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Factores externos
Puntuación SEO
Tiempo de carga
0,32 s
Tamaño HTML
62,70 kB
Cantidad de enlaces
145 internos / 2 externos

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(Extremadamente importante)
Solar Power & Lighting Systems | Solar Technology International
La longitud del título es óptima (577 píxeles de una longitud máxima de 580 píxeles).
No se repite ninguna palabra en el título.
Meta descripción
(Extremadamente importante)
As proven leaders in solar technology innovation, our specialist team has developed a range of life-changing solar-powered concepts and applications.
La longitud de la meta descripción es óptima (927 píxeles de una longitud máxima de 1000 píxeles).
(Extremadamente importante)
No se detectan problemas para acceder al sitio web.
Redirección canónica
No se especifica ningún enlace canónico.
(Poco importante)
Idioma reconocido automáticamente en el contenido: en
Idioma declarado en el código HTML: en
Ubicación geográfica del servidor: Estados Unidos de América
El idioma ha sido correctamente declarado en el código HTML: en.
Enlaces Alternate/Hreflang
(Poco importante)
No se ha encontrado ningún enlace alternativo (alternate) en esta página.
Otras Metaetiquetas
(Poco importante)
No se detecta ninguna metaetiqueta de paginación rel next en la página.
No se detecta ninguna metaetiqueta de paginación rel prev en la página.
(Poco importante)
El nombre del dominio es demasiado extenso.
El dominio no es un subdominio.
El dominio no contiene caracteres especiales.
URL de la página
(Poco importante)
No se detecta ningún parámetro dinámico en la URL.
No se detecta ningún ID de sesión en la URL.
La URL no contiene demasiados subdirectorios.
Codificación de caracteres
(Poco importante)
La codificación de caracteres (UTF-8) ha sido declarada correctamente.
La etiqueta doctype HTML 5 está configurada correctamente.
La declaración del doctype se ubica al inicio del código HTML.
El favicon está enlazado correctamente.


viewportwidth=device-width, initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=5
apple-mobile-web-app-titleSolar Technology
application-nameSolar Technology
descriptionAs proven leaders in solar technology innovation, our specialist team has developed a range of life-changing solar-powered concepts and applications.
twitter:titleSolar Power & Lighting Systems | Solar Technology International
twitter:descriptionAs proven leaders in solar technology innovation, our specialist team has developed a range of life-changing solar-powered concepts and applications.
og:titleSolar Power & Lighting Systems | Solar Technology International
og:descriptionAs proven leaders in solar technology innovation, our specialist team has developed a range of life-changing solar-powered concepts and applications.
Content-Typetext/html; charset=UTF-8

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Calidad de la página

(Extremadamente importante)
La cantidad media de palabras por frase es elevada: 29 palabras.
El número total de palabras en la página es bueno: 1020 palabras.
Un 19.4% del contenido está constituido por palabras vacías.
Las palabras clave del título también se repiten en el texto del cuerpo.
Se han encontrado 5 párrafos en esta página.
El contenido en formato texto de esta página es óptimo.
No se detecta ningún placeholder de texto ni imagen.
No se detecta contenido duplicado.
(Extremadamente importante)
Esta página no utiliza ningún frameset.
Optimización para móviles
(Poco importante)
El valor de la etiqueta viewport es correcto: (width=device-width, initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=5).
Al menos un icono de Apple-Touch ha sido especificado.
Etiquetas Bold y Strong
(Poco importante)
El uso de etiquetas de negritas en esta página es óptimo. Te recomendamos emplear hasta 20 etiquetas de negritas en una página.
Optimización de imágenes
(Poco importante)
No se detecta ninguna descripción del atributo ALT en 60 imágenes. El contenido de los atributos ALT también es evaluado como texto por los buscadores y es muy importante para la búsqueda de imágenes.
Redes Sociales
Esta página apenas ofrece posibilidades de compartir el contenido en redes sociales. Con la integración de widgets puedes conseguir que tus contenidos se popularicen en redes.
Etiquetas markup adicionales
No se detecta ninguna etiqueta markup (de adicional.
(Poco importante)
El sitio utiliza HTTPS para transferir datos de forma segura.
Todos los archivos incluidos se transfieren a través de HTTPS.

