article/fruit-fly-biology-afr...Subdominio The fruit fly revolutionized biology. Now it’s boosting science in Africa
/author/darren-incorvaiaSubdominio Darren Incorvaia
A-TITLE Posts by Darren Incorvaia
/article/sn-10-early-career-sc...Subdominio 10 early-career scientists tackling some of the biggest problems of today
/subscription/Subdominio Subscribe
/article/brain-network-larger-...Subdominio IMG-ALT A GIF of a head outlined with simple eyes and a nose, shown from the side as black squiggly lines writhe around it
/article/brain-network-larger-...Subdominio A brain network linked to attention is larger in people with depression
/article/hawa-racine-thiam-cel...Subdominio IMG-ALT Hawa Racine Thiam smiles at the camera. She has short, dark hair and is wearing blue rimmed eyeglasses, a turquoise shirt and a white necklace.
/article/hawa-racine-thiam-cel...Subdominio This biophysicist’s work could one day let doctors control immune cells
/article/bacteria-unique-mouth...Subdominio IMG-ALT A whitish growth of Corynebacterium matruchotii bacteria
/article/bacteria-unique-mouth...Subdominio Some bacteria in your mouth can divide into as many as 14 cells at once
/article/neutrino-mass-phenome...Subdominio IMG-ALT Bright points are scattered in a weblike pattern over a dark background in a computer simulation of the cosmic web.
/article/neutrino-mass-phenome...Subdominio A neutrino mass mismatch could shake cosmology’s foundations
/article/earth-greenhouse-temp...Subdominio IMG-ALT Artist's visualization of three Earths under icehouse or greenhouse conditions.
/article/earth-greenhouse-temp...Subdominio Earth’s ancient ‘greenhouse’ conditions were hotter than thought
/article/tag/multimediaSubdominio All Media Follow Science News on X Follow Science News on Facebook Subdominio Follow Science News on Instagram
/topic/lifeSubdominio Texto duplicado Life
/article/fruit-fly-biology-afr...Subdominio IMG-ALT A colorized scanning electron microscope image of the heat of a mutant fruit fly two small ectopic eyes in the place of antennae
/article/fruit-fly-biology-afr...Subdominio Texto duplicado The fruit fly revolutionized biology. Now it’s boosting science in Africa
/author/darren-incorvaiaSubdominio Texto duplicado Darren Incorvaia
A-TITLE Posts by Darren Incorvaia
/article/mega-el-ninos-mass-ex...Subdominio Mega El Niños kicked off the world’s worst mass extinction
/author/jake-buehlerSubdominio Jake Buehler
A-TITLE Posts by Jake Buehler
/article/remote-seamounts-paci...Subdominio Remote seamounts in the southeast Pacific may be home to 20 new species
/author/jake-buehlerSubdominio Texto duplicado Jake Buehler
A-TITLE Posts by Jake Buehler
/topic/humansSubdominio Texto duplicado Humans
/article/olympics-world-record...Subdominio IMG-ALT Usain Bolt crouches next to a digital display showing his new world record while pointing to a crowd in a stadium
/article/olympics-world-record...Subdominio World record speeds for two Olympics events have fallen over time. We can go faster
/author/erin-garcia-de-jesusSubdominio Erin Garcia de Jesús
A-TITLE Posts by Erin Garcia de Jesús
/article/social-status-may-sha...Subdominio Does social status shape height?
/author/sujata-guptaSubdominio Texto duplicado Sujata Gupta
A-TITLE Posts by Sujata Gupta
/article/rain-bosworth-deaf-ch...Subdominio Rain Bosworth studies how deaf children experience the world
/author/meghan-rosenSubdominio Texto duplicado Meghan Rosen
A-TITLE Posts by Meghan Rosen
/topic/climateSubdominio Texto duplicado Climate
/article/climate-change-hurric...Subdominio Texto duplicado IMG-ALT A moving gif of Hurricane Milton bearing down on the coast of Florida on October 9. The main part of the storm is a deep red with the eye of the storm clearl...
/article/climate-change-hurric...Subdominio Texto duplicado Climate change fueled the fury of hurricanes Helene and Milton
/author/carolyn-gramlingSubdominio Texto duplicado Carolyn Gramling
A-TITLE Posts by Carolyn Gramling
/article/hurricane-helene-deva...Subdominio Why Hurricane Helene was so devastating
/author/nikk-ogasaSubdominio Texto duplicado Nikk Ogasa
A-TITLE Posts by Nikk Ogasa
/article/rapid-intensification...Subdominio How rapid intensification spawned two monster hurricanes in one week
/author/carolyn-gramlingSubdominio Texto duplicado Carolyn Gramling
A-TITLE Posts by Carolyn Gramling
/topic/astronomySubdominio Texto duplicado Astronomy
/article/barnards-star-exoplan...Subdominio IMG-ALT This artist's representation an exoplanet discovered orbiting the nearby red dward Barnard's star shows the curved edge of a red, rocky planet in the foregro...