Lista de medios

URLAtributo ALTTítulo
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Estructura de la página

Encabezado H1
(Extremadamente importante)
No se ha detectado ningún encabezado H1.
Algunos de los encabezados H se repiten dos veces.
En la estructura de los encabezados H faltan uno o varios niveles.
Hay 44 encabezados H en esta página. La cantidad de encabezados debería guardar una mejor proporción en relación al texto.

Estructura de los encabezados

Jerarquía de encabezadosContenido
H3 Robust Resilient Reliable
H3 Aviramp goes solar
H3 Guy's off-grid adventures with Lifos Go
H3 Solar leads the charge for lighting up the tented village at Britain’s Open Championships
H3 Introducing Lifos Go 72 – smart lithium battery technology perfectly sized for campervans
H3 Solar panels power remote monitoring system to provide early warning of land slips
H3 The sky's the limit for Aviramp's solar-powered airport equipment
H3 SEE MONSTER roars into life with solar power
H3 Attention to detail is Johnny Cotton's signature when creating luxury campervans
H3 Meeting outdoors in the evening is a lot brighter now for 15th Cheltenham (Shurdington) Scouts with their Hubi Work solar lighting kit.
H3 Hubi shines a light on Redcote Leisure’s fast growing micro camper business
H3 Never experience a flat battery again with the PV Logic 8W fold up solar panel
H3 Lifos battery range gains NCC verified battery certification
H3 New Arena2 solar-powered flood light is bring, long-lasting and versatile
H3 New super smart solar panels pack a powerful punch
H3 Solar dazzles with record breaking performance
H3 Record row attempt powered by PV Logic flexi solar panels
H3 Incorporating solar panels into a new home
H3 Tibu solar powered light is a very modern convenience
H3 Talented rider Rianne rides after dark thanks to the sun
H3 Breaking records on two wheels with solar power
H3 Power where you are
H4 Shop for:
H4 Contact
H6 Here's an insight into what we have been up to lately
H6 Customers in the spotlight
H6 product news
H6 Customers in the spotlight Texto duplicado
H6 Customers in the spotlight Texto duplicado
H6 Installations
H6 Spotlight
H6 Spotlight Texto duplicado
H6 Spotlight Texto duplicado
H6 Product News
H6 Product News Texto duplicado
H6 Product News Texto duplicado
H6 Stories
H6 Installations Texto duplicado
H6 Product news
H6 Spotlight Texto duplicado
H6 Ambassador
H6 Join our mailing list
Página base:
Algunos textos ancla son demasiado largos.
Algunos enlaces internos contienen parámetros dinámicos. Las URL internas no deberían contener parámetros dinámicos, salvo que estén marcadas como nofollow.
Algunos textos ancla se repiten más de una vez en varios enlaces.
19 enlaces cerecen de un texto ancla.
La cantidad de enlaces internos es adecuada.
Hay 2 enlaces externos en esta página.
EnlacePropiedadesTexto ancla
/A-TITLE Solar Technology International
/learn-about-solar/Learn About Solar
A-TITLE Learn About Solar
/our-story/Our Story
A-TITLE Our Story
A-TITLE Stockists
A-TITLE Contact
A-TITLE Support
A-TITLE view your account
/basket/Basket (0)
A-TITLE view your basket
/learn-about-solar/Texto duplicado Learn About Solar
A-TITLE Learn About Solar
/news/Texto duplicado News
/our-story/Texto duplicado Our Story
A-TITLE Our Story
/stockists/Texto duplicado Stockists
A-TITLE Stockists
/contact/Texto duplicado Contact
A-TITLE Contact
/support-1/Texto duplicado Support
A-TITLE Support
/category/solar-panels/1/Solar Panels
A-TITLE Solar Panels
/category/solar-panels/mono-hi...Mono High Density Rigid Panels 100W to 200W
A-TITLE Mono High Density Rigid Panels 100W to 200W
/category/solar-panels/rigid-s...Rigid Solar Panels 5W to 80W
A-TITLE Rigid Solar Panels 5W to 80W
/category/solar-panels/mono-hi...Mono High Density Rigid Roof and Deck Top Kits 100W to 200W
A-TITLE Mono High Density Rigid Roof and Deck Top Kits 100W to 200W
/category/solar-panels/rigid-s...Rigid Solar Panel Roof and Deck Top Kits 20W to 80W
A-TITLE Rigid Solar Panel Roof and Deck Top Kits 20W to 80W
/category/solar-panels/rigid-b...Rigid Bulk Packs
A-TITLE Rigid Bulk Packs
/category/solar-panels/mono-hi...Mono High Density Flexi Panels 110W to 290W
A-TITLE Mono High Density Flexi Panels 110W to 290W
/category/solar-panels/flexi-d...Flexi double ETFE panels 55W-180W
A-TITLE Flexi double ETFE panels 55W-180W
/category/solar-panels/semi-fl...Flexi Solar Panels 5W to 80W
A-TITLE Flexi Solar Panels 5W to 80W
/category/solar-panels/mono-hi...Mono High Density Flexi Roof and Deck Top Kits 110W to 290W
A-TITLE Mono High Density Flexi Roof and Deck Top Kits 110W to 290W
/category/solar-panels/etfe-fl...Flexi double ETFE panel roof and deck top kits 55W to 180W
A-TITLE Flexi double ETFE panel roof and deck top kits 55W to 180W
/category/solar-panels/semi-fl...Flexi Roof and Deck Top Kits 5W to 80W
A-TITLE Flexi Roof and Deck Top Kits 5W to 80W
/category/solar-panels/semi-fl...Flexi Bulk Packs
A-TITLE Flexi Bulk Packs
/category/solar-panels/fold-up...Fold Up Solar Panels 8W to 440W
A-TITLE Fold Up Solar Panels 8W to 440W
/category/solar-panels/solar-p...Solar Panel Accessories
A-TITLE Solar Panel Accessories
/category/solarmate/1/Solar Lighting
A-TITLE Solar Lighting
/category/solarmate/arena2k-of...Arena2K - off-grid riding arenas, farmyards and car parks
A-TITLE Arena2K - off-grid riding arenas, farmyards and car parks
/category/solarmate/security-l...Security Lighting - driveways, delivery yards and car parks
A-TITLE Security Lighting - driveways, delivery yards and car parks
/category/solarmate/portable-t...Portable Toilet Light
A-TITLE Portable Toilet Light
/category/solarmate/sollay/1/Hen House Solar Lighting System
A-TITLE Hen House Solar Lighting System
/category/solarmate/solarmate-...Solar Mate Lighting Accessories
A-TITLE Solar Mate Lighting Accessories
/category/solarmate/telephone-...Telephone Box Light
A-TITLE Telephone Box Light
A-TITLE Torches
/category/hubi/1/Off Grid Power
A-TITLE Off Grid Power
/category/hubi/hubi-work-sheds...Hubi Work - sheds, workshops and stables
A-TITLE Hubi Work - sheds, workshops and stables
/category/hubi/hubi-retro-glam...Hubi Retro - glamping tents, summer houses and garden rooms
A-TITLE Hubi Retro - glamping tents, summer houses and garden rooms
/category/hubi/hubi-go-camping...Hubi Go - camping, exploring and outdoor adventures
A-TITLE Hubi Go - camping, exploring and outdoor adventures
/category/hubi/hubi-battery-un...Hubi Battery Units
A-TITLE Hubi Battery Units
/category/hubi/new-hubi-power-...Power Station Premium - large workshops, sheds and garden rooms
A-TITLE Power Station Premium - large workshops, sheds and garden rooms
/category/hubi/hubi-power-stat...Power Station Classic - site offices, workshops and garages
A-TITLE Power Station Classic - site offices, workshops and garages