/article/barnards-star-exoplan...Subdominio Barnard’s star has at least one planet orbiting it after all
/author/sid-perkinsSubdominio Sid Perkins
A-TITLE Posts by Sid Perkins
/article/betelgeuse-hidden-com...Subdominio Betelgeuse has a tiny companion star hidden in plain sight
/author/lisa-grossmanSubdominio Texto duplicado Lisa Grossman
A-TITLE Posts by Lisa Grossman
/article/starlink-satellites-r...Subdominio Starlink satellites’ leaky radio waves obscure the cosmos
/author/sid-perkinsSubdominio Texto duplicado Sid Perkins
A-TITLE Posts by Sid Perkins
/topic/physicsSubdominio Texto duplicado Physics
/article/thunderstorms-radiati...Subdominio IMG-ALT A plane flies over the tops of thunderclouds that are glowing purple.
/article/thunderstorms-radiati...Subdominio Texto duplicado Thunderstorms churn up a ‘boiling pot’ of gamma rays
/author/emily-conoverSubdominio Texto duplicado Emily Conover
A-TITLE Posts by Emily Conover
/article/nuclear-x-rays-deflec...Subdominio X-rays from nuclear blasts could defend Earth from asteroids
/author/nikk-ogasaSubdominio Texto duplicado Nikk Ogasa
A-TITLE Posts by Nikk Ogasa
/article/primordial-black-hole...Subdominio How to spot tiny black holes that might pass through the solar system
/author/emily-conoverSubdominio Texto duplicado Emily Conover
A-TITLE Posts by Emily Conover
/topic/health-medicineSubdominio Texto duplicado Health & Medicine
/article/electrical-stitches-m...Subdominio Texto duplicado IMG-ALT A surgeon holds a suture in their hands, while another cuts the suture with scissors.
/article/electrical-stitches-m...Subdominio Texto duplicado New electrical stitches use muscle movement to speed up healing
/author/andrea-tamayoSubdominio Texto duplicado Andrea Tamayo
A-TITLE Posts by Andrea Tamayo
/article/blood-pressure-readin...Subdominio Blood pressure may read falsely high if the arm isn’t positioned properly
/author/aimee-cunninghamSubdominio Aimee Cunningham
A-TITLE Posts by Aimee Cunningham
/article/mrna-vaccine-c-diff-b...Subdominio An mRNA vaccine protected mice against deadly intestinal C. difficile bacteria
/author/jonathan-lambertSubdominio Jonathan Lambert
A-TITLE Posts by Jonathan Lambert
/topic/earthSubdominio Texto duplicado Earth
/article/salt-lake-dust-health...Subdominio IMG-ALT Three people stand in front of the expansive Salt Lake flats, with dried out puddles throughout the landscape
/article/salt-lake-dust-health...Subdominio Reactive dust from Great Salt Lake may have health consequences
/author/skyler-wareSubdominio Skyler Ware
A-TITLE Posts by Skyler Ware
/article/earthquakes-build-gol...Subdominio How earthquakes build beefy gold nuggets
/author/nikk-ogasaSubdominio Texto duplicado Nikk Ogasa
A-TITLE Posts by Nikk Ogasa
/article/mantle-wave-continent...Subdominio Mantle waves buoy continents upward and bedeck them with diamonds
/author/nikk-ogasaSubdominio Texto duplicado Nikk Ogasa
A-TITLE Posts by Nikk Ogasa
/topic/science-societySubdominio Texto duplicado Science & Society
/article/yotam-ophir-media-and...Subdominio IMG-ALT Yotam Ophir looks at the camera with a slight smile. He is standing in front of a bookcase full of books of different sizes and colors. Ophir has short, dark...
/article/yotam-ophir-media-and...Subdominio This researcher studies how misinformation seeps into science and politics
/author/sujata-guptaSubdominio Texto duplicado Sujata Gupta
A-TITLE Posts by Sujata Gupta
/article/sn-10-early-career-sc...Subdominio Texto duplicado 10 early-career scientists tackling some of the biggest problems of today
/author/science-news-staffSubdominio Science News Staff
A-TITLE Posts by Science News Staff
/article/1177-bc-bronze-age-so...Subdominio ‘After 1177 B.C.’ describes how societies fared when the Bronze Age ended
/author/bruce-bowerSubdominio Texto duplicado Bruce Bower
A-TITLE Posts by Bruce Bower Science News Subdominio Science News Explores
/learning/Subdominio Science News Learning
/subscribe1?key=9MFSUB&utm_sou...Texto duplicado Subscribe Renew
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