/category/hubi/hubi-accessorie...Hubi Accessories
A-TITLE Hubi Accessories
/category/lifos/1/LiFePO4 Batteries
A-TITLE LiFePO4 Batteries
/category/lifos/smart-lifos-go...Smart Lifos Go - 72Ah, 105Ah and 200Ah
A-TITLE Smart Lifos Go - 72Ah, 105Ah and 200Ah
/category/lifos/standard-lifos...Standard Lifos Go - 12Ah
A-TITLE Standard Lifos Go - 12Ah
/category/lifos/lifos-go-acces...Lifos Go Accessories
A-TITLE Lifos Go Accessories
/category/solar-panels/1/Texto duplicado Solar Panels
A-TITLE Solar Panels
/category/solar-panels/mono-hi...Texto duplicado Mono High Density Rigid Panels 100W to 200W
A-TITLE Mono High Density Rigid Panels 100W to 200W
/category/solar-panels/rigid-s...Texto duplicado Rigid Solar Panels 5W to 80W
A-TITLE Rigid Solar Panels 5W to 80W
/category/solar-panels/mono-hi...Texto duplicado Mono High Density Rigid Roof and Deck Top Kits 100W to 200W
A-TITLE Mono High Density Rigid Roof and Deck Top Kits 100W to 200W
/category/solar-panels/rigid-s...Texto duplicado Rigid Solar Panel Roof and Deck Top Kits 20W to 80W
A-TITLE Rigid Solar Panel Roof and Deck Top Kits 20W to 80W
/category/solar-panels/rigid-b...Texto duplicado Rigid Bulk Packs
A-TITLE Rigid Bulk Packs
/category/solar-panels/mono-hi...Texto duplicado Mono High Density Flexi Panels 110W to 290W
A-TITLE Mono High Density Flexi Panels 110W to 290W
/category/solar-panels/flexi-d...Texto duplicado Flexi double ETFE panels 55W-180W
A-TITLE Flexi double ETFE panels 55W-180W
/category/solar-panels/semi-fl...Texto duplicado Flexi Solar Panels 5W to 80W
A-TITLE Flexi Solar Panels 5W to 80W
/category/solar-panels/mono-hi...Texto duplicado Mono High Density Flexi Roof and Deck Top Kits 110W to 290W
A-TITLE Mono High Density Flexi Roof and Deck Top Kits 110W to 290W
/category/solar-panels/etfe-fl...Texto duplicado Flexi double ETFE panel roof and deck top kits 55W to 180W
A-TITLE Flexi double ETFE panel roof and deck top kits 55W to 180W
/category/solar-panels/semi-fl...Texto duplicado Flexi Roof and Deck Top Kits 5W to 80W
A-TITLE Flexi Roof and Deck Top Kits 5W to 80W
/category/solar-panels/semi-fl...Texto duplicado Flexi Bulk Packs
A-TITLE Flexi Bulk Packs
/category/solar-panels/fold-up...Texto duplicado Fold Up Solar Panels 8W to 440W
A-TITLE Fold Up Solar Panels 8W to 440W
/category/solar-panels/solar-p...Texto duplicado Solar Panel Accessories
A-TITLE Solar Panel Accessories
/category/solarmate/1/Texto duplicado Solar Lighting
A-TITLE Solar Lighting
/category/solarmate/arena2k-of...Texto duplicado Arena2K - off-grid riding arenas, farmyards and car parks
A-TITLE Arena2K - off-grid riding arenas, farmyards and car parks
/category/solarmate/security-l...Texto duplicado Security Lighting - driveways, delivery yards and car parks
A-TITLE Security Lighting - driveways, delivery yards and car parks
/category/solarmate/portable-t...Texto duplicado Portable Toilet Light
A-TITLE Portable Toilet Light
/category/solarmate/sollay/1/Texto duplicado Hen House Solar Lighting System
A-TITLE Hen House Solar Lighting System
/category/solarmate/solarmate-...Texto duplicado Solar Mate Lighting Accessories
A-TITLE Solar Mate Lighting Accessories
/category/solarmate/telephone-...Texto duplicado Telephone Box Light
A-TITLE Telephone Box Light
/category/solarmate/torches/1/Texto duplicado Torches
A-TITLE Torches
/category/hubi/1/Texto duplicado Off Grid Power
A-TITLE Off Grid Power
/category/hubi/hubi-work-sheds...Texto duplicado Hubi Work - sheds, workshops and stables
A-TITLE Hubi Work - sheds, workshops and stables
/category/hubi/hubi-retro-glam...Texto duplicado Hubi Retro - glamping tents, summer houses and garden rooms
A-TITLE Hubi Retro - glamping tents, summer houses and garden rooms
/category/hubi/hubi-go-camping...Texto duplicado Hubi Go - camping, exploring and outdoor adventures
A-TITLE Hubi Go - camping, exploring and outdoor adventures
/category/hubi/hubi-battery-un...Texto duplicado Hubi Battery Units
A-TITLE Hubi Battery Units
/category/hubi/new-hubi-power-...Texto duplicado Power Station Premium - large workshops, sheds and garden rooms
A-TITLE Power Station Premium - large workshops, sheds and garden rooms
/category/hubi/hubi-power-stat...Texto duplicado Power Station Classic - site offices, workshops and garages
A-TITLE Power Station Classic - site offices, workshops and garages
/category/hubi/hubi-accessorie...Texto duplicado Hubi Accessories
A-TITLE Hubi Accessories
/category/lifos/1/Texto duplicado LiFePO4 Batteries
A-TITLE LiFePO4 Batteries
/category/lifos/smart-lifos-go...Texto duplicado Smart Lifos Go - 72Ah, 105Ah and 200Ah
A-TITLE Smart Lifos Go - 72Ah, 105Ah and 200Ah
/category/lifos/standard-lifos...Texto duplicado Standard Lifos Go - 12Ah
A-TITLE Standard Lifos Go - 12Ah
/category/lifos/lifos-go-acces...Texto duplicado Lifos Go Accessories
A-TITLE Lifos Go Accessories
/pv-logic/flexi-panels/Subdominio Find out more about our new panels here ›
A-TITLE Find out more about our new panels here
/pv-logic/Solar panels Solar panelsOur PV Logic rigid and semi flexible solar panels are specially designed for caravans, motorhomes, campervans and boats plus a range...
A-TITLE Explore
/solarmate/Solar lighting solutions Solar lighting solutionsMains equivalent illumination for interior and exterior spaces where no grid power exists.Explore ›
A-TITLE Explore
/hubi/Solar power hubs Solar power hubs A reliable and robust solar hub to provide light and energy where no grid power exists.Explore ›
A-TITLE Explore
/lifos/Advanced lithium batteries Advanced lithium batteriesReliable and safe power ideal for high cycling applications including leisure, commercial and off grid r...
A-TITLE Explore
/special-projects/Large scale off-grid solutions Large scale off-grid solutionsWhere there's no access to mains electricity, we design and install solar power systems to deliv...
A-TITLE Explore
/news/solar-panels-power-remot...Subdominio Solar solution focus: Senceive Solar solution focus: SenceiveA solar-powered communications gateway is a key part of a large-scale wireless monitoring system...
A-TITLE Read more here
/custom-solar-panels/Custom solar solutions Custom solar solutionsIf you need a bespoke solar panel or cell designing or making, speak to us first!Explore ›
A-TITLE Explore
/news/the-skys-the-limit-for-a...Subdominio Discover more ›
A-TITLE Discover more
/news/guys-off-grid-adventures...Subdominio Sin texto
/news/guys-off-grid-adventures...Subdominio Guy's off-grid adventures with Lifos Go
/news/solar-leads-the-charge-f...Subdominio Sin texto
/news/solar-leads-the-charge-f...Subdominio Solar leads the charge for lighting up the tented village at Britain’s Open Championships
/news/introducing-lifos-go-72-...Subdominio Sin texto
/news/introducing-lifos-go-72-...Subdominio Introducing Lifos Go 72 – smart lithium battery technology perfectly sized for campervans
/news/solar-panels-power-remot...Subdominio Sin texto
/news/solar-panels-power-remot...Subdominio Solar panels power remote monitoring system to provide early warning of land slips
/news/the-skys-the-limit-for-a...Subdominio Sin texto
/news/the-skys-the-limit-for-a...Subdominio The sky's the limit for Aviramp's solar-powered airport equipment
/news/see-monster-roars-into-a...Subdominio Sin texto
/news/see-monster-roars-into-a...Subdominio SEE MONSTER roars into life with solar power
/news/vans-55-case-study/Subdominio Sin texto
/news/vans-55-case-study/Subdominio Attention to detail is Johnny Cotton's signature when creating luxury campervans
/news/solar-light-boost-for-ch...Subdominio Sin texto
/news/solar-light-boost-for-ch...Subdominio Meeting outdoors in the evening is a lot brighter now for 15th Cheltenham (Shurdington) Scouts with their Hubi Work solar lighting kit.
/news/redcote-leisure-case-study/Subdominio Sin texto
/news/redcote-leisure-case-study/Subdominio Hubi shines a light on Redcote Leisure’s fast growing micro camper business
/news/launch-of-8w-fold-up-sol...Subdominio Sin texto
/news/launch-of-8w-fold-up-sol...Subdominio Never experience a flat battery again with the PV Logic 8W fold up solar panel
/news/lifos-lithium-battery-ra...Subdominio Sin texto
/news/lifos-lithium-battery-ra...Subdominio Lifos battery range gains NCC verified battery certification
/news/arena2-launch/Subdominio Sin texto
/news/arena2-launch/Subdominio New Arena2 solar-powered flood light is bring, long-lasting and versatile
/news/mhd-launch/Subdominio Sin texto
/news/mhd-launch/Subdominio New super smart solar panels pack a powerful punch
/news/solar-dials-up-the-recor...Subdominio Sin texto
/news/solar-dials-up-the-recor...Subdominio Solar dazzles with record breaking performance
/news/record-row-attempt-power...Sin texto
/news/record-row-attempt-power...Record row attempt powered by PV Logic flexi solar panels
/news/in-roof-installation/Sin texto
/news/in-roof-installation/Incorporating solar panels into a new home
/news/tibu-launch/Sin texto
/news/tibu-launch/Tibu solar powered light is a very modern convenience
/news/rianne-rides-at-night-th...Sin texto
/news/rianne-rides-at-night-th...Talented rider Rianne rides after dark thanks to the sun
/news/1/?tag=ambassadorsSin texto
/news/1/?tag=ambassadorsBreaking records on two wheels with solar power
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/our-story/Our story ›
A-TITLE Our story
/Texto duplicado A-TITLE Solar Technology International
/category/solar-panels/PV Logic solar panels
A-TITLE Solar Panels
/category/solarmate/SolarMate solar lighting
A-TITLE Solar Lighting
/category/hubi/Hubi off-grid light and power
A-TITLE Off Grid Power
/category/lifos/Lifos lithium iron phosphate (LiFePO4) batteries
A-TITLE LiFePO4 Batteries
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Solar Power & Lighting Systems | Solar Technology International
As proven leaders in solar technology innovation, our specialist team has developed a range of life-changing solar-powered concepts and applications.

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Palabra claveResultadoComprobar
Solar Technology77%Check
Solar Power72%Check
Solar Technology International67%Check
Solar Lighting66%Check
Solar Powered66%Check
Solar power hubs62%Check
Solar Panels60%Check

